Negotiations failed, commence with the maiming.
Actually, his real name, the one he was born with, was Kelamon Dumar...(what was hondus's real name again, he's only a fictional character but even so, i dont want to afford himthe respect of regering to him by his chosen epithet)(tyrant master of magic, what a bozo)
I've recently reread the entirety of The Tinpot Princess and Her Many Travels. I hope that it's helped me to get back into character.While I don't see anything here as being quite out of character for Elys, from her reaction to the professor's corpse I can definitely see how she could end up turning into Frida if things continue on this path. That would be a disservice to both characters if it were to happen.
If I'm writing a character, and what I'm writing them for goes on hiatus for a long while, it helps me to re-read what I've wrote for them before. Maybe just skim, skipping through any parts not focused around the character in question. (all I have really written for is my player characters in some ttrpg campaigns, done over the internet via text, but none of them have been self-inserts)
Professor Elthonar's body is rapidly decaying. His ragged robes and desiccated flesh seem to disintegrate at the merest touch. You can't rummage through his pockets because, by the time you reach for them, he no longer has pockets. Nevertheless, you find a bunch of keys attached to a chain around his skeletal neck. The keys are tiny, almost identical, and made of a shimmering not-quite-golden metal that shines with an inner light. There are nine keys in all. Each of them has an identifying number etched on its bow, from one to nine: if they didn't, you're not sure how you would be able to tell them apart.Taking stock of your surroundings, you see the shattered fragments of the professor's desk, as well as a great many scattered books, scrolls, pieces of paper, writing implements, and a spar of wood that was once one of his bookshelves. A little way away, you find his shredded corpse, covered in a thick coating of silvery dust and already looking as if it had been mummified. His robes have been reduced to grimy rags.
"You shouldn't have given me a bad grade," you tell him, glaring resentfully down at his grinning skull. "You didn't deserve to die like this – or maybe you did: I don't know what you got up to in private – but I didn't deserve to be treated like that either. It just goes to show…"
As you gaze around at the alien landscape, your voice trails away to nothing: you have other things to think about. In the distance, you see jagged hills, mountains, and spires of crystal. What you cannot see is a way out of here. As far as you can tell, there is no way back. You are trapped here.
Mysterious Scribblings said:f,g,p,e,p,e,m,t,b,d,o,l,h,e,e,p,d,o,p,o,h,v,h,c,p,o,f,h,o,k,f,d,x,r,n,j,p,e,g,p,f,d,c,l,d,c,a,o,t,d,o,h,d,f,g,h,c,f,g,a,o,m,t,e,h,j,l,f,d,c,h,a,k,p,f,n,r,f,p,i,c,p,f,h,p,f,o,d,o,h,f,g,h,j,h,e,e,l,d,c,f,g,h,e,a,s,h,d,l,m,t,d,i,o,x,h,a,b,h,d,l,m,p,o,k,p,l,o,d,f,g,p,o,u,h,j,e,h,p,f,c,h,u,a,c,k,h,j,f,g,d,o,a,c,a,m,u,r,p,j,f,t,d,l,f,h,c,c,p,n,j,h,h,v,p,j,p,i,a,e,k,h,b,h,p,v,h,k,n,t,a,u,c,d,r,x,d,l,i,p,b,s,h,k,m,h,o,a,o,k,i,d,m,h,o,b,a,j,j,p,o,u,f,g,h,m,e,h,j,v,h,e,f,g,h,m,t,e,f,p,b,x,a,f,g,i,g,d,f,c,p,b,s,h,k,m,h,p,o,f,d,w,d,p,o,p,o,u,p,o,i,p,f,g,f,g,h,p,c,v,p,j,h,b,d,o,e,x,p,c,a,b,p,h,e,
Aw shit. Welp, that explains the deal with these mirrors!
I have faith that @Nevill will have solved this coded message within a few minutes.
Ah. Sneaky.On the first page of the introduction, it says, 'Across the world, from the fabled Dawnlands to the Isle of Tzuki in the far west, there are many legends of unfortunate men and women who have journeyed into the underworld (also known as "The Land of Roots" or "The Place Where the Sun Shineth Not"), either by accident or because they were on a quest to retrieve the soul of one of their loved ones. I, Kelamon Dumar – famed explorer, mighty mage, and world traveller – have made it my mission to discover the truth behind these legends.'
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A C R O S T H E W L D F M B N I Q U K Y G V J P X Z
Um... neither of those is the code that I have written down.a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A C R O S T H E W L D F M B N I Z U K Y G V J P Q X
a n b k h l u g p w s j m o d x y c e f r v i z t q
I think that's what happened. I'm still struggling to get my head around it. Ugh.As for the code you are using... perhaps we are merely using a different notation? I wrote down the letters of the encrypted letter and what they correspond to in the original message, while you may have done the opposite.
Yes, that's it. Well done to you and Nevill.This is my confession. I never intend to publish it or for anyone other than myself to read it but I write it nonetheless, for the sake of my own peace of mind, if nothing else. I, Tregard Elthonar, am guilty of terrible evil. I was deceived by a group of wicked men and women, calling themselves "The Mystic Path", who tricked me into joining in with their vile conspiracies.
Thank you. I hope that I can keep going for a long time.
You've only read the first page of his coded notebook. For all you know, the rest of it could be full of hilarious anecdotes. Like that time Hurondus convinced him to help out with trashing Teryn's Necropolis...Is it too much to hope the Evil Professor kept around a collection of anecdotes?
Yes, you can. If that's what you want to do, please vote for it.
That makes sense.i have yet to read the time travel quest so i cannot comment on how much elys is or insnt the woman from that. she did read as a little cold for an eleven year old, colder than i remember, but that isnt exactly a bad thing or a mistake in characterisation, shes been through alot lately, everything from the raid on ismar upto being functionally alone in an unfamiliar, cold and hostile place would all take a toll.
basically shes need a hug to recharge her spirits and that.
True, but Elys's schoolbag is quite full already. And she's the adopted niece of the fabulously wealthy Mishrak, the literal god of treasure*. You can be sure that she'll never be short of money to buy school supplies.edit: schools supplies arent cheap in fantasyland in the way they are irl
You don't need to vote for it. All I needed was the correct solution.what is the voting etiquette re: solved puzzles, do we need to all individually vote for it? or now that one solution has been confirmed by the author does that mean nothing needs to be voted in?