First thought: WTF!
Second thought: Godamn Shinji's unable to run away.
Third thought: maybe a wild Kaworu or Rei will appear to save the day. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably not though.
It's a good thing Maria wasn't Matarael in disguise, otherwise their bodyguard might have actually had a chance.

Also why on earth did she bother with a gun when one of her options was 'turn into a superhuman whip monster'?
I wonder why Shamshel is going by that name.

Edit: Makes me wonder if they're body snatchers.

It would explain the guise of a pre-existing character and the use of the gun. If it's riding a stolen body then the gun is a good first option rather than permanently losing one of the human arms when you pull the energy whip out.
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The teacher went on. "Now let me start by asking all of you a simple question. Who do you live with? You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable. Please raise your hands."

Four hands went up.

"My parents." A boy explained.

"My older sister," Shinohara said.

"My kid brother."

"My daughter."
The last one has to be very awkward for the both of them and I guess that means that even babies can return from the sea.
the only remnant left was Unit-01, and it was controlled by a woman who might very well be mad.
MIGHT BE? Misato, she is mad.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
That "I'm sorry for everything" line is making a lot more sense now.
"So I have to say," Kodama said playfully, "Ikari, the younger, one is pretty cute. He's single right?"
Ohhh, Kodama, this is a bad idea. Yes, he's cute, but....
"You do realize dad would start screaming and NEVER STOP if you did that?" Okito complained.

"Asuka would kill you," Ria said simply.

"But you said she wasn't interested," Kodama replied.

"She would still kill you."
Yeah, that. He's the 14 year old version of your dad's friend and your own friend's dad, plus he's... yeah, make a move on him, and Asuka would kill you. Even if she can't say why. Yet.
"We already talked about this," Mari said. "We agreed it was okay as long as I approved of them."

"I know, I know," Ria rubbed her forehead. "I just don't want you to think you're not good enough. Or that I'm a pervert who's going to cheat on you. Because I like you, quite a bit."

Mari blushed.

"It's fine," she reassured her. "Frankly your boldness is rather thrilling."
Ria and Mari are terribly cute. And shock! They communicate with each other! Talk about concerns and affection! Is this an Eva fic?!
"Thanks," Ria said, staring at her feet. "Also sorry you had to met Shinji and Asuka like that."

"Asuka scares me." Mari admitted.

"She scares a lot of people," Ria agreed.
"You know why I'm driving you?" he said, his voice firm but not angry. "Because we didn't get the help we needed when we were you two. And it caused more problems than I care to count. And now I'm probably going to be going..."

He could see his past self's concerned expression through the rear view mirror.

"Look," Shinji said evenly. "I know the shit you two have been through already. Asuka knows. Ria knows. We're as sympathetic as we can be, but we're not therapists. We can't help you. A therapist can."
Yeah, come on, Asuka. You don't have to pretend, not to your older self. She of all people knows exactly what you were holding in back when she was you.
"That entire school is full of perverts," Asuka said in dismay.

"It's a high school." Shinji replied. "That kind of goes without saying."
"The name's Shamshel."
Well, shit... I can see the gun, since she'd want to take the chance she could kill or interrogate them without needing to reveal what she is, but now that she has... older Shinji likely doesn't have a gun. Why would he? So unless they can distract her and run, they need a rescue. And young Shinji is... badly in need of that right the hell now.

Ha, 'Maria Vincennes'. Makes it more a good bet that Ms Yamagishi is like her too...
"Oh, I know," she said calmly as she pulled out a pistol. It was a big thing, the size of his arm. With a fat silencer on the end of it.

Shinji froze. The agent grabbed the woman's arm a split second later. Her shot going uselessly up in the air.

A loud bang filled the parking garage. Asuka bolted for cover behind a nearby van. Shinji, both of them, froze, terrified by the attack.

Wait, if the pistol had a silencer on it, why was there a loud bang when it fired?

Also why on earth did she bother with a gun when one of her options was 'turn into a superhuman whip monster'?

Laser whip burns are very distinctive and an obvious sign that will have WILLIE on maximum alert status until they find her. Bullets, on the other hand, are extremely common and could be fired by anyone, a SELEE sleeper agent, a deranged cultist, an obsessed stalker, etc., resulting in an extremely long list of possible suspects which Maria would likely be near the bottom of, if she was on it at all.
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It's good to see Shinji and Asuka get the recognition for what they went through. I guess the irony of Instrumentality happening is everyone who got tanged and came back have a idea of the hell the pilots went through so I guess not too many people hate Shinji. The poor kid had been broken.
Sad thing is, if he had been strong enough to keep it from happening, if he was able to tell Lilith "Stop, this is wrong, the Human Race should continue as is", just about everyone at NERVE who would know what was happening were dead, dying, or about to be killed by the JSSDF. Aside from his classmates, who was left?
(Note:this was a reply to the previous chapter. I had started to type it out, got interrupted, and forgot about it. I had even os3d my browser, but the draft was still saved.)
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Ohhh, Kodama, this is a bad idea. Yes, he's cute, but....
Yeah, that. He's the 14 year old version of your dad's friend and your own friend's dad, plus he's... yeah, make a move on him, and Asuka would kill you. Even if she can't say why. Yet.
Yeah Kodama was about to step into the mother of all landmines. Asuka would kill her, her friends would be disgusted, her Family would be disgusted. This isn't Fire Emblem, that sort of stuff doesn't actually fly with people.
Yeah Kodama was about to step into the mother of all landmines. Asuka would kill her, her friends would be disgusted, her Family would be disgusted. This isn't Fire Emblem, that sort of stuff doesn't actually fly with people.
She might even achieve the never-before-seen feat of two versions of Asuka killing her at once! :V
On the other hand, leave out the whole "past incarnation of a guy old enough to be her dad" aspect and Kodama could do a hell of a lot worse. Probably has in the past, in fact.
Hm... Asspull Theory #1: Shamshel Sachiel actually got "reincarnated" as a human post-3I, and has been passing ever since. Until the Evangelions showed up, she had an attack of paranoia, and decided to Do Unto Others Before. The Shamshel Sachiel that Shinji and Asuka just fought last chapter was (as someone else already suggested) an Attack On Titan-style "puppet" that Shammie Sachi was using to... feel out the opposition? Check if the EVAs were real (AT Fields, lethal to Angels, etc)?
I don't think Shammie Sachi is here to kill anyone (though she might). I think she's... afraid. Afraid of having whatever life she's built post-3I brought down around her ears. But by whom?
Prime suspects: Cultists and/or rump SEELE/NERV looking to kick off Fourth Impact We're Going To Get It Right This Time Guys Really. Or... are there more "recincarnated" Angels, passing as human? Some of whom want a 4th Impact? And might be allied with the Human Suspects (or using them as Useful Idiots)? If Shammie Sachi suspects that Young!Shinji and Young!Asuka are working for the UNSUBS, rather than simply unwitting pawns... that could explain her actions here. And why "big Shammie Sachi" acted so... angry during that fight.
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