AN: Beta-read by
Did I?,
Zephyrosis, and
Chapter 110: The Night Before Christmas
Zero dropped in on me during the wee hours of Christmas Day.
Valkyrie Core?" she asked over my shoulder.
"Hi, Zero," I said, doing my best to pretend I hadn't nearly jumped out of my seat from her sudden and unexpected presence. "I heard you got banished from North America or something."
"I wasn't
banished," Zero whined. "I was just laying low. Letting the heat die down. Not rocking the boat. Which route are you doing?"
Ah, right, the game. "Oh, I don't think I've hit a decision point yet. Not sure how much longer I'm going to keep playing, to be honest."
"So you didn't decide to practice dating 2D girls before going back on the market?"
"Very funny."
"Just 'cause Zeke got shanghaied, then."
Putting aside my thoughts about that whole 'Management chucking Zeke into another Jump' situation didn't mean I'd actually
forgotten about it. I couldn't do anything to affect it, and I accepted that, but I still wanted to know what was happening to him and what he was going through, and that curiosity had led me to the
original source material.
"You said he was in the Enhanced Visual Novel continuity, and I started wondering how different the VN was from the anime, so I decided to take a look myself." I quit my current game and spun my desk chair around to face Zero, whose current outfit resembled a
Valkyrie frame for obvious reasons. "I see why you said it does a good job adapting the VN. They didn't change much."
"They did stick Anna into the main cast," Zero pointed out. "She ended up being super popular with the fans, so the anime featuring her is pure fanservice."
"And you're a fan."
"Well, duh. Stone-cold badass who's stronger than an entire army, hash-tag relatable."
"Does she even appear in the VN as anything other than the name on top of every sim scoreboard?" I asked. "Or was it just a case of people memeing about her ranking?"
does, for your information, but only in Shuri's route. Oh, and if you beat enough of her scores, but that's so fucking hard it's practically an easter egg."
"Yeah, I'm not even going to try."
She scoffed. "I've done it; it's not worth it. It
did kick off twenty different urban legends about her having a route, which is always fun." Zero caught sight of herself in the mirror above my dresser and tried a few 'action poses' in front of it. "Is it wrong that I hope he brings back a bunch of extra cores?"
The question was so quintessentially 'Zero' I didn't even sigh. "He's stranded in a world going through a weird eldritch bug war and has almost certainly been drafted to fight in said war, and you want
"Hey, if he's stuck there
"I hope he brings you a t-shirt."
She clutched her hands to her heart as though in pain.
"Besides, don't the frames have personalities or intellect or something?" I asked. "Seems kinda iffy to just up and grab a bunch of 'em."
"Pretty sure that's only the anime—but that'd be
fun, though! Imagine Jumping in as someone's frame. You could indulge in a bit of that 'consensual possession', eh?"
"Wha-a-at? I told you, there ain't much our band of immortal perverted dumb-asses can't do safely, sanely, and consensually. Unwind a little, sheesh. Shit, I wonder if we've been to
Kill La Kill yet—"
I didn't know where she was going with that and didn't care to find out. "Were you around for the
Warframe Jump?"
She switched topics as readily as I'd hoped. "I wish!" Zero mourned. "No, I haven't been here that long, so I missed a lot of great Jumps. Why?"
"Your aesthetic reminds me of
Warframe a little."
"Ah." She glanced down at her fake Valk frame, then back at my monitor, which was still displaying the
Valkyrie Core DX main menu (and cast). "Yeah, I guess I mixed a bit of that in. Anyway, what'd'ya think of the flight sim portions?"
I relaxed as the topic switched to something I was very comfortable discussing:
games. "I didn't expect it to
have 'flight sim portions'," I admitted. "I was amused when the game reacted to me not being ready for it, though."
Valkyrie Core was a pretty pure talk-sprites-and-text visual novel for the first hour or so, so suddenly switching from 'dialogue slide-show' to 'full 3D action game' was a rather shocking swerve—one I was pretty sure the game fully intended.
Zero grinned as she remembered the joke. "Yeah, that's a good gag. You didn't answer the question, though."
"They're… okay?" I hedged. "The controls are a little janky, and the HUD gets way too cluttered sometimes."
"If you think they're bad in the Enhanced Edition, you'd have lost your shit trying to play the original."
"Probably." Sitting when the only other person in the room was standing—well, floating in a standing position—was starting to feel weird, so I finally got up and took a spot leaning against the wall.
"Definitely!" she insisted. "The old controls gimbal locked all the fucking time. It made getting to the end of some routes a total pain in the ass."
"It amuses me that how well you do at the flight sim portions affects the routes."
"Well, they had to make it relevant somehow, right?"
I shrugged, and neither of us spoke for a few seconds until Zero's grin suddenly doubled, making it clear she'd just had a
thought. "Say, you liked
Darksiders, right? I bet you'd get a kick out of
Soulhunter. It's a 3D stylish-action RPG where you level up by romancing your weapons."
More dating games? "I assume they're all moe-anthropomorphized?"
"Less than you'd think! Every weapon has a 'spirit', but they're mostly just so they can have facial expressions in dialogue. The actual 'dates' you use to build affection for dialogue events involve hacking demons into tiny pieces." Zero was now waving around a variety of melee weapons as she spoke, which would have worried me more if I couldn't tell they were just as intangible as she was.
"And they get jealous if you use another weapon instead?" I guessed.
"Nah, you're supposed to max them all and score a harem. Even the yandere one is down for it. Damn, it'd be hilarious to Jump that with Darkness—there's a battleaxe who's the only weapon whose affection goes up when you get hit."
"Instead of losing affection?"
Zero shook her head. "Nah, damage just interferes with whatever you're
supposed to be doing. Messes up your combo count and shit like that. You should play it—the writing's great, and the combat isn't half bad either. You'd like it."
"Or I could play another, different game that
doesn't involve dating."
"Well, yeah, but why?"
"Because even if I like it, I'd like it
despite the premise rather than because of it?"
"No, I meant, 'Why avoid games that involve dating'?"
"Dating sims weird me out," I answered. "Actually, romance in video games weirds me out regardless of how large a component of the game it is. The whole setup makes me vaguely uncomfortable—"
"All dating does that!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry," Zero said. "Go on."
"The thing that weirds me out about romance options in games is that for the most part, they exist to be 'caught'. It's particularly bad in dating sims because all of the girls—and-slash-or guys, I guess—exist for the sole purpose of falling in love with the player character. It feels weird to pursue a romance option when that pursuit is so…"
"No," I said. "Well, maybe. Dating sims definitely feel 'fake', but I was thinking more along the lines of… guaranteed, I guess? Like, if you do the right things, they
will fall for the player character one hundred percent of the time. That's not a romance, it's a puzzle."
movies never change at all," Zero argued.
"In movies, the script plays out without you. The interactivity changes the whole setup, especially for dating sims that don't draw a particularly thick line between the player character and the player as participants. It feels weird enough guiding an established character like Geralt from
The Witcher through a romance side-plot because you're participating in—and
controlling—someone else's love life, but at least there you're seeing two fully fleshed-out characters fall in love. The less defined the player character is, the less they can explain why someone would like them back, so when you've playing as a more directly, uh, 'project-able' character, it just feels… you know…"
I facepalmed. "There is such a thing as being too literal, Z."
"You should definitely play
"Is that another dating sim?"
"Yes, but it's relevant!"
I rolled my eyes again. "Whatever. That's hardly the only issue. I don't really
play dating sims"—I ignored Zero's 'duh'—"so I'm more familiar with 'romance options' in, like, RPGs—and the thing is that romance-able characters in RPGs often lack… agency? Like, the way the romances tend to be written is that the player character is always the one taking action every step of the way. I guess it's to keep the other characters out of your way when you don't go that route, but it's off-putting no matter how good a reason there is for it.
"But I think my
biggest problem with dating in games is that I can't see the characters, dating-sim or otherwise, as anything other than written
to be dated. They're
designed to appeal to certain players in certain ways, right? 'Oh, this will appeal to the players who like shy, quiet girls.' 'This one's for the people who like tomboys.' That kind of thing. It makes me feel… fuck if I know. Judged and categorized, I guess? It definitely doesn't help the whole 'feeling fake' issue."
"So knowing it's fake means you can't immerse yourself in it?" Zero huffed and crossed her arms. "You just can't turn your brain off, can you?"
"Not for this, I guess."
She didn't reply, so I ventured, "Uh, I assume you didn't show up just to chat about dating sims…"
"Eh, kinda?" Zero threw out a full-arm shrug. "I'm here to shoot the shit. I don't have an agenda or anything."
"That's a relief. I was worried you were here to give me some sort of incredibly life-complicating Christmas present."
My joke got a hearty laugh. "Oh, good idea! Gimme a bit to think of something."
"Zero, no!"
"To be clear, we
are joking, right?" I asked. "You aren't going to actually afflict me with some sort of major life complication, right?"
"Aw. Fine, I couldn't think of anything anyway." She pouted for a second before a literal, visible lightbulb appeared over her head. "Wait, no, I
do have an idea. You've been sparring in the Warehouse lately, right?"
"You want to spar?"
Zero made a face. "Eh, we could. I hope you don't expect me to go easy on you, though."
"Right, no sparring." I had no illusions about how
that would go. "What were you thinking, then?"
"Well…" She grinned and changed her outfit from sci-fi flight armor to something more reminiscent of
Breath of Fire. "I could unlock your Aura."
"Aura? From
RWBY, I'm guessing?"
"Yeah, duh. How about it? It'd get you a little closer to my level." Zero's grin turned mischievous. "Rita's already training you, so you can just add that to your lessons or whatever."
"That could've saved me a lot of trouble last Jump."
"Nah, 'Max not being a shit' would've saved you a lot of trouble."
"Fair," I allowed. "Still, why is that not part of the standard on-boarding package?"
"What'd'ya mean?"
"Why isn't that something you just
do for people when they join?"
She shrugged. "Why would we? A lot of people join up as a form of retirement—like, shit, there are probably half a dozen of us who joined because the alternative was literally fucking dying. 'Course, you're not the only person who joined for adventure—most of the long-term members did, since the retirees tend to settle down sooner or later—but most of them were adventure-y before they joined up, too. Like me! Yeah, I could've spent a hundred years training up Aura, Potterverse Magic, crazy martial arts bullshit, Force sensitivity, six interchangeable JRPG magic systems,
Diablo-style wizardry, or whatever, but I'm already fucking awesome, so fuck that. I didn't sign up to go to school for a century."
I'd already raised a hand halfway through her list. "Wait, hold on, back up. You can just 'learn' Force sensitivity?"
"Yeah, just like you learned Potterverse magic. There are a bunch of perks that let you teach normally unteachable shit, and if you don't have one to hand, the Magic School area of the Warehouse lets anyone teach anyone else any form of magic at all."
"Oh. So that's why I learned magic in a discount Hogwarts set."
Zero laughed. "What did you
think you were doing?"
"I thought that was just Jenn being Jenn." Though with a place like that, I
could teach Megan other types of magic, though it would mean reading her in on at least some of the 'chain-weirdness—
And now I'd missed some of Zero's rambling. "Sorry, what was that?"
"Hmm? Oh, I was saying you were a bit of an outlier in terms of 'adventure readiness', so things like that seem cooler to you than normal. Well, maybe not 'normal'… whatever, point stands. Besides, just 'cause you can learn stuff the old-fashioned way doesn't mean it's not a lot fucking easier to just get perks as you go. Like, yeah, you
could spend twenty years studying to be a Jedi…
oooor you could wait for us to visit
Star Wars again and get it without all the bullshit."
I sighed. "Yeah, I feel that. I'm still trying to get my naginata skills up to par with my swordsmanship."
"Well, at least you can say you earned your skill the hard way?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought when I started."
She waited a moment for me to continue. "But?"
"Turns out that contrary to what society wants me to believe, working my ass off for something isn't always more rewarding than just getting it."
"Yeah." I shrugged. "I mean, it's not
bad, but it's not better than the easy way, either."
"Well, at least it doesn't suck. How's it going?"
"Pretty well. Had a weird problem with muscle memory fouling me up, but Rita helped me figure out what I was doing wrong."
"Which was?"
"I learned to use a naginata when I had wings." I stepped forward and took a stance. "I was used to having a pair of counterweights on my back, so I was putting my weight too far forwards." Bouncing on my toes demonstrated how far forward my center of gravity was.
"Why is that weird?"
I relaxed back against the wall again. "Because I took a perk that's supposed to help me adapt to changes in my body—"
"Which one's that?"
Transformation Mentat, from this Jump. Anyway, the
weird part is that as soon as I remembered I had the perk, it solved the problem."
Zero cocked her head, brow furrowed. "Okay, yeah, that's fucking weird."
"So there's no rule that you need to remember your perks exist for them to work or anything?"
"No, that'd be fucking dumb. This isn't a damn tabletop game where we have to track all our stats and shit ourselves. Do you know the exact wording?"
"Of the perk? No, I don't—wait, actually, let me check." I summoned my Journal to hand and flipped through to the page it had on me. Sure enough, all my equipped perks were listed.
"Frequent shapeshifting involves a certain degree of mental acuity," I quoted, "in order to adapt to the changes in your body. While this mainly makes it easier to use new forms, there are also fringe benefits: specifically, fantastic mathematical ability and short-term memory."
Zero nodded in satisfaction. "Ah, that's the problem: alt-forms aren't shape-shifting."
"They're not?"
"No, they're like…" She waved a hand. "They're totally different bodies. Like… gah, I'm fucking ass at explaining this shit. Uh, if shape-shifting is like editing a document, alt-forms are loading a whole different file?"
"And that's why I can't use my alt-form slots like 'save slots' for forms," I added, then held up a hand as something occurred to me. "Wait. Wounds transfer, though."
"Management doesn't want us using alt-forms like extra health bars, I guess. No clue how it works under the sheets, shit's weird."
"Yeah." 'Shit's weird' was probably the best explanation of Jump Fiat Bullshit I was likely to get. At least my naginata practice made a little more sense now: it wasn't that the perk had started working because I'd invoked it, but because I'd then focused on the specifics of my body
as it existed in its current shape as opposed to swapping alt-forms and expecting things to just work.
Maybe shape-shifting the wings on and off a few times would have done the same.
"Is the rest of it useful at all?" Zero asked. "I mean, the math and shit?"
"Yeah, actually. Better short-term memory stacks with my current memory perk really well, and the math helps with some of the magic I learned in
Breath of Fire. Like, I learned how to
make teleportation spells, since there's no single multipurpose teleport spell in that system…" I went through an entire explanation of why that was and most of the way through the whole process before I realized I'd gotten badly off track. "…Uh, anyway, it takes a lot of math-adjacent magical theory to do, and now I can do it way faster."
"Yeah." I glanced away and fidgeted with a button on my blouse. "Sorry for the, uh, tangent."
Zero shrugged. "Eh, whatever. Don't sweat it! You getting all excited about shit is cute."
"Yeah, cute." She winked at me. "Deal with it."
"Uh… okay, I guess I will."
Her grin turned into a pout. "Damn it, Cass! You didn't react at all. You would've been blushing like a tomato a few decades ago."
"It helps to know that you're just trying to get a reaction," I said. I was definitely not smug.
"Well, I was
that time, but you are pretty cute."
"And I would
love to drag you into bed." Her outfit was a barely-opaque nightgown now. "I wasn't offering a pity fuck back then, you know? Okay, maybe I was, but now I've gotten to know you and—"
"Too far," I interrupted, yanking my eyes away from the sudden strip-tease.
"Shit, sorry." Zero facepalmed, already back to a normal, street-appropriate blouse-skirt-coat outfit. "Fuck, I knew I was going too far and I did it anyway—"
I held up my hands to halt the apology in its tracks. "It's okay. I'm not mad."
"'Course you're not, you don't
get mad."
"No, I mean, it's fine," I insisted. "Really. That stuff doesn't bother me as much as it used to."
"What, just like that?"
"Well, it certainly took a while, so… no?"
"How'd that happen?"
I shrugged. "Gradually? I think growing up in a totally different culture last Jump helped a little, but mostly I've just been thinking about it after the dressing-down you gave me a couple years ago, which is apparently all it takes because perks are crazy?"
"Got yourself a 'get over your problems' effect?"
"Yeah. 'Faster with introspection', I believe the text goes."
"Ah. Well, that's, uh, good?" Zero offered. "But if you're cool with that shit, why was that still 'too far'?"
"Honestly, the biggest problem is that it's tempting—"
"How is that a problem?" she interrupted. "I'm not a tease, Cass, I am legitimately down to fuck."
"Of course you are—"
"—but it's still a bad idea for all the same reasons it was a bad idea the last time we talked about it," I continued, not quite keeping the exasperation out of my voice. "I'm looking for a long-term relationship, and you are very much not."
Zero nodded along happily. "Uh huh. Uh huh."
She paused for effect.
"Excuse me?"
Zero rolled her eyes and adopted a lecturing posture, left hand on her right elbow, right index finger held high. "There is
nothing about wanting a 'long-term relationship' that would keep you from having healthy sexual encounters on the way there. Maybe you feel more comfortable with sex in the abstract, but you're still just as fucking terrified of your own sexuality as ever—you've just swapped awkwardness for denial. You're more fucking repressed now than we were when we first met! At least back then you could properly fucking ogle someone."
"That's a good thing?"
"It's better than whatever the hell you're doing now. I'm not in your head, but I've got a theory, so tell me if I'm close. When you Jumped into
MGQ, you suddenly not only had a body you were actually interested in using, you were also surrounded by a ton of hot monster-girls who would fucking kill and eat you if you got distracted, so you just wadded it all up in locked it in the deepest, darkest part of your brain to the point that
I, with the powers of a literal goddamn emotional lust-vampire, honestly started to wonder if you were asexual. Sound about right?"
It was her turn to blink in surprise. "Nope?"
"Nope. Not that I was in any way okay with the situations we blundered through back during my first tenth-of-a-Jump, but I 'locked it all up'
years before I had to deal with that bullshit."
"I wonder," I snipped. "Why on earth would I not want to deal with sexual attraction?"
"Because you're a prude?"
"Because I was—
am a trans woman," I corrected myself. "Do I really have to explain why arousal might have been just a
teensy bit unpleasant pre-everything?"
Zero grimaced hard enough I could see every ligament in her neck.
"I feel like we've been over this before," I grumbled.
"Uh, I know you mentioned not
dating as a man, but you weren't, you know,
specific. And that definitely fucking sucks, but it doesn't explain why you're more skittish
now than you were twenty years ago. You got the body you wanted, right?" She waved a hand up and down 'me'. "I mean, you're a fucking shape-shifter, so I assume…"
"Weren't you just saying I was harder to tease?"
Zero rolled her eyes. "'Harder to tease' doesn't mean you're less fucking repressed, it just means you don't rise to the same bait. Now are you going to answer the question or not?"
Because I had a brief hope I was actually getting somewhere, I guess.
"I want you to answer a question first," I told her.
"How much of your interest in my sex life is about
my health and happiness and your desire therefor, and how much about you seeing a challenge you want to conquer?"
To my dismay, she didn't even hesitate. "I'm gonna go with forty-sixty?" she ventured. "
Obviously I want you to be happy and healthy and all that shit, and I'm not gonna do anything that isn't good for you, but I'll admit my 'persistence' is largely down to you being an unbelievably tough nut to bust."
"I think you mean 'crack'," I said without thinking. More than half? I'd
suspected, sure, but I was still shocked by how brazenly she admitted it.
Zero smirked. "I think I did not."
I shook my head and refocused on the actual topic. "But you admit that more than half of your desire to sleep with me is purely as a sexual conquest?"
"No!" she snapped. "No, that's not what I meant! It doesn't have to be me! The challenge is getting you to fucking unwind enough to get laid
at all."
"I'm not sure that's better."
"It's completely different," Zero insisted. "And I'm still waiting for an answer to
my question. Why are you getting
more repressed?"
I scowled and leaned my shoulder against the wall, staring into the corner of the room while I grumbled out, "Well,
maybe it's because my brief little tease of a romantic relationship made me fully cognizant that I am romantically lonely and sexually frustrated, and if you keep wandering in and offering to deal with my needs in the worst possible way, one of these days I'm going to take you up on it, and I'm worried our friendship won't survive that."
"Romantically lon—you can deal with those problems
separately, for fuck's sake," she bit out. "You are a grown-ass woman, Cass, not a blushing teenager. The only reason something like that would damage our friendship is if we somehow fucked up on consent."
"Catching me in a moment of weakness and convincing me to do something I'd regret doesn't count as 'fucking up on consent'?" I shot back, pushing off the wall to face her.
Zero pouted. "So you're going to preemptively 'not consent' on the basis that if you
do consent you're not capable of it?"
"It's not a bad fucking approach with you, is it?"
"It's the opposite of a fucking approach," she countered. "That's, like, a fucking retreat—no, that just sounds like a fancy way to describe sex tourism. Or an orgy—"
"Are you going somewhere with this?"
"If I was, would it be a fucking journey?"
I smacked my hand over my face and mumbled "Oh my
god Zero." into my palm.
"Fine. It's not about me, anyway—the
point is that you're not actually looking for a long-term relationship." She crossed her arms, waiting until she'd caught my eyes with hers to continue, "Emphasis on 'looking', present tense."
I sighed and slumped back against the wall. "Not at the moment, no, but that's a whole different issue. I still have no idea how to properly handle dating someone who's, uh… damn it, 'mortal' has some really troubling connotations—"
"So? It's not inaccurate."
"The counterpoint to 'mortal' is generally 'god', not just 'immortal'."
"So?" Zero repeated. "It's not inaccurate. You could probably take over your whole world easily enough."
"Would you be happy if people started calling
you a goddess, Miss
A scowl flashed across her face before being replaced with a look of understanding. "Right, sorry, dropping
that subject like a dead pigeon."
Zero rubbed her hand across her chin as I settled back into a lazy slouch. "If 'mortals' isn't right," she mused, "then how about 'natives'?"
"That works, I guess. There are a lot of problems with dating a 'native', and I expect everyone on the 'chain who wants a long-term relationship has already found one."
She tittered. "I doubt the first bit, but the latter is obviously false."
"Why do you say that?"
Zero's face split into a hundred-watt grin to see that I'd taken the bait. "Because we
know there's at least one person on the 'chain who wants but does not have a long-term relationship!" She paused for dramatic effect, then pointed right at me. "You! Ergo, QED, et cetera."
I grumbled something vaguely insulting.
"The point stands! This is a group that snowballed together over a long time, not some fixed, unchanging social… thingy. You're not even the newest member, for fuck's sake! Yes, obviously some of us have found stable relationships, or polycules, or fuckbuddies, or whatever, but there's no reason to think you've wandered into a system at minimum romantic entropy."
"I think you mean
maximum romantic entropy," I corrected her. "Or minimum romantic
Zero waved away my correction like an annoying fly, still beaming. "What-fuckin'-ever, wise-ass! Point is, it's totally possible. There's bound to be someone who'd date you. What about Homura? You two spend so much time around each other alrea—what's with the face, Cass?"
"We're sisters!" I huffed. "Or as good as, anyway."
Her grin became thoroughly shit-eating as she sing-songed, "
Not blood relatives."
No!" I drew myself up to my full height to glare at her, not that it helped much when the other party was flying. "That's not even
slightly funny, Zero."
"Awww. You're sinking my ship, Cass."
"Do you seriously—" I really didn't need to ask. "No, that does sound like something you would do. Nevermind."
"It's not just me!"
I chose to assume that meant 'I'm not the only one who ships people' because I didn't want to keep thinking about the alternative. "It's not funny, it's not happening, and I don't want to hear about it ever again."
"Sure, if it bothers you that much." Zero gave a half-hearted shrug. "Hey, are you just gay, or bi, pan, or what?"
"So I know who I can set you up with, duh."
"I appreciate that you're trying to help," I said, "but, uh, please don't."
"Why not?"
"Because, as you already noticed, I'm not
looking for a date."
Zero sighed. "Yeah, you're clearly a lot less 'over' your shit than you claim."
"I only claimed to be less uncomfortable about the
topic of sex. That doesn't mean I'm not still an awkward, fumbling lesbian with next-to no dating experience."
"Then the obvious thing to do is get some damn experience, right? "
"I'll think about it." I scowled at the skeptical look Zero was giving me. "Look, it's not just that I'm intimidated by the thought of dating in general. I'm extra intimidated by the thought of dating someone on the 'chain. Like—pardon the example, but even if you decided you wanted to date me rather than just seduce me, well, you're
you, and I'm some random citizen from the 2010's with an interesting hypothetical future forty-odd years out."
She scoffed. "You gotta be shitting me, Cass. You're a superhero, a Starfleet lieutenant, and an honest-to-God
princess knight wizard. Where's your fucking self-esteem?"
"Hey, I've spent the last five years working as a cashier, okay?"
"At a business you own!" Zero shot back, waving one arm in the general direction of the shop's front doors. "Hire someone else if it's going to crater your sense of self-worth like this!"
I rolled my eyes. "That wasn't a serious answer."
"Then what
"I don't know!"
I paced across the room to my dresser and leaned forward, hands propped on the smooth wooden surface while I looked into my reflection like it held the answer. It didn't; instead, I found myself imagining my other lives crowded behind me—the adventurer, the superhero, the lieutenant, the 'princess knight wizard'—looking over my shoulder into the mirror with me, all equally lost.
"I guess… none of those things feel real," I mumbled. "They were things I
played at—less so the Starfleet thing than the others, maybe, but still… fake. I'm not 'someone' because of what I do, I'm 'someone' because I get to order a bunch of nigh story-breaking powers off a menu every decade."
Zero harrumphed. "You
just said earning things wasn't any better than having them fucking gift-wrapped for you. What's it gonna take to make this shit feel real to you?"
"I don't know." I pushed off the dresser with a sigh and paced back across the room, barely noticing that I walked straight through Zero as I did. "It's kind of hard to reconcile 'this is real' when so many of these places are literally fiction to me, you know? Like, I did some really cool things as a Starfleet officer, but it still feels like…" I caught sight of my monitor and waved at the menu screen it still displayed. "It's like something cool I did in a game, not real life. 'Yeah, I contributed to scientific and engineering breakthroughs… in
Star Trek The Zachlike.' No one's impressed by what you've accomplished in a
"Where is your
fucking self-esteem?" Zero repeated, throwing her hands and eyes toward the heavens in exasperation.
I shrugged. "You pointed out yourself I'm not on the same level of 'awesome' as the average companion."
"Yeah, you weren't when you joined. You've had four fucking fully-fledged adventures since then." She held up that many fingers for emphasis.
"I know. I
know I have, it's just… fuck." I rubbed a hand against my forehead in frustration. "My self-image is
weird, okay?"
"Kind of unavoidable, really," Zero agreed, flickering through half a dozen different 'guises' to drive the point home by example. "Just… try not to let yourself slip back to who you were when you joined, you know? Take it from me, it's a huge fucking waste of personal growth and shit."
"Problem solved, then?"
It was not. "No, I—okay, sure, I'm cooler than I give myself credit for. What about the age issue?"
"What age issue?"
"The issue where I'd be hundreds of years younger than my prospective date?"
"Who fucking cares?" Zero asked. "It's not like you've matured much in the last twenty years anyway."
"That makes it worse."
"No, that's the point. You reach full maturity at… what, twenty? Twenty-five?"
"People say twenty-five for brain development," I said, "but even if that's right—"
"And you've been through your twenties, what, three times now?"
"Four if you count starting at twenty-eight."
"Then you're
done, right?" she insisted. "You've a full, mature adult. How much does how long you've been an adult really matter?"
"A lot?"
"Experience?" I suggested. "Wisdom? Power dynamics?"
"Cass, you literally get off being around ludicrously overpowered women."
"I call it like I see it," Zero drawled. "Come on, Cass, you're just making excuses at this point."
"And I will
continue to make excuses until I'm damn well ready."
"You'll never
be ready if you don't work on your confidence. Maybe dating sims strike you as 'false' because you can't believe anyone would actually be interested in you!"
The wind fled from my sails in a heartbeat. I wandered back to my chair and dropped into it like a sack of potatoes.
Fuck, that one hit close to home.
"What," Zero asked, "no snappy comeback?"
"No, I think you might be right, actually," I admitted. "I can suspend my disbelief when I'm doing anything else."
Seriously? Fuck's sake, Cass!"
I shrugged. What did she want me to say? It hurt because it was true.
The quiet humming of my computer fan filled the silence while I chased that thought down. I hadn't sabotaged my budding relationship with Penny consciously or subconsciously, no matter what Zero thought—but in hindsight, that insecurity could have contributed to my sudden decision to 'come clean' at the worst time and place. If I didn't believe anyone would actually be interested in me, the fact that someone
was meant something was wrong and needed fixing, and my 'secrets' were the problem foremost in my mind.
And the rest, as they say, was history.
did say the problem with player-stand-in-main-characters was that they couldn't explain why anyone would date said character," Zero recalled.
"Yeah, but I stand by that bit. I have attractive qualities…
probably. Blank slates don't."
"You're supposed to assume the characters are dating
you for
your attractive qualities," she reminded me, "and don't think I didn't hear you mutter 'probably', there."
I didn't reply.
Zero floated over and 'sat' down next to me with no regard whatsoever for the fact that she was sitting on nothing and clipping through the arm of my chair, wrapping an arm around my shoulders in a platonic, consoling hug. "You'll get there," she told me. "You've got that mental whatever perk to clean your shit up, right?"
"Therapy might be easier."
"As long as you're doing
"Yeah, I know."
"And don't go in with big expectations, you know?" she continued. "I know you want to find someone you really connect with, but if you aim for 'forever' on your first try you're just gonna get yourself hurt."
I glanced up from where I'd been boring a hole in my lap with my eyes to find that Zero had put her face right next to mine, an inviting smile on her lips.
If I thought it'd accomplish anything, I'd have given her a hard shove off the hypothetical chair she wasn't sitting on.
"Are you expecting me to kiss you?" I deadpanned.
"A girl can hope!" She laughed at her own joke, then gave up her 'seat' and swooshed back towards the center of the room. "It's almost impressive, you know, how completely you shut it out."
I had a feeling I knew what she meant, but I ended up asking, "What?"
"Lust! Desire, lechery, horniness, arousal, thirst—"
I tuned out, spinning slowly in my chair as she prattled on.
"—randiness, temptation, eroticism—"
Oh my god she's still going.
"—carnality, harlotry—"
get it," I snapped. "Yes, I have a talent for ignoring things. Can we move on to a topic that
isn't going to circle back to my sex life?"
"If you've got one." Zero lay back and arranged herself into a portrait of indulgent
lounging: lying like she was sunning herself on a beach chair, hands behind her head with her elbows winging out to the sides. "What other shit's going on in your life?"
Way to put me on the spot, asshole.
"Nothing?" she asked, probably ready to jump right back into a discussion I was getting thoroughly tired of.
"I read an interesting bit of historical trivia recently," I offered.
"Yeah. About a siege in medieval… France, I think?"
"Probably a lot of those, right?"
"Well, this one's notable because a duke's son was killed."
"That can't be that rare."
"Because of
how he was killed," I corrected myself peevishly. "The besieging forces slaughtered the peasants who hadn't fled into the keep in time—because that's what they did back then, apparently—and the attacking commander got the bright idea to take their severed heads and fling them over the walls with catapults to demoralize the defenders, and maybe spread disease, I guess? At any rate, one of the heads just happened to hit the prince as he was looking out at the enemy camp, and it knocked him clean off the wall. It was a long drop, and, well, splat.
"Anyway, it's an interesting historical note because it was the first recorded use of a serf-face to heir missile."
Zero stared at me for almost a full minute.
"We aren't friends anymore," she informed me.