You tapped into the Cursed Seal, the flame marking rapidly spreading across your body. You felt power surge through you and with a body flicker, you surged forward. Dosu stopped in his tracks and tried to defend, but you buried your fist into his stomach, making him fold over your arm. You grabbed Dosu by the bandages covering his face and tore them off, revealing his face. It was nothing special, a generic looking kid of about fourteen years old with short black hair underneath.
"What the..." Dosu began, but you shut him up by slamming your forehead against the middle of his face, feeling his nose crunch upon impact and shedding hot blood on your face. Dosu stumbled backwards and you followed up by a powerful blow to the face than sent him sprawling onto the ground.
"How am I going to see the fear I carve into you if you keep that face hidden all the time?" you answered maliciously. Dosu tried to fire a Decapitating Airwave at you, but you dodged and punted him in the ribs, sending him sliding across the floor and into the building. You followed up by running towards him and jumping into the air, ready to plant a knee into his chest, but he shot out another blast out of his palm!
With a devilish grin, you substituted with a nearby chunk of rubble and managed to get behind Dosu as he stood up. You forcefully spun him around to face you as you gave a powerful right hook across his face. You didn't let him breathe as you continued with a uppercut that snapped his head upwards and with your long nails, you carved bloody lines into his exposed neck, a faint scar reopening from his battle with Tezaki.
Dosu grasped his bleeding throat and sputtered, but you wanted to inflict more pain! You roughly grasped his hair with your hand, clawing into his scalp with your nails, and pulled his head downward into your rising knee. Blood was beginning to flow freely from Dosu's ruined face, staining his teeth red as he seethed with pain. You continued thrusting your knee into Dosu's face until he went limp. Lifting him by his hair, you looked at the unconscious Dosu, his face caked in blood, bruises, and cuts.
Dosu was yours now, you could finish him off in anyway you pleased!
What will you do?
[] Throw Dosu into a corner and set him ablaze with your Wrathful Fire Stream!
[] You haven't had your fill yet! Continue beating Dosu into a pulp!
[] You haven't felt a high like this in years! Go Cursed Seal 2 and go wild!
[] Drop Dosu onto the floor. You were done here, you proved your point. You'll just have to prove it again if he gets uppity.
[] Write In.