Clear Skies, Captain

Ok, I need an explanation.

Our stats:
Moto Hareki
Alacrity 3 (4)
Pluck 2 (3)

Marao Akoreki
Alacrity 4 (5)
Pluck 3 (4)
Duel Calculator - [Ace Alacrity]+1d6 vs [Ace Alacrity]+1d6. Every point the winner exceeds the loser by adds an additional Ace Damage Check.
What I see:
Duel Test: 2+4 vs 5+6 (4 damage tests!)
1) Why is Moto's Alacrity at 2? Or is it supposed to be 4+2 vs 5+6?
2) 6 vs 11 is a 5 points excess. Where's the 5th damage check?

Airship damage...
Damage Check (Ace fires on Airship) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Attacker Pluck]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Damage Test: 1+1+1 vs 6+2
How was 1+1+1 produced?

How do Foxhunts work? I see the pirates Wing performed both a Foxhunt and an Airship Assault.

Damage Check (Wing fires on Ace) - [Defender Armor]+[Defender Pluck]d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Current Battle Damage]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Foxhunt Test: [6+5 vs 1+10], [5+5 vs 1+10]
Ace Tie and Pass!
Did we just get 10 twice on a 4d6? Or was the roll made once, and then applied to both attempts?

Pirates at 4 of 1! Groundbound - Cannot Withdraw, Groundbound wings have a penalty of 1, plus an additional 1 point per Fatigue over limit, on all checks.
You no longer gain passive battle fatigue.
What does it mean, Groundbound? Do all of their wings have penalties now, or just specific ones? Is their Ace the real remaining danger with no penalties?
Why did we stop getting Fatigue?

Sound the Withdrawal - If any fleet has more Battle Fatigue than Morale, they order a withdrawal. On their next Reorganization Phase, they leave the battlefield.
Why can't they withdraw if their Fatigue exceeds Morale? Also, was their Morale 1?


[X] MAGIC+SYLPH SPECIAL: Just hypnotize him with a splash of mesmerizing lights. There's a minuscule chance he can resist it, but Sylvan enchantments are known for their strength.
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So, which of the two is correct?
Stick to the first-page rules.
1) Why is Moto's Alacrity at 2? Or is it supposed to be 4+2 vs 5+6?
2) 6 vs 11 is a 5 points excess. Where's the 5th damage check?
I must have miscounted. I'll toss in an extra check.
Damage Test (Rollover): 4+5 vs 3+8

Gonna edit.
How was 1+1+1 produced?

How do Foxhunts work? I see the pirates Wing performed both a Foxhunt and an Airship Assault.
3 dice, +2 on weapons, -2 for being 'dead', so net no bonuses.
In a round, every character fights every other character once if they share a hex.
Did we just get 10 twice on a 4d6? Or was the roll made once, and then applied to both attempts?
You're linking the damage test, not the actual Foxhunt test.
What does it mean, Groundbound? Do all of their wings have penalties now, or just specific ones? Is their Ace the real remaining danger with no penalties?
Why did we stop getting Fatigue?
Groundbound means the other team is ground-based and can't actually withdraw anywhere. Their wings. The Ace is threatening, but he's at -2 from his injuries. You stopped getting passive fatigue because the other side is on the ropes and over their limit.
Ace Downed - Aces who are downed from Engine or Body hits make a Pluck check to survive their crash. Aces who are downed by Critical Wounds die. Aces who fail the Pluck check die. When an Ace is killed, the fleet takes [Ace Fame] in Morale Damage.
Well, well... does that mean the Pirates are now even more screwed?
The infamous pirate has been attacking the shipping lanes for years, always disappearing back to his until-now unknown base before a response could be organized.
I wonder what his Fame score was.
@Powerofmind : When our Ace attacks wing 1, he does it before their planes get their overcharge bonus, right? And if they sustain lethal damage from their overcharge, they'll die before attacking the ship, right?
Our ace would attack both wings if they stay in the same hex, or just one?

[x] Wing: move 2 hexes 1 hex south
[x] Ace: Attack enemy Wings
[x] Discard: Tune-up

[X] MAGIC+SYLPH SPECIAL: Just hypnotize him with a splash of mesmerizing lights. There's a minuscule chance he can resist it, but Sylvan enchantments are known for their strength.

Are airships immobile until their Initiative fills up?
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[x] Wing: move 1 hex south
[x] Ace: Attack enemy Wings
[x] Discard: Tune-up

[X] MAGIC+SYLPH SPECIAL: Just hypnotize him with a splash of mesmerizing lights. There's a minuscule chance he can resist it, but Sylvan enchantments are known for their strength.
[x] Wing: move 1 hex south
[x] Ace: Attack enemy Wings
[x] Discard: Tune-up

[X] MAGIC+SYLPH SPECIAL: Just hypnotize him with a splash of mesmerizing lights. There's a minuscule chance he can resist it, but Sylvan enchantments are known for their strength.

Seems good to me.
Okay, since someone asked:

This is technically still active. I am not done with it.

That said, this was always meant to be more of a mechanical exercise for me (even if the setting has been a plot bunny that's bothered me for years), and if I don't have the willpower/desire to keep updating for a while, then so is life. Fortunately I'm almost embarrassingly rote; for every down period I tend to have an equally long up period, so when I come back to this, I'll be back at least as long as I'll be gone.