Conquest of Shambhala

Adaptation! This is what adults do! Delphia can't, and that super duper worse-than-boring bad!

But! But but but but but! Mama didn't point out the best thing about adaptation: Looking inside yourself!

When I eat things I make a mush with the things in my mouth, and they go into me. When I see and hear things, I make a... a... well, not a mush, but a mush - with the things inside my head, and they go into me. When I feel things, I make a mush with the things inside my body, and they also go into me.

Everything ever always goes into me! I'll never be bored again! If I'm bored, I can just look inside, and there are all the things, including... me!

(Suggestion: Pandora gains access to "Meditation" skill)

"Pandora, can you remember your soul?"

Ever since Mama told her how to adapt - about her soul, about her center - Pandora had been practicing, feeling deep inside her self to the part that felt... different, but, in a way that was somehow even more familiar. More familiar than the rest. It was hard! Her tummy would gurgle and instead of that feeling of herself, she'd taste food, or smell Mama cooking - but only a little bit, because of course there wasn't any food inside her mouth and Mama wasn't cooking. Or she'd hear Dada in the fields with his deep hummmm and she'd feel the wind in her hair from sitting on his shoulders and the sights that could be seen and and

Everything was always forever inside Pandora, and it turns out, this is kind of a problem. But! Pandora had figured out a way to beat all the things. It was just like when playing in the circle with Leo and Perseus and Delphia. You couldn't fight all the things inside of you - that would be silly! It's not like you'd use your right hand to push your left - but you could step out of the way like Delphia, and they'd run themselves out of the circle like Leo, or you could just pick them up and just... put them outside, no matter how much they wiggled and yelled, like Perseus.

And when you did that enough, then there was just you. But the you in the circle in your head was different. It wasn't like looking at your hands and knowing you couldn't see your chin, or like feeling your whole body but not your hair, or hearing Mama's heart when it is hard to fall asleep, but not your own. You could - feel - all of you, and none of you, like how you can see Dada's shape when he stands in the doorway and the sky is bright but you can't really see anything else, except instead of a line it's more like an all-over something.

"Yes, mama! It feels... like..."

"Go on, Pandora. It's hard to describe what you feel like on the inside. Keep trying!"

"It feels like when Dada carries me on his shoulders and I can see everything and, and..."

Mama laughed, and it reminded Pandora of the sound of the rain when it's warm, a happy patter-patter-patter promising of fun and adventure and new things to see.

"Well! I think that's enough for your first form. What do you want to learn?"

"SCOUT! Duh!"

(Because seriously, we're an observant, curious, little rascal and we want to see all the things. Maybe we can even figure out how to scout while helping Dada farm, and then we wouldn't bored and he wouldn't have to carry us!)


I have ideas for great places to take "Meditation", but like anything else, it's a skill, and I'll tots defer to the hive-mind on whether to pursue it.

That said! While other plans (training, Delos) are awaiting moar info, this seems pretty clear:

[x] First Form: Scout
This is pretty great. If Scout passes, I will likely canonize it (I've threadmarked it as Omake for now). That said, what do you think meditate would do? If you come up with a description, I might make it a skill (not currently sure what it would be used for and if it's worth bringing to the attention of a skill).

We should ask them if they just prefer certain forms, or if there's something more to it - we don't want to leave training extra forms for the far future and then later be told "You really should have been working on your adapting if you wanted to use more forms! Don't you know it gets harder/impossible the longer you leave it?"
Mama doesn't seem to think there's much of a pressure one way or the other. Some people learn their forms early, others later. Some people develop new forms midway through their life. Mostly, she wanted to wait to teach us forms until she was sure we wouldn't do something silly like stay in a form for longer than we had stayed in our native form. It is generally difficult for Xeraxians younger than three cycles to develop forms, but not entirely unheard of. As an aside, if you had chosen to try to imitate your father or grab the sparks last update you would have developed the farming form this update. That would have been a rare occurrence, but not unheard of by any means.
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Don't do math by hand, use tools!
(also, I like playing with Excel :3 )

This is a Google Sheet to handle the calculation around XP expenditure.

Shambala Character Sheet

PS - I just spent a night of my life making this. :p CLEARLY A GREAT USE OF TIME. (Look how many Excel shenanigans I learned!)


a) Don't change stuff that's bold
b) Don't change stuff that's bold
c) Don't change stuff that's bold

d) Update italics after a vote, or when Radvic gives us bonus spent XP
c) Try out XP spending in Column D on the "Skill XP Calculator" page!

Add new skills to Column A on the "Skill XP Calculator" page.
Add XP gains to Column A on the Summary page.
Add new traits wherever, but probably Column F on the Summary page

Edit: The hardest part was all the time I spent trying to find a way to "select the first cell for which a formula return true". The alternative solution is what auto-detects the level given hours spent.
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Don't do math by hand, use tools!
(also, I like playing with Excel :3 )

This is a Google Sheet to handle the calculation around XP expenditure.

Shambala Character Sheet

PS - I just spent a night of my life making this. :p CLEARLY A GREAT USE OF TIME. (Look how many Excel shenanigans I learned!)


a) Don't change stuff that's bold
b) Don't change stuff that's bold
c) Don't change stuff that's bold

d) Update italics after a vote, or when Radvic gives us bonus spent XP
c) Try out XP spending in Column D on the "Skill XP Calculator" page!

Add new skills to Column A on the "Skill XP Calculator" page.
Add XP gains to Column A on the Summary page.
Add new traits wherever, but probably Column F on the Summary page
Added to the character sheet threadmark. Would you like a bonus scene (and if so of what) or 80 additional hours to spend on skills?
If you make a nice calculating spreadsheet, there will be Rewards (either a bonus scene of your choosing (must have Pandora in it) or about 40 hours of working towards a skill).

Uhhhh presuming I grabbed this Reward, I have no idea. Can I bank it, then pop the scene when it's narrativily interesting - Some uncommon but highly informative situation, like overhearing a Super Interesting Private Conversation while in Delos, or watching a monster attack the barrier, or <insert maximally weird thing here>?

Edit: If there's middling support for Meditation, I might want to pick up the 80 hours into that, so I can write more like this. No support would be rowing against the tide, and high support would be a little pointless compared to a scene.

This is pretty great.
Yaay! I sure as shit spend enough time critiquing other's works on R/Rational, it'd be awkward if I couldn't write for shit myself. :D

If Scout passes, I will likely canonize it (I've threadmarked it as Omake for now).

Did I reference the wrong one...? The thing the Overseer used to catch the food thefts. If that's Omake, does that mean there are forms that exist in the world that will be inaccessible to our character?

That said, what do you think meditate would do? If you come up with a description, I might make it a skill (not currently sure what it would be used for and if it's worth bringing to the attention of a skill).

I don't really have a specific idea for a mechanic. At the outset, I'd say it'd let us apply Observant to ourselves - that's one of the first core points / gains from meditation, after all: Observing yourself. I mean this more as a character trait application (something effecting the narrative), rather than a mechanic, but applying the mechanic makes some sense, too.

That said, my nefarious plan is more scenes involving introspection during/involving Adapting, taking a page from Vedanta philosophy: If you change, who is that guides the change? If the one who guides that change changes, who is that guides that change? It's pretty weird that there are specifically N forms - but while Pandora might have the Awareness / Observation to notice this, she'd need the self-awareness to both gain more insight, and familiarity within her mindscape to do anything with the knowledge - like imaging a new Form. Mwhahaha....?

A little less nefarious of a plan is to leverage the description of "everything is in me" into figuring out Memory Palaces.

This leads me to think maybe Meditation unlocks other skills - I mean, in the real world, you first get good at basic meditation, and then it unlocks a whole host of stuff, depending on what spirituality (or lack thereof) you subscribe to. Memory palaces, biofeedback control, lucid dreaming on the pure atheism side of the spectrum; the actual Illuminati meditative practice (which is super neat and not what you think and you should look it up) sort of in the middle (depending on the benefits you expect), and then manifestation, ancestral memories, etc etc as you cross over to the, ah... rather less atheist side. I mean, mythologically, Siddhartha turned it into leaving the cycle of reincarnation, and other Buddha "powers". In my own life, I notice more energy, clarity, and weirdly beneficial coincidences when I meditate; but, you know, confirmation bias and all that.
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Uhhhh presuming I grabbed this Reward, I have no idea. Can I bank it, then pop the scene when it's narrativily interesting - Some uncommon but highly informative situation, like overhearing a Super Interesting Private Conversation while in Delos, or watching a monster attack the barrier, or <insert maximally weird thing here>?
Sure. That said, I might veto the scene, depending on what you want. I.e. no "Pandora overhears the secret weakness of the deathstar." But I'm open to most scenes. Interesting conversation in Delos or monster attack are both options. That said, it'll probably be a while until Pandora is anywhere near the barrier's edge. But... hmm.... I suppose that could work... actually that'd be pretty fun.... hm..... So you want to witness a monster attack? That can be arranged. Just say the word. :evil:

Did I reference the wrong one...? The thing the Overseer used to catch the food thefts. If that's Omake, does that mean there are forms that exist in the world that will be inaccessible to our character?
You referenced the right form. That said, until the vote is decided, we don't know if Pandora will choose scout as the first form she takes or not. So, unless scout passes, it (the scene you wrote) will be omake (or not technically a part of the story). If scout passes, and you clean up the post a bit (give it a title, make it clear where your commentary ends, remove the meditation skill part (assuming Pandora doesn't learn a Meditation skill)), then I'll likely move it from the omake designation to the canon designation.

I don't really have a specific idea for a mechanic. At the outset, I'd say it'd let us apply Observant to ourselves - that's one of the first core points / gains from meditation, after all: Observing yourself. I mean this more as a character trait application (something effecting the narrative), rather than a mechanic, but applying the mechanic makes some sense, too.
If you want it to be a character trait, you can vote for that. As a sample of what Meditation could get you as a trait, you could do something like:

Meditation: Pandora regularly looks in on herself and studies her mind. She is acutely aware of who she is and her place in the world. This grants her the clarity of mind to investigate more cerebral pursuits. (Mechanics effect: x2 effectiveness on training spent on mental or mystical skills).

As an informative aside: I expect most "major" decisions in Pandora's life to grant her traits. By the time we finish the timeskips, I expect Pandora to have 4-6 of them, which will be the primary way she interacts with the world.
[X] Training Plan: Kids talk a lot
I like this plan. Since we don't really have information on the world we're living in right now, talking to people is going to be the best way to get that early on, which will be vitally important for determining what direction we want to go in. It'll certainly still help us in the future. Empathy and Scouting are especially useful, empathy for helping with social skills, and scouting for the synergy it has with Pandora's personality, helping observe the world around. I'm more ambivalent about the combat portion, since I don't anticipate needing it in the near future, but it couldn't hurt, and it's always good to have contingencies.

[X] Practice her adapting
This is a trait that's best taken as early as possible, to maximize skill increases, and thus survivability. Taking this trait does have an opportunity cost associated with it, since none of the other traits can then be picked, such as:

[X] Explore the city
While not being as obviously useful as Determination, this opens up opportunities for growth, observation, and discovery that we may not otherwise have access to. It also gives us more information, which again is something we sorely need at this point. Getting a bonus to awareness in all new places is also not something to take lightly, and it also synergizes well with her initial traits.

I may also vote for that meditation trait, since it also seems like it could be pretty useful in the long run. Not certain, though, since I don't know what kind of world this is and if mental pursuits would be that advantageous.

Looks good, @Radvic! Can't wait to read more!
[X] Training Plan: Kids talk a lot
[X] Explore the city

I prefer exploration as it gives us more information we can use.

For meditation, I believe it will be good too, but not right at the moment, since I expect it will also sacrifice a lot of world information via not exploring.
[X] People watch
[X] Help her parents
[X] Practice her adapting

[X] Training Plan: Kids talk a lot

@Deathbybunnies My vote would be to put the spare hours in communication or intrigue. Socials too strunk in rational quests, gotta get em asap.
Can we buy partial levels of skills with leftover hours, or does it have to be a full level?
Ooh, I really like this so far.

[X] Training Plan: Kids talk a lot
I made a training plan of my own before looking at the thread, and it turned out very similarly. Only difference was spending less on Comms and bringing up more other stats, but I think doing it this way is reasonable. Social ftw!

Eventually it'll probably make sense to build more broadly, both bc of diminishing returns and because being less bad in a skill prolly means we can make more/less-risky skill checks, for that sweet Observant bonus.

I really like all the Delos options, which is a good place to be for a quest! Explorer is great for us as questers, and builds on Observant to give us a character who's all about the info. People-watcher and Reliable give us up to 4 extra dice (16x effective xp!) in areas that are likely to be important. Reliable in particular makes Pandora better at things that are important to her, which is pretty great. (And I like being a good kid, though ideally more committed to ideals than to individuals or cultural norms. (Is my MfD showing? :p ) )

I actually like Determined least of the bunch, despite it seeming really shiny at first glance. It's less exciting to me character-wise, and mechanically only gives us ~twice the XP (~+1 level). And even so, it could be interesting character-wise down the line, especially if it opens up options for related traits. And I do like the ability to go jack-of-all-trades and to quickly learn newly encountered skills due to fast XP gain.

So, tentatively:
[X] Explore the city
(And try out Scout form while doing so)

[X] People watch
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[x] Training Plan: Meditation on Forms
Communication to 4 (480)
Negotiation to 3 (160)
Adapt to 6 (2240)
Meditation to 1 (40) to gain trait Meditation

Forms are the best! They're what make us more than the Monsters, more than the rocks and the tree, which can only be one kind of thing, forever and ever. Clearly, Dada's and Mama's forms are the best because they're Mama and Dada's, but being able to go anywhere and see anything is even besterer, and Delphia is my best friend only she can't join me as anything but herself, so I need to be able to be like her since she can't be like me.

But Mama says she'll only teach me one new form at a time - I have to learn that one before I can learn an other one, so I have to choose.

Choices are hard!

Clearly, I should ask EVERYONE what they think and THEN I'll know the answer! Well, except for what's OBVIOUS: I need to see all the things all the always!
[x] First Form: Scout

Dada says that we all always need to eat, and to make things, and to see things when it's dark.
[] Form: Farm

Mama says that understanding other people is how everything always works out, and getting other people to understand you is why it works out for your true you, instead of who everybody just thinks your you is.
[] Form: Empath

Delphia's eyes got real big when I asked about her being her. I think she's lonely stuck as one thing. Then she got all excited but in a calm way and said she'd teach me EVERYTHING I need to know in a way that felt like she really, REALLY meant it.
[] Form: Martial

Persues says that [insert text here]
[] Form: Stealth

Leo SAYS he hasn't decided which to master FIRST, but I think he has and just wants it to be a surprise so he can win when we next play all together.

Non-narratively, and aside from Scout, I think we want
[x] Second Form: Empath
[x] Third Form: Martial

I'm still all about people skills, and Empath is the way to go. Farm is definitely my second choice there, as it seems like the way towards making things - I'd really be find with either.

I'm unexpectedly attached to Delphia, and her Martial form. She's alone as a form of cripple, and that's got to suck. I think we should really make an effort to be her friend, and she clearly knows more about the Martial form than Persues knows about Stealth. Finding a way to be an excellent friend to her, I think, is a damn good idea.

For Delos,
[] Explore the city
really matches with the direction our character is already going, and exploration is really, really nice. I'd be happy with that choice... But honestly, I'm more in favor of
[x] Practice her adapting
because determined is awesome, not just as a mechanic, but as a dominant character trait. The common factor amongst the most accomplished people I know is their level of determination.

@Radvic I really like your proposed "Meditation" trait mechanic. Howsabout going with that, until and unless it seems time to change it into a skill? It'll be something Pandora does a little bit every day, at least - particularly good for omakes, but not something she's known for except by those who know her well.
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@Radvic I really like your proposed "Meditation" trait mechanic. Howsabout going with that, until and unless it seems time to change it into a skill? It'll be something Pandora does a little bit every day, at least - particularly good for omakes, but not something she's known for except by those who know her well.
You're welcome to vote for a course of action which leads to gaining the meditation trait. But I'm not going to just hand those things out: you'll need to get a vote to pass with that as a trait to gain.

Edit: New vote tally

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Kids talk a lot

Voters: @2xMachina, @Deathbybunnies, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Shneddly
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Practice her adapting
Voters: @Deathbybunnies, @OliWhail, @rangerscience, @Shneddly
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Explore the city
Voters: @2xMachina, @Langevin, @Shneddly
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Help her parents
Voters: @Hannz, @OliWhail
Num votes: 2

Plan name: People watch
Voters: @Langevin, @OliWhail
Num votes: 2

Plan name: All 'bout them Forms
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: First Form: Scout
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Form: Empath
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Form: Martial
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Form: Scout
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 7
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You're welcome to vote for a course of action which leads to gaining the meditation trait. But I'm not going to just hand those things out: you'll need to get a vote to pass with that as a trait to gain.

Oh! Of course. I also didn't follow a good voting convention, let me go clean that up then.


Guys! Maybe take those extra hours and put them into Meditation as a skill, to gain the trait? Because srsly, 2x bonus to mental or mystical skills. That's seriously awesome. I will tots vote for any plan that gains that trait.
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Oh! Of course. I also didn't follow a good voting convention, let me go clean that up then.


Guys! Maybe take those extra hours and put them into Meditation as a skill, to gain the trait? Because srsly, 2x bonus to mental or mystical skills. That's seriously awesome. I will tots vote for any plan that gains that trait.
Sure, that makes sense, assuming it's still 40 hours for the first level.
@2xMachina, @Deathbybunnies, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Shneddly, @Cariyaga ,@Kylinger ,@kataklyst , any objections to me editing the plan, taking the spare 40 hours currently going into intrigue overflow and grabbing the first level of meditation instead? I'm editing the plan to do so since I can't see any reason to object, but I figured I'd tag you all just in case.

EDIT: Or should I just update the plan and trust the relevant parties to keep up to date with the thread? I'm unsure of the proper etiquette here.
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Sure, that makes sense, assuming it's still 40 hours for the first level.
@2xMachina, @Deathbybunnies, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Shneddly, @Cariyaga ,@Kylinger ,@kataklyst , any objections to me editing the plan, taking the spare 40 hours currently going into intrigue overflow and grabbing the first level of meditation instead? I'm editing the plan to do so since I can't see any reason to object, but I figured I'd tag you all just in case.

EDIT: Or should I just update the plan and trust the relevant parties to keep up to date with the thread? I'm unsure of the proper etiquette here.

Marked for Death etiquette is to edit the plan and make a post quoting the edited plan, or describing the changes. I think that's a decent guideline.

(Especially for such a small change, I think it's reasonable to just do it and let people know. For bigger future changes, might be worth posting it as a separate plan, or waiting for discussion consensus.)

Also, I think grabbing Meditation is fine.
There are ~ 9 hours left until voting closes

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Kids talk a lot

Voters: @2xMachina, @Cariyaga, @Deathbybunnies, @kataklyst, @Kylinger, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Shneddly
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Practice her adapting
Voters: @Cariyaga, @Deathbybunnies, @Kylinger, @OliWhail, @rangerscience, @Shneddly
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Explore the city
Voters: @2xMachina, @Langevin, @Shneddly
Num votes: 3

Plan name: People watch
Voters: @kataklyst, @Langevin, @OliWhail
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Help her parents
Voters: @Hannz, @OliWhail
Num votes: 2

Plan name: First Form: Scout
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Meditation on Forms
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Second Form: Empath
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Third Form: Martial
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 10

Edit: Voting is over.
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Chapter 2: Determined to Adapt
Determined to Adapt

12th Day of the 1st moon of 484

Pandora focused on her Adapting. It seemed simple enough, she just needed to identify who she was. That was simple: she was Pandora! What more was there to it. She knew who she was, and that wasn't going to change.

Now that she better understood who she was, she just had to change. "Adapt!" She shouted. She opened her eyes. Nothing had happened. Though Mama was looking at her strangely.

"Pandora, I know that you want to learn to Adapt quickly, but this isn't the sort of thing you should force. Most children take weeks to months to learn their first form. That's why we started training now. So you could learn your first form before we leave for Delos in four months. There is no rush."

Pandora pouted. "But I want to Adapt now! I'm going to get it right! I'll finish it before the week it out!"

Juno frowned, "Ok Pandora, but make sure you don't overdo it. And I will, of course, be happy to help you." She paused, "Now, just as finding your center is an internal activity, so too is finding your form. You don't need any external action to trigger it, simply imagine your self as adapting that form. Closing your eyes can help, as does silence."

Pandora closed her eyes. She focused on finding her idea of self, then imagined that self being as discerning as Mama. Able to understand the emotions of other people so precisely. She continued concentrating in silence on that thought for a long time. Eventually, she decided she could use some help, she opened her eye and turned to Mama to ask her.

But Mama looked different, and Pandora was confused. Mama was in her empath form, with brown skin and black hair, but she seemed a little taller. No, Pandora seemed shorter. And most concerning, there were a strange mix of colors colors coming off Mama. A swirl of colors Pandora had never imagined mixed around Mama. One of the vibrant colors, a redish blue, persisted in emanating from her. Another color, like a mix between the sky and the grass seemed to swirl around within her. Countless other colors overlapped with the colors of Mama's skin and the house around her. Pandora started to get a headache.

"Well done Pandora!" Mama said as a particularly large swath of purple flew off her into the surrounding air. "I'm so proud of you."

"Mama I'm scared! Why are you glowing!" Pandora frantically asked. The purple swirl around Mama retracted inwards as yellow bubbled up from Mama's skin to replace the purple.

"You've taken the empath form. You can now sense the emotions of people you can see. The glow you see is most likely my joy at your accomplishment and my love and concern for your wellbeing. The Empath form is one of the hardest forms to master as you must train to understand the extra senses it grants. Each user experiences the form differently. I experience it through hearing music. Others see images above people. Some claim they get different smells when they smell someone."

As Mama was talking, a mild green began to seep into her aura. It began to look like vomit. "Ok." Pandora asked, "And I just need to learn to adapt to it?" Pandora felt her headache persist, but was determined to persevere.

The swirling colors around mother converged on her as a deep red bubbled out from her body. "If you experience things visually, closing your eyes should do it. Or shifting back. You can also try to understand it, which will help you use it in the future."

Stirring up her courage, Pandora kept her eyes open to the terrifying world of swirling colors, "I'm going to learn."

Pandora gains trait: Determined

Pandora learns skill: Meditation
Meditation is the art of understanding who you are and your place in the world. It's has unknown effects.

Pandora learns skill: Empath Form
In this form, Pandora experiences other people's emotions as color swirls. Higher levels in the skill lead to more accurate and reliable observations. In most story interactions where Pandora takes this form, the colors will be translated into her understanding of them, rather than the raw colors she sees. The colors are unintelligible at Pandora's current level.


3rd day of the 3rd moon of 484

Pandora had learned the Empath form, but kept running into difficulty learning exactly what the colors meant. Mama had also stopped changing into her Empath form to help her, which made progress harder. She would still wear it when around Mama and Dada, but had yet to figure out what it meant. Just when she thought she might be understanding what the colors meant, she'd see a new color appear. It also took a long time to Adapt, normally requiring a couple minutes to calm her mind, and then a minute of concentration on the new form she wanted to take. Determined to still be able to learn something, she had announced she was going to learn the scout form.

It was a direct result of this declaration that Pandora stood outside with Dada. He wore the Scout form, with red skin and blond hair.

"Ok, so the Scout form lets you project your sight." Pluto said. "In return, you give up your normal vision and hearing. It also creates a vague avatar of your Scout form at the point you observe from. Watch." Pluto gazed upwards, then a thick, cloudy line left his face and went into the air. It ended in a vague image that Pandora could just make out as her Papa's Scout form in grey scale, gazing down on them.

"Once the projection is in place, you can no longer see or hear in your native form. Your sight is shifted to the avatar you have in place." Pluto walked around, "All your other senses remain the same." As Pluto walked, the hazy line connecting him to his avatar shifted, one end at the hovering avatar's head, the other at Pluto's blond hair. "The key to finding your Scout form is to focus on the difference between your self and your senses. Your sight is not you, but it informs you. It is a malleable thing which changes."
Pandora focused and tried to separate her self from her sight.


18th day of the 3rd moon of 484

Pandora had done it! She'd successfully learned the Scout form. This one was lots of fun to play with, and didn't give any headaches. Much of the time she spent walking around now she would be observing from a bird's eye view, a grey leash connecting her body to her vision. She learned how to move the avatar around. She could recall it to her position whenever she wanted, reverting to normal eyesight and hearing. She could also teleport it to a place that it could see, so long as it wasn't too far from her. Sometimes, she would have her avatar look out into the distance, but then she couldn't see or hear anything around herself, which was hard. More than once, her parents had to come outside after calling for her did not result in her return.

Pandora learns skill: Scout Form
In this form, Pandora can project her sight a distance away from her equal to her level times 10 meters. The projection creates a semi-translucent stationary avatar at the point she is looking at, from which she can see. When the projection is in use, she can concentrate to move it to another point that it is looking at, or recall it to herself, but cannot exceed a distance of 10 meters times level from her body. At present level she is unable to hear while projecting the avatar.


2nd evening of the 5th moon of 484

As the sun set, the group of farmers and their children settled in for the night. Pluto and the other farming form users stopped pulling their carts, and settled in to rest. The caravan had found a clearing on the side of the road where their carriages were circled with a well-worn firepit in the middle. Pandora left the adults with their speculations and advice about crop bartering by the fire to go play with the other children.

"Hey Pandora, check this out!" Leo said. Pandora looked, and before her eyes, Leo turned transparent! Or, mostly transparent.

"Missed a spot." Pandora said, pointing to where a small line of grey hair was barely visible in the light of the setting sun.

"Aw." Leo reappeared, his form now a dull grey furball. "Anyways, I learned the Survivalist form and my parents let me and Perseus go to Delos now and it's pretty cool." He paused for a breath, "What about you? Considering the Survivalist form? I know I saw you in the Scout form while we were walking but you aren't going to actually stick to that form are you? I mean, it's really obvious where you are and makes hiding really hard. I hear you can't even hear while using it."

"It's not worthless." Pandora insisted, "It lets me see the world. See, I can watch us and the adults." Pandora looked up, and a barely visible grey strand reached out into the sky. "I'll bet I see you when you change too."

"That's cool, but isn't it really disorienting to see yourself from high up? And what's out there that's so exciting anyways. We should only worry about the things close to us, no reason to worry about far away things." Leo continued to talk at Pandora.

Pandora didn't respond.

"Um… Pandora?" Leo asked.

"Dufus." Came a voice from nowhere. Leo jumped "She can't hear you when she's scouting. You gotta poke her if you want to talk."

"Perseus, don't scare me like that. I know you're better at it and all but you don't need to show it off so much." Leo said, while trying to figure out what direction the voice had come from.

"Whatever. You'll learn soon enough." the voice paused, "or, you'll have to anyways." A lengthier pause, "This is boring. Let's go find Ursa. He always tells the best stories. Pandora, you coming?"

Predictably, there was still no reply.

"Enjoy your sightseeing." The voice started drifting away.

"Hey Perseus! Wait up for me! I'm coming!" Leo started running towards the voice in the dark, turning back into a small line of grey as he did so.

The grey line above Pandora vanished, "Ok, so your disguise works better from above." Nothing responded, "Wait, where'd you go?" Pandora glanced around for a telltale sign of grey fur. She saw nothing. She decided to go look for Delphia.


Pandora passed through the main camp, where Pandora saw Leo and Perseus seated, now in their native forms, listening to Ursa talk. Ursa was an intimidating man. The grizzled man stood almost 8 feet tall in his native form, and the lanky body was covered in more muscles and scars than the other men. His voice had a rolling, rambling, quality to it, always hinting at a deeper story or insight. Pandora walked up to him.

"...and then just when we had escaped the raptors, the - well hello Pandora. Care to hear a story?"

Pandora was excited, "Yes!" and then she remembered why she had approached in the first place, "but first, have you seen Delphia?"

The man shook his head, "No, I ain't seen the little Martial girl. But you should find her. I'll bet she'd like this story. Why don't you go search for her with your Scout?"

Pandora vigorously nodded, "m'kay."

She cast her vision up into the air, recasting it so she could see in circles. Eventually, she saw a clearing off in the distance, where there was small movement. "I see her!" she shouted.
Confused why nobody responded, she repeated, "She's in a clearing nearby." She felt someone shake her. "Oh, right. Can't hear." She brought her scout form back to her.

"-et her." Leo said.

"What?" Pandora asked.

"Why don't you go get her and then you and she can hear the next Ursa story." Leo repeated.

"Okay!" Pandora ran off into the forest.


Delphia was moving in an intricate dance when Pandora found her. She was quickly shifting her stance around, trying to make sure she was looking as many places as she could. The instant she turned and saw Pandora, she stopped.

"Whatcha doing?" Pandora asked.

"Practicing." Delphia answered.


"Need be stronger." Delphia responded practically. She resumed her dance.

Pandora thought about that as she watched Delphia for a moment. "But why? You're strong already."

Delphia stopped her lunge and looked at Pandora.

"Only fight good. So be best fighter."

Pandora nodded. Delphia' determination made sense. She had her own way of adapting to the circumstances. Pandora thought she could stand to learn from that example with her own Adapting practice.

"M'kay. But Ursa's going to tell a story. He says you'll like it."

Delphia considered it for a moment, then started walking towards Pandora. "Okay."

The girls returned to the fire.


When Pandora and Delphia arrived, the group was waiting for them.

"Oh good! You're here. Now Ursa can get back to telling stories. Right Ursa."

Ursa gave Leo a discerning gaze. "I suppose I could tell a couple more. If you're sure you're interested in what this old bag of bones has to say."

"Absolutely!" Leo responded.

"What about the rest of you kids?" Ursa turned to the others.

Perseus, Delphia, and Pandora all nodded silently and respectfully.

"Very well then. This was long ago. 'Afor most of your parents had been born. I'd just been sent to the Pylos outpost. We were all proud of it. We was finally livin' outside the barrier, standing under the open sky, the 'hole world stretching out in front of us. Anyways, we was on sentry duty. It was a trio of us. A Scout, me, and a Martial. I gave the light, the Scout kept an eye out, and the Martial gave us backup." Ursa paused, as if remembering the scene.

"Good comrades all. Some of the best graduates, and excited to extend our reach. Anyways, I was in my Farming form, seeing as I'd specialized in it, and my jo-"

"But Ursa, your Farming form is crippled, why were you using it?" Leo interrupted quickly.

Ursa gave Leo a harsh glance. "Well it weren't crippled then! Hush boy. Who's tellin' the story?"

"Sorry." Leo said.

After a brief pause to see if there were any other interruptions, Ursa continued his story

"Anyways, there we were scouting out for the new outpost we were building." Pandora raised her hand. Ursa sighed. "Yes Pandora?"

"Were you scouting or on sentry duty? Were you expanding to a new area or patrolling?" Pandora asked, unsure.

Ursa look confused for a moment, then clarified. "Scouting. We were scouting out the new construction area for Pylos' latest expansion. Now, you've gotta understand. Pylos isn't like Delos. Delos is a safe, quaint little farming city. 'tis fully within the barrier and mostly just a hub for artisans and trade. Pylos is the future. Half in the barrier and half out, it's where we're making our first explorations beyond what ol' Xerax setup for us. It's the true future."

The children all ooh'd and aww'd at his statement.

"So there we was, scouting out the new construction area." Ursa glanced at the children, as if expecting another interruption. None came. "I was giv'n us light, and couldn't see a thing in the shadows, was counting on our scout giving us warning. Anyways, apparently she couldn't see anything either, because next th'ng I know we're in darkness and my spark's in the jaws of a Raptor. So, remembering my training, I immediately flare my spark. And before the Raptor knows what's what, it's on the ground smoking from its maw, and my arm is free." Ursa paused and looked around. He had all the children's rapt attention now.

"So there I am, shocked Raptor on the ground, a few missing scales on my spark-arm to show for it, but I can't see a thing until I reignite my spark. And when I did, that's when I saw: it weren't just one raptor that hit us, it was a pod of four raptors. I see our scout, missing an arm, backpedaling away while our Martialist fought off two of 'em at a time. So figuring he can last a while, I goes and charges the last Raptor who's busy eatin' my buddy's arm. By now, she's started shifting into Martial to fight 'em off, but I know she's not gonna finish by the time the Raptor's done. So I charge 'em. Thinkin' on my spark's success, I charge spark arm leading, as if I'm the bloody reincarnation of Xerax. That raptor though, it just takes one glance at me, gulps down its snack, and takes a swipe at me with its claw. So, I aim to parry. But I ain't thinkin', and I'm parryin' with my spark arm.

"So, I block it, of course, but it hits my spark arm, and next thing I know, I can't control my spark. It just winks out, leaves us all in total darkness. The next, next thing I know, I feel its jaws around my spark arm, grindin' and chewin', but ol' Ursa's tough meat, and it can't get through. Can't reignite my spark though. I'm in it's jaws for what feels like an eternity when finally, my buddy finished her transformation to Martial form and gives that Raptor what for. By the time the dust has settled, we've slain the four Raptors, switched positions into functioning forms, and headed back to the barrier." Ursa paused.

"I never been able ta use my spark after that." He nodded toward Leo, "And I never saw my buddy in scout form again." His gaze shifted over the children, "But I never forgot what I learned that day. And do you know what that is?"

"That Xeraxians are awesome and monsters aren't really scary and Adaptation is great and lets you overcome injuries!" Leo shouted.

"That our lives are always on the line outside the barrier." Perseus stated confidently.

"Forms have strange uses?" Pandora asked.

Ursa nodded at each statement in turn, "Those are all valuable lessons. But those aren't what I learned that day. What I learned that day," he paused and looked directly at Delphia, "was that there's not a thing as valuable as a well trained Martial form beyond the barrier."


4th day of the 5th moon of 484

Delos was a huge city. Pandora had no doubt about that. She looked at the city from her scout form and could see rows upon rows of buildings. There were open squares with people selling all sorts of goods. They had monster parts for construction and clothing. There were normal clothing linens, and a bunch of metal tools being sold in the market place. There were even some strange foods Pandora had never seen before. All told, there must have been thousands of people living there! It was crazy. Way more people than Pandora had seen before anyways.

Pandora saw other hanging scout forms above the city looking down, each with a different grey leash attaching it to someone down below. In the city proper there were Xeraxians of all forms going around. Tall gangly blue native forms walked around. Empath forms stood in stalls making sales. Some red haired martial forms walked around all wearing matching clothing. Farming forms did tricks with their sparks at street corners, or carried heavy loads through the streets. Occasionally, Pandora thought she spotted a sliver of grey fur dart into a covered alley. It was a lively city.

The party of farmers made their way with their carts to an inn, where they secured rooms in exchange for some grain and words. The children were given free reign to pursue their own pursuits. Perseus went to go help his parents unload their goods. Leo ran out to the market to go see if he could meet some new friends. Delphia retreated to the confines of her room to practice her martial form. Pandora decided she could learn from that example and meditated on her Adapting, focusing on her self and trying to Adapt faster and more often.


7th day of the 5th moon of 484

"Pandora, why don't you come with us to the market?" Juno asked her daughter, "You've wanted to see Delos for a year now. Are you just going to practice Adapting? You can do that at home."

"No! I need to be better. I can't give up!" Pandora shouted, "Don't want Delos, want Adapt. I need to get stronger!" She returned to her Adapting training.

"Ok if that's what you want. Just don't be upset when you've missed out on seeing the city later. We'll be back in a few hours."


9th day of the 5th moon of 484

The group of farmers left Delos with very different burdens than they had come in with. No longer carrying grains, they now had a wagon full of tools, clothing, pots, pans, and other miscellaneous supplies difficult to make on a farm. Leo ran around playing with the carved doll he'd gotten in Delos, naming it "Ursa," much to the old man's amusement, constantly enacting play battles with twigs and leaves. Perseus spent most of his time in the Survival form, until the adults forbade him from staying in it due to his habit of sneaking up on people and spooking them. Delphia and Pandora spent most of their time working on their respective disciplines: Delphia on her Martial form, and Pandora on her Adapting.


11th day of the 5th moon of 484

Pandora was roused from her self-study by her mother's voice.

"Pandora, we have something to tell you." Juno said. After seeing she had Pandora's attention, Juno continued, "In a few months, you're going to be a big sister! Isn't that great!"
Pandora instinctively responded to her mother's joy and smiled. Then Pandora considered it, "How will this change things?"

"You know our love for you won't change," Juno started, "But I won't be able to help you with Adaption or Empathy training anymore. You'll have some duties as the elder sister." Juno paused, "And I'm sure you'll get along well with your new brother or sister."



With Pandora back at home, her life will settle down into a routine. The next update will cover the next year and a half (until Pandora is 4 and a half). Vote for Pandora's major actions below. Pandora will perform the four most voted for actions, and gain the trait associated with the most voted for action. Actions which pass that she doesn't gain the trait for will have large narrative effect (determine which scenes are written, what friendships Pandora makes, scene based XP Pandora earns, how people view Pandora, etc.) As normal, feel free to make write-in actions. Also, if you wish for Pandora to follow a specific set of actions, feel free to make a plan which indicates exactly which of the actions Pandora follows. Default potential actions are:
[] Help father farm
This deepens Pandora's bond with her father, granting her access to his training this update (x2 bonus to Farming, Farming form, or Scout form hours spent). If it is the most voted for action, this grants Pandora the Reliable trait.
Reliable: Pandora is a dutiful child, doing as she is told and generally trustworthy. She wants to stick to her word and fulfil what she says she will do (Mechanics effect: 1-3 bonus dice to actions Pandora has promised to perform)

[] Spend time with new sibling
This deepens Pandora's bond with her family. If it is the most voted for action, this grants Delphia the Elder sister trait.
Elder sister: Pandora cares deeply for her family, and is quite protective of them. Especially her younger sibling. (Mechanics effect: 2 bonus dice to interactions concerning Pandora' family)

[] Spend time with Delphia
Pandora spends more time with Delphia, learning more about her and her plans. She also has access to Delphia as a training, gaining a x2 bonus to Martial, Martial form, and unarmed combat training. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Delphia's friend.
Delphia's friend: Pandora has befriended the dedicated single-form Delphia, learning something of her discipline and training regiment. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to training spend on her own)

[] Spend time with Leo
Pandora spends more time with Leo, learning more about his amiable nature. She gains access to Leo as a trainer, gaining a x2 bonus to Communication and Negotiation. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Leo's Friend.
Leo's friend: Pandora has befriended the talkative Leo, learning something of how to communicate, and how not to communicate with others. (Mechanics effect: 2-4 bonus dice on social interactions, depending on the person's relationship with Pandora)

[] Spend time with Perseus
Pandora spends more time with Perseus, learning more about his serious approach towards an inhospitable world. She gains access to Perseus as a trainer, gaining a x2 bonus to Stealth, Awareness, and Survivalist form. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Perseus's friend.
Perseus's friend: Pandora has befriended the serious Perseus, learning something of his serious demeanor and analysis of the world. (Mechanics effect: gain a reroll on failed rolls once per scene)

[] Practice Adapting
Pandora spends a majority of her time training her Adaption. Provides an extra 2000 hours towards Adaption. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Meditation.
Meditation: Pandora regularly looks in on herself and studies her mind. She is acutely aware of who she is and her place in the world. This grants her the clarity of mind to investigate more cerebral pursuits. (Mechanics effect: x2 effectiveness on training spent on mental or mystical skills).

[] Visit Delos and explore the town
Pandora goes to Delos and explores the town. Learn more about what's going on in the world at large. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Explorer.
Explorer: Pandora is fascinated by new things, and wants to see it all. She wants to explore the world and see new things. (Mechanics effect: up to 3 bonus dice to awareness when exploring somewhere new)

[] Visit Delos and spend time with the people
Pandora goes to Delos and learns about the people there. Learn more about what's going on in the world at large. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait People watcher.
People watcher: Pandora is fascinated by how people work, and wants to understand them. She wants to discover how people work and potentially how to influence them. (Mechanics effect: 1-2 bonus dice to social skills)

[] Practice Empathy form
Pandora focuses on learning her Empathy form. Gain 2000 hours towards Empathy training. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Empath natural.
Emapth natural: Focusing on the Empath form from an early age, Pandora has a stronger insight into the form than most. She is able to advance the form much faster than most. (Mechanics effect: x6 training hours spent on Empath form)

[] Practice Scout form
Pandora focuses on learning her Scout form. Gain 2000 hours towards Scout training. If it is the most voted for option, Pandora gains the trait Scout natural.
Scout natural: Focusing on the scout form from an early age, Pandora has a stronger insight into the form than most. She is able to advance the form much faster than most. (Mechanics effect: x6 training hours spent on Scout form)

[] Write-in


Additionally, Pandora spends a fair amount of time training her skills on her own. Note that she will not gain the bonuses (if any) from traits gained in this vote. Due to Determined, Pandora can spend up to 4000 hours. Additionally, with this update, Pandora now has access to specialist instructors. The only trainer Pandora has access to by default is Pluto, who can spend 180 hours giving her a x2 bonus to the Scout form. If a plan passes which puts her into contact with a trainer, it will multiply her hours spent accordingly. Pandora has a cumulative 4000 hours to spend on training (which will be subject to the multipliers from the actions Pandora takes).

Pandora's current skills are:
Skill Level Next Level
Mobility 3 [200/320]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 5 [100/1280]
Negotiation 4 [0/640]
Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 3 [80/320]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]
Unarmed Combat 3 [0/320]
Adapt 5 [360/1280]
Meditation 1 [0/80]
Empath form 3 [120/320]
Scout form 3 [120/320]
Voting will end at 1 PM PST on January 29
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