Except our problem with the petty republics is exactly that, them having their own military's and deciding to break away from the whole, siding with other polities in an effort to try and jockey for position.
You do realize the same thing can happen with High Cent Civs if Legitimacy and/or Stability are low enough?

Centralization is not really the key here. If Legitimacy and Stability are high enough, they won't break away, decentralized or not.
Well look at the bright side. Each petty republic would have potential to practice slavery.
We may become opposite of the Arthwyd after all.

You will already practice some slavery. It has too many material benefits for the tech level to avoid it without a non-material based reason like religion. Since you picked the traders as the most influential faction, slavery is going to be too profitable to avoid getting before the end of the civilisation creation.

You have still minimise it and limit it within the People, but your traders and warriors are going to find having slaves to be too attractive for the People to not do that.
Except our problem with the petty republics is exactly that, them having their own military's and deciding to break away from the whole, siding with other polities in an effort to try and jockey for position.
That is an issue with any government type that isn't a hyper centralized mess, and even those can have break offs.

The reason a lot of confederations work and they naturally gravitate towards each other is that the petty republics will greatly enjoy their freedom and autonomy, and won't want to suborn themselves to a more meddling overlord.

Sure there will be internal jockeying, but I don't see that as a bad thing.
That is an issue with any government type that isn't a hyper centralized mess, and even those can have break offs.

The reason a lot of confederations work and they naturally gravitate towards each other is that the petty republics will greatly enjoy their freedom and autonomy, and won't want to suborn themselves to a more meddling overlord.

Sure there will be internal jockeying, but I don't see that as a bad thing.
Internal power struggles happen in every civ, the only thing that changes is the nature of said struggles. Even in Absolute Monarchies with High Centralization, nobles still shank eachother so they'll be the ones who have the King's ear.
Well with negative centralisation those fights can actually get out of hand due to every republic having its own army.
Even so, why would it matter?
If your concern is safety and the prevention of our shores being raided, why does it matter how that safety is acquired?

Be it through a strong concerted navy, a bunch of smaller navies on patrol, or even bribing off would be raiders on the way to profit, the end results are still the same.

That's the key concern for me when it comes to Petty Republics. The lack of control is fine in most cases but in this one a single corrupt polity taking bribes from raiders so they can plunder another Petty State could well be a issue. Not counting fighting on the island itself between the People. Disunity promotes a "us vs. them" mentality which ushers in conflict.
Well with negative centralisation those fights can actually get out of hand due to every republic having its own army.
In our current period, "armies" consist of hunters, levies and maybe some professional warriors. Every single Settlement can afford such an army if they decide to split off or fight the rest for whatever reason, High Cent or Low Cent.
That's the key concern for me when it comes to Petty Republics. The lack of control is fine in most cases but in this one a single corrupt polity taking bribes from raiders so they can plunder another Petty State could well be a issue. Not counting fighting on the island itself between the People. Disunity promotes a "us vs. them" mentality which ushers in conflict.
I'm not seeing the issue?

Inner confederation conflict means more people needing weapons, which means more money to be made selling weapons and armor, which means more profit for the merchants. :V
Of course a confederation will have disunity; that's kinda the whole point. If I wanted to play another "unity over everything" civ there are plenty I can go back to.
That's the key concern for me when it comes to Petty Republics. The lack of control is fine in most cases but in this one a single corrupt polity taking bribes from raiders so they can plunder another Petty State could well be a issue. Not counting fighting on the island itself between the People. Disunity promotes a "us vs. them" mentality which ushers in conflict.
A single city or lord or government official being corrupt, taking bribes or screwing over his comrades for personal benefit or whatever is not something exclusive to Low Cent Civs....
Add to it that petty republics won't really be unified on outside front in diplomacy.
We will probably see republics disagreeing on different matters.

A single city or lord or government official being corrupt, taking bribes or screwing over his comrades for personal benefit or whatever is not something exclusive to Low Cent Civs.

It is if that lord can actually influence decision making.
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Vote is closed.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of History - Civ Quest - Original | Page 10 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 232-292]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Gov
[X][Gov] Tribal Democratic Petty Republics. (Negative Centralisation, Less Player Actions, Significantly More Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 17
[X][Gov] Tribal Democratic Federation. (Positive Centralisation, More Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 16
[X][Gov] Tribal Democratic Republic. (Positive Centralisation, More Player Actions, Less Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Gov] Tribal Oligarchic Kingdom. (Positive Centralisation, More Player Actions, Less Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Gov] Tribal Democratic Kingdom. (Positive Centralisation, More Player Actions, Less Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Gov] Tribal Oligarchic Petty Republics. (Negative Centralisation, Less Player Actions, Significantly More Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Gov] Tribal Oligarchic Republic. (Positive Centralisation, More Player Actions, Less Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Gov] Tribal Oligarchic Confederation. (Negative Centralisation, Less Player Actions, More Province Actions)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 33
Add to it that petty republics won't really be unified on outside front in diplomacy.
We will probably see republics disagreeing on different matters.
Oh no, people disagreeing on things, how horrible!

Confederations do have a united foreign policy though. Off course there will be struggles between factions over what that policy should be, but again, this happens in all civs.


That is an issue with any government type that isn't a hyper centralized mess, and even those can have break offs.

The reason a lot of confederations work and they naturally gravitate towards each other is that the petty republics will greatly enjoy their freedom and autonomy, and won't want to suborn themselves to a more meddling overlord.

Sure there will be internal jockeying, but I don't see that as a bad thing.
Internal power struggles happen in every civ, the only thing that changes is the nature of said struggles. Even in Absolute Monarchies with High Centralization, nobles still shank eachother so they'll be the ones who have the King's ear.
It's not about the fact that internal dispute can happen but the scale of the disputes. If internal disputes happen in one of the more centralized gov types, unless it's a total breakdown of the government, the civ itself will remain intact and whole. With the petty republics it's entirly possible, and far more likely, for one or more republics to build up its own military and navy and break off of the civ wholesale.

This then opens us up to outside elements to invade the island at which point we lose our biggest advantage, our naval superiority, as they have already landed.

Edit: Whatever, can't wait to see how this blows up in our face.
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Well Petty Republics won. Hopefully we can build up our central city to astronomical degrees and then reign in the various other republics Venice style.
To late. It seems that we decided to shoot ourselves in the head. Yay.
Oh no, we picked a different style of play than usual. We are doooooooomed.

Seriously though, even if you are dismayed at the result, decentralized civs are a potent and interesting play style that can have some pretty cool evolutions throughout the game. That's far from 'shooting ourselves in the head'. It just means we'll have to be more adaptable to what comes, and be more picky about what opportunities we personally want to pursue.

To me, this seems quite fun.
A single city or lord or government official being corrupt, taking bribes or screwing over his comrades for personal benefit or whatever is not something exclusive to Low Cent Civs....

Oh. That's definitely the case. It's a matter of control, the fact that we, as players, could have agency over who is ultimately elected.

Not that it matters now.

Oh no, we picked a different style of play than usual. We are doooooooomed.

Seriously though, even if you are dismayed at the result, decentralized civs are a potent and interesting play style that can have some pretty cool evolutions throughout the game. That's far from 'shooting ourselves in the head'. It just means we'll have to be more adaptable to what comes, and be more picky about what opportunities we personally want to pursue.

To me, this seems quite fun.

I also agree with this sentiment.
This is good, though we really should've been Oligarchical.

I propose we do repeated Trade Missions over the next few turns, so as to increase the Merchant Faction's power even more! With the increased Wealth, they can buy more political power.
This is good, though we really should've been Oligarchical.

I propose we do repeated Trade Missions over the next few turns, so as to increase the Merchant Faction's power even more! With the increased Wealth, they can buy more political power.

I agree, but I think we should find new civs/new markets by sea specifically. Build boats/navies and explore.
We are literally in the tutorial of the quest just creating our civ before we have any real control and people are already blatantly scaremongering about trap options that have already killed us.

Note that is for the federal government of a federation that is large enough that the member states count as civs in their own right.
So this wouldn't have worked?
We can retain our island's 6 provinces as our core, and have all of our territory outside that be Member States.
How many provinces would be the minimum before we could have started getting Member States?

It is for the kind of Centralized Builds SV plays. Take a look at the combination of Arthwyd Values. Losing any war where we would have failed to protect our own people would've resulted in our Stability and Legitimacy tanking, likely leading to atleast a regime change, if not an outright collapse.
I find this idea extremely silly, SV is not somehow limited to only having one kind of Centralized Build.
We have already unanimously voted to give power to the Traders faction, not the Shaman or Chiefs.
Those Arthwyd Values are independent of centralization, we could get Sacred Defence with a completely decentralized (religious) civ.

Confederations do have a united foreign policy though. Off course there will be struggles between factions over what that policy should be, but again, this happens in all civs.
The reason a lot of confederations work and they naturally gravitate towards each other is that the petty republics will greatly enjoy their freedom and autonomy, and won't want to suborn themselves to a more meddling overlord.
You are aware that we are not a Confederation (that was a different option), right?
Petty Republics don't have a unified foreign policy, or military, or anything else. That is why they have Negative Centralisation, not 0, negative.

We are literally in the tutorial of the quest just creating our civ before we have any real control and people are already blatantly scaremongering about trap options that have already killed us.

We have already had many posts saying that if we don't chose their favoured option, we will inevitably become a carbon-copy of the Arthwyd .
People blatantly scaremongering about trap options has been occurring since the beginning of this quest, mostly about the trap option leading to a boring quest with nothing new.
We have already had many posts saying that if we don't chose their favoured option, we will inevitably become a carbon-copy of the Arthwyd .
People blatantly scaremongering about trap options has been occurring since the beginning of this quest, mostly about the trap option leading to a boring quest with nothing new.
There's quite a big difference between posts saying they find going an unusual route more interesting than the other, somewhat more mainstream route, and other posts literally declaring this choice to be the equivalent of suicide.

Like, this sort of stuff
To late. It seems that we decided to shoot ourselves in the head. Yay.
Is very much just pure salt, and is objectively wrong.

Unless you think Oshha is going to be a jerk GM and make a play style utterly unviable, despite it being an extremely popular NPC playstyle that has time and again proven incredibly effective even with The npc civs lacking our meta advantages.
Unless you think Oshha is going to be a jerk GM and make a play style utterly unviable, despite it being an extremely popular NPC playstyle that has time and again proven incredibly effective even with The npc civs lacking our meta advantages.
Why do you think Oshha will be a jerk GM?

Personally, I think Oshha is a good GM, and each playstyle has advantages and disadvantages.
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