Conquest of Shambhala

[X] Social Too Strunk V3

Not sure which is better overall, so just gonna support all the versions :D
[X]Pandora the Explorer
[-]Social Too Strunk V2
I'd love to vote for STS versions but I think Pandora having Delphia's support is very important for her long term survival.
[X] Social Too Strunk V3

[X]Pandora the Explorer
[-]Social Too Strunk V2
I'd love to vote for STS versions but I think Pandora having Delphia's support is very important for her long term survival.
Surely this won't be our only chance to make friends with her, though? I think getting social skills up now is more important than having Delphia at our back this update instead of next update.
How can the forms be damaged, and what does that mean? Can the grey thread be cut, and by what? (particularly, how does the grey thread interact with the barrier?) What can harm the farmer's spark? If you're hurt in your base form, does that effect your other forms? What harm can befall the other forms? What harm will heal, and what harm will not; and how? (Do you return to base form, and it heals, or do you need to spend time in that form to heal it?)

"Mama, why are there four forms? There are more than four different trees, and more than four different plants, and there are three of us but now there's four of us."

And, can we add a Dramatis Persona to, maybe the character sheet post? Something to (for now) list who we know and who they are; and maybe later to collect information we learn about the world (like the different Xeraxian cities?) Although, I guess with the Threadmark system it can go anywhere in the thread.

Also! Late, but, here's a plan - two write-in actions, two from the update's suggestions

[x] Call of Destiny
[] Somewhere, Out There
From an early age, Pandora seemed to realize her destiny lay outside Xerax's barrier. She knew the barrier was dangerous and poorly understood, and understood all to well her own physical weaknesses - at this stage, she was content to stare at the world beyond, never crossing the final blessing of her people's savior. To watch, and to learn. The flow of weather, the movement of beasts (those that could be seen), the study of wild plants - what could be eaten, what could heal, what could harm. When storms came - hazily remembered as things of terror and fright - she would face them; herself, if she could - as a Scout, if necessary. The elements would be her friend - or, at the least, not her enemy - for outside the barrier there would be no homes of brick or beds of leaves.
Update Boost: Barrier and outside-through-barrier observations. (Good time to pop that scene I earned!)
Bonus Trait: My Friend, The Unknown: Pandora is well practiced at reading that which is new, unfamiliar, and frightening. She reduces penalty dice for such situations, and receives an XP bonus towards familiarizing herself with new places.
New Skills/Skills Trained: Wilderness Survival, Herbal Medicine

[] To Play is to Challenge
To pit yourself against the unknown is to reach for the horizon; to pit yourself against the familiar is to reach for the heavens. Pandora realized she thrived when setting herself against a challenge, and roped her friends, family, and teachers into her "play" - increasingly complicated and challenging "games". What started simple - can she spot Perseus better than he can hide; can you follow Papa while watching yourself from afar, as a Scout; can you tell the mood of someone - grew more and more complex - can you follow Delphia's katas while scouting far away; who can look like they're being truthful with ever more ridiculous lies - until one day the imaginations of the children were insufficient and they turned to the adults. "Give us a challenge!" they would cry, and Pluto would say they should try to cover more ground in a day, or Otis would say to strike a tree a hundred times - "No!" Pandora would insist - "Something creative!"
And so Otis would design mock fights from his experiences beyond the Barrier, and Pluto would set finicky challenges needing deft fingers or careful work with a spark, and so on. Sometimes it was hard to find a challenge that all the kids could do - particularly Delphia - but they always made SOMETHING work, even if it wasn't all that satisfying to one of them.

Bonus Trait: Born Leader: Pandora gives and receives bonuses when working in a group.
Update Boost: Bonus experience from Observant to most skills. Pandora grows closer with everyone in her community, although no one in particular. Gains access to this training method - she can apply the Observant boost to any training she gets, even if a normal training boost does not apply.
Note: This plan is specifically intended to chase the Observant boost; and for that we need dice challenges; this seemed like a narratively satisfying way to get them.

[] Spend time with Delphia
You don't always need the Martial form, but when you need it, it's the most important thing. Delphia can do nothing else, and no one else can be better than Delphia at what she does. Clearly, Pandora should be everything that Delphia can't, and Delphia can be the best at kicking ass. Also, Delphia's the only one as determined as we are; she might even have us beat, there!
Note: Rather than receive Delphia's training effect as an hours boost, I'd rather get it as a, I guess, "Specialty" - blind/deaf "fighting". If Delphia help can train us to move with only our sense of touch, we can alleviate Scout's major weakness. We might even be able to work out a way to communicate through touch, or to move around together when Pandora is in Scout.

[] Practice Adapting
Mmmmm meditation. Although this has my lowest word count, it's mah favorite.

Skills trained - uhhhhhhhh I'm totally not wedded to this layout, but here's a stab at it:

Mobility 4
Awareness 6
Communication 5
Negotiation 5
Intrigue 5
Martial Ability 3
Farming 3
Weaving 2
Stealth 3
Unarmed Combat 4
Adapt 6*
Meditation 2
Empath Form 4
Scout Form 4
Farm Form 3
Wilderness Survival 4
Herbal Medicine 3
40 left over. No ideas.
* Adapt skill gain is solely through the action. If I misunderstood stuff, grab the hours from raising Negotiation and Communication and use then to raise Adapt.

Alternative plan for awesomies:
[x] Inner World
Pandora became enraptured by her inner world and the teaching of Adaptation. Although it worried her friends and family, Pandora spent ever more time in deep meditation, moving between forms as smoothly as Delphia moved through katas. Although outwardly calm, Pandora was inwardly wildly excited and fascinated by the changes that occurred each and every time her current Form changed, and the uniqueness of each form's power. Where did they come from? What were they? And most intruging of all... could there be more?
[] Practice Adapting
[] Practice Empathy form
[] Practice Scout form
[] Practice Farming Form
(or whatever the third form ends up being).
Skill distribution should go towards evening out the form practice levels, with leftovers into Meditation.
Synergy bonus trait: Disciple of Adaptation: Pandora has special and deep insight into both herself and her Forms. Effect TBD

Edit: Noticed that each action had an update boost (like gaining access to training). Updated the write-in actions to have more thought-out update boosts.

Edit 2: FORGOT A PART. We're buds with Delphia cuz everyone else isn't nearly serious enough, and getting her to train us as a fighter ain't nearly as awesome as getting her to help us figure out how to move (and maybe kinda fight) while Scouting.
Last edited:
@Radvic I'm not sure if training boosts get applied to hours spent on the plan in which they're gained ("simultaneous"), or will apply to the next update's hours...?

Regardless, for now, I tweaked the spreadsheet. Hours added to "Bonus Hours" will count towards leveling, but won't be counted out of the "Available" hours.
@Radvic I'm not sure if training boosts get applied to hours spent on the plan in which they're gained ("simultaneous"), or will apply to the next update's hours...?
Training boosts are applied to this update. Traits will take effect to next update, since the actions Pandora takes during this update create those particular traits.

Also, voting tally

30 minutes remain

Remember you can remove your vote for something by posting
[-] Plan X

where Plan X is something you no longer want to vote for.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Social Too Strunk V3

Voters: @Cariyaga, @Deathbybunnies, @OliWhail, @Shneddly
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Call of Destiny
Voters: @Kalkin, @Langevin, @rangerscience
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Dangerous World
Voters: @Shneddly
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Inner World
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Pandora the Explorer
Voters: @Cariyaga
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Social Too Strunk
Voters: @OliWhail
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Social Too Strunk V2
Voters: @Deathbybunnies
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 7

P.S. Sundays are sad days because libraries are closed, so my internet doesn't work well. Took ~20 minutes for counterbot to execute.

Edit: voting is over, Social Too Strunk V3 is victorious
Last edited:
[X] Social Too Strunk V3

The new write-in ideas sound cool, but we may need to think about them a bit more. We should probably ask around about how injuries and illnesses are typically treated before trying to learn it ourselves. Also, my understanding of the mechanics is that we can only pick one trait this update (the one for our top priority activity).

@Radvic I noticed that CounterBot counted my vote yesterday, but not today. I didn't post anything between the two counts. Do you know what could cause that?

@Radvic I noticed that CounterBot counted my vote yesterday, but not today. I didn't post anything between the two counts. Do you know what could cause that?
I had difficulty running counterbot today. Looking at the error reports, it appears that the id for some posts was lost, which made it ignore them in the tally. I believe this is because of how SV loads pages when things are running very slowly. When I ran it again, it included your initial vote. I believe I can avoid this problem in the future by running the tally twice when forced to use slow internet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
How can the forms be damaged, and what does that mean?
Pandora has fallen before and scraped her knee. It hurt and it bled. She's fallen in the scout form too. That also hurt and bled.

Can the grey thread be cut, and by what?
Nothing Pandora has seen has interacted with the grey thread. She did notice that while she was in Delos, some of the threads were of different dark-greys. Hers was on the darker-side.

What can harm the farmer's spark?
Being chewed by a Raptor is (according to Ursa) sufficient to harm it. As Pandora has not taken the farming form, she cannot experiment herself. When she asked Pluto about the farming form, he asked her if she wanted to learn the form. When she said no he told her not to worry about it then, and not to touch other people's sparks.

If you're hurt in your base form, does that effect your other forms?
Pandora fell and scraped her knee (apparently she does that a lot). When she shifted to scout form, her knee was unscraped.

What harm can befall the other forms?
I don't understand the question.

What harm will heal, and what harm will not; and how?
Things heal given time and nourishment.

Do you return to base form, and it heals, or do you need to spend time in that form to heal it?
Juno said that Pandora shouldn't hide from her mistakes, but should face the with courage, even when it hurts.

"Mama, why are there four forms? There are more than four different trees, and more than four different plants, and there are three of us but now there's four of us."
"'dora dear, there are more than four forms. There are six. The Native form, the Farming form, the Martial form, the Empath form, the Scout form, the Survivalist form. Those are the six forms that Xerax blessed us with to Adapt to the world. Just as there are many different trees, there are many different people. But the forms are only six in number, for six is a holy number."

And, can we add a Dramatis Persona to, maybe the character sheet post?
Sure, I'll put something up when the next update goes up (so, probably tomorrow or the day after). Note that I'm not going to add something for every named character you meet. I'll only provide information on people who are very important to Pandora (so, given what won, that'll be Pandora, Leo, Delphia, future sibling, Pluto, and Juno for now). It won't include other characters Pandora has met but doesn't interact with a lot like Perseus or Ursa. I'll also include a list of places Pandora has been. There might be a map going up eventually (unfortunately, my drawing ability is... lacking... so progress on that front will take a while, and regardless, Pandora hasn't exactly explored much yet). Much more than that you'll just need to remember yourself. I'm more than happy to link to player created documents, but am not going to maintain such things.
More questions:

Is it normal for scouting parties outside the barrier to travel unarmed? Why wouldn't those in non-Martial forms want to at least carry a stick?

Are there any preparations a scouting party might make to better treat any injuries or illnesses they encounter?

How hard is it to learn to hear normally while projecting the Scout avatar?
I don't understand the question.
Ah - The farming form can be damaged in a way that the other forms can't, by damaging the spark. Are there other special ways forms can be damaged - for example: if you damage a survivalists' skin, does that damage their camo effect?

Juno said that Pandora shouldn't hide from her mistakes, but should face the with courage, even when it hurts.
I think I understand what you're trying to do in answering questions this way, but it is a bit frustrating. Would it be better to ask questions as Pandora quotes, and maybe to specific individuals? Or, to suggest "experiments" for Pandora, or things to observe? For example: "The next time Pandora hurts herself in a form, she should shift to Native and then back to the form to see if the injury is still there" (or more drastically in such a case: actually have Pandora deliberately injure herself)

"'dora dear, there are more than four forms. There are six. The Native form, the Farming form, the Martial form, the Empath form, the Scout form, the Survivalist form. Those are the six forms that Xerax blessed us with to Adapt to the world. Just as there are many different trees, there are many different people. But the forms are only six in number, for six is a holy number."

Pandora wanted to believe her mother, but something in her head wouldn't stop making her feel like that wasn't right, or that it was missing something. Why was six a holy number? Was Native form really like other forms? She resolved to find out. First, the easy part -

"Mama, why is six a holy number?"
Pandora figured she knew the answer, but she liked being wrong (it meant there was more to learn!), and it was easy to ask. The next part was harder - She went to her favorite meditation spot, and she looked, not at herself, but at not herself. The part that changes when she Adapts. She went through each form she knew, and her Native form, and she watched and looked and observed herself and her not herself. When she felt like she couldn't hold a meditation anymore, she thought over what she'd seen on her inside...

Note that I'm not going to add something for every named character you meet.... I'm more than happy to link to player created documents, but am not going to maintain such things.
Sure. I was going to suggest, for all the characters that don't rank a blurb, just a per-place list of names (Home: Perseus , Ursa, Delphia...), but maintaining something ourselves would work fine. To save a some hunting - do you know if there were any named characters introduced outside of threadmark posts?
Is it normal for scouting parties outside the barrier to travel unarmed? Why wouldn't those in non-Martial forms want to at least carry a stick?
Note that Pandora's current 'knowledge' of scouting parties comes from the half-drunk tales of an old townsperson who children noticed contradictions in his tale. The source may not have been the most complete and accurate. Pandora doesn't know the answers to these questions. Ursa's story said nothing about tools which were used beyond the barrier. It is common knowledge that the Martial form is the deadliest form of combat, and it doesn't use tools to fight.

Are there any preparations a scouting party might make to better treat any injuries or illnesses they encounter?
Probably (Pandora doesn't know).

How hard is it to learn to hear normally while projecting the Scout avatar?
Pluto can't do it, and says people who claim to be able to do so are just full of it. He reckons they learn to lip read.

Ah - The farming form can be damaged in a way that the other forms can't, by damaging the spark. Are there other special ways forms can be damaged - for example: if you damage a survivalists' skin, does that damage their camo effect?
If the survivalist's hair is injured, their camo effect is disrupted at the point they were injured (depending on the injury). If Pandora closes her eyes, the images from her empath form go away. Pandora's eyes being closed doesn't change her vision when projecting her avatar in scout form. Pandora is pretty sure that if she cut off Delphia's hands and feet she wouldn't be able to fight as well. I will make no answers to broad sweeping questions which may or may not give away future plot points.

I think I understand what you're trying to do in answering questions this way, but it is a bit frustrating. Would it be better to ask questions as Pandora quotes, and maybe to specific individuals? Or, to suggest "experiments" for Pandora, or things to observe? For example: "The next time Pandora hurts herself in a form, she should shift to Native and then back to the form to see if the injury is still there" (or more drastically in such a case: actually have Pandora deliberately injure herself)
Apologies that it is frustrating. I am trying to model what information a three year old would have to these sorts of questions given the way passing votes have shaped Pandora's outlook. If I just give out answers to questions without regards to what Pandora has access to, it will spoil things, so I need to give answers related to Pandora's experiences. Additionally, I'm unwilling to make significant changes, such as a 3 year old intentionally injuring themselves and investigating it without having an impact on how other characters view her. Questions I answer outside of updates are intended to be things which would not change how people view Pandora. This limits the scope of available answers. If Pandora were a scientist with an independent lab and scientific journals, this would be different. But she's a three year old on a farm and only knows a handful of people. In general, if you ask specific questions towards specific people, I will answer them (or as questions about observations Pandora has made). If it is something which the asking or experimenting is likely to have narrative consequences, I will refuse to answer it and suggest Pandora experiment in story via a passing vote. If it is a more general question, I will come up with a way Pandora could use the resources avaliable to her to try to answer it, or a part of it (which often does not result in a direct answer, and may only reveal a part of the truth). Pandora doesn't have a free 'ultimate knowledge of how the universe works' ability.

On that note, when Pandora scraped her knee in scout form, the scrape was still there when she shifted back the next day and it seemed to heal slower than the scrape she got in the native form.

To save a some hunting - do you know if there were any named characters introduced outside of threadmark posts?
Not that I'm aware of.
I will make no answers to broad sweeping questions which may or may not give away future plot points.
Hehehahahahmwahahahaha. Yesss, perfect. I like the acronym "FINAH" ("further information not available here") for that kind of situation.

Apologies that it is frustrating.... Questions I answer outside of updates are intended to be things which would not change how people view Pandora... If it is something which the asking or experimenting is likely to have narrative consequences, I will refuse to answer it and suggest Pandora experiment in story via a passing vote.
No need to apologize! This is about what I figured - hence the more narrative form of the new question ("why is six a holy number"). "FICAH" is a good acronym ("find out in character") for these kinds of things - although it does give away that it's a somehow significant question. Ah, the joys of GM'ing something where information is one of the most important things.... :D

On that note, when Pandora scraped her knee in scout form, the scrape was still there when she shifted back the next day and it seemed to heal slower than the scrape she got in the native form.

Intriguing! Also, clearly not Animorphs.... although that raises questions.

Pandora had hurt her knee when Scouting around, and the next day, the her knee was still hurt! She wondered, if bad things stay the same, what about good things? But what could she do? Mama and papa would never let her sleep in anything but her Native form, but, hmmm... I have an idea! When I'm done being Scout for today, I'll eat until I'm stuffed, and only then change back to Native. Tomorrow, when I change into Scout, I'll see if I'm still stuffed. I can also try it with Delphia's warm-up techniques!

I'm presuming we can't see if we can bank a night's sleep in a Form, r!Animorphs style, although that wouldn't make much sense, since then we'd never be tired in Native form at the end of a day spent in other forms; and then the next day, we'd be tired in those forms. I can see it making sense that food and water are shared between forms, and it's something we might have noticed anyway, which narrows it down enough that it's hard to find short term things to bank; only thing that comes to mind is warm-ups.
Chapter 3: Friends
AN: Dice are rolled in this chapter. The exact method used is not guaranteed to be the way dice are rolled in the future (but is the current plan).

The sun had yet to rise over the horizon, but Pandora lay awake in her bed concentrating on her forms. She'd taken to meditating every morning before her parents would rouse her. She'd mostly focused on working on her Adapting, but noticed that the clarity of mind she was achieving by this practice tended to extend to other activities as well.

Pandora gains trait Meditation


Mama had suggested Pandora spend more time with Leo and Perseus, and Pandora was very happy to go along with this plan. She stood outside Leo and Perseus's house. Perseus was off doing Perseus things, but Leo was playing with her.

"Pandora!" Pandora looked at Leo, "I'll bet you can't see me now!" his hair turned the color of the building behind him. Pandora focused on where he was a bit harder

Leo Survivalist 6 = 6d100 = 346
Pandora Awareness 6 = 6d100 = 355

"You got the pattern wrong. It's not perfect."

Leo turned his fur back to its natural grey. "Well, you wouldn't have seen me there if you hadn't watched me change anyways!" He walked over to Pandora and sat down. "What about you? How's the scout form?"

Pandora looked above his house and projected her avatar.

"It works pretty well, but lip reading is hard. Try saying something."

"I thi… coo… that you can do that.." Pandora tried to read Leo's lips as he was speaking. She returned her avatar to her body.

"Did you say, 'I think it's cool that you can do that?'" Pandora asked.

Leo brightened, "Yep! I did! So it seems you can hear after all."

Pandora looked aside, "Well, it's just lip reading. And it's pretty hard and not always reliable. I also can't focus as well on other things the avatar can see then." She paused, "I've been trying to work on hearing from my own ears while the scout avatar is out, but haven't been able to hear anything yet." She looked down, "and Papa says it's impossible."

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." Leo said, "Anyways, with how useful it looks like you're finding the scout form, I was thinking about learning it. Want to help me? I can help you learn the survivalist form!" Leo looked excited.

Pandora considered it. On the one hand, she was pretty much always able to see Leo when he was in the survivalist form. On the other, it seemed like it might be useful. No reason not to learn anyways, "Sure, let's do it."


"Ok, so the survivalist form is about blending into your surroundings so that things can't eat you." Leo lectured, "You gotta think about yourself just going away while still being there, and the shape will come to you." Pandora frowned. "Just imagine yourself fading away."

Pandora thought about fading away into her surroundings.


"The scout form is simple: just send your vision somewhere else." Pandora lectured Leo, "Think about your vision being disconnected from your self." Leo closed his eyes and presumably concentrated, though the snores a few minutes later suggested otherwise.


One day as Pandora was walking up to Leo and Perseus's house, she noticed a little scout avatar over the house. Elated, she ran towards the house. The avatar noticed her, and disappeared shortly afterwards.

"Well done Leo!" Pandora congratulated Leo. He had learned it faster than she had learned the survivalist form. She needed to do better.

"Thanks! It wouldn't have been possible without your help!" Leo proclaimed. He considered Pandora's facial expression, "Also, you don't need to feel sad, this is only my second form, and dad says that each form gets progressively harder to learn as you learn. I'm sure you'll learn the Survivalist form soon!"

Pandora nodded.

Pandora gains skill: Teaching
Teaching: the ability to impart knowledge or skills to others.


When Pandora wasn't with Leo working on developing her survivalist form, she spent time with Delphia.

"Delphia, want to spar?" Pandora offered, as she normally did. She wanted to earn Delphia's determination and respect, and this seemed the most direct way.

Delphia looked up at Pandora, "Ok." She then drew a ring in the dirt about 5 meters in radius, "Don't fall out."

Pandora stepped into the ring and faced Delphia, adapting a ready stance.

Pandora = Martial Ability 3 + Unarmed Combat 3 - Traits 3 = 3d100 = 100
Delphia = Martial Ability 10 + Unarmed Combat 20 - Traits 3 = 27d100 = 1305

Pandora stood at the ready and considered Delphia. After the two girls had circled each other for a while, Pandora eventually began cautiously approaching the center of the circle. Delphia watched her cautious steps like a hawk, and mimicked them, coming slowly closer together. Eventually, they were about a meter from each other. At that point, in the middle of one of Pandora's steps forward, Delphia exploded into a blur of motion.

Pandora yelled and instinctively brought her hands up to her face. She was hit in the stomach by a shoulder, and bodily forced the remaining 4 meters out of the ring while screaming.

After Pandora had settled down and laid on the ground for a moment, she heard Delphia speak. "Don't block your eyes." Delphia told Pandora. "Again?"

Pandora shakily looked up from the ground. She supposed that made sense. "Ok, give me a minute." After collecting her wits about her, Pandora once again stepped into the ring and took a ready stance

Pandora = Martial Ability 4 + Hand to Hand 3 - Traits 3 = 4d100 =110
Delphia = Martial Ability 10 + Hand to Hand 20 - Traits 3 = 27d100 = 1380

Again, Pandora started approaching Delphia. This time, Delphia didn't imitate her move inwards. Emboldened, Pandora crossed the middle of the ring and approached Delphia on the edge of the ring. Once she was about a meter away, she paused, then lunged forward with a jab. Delphia leaned out of the way, deflected the jab with her arm, ducked into Pandora, and threw Pandora over her shoulder in a smooth motion. This time, Pandora recovered more quickly, but noticed she was again out of bounds.

"Watch me, not your hands." Delphia suggested, "Again?" She held out a hand towards Pandora as she smiled.


Passing her days between visiting Leo and visiting Delphia, Pandora's time elapsed pleasantly enough. She would meditate in the mornings, spend some time with her parents until the afternoon, then go to either Leo's place or Delphia's. With Leo, Pandora continued to work towards developing her third adaptive form, and with Delphia, Pandora worked to hone her determination, and learn a thing or two about how to protect herself.


Pandora was meditating in the morning, trying to use her separation of her self from her body to perfect the survivalist form. When she heard her mother call her, she opened her eyes, and discovered she had taken the new form!

Squealing with delight, she investigated it. She was about the size of her scout and empath forms, but covered in hair everywhere. The hair was a dull grey, but if she focused, she could make it any color she wanted! This was great. Also, she hadn't noticed, but apparently the survivalist form had talons for fingers. Her toes also had sharp points at their ends. She figured she could probably climb most any tree in this form.

Pandora gains skill: Survivalist form
This form is covered in hairs which can change color. Experienced users are said to be able to make themselves virtually invisible... at least if the sun isn't out. It also has talons on the hands and feet and is excellent at climbing.


Pandora rushed to Leo's place earlier than normal that day. She entered the house with little preamble, "Leo! I did it! Look!" She was in her survivalist form. She dug her talons into the dirt and instantly stopped, toppling onto her face.

"Leo I learned the survivalist form and it's really weird." She said as Leo looked down at her slightly dumbfounded. As he processed her words and appearance he smiled,

"That's great! Want to learn more about how to blend in to the background? You've got all the tools you need, but there's so much practice you need to do to be any good at it. We should go practice right now."

Pandora looked down, "Actually, I was going to spend time with Delphia today, but wanted to show you first." She brightened, "You could come with me and show me?"



Delphia had the ring already drawn when they arrived. Leo saw it and immediately commented on it, "Oh! This'll be fun! I've been practicing with Perseus. I'll bet I can take you now!" He said to Delphia.

Delphia nodded towards him and pointed towards the ring.

Leo = Martial Ability 6 + Hand to Hand 6 = 12d100 = 664
Delphia = Martial Ability 10 + Hand to Hand 20 - Trait 3 = 27d100 = 1389

Leo stood more steady on his feet than Pandora had been, and cautiously advanced towards Delphia, superior size granting him an advantage Pandora had lacked. When they reached the center of the ring, he made an overhead sweep with his right hand. Delphia ducked under it, and circled behind him, pushing him over, and beginning to drag him towards the edge of the ring. He managed to escape her grasp before she had taken him all the way, and repositioned himself in the ring.

"Ok, so maybe I'm not going to win this way, but could you give me a minute?" Leo said.

Pandora shrugged and waited. Leo began to transform into his survivalist form. Within 20 seconds, he was covered in the grey hairs, "Ok, now I'm ready."

Who can track Leo?
Leo = Survivalist form 8 - environment 3 = 5d100 = 201
Delphia = awareness 6 = 6d100 = 239
Pandora = awareness 6 = 6d100 = 203
Everyone Barely

Leo = Martial Ability 6 + Hand to Hand 6 + Partially hidden 3 = 15d100 = 747
Delphia = Martial Ability 10 + Hand to Hand 20 - trait 3 = 27d100 = 1445
Clear Delphia victory

Pandora found herself behind Delphia outside of the ring as she watched the match. Leo had disappeared! But no, Pandora was able to make out a blurred distortion moving across the ring. Delphia noticed it too, and dodged the first lunge. She smiled a bit, then started backpedaling as Leo continued lunging at her. Eventually, with her back to the edge of the ring, she caught his latest lunge, and tossed him outside the ring.

Delphia smiled, and looked at both Leo and Pandora outside the ring, and said, "Both at once."

Pandora gains trait: Teamfight
Teamfight reduces the penalty associated with the number of combatants when cooperating with others.


"Pandora, meet your little sister, Phoebe." Juno held out a small bundle towards Pandora.

Pandora looked down at the little bundle of blue. "Hi Phoebe!" She shouted.

"Shh. Pandora, you need to be gentle with your sister." Juno reproached. "She's still small."

"Sorry. Hi Phoebe." Pandora repeated herself at a lower volume. She smiled as he looked at her sister. They were going to be best of friends.


"No Pandora, Phoebe isn't ready to eat bread yet. She needs nurse for a while first. No, you can't do that."


"No, Pandora, Phoebe shouldn't play with you, Delphia, and Leo. Maybe when she's older."


4th day of the 11th moon of 485

Leo and Delphia were at Pandora's house, watching Phoebe as she began to crawl around the house.

"So Perseus is leaving?" Pandora asked.

"Yeah. He's planning on becoming an apprentice scout in Pylos. Something about getting out into the world and leaving the farm behind." Leo looked off into the distance, "I suppose it means I ought to learn the farming form. Somebody's got to take after my parents' farm."

"What about your younger brother Apollo?" Pandora asked. Referring to his newest sibling.

Leo shrugged, "What about him? He's about her size." He pointed at Phoebe. "Can't count on him to keep the farm going." He shifted. "But I could probably leave in two years or so if we raise him right." He glanced over at Pandora and Delphia with a glint in his eye.

"Lucky." Delphia chimed in. Pandora and Leo turned to her. The shorter girl rarely spoke, so they quieted to hear her. "You get a choice."

Pandora broke in after a moment "You have a choice too Delphia! You just have different challenges to adapt to."

Delphia looked away and muttered something under her breath.

"What was that Delphia?" Leo asked.

Delphia turned back, "Nothing."

"Didn't sound like nothing to me." Leo pressed.

Delphia made eye contact, "I said I can't adapt to anything." She paused, "I can just fight."

"I'll bet you could do something with that." Pandora suggested, "We always need town guards, come on, let's figure out what you can do."

Delphia shrugged, "Work for someone. Join the Expedition force. Go to the Armory. Who knows."

"I know I'd hire you in an instant!" Leo added, "I'd be totally safe from everything forever."

"Yeah! Me too." Pandora added.

Delphia forced her mouth into an awkward smile. "Thanks."

Pandora and Leo both hugged her briefly, then settled back into contemplative silence as they watched Phoebe learn the joys of dirt.

"Anyways, what about you Pandora, what are you thinking about doing? You're still a cycle and a half away from your sixth, but it doesn't hurt to think about it." Leo asked. "Besides." He added conspiratorially, "I could probably get away with leaving in a year and a half anyways."

Pandora thought for a moment. "I don't know yet. I haven't decided."

"Well, why don't we figure out what you can do?" Leo suggested.

"First, you could stay here and farm." Pandora stuck out her tongue. "Or not." Leo shrugged and held up a finger, "Other than that, there's the Expedition outpost at Pylos if you wanna use your Scout form or Survivalist form." He held up a second finger, "You seem like a natural at adapting, you could always go join the priesthood in Xera." He held up a third finger, "You could go be an Empath in Lamia. I here they've got some good work there." He paused and looked at Pandora, "No offense, but I don't think you'd be a good artist. Probably shouldn't head to Asine." He held up a fourth finger, "Could move to Pellon, they've got a bit of everything." He looked at her in earnest, "they say it's the only place which has monsters inside the barrier."

Pandora looked off into the distance and considered.

"Anyways, it's not like your parents would let you leave before your sixth cycle anyways, so it doesn't matter too much."

The children returned to watching Phoebe.


AN: Not super satisfied with this chapter, but fortunately we're approaching some plot relevant decisions and more interesting times. This vote is your last chance to give Pandora a free starting trait. Traits will need to be earned via more significant achievements or failures after the next update.

With that in mind, Pandora is beginning to think about her future and will need to choose what to do. Her parents have noticed that she has shown literally no interest in farming or weaving, and a strong proficiency in Adapting, and a lesser proficiency in the Empath form and the Scout form. As such, they are supportive of her leaving the farm and going to one of the Xeraxian places of learning, despite the associated risks and costs to them. On that note, there are several options. Pandora and her parents don't know the specifics of these places, but they know general stories about them as gathered from Delos and stories (both Pluto and Juno grew up on farms, so have not personally experienced the places Pandora is considering). I've put an info sheet in place of the character sheet. It includes information on the world that Pandora has learned relevant to her decision and is as follows:

Xera is the most powerful city in Xeraxia. It is the initial place of Xerax's descent, and, as such is a highly religious city. The rulers of this city all take the native form. It houses the First Temple of Xerax
- The First Temple of Xerax. This temple is the main place of worship for Xerax, and the place of training for his priests. Rumor has it that the temple blesses graduates with fragments of Xerax's power, enabling them to perform many feats. Rumors of what feats Xeraxian priests can achieve are debated, but include flying, teleportation, fighting in non-Martial forms, mind control, summoning Xerax, and prophesy. Xeraxian priests are silent when questioned about their powers, saying simply that they will "Adapt to the challenge."

Lamia is the second oldest city in Xeraxia. It produces many of the leaders of the civilization, and is the central area of knowledge. Some argue that the inhabitants of Lamia put their own interests above those of Xeraxia. From here are mechanical innovations produced, and governmental structures created. It houses two academies for empaths.
- The academy of governance is a legend filled department where the governing class is determined. Said to be very selective of who it accepts. Graduates are highly trained in the Empath form and often go on to rule or coordinate cities or settlements.
- The academy of empaths is informally known as the dropout school. This school takes all who wash out of (or fail to enter) the governance school. Graduates from here normally take roles as peacekeepers, midwives, or doctors in various districts.

Pellon is founded near a swamp. The people here are of a military bent, with virtually every inhabitant knowing and having training in the Martial form. The nearby swamp is said to be inhabited by monsters. It houses the millitary academy.
- The military academy produces the finest fighters in all of Xerax. Graduates of the academy are well versed in the martial form. There are rumors that they can use weapons in the martial form.

Asine exists at the intersection of two large rivers. It is considered the artistic center of Xerax. It is herelded as the artistic and farming center of Xeraxia. Many skilled patrons offer apprenticeships from here.

Pylos was recently founded and is considered the foremost achievement of Xeraxia. It is half sheltered by the barrier, half unsheltered. From here Xeraxian plans to extend their empire beyond the barrier are formed and enacted. It houses the expedition academy.
- The expedition academy trains students in all they need to know to live outside the barrier. Graduates know a little of everything, from how to grow grain, to how to build defensive structures, and are sent out to extend Xerax's reach.

Pandora should pick a location to go to (failure to pick will mean you stay on the farm... which none of us want)

Vote Time​

What does Pandora do with the next year and a half, and where does Pandora intend to go? You may gain one trait of your choice and allot 4000 hours of training.

[] Write-in

Voting will end on February 5th at 1 PM PST

Xeraxian: Pandora can speak Xeraxian
Observant: Pandora is fascinated by the world. There's so much to see and experience, and she wants to see and experience it all! There's so much to learn. She is motivated by seeing and trying new things. She grows tired of doing the same thing over and over again. (Mechanics effect: gain 2x bonus to experience gained from attempting skill challenges)
Determined. Pandora knows that true power only comes to those who work for it. She wants to become stronger and will work towards it (Mechanics effect: increase to training time and thus hours earned to spend on skills during updates)
Meditation: Pandora regularly looks in on herself and studies her mind. She is acutely aware of who she is and her place in the world. This grants her the clarity of mind to investigate more cerebral pursuits. (Mechanics effect: x2 effectiveness on training spent on mental or mystical skills).
Small: As a young person, Pandora is weak. -2 dice to all physical interactions

Skill Level Next Level
Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 7 [0/5120]
Negotiation 6 [620/2560]
Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 4 [0/640]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]
Unarmed Combat 4 [0/640]
Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 2 [0/160]
Empath form 4 [0/640]
Scout form 4 [160/640]
Teaching 2 [0/160]
Teamfight 2 [0/160]
Survivalist Form 2 [0/160]
Skill descriptions:
Mobility is Pandora's ability to move around the world.
Awareness is Pandora's ability to view and understand the world.
Communication is Pandora's ability to impart her ideas and desires to others, and to in turn understand the ideas and desires of others.
Negotiation is Pandora's ability to convince others to go along with her ideas, plans, or desires.
Farming is the ancient art of making sure crops grow. Boring and repetitive, but useful.
Stealth is the art of remaining unseen and unnoticed. It is what allows one to move silently, find hiding places, and in general walk around unnoticed.
Martial ability is the general combat savviness which is useful in any engagement. It is a general skill which will be rolled in any combat situation, often in conjunction with other skills, depending on what strategy is used for the battle.
Unarmed combat is the specific battle art of using your unarmed hands and feet to pummel or redirect your opponent into submission. Rolled when fighting with bare hands and feet.
Weaving is the art of combining straw together to make more complex shapes. Used to create tools and clothing.
Meditation is the art of understanding who you are and your place in the world. It's has unknown effects.
Empath Form: In this form, Pandora experiences other people's emotions as color swirls. Higher levels in the skill lead to more accurate and reliable observations. In most story interactions where Pandora takes this form, the colors will be translated into her understanding of them, rather than the raw colors she sees. The colors are unintelligible at Pandora's current level.
Scout Form: In this form, Pandora can project her sight a distance away from her equal to her level times 10 meters. The projection creates a semi-translucent stationary avatar at the point she is looking at, from which she can see. When the projection is in use, she can concentrate to move it to another point that it is looking at, or recall it to herself, but cannot exceed a distance of 10 meters times level from her body. At present level she is unable to hear while projecting the avatar.
Survivalist Form: This form is covered in hairs which can change color. Experienced users are said to be able to make themselves virtually invisible... at least if the sun isn't out. It also has talons on the hands and feet and is excellent at climbing.
Teaching: the ability to impart knowledge or skills to others.
Teamfight: Teamfight reduces the penalty associated with the number of combatants when cooperating with others.
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The priests sound powerful but I wonder how many of those abilities are available to the lower levels. @Radvic are stories of the priests powers only about high ranking members?

Sounds interesting. Though I'm more interested in seeing the technological progress than the empath form.

I've got no interest in specializing in combat by itself.

Not going to vote for unless someone gives a really good reason. I've got no interest in the arts at all.

Interesting but I'd rather specialize in some other area and then travel here.
@Radvic are stories of the priests powers only about high ranking members?
Stories of priests' power are not only about high ranking members.

Pandora had hurt her knee when Scouting around, and the next day, the her knee was still hurt! She wondered, if bad things stay the same, what about good things? But what could she do? Mama and papa would never let her sleep in anything but her Native form, but, hmmm... I have an idea! When I'm done being Scout for today, I'll eat until I'm stuffed, and only then change back to Native. Tomorrow, when I change into Scout, I'll see if I'm still stuffed. I can also try it with Delphia's warm-up techniques!
Adapting does not change Pandora's sense of fullness or tiredness.
@Radvic Do we have any knowledge of the limitations associated with being a priest? Are they placed in certain areas by their superiors after graduation? Have we heard of any going rogue? Any unusual quarks?
@Radvic Do we have any knowledge of the limitations associated with being a priest?
Pandora and friends know that once people are priests, they are priests for life. They are celebate, and follow the orders of the Temple.

Are they placed in certain areas by their superiors after graduation?
Pandora and her friends don't know the exact nature of this. She could ask at the temple in Delos if she wanted to should she visit there. Pandora does know that priests are assigned to places. She does not know if the priests have a say in where they go, though it seems most priests don't move around much from their posts (aside from occassional pillgramages to the First Temple)

Have we heard of any going rogue?
Neither Pandora nor anyone she knows has ever heard of rogue priests. Priests all seem perfectly devout.

They tend to talk about Xerax and Adapting a lot.

Nah, just strange ones. But those are pretty standard. :p

Xeraxian priests are silent when questioned about their powers, saying simply that they will "Adapt to the challenge."


Oh man, this is a big decision.

Pylos seems great for sating our curiosity and explorey desires in and out of character. Dabbling in skills seems reasonable enough (though it sounds like long-term training with specialists usually unlocks special abilities, like priests' magic and soldiers' weapon use.) Should consider Jack Of All Trades if we go here.

I also like Lamia a lot. Knowledge! Tech! Social! Municipal Politics Quest! (Or Scrappy Reject Shows Them All Quest.) Like the idea of learning to stand against the Xeraxian orthodoxy. Trait-wise, Perseus's Friend (reroll 1 fail/scene) could help us make it thru the cutthroat academy. A social or tech skill could also be good.

Xera looks real shiny, but gives us less self-determination long term and slots us into an orthodoxy+hierarchy. Is the best place to leverage Meditation and follow up on our Adaptation interests, and to get some help on the path to Godmode (but maybe too much help, which is no fun).

Pellon is fine--fighting and monster-hunting, maybe some light xenobiology. But there are better options. I'll be sad to see Delphia go for now, but we could always recruit her for an expedition or settlement later on.

I don't like Asine either, just Bcos.
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