[X] Write In - Activate Curse Seal 1 and stomp through the rooftops and the floor below. Use the broken line of sight to discretely plug our ears with cloth/cotton, and prepare an ambush.

EDIT: Giga's vote.
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[X] Write In - Activate Curse Seal 1 and stomp through the rooftops and the floor below. Use the broken line of sight to discretely plug our ears with cloth/cotton, and prepare an ambush.

We can't just win, guys. We have to humiliate Dosu. And if we no sell his displayed taijutsu sound manipulation, he'll get even more assblasted. Especially since he won't be able to see the earplugs through our long, thick hair.

Also we have the Byakugan, so even if he can't see us through walls, we can see him.
Arc 1: Chapter 20
You chained together hand seals and took a deep breath, gathering a mass of chakra before releasing it in a massive bolt of fire! The fire greedily engulfed Dosu's attack and you could see him calmly throw a few more blasts of sound around his feet, breaking the roof and falling into the building. You closed your mouth, ending the jutsu as you stayed still, keeping Dosu in sight with your Byakugan. You saw him pull out a kunai with string attached to its ring, and multiple small silver bells were on them. He threw the kunai into the ceiling, the bells clanging noisily as it flew!

You jumped back, not wanting to get surprised but to your annoyance, you could still hear the bells. You tried to tune them out for now as Dosu stayed in the building, lying in wait for your next move. Despite his earlier rage, it seems like he managed to get it under control for now! You had a few ideas going through your head. You could simply try to melt the entire building with Dosu in it with another Wrathful Fire Stream, you could enter the building and perhaps attack from below, you could just enter the room Dosu was in and sling fire around, or...you could wait.

What will you do?

[] Destroy the entire building with your Wrathful Fire Stream!

[] Go to a lower floor of the building and then attack Dosu from below!

[] Enter the room and spit fireballs at Dosu!

[] Wait and see what Dosu does.

[] Write In.
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though.
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though
[X] Use the Byakugan to find out what he is planning, the enter a lower floor to sneak attack Dosu. Observe his movements seconds before you attack though
-[X] Make sure to closely examine the bells to see if any chakra is flowing through them
Arc 1: Chapter 21
You made sure to keep an eye on Dosu as you jumped to the ground, bursting through the front door of the building Dosu was hiding in. Dosu's head jerked downward in your general location and the ringing in your ears were getting louder and louder despite the distance of the bells. Suddenly, your vision began to double...triple...quadruple...until everything was an extreme blurry mess! You fell to your knees, feeling nauseated and pissed off, unable to steady yourself!

"The fuck!?" you shouted, turning off your Byakugan as it was simply making your vision even worse in this state. You couldn't hear anything but that damned ringing and you were so off balance it was beginning to make you retch! At this point you knew you were in a genjutsu and tried breaking out of it with a kai, but it was no use! After another round of violent dry heaving, you brought the back of your hand to your mouth and bit as hard as you could! The pain surged through your arm and suddenly the the sound stopped, making it deathly quiet!

"Extreme Decapitating Airwave." a cold voice spoke. Turning around, you saw Dosu, holding out his hand with the tube in it! You could only raise your arms in some sort of defense as a massive blast of sound and wind engulfed you, pummeling your body both externally and internally! The force of the blast blew you across the room and through the wall of the building, leaving you lying underneath rubble and dirt in the alleyway you were in before.

If you had a normal body, you were sure that would have been the end for you, but you grunted in fury and pushed off the rubble, getting to your feet and spitting out some blood that accumulated in your mouth. Now you saw Dosu rushing towards you, his gauntlet aimed right at you!

What will you do?

[] Activate your Flaming Fists of Destruction and beat the hell out of Dosu!

[] Escape into the air with your Flaming Feet of Swiftness and attack from above with a fireball!

[] No more playing around! Activate the first level of the Cursed Seal and attack Dosu before he can hit you!

[] You're more than angry right now. You're enraged, blindingly furious! Make Dosu suffer, activate the Cursed Seal Level 2!

[] Write In.
[X] No more playing around! Activate the first level of the Cursed Seal and attack Dosu before he can hit you!

Fastest start up.
[X] You're more than angry right now. You're enraged, blindingly furious! Make Dosu suffer, activate the Cursed Seal Level 2!
[X] No more playing around! Activate the first level of the Cursed Seal and Pin Dosu against a wall.
-[X] Close range wrathful fire, turn his head to ash.
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Arc 1: Chapter 22

You tapped into the Cursed Seal, the flame marking rapidly spreading across your body. You felt power surge through you and with a body flicker, you surged forward. Dosu stopped in his tracks and tried to defend, but you buried your fist into his stomach, making him fold over your arm. You grabbed Dosu by the bandages covering his face and tore them off, revealing his face. It was nothing special, a generic looking kid of about fourteen years old with short black hair underneath.

"What the..." Dosu began, but you shut him up by slamming your forehead against the middle of his face, feeling his nose crunch upon impact and shedding hot blood on your face. Dosu stumbled backwards and you followed up by a powerful blow to the face than sent him sprawling onto the ground.

"How am I going to see the fear I carve into you if you keep that face hidden all the time?" you answered maliciously. Dosu tried to fire a Decapitating Airwave at you, but you dodged and punted him in the ribs, sending him sliding across the floor and into the building. You followed up by running towards him and jumping into the air, ready to plant a knee into his chest, but he shot out another blast out of his palm!

With a devilish grin, you substituted with a nearby chunk of rubble and managed to get behind Dosu as he stood up. You forcefully spun him around to face you as you gave a powerful right hook across his face. You didn't let him breathe as you continued with a uppercut that snapped his head upwards and with your long nails, you carved bloody lines into his exposed neck, a faint scar reopening from his battle with Tezaki.

Dosu grasped his bleeding throat and sputtered, but you wanted to inflict more pain! You roughly grasped his hair with your hand, clawing into his scalp with your nails, and pulled his head downward into your rising knee. Blood was beginning to flow freely from Dosu's ruined face, staining his teeth red as he seethed with pain. You continued thrusting your knee into Dosu's face until he went limp. Lifting him by his hair, you looked at the unconscious Dosu, his face caked in blood, bruises, and cuts.

Dosu was yours now, you could finish him off in anyway you pleased!

What will you do?

[] Throw Dosu into a corner and set him ablaze with your Wrathful Fire Stream!

[] You haven't had your fill yet! Continue beating Dosu into a pulp!

[] You haven't felt a high like this in years! Go Cursed Seal 2 and go wild!

[] Drop Dosu onto the floor. You were done here, you proved your point. You'll just have to prove it again if he gets uppity.

[] Write In.
I suspect he's either faking unconsciousness (Jashin lets you remain conscious decapitated), or it's a genjutsu.

[X] Inspired by what Kabuto did to you, use your Byakugan and strength to snap his limbs, forcing him to endure traveling on broken legs and arms.