So formulaic and by the numbers like a majority of the non-biased reviews have stated (The ones that aren't saying it's the best thing since sliced bread and the others saying it's a disaster)?


I'll copy and past what I just said in SB before I sleep (and will reply more when I awaken)

*shrug* If you like Marvel movies, you'll like this one. If you don't like Marvel movies, you might not like this one.

It has the banter, jokes, fight scenes, cool CGI and usual slight inconsistencies with previous works that make Marvel Movies Marvel movies.

I like what they did with the Skrulls, seeing Nick Fury as a level 3 agent is a treat, and Coulson.. honestly Coulson seems like he originally had a larger part in the movie, but Clark Gregg couldn't make it. The first part of the movie wasn't the best, and honestly there is one scene in the movie thats so Dragon Ball Z it hurts. As usual, I think the marketing made some mistakes, turning what could have been a great scene in the movie into something a lot more predictable..

Honestly it tries to be a Phase One movie made with post GoTG sensibilities, which honestly doesn't work in that type of role.
Might have been better released as a stand alone thing 2 -3 movies ago, without all the massive lead in post infinity war.
IW immediately blows up their refugee ship and implies that most of them be dead dead dead.
Wasn't it implied half the ship had survived, though? I'll admit I don't remember for sure, but I think that it was mentioned somewhere in there.

Ragnarok: "Are you Thor, God of Hammers?"
Infinity War: "I need a bigger hammer."
That I can definitely agree with, though.

See I never really got that, I always thought that Thor in infinity war was profoundly broken, he had the everloving shirt kicked out of him at pretty much all conceivable levels, and was retreating into preivious persona just as a way to cope.

Like that's why his plan fails.
This makes a lot of sense. Still kinda sad that it undoes his development in Ragnarok, but it does kinda justify some of the reversal.

I'm mostly just salty that they seemed to entirely forget that Valkyrie existed.
Something I forgot to respond to earlier:

I wonder why she put in her contract for there to be more then just men interviewing her. :V

Were there seriously people complaining that she didn't smile on the poster? :mad:

Like, is there any superhero movie where the hero is smiling on the poster? Usually they're looking all determined like they're about to kick some ass, or kind of concerned. I suppose that Peter Parker theoretically might be smiling under his mask in the poster for Spider-Man: Homecoming, since he seems to be chilling out, but that's all I can think of. Maybe the old Christopher Reeves Superman movies?
To be honest I felt it also did some damage to Wakanda as it was set up.

Like, The Wakanda in Black Panther would work better in a universe where there were few, or no, other superheroes to be honest. It kinda pulls down the impact of Wakanda getting back into the world when you drop some space alien garbage on it just after.
To be honest I felt it also did some damage to Wakanda as it was set up.

Like, The Wakanda in Black Panther would work better in a universe where there were few, or no, other superheroes to be honest. It kinda pulls down the impact of Wakanda getting back into the world when you drop some space alien garbage on it just after.

I think they didn't expect Black Panther to be as successful as it was, and thus didn't expect as many people to care as much about its fate in IW.
Just saw it. Entertaining, inoffensive. It's a decent film.

Black bars are vaguely spoilery commentary about the film but there aren't any important plot points revealed.
Content with spoiler tags are actually spoilers.

The good
  • Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. She's a bit cocky, laid-back and to the point, in a way, she reminds me a bit of Tony Stark which is a good thing, I can see people getting attached to character quickly.
  • The comedic duo with Fury and Danvers as straight man and foil works.
  • Another space arc is in the works.
  • The feminist arc. In the film, it's mainly manifested via Kree hierarchy, which obviously affects Carol Danvers, but also Yon Rogg at the end, there's a scene where it's shown he's both a participant and a victim. The messaging is universal in that it affect everyone so the reception should be okay.
The okay
  • The Skrull storyline. Mid-movie, there's a twist,
    the Skrulls onscreen aren't the bad guys, I kept expecting the Skrulls to betray Danvers again and her finding herself on the side of the Kree again, and a final twist with the Kree also being assholes, but it's played straight, the Skrulls, at least the ones on screen remain the good guys until the end
    , there was an anticipation that was never fulfilled. And I think the twist wasn't foreshadowed properly.
  • Captain Marvel's power level. To put it bluntly, anyone saying she'll beat Thanos is wrong. What she shows in the film is somewhere between IW Iron Man and Thor with Storm Breaker.
The needed more work
  • The cinematography. After Ragnarok, Black Panther's Wakanda and IW, Captain Marvel is downright pedestrian. The special effects are exactly what we expect from blockbuster but the camera work and scene composition are bleh.
  • Carol's character arc. As I've mentioned before, Carol Danvers is pretty cool; despite what the cinematic cues of the film - like dramatic music, camera angles, and even a character outright saying it - tell us, the Carol Danvers at the beginning if the film and at the end has undergone very little growth and inner discovery beyond understanding that the Kree are assholes. She knew her worth from the start of the film despite the Kree trying to gaslight her into thinking she owed everything to them.
  • The feminist arc. It doesn't play nice with Danvers character arc and because of that, it lacks emotional impact. he film tries to tell the audience that Captain Marvel was held back by an oppressive system, but the plot tells us she's simply held back by a lack of backstory knowledge. For me, it comes across as a writing team trying to juggle the messaging and the character arc and not doing either well enough.
The bad
  • The foreknowledge. Knowing the promotional material and seeing the tone of the film, the only question in my mind was when Captain Marvel was going to unlock her powers and kick everyone's ass. No tension.
With all that said, the film is fun and I spent a good time with characters that I would enjoy seeing again on screen with their current characterisation. Oh well , we can't get Fury Road every time, where the character arcs, the plot, the action and the messaging all meet together to form a harmonious whole.
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I'm going to be honest, I never really cared for Carol Danvers as a character in the comics. She's just a bit too bland for my tastes, and while I don't expect her to crack jokes like Spider-Man or Deadpool, she just never really clicked with me. Which is a shame since I like Kamala Kahn as Ms. Marvel more than I ever liked Carol as Ms. Marvel. Then Civil War 2 came along and I gave up on ever reading one of her books.

I hate to say it, but I think Wonder Woman did a better job as movie than Captain Marvel.

I don't understand why you have to have a female character be stoic so they can look 'strong', because that basically kills any interest I have in them as a character. You can have a strong woman and still have her show emotions, Wonder Women proved that if you actually tried you could pull it off with little effort.
Maybe the same reason Hank? She had a lot of issues with her own identity and what people expected of her.
No, it's just that one dude keeps taking the names she uses. Genis-Vell, son of the original Captain Marvel, first took her identity as Captain Marvel and then also took the identity of Photon from her. The reason she switched from Pulsar to Spectrum is just that she found the latter to be a cooler name. That's mostly it.
I saw Captain Marvel. Brie Larson was very good but Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn and part of the supporting cast stole the show or well movie. Laughed at most of the jokes. It was an okay movie. Predictable plot and rather bland one at that. Spoilers from the movie trailers didn't help in regards to the former.

So Black Panther and then Captain Marvel, with Infinity War and then Ant Man & the Wasp in between . . .

How does that chart go?

10/10 white guys - As it should be

9/10 white guys - forced Hollywood Tokenism

8/10 white guys - White Genocide!

Wasn't it implied half the ship had survived, though? I'll admit I don't remember for sure, but I think that it was mentioned somewhere in there.

While this would make sense . . . And would indeed be a very Thanos thing to do . . . It kinda wasn't shown in the movie.
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I enjoyed it a lot and wasn't bored. I got to see characters I liked plus new characters do fun and explosive stuff. There were tensions, there were revelations, there were universe tie-ins, there was a Stan Lee tribute I felt was quite touching, and there was a post credits scene even sillier than the one in Ant Man and the Wasp :p

It wasn't a bad MCU film and it wasn't too formulaic. I wonder whether it has the most explosions. But I've never really kept track of that before.

that neon suit though. I kinda need to see that again.
Yeah but we all know this is a Carol flms. :p (Barring some sort of crazy secret plot twist which honestlly I would not at all mind.)
It's starring Carol, but it seems that Monica at least makes a cameo appearance; the clips in the trailer of Carol and a black woman getting into fighter jets show that the fighter has Monica's name stenciled on the side.
Just saw the movie, really enjoyed it and found the action and comedy to be spot on, and the Stan Lee tribute was touching so overall was a very enjoyable film.