The Mirror Monster (Part Four)
The Mirror Monster (Part Four)
In amongst the shattered wreckage of the professor's desk, you find a slim notebook filled with jottings that appear to have been written in code.

You stare at the packed-together block of letters and commas, trying to make sense of it. Evidently, Professor Elthonar must have written down a few of his secrets, but he didn't want to make it easy for anyone to steal them. 'Who do I know is good at solving puzzles like this?' you wonder. 'I'm not sure I am. Or am I?'

For a few seconds longer, you continue to stare at the coded notebook, hoping for enlightenment to dawn.

After much thought, you realise that Professor Elthonar used a fairly simple substitution cipher to encrypt his private notebook: the letters of the alphabet have been replaced with other letters in the same order that they appear in the introduction to Kelamon Dumar's book.

When you have translated it, separated individual words, and replaced the excessive commas with the correct punctuation, the first page of the notebook says, "This is my confession. I never intend to publish it or for anyone other than myself to read it, but I write it nonetheless: for the sake of my own peace of mind, if nothing else. I, Tregard Elthonar, am guilty of terrible evil. I was deceived by a group of wicked men and women, calling themselves 'The Mystic Path', who tricked me into joining in with their vile conspiracies."

It will take you a long time to fully translate the rest of the notebook, but you are confident that you will be able to do so, if you put in enough time and effort. However, one thing that puzzles you is that the late professor didn't use a more complicated and challenging method to encode his writings that were meant to be completely private. Was it laziness or arrogance that compelled him to use a code that you were able to crack in only a few minutes? Or did he subconsciously hope that someone would eventually find his secret diary, decipher what he'd written, and be moved to put an end to 'The Mystic Path' and 'their vile conspiracies'.

'How does that shapeshifting monster fit into this?' you wonder. 'Did someone send it to assassinate him? Did his former accomplices realise how much he regretted his past misdeeds and decide that they had to silence him?' Perhaps you will find out the answers to those questions when you are able to finish reading the notebook. For now, you put it away in your schoolbag.

After some consideration, you put the bunch of not-quite-golden keys and the book of How to Enter the Underworld in there as well. You've visited the Underworld in your nightmares before, back when Panegyrek the demon was eager for revenge against you, and you have no desire to see any part of it for real. However, there must be a reason why Professor Elthonar thought it was so important that he used it as a basis for his secret code. Also, you're curious to know why it continues to look so pristine while all of the other books that were swallowed by the portal appear to be rapidly decaying. What kind of magic infuses its pages? Into your schoolbag it goes, although it's a tight fit; you'd struggle to fit anything more in there.

Satisfied that you must have found some useful clues among the wreckage of the late professor's office, you consider what to do next. You still need to find a way out of here, after all. What to do next? Where should you go from here?

Out of the corner of your eye, you see faint, malformed letters hovering in the air before you. They look as if they have been partially eaten and – before you can make sense of them – they fade away to nothing. Bemused, you turn around, searching for where they came from. Is someone trying to send you a message or are there some very peculiar weather phenomena in this place?

You see what appears to be a doorway hanging in the air. Instead of a doorframe, it has wickedly sharp edges. On the other side, there is a gloomy stone room that seems to have been piled high with crates, disused furniture, and various other odds and ends. There are four young mage apprentices there as well, dressed in wizard robes, staring at you through the portal. You would estimate that they are about the same age as you. They all look somewhat the worse for wear: dusty, bedraggled, and sweat-stained, even if they're not all injured. One of them is a half-elf boy with a bloody nose and red splatters all down his front. Another young lad has a weaselly face, a roguish smile, and a bloody dagger in his hand. There is a green-skinned goblin girl who is anxiously wringing her hands together. Another girl has skin as tanned as yours: she looks at you with an expression of mingled hope, fear, and doubt.

While you're still mulling over what to do next, the weaselly-looking boy picks up a long, thin wooden cylinder – you have no idea what it would originally have been used for – and pokes it through the portal. You see it protruding through to your side, seemingly unharmed. Then, as an experiment, he waves the wooden cylinder so that it collides with one of the sharp-looking outer edges of the portal. Half of it is neatly sliced off and falls to the ground on your side of the portal.

Ashen-faced, the weaselly-looking boy mutters something to his friends. You're not entirely sure what he says, but from his body language you'd guess that he was warning them not to touch the edges of the portal. His friends whisper their replies to him, but you have no idea what they are saying. Lip reading is a skill you haven't mastered.

It occurs to you that if he and his friends are anywhere on the world of Narrath, all you'd need to do would be to step through to the other side: then, you could call Uncle Mishrak, get him to pick you up and take you home. It'd be easy...

However, you think that it would be unwise to rush through the portal without first establishing peaceful diplomatic relations with the four young mage apprentices on the other side: if they panicked and closed the portal, or pushed you into one of the edges, you could be cut in half. You don't want to die like that. Or at all, if you can help it.

What will you do?
[] Wave to them.
[] Smile at them.
[] Speak to them. (Write in: what will you say?)
[] Beg them for help. (Write in: what will you say?)
[] Charge through the portal and try to get past them as quickly as possible.
[] Use your Illusions to send them a message... or show them in detail exactly what happened to you. (Write in: how do you want Elys to use her illusions?)
[] Do something else (write in).

Elys is a much more powerful illusionist than Dorian or any of his friends. She has Illusions as an actual skill, whereas they have to use Ritual Magic for it. She can create much larger and more detailed illusions than they can, almost instantaneously.
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You can hear him clearly, as if he was standing next to you
Objection! If the portal conducts sound, she would hear the entirety of this conversation rather than just letters out of the corner of her eye.
"Blood and magic," says Phil, clapping you on the back. "A potent combination. Well done, Dory."

"That's a portal," says Isolia, looking worriedly at it. "Dr. Hygmalion showed me something similar."

"Really? I thought he preferred to disappear with a flash of light and a puff of smoke," says Phil. "You know, showbiz trickery."

"Well, yes," says Isolia with a nod. "But just because he's a… uh… he's a confidence trickster… well, that doesn't mean that he's not a powerful mage. He knows a lot of obscure magic."

"What shall we do about that?" asks Venta, indicating the portal. The girl on the other side doesn't seem to have noticed it yet. Or maybe it's only one-way.
Either they speak loud enough for her to hear, or don't. Unless Elys has a severe case of this.

[x] Smile and speak to them.
-[x] Come right in! We have demons!

Don't mind a dead professor under my feet. He gave me a bad grade.
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Objection! If the portal conducts sound, she would hear the entirety of this conversation rather than just letters out of the corner of her eye.
Hmm. Good point. I'll change it.

EDIT: I had originally imagined that sound would pass through the portal but would be somewhat muffled. However, considering what has actually happened in the story so far, I agree that it makes more sense if the portal doesn't conduct sound.

Unless Elys has a severe case of this.
A severe case of...
Error 1011
Ray ID: 6648bc54cd354e2c • 2021-06-24 20:34:13 UTC Access denied


Well, I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds pretty scary.
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EDIT: I had originally imagined that sound would pass through the portal but would be somewhat muffled. However, considering what has actually happened in the story so far, I agree that it makes more sense if the portal doesn't conduct sound.
Either that, or they talk quietly among themselves. They have a vested interest in not raising voices to avoid being found.

Depending on which it is, it changes what we'd have to do. Talking would be easier for communication, but if the portal doesn't allow talking we may have to resort to sign language or writing on the sheets conveniently scattered around.

Plus, would any of them want to come if they knew it was some gods-forgotten realm of murder-clones?
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[X] Smile and wave to them.
[X] Use your Illusions to show them in detail exactly what happened to you.
...or perhaps, a slightly summarized/abridged version. Specifically, show them:
1. Elys stumbling upon the corpse, the monster (demon?), and the mirror, in the office.
2. Elys blasting the mirror, causing it to suck up the office and everything in it.
3. Elys blasting the monster to ashes when it attacks her (we're trying to make a good first impression here, and casually pulling its arms off and then finishing it off as it's trying to flee is juuust barely gruesome and ruthless enough that it might cross the line from "cool helpful monster slayer" to "scary and dangerous person", so maybe omit that little detail for now)
4. Elys looking around unsure of what to do and searching through the stuff sucked up by the mirror.
[X] Wave to them.
[X] Smile at them.
[X] Illusion words for them.
-[X] "Hello, I'm Elys, who are you?"

I don't want to try and charade even an abbreviated version of recent events. I doubt that would work well.
wouldnt venta also be good at illusions? (being a goblin n all) was going to ask if she can only do the one illusion cantrip but then i remembered she'd used illusion magic before both in magicball and to help the gang out of sticky situations. i guess its that despite her natural talent for her, she is less practised at it than elys and thus still needs to use ritual magic???
elys is in less of a rush than the sambian kids, her concern is to not startle these strange kids so they dont have any reason to close the portal (not that they can, but elys doesnt know that) , thier concern is to get out of dodge asap and away from the danger persuing them. anyway, elys can take her time when telling her story.

in the spirit of diplomacy, i think something like:

hi, im elys, who are you? why portal? are you ok? you look hurt?
We are overthinking this. That we can't hear them whispering doesn't mean they can't hear us talking.

They might, though, but we should check if talking works, first.

Logically speaking, at this point in time we are not even sure which language they speak, though shouldn't something about the uniforms give it away? How many magical academies accept goblin students, or have goblin population to recruit students from?
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We are overthinking this. That we can't hear them whispering doesn't mean they can't hear us talking.

They might, though.

Logically speaking, at this point in time we are not sure which language they speak, though shouldn't something about the uniforms give it away? How many magical academies accept goblin students, or have goblin population to recruit students from?
the uniform would give it away, but why would wlys be familiar with sambian acadamy uniforms? its not like shes met a transfer student or has fantasy socialmedia. ;p
Eh, it's just a guess. They are neighbouring nations (at least, Greater Quellonia is, though Elys is attending the Engelram Academy in Asquellon), and Sambia is in a desert region which tend to have a certain style of dress by necessity.
[x] Wave to them.
[x] Smile at them.
[x] Illusion words for them.
-[x] Make a big sign that says "Elys" in several colors with an arrow that points to yourself

Wait, I gotta know, what are the boys' skin/hair color? I feel like I knew at some point, but given my Elys memory, I can't rely on that
[X] Wave to them.
[X] Smile at them.
[X] Illusion words for them.
-[X] "Hello, I'm Princess Elys, who are you?"
[X] Wave to them.
[X] Smile at them.
[X] hi, my name is elys, you three look hurt. if you let me step out of this strange dimension i recently got myself trapped in, i can call my uncle for help.

how sus should elys be? ooq we know these kids are safe but elys doesnt know that. how guarded should she be with information and such?
The Mirror Monster (Part Five)
wouldnt venta also be good at illusions? (being a goblin n all) was going to ask if she can only do the one illusion cantrip but then i remembered she'd used illusion magic before both in magicball and to help the gang out of sticky situations. i guess its that despite her natural talent for her, she is less practised at it than elys and thus still needs to use ritual magic???
There's a big difference between them: Venta is a normal girl who has a natural talent for using illusion magic, whereas Elys is the divinely empowered champion of Mishrak who has received personal tuition from several skilled mages ever since she was a small child.

Eh, it's just a guess. They are neighbouring nations (at least, Greater Quellonia is, though Elys is attending the Engelram Academy in Asquellon), and Sambia is in a desert region which tend to have a certain style of dress by necessity.
The Sambian Empire is a large nation that stretches over several different climes. Ever since they were driven out of Avraash by the Rhuzadi Khaganate, there are hardly any desert areas that are considered to be part of their territory, so it's exceedingly unlikely that they would be wearing that 'certain style of dress'.

Wait, I gotta know, what are the boys' skin/hair color? I feel like I knew at some point, but given my Elys memory, I can't rely on that
Appearance-wise, they're more Central European. They both have brown hair, although Philander's is a shade lighter.


The Mirror Monster (Part Five)
It occurs to you that if he and his friends are anywhere on the world of Narrath, all you'd need to do would be to step through to the other side: then, you could call Uncle Mishrak, get him to pick you up and take you home. It'd be easy...

However, you think that it would be unwise to rush through the portal without first establishing peaceful diplomatic relations with the four young mage apprentices on the other side: if they panicked and closed the portal, or pushed you into one of the edges, you could be cut in half. You don't want to die like that. Or at all, if you can help it.
You take a few moments to inspect the young mages on the other side of the portal, trying to glean clues from their appearance as to who and where they are. Their robes are utterly generic, of a kind that is worn by wizardly apprentices all over the continent of Ardenor – and beyond, for all you know – and if you saw them in the streets of Asquellon or Truinon, you would not give them a second glance. Could they be somewhere in Quellonia? It's possible, but you doubt it: after the pogroms of several centuries ago, there are hardly any goblins in Quellonia and they tend to stay in their own tribal communities rather than mingling with the general populace, so it would be extraordinarily unusual for a young goblin to become a mage apprentice and join a wizarding school alongside a bunch of regular humans.

They could be Mercadian, you suppose, but you think it's more likely that they are Ardenese, just like you. So, if you go through the portal, you should only be a few hundred miles from home. Less than a thousand, certainly. Hurrah for small mercies!

The boy with the broken nose and blood spilled down his front is a half-elf, which is interesting but doesn't help you to narrow down their location: elves are very rare, but can be found all over the world. Possibly not in Chamdara, but everywhere else…

It seems doubtful that they are Rhuzadi, Avraashi, Sarnese, Vashiiri, or from the Dawnlands – you'd expect them to be dressed quite differently if they came from any of those places – which leaves only a few options: the lands of the Dunhas and Dunsini, Enishar, the Wranni, and the Sambian Empire. Considering that the Sambian Empire rules over more than half of West Ardenor's land mass and is home to nearly two thirds of its population, if you had to guess, you would guess that they probably come from there. Whatever the case, they almost certainly speak Sambian: it is a common language for the people of Ardenor, most of which has been ruled over by the Sambian Empire at some point or other. You speak it too, even though it is a point of pride for many Quellonians that they have never been conquered by force of arms: Quellonian knights have successfully guarded the borders of their homeland for almost two thousand years, but Sambian cultural hegemony has proven much more difficult to resist than their legions.

Just as you are thinking about that, another thought occurs to you: they could be Aspitis! The island of Tolmar is to the south of Quellonia, almost halfway between Ardenor and Anakwaan, and you sometimes forget that it is usually considered to be part of West Ardenor. The people of the Empire of Aspitolm are such horrible neighbours that you can hardly bear to think of them as being in any way related to you: long ago, the tribes of Asp were cousins to the tribes of Quel.

You can only hope that the other end of the portal is not in Aspitolm: you have no desire to be captured and enslaved. Of course, the scared group of schoolchildren you see before you wouldn't be able to defeat you on their own, but wherever they are there must be teachers, guards, or older students whom you would be hard-pressed to defend yourself against. 'If they're in Aspitolm, Uncle Mishrak wouldn't be able to rescue me,' you think to yourself, dismayed. 'There's no way that he could get past the wards!'

Putting on a charming smile, you try to look as nonthreatening as possible. At the same time, you conjure illusory words for them to look at: floating near your head, like a cartoonish speech bubble, they say, "Hello, I'm Elys. Who are you?" The words are written in Sambian, which you are confident that the young mage apprentices on the other side of the portal must be able to understand.

It takes some time for them to reply: they are much less adept than you at creating illusions and need to set up a ritual in order to do so. At last, after much laborious effort, they craft another message out of illusory letters you can see hanging in the air in front of them. It says, "Hello, we found a mirror and can see you."

After that, seemingly exasperated by her colleagues' slow progress, the goblin girl takes over letter-writing duties. More quickly, another message appears beneath the first: "We are being chased by older students out for blood. We're trying to escape. Can we come through the portal?"

Hastily, you answer as quickly as you can: "I don't think that's advisable. If someone closed the portal, you could be trapped here."

you trapped?" she asks, shrewdly.

You're not entirely sure how to answer that; but it occurs to you that any hesitation could be taken as an answer, so you don't delay. "Possibly," you admit. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure: I've only just arrived here."

She looks a little disappointed. "You're not some kind of mirror goddess?"

You laugh at that, exaggerating your physical reactions somewhat. "I'm as human as you are," you say, smiling brightly.

This seems to prompt a debate among the young mage apprentices on the other side of the portal. You don't know what they are saying, but you almost think that you can hear a faint susurration at the very edge of your perception. One of the magical abilities taught to you by your patron god and adopted uncle was 'Mastery of Sound', which enables you to control and manipulate sound waves. Perhaps you could use it to make the whispers coming from the other side of the portal more audible to you?

Or perhaps it's time to strike a bargain? They say that they are being 'chased by older students' who are 'out for blood'. Perhaps they are being bullied, perhaps their pursuers are seeking revenge for a mean-spirited prank, or perhaps there's some other perfectly reasonable explanation for why someone would want to hunt them down, but you're not particularly concerned with the morality of what you'd be doing: they are desperate and you are becoming increasingly desperate; in exchange for your aid and protection, they can let you through the portal and give you the information that you need. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

What will you do? (Choose as many options as make sense)
[] Ask them who and where they are.
-[] Ask them for more details (write in: for example, you could ask them what it's like to live in the Sambian Empire).

[] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.

[] Try to convince them that you are 'some kind of mirror goddess'.

[] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[] Offer to fight off the bullies who have been chasing them.
-[] Offer to shield them from the bullies who would harm them.

[] Tell them that you are the Chosen of Mishrak and that they will be well-paid for helping you.

[] Do something else (write in).

Yeah, I'm trying to move things along a bit.
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[] Ask them who and where they are.
-[] Ask them for more details (write in: for example, you could ask them what it's like to live in the Sambian Empire).

Probably a good idea to get out of the mirror dimension as soon as possible. Who knows how long the mirror portal will last.

[] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.

Who knows if they could detect it?

[] Try to convince them that you are 'some kind of mirror goddess'.

She just said she wasn't.

[X] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[X] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[X] Offer to fight off the bullies who have been chasing them.

Good old negotiation.
[X] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.

[X] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[X] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[X] Offer to shield them from the bullies who would harm them.
[X] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.
[X] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[X] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[X] Offer to shield them from the bullies who would harm them.

Vetoing any attempts at
[] Try to convince them that you are 'some kind of mirror goddess'.
because it would be inconsistent with what we just said.

Also vetoing any attempts at
[] Tell them that you are the Chosen of Mishrak
not for any logical reason, but simply because, keeping them guessing/having them find out later would be funnier.
"I'm as human as you are," you say, smiling brightly.
A very precise wording, considering that while goblins are made in the image of humans, they are a separate race.
But I suppose only Isolda counts as a baseline human in the other group. Dorian is an artificial half-elf, and I am not sure if Phil is entirely natural either, given his, ah, "designated purpose".
One of the magical abilities taught to you by your patron god and adopted uncle was 'Mastery of Sound'
Oh no! Don't go down this road, Elys! That way lie horrible puns and insufferable smugness.

[x] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.

Tame your protagonist impulses and just listen for a while. Get a sense of what and who they are, and how much trouble we may be in if we try to go to the other side of the portal. Maybe it's be safer if they hide the mirror and come to our side instead. Are we done with our investigation of this world? We still don't know why the portal opened to this place.

...does it mean the cabinet the kids are in used to belong to another conspirator, and they were using the world as neutral grounds or a transportation hub?
unless the older kids can turn her into a newt or something, im confident elys could beat them in a fight and come out relatively unscathed. elys has proper battle experience, fight training from her adventurer parents and has divine strength from being a chosen (a mild amount as far as chosen go but still, more strength than a regular person would have)
[X] Use Mastery of Sound to listen in to the young mage apprentices' private conversation.
[X] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[X] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[X] Offer to shield them from the bullies who would harm them.
[x] Offer to help them, if they let you go through to their side of the portal.
-[x] Offer to magically heal the half-elf boy's broken nose.
-[x] Offer to fight off the bullies who have been chasing them.

Get through that portal! Who knows how long it can stay open, when the bullies will show up, or any of a number of important variables? Gotta scramble while the scramblin' is good!