Huh so I might be reading to much into it but people are still washing up from the ocean due to third impact? That's pretty interesting I never considered that I wonder if Rei will wash up soon that'd be fun
Rei merged with Lilith and the merged with Adam, She's not dead but she's not around.
Shinji had met Mr. Langely, his wife, and Asuka's half-sister once, about five years ago at a concert hall in New Hamburg. The wife and daughter were pleasant people, but Langely himself...The man made Gendo Ikari look like an upstanding citizen and model father.
Wow Mr. Langely, you know your a crappy person if Shinji considers his father, GENDO IKARI is a better man than you are. I imagined Mr. Langely is somewhat similar to this character when he is around other people he does not like.
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4: Old Wounds, New Scars.

The Vault. Misato hated coming here. It was frigid, misty, and stank of things she would rather forget. The doors to the place were designed to withstand several direct N2 strikes, if worse came to worst. WILLE could operate down here for five years completely cut off from the outside. That was not the Vault's primary function, though. The Vault was a storage facility. It stretched far past the glass Pyramid above, each item within the Vault was sealed in it's own separate section, behind locks less than a half dozen people in WILLE had the authorization to open.

There were ten storage sections in the Vault. One of them was empty, originally intended for part of Lilith's head, any trace of the Second Angel had dissolved shortly before the Vault was completed. Another contained what remained of the Mass Produced Evangelion series, all of which had turned to stone. Seven contained the remains of Angels: Sachiel, Shamshel, Zeruel, Ramiel, Matarael, Bardiel, and Leliel. Most were little more than scraps. All of them had long since had anything left of their S2 organs removed, either by SEELE or Unit-01. They were kept here because they were too dangerous to simply leave to rot, even after all these years.

The final one contained what remained of Unit-02, the last true Evangelion. It was a pathetic sight really: All that remained of it was the torso, head, and part of its right arm, all locked in a giant metal coffin. Most of the armor had been torn away, the ribs were exposed, as were the eyes, three giant orange eyes staring blankly at the steel wall in front it. Its few remaining organs sprawled out on floor. Its arm was sealed inside a special protective cover to stop any further rot that was festering in what remained of the hand.

A few years previous there had been some thought given to possibly restoring Unit-02 to working order. Nothing serious but the Korean Union had been making very jingoistic noises, and an Eva would serve as a strong deterrent for any aggression. Alas, the idea died within days of suggestion. Either Kyoko's soul had departed from the Eva or had become so dormant that nothing short of a miracle would reawaken her.

Unit-02 was dead, its remains kept here as a private memorial to its service.

"We need to move it to the empty unit," Ristuko said, largely bundled up against the cold of the Vault.

"That wall," she added, pointing to the left wall of the containment unit, "is the only place we can place an entrance big enough for Unit-01 and -02 to use without this project taking years."

"What about offsite storage?" Misato asked.

Ristuko shook her head. "Unless you want to relocate to Osaka, there's nowhere nearby usable that we have access to. Even a temporary storage place would barely have enough space for all the equipment we need to keep them functional."

"How long with it take to make the needed renovations?" Misato said evenly.

"Three months, two if we're lucky," Ristuko explained. "The sooner we can get these things out of sight, the better."

Misato stared at the scientist. "Why do you seem nervous?"

"I don't know," Ristuko admitted. "I just, I hate to use this term, having them here gives me a bad feeling. Plus seeing them reminds me of those times, of who I was back then. I don't like that person nor do I wish to remember her."

"I hear ya," Misato replied. "Every time I see the Evas, or the Pilots for that matter. I find myself thinking about things I haven't thought about in years, good and bad. Mostly bad unfortunately. Worst part is I can't even drink to forget anymore."


"Well, look who's back," Kodama Suzuhara said as Ria walked into homeroom.

Ria flopped ungracefully into her seat, sighing and groaning as she pulled out her laptop.

"I take it things are not well on the homefront?" Okito commented.

"They're fine," Ria groaned. "Well, okay, they're not. Asuka's fustrated by the future and seems to think acting like a five year old is going to help matters. And Shinji can't figure out if he's happy or terrified. But it's just...weird."

"Well, yeah," Okito said. "You're living with copies of your parents, that's textbook weird."

Then Mari Kirishima walked in, taking Ria's attention away from the conversation.

Mari was a shy girl with short red hair and brown eyes. Unmistakably cute but not exceptionally pretty. A bookish nerd who probably would have been eaten alive by the school for dating a girl in any other situation but, well, the only child of the two famous Eva Pilots taking an interest in you had some very distinct advantages.

"Got your text," Mari said quietly. "A movie and a trip to the bookstore sounds wonderful."

Mari playfully brushed her hand on Ria's arm, causing Ria to break out in a wide grin.

"Wonderful," she said.

"How are you though?" Mari asked with concern. "I mean, with the Evangelions and all. I know the Army has already contacted my mom."

"Well, I've gotten maybe ten hours of sleep but other than that... wait, what?" Ria said in confusion. "Why would they call her?"

Mari's mother had been in the JSSDF, part of some Anti-Evangelion unit if the rumor was be believed. Naturally Kodama and Okito had joked for a week straight about Ria dating the enemy when she first got together with her.

"I don't know, she wouldn't explain…" Mari paused as she noticed several students were staring at Ria.

"Can I help you?" Ria said with annoyance.

"What happened?" one of the girls asked.

"What happened where?" Ria asked.

"Come on," Koji, a senior, whined, his foot on Ria's desk. "Biggest story of the year and you were front row. We want details."

Ria pushed the foot off, causing Koji to nearly fall to the floor.

"You know I can't tell you." Ria sighed with frustration. Being hit up for top secret info was nothing new for her.

"You tell those two brats."

Kodama rose from her seat, prepared to deck Koji in his stupid fat ugly face.

"Get down," Okito whispered, annoyed and frustrated.

"Yeah, 'cause they can keep a secret. And I trust them. I don't even know you, Koji."

Koji grumbled but the bell put an end to the argument, causing the group to disperse.

Later, between classes Mari approached Kodama and Okito.

"Sooo... am I in the circle?" she asked unexpectedly.

Okito stared at her like she just announced she was made of asparagus.


"Ria's circle of friends," Mari explained nervously. "I know you two are important to her and after what happened with Shimizu…"

"Shimizu was a straight girl who was hoping for a famous last name." Okito explained "We have no issue with you."

"Hurt her, though, and we will end you," Kodama added.

"Right...right," Mari said nervously, backing away a bit from Kodama.

"Oh, by the way," Okito said right before they entered their next class. "Tell Ria we're taking lunch up on the roof."


"So why are we on the roof?" Ria said, hiding in the shade over an overhang with Kodama. "It's hot out."

"For the view, of course," Okito replied, gesturing to the two giants in the distance.

Mari had broken out her pencils and was quietly sketching the two Evangelions. Her sketch book was well worn and filled with dozens of drawings.

"Seen it," Ria replied. "Heck, we were nearly crushed by it."

"I know, I know, but I feel like a part of history has suddenly come alive," Okito explained "Maybe it's different for you. Our dad never told us anything of those years."

"There's a reason for that," Ria noted. "They weren't fun."

"History isn't fun," Okito said. "Wars, famine, political upheavals, Second and Third Impact... They aren't fun, they're thrilling. This is a glimpse of that time, a glimpse we would never be able to experience otherwise. Without all the horrible aspects..."

"Hopefully," Ria said.

"Hopefully?" Okito and the others questioned.

Ria's expression suddenly turned incredibly sullen.

"This wasn't a natural event," Ria stated. "Something intelligent did this, and they had a reason. What if this isn't the end of their plan?"


Asuka found herself overloaded with something she had hardly any of until the past few days: Free time. She had painful, agonizing, mind numbing amounts of it on her hands. WILLE only had scarce need of her, there was no school yet, and with Ria at school the only people she had to interact with were her future self, who was largely too busy try to do her job from home, and Shinji.

With nothing better to do, Asuka turned to the internet. Curiosity quickly got the better of her, and she found herself searching her own past.

Rapidly, Asuka became angry. Sure, her past self was considered a hero, but Stupid Shinji had far more of the glory. People even worshipped him, for crying out loud!

On the surface it was easy to understand, Shinji had multiple solo kills, even Wonder Girl had a few solos, though the final one cost her her Eva so that didn't exactly count. What did her future self have? None of her kills were solo. Even the one where it was just Unit-02 had been with Shinji's presence. The rest of it was assists at best. Assists!

She had been trained practically since birth to pilot and had the best Eva and she didn't even have a single solo kill to her name. Shinji's shadow made everything she did seem so small and her past self seemed content with it. Content with a mediocre career as second in command to Misato, content with the only relationship she ever had with a man being fucking Shinji of all people. She could have had her pick of any man and she decided to become a freaking spinster.

She could have been so much more and yet she seemed okay with wallowing in her tiny amount of fame and prestige.

The front door opened. Ria was home.

Asuka poked her head out of the guest room.

"So how was school?" her older self asked.

"Fine, a few annoying kids tried to pump me for details but that wasn't gonna happen," Ria said. "I might be going out later. Okito and Mari want to do a bit of shopping."

"Well, okay, but I might call you back early. Shinji's coming over in a few hours with the movers and he might need help."

Having to live near two Shinjis, that was going to be a nightmare.

"Okay," Ria said. "So, how's Grandma doing?"

Grandma, who the heck was she calling grandma?

"You know she hates it when you call her that," her other self replied dryily. "But things are finally starting to calm down."

She was referring to Misato wasn't she?

A rage boiled inside Asuka suddenly. She slammed the door to the guest room.

Grandmother?! She called Misato grandmother?! How, why would her other self allow her daughter to treat that drunken pervert as a grandmother?! Did she care so little for Mama?

Asuka paced around the room, fists clinched.

The door opened. Ria walked in, still dressed in her dark blue school uniform.

"Go away," Asuka said flatly.

"There a reason you're trying to break the door?" Ria asked sardonically.

Asuka glared at her. "You called Misato grandmother."

"Oookay?" she replied, staring at Asuka in confusion.

"She is not my mother!" Asuka shouted, her rage growing further and further.

"I know that," Ria sighed. "But I don't exactly know any of my actual grandparents. Both my grandmothers are gone. Same with Gendo Ikari and as far as my mother's concerned, Mr. Langley might as well be dead. Misato's been there my whole life. Heck, she helped my parents take care of me for the first few years because surprise, seventeen year olds don't make the best parents. So yeah, Misato's the closest thing I have to a grandparent."

She needed Misato's help to raise a kid? She needed Misato's help?

"Your mother is pathetic," Asuka said bluntly.

Ria's expression narrowed, any smile removed from her face. "What did you say?"

Asuka didn't hold back, her anger and frustration coming out.

"Your mother is pathetic! She barely won any fights and she's stuck as second in command of a glorified museum! The only man she ever got was stupid Shinji, and she couldn't even hold onto him! I am ashamed I could ever turn out like her!"

Ria stepped closer, until there was barely an inch between them. Ria glared down at Asuka, yet her expression was calm, and collected.

Asuka backed away.

"The heck are you doing?" she said angrily.

"You know what I think?" Ria said, her voice devoid of emotion. "I think you're more upset that my parents broke up than the fact they got together in the first place."

Asuka snorted. That was absurd.

"Are you kidding? There are so many better options out there. I don't care about Shinji in the slightest."

"Then why do you care what my mom did?" Ria said, slightly smirking. "I think you're just upset that you have to deal with your feelings towards Shinji far sooner than you expected."

"I don't have any feelings towards Shinji!" Asuka shouted.


"You don't know me!" Asuka declared. "Scheißkopf! You don't know anything about me!"

Ria pressed. "I know you far better than you think Du Dummkopf. I know you're only acting like a brat because you're scared. You're not upset about Misato, or the fights, not really. You're upset that the world knows how you really feel about the Third Child."

"Shut up!"

"You're mad that your future self actually managed to find happiness without needing constant validation."


"And you're scared that your shitty behavior might drive away Shinji before you ever get a chance with him."

"Shut!" Asuka's right arm shook with rage. "Up!"

Asuka launched her fist at Ria in a blind fury. The fist connected with Ria's left eye, sending the girl tumbling to the floor.
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"Got your text," Mari said quietly. "A movie and a trip to the bookstore sounds wonderful."

Mari playfully brushed her hand on Ria's arm, causing Ria to break out in a wide grin.

"Wonderful," she said.
Ok, these two are really cute already. Go Ria! :)
"Your mother is pathetic!
"My mother is you." :V

Come on, Asuka. Ria's literally known her mother all her life. She knows her, and I'm sure older-Asuka has talked about what she used to be like, how she and Shinji got together, and why they split up. She also likes her mom. It wasn't a good idea to insult her like that, because Ria knows too well just how to get under your skin...
Wow. And here I thought Ria was going to throw the first punch. It seems that Ria's method of anger is to stay calm, and verbally mutilate her target.
Asuka's fustrated by the future and seems to think acting like a five year old is going to help matters.
Also this is pure gold. I wish I could see the look on her face when someone confronts Miss "I'm-a-grown-up-look-at-me" about how childish she is.
You really don't want to see Ria pissed off enough to start punching. She takes more after Shinji in that regard.
Before I was impressed.
Now I am utterly terrified.
I now have this mental image of Ria emulating Unit-01 going on a rampage, with Asuka realizing that she just ticked off her and Shinji's offspring, with all the berserker rage that this implies.
I take it younger Asuka still hasn't made the connection between SEELE's instrumentality plan and what that means about her part in it; controllable, useful but ultimately disposable tool.

Definitely doesn't know whose soul powers her Eva.

That aside, I do like what how Ria's turning out.
Looking back at Ria's lecture, I noticed that she only focused on Asuka's attraction to Shinji. Does she know about her mother's bigger issues? Such as her superiority complex and lousy attitude in general?
I take it younger Asuka still hasn't made the connection between SEELE's instrumentality plan and what that means about her part in it; controllable, useful but ultimately disposable tool.

Definitely doesn't know whose soul powers her Eva.

That aside, I do like what how Ria's turning out.
I think she understands that that's what SEELE saw her as, she just doesn't care.

And yeah, they flat out avoided the whole "Your mom's soul is in the Eva" thing. For better or worse they (Present Asuka, Misato and WILLE) wanted to protect the pilots from the harsher truths of the angel war.

And thanks. Ria's an important character to this fic, so making her an interesting character is one of my bigger concerns
Looking back at Ria's lecture, I noticed that she only focused on Asuka's attraction to Shinji. Does she know about her mother's bigger issues? Such as her superiority complex and lousy attitude in general?
Probably, but that's not the sore spot to poke right now. I think Ria's analysis of the current flare up is right, it's about Asuka being confronted with the long-term implications of her feelings before she's even got a decent grip on them herself, and she's lashing out because that's her default reaction when she feels unsure.

Ria attacking her about her deep insecurities and self-loathing would be really striking at deep and painful things that would not have a happy ending. Pointing out that her mother and father got together and had Ria because at least for a while they thought they could be a loving couple, and that yes, young Asuka chose to do that because she wanted to be happy, and has grown up that way, is something that can have a positive ending: Getting the time-tossed Asuka to realize she can do that too, and maybe even do better by not having it end in a break-up. Hitting young Asuka about her deeper issues would just end in seriously hurting her. Ria's defending her parents here, not trying to be viciously cruel.
Oh my God , I ever thought of this before but what would a Papa Bear Shinji even look like :o
That's easy: The same rage and fury canon Shinji can show, but with much more focus and cold, aimed directly at whatever is threatening Asuka or his daughter. I think something that would be like Gendo is that Shinji wouldn't talk or anything when he's like this. He's just grimly go right for the throat and not stop until the threat was over or someone made him stop.

You don't hurt a girl Shinji cares for while he's around. He's got all this anger, and it's going to go somewhere...
Despite Shinji's arguable violent tendencies I doubt we'll see them in play here - this is Asuka after all. A younger, more unstable Asuka certainly, but still an Asuka.
Despite Shinji's arguable violent tendencies I doubt we'll see them in play here - this is Asuka after all. A younger, more unstable Asuka certainly, but still an Asuka.
Oh, yeah, definitely not. I meant in a more general case. Shinji's not likely to lay even a finger on someone who is literally a younger version of the Asuka he knows, and looks exactly like she did when they fell for each other.
Ria's literally known her mother all her life.
Actually that raises an interesting point:
"You don't know me!" Asuka declared. "Scheißkopf! You don't know anything about me!"
...Ria has known Asuka longer than (this)​ Asuka has known Asuka.

And in that light, I can't help but think of Persona 4's "You're not me!" shtick.

Shinji's not likely to lay even a finger on someone who is literally a younger version of the Asuka he knows, and looks exactly like she did when they fell for each other.
I seem to recall, at one point, Shinji tried to strangle Asuka basically for being mean to him. Yes, that was at his lowest emotional point and he was close to snapping anyway, but I wonder if he really wouldn't go postal if he saw her smacking around their daughter.