This is starting to look like something out of the latest SRW, what with Angels coming back from the dead and alternate timelines meeting each other.
Ria was pumping her fists, her breathing measured. She was angry, enraged even, but she was desperately trying not to show it.
Angry? Not just terrified? Hrm...
Ria grabbed her mother in a tight hug, sniffling slightly.

"It's alright," Asuka said, stroking her daughter's head. "It will be alright."

"Stay safe," Ria begged. "Just promise me you'll stay safe."
Much feels... Ria's got a unique problem, that's for sure. If the Angels are specifically going after the Pilots, and intelligent, Ria's now got to worry about the ghosts of giant space monsters appearing from nowhere to assassinate her parents. :/
"Don't apologize," Dr. Suzuhara interrupted, her voice kind. "There's nothing to apologize for. I've long since recovered. Wasn't your fault to begin with. It's ancient history for us."
Yeah, oddly the guilt is still fresh to young-Shinji, but something that happened 20 years ago, most of her life past, as far as Dr. Suzuhara is concerned.
Ristuko's eye twitched.
"I. Want. A. Fucking. Drink."

And ha! Asuka didn't expect Shinji to just go 'Yup, you saved my life. I am grateful, since that was literally out of my nightmares.' Between that and learning Shinji and she share the same loss of their mothers, I wonder if this will get Asuka to think and reevaluate a lot of her assumptions about Shinji.

Thinking of mothers, both of them are not going to be happy when they find out about that, or that all the present-day adults knew this and didn't tell them...
So, odds that present!Shinji will give past!Shinji a copy of the bible with a note instructing I'm to read a certain section, specifically the one about the Walls of Jericho? They're from before that bit, right? So I figure that if that occurs to him, present!Shinji may want to try giving his younger self a shot at correctly responding to Asuka's challenge if she should offer it.
After, I think. That bit comes during their 'Synchronized Training' week before Israfel, which is past, since they came during Sahaquiel.
Chapter 4 Part 5
"Sub-Director. I need to talk with you."

Asuka turned to see Ristuko standing in the hallway.

"I'll have my recommendations for tactics to you by Tuesday," Asuka replied. "I need to dig through the archives right now."

"No, it's not about that…" Ritsuko hesitated.

"Are you okay?" She'd never seen Ritsuko act in this manner. Not that she gave Dr. Akagi much attention most days.

"No," Ritsuko replied. "Everything I know about Evangelions, Angels, and several fields of science is being questioned. But that's beside the point. I... did terrible things twenty years ago, in general but to Ayanami most of all."

"Yeah, you were pardoned, and Misato forgave you." Personally Asuka would have just locked her in prison, but that wasn't her call.

"Now, I find myself questioning... The pilots are children. Is it really right of us to send them out to face an enemy we know will hurt them, break them both physically and mentally?" Ritsuko asked.

"Well, what other option do we…" Asuka paused, realizing just what Dr.Akagi was getting at. "No."

Part of Asuka wanted to deck the woman for even suggesting it.

"You have experience, maturity, and you've endured and grown past the hardships they will face," Ristuko explained.

"I haven't been in an Eva in twenty years!" Asuka exclaimed.

"I know, I know. But our only alternatives are a thirteen year old and a fourteen year old with severe psychological issues. You and Shinji are our best bet."

On a purely logical level, she and even Shinji would be better choices to pilot. But no, she couldn't consider this.

"Let's assume for a moment I can still pilot, that twenty years and a bit of time travel haven't left me utterly incompatible with Unit-02. I still have a job here, a most important job that consumes fifty to seventy hours of my week, meaning either you're going to have to find a new Sub-Director or I'll have no time for training. Training I will need, considering how long it's been since I've piloted. Then you have the task of telling my younger self, a girl who at the moment defines herself by her elite pilot status, that she just isn't good enough to pilot her Evangelion and is being replaced. That's not even getting into the multitudes of problems that our Shinji piloting again would cause."

Asuka stopped, she had more reasons but what was the point?

"IF something horrible happens and the other Asuka is unable to pilot, I'll do it," Soryu said with a sigh. "But not a moment before, same goes for Shinji."

Ristuko nodded, obviously disappointed but she kept her expression even. "Of course, Sub-Director, just thought I'd ask."


"What happened to Touji's leg?" Shinji asked.

Asuka stared at him. "What?"

"His left leg, it's artificial." Shinji noted.

"The whole thing?"


Asuka wondered just how she overlooked that. It was an entire leg, how did she miss something like that?

"Well what did he say?" she asked.

"Said it was an old injury," Shinji replied.

The elevator chimed, announcing they had finally arrived on their level. The debriefing had been what Asuka expected, i.e.: 'None of us know what the hell just happened but props on surviving.'

The fight left a bitter taste in her mouth. No victory, no satisfying ending. Just confusing nonsense.

Still... Shinji's reaction to her saving him was rather surprising. She hadn't expected gratitude from the idiot. Between that and what Ria told her, she was really having to reevaluate her perception of him.

Maybe he was an idiot, and a perv, but there were far worse than him around. He was kinder than most men she'd known. And he understood better than most, not just about piloting.

They walked towards the break room. Misato had sectioned it off for them and their other selves. So Asuka wasn't surprised when she opened the door to find Ria in there, pacing around the room.

Ria's confidence was gone. She was slumped over, and had a nervous look in her eye. Fear was worn into her face.

This wasn't just a part of life for her, like it had been for everyone back in Tokyo-3. This was fresh, unexpected, and utterly terrifying.

"Are you okay?" Shinji asked.

"Fine," Ria said wearily. "I mean I pretty much expected something like this since the day you two arrived. I had just really, really hoped I was wrong."

"I wouldn't worry," Asuka said trying to reassure her. "That Angel caught us completely unprepared and I still kicked it's ass."

"True enough." Ria smiled a bit. "So, I suppose this is back to normal for you. Well, as 'normal' as you can get considering the situation."

Asuka was pretty sure that any situation that involved talking to her other self's daughter, who was three years older than her would never truly be normal.

They sat on some nearby chairs, trying their best to make themselves comfortable.

"So, Ria, what's it like seeing your mother actually pilot?" Asuka asked.

"Oh, so now you're my mom?" Ria smirked.

"Well...I...well I mean strictly speaking from a biological standpoint..." Asuka sputtered.

She froze, unsure of what to stay. She knew Ria didn't expect her to actually fill that role, no need. But something about accepting that name made her feel deeply uncomfortable.

"You're family, one way or another," Shinji said.

For a moment, Ria stared at him. Then she flashed a wide smile and grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Yeah," Asuka agreed,"you are."


The office of WILLE's Sub-Director was about what Shinji expected. About half as large as Misato's, with only one window and a couple of plants, and the furniture was the typical black fake-wood that dominated much of WILLE.

Some of Asuka's personal touches surprised him though. There were pictures naturally, one of Ria's first day of high school and another of his visit some nine years ago for Asuka's birthday, back when Ria had wanted pretty much nothing to do with her father. Then there was Asuka's degrees, awards, a few medals. There was a red piece of metal roughly the size of his fist right next to the computer: A chunk of Unit-02's armor. Finally and most surprisingly, mounted on the wall behind Asuka's desk, was a spear, fashioned from a pool cue and a jagged piece of street sign, stained brown with old blood.

"Why on Earth did you keep it?" Shinji asked.

The spear originated in the week after Third Impact, when it seemed like it might just be the two of them left alive. They had little success finding supplies that were usable in the wreckage of Tokyo-3. In desperation, the two of them, still half-mad from the events of Instrumentality and Third Impact, began hunting.

"When you killed that rabbit that was the first time I actually thought we would make it," she explained.

"Even after I turned it into charcoal?" he asked.

She nodded. "Even then."

Well, the sentiment was nice at least.

She leaned back in her seat, exhausted and frustrated.

"So I have to ask, how badly are you taking this?" she asked cautiously.

Shinji sighed, hours of stress and panic welling up inside of him.

"Honestly, more confused than anything," he said.

"Same here."

Outside of Misato, she was the only one he could really trust with this right now. If he was going to tell someone, he had to say something now.

"I have something to tell you, it's going to sound insane, though," he said quietly.

"So, normal for today," Asuka said glibly.

"I'm serious."

Asuka grabbed his hand, gently holding it. "I know you are."

"I think Kaworu is trying to contact me in my dreams."

Asuka paused, staring at Shinji with concern as she took a big drink from her cup of coffee.

"I was not prepared for today," she whispered.

"No one was," Shinji replied.

"So... what has he said?" she asked.

"I... don't know. Like I said, trying to contact me. Two weeks ago I had a vision of him trying to speak to me but... The night the pilots arrived I had a dream about him, but the dream it felt... different, more real."

Asuka leaned over, her eyes telling him she believed him, but she didn't know what to make of this.

"Was there anything special about the vision?" she asked.

"It…" Shinji hesitated. "It involved a very particular memory of Third Impact, a memory of something that didn't happen."

Asuka raised an eyebrow.

"The one with the folding chair and everyone telling me 'Congratulations!'" he explained.

"Oh... right," Asuka said, still fairly confused. "And this vision, it felt different than a dream?"

Shinji nodded "It felt disturbingly real, it felt like Kaworu was trying to reach me...trying to warn me."

Was he? Shinji wondered. What else could he be doing?

Asuka sighed. "If these keep up, tell Misato, and Dr.Akagi. For now though, I'd guess it's one of two things. Either they're just dreams and..."

"I'm going crazy," Shinji finished.

"I didn't say that," Asuka's voice was firm but kind. "You're not crazy. You're saner than any man has the right to be considering what you've been through."

"What's the second option?" he asked.

"That Kaworu did try to warn you."

Asuka chewed on a finger as she thought "From what I saw of SEELE's files, Kaworu had Adam's soul, making him Adam to a degree. Which means a God was warning you about his own creations. Meaning he has abandoned them, or they have abandoned him. That's...deeply troubling."

Shinji wasn't sure which possibility was worse.
Yeah, TeenAsuka wouldn't take her older self getting back into the saddle well at all - to say nothing of how AdultShinji and Rita would take it.
Ouch, if that last line is correct then I feel really bad for ether Kaworu or the angels. Like wow imagine being abandoned by God for another race, that would suck.
So...given the scene with the Maria girl and her talk with the boy who planted the dud bomb I have to ask: Is this story in some way related to the old idea on SB where the angels were reborn as humans following third impact (one of them ending up Asuka's daughter) and a group of them deciding to get revenge years later and upsetting said daughters relatively happy life with her mother?
Asuka chewed on a finger as she thought "From what I saw of SEELE's files, Kaworu had Adam's soul, making him Adam to a degree. Which means a God was warning you about his own creations. Meaning he has abandoned them, or they have abandoned him. That's...deeply troubling."

[Mr. Sulu]Oh My.[/Mr. Sulu]

Deeply troubling indeed. If the Angels are acting on their own, without approval from Adam, then all bets are off. Their objectives cannot be predicted in advance, nor can the timing of their attacks, particularly since it seems Sachiel simply warped in rather than a more conventional approach. If the previous rules of engagement are invalid, an Angel could simply appear anywhere, anytime, with mere seconds of warning before it starts smashing up a major city.
[Mr. Sulu]Oh My.[/Mr. Sulu]

Deeply troubling indeed. If the Angels are acting on their own, without approval from Adam, then all bets are off. Their objectives cannot be predicted in advance, nor can the timing of their attacks, particularly since it seems Sachiel simply warped in rather than a more conventional approach. If the previous rules of engagement are invalid, an Angel could simply appear anywhere, anytime, with mere seconds of warning before it starts smashing up a major city.

Given that Sachiel committed suicide in the middle of the battle the Angels probably aren't happy about it either.
"It…" Shinji hesitated. "It involved a very particular memory of Third Impact, a memory of something that didn't happen."

Asuka raised an eyebrow.

"The one with the folding chair and everyone telling me 'Congratulations!'" he explained.

"Oh... right," Asuka said, still fairly confused.

I hope Shinji told Asuka and Misato about that scene as I imagine Misato and Asuka would be laughing their asses off at the idea of a Shinji telling Asuka is a pain in the ass sometimes and saying is that what
happens to her when she starts her period, a Gendo that is so whipped by his wife, and Rei uttering the words balonga pony to Asuka knowing full well what that means.:whistle::rofl:
"You have experience, maturity, and you've endured and grown past the hardships they will face," Ristuko explained.

"I haven't been in an Eva in twenty years!" Asuka exclaimed.
Good points on both sides, sadly. Asuka is 20 years out of practice, and her last memories of being in an Eva are of being speared through the eyeball, gutted, and then eaten alive. Not exactly the kind of thing that would make her want to rush back into it. OTOH, she of all people knows just how shitty it got for her younger self, and would want to protect her from that. But then again, young-Asuka literally hangs all her self-worth on being the Second Child. Try to take that away from her, and she will not be a happy camper.
"Let's assume for a moment I can still pilot, that twenty years and a bit of time travel haven't left me utterly incompatible with Unit-02."
I wonder if part of this is Asuka avoiding thinking 'This is another chance to maybe talk to Mama.'
"What happened to Touji's leg?" Shinji asked.
Oh, that's going to be a fun one when they learn the story on that... Even Touji avoided telling Shinji what happened, too. I hope when/if it does come out, Shinji or someone around him recognizes that if anyone has the right to decide young-Shinji didn't need the guilt of hearing he caused that, it's Touji.
Maybe he was an idiot, and a perv, but there were far worse than him around. He was kinder than most men she'd known. And he understood better than most, not just about piloting.
Good to see she's applying her intelligence to reexamining her assumptions. And it's a surprisingly major realization of hers to note that Shinji's a really kind person. He's meek so often because he doesn't want to harm anyone around him. Although sadly, he has so little self-worth that he also considers 'inflicting my presence on them' an imposition he also avoids. :(
"So, Ria, what's it like seeing your mother actually pilot?" Asuka asked.

"Oh, so now you're my mom?" Ria smirked.

"Well...I...well I mean strictly speaking from a biological standpoint..." Asuka sputtered.
Yeah, you didn't think all the way through that statement, did you, Asuka? 'Strictly speaking from a biological standpoint,' you're a virgin who has never carried a child, so you really can't call yourself anyone's mom. :p And come on, Asuka: Ria's had literally her whole life to watch videos and stuff of her mother piloting Unit-02 in the War. Since she's seen the battles that came after you left on your little trip through time, she's also probably seen Unit-02 in action more than you have! :V
For a moment, Ria stared at him. Then she flashed a wide smile and grabbed him in a tight hug.
Good. Shinji needs all the hugs he can get. Especially ones from family.
Finally and most surprisingly, mounted on the wall behind Asuka's desk, was a spear, fashioned from a pool cue and a jagged piece of street sign, stained brown with old blood.

"Why on Earth did you keep it?" Shinji asked.
"When you killed that rabbit that was the first time I actually thought we would make it," she explained.

"Even after I turned it into charcoal?" he asked.

She nodded. "Even then."
That's weird and surprisingly sweet. Post-apocalypse mementos. And what gave Asuka hope at that point was baka-Shinji managing to spear a rabbit with an improvised weapon. Ha!
"That Kaworu did try to warn you."
He did say 'life and death were the same', and we've seen Rei's quantum weirdness apparitions...
Shamshel would always hurt the ones it hugs.

Can you hug a giant diamond that can fold itself between eleven, or possibly twelve dimensions?

Israfel? GROUP HUG!

Zeruel would be a pretty good hugger.
Chapter 5 Part 1
Chapter 5: Why Are You Here?

The arrival of the Third Angel had many effects. One of the more private ones was an admission most had seen coming since the first night: The Pilots would not be returning home any time soon. More than likely, they were stuck here. They couldn't afford to let them leave until they were certain beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Angels were well and truly dead. Besides that WILLE didn't have the resources to focus on anything besides the Angels.

The Pilots took it pretty well. In truth, even with the return of the Angels, Shinji seemed happier here, though he wouldn't quite admit it. Asuka was disappointed. This world meant no Kaji, and having to deal with the shadow of her other self. Still, she understood the need to stay and seemed to relish the chance to outdo her older self.

Speaking of which, said older self was dealing with one of the more mundane issues arising from their stay: School. Specifically, convincing them to actually go.

"I have a college degree!" Asuka protested as she sat at the kitchen table.

"And if you want a mediocre job as a Salaryman when this is over that degree might be enough," her older self countered.

"Aren't there security concerns?" Ria said sullenly, as she put a fresh stack of pancakes on her father's plate.

While Ria had taken the arrival of the Angel poorly, she wasn't panicked anymore. But her mood had considerably darkened, barely cracking a smile in the three days since the attack. She had spent most of those days locked in her room, brooding, which was rather unusual for her.

Asuka had done all she could to comfort her. Seeing her friends again would probably help a good deal.

"Misato has security at the school and the principal will probably throw anyone who so much as lays a hair on any of their heads out on their ass," she countered.

Shinji, the younger one, spoke up. "Shouldn't we wait a bit? I mean what if the Angel attacks while we're in class?"

"Didn't stop us from going to school the first time around," Asuka pointed out.

"Look," the older Ikari said. "You two need something of a normal life. If you put this off today, you'll probably put it off next week, next month, soon it will be a year from now and you haven't had anything resembling a social life outside of this apartment. And that's more than a little depressing."

That seemed to convince Asuka, but Shinji's younger self was still hesistant.

"Plus Asuka has to leave for work, so that means it's just you guys and me for the next six hours until we have to go see the therapists, and frankly, none of us want that."

Asuka and Shinji reluctantly agreed. Ria groaned in annoyance.

"Oh come on, it will be fine," her mother insisted as Ria grabbed her backpack. "Well...okay it won't be fine, but it will be endurable."



"Okay so we share classes until third period," Ria said as they walked through the hallways of her high school. "That's when you have your Adapting to the Modern World class. Until then just follow my lead."

"You do realize we're teenagers, not thawed cave people right?" Asuka asked pointedly. "We can manage ourselves."

"Right, right. Sorry," Ria muttered.

Shinji found Ria's school to be surprisingly similar to the one back in Tokyo-3. Sure, the girl's uniforms were a dark blue and black instead of white and teal, and there were numerous flat screen monitors and other pieces of high tech equipment that he would have never seen before. But fundamentally, it still felt the same. With one notable exception.

"People are staring at us," he whispered.

A few openly gawked at them. Most were just quickly catching glances. Still, Shinji couldn't shake the feeling that all eyes were looking at Asuka and him.

"Just ignore them," Asuka said, smug grin on her face. "They're just realizing the two most important people in the world are walking in their midst."

That only served to make Shinji more self conscious. Most of these people weren't born the last time he was in school, some of them probably even had parents that were technically younger than him.

One of this days, this would all be normal for him. But that day was far ahead of him.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Ria said suddenly. "I'll catch up with you in homeroom."

She dashed off, disappearing behind a small group of boys chatting near the lockers.

"Is she embarrassed by us?" Asuka asked.

"Would you be embarrassed if you had to go school with a teenage version of Misato?"

Asuka rolled her eyes. "From what I hear she'd be more well behaved than the Misato we knew."

Shinji said nothing as they walked into the homeroom.

It was pretty much every classroom he had ever been in: Rows of desks, one wall dominated by windows. Only the chalkboard was replaced with some sort of fancy computer screen and there were two laptops marking where Asuka and his seats were.

A hoarse female laugh echoed through the classroom. Shinji, Asuka and the few people in the classroom turned to see a girl laughing so hard she was on the verge of falling out her chair.

She was Toji's daughter. Kurama...Kukiko...Kodama, Kodama that was it.

Asuka approached her, glaring daggers at the girl in annoyance.

"Something funny, kid?" she said, her voice grinding with annoyance.

"You mean besides the fact a thirteen year old call me kid?" Kodama teased. "I'm just honestly surprised you showed up, poor Ria having to go to school with her parents."

"Would have thought Hikari would have thought her kid more manners," Asuka sneered.

"Oh, she did, I just didn't listen," Kodama fired back.

Another girl walked into the room, she was tall, with short red hair and sketchpad firmly grasped in her hands. At the sight of Kodama she immediately ran towards her.

"Kodama, good I was hoping to speak to you before Ria arrived," she said, completely unaware Asuka was even standing there.

"I...Uh, you know about the little project we have going?"she asked.

"The light novel thing?" Kodama replied.

"Yes, that. Well, I have my sketch of one of the characters finished and I was hoping to get your thoughts on it before I showed it to Ria. You know, so I avoid embarrassing myself."

"Well that ship has sailed," Kodama said, pointing to Asuka.

The girl followed Kodama's finger. "Hmm? What are you talking... Oh no."

She rapidly retreated away from Asuka.

"Asuka Langley Soryu, may I introduce you to Mari Kirishima. Be nice, she and Ria are very close."

It was clear from her tone that Kodama was getting quite the kick out of this.

Mari looked like a deer caught in a den of tigers.

Asuka looked at her very judgingly.

Mari approached nervously. Her hand briefly extending before snapping back to her side.

"Hello,I'm Mari. I-it's an honor to meet you two.Your daughter is a very charming and lovely woman. I uhh, actually have a gift for you two."

Mari pulled a sheet of paper from her sketchbook and quickly handed it to Asuka, nearly shoving it into her hands.

Asuka looked over it quizzically before motioning Shinji over to look at it.

It was a sketching of Unit-01 and Unit-02. Actually quite good, the lines were very solid, the proportions were accurate. Shinji wasn't a judge of art but it looked well done.

"It's...nice," Asuka said, clearly unsure how to react.

"Thank you." Mari nodded. "Art's always been my passion. It's actually how I met Ria: We were assigned together a project in art class, and well, one thing led to another."

"And then I caught you two making it out in a closet," Kodama interrupted.

Mari turned bright red, and Shinji found himself deeply wishing he was somewhere else.

"Why?!" Mari about screamed at the sitting Kodama.

"Oh please, you should see the grief I give Okito's girlfriends," she replied.

Asuka stood there, unsure if she should be more annoyed at Kodama, Mari, or her older self for forcing her to go to school.

Mari bowed. "I apologize for Kodama. I've not known her long but she appears to suffer from some debilitating condition where she thinks being an asshole is funny."

"You realize I'm not her actual mother," Asuka said sternly.

"Yes, yes, of course," Mari replied.

"So stop trying to to play kiss-ass," Asuka huffed before going to her seat.

A boy sat behind Kodama. It took Shinji a moment to realize it was her brother, Okito.

"Kodama, the heck are you doing?" he asked.

"Being very rude," Mari complained as she walked away.

"Oh, so same old, same old," he said before turning his attention towards Asuka.

"What?" Asuka said, clearly fed up.

"Caught a glimpse of the fight. You were most impressive out there. I never knew a giant biomechanical behemoth could fight with such... agility," he said.

"Oh…"Asuka was almost stunned. "Well, thank you. I mean, I knew that but it's nice to hear it from an outside source."

"Where were you, anyway?" Kodama asked. "You kind of vanished right before the fight."

"I was shopping." Okito explained "You know how hard it is to find good dress shoes in my size? And you're one to talk, Mom was looking for you for hours after the fight."

Kodama puffed her cheeks in annoyance. "I was on a date, if you must know."

"Anyways," Okito shifted his attention to Shinji. "Word of advice, avoid the people sitting there and there."

He pointed to an empty desk far in the front and one more towards the middle all the way to the right.

"Why?" Shinji asked.

"Cultists, see you and Miss Langley over here as some sort of gods."

Shinji swallowed hard and Asuka made a bizarre strangled noise.

"Please tell me you're joking?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Church of Lilith. The end result of having an apocalyptic event shortly after a war involving things named after servants of God. People start reading way too much into the symbolism. They're mostly harmless, especially after Ria's encounter with Shirou."

Okito snickered a bit.

"What did Ria do?" Shinji asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Ria said as she approached the group. "I politely, but firmly asked him to respect my family's personal space."

"And then he ran home, crying," Kodama commented.

"And transferred schools the next day," Okito added.

Ria ignored them and grabbed Mari in a massive hug, surprising the girl as she briefly lifted her off the ground.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you today," Ria said warmly.

"Likewise," Mari blushed. "I...there's some drawings I want to show you."

"For the novel? Show them to me after school. I'm taking you out to dinner, my treat, I insist," Ria said, smiling at Mari as she went to sit down.

Mari nodded and walked off.

"Well somebody's mood improved," Asuka noted.

Ria shrugged it off.

Before the arrival of the pilots, WILLE had a diverse research and development team, producing everything from medicine to missiles. This was mainly to keep the other operations afloat, as keeping the Vault functioning was a huge drain on resources. This had the advantage of giving Ritsuko Akagi access to just about every medical and chemical test she could think of.

An orange semi-gelatinous liquid was all that remained of the Angel. It was hoped that studying it could reveal its origins, if it was in any way natural, or if it was somehow man-made. Which made the actual results all the more frustrating.

"It's blood?" Misato said, staring at the results printout in shock.

"Human blood, according to the genetics test, or close to it. Plus elements of cobalt, fluorine, and agar of all things. " Ritsuko replied, trying very hard to hide her frustration.

The DNA results weren't shocking. Despite the vast differences between them, Adam based life forms and Lilim were fundamentally almost identical genetically, closer than even chimps.

"The DNA decayed before we could run any additional tests," Ritsuko explained. "The remaining samples are dissolving as we speak. I'm having more tests run but the-"

"It's like it barely exists," Misato whispered, interrupting.

Ristuko stared at her.

"The thing was melting when we got to it," Misato explained. "All of it, bone, Core, flesh, it all melted like ice cream before turning into blood. Now the blood itself is falling apart. It's a cheap imitation of the real thing, breaking apart the moment it dies."

Misato pounded her hand on the desk.

"Is that what it's sending at us. Fakes and copies?" she said, gritting her teeth.

"History repeats. Itself first as tragedy, then as farce," Ritsuko quoted.

Misato looked at her, complete hopelessness in her eyes. She was terrified and uncertain, as where they all.

"If this is a joke, I'm not laughing," she said solemnly.
Before the arrival of the pilots, WILLE had a diverse research and development team, producing everything from medicine to missiles. This was mainly to keep the other operations afloat, as keeping the Vault functioning was a huge drain on resources. This had the advantage of giving Ritsuko Akagi access to just about every medical and chemical test she could think of.

An orange semi-gelatinous liquid was all that remained of the Angel. It was hoped that studying it could reveal its origins, if it was in any way natural, or if it was somehow man-made. Which made the actual results all the more frustrating.

"It's blood?" Misato said, staring at the results printout in shock.

"Human blood, according to the genetics test, or close to it. Plus elements of cobalt, fluorine, and agar of all things. " Ritsuko replied, trying very hard to hide her frustration.

The DNA results weren't shocking. Despite the vast differences between them, Adam based life forms and Lilim were fundamentally almost identical genetically, closer than even chimps.

"The DNA decayed before we could run any additional tests," Ritsuko explained. "The remaining samples are dissolving as we speak. I'm having more tests run but the-"

"It's like it barely exists," Misato whispered, interrupting.

Ristuko stared at her.

"The thing was melting when we got to it," Misato explained. "All of it, bone, Core, flesh, it all melted like ice cream before turning into blood. Now the blood itself is falling apart. It's a cheap imitation of the real thing, breaking apart the moment it dies."

Misato pounded her hand on the desk.

"Is that what it's sending at us. Fakes and copies?" she said, gritting her teeth.

"History repeats. Itself first as tragedy, then as farce," Ritsuko quoted.

Misato looked at her, complete hopelessness in her eyes. She was terrified and uncertain, as where they all.

"If this is a joke, I'm not laughing," she said solemnly.
You know, this kind of worries me. If this is happening to the Angels, will the same happen to canon!Shinji and Asuka when they either kill every Angel or, heaven forbid, die in battle? I can definitely see somebody asking that question in-story when it occurs to them. It wouldn't surprise me if Misato is already thinking about it.