Mainline Normalverse is meant to be the Marvel Universe. Whedon was going to have Cyclops reference his cousin in a mental hospital for seeing vampires during his run of X-Men.

That man right there is from Agents of SHIELD. Daniel Whitehall, also known as Werner Reinhardt.
Mainline Normalverse is meant to be the Marvel Universe. Whedon was going to have Cyclops reference his cousin in a mental hospital for seeing vampires during his run of X-Men.

That man right there is from Agents of SHIELD. Daniel Whitehall, also known as Werner Reinhardt.

Still, it did a little. She'd let Samantha know that when the girl had come over. In response, she had jokingly been asked to foretell the future. After all, if her knowledge was four years ahead, surely she'd know something good that could be checked against it. Unfortunately, the only national event that came to her mind happened the previous fall, a short while after she'd been resurrected in Sunnydale. It wasn't something she wanted to really be right about here, and she didn't even recall all the details as she'd still been focused on her own personal issues. Her focus had been too strong to worry about New York. Sunnydale had that sort of death count in a month... But again, it was a delusion. She couldn't guarantee that anything she saw in there was real. In fact, it was more likely that none of it was.

Erm, if you're referring to what i think you are, that amount of casualties in a month would have depopulated Sunnydale in a few years, tops. It's canonically a town of less than 40,000 IIRC.
Tiny next scene
Bit of a short scene, wanting some feedback on it before I continue working on the next bit:

Buffy jolted awake with a start. Looking around, she clutched her blankets tight to her chest. Her bedroom, she was in her bedroom. Mr. Gordo stared at her from his position on the floor on the other end of the room. His eyes accused her of a number of things. Buffy shuddered. Her stuffed pig seemed to stare down her very soul, knowing what lied beneath, what she had done. He knew how she had... No. That was a dream. It had to have been a dream. There was no way she had....

The dreams were getting to her. She wasn't going to fall back into her delusions, she wasn't. Vampires were not real. Sunnydale wasn't real. The demons weren't real, and she wasn't some mystically empowered warrior destined to fight all things supernatural. She had to hold on to that. She needed to focus on the real, the now.

Givers of gifts should prepare for receiving. No. Death was not her gift. Buffy left her bed and walked to her vanity. She popped open her prescription bottle, and she took two pills into her hand. The pills were gel capsules containing some sort of fluid medicine. The name of the drug was something hard to pronounce, and its list of side effects was something suitably long for any psychiatric medication. Buffy only knew two things for certain about them. They were small, and the liquid they contained was a deep red, the color that blood turned when exposed to air, and she knew that she would feel better after taking them. Two little pills would take all her worries away, give her the strength to carry on.

Funny, the Chosen One, the Slayer needing two pills to even get through the day, but she wasn't exactly the Slayer now, was she? Mr. Gordo continued to stare, the unsaid accusation echoing in the silence of the room. She wouldn't feel guilt over what had never happened. She needed to...

Buffy popped the two pills into her mouth and swallowed without water. For just a second, she could feel herself back in Sunnydale, back in the flooded basement, standing over the gathered remains of the Buffybot and Ted, and then she snapped back to reality. She could see every aspect of her vanity's wood grain; see the light reflecting off of her mirror. She could hear the tiny vibrations in the air as the air conditioner kicked on; she smelled the faint hint of lavender that had been in the shampoo she'd used the previous day, faded only slightly. She placed a hand on her vanity to steady herself, feeling the dips and divots in the wood. This world was more real. Here was where she knew she needed to be, and it was here that she was going to stay.

Buffy pushed off of her vanity lightly, and unconsciously used some prior training to organize her thoughts. Today, she was to have lunch with Samantha, and then potentially, she was hoping that her parents would let her get some time out of the house. It had been far too long since she'd been dancing, and given that she was doing better, albeit while medicated, she was certain that they couldn't object to her having a good night out.
Totally sane, right?
Buffy made her way down the hall, and as soon as she stepped out of her room, she could hear her parents discussing something in hushed voices in the living room. Not wanting to interrupt them yet, she closed her eyes and listened. One thing her delusion about Sunnydale taught her was how to listen. One needed to know when a certain nasty was out to get you or which direction that certain scream just came from. People assumed that the skill came from her being the Slayer, something like Superman had super-hearing. They weren't wholly right, otherwise it wouldn't translate to what she was able to do now. After all, here she wasn't the Slayer. She was just a normal human being, albeit one hopped up on her anti-crazy meds, but still only human. Theoretically anyone could learn to do it; it just required the focus to blot out other sounds and only hear what one was seeking out to hear. Buffy wanted to hear her parents and pushed out everything that didn't matter otherwise. She listened.

"… something wrong with her still, I'm telling you, Joyce." Her dad sounded worried. "You saw how she was when we brought her back last night. It was almost as bad as when we visited her in the hospital."

"The doctor said she just needed to sleep off the therapy session. When she wakes up, she'll be with us. The doctor said to call him if she wasn't." Her mom's voice, by contrast was calm, belying the volume.

"Even when she's with us, something still isn't quite right. She seems different, Joyce. It's… I can't really put my finger on it, but she's got a look in her eye sometimes that's like she's listening to someone that isn't there." The voices in your head are the voices in mine and the voices in her head are the voices in his. Buffy forced the voice out. No matter how accurate her father's words were, she wasn't in her delusion anymore. She was here now. The voice might have been a side effect of her mind getting those delusions under control, concentrating into that creepsome voice. Still, she couldn't tell how worth it being out of the delusion was sometimes.

"Hank, she's home, and she's lucid. The doctors let us take her home, and she doesn't have to be in the hospital anymore, isn't that enough?" Buffy's heart ached when listening to her mother. She remembered when she told her mom again about being the Slayer, how she had reacted, and how it contrasted with what her mom was doing now. It seemed like her mom was a little more like how she was toward the end… no, she was alive now.

"Yes, but for how long? You know as well as I do that last summer she was lucid for four months. Four wonderful months that she was out of her delusion, but they didn't let us take her home then. And they were right not to! She fell right back into her delusion when her so-called friends called. She felt that they needed her more than we did. She went back to them, and she left us, Joyce. Our daughter very nearly made that same decision when she came out of it this time. Yet they let us take her home. What's the difference between then and now?" Buffy couldn't help but agree in some aspects. While she didn't want to go back into her delusion, she wasn't stupid. It didn't make sense why they were able to release her so fast after she came out of it. She was a practically comatose patient who had suddenly attained lucidity. They should have been wanting to study her, not let her go. Tag them and let them go. See the Kine in their natural habitat. See them behave…

"Don't. Just… don't, Hank. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. We have our baby back. If it's only for a short time, we should enjoy it while it lasts. Is it too much to just want my baby back?" Okay, now she could smell the whiskey coming from the living room. Were the two of them drinking already? It was a little early in the day for the alcohol to come out, wasn't it? She needed to head in there and end this before it got to a point where she'd want to speak up or they began fighting.

Buffy grimaced as she allowed the rest of the world to come into focus. When she'd done this in her delusion, she'd been able to regain her attention on the general view of reality fairly easily without it overwhelming her. She certainly hadn't expected the colors to sharpen, scents to become clearer, nor could she even think that she'd still be able to hear her parents… and practically everything else. There was a low electric hum and a high pitched hiss that sounded like the TV was on but on mute, albeit not in the living room, perhaps her parents' room? The cacophony of sounds was deafening, causing Buffy to stumble and place her hand down. It was like what happened when she took her pill was multiplied by a factor of ten.

No. This was not happening. She could overcome it. This was just another type of hallucination which she could, and would, force her way through. Push it back. Push it all back. Focus on what was in front of her. She was better than this. She might have been a crazy person, but she would not let that detract from her seeing reality the way it really was. Who defines what is really real? Are you crazy or the only one who is sane?

Focus. Control. Power through it. And then it was gone. The world was normal, and Buffy released a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding. Now she could go into the room, interrupt her parents. She glanced up and let another breath out before breathing in. Smile, Buffy. Your parents need to see that you're fine. You need to be fine. Just two more steps. There.

Buffy stepped into the living room, but her parents continued their discussion in hushed tones, not seeming to notice her presence. Apparently, despite Buffy's near-collapse from sensory overload, she still managed to be unintentionally sneaky. That, or her parents were so engrossed in their conversation about her that they couldn't focus on anything else. That wouldn't do at all.

Buffy cleared her throat, "Morning, Mom, Dad." She glanced at the clock. Well, it was still morning for another twenty minutes anyway.

Her voice seemed to have the necessary effect on them as Hank and Joyce Summers turned to face their daughter. "Good morning, pumpkin. Glad to see you up and awake."

"Yeah… how come nobody woke me?" Buffy asked. "I mean, isn't Sam supposed to be meeting up with me in a half hour?"

"We would have, sweetie, but something came up. You looked so peaceful there on your bed anyway, and we figured it wouldn't harm anything if we let you sleep in a bit more." Her mother said with a smile. Familial strife takes precedence over wakefulness. A universal truth.

The voice in her head seemed a little off-point today, but that was fine. She could deal with it if it wasn't making sense. The moment it started to make sense was when she'd be worried.

"What if Sam had shown up before I'd had the chance to get dressed?" Buffy asked, allowing a bit of petulance to creep into her voice.

"We'd have sent her in to wake you herself. And then maybe broken out the video camera to tape the – ow…" Her father rubbed his shoulder and gave a bemused look to her mom.

"If Samantha had shown up, I would have had your father wake you up and stalled her with some hot chocolate. Of course, you're awake now, and as you said, she'll be here in half an hour. You'll probably have lunch with her." Her mom smiled to Buffy and then her eyes flicked downward from Buffy's face.

Buffy looked down at herself. While her Yummy Sushi pajamas were fine for lounging around the house or sleeping in, (speaking of, how did she get dressed in them?), they were wholly unsuited to going out on the town with an old friend. Muttering something unpleasant under her breath, Buffy nodded. "I'll go get ready to go out then. No telling what Dad would pick if we gave him the chance."

"Just because I want to keep the boys off of you…" Hank started, and Buffy turned on her heel, swiftly heading back to her room.

Buffy's wardrobe wasn't all that extensive. Actually, to be accurate, it was pretty extensive, albeit with clothing that was far better suited on a freshman or sophomore at high school than on the twenty-two year old adult she happened to be. Luckily, the day after she managed to get released from the mental hospital, she took a shopping trip with Samantha to get some appropriate clothing for the season. It wouldn't do to be caught in clothing that was so last year… six years ago. Buffy scanned the wardrobe, letting her eyes fall on an outfit that hung on the interior door. A smile played itself on her lips as she remembered when she'd joined Hemery High's Cheer Squad, and a wince happened when she remembered Amy's mother in her delusion. The cheerleader outfit on the doorway wasn't her Hemery High uniform, no. This was something that she and Sam had bought because they'd thought it would be funny. The appropriate underwear to go with this was a white, hip-hugging thong, whose straps would be visible with how low the skirt hung on her hips. The shirt would bare almost all of her midriff and reveal a great deal of her chest if she wore it. It was, in short, almost a fetish cheerleader outfit, something that Sam seemed to enjoy seeing her in.

Now that she thought about it, there were probably reasons for that, but Buffy didn't really care much. The slutty cheerleader outfit was definitely not something she would wear, even to go out to a club. Instead, she reached for a far better and stylish outfit. She put on a sports bra and a tank top that matched the colors, and she put on a pair of Capri jeans. She and Sam were planning to walk around a bit that day, and she wanted something that would be comfortable and easy to move around in. Of course, this left heels out. As nice as it would be to stand at Sam's eye level, her feet would not thank her for it.

Tying her hair back, she surveyed herself in the mirror, and jumped. Reflected in the mirror nearby was a little girl, perhaps no more than eight. Her brunette hair came down to the small of her back, and she wore a hospital gown. Buffy glanced to where the mirror was reflecting… No little girl, back into the mirror, and the girl just smiled at her. Buffy knew that this had to be another symptom of her lack of sanity, but it had been so long since she'd even had a glimpse of this girl, even in her delusion.

"Hello Buffy…" The little girl said with a wave and gentle smile.

Buffy couldn't help it. She knew this girl. She knew this had to be her mind playing tricks on her again. "Hello, Celia."
Remind me, was this Celia in the TV series? I can't remember. Otherwise, lulz at the cameo of the female Malk outfit. I'm kinda hoping Buffy gets turned by Jennet, but knowing Lacroix and Terese that... might not happen. I was gonna say wouldn't, but then I remembered who Jennet was.

Edit: Also, something that seems to have never been clear to me. What gen is your character in Bloodlines exactly? The wiki says it's 13th but not only is the 13th gen the Thinbloods, if you lvl up dominate high enough you can dominate Lacroix at the end, which if I'm remembering my rules right means he's of a later gen then you are. It's also implied that if you force him to use dominate on you when you get to downtown that it doesn't work and you just pretend it does so....
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Celia was Buffy's cousin who was canonically killed by Der Kinderstod when Buffy and her cousin were 8. Seeing as this happened not in Sunnydale, it would be something that existed outside the delusion.

Celia also called Buffy "Power Girl"
Will Samantha be playing a bigger part in this story then she did in the actual game? I always felt that was a bit of a let down that your character had only that one conflict with someone that knew them from before and it was cleared up so easily.
I like the idea of Samantha having a bigger part, yes. Honestly, her existence is partially why Buffy is staying human so long. Helps to establish Sam as a character. She'll have more than just the "I am your pet turtle" appearance later though.
Nice, that part of the game always came off as ill thought out or unfinished. I always have this feeling that it was supposed to be a big quest chain or something they just didn't have time to finish and so was mostly cut.
Honestly, I just like using dementation on her. Best freaking conversation in the game. Well, that and the Stop Sign.
Lulz, now if if only they had a character appearance customize feature in the game, that would have been great, besides having cleared up all the bugs by themselves.