Clear Skies, Captain

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Become a captain on a mighty airship. Manage your funds, select contracts, and take command in...
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In Madness Fallen
United States
Become a captain on a mighty airship. Manage your funds, select contracts, and take command in the field to win glory and wealth for you and your crew. As a note for prospective players, this game will be relatively mechanics-heavy, and is a mental exercise for me to regularly use hard mechanics more than for a particular story to be told (though there is still a basic plot hiding in there somewhere).

Since the fluff is secondary, have a go at setting it up yourselves!

Presence of Magic
[] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[] Enchanted! - The world has magic, but until recently it has stayed mostly apart from technological progress.
[] Wizards Against Technology! - Magic and Wizardry are an ancient tradition. All this new-fangled technology is an affront, an affront I say!
[] Mundanity! - There is no magic, only the sweat of one's brow and the fruits of the mind's labor.

Non-Human Civilization
[] Magical Menagerie! - Humans are outnumbered. In a world of pluralities, things get interesting.
[] Enclaves of Sapience! - Humans are the majority, but only just. Large enclaves of other creatures exist within most countries.
[] Isolated Nations! - Humans are the majority, and the non-humans have formed their nations to ensure man doesn't try to ensure he's the last ones standing.
[] Homo Sapiens Sapiens! - Man, Wise, Wise.

Character Generation

Choose One
[] Two man team - Receive 6 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Average Personal Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes for a friendly Ace with the Blood Brother Special Rule, receive a choice Airship and 5,000ç.
[] Paragon - Receive 9 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes, receive a choice Airship and 10,000ç.
[] Richie Rich - Receive 4 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Below Average Personal Attributes, receive a choice Airship and 25,000ç.

Distribute Command Attributes
[] X Leadership
[] X Cunning
[] X Audacity

Purchase Starting Hardpoints, Wings, Crew, and Supplies
[] Hardpoints
[] Wings
[] Crew
[] Supplies
[] Optional: Roll an Ace Pilot for 1,000ç.

Choose a Country
[] Cianti Union
[] Crest
[] Iosho Islands
[] Noden
[] Hadi

The World Map (Simple)

Small towns: Limited docking, little material available
Moderate towns: Docks, some industry
Cities: Large Drydocks, industrial centers
Fortresses: Large military staging areas

Antellas, home to the nation-states of the Cianti Union, is an agriculturally rich continent with large and varied food exports. Their Council of Kings dictates everything from shipping prices to the cost of oil and aluminum. High society is heavily infused with noble and aristocratic sentiments, and the Jewel of the West, Giacco, is known as the romance capital of the world as well as the home of Acontra Aeronautics. There are a number of diverse local dialects and languages, but the official trade language of the continent (and the rest of the civilized world) is Bennec, a language whose roots are in Giacco as well.

The only other major metropolis on Antellas is Correen, whose smoggy atmosphere and dull, chilly seasons lend it the colloquial "Hell's Handbasket." Aside from food exports, the Cianti Union also controls nearly half of the aluminum trade.

The island nation of Crest is steeped in ancient military tradition, and though there is only a single fortified military drydock, much of the countryside still contains manned ground fortifications, updated with anti-air weaponry to keep up with changing times, and nearly every man and his daughter can hit a target at twenty paces with a rifle. Crest has notable reserves of light alloys and synthetic oils, the first to note their weak bargaining position between Antellas and Selgai.

Unfortunately, Crest is isolationist at the best of times, and though they allow passing fleets to base in Knife Harbor, it's been several years since they've taken diplomatic delegations inland to see the old walled cities of Visk or Muln.

The Iosho Islands vary from densely populated to practically uninhabited, making them a favorite for smugglers and pirates. The Iosho Island Air Militia Corps keeps the peace in the area, ensuring that the necessary trade routes between oil-rich Selgai and aluminum-rich Antellas remain clear. As a major trading hub between the continental powers, Iosho is especially rich despite their limited resources, and experimentation is a common past-time to make every Cedii count.

The continent of Selgai is in parts ruled by the Hadi and the Noden nations, twin democracies formed from an earlier union that have only grown more and more distant as time has worn on. Nearly the whole of the continent, at least on the side bordering Haddar's Sea and the civilized lands, is covered in sandy dunes or boreal tundra. In return for their troubles in former eras, they have come into large reserves of oil and many other necessary petroleum compounds, and both the Noden and Hadi are pushing onto the world stage as major powers.

There are a number of Attributes, in three distinct classes; Command, Personal, and Company. There are also Airship and Aircraft Attributes, somewhat separate from the rest for their uniqueness.

Command Attributes
Command Attributes are unique to Captains and other Commanders, giving them advantages and unique means of using their resources effectively. Their scores can fall anywhere on or between 0 and 5, and each point is much stronger than the point before it.

Leadership - Take command with Leadership! Raising Leadership makes your crew more responsive and less prone to failing to execute your orders, and increases the number of men and aircraft you can command.
Cunning - Assess your risks and obfuscate your plans with Cunning! Raising Cunning increases your chance to guess others' motives and plans, even on the battlefield, and makes you better at hiding your own.
Audacity - Inspire the men with Audacity! Raising Audacity increases morale, makes your Aces stronger when executing Maneuvers, and allows you to hire more Aces into your crew.

Personal Attributes
Personal Attributes are given to all Aces, Captains, and Commanders, granting them a means of exerting their will upon the world effectively. Personal Attributes can be enhanced by better Equipment, but their natural scores are mostly inflexible.

Vitality - Survive against the odds with Vitality! Vitality helps characters survive vehicle and personal damage and even allows them to fight through personal damage.
Alacrity - Respond and react with Alacrity! Alacrity helps characters win duels and dogfights. Increased by Fighter Speed Attribute.
Pluck - Face down death with Pluck! Pluck expands the Critical Range of a character, increases effectiveness in larger battles, and increases Fame.
Magic - Take command of the arcane with Magic! Magic works as an emergency 'temporary' component to force the Ace's craft to keep going even after it goes down, or the Ace to keep going after they've been mortally wounded. Higher Magic means these special bonuses last just a little longer.
Special Rules - Special Rules make you unique! Special rules grant non-standard bonuses and penalties to characters and can be earned much more easily than other Personal Attributes.

Company Attributes
Company Attributes are a set of attributes that determine how effective the general forces under your command are. Their scores can be sometimes be purchased, but may be inferred from other statistics, equipment, and Command Attributes. Crew, Hanger, and Supplies are mutually semi-exclusive, raising one means another has to be reduced.

Crew - Hire on crew to man your ship and planes! A higher Crew score increases the responsiveness of your Airship in combat, allows you to field more planes, and gives you additional marines for boarding action and invasions.
Wings - Fill the bays with planes! A higher Wing score increases the number of planes you can release in your fleet during engagements. Having a higher Wing score than Crew score means that you have extra planes to replace ones damaged in extended engagements.
Supplies - Stack the rooms with Supplies! A higher Supply score increases the length you can travel between breaks and increases your technical Redundancy in a fight.
Morale - Let the men live richly and inflame their spirits for Morale! A higher Morale score prevents your fleet from breaking in combat, reduces the risk of failure for dangerous actions like combat repair, and increases the chance of Events occurring on Leave.
Fame - Have your name on the tongues of all with Fame. A higher Fame score reduces the cost of Salary upkeep and increases either the challenge level of missions you can accept or the bounty on your head, depending on your Reputation.
Reputation - A vile pirate, a chivalrous knight, an equalizing mercenary; these are Reputations! Reputation score is a meter ranging from 0 to 20, with a value higher than 10 being a positive reputation and lower than 10 being a negative one. A positive Reputation cheapens the cost of Maintenance upkeeps and cheapens equipment broker costs, while a negative reputation increases Salary and Maintenance upkeep, makes honest, legal docking and Leave more expensive, but generally turns a healthy profit to take actions that lower your Reputation.

Airship Attributes
Airship Attributes dictate an airship's potential uses and describe various other elements of the craft. Values in Armor, Redundancy, Capacity, and Speed range from 0 to 5, having significant effect per point.

Upkeep - Spend money to make money! A higher upkeep expends more money per turn. Upkeep is always 1/100th the original cost.
Armor - Metals and alloys to line your ship with Armor! A higher Armor rating increases the threshold for successfully damaging the airship in question.
Redundancy - Extra gas sacs, backup generators, and spare parts add Redundancy! A higher Redundancy rating increases the effective amount of damage an airship can sustain before going down.
Capacity - Galleys and bunks and docking bays galore make for a higher Capacity! A higher Capacity rating allows you to hire more crew, support larger wing fleets, or take longer missions.
Speed - Better turbines, aerodynamic design, and low weight make for faster, more responsive airships! A higher Speed rating allows the airship to take Major Action more frequently in engagements.
Small Hardpoints - Capable of fitting small-caliber weapons to combat softer or faster targets! Small Hardpoints can be fitted with components as large as HMG turrets and 30mm cannons.
Medium Hardpoints - Capable of fitting large weapons! Medium Hardpoints can be fitted with components as large as multi-barrel flak cannons or heavy miniguns.
Large Hardpoints - Capable of fitting the heavy artillery! Large Hardpoints can be fitted with more powerful weapons and components that often require lining up a shot on a spinal mount for the huge recoil they cause.
Modifications - Modifications let you customize! You can make an attribute adjustment or add special rules, even whole hardpoints can be added by buying the right Modifications for your airship.
Special Rules - Special rules make you unique! Like Personal Attribute Special Rules, these grant special advantages in unique and non-standard ways.

Hardpoint Attributes
Hardpoint Attributes give you a better idea what individual hardpoints are capable of.

Upkeep - Spend money to make money! A higher upkeep expends more money per turn. Upkeep is always 1/100th the original cost.
Weapons - Miniguns, Flak Cannons, and heavy-caliber turrets! A higher Weapons rating denotes a more advanced, armor-penetrating weapon system.
Threat Field - Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, and high-yield explosives! A higher Threat Field rating causes an individual round of firing to damage a wider area, consequently destroying more aircraft at once.
Special Rules - Special rules make you unique! Like Airship Attribute Special Rules, these grant special mechanical benefits or penalties to the weapons on a hardpoint, or they describe all of the hardpoint's effect, assuming it isn't a weapon system.

Aircraft Attributes
Aircraft Attributes dictate the effectiveness of smaller single or duo seat fighters and bombers. Values in Armor, Weapons, and Speed range from 0 to 5, having significant effect per point.

Upkeep - Spend money to make money! A higher upkeep expends more money per turn. Upkeep is always 1/100th the original cost.
Armor - Ablative plates, armored fuel tanks, hardened engine blocks and more! A higher Armor rating increases the threshold for successfully damaging the aircraft in question.
Weapons - Torpedoes, MG's, and Cannons! A higher Weapons rating denotes a more advanced, armor-penetrating weapon system.
Speed - Turbo engines, Jet engines, and more! A higher Speed rating makes aircraft more responsive, and also accounts for advanced handling systems, making aircraft tough to hit and better at air engagements.
Personal Touch - Unique to Ace Aircraft is the Personal Touch! Assuming the Ace in question didn't build his fighter from scrap, they bought it from a supplier, tweaking it after countless sorties to better fit their desires.
Special Rules - Special rules make you unique! Like Airship Attribute Special Rules, these grant special advantages to the entire model line in unique and non-standard ways.

Engagement is a broad term covering the many components of an aerial battle.

The Round
An engagement is composed of a number of Rounds, the maximum of which is the lower Morale between the two competing parties.

Planning Phase - Captains choose a number of Maneuvers for each of their active units, locking them in for the round in advance. Captains with high Cunning can 'peek' at enemy plans before locking theirs in.
Ace Phase - Aces are first to act. In order of Speed+Captain's Audacity, each Ace performs a planned Ace Maneuver, with possible interruptions.
Wing Phase - Wings act after Aces. In order of Speed+Captain's Leadership, each Wing performs a planned Formation Maneuver, with possible interruptions.
Airship Phase - Airships act last, and often less than one time every turn. When their Initiative reaches 10, they may perform Strategic Maneuvers.
Duel, Foxhunt, and Dogfight - Wings and Aces that ran across each other during Maneuvers enter Duels or Dogfights now, with the winner proceeding to the Damage Phase.
Assault - Wings and Aces that ran across an Airship enter an Assault now, proceeding to the Damage Phase after checking to see if they take also take Assault Damage.
Damage Phase - Aces, Wings, and Airships perform their damage checks in that order.
Reorganization Phase - All Aces and Wings reorganize for another Maneuver, barring special circumstances. All parties sustain a point of Battle Fatigue. Any party whose Ace lost a Duel or was Downed sustains an additional point per loss or downing. The party who sustained the most Wing Battle Damage sustains a point of Battle Fatigue. The loss of an Airship causes that fleet to gain 3 Battle Fatigue and removes 1 Battle Fatigue from the destroying fleet. If any party has more Battle Fatigue than Morale, they withdraw after the following round, allowing one final attack against them so they may retreat and rest.

Planning Phase
You can choose from a number of Maneuvers for your available Aces, Wings and Airships, but sometimes, you can take a peek at what the other captain is doing first!

A fine Strategy - Each Planning Phase, [Captain's Cunning]+1d6 vs [Captain's Cunning]+1d6. The winner reveals random Maneuver assignments until the difference between checks is resolved.

The Aces
Aces are the stars of the fight, composed of masterful flying artists in customized aircraft. They represent major pieces to augment other maneuvers or bypass the drudgery of a dogfight. Known Ace Maneuvers:
Ace Hits - Ace fighters have 2 Engine Hits, [Armor] Body Hits, and [Vitality] Critical Wounds. Other Aces may target certain areas on an Ace fighter, all others check randomly.
Ace Downed - Aces who are downed from Engine or Body hits make a Pluck check to survive their crash. Aces who are downed by Critical Wounds die. Aces who fail the Pluck check die. When an Ace is killed, the fleet takes [Ace Fame] in Morale Damage.

The Wings
Wings are the bread and butter of any aerial battle, composed of wingmen flying fighters and bombers to control the skies. They represent the primary obstacle to eliminating other Airships, and are powerful threats to Aces and Airships when fresh. Known Formation Maneuvers:
Wing Battle Damage - Wings can sustain up to [Armor]+3 Battle Damage before being destroyed. Wing Battle Damage can be restored between battles by spending two times the Wing's normal upkeep per point restored.
Wing Destruction - A Destroyed Wing is removed from your Character Sheet at the end of combat, then you take 1 Crew damage and 1d6 Morale Damage.

The Airships
Airships are aerial fortresses, and even when wings lead assaults on them and other airships fire on them, they tend to strike back automatically even as unwieldy as they are. Known Strategic Maneuvers:
Airship Hits - Airships have a number of hits equal to [Airship Class]*2+[Airship Redundancy]*2. Airships can repair lost Hits between battles by spending twice their normal upkeep per point restored.
Emergency Repairs - Airships with excess supplies can make Emergency Repairs once per round (regardless of initiative), making a Morale check to take the risk involved. Emergency Hits decay after combat ends.
Downed Airship - Airships that are downed cause 2d6 Morale Damage and up to 1d3 Crew Damage, depending on how much crew staffed the airship.

The Duel, the Foxhunt, and the Dogfight
Duels, Foxhunts, and Dogfights are roughly similar types of engagement between Wings and Aces. Duels are exclusive to Ace to Ace combat, Foxhunts are Ace to Wing, and Dogfights are Wing to Wing.

Dogfight Calculator - [Wing Speed]+1d6 vs [Wing Speed]+1d6. Every point the winner exceeds the loser by adds an additional Wing Damage Check, each doing 1 damage if successful.
Foxhunt Calculator - [Wing Speed+Current Battle Damage]+1d6 vs [Ace Pluck+Ace Alacrity]+1d6. The winner may perform a Foxhunt Damage Check, doing 1 damage if successful.
Duel Calculator - [Ace Alacrity]+1d6 vs [Ace Alacrity]+1d6. Every point the winner exceeds the loser by adds an additional Ace Damage Check.

The Assault
Assaults are major attacks made by Wings or Aces against monolithic Airships. Aces are more talented at the Assault, and take less damage if they fail than Wings do.

Wing Assault Calculator - [Wing Speed]+1d6 vs [Cumulative Threat Field]+1d6. Failure allows the Airship to perform a Damage Check before the Wing performs a Damage Check.
Ace Assault Calculator - [Ace Pluck+Ace Alacrity]+1d6 vs [Cumulative Threat Field]+1d6. Failure allows the Airship to perform a Damage Check before the Ace performs a Damage Check.

Damage Phase
Damage is done only by the winner of a Duel, Foxhunt, or Dogfight, but even if an Ace or Wing fails an Assault, they may still attempt to deal damage. Damage checks are done in order. If an Airship is downed before it can retaliate fire, it does not get to fire.

Damage Check (Ace fires on Airship) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Attacker Pluck]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Damage Check (Ace fires on Wing) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Attacker Pluck]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Damage Check (Ace vs Ace) - [Defender Armor]+[Defender Pluck]d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Attacker Pluck]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.

Damage Check (Wing fires on Airship) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+1d6. The check is performed an additional time per point of speed of the attacking Wing.
Damage Check (Wing fires on Wing) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+1d6. The check is performed an additional time per point of difference in the Dogfight Check. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Damage Check (Wing fires on Ace) - [Defender Armor]+[Defender Pluck]d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Current Battle Damage]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.

Damage Check (Airship fires on Airship) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+1d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.
Damage Check (Airship fires on Wing) - [Defender Armor]+1d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+1d6. The defending wing takes Battle Damage equal to 1+[Weapon Threat Field].
Damage Check (Airship fires on Ace) -[Defender Armor]+[Defender Pluck]d6 vs [Attacker Weapons]+[Threat Field]d6. All damage is done by 1's excepting special rules.

Reorganization Phase
Reorganization takes place after damage has been assigned.

Unit Positions Adjusted - Units on the battle map are adjusted.
Battle Fatigue (Time) - All fleets take 1 Battle Fatigue
Battle Fatigue (Aces) - All fleets whose aces lost a duel or were downed take 1 Battle Fatigue per loss or downing.
Battle Fatigue (Wings) - The fleet that takes the most Wing Battle Damage takes 1 Battle Fatigue.
Battle Fatigue (Airships) - Any fleet that downs an Airship removes 1 Battle Fatigue, and the fleet whose Airship was downed gains 3 Battle Fatigue.
Sound the Withdrawal - If any fleet has more Battle Fatigue than Morale, they order a withdrawal. On their next Reorganization Phase, they leave the battlefield.

Mission Rating

By succeeding without taking an excess of Battle Damage or Ace Losses, you raise your Mission Rating, which increases Fame received afterwards. Missions are rated from F to AAA.

Masterful Tactician - Receive 0 Fame for an F rating. Receive 7 Fame from a AAA rating. Ratings between F and AAA grant linearly increasing Fame. Ratings A or above may also grant additional bonuses.
Ace Rating - Receive a minimum of B rating for not losing any Aces or having any Aces injured. Receive a minimum of A rating for also never recalling an Ace from the battle.
Wing Rating - Receive +1 Rating for taking less than 40% total Battle Damage.
Airship Rating - Receive +1 Rating for causing at least 40% of your total damage with your Airship. Receive +1 Rating for downing the enemy Flagship.

Assets and Character Sheet
Assets is a broad term covering the many parts of your Company; from men to gear, assets cover it all.

The Airships

Your Flagship and, potentially, other major Airships are nearly a category unto themselves. Each Airship Class is uniquely suited to certain roles, so choose your starting craft carefully. You have detailed knowledge of the following Airship Classes.

A small, tough ship with a modest engagement speed and impressive suite of boarding equipment. Designed as a troop carrier, the Heracles has gone through numerous iterations since it's inception. It's modern use as a boarding craft is the most recent and favored design, but not necessarily for it's honest, legal uses.

Attributes: (Class I Airship)
Upkeep 500ç
Armor 2, Redundancy 0, Capacity 1, Speed 1
3 Small, 1 Medium and 0 Large Hardpoints
1 slot for Modifications
Marines Special Rule
A small airship with multiple heavy hardpoints and well-rounded design, the Icarus sports a well-designed heavy hardpoint, set up to support large weapon systems without needing to perfectly align the airship to prevent recoil collapse.

Attributes: (Class I Airship)
Upkeep 500ç
Armor 1, Redundancy 1, Capacity 1, Speed 1
2 Small, 1 Medium and 1 Large Hardpoint
1 slot for Modifications
Big Gun Special Rule
A small airship specially designed for maximum carrying space, at the cost of speed and the ever-popular personal mods many captains prefer. Specially designed with a sling-deployment hanger, the Helios can support much cheaper aircraft designs than it's competitors.

Attributes: (Class I Airship)
Upkeep 500ç
Armor 1, Redundancy 1, Capacity 3, Speed 0
1 Small, 1 Medium and 0 Large Hardpoints
0 slots for Modifications
Carrier Special Rule

The Hardpoints
Hardpoints are customizable, modular mounting points on airships, offering custom weapon loadouts for all occasions, as well as a number of potential specialty mountings. You have detailed knowledge of the following Hardpoints.

Small HMG Turret
A simple two-gun linked rotating turret, firing heavy rounds from a belt feeder.

Attributes: (Small Hardpoint)
Upkeep 5ç
Weapons 1, Threat Field 0
Point Defense Special Rule
Heavy HMG Turret
A one-barrel turret firing 30mm rounds.

Attributes: (Small Hardpoint)
Upkeep 9ç
Weapons 2, Threat Field 0
Point Defense Special Rule
Small Flak Cannon
A one-barrel Flak Cannon, firing slowly, but excellent for scattering pesky fighter clusters.

Attributes: (Medium Hardpoint)
Upkeep 12ç
Weapons 2, Threat Field 1
Armor Shred Special Rule
Flak Quad
A quad-barrel Flak Cannon that fires a stream of explosive shells.

Attributes: (Medium Hardpoint)
Upkeep 25ç
Weapons 4, Threat Field 2
Armor Shred Special Rule
120mm gun
A small artillery mount, built for an airship to deal with other airships and ground emplacements.

Attributes: (Large Hardpoint)
Upkeep 35ç
Weapons 4, Threat Field 2
Heavy Damage Special Rule

The Aces
Aces are the cream of the airman crop, the best fliers among their kind, and not too dissimilar to stars in upper social circles. Aces tend to generate no small amount of fame when they attach themselves to a Company, and often they demand exorbitant salaries from their captains to go with their impressive track records. Aces are limited in number by your Captain's Audacity+1, and no two Aces are created equal. Your Captain is also an Ace and takes no Ace slots. You have detailed knowledge of the following Aces.

Ace "Name"
Home Country
Salary XXç


Vitality -
Alacrity -
Pluck -
Magic -
Personal Fame -

Special Rules:

The Wings
One and Two-man aircraft are the biggest consumer industry in the world, with models ranging from barest transportation to stealth-capable experimental jets. Your Company is able to Buy a Temporary License to use most wing models in bulk, but you're also able to simply buy multiple orders of wings, if renting the license again in ten turns offends your sensibilities. Aces typically have their fighters custom-made, and the loss of these fine machines is a hefty cost to replace.

Acontra Model-1
Acontra Aeronautics' crown jewel, the Model-1 is the most-purchased aircraft model in the world, especially in the civilian sector, and is popular for it's ease-of-maintenance and the impressive resilience of it's components. For PMCs and even the Iosho Island air militia corps, the Model-1 is beloved for those very same reasons, protecting it's pilots long enough for them to make a safe landing in a safe harbor.

Attributes: (Acontra Aeronautics)
Upkeep (Licensed) 3ç, Upkeep (Purchased) 10ç
Armor 2, Weapons 1, Speed 0
Reliable Special Rule
Zalgan A0
The Zalgan A0 is a simple answer to the age old question; But how many guns can we put on it? Designed solely to out-do competition in it's price-range in dogfights, the A0 is a favorite of up-and-coming Aces, shown on movie screens around the world as the underdog's fighter.

Attributes: (Zalgan Technologies)
Upkeep (Licensed) 7ç, Upkeep (Purchased) 20ç
Armor 0, Weapons 2, Speed 1
Portable Special Rule
Zentao 3
Designed by grass-roots company Island Sky Industries, the Zentao 3 is the first of the fledgling company's production model aircraft. Lauded as 'the most accessible portable personal fighter', the Zentao 3 is quickly making a name for ISI as part of their new line of all-purpose aircraft.

Attributes: (Island Sky Industries)
Upkeep (Licensed) 7ç, Upkeep (Purchased) 22ç
Armor 1, Weapons 1, Speed 1
Portable Special Rule

Capacity is a measure of extra space for crew, wings, and supplies. The value between 0 and 5 indicates the amount of extra space.

Capacity Calculator - Two units of Crew or Wing can fit in a single point of Capacity, and twice as many Supplies can fit in the same space. [Capacity+1]*2 is the amount of slots you have to fit crew, wings, and supplies.
Crew Effect Calculator - For each reserved Crew beyond the first, your airship gains +1 Speed, to a maximum of +2. Reserved crew can also replace injured wingmen who still have working fighters.
Crew Cost - Crew costs 200ç up-front to hire on a unit of crew, costing 20ç in Salary per turn. By spending 15ç per crew you own, you can give a Bonus, increasing Morale by 1.
Crew Veterancy - Crew begins at level 1 and progresses as far as level 3, increasing their effective ability in all checks by up to 2. Crew receive 1-2 experience per mission they survive and participate in, and level up at 5 and 15 cumulative experience.
Wing Cost - Wings cost 100 times their written upkeep to License for ten turns or purchase outright, and cost their upkeep every turn thereafter.
Supply Cost - Supplies cost 200ç per two points of Supplies, and cost no additional upkeep afterwards.

Morale is a measure of how hot your crew's passions burn for your cause, be it money, glory, or king and country. Morale rises when you succeed on missions and engagements with low casualties, when you Hire new Aces, by paying a Bonus, or when you increase your Audacity Command Attribute. Morale decreases when you receive Leave Events, experience a lot of casualties or combat breaks, or when Aces fail maneuvers or die.

Morale Calculator - Gain [Ace Fame]/2 Morale when hiring a new Ace, [Bonus Payment/(Crew*15)] Morale when paying a Bonus, or [Audacity*2] Morale after achieving a high success level in a mission. Morale is restored to a minimum of [Audacity] following any mission. Lose [1] Morale when an Ace is injured, or twice that amount when an Ace dies, [2] Morale when a Leave Event occurs, or [Crew] Morale when failing a mission with a poor rating or a combat break.
Leave - By spending a turn on Leave, you can make upgrades and repairs to your airship and fleet. If your morale is too high, your crew can cause trouble on land by being too raucous. If they're not too into their drunken revelry, however, their bragging and carousing can catch the attention of special employers.

Fame and Reputation
Fame measures how renowned you are and how much you've done in your time as a Captain. More powerful people will seek your aid as your fame continues to rise, and as you become more well known, more advanced equipment and technology will be offered to you for experiment-grade costs.

Fame Calculator - Gain [Mission Rating] Fame whenever you succeed at a mission, [Ace Fame/2] Fame when hiring on a new Ace, and [Nation Rank] Fame when taking national contracts. You lose 1 fame per mission failure or Ace death.
Salary Cost Reduction - The most famous can draw the most willing. Famous Captains can draw crew in on cheap promises for glory, reducing the cost of Crew Attribute salaries by up to half, required Fame scaling to five times your Crew Attribute. Having a negative reputation reduces the effectiveness of salary reductions by up to 100% at 0 Reputation.
Maintenance Cost Reduction - Honest men get their just reward. Starting at 11 Reputation until 20, apply a 2% discount to all maintenance costs and purchase costs with brokers. With negative reputation, apply a 2% cost increase instead.

Cedii and the Ledger
Cedii (ç) is the dominant currency of the nations. Cedii is what makes the world go 'round.

Costs to buy Special Equipment or Airships - All purchases cost 100 times their upkeep cost in ç up-front unless you've been offered a special deal. Airships cost 200 times their upkeep cost in ç.
Upkeeps - All marked upkeeps on your ledger are before discounts as written. Crew always has a base salary of 20ç per point per turn. Supplies do not cost upkeep.
Repairs - To repair 1 Hit on an airship, or to restore 1 unit-worth of battle damage to a wing, you must spend two times the regular upkeep cost of what you're restoring. Repairing a damaged hardpoint or equipment are also two times their regular upkeep.
Deals - There are a number of ways you can make money. Deals are regular payments for you to dock and be present at numerous locations with your Company.
Missions - Missions all generally have a ç reward, a portion given up-front and a portion upon completion. Higher Cunning and Fame increases the amount you can receive up-front.


Special Rules Compiled
A list of Special Rules to peruse.

Blood Brother - Ace costs no Upkeep.
Local Celebrity - Ace gives +1 Fame when hired and non-cumulative discounts with particular groups.
Marines - Reserve Crew can be spent as a Strategic Maneuver to attempt to board and capture an opponent's airship, checking [Captain's Leadership+Morale]+[Crew]d6 vs [Enemy Captain's Audacity+Enemy Morale]+[Crew]d6. Enables ground occupations and Escort Ground Expeditions.
Big Gun - Can fire one Large Hardpoint as part of a 'Fire all Small and Medium Hardpoints' Strategic Action.
Carrier - Can hold aircraft that do not possess the Portable Special Rule.
Point Defense - Add total number of Point Defense Special Rules as a modifier to Assault checks and Damage checks against Wings or Aces.
Armor Shred - Wins ties against enemy defense on Damage checks.
Heavy Damage - Deals an additional point of damage per degree of Weapons Attribute on weapon when weapon fires.
Reliable - All 1d6 checks made with this wing are instead 2d3.
Portable - Can be added to the hanger of an airship without the Carrier Special Rule.
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Assets and Character Sheets
Rolling Thunder Assets
A small, tough ship with a modest engagement speed and impressive suite of boarding equipment. Designed as a troop carrier, the Heracles has gone through numerous iterations since it's inception. It's modern use as a boarding craft is the most recent and favored design, but not necessarily for it's honest, legal uses.

Attributes: (Class I Airship)
Upkeep 500ç
Armor 2, Redundancy 0, Capacity 1, Speed 1
3 Small, 1 Medium and 0 Large Hardpoints
1 slot for Modifications
Marines Special Rule
A one-barrel turret firing 30mm rounds.

Attributes: (Small Hardpoint)
Upkeep 9ç
Weapons 2, Threat Field 0
Point Defense Special Rule
A quad-barrel Flak Cannon that fires a stream of explosive shells.

Attributes: (Medium Hardpoint)
Upkeep 25ç
Weapons 4, Threat Field 2
Armor Shred Special Rule
Iosho Islands
Salary 0ç

Fae (Sylph) Female
Preference: None

Victoria Skye is a second-generation Iosho native, formerly living in the Little Avalon quarter on Asako Island. Her air academy scores are mostly exceptional, though her reaction times are on the low end in her class.

Despite that, she has shown an impressive amount of focus and steadiness in exercises and displays impressive leadership ability in squadron command.

Victoria appears to fall off of most organizations' radars until her local movie debut as a co-star in a two-part series, where her commanding presense on-screen ensured her contract for the second installment paid especially well, along with the movie's lead, Marao Akoreki, another Iosho native.

For reasons unknown, she has since sunk a great deal of this money into the founding of a new Airship Company, bringing Marao with her.

Owned Fighters: None

Personal Attributes
Vitality - 2
Alacrity - 1
Pluck - 5
Magic - 2
Personal Fame - 5

Command Attributes

Leadership 4
Cunning 1
Audacity 1

Special Rules:
I am the Captain now - Also has Command Attributes
Local Celebrity - "Asoka Skyfire" is a well-known figure in Iosho pop culture.
Iosho Islands
Salary 0ç

Human Male
Preference: Weapons-Oriented Fighters

A human Iosho native and one of two-thirds of the population without innate control of magic, Marao Akoreki received honors from his air academy instructors. It was in the academy that he made first contact with Victoria Skye, the hot-blooded Sylph pilot.

Following his graduation, Marao volunteered as a member of the Iosho Islands Air Militia for four years before suddenly picking up a role in hit movie Fire in the Sky and it's sequel Nemean Fire.

"Marao has been my friend and confidante since we were twelve. We graduated Academy together, and I was a base courier on his Militia airstrip for years. I trust him with my life."

Owned Fighters:
The Hisso X1 is a top-of-the-line military model fighter, designed by Island Sky Industries with sheer firepower in mind. Boasting a nigh-comical array of dummy rockets, high-energy mana-enhanced autocannons, and an advanced mechanical aiming assistant, this fighter literally blows the competition away.

Attributes: (Island Sky Industries)
Upkeep (Ace Customized) 5ç
Armor 3, Weapons 4, Speed 2
Portable Special Rule (Modification)

As an Ace fighter, this craft adds half of it's Armor to the owner's Pluck, and half of it's Speed to it's owner's Alacrity.

Vitality - 3
Alacrity - 4 (5)
Pluck - 3 (4)
Personal Fame - 3

Special Rules:
Blood Brother - Costs no upkeep.
Local Celebrity - Kenta the Nemean is a well-known figure in Iosho pop culture.
Designed by grass-roots company Island Sky Industries, the Zentao 3 is the first of the fledgling company's production model aircraft. Lauded as 'the most accessible portable personal fighter', the Zentao 3 is quickly making a name for ISI as part of their new line of all-purpose aircraft.

Attributes: (Island Sky Industries)
Upkeep (Licensed) 7ç
Armor 1, Weapons 1, Speed 1
Portable Special Rule
Total Slots for Capacity - 4
Capacity Reserved for Crew - 2 (Green/Green)
Capacity Reserved for Hanger - 1 (Zentao 3; Licensed)
Capacity Reserved for Supplies - 1 (2 Supplies)

Morale - 3
Fame - 9
Liquid Assets: 701ç
Crew Salaries: 40ç/Month
Ace Salaries: 5ç/Month
Company Maintenace: 559ç/Month
Royalties Deal: 1d3*1,000ç/Month (decays)
Current Balance: -599ç/Month
Fire Falling - "Fire Falling, the third installment of the hit two-parter Fire in the Sky and sequel Nemean Fire, was really carried along by actors Marao Akoreki and Victoria Skye. Inside information revealed to us at the Journal seems to indicate Miss Skye had "great ideas, but nobody would listen to her."
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[] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[] Magical Menagerie! - Humans are outnumbered. In a world of pluralities, things get interesting.
[] Paragon - Receive 9 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes, receive a choice Airship and 10,000ç.
[] 5 Leadership
[] 2 Cunning
[] 2 Audacity

..What I'm going for now, anyhow.
[] Mundanity!
[] Isolated Nations!
[] Richie Rich
[] 1 Leadership
[] 1 Cunning
[] 2 Audacity
[] Hardpoints
[] Wings
[] Crew
[] Supplies
[] Optional: Roll an Ace Pilot for 1,000ç.
[] Iosho Islands

Give me that Money! That Cash! All the Money! Get a Stash!

Anyways, I'm not entirely sure what to write in the hardpoints and such. Speaking of which, how many Aces can we buy right now? Because I'm thinking if spending 8K and seeing how many we can get.
[] Mundanity!
[] Isolated Nations!
[] Richie Rich
[] 1 Leadership
[] 1 Cunning
[] 2 Audacity
[] Hardpoints
[] Wings
[] Crew
[] Supplies
[] Optional: Roll an Ace Pilot for 1,000ç.
[] Iosho Islands

Give me that Money! That Cash! All the Money! Get a Stash!

Anyways, I'm not entirely sure what to write in the hardpoints and such. Speaking of which, how many Aces can we buy right now? Because I'm thinking if spending 8K and seeing how many we can get.
With 2 Audacity, you can have 3 Aces.
For choosing Hardpoints and various other minutia, check the Assets and Character Sheet section of the Game Rules and Mechanics Spoiler.
After reading the mechanics post, I'm still unsure what to write. Maybe I'm just that dense, really sorry for the annoyance.

[X] Mundanity!
[X] Isolated Nations!
[X] Richie Rich
[X] 1 Leadership
[X] 1 Cunning
[X] 2 Audacity
[X] Hardpoints 5000ç
-[X] Small Hardpoint 3000ç
-[X] Large Hardpoint 2000ç
[X] Wings 7000ç
[X] Crew 5000ç
[X] Supplies 5000ç
[X] Optional: Roll an Ace Pilot for 1,000ç. x3
[X] Iosho Islands
[X] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[X] Enclaves of Sapience! - Humans are the majority, but only just. Large enclaves of other creatures exist within most countries.
[X] Two man team - Receive 6 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Average Personal Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes for a friendly Ace with the Blood Brother Special Rule, receive a choice Airship and 5,000ç.
[X] 1 Audacity
[X] 1 Cunning
[X] 4 Leadership
[X] Heracles Class Airship
[X] Small Hardpoint - Small HMG Turret 500c
[X] Small Hardpoint - Small HMG Turret 500c
[X] Small Hardpoint - Heavy HMG Turret 900c
[X] Medium Hardpoint - Small Flak Cannon 1200c
[X] Crew x3 600c.
[X] Supplies x2 400c
[X] Iosho Islands

900c left

Going for a boarding build. Shit is EXPENSIVE, so lets jack another ship to start?
Go all in on Leadership, close in, and run a strongly advantaged boarding action.
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[x] Enchanted! - The world has magic, but until recently it has stayed mostly apart from technological progress.
[X] Isolated Nations! - Humans are the majority, and the non-humans have formed their nations to ensure man doesn't try to ensure he's the last ones standing.]

[x] Plan: Sky Pirates!
-[X] Paragon - Receive 9 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes, receive a choice Airship and 10,000ç.
-[X] 3 Leadership
-[X] 3 Cunning
-[X] 3 Audacity
-[X] Heracles Class Airship
-[X] Small Hardpoint - Small HMG Turret x3 (1500c)
-[X] Medium Hardpoint - Small Flak Cannon x1 (1200c)
-[X] Crew x2 (400c)
--[x] hire additional Crew until full capacity
-[x] Optional: Roll an Ace Pilot for 1,000ç (x1)
-[X] Iosho Islands

remaining cash: 5900c

why the large number of Crew? because i want to capture a lot of stuff due to the Marines Special Rule!!! plus an Ace Pilot to lead or to show the rest of our Wings how its done!

edit: this is our guy! Don Karnage!
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[X] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[X] Enclaves of Sapience! - Humans are the majority, but only just. Large enclaves of other creatures exist within most countries.

[X] Plan Void
-[X] Two man team
-[X] 1 Leadership
-[X] 3 Cunning
-[X] 2 Audacity
-[X] 1 120mm gun 3500
-[X] 1 Small HMG Turret 500
-[X] 1 Wing Zentao 3 700 (liscensed)
-[X] 1 Crew 200
-[X] 0 Supplies
-[X] Iosho Islands
100 left

500(Airship)+7(Wing)+20(Crew)+35(Heavy Hardpoint)+5(Small Hardpoint)=567

Airship-Icarus Class
Attributes: (Class I Airship)
Upkeep 500ç
Armor 1, Redundancy 1, Capacity 1, Speed 1
Sm-Small HMG Turret
Hvy-120 mm gun
1 slot for Modifications
Big Gun Special Rule

1 point of crew
1 wing of Zentao 3
Attributes: (Island Sky Industries)
Upkeep (Licensed) 7ç, Upkeep (Purchased) 22ç
Armor 1, Weapons 1, Speed 1
Portable Special Rule

Upkeep free ace
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why the large number of Crew? because i want to capture a lot of stuff due to the Marines Special Rule!!! plus an Ace Pilot to lead or to show the rest of our Wings how its done!
Illegal vote, since the Heracles class only has Capacity 1, enough for 2 crews. I'm not sure if that includes the basic number or if it's just extra crews though
[X] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[X] Enclaves of Sapience! - Humans are the majority, but only just. Large enclaves of other creatures exist within most countries.
[X] Two man team - Receive 6 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Average Personal Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes for a friendly Ace with the Blood Brother Special Rule, receive a choice Airship and 5,000ç.
-[X] Icarus Class Airship A:1 R:1 C:1 S:1 Upkeep: 500c
--[X] Hardpoints
---[X] Small Hardpoint - Small HMG Turret x2 (Price: 1000c, Upkeep: 10c)
---[X] Medium Hardpoint - Small Flak Cannon x1 (Price: 1200c, Upkeep: 12c)
--[X] Wings
---[X] Zentao 3 Licensed (Price:700 c, Upkeep: 7c)
--[X] Crew: 2 (Price: 400c, Upkeep: 40c)
--[X] Supplies: 2 (Price: 200c)
[X] 3 Leadership
[X] 2 Cunning
[X] 1 Audacity
[X] Iosho Islands

Money Leftover: 2500c
Upkeep Per Turn: 569c
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[X] Enchanted! - The world has magic, but until recently it has stayed mostly apart from technological progress.
[X] Isolated Nations! - Humans are the majority, and the non-humans have formed their nations to ensure man doesn't try to ensure he's the last ones standing.

[X] Plan Void

Too much mechanics at once to get into it quickly. It'd be better to see what works and what doesn't when the game starts proper.
Illegal vote, since the Heracles class only has Capacity 1, enough for 2 crews. I'm not sure if that includes the basic number or if it's just extra crews though
I also noticed that the Heavy HMG Turret is considered as 2 Weapons, so I think that means you have an extra Small Hardpoint
The Harakles has 3 Small, 1 Medium and 0 Large Hardpoints, and under the Hardpoint menu, the Heavy HMG is considered as a Small Hardpoint that takes up 2 weapons slots... i hope that answers your question.
Both the Quad Flak and the 120mm Cannon have a stat of Weapons 4, so unless you're saying these weapons take up 4 large weapons slots I have to disagree.
[X] Enchanted! - The world has magic, but until recently it has stayed mostly apart from technological progress.
[X] Enclaves of Sapience! - Humans are the majority, but only just. Large enclaves of other creatures exist within most countries.
I don't have the time to read to deep into the mechanical part of the quest so I only vote on these options.
The Harakles has 3 Small, 1 Medium and 0 Large Hardpoints, and under the Hardpoint menu, the Heavy HMG is considered as a Small Hardpoint that takes up 2 weapons slots... i hope that answers your question.
No it takes up one hard point, weapons is the station you compare vs armor to see if you do damage. That is in the Combat mechanics
[X] Might and Magic! - The world is intertwined with magic at it's very core. The world and it's history is adjusted for this eponymous magi-tech uplift.
[X] Magical Menagerie! - Humans are outnumbered. In a world of pluralities, things get interesting.
[X] Paragon - Receive 9 points to spend on Command Attributes, Roll Above Average Personal Attributes, receive a choice Airship and 10,000ç.
[X] 5 Leadership
[X] 2 Cunning
[X] 2 Audacity