WILLE in general never expected to have to take care of a working Evangelion again.
So they don't have the cables anymore, admittedly rigging some up shouldn't be that hard.

"We're going to need jumper cables."
"What? I don't--"
"BIG jumper cables. Like, the BIGGEST. Get me a dozen hundred-meter spools of quadruple-naught AWG copper cable, 30 meters or so of schedule-40 pipe, a team of high-end welders, two locomotive generators, two 5000-hp AC motors and two 5000-hp DC motors, all on heavy trucks that can handle off-road terrain. We'll have to braid the cabling runs, since the EVAs run on DC..."
"Look, it's either this, or try to build the world's largest mechanic's creeper and try to manhandle the EVAs onto it. Which we'd probably have to power them up for anyway. We might only get 25kph this way, but they'll be mobile enough to move someplace secure."
You know I kind of wish instead bringing a younger Asuka and Shinji to the Broken Wings verse, I would like for you to use the Deus Ex Evangelion versions of Asuka and Rei as that would be a very interesting meeting for BK SHINJI! AND BK ASUKA!.:lol
Why not bolting four diesel powered locomotives together into some sorta backpack and put it onto the Units?
or this connected to multiple powerplant generators:

How much do Units need anyway? A couple of Megawatts or even Gigawatts?
When you need Gigawatts you would need about twelfe of those to get to one Gigawatt of engine output power.
And this to get up to 2 Gigawatts of electrical power:

When you use that generator you would need 32 of those engines to get to 2 Gigawatts.

No wonder they never had more than one minute power at maximum energy usage.
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Chapter 3 Part 1
Chapter 3 (Part 1): Figuring out Normal.

Sleep wasn't easy for Shinji Ikari anymore. In truth he isn't sure it ever was. But over the past few years, his nightmares had grown worse and worse. To the point where barely a week went by when he didn't have at least a couple of them. Waking up covered in cold sweat, visions of Third Impact or his fight with Bardiel filling his head. It didn't take a psychiatrist, though he'd seen more than one, to tell him it was guilt.

Guilt over his failures, guilt over the could have beens, the people he could have saved if he was braver. And guilt over a sentence he would regret until his dying breath.

He knew it was useless, what's done was done, what he had created was healing itself, slowly, very slowly, but it could never be completely undone. It would be forever his secret to bear.

Strangely, he hadn't dreamed of any of that tonight. When he woke up in the employee cafe he found himself thinking of Kaworu.

Kaworu, the last angel, and his friend. He had spent years trying to push Kaworu out of his thoughts. Why would he dream of him now?

Shinji pulled himself out of the chair he had been sleeping in and went to a nearby counter to fix himself some coffee. He pushed the little pod into the machine and pressed a button. Soon the not entirely unpleasant smell of artificial coffee filled the room.

Ria walked in, having changed out of her damaged clothing into what must have been a spare she had stored here. Her eyes were hidden behind a large pair of wire rimmed aviator sunglasses, but even still her exhaustion was obvious.

"How much sleep did you get?" he asked.

"Three," Ria replied wearily. "No, three and a half hours. You?"



Ria grabbed a bottle of soda out of a vending machine.

"So mom just texted me a few minutes ago, apparently she told the Pilots about you being my dad," Ria said.

Oh, that could not have been a fun conversation. Chairs were probably thrown at the least.

"So should we move?" Shinji asked half jokingly. "I mean, Asuka knows we're here."

Ria shrugged. "It will be fine, probably."

"So I hear your mom's upset with you not accepting the chance to go to college early," Shinji said, trying to talk about something normal.

Ria slumped in her chair. "So she told you? I don't understand why she cares so much. My grades are great, and I've said since I was twelve I knew what I wanted to do with my life. Be a writer. I even got a short story published for crying out loud! What more does she want?"

"She just wants to make sure you get the best possible education." Shinji didn't think of himself as much of a father, but he knew he should at least try to support Asuka on this.

"All this would do would mean I go to college sooner. Doesn't mean I'll get into a better one." Ria sighed. "I'm happy where I am. College means I have considerably less time with my friends. I have a plan, I should be able to stick to my plan."

He couldn't really fault her.

"You should have a chance at a normal life," Shinji agreed. "Your mother and I certainly didn't."

Ria laughed. "You call this normal? I haven't had a chance at a normal life since I was born, I just want the enjoy what I have."

At sixteen he and Asuka were struggling to stay alive as famine and civil war rocked Japan, and that was a marked improvement from how their lives had been a few years previous. Some considered Ria's generation ungrateful for what their parents had suffered, he was just glad she never had to go through a fraction of what he endured.

Just then Shinji's phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey." It was Asuka. "Are you busy?"

"Just talking with Ria."

"Okay, good, Misato and I have something we want to discuss with you in the conference room."

"Okay, um I'm not sure how much help I could be." He wasn't exactly part of WILLE so what could they need him for?

"We're trying to figure where our past selves are going to live for the time being," Asuka explained.

Oh, wonderful.


In stark contrast to the rest of the rest of the building, the outer hallways of WILLE had huge windows giving a clear view of Kyoto.

According to Misato, WILLE was a giant glass pyramid that reached the height of most skyscrapers, and from the windows, it was easy to see that now. The lower levels sloped outwards, covered in a purple glass shell.

Shinji was amazed by the contrast between Kyoto and Tokyo-3. Tokyo-3 was a purely artificial creation built in the course of a couple of years. It was more like what one would imagine a lunar colony would be like than any other city in Japan. Kyoto by contrast was an old city. While many of the buildings surrounding WILLE were steel and glass giants, in the distance he spotted the top of the pagoda of the Tō-ji Buddhist temple, and numerous other buildings that existed since the Shogunate.

Shinji was alone in the hallway, save for a guard in the distance. Asuka was sulking, for lack of a better term. After finding out about Ria's parentage, Asuka went on a blistering rant against her future self, which only earned snark from her, after that she went to the makeshift hospital room Shinji had woken up in and slammed the door behind her.

Shinji considered the idea of him, well his future self, being a father. He honestly hadn't really given much thought to possibility before: He was fourteen after all, and it's not like he'd even come close to having a girlfriend before. And with Asuka no less, that was a shock. She was pretty, and her personality did have its charms, some of the time. But he couldn't picture Asuka, any Asuka being willing to go that far with him.

Ria's last name was Soryu, that meant her parents never married. What sort of parent was his other self? Was he a decent one? Or had he even been there for her at all. Did she hate him and her civil behavior was just a mask?

"Hello, Shinji," Ria said suddenly.

Ikari screamed in surprise and nearly slammed his head against the glass. He stumbled backwards.

"Oh! Um, sorry about that," she said sympathetically.

Shinji turned to face her. Seeing her now, the family resemblance was hard to miss. They had the same chin for starters.

"Hi, uh Ria. How's it going?" Shinji said, awkwardly trying find words.

"Well my parents were called to a meeting about something so I thought, 'Hey, why not see what their tiny counterparts are up to?'" she replied.

Shinji froze, the surreality of the situation leaving him unable to speak.

"You okay?" she asked.

"I-I'm, fine," he said nervously. "Sorry."

"No no, don't apologize," she said reassuringly. "All things considered you're handling it well. I mean if the reverse had happened and WILLE had ended up in your time, I would be terrified. Well admittedly there would be Angels and SEELE, and grandpa too now that I think. I well...you know what I mean."

Ria buried her head in her hand, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Look," she went on, "this is awkward for both of us. I'm trying to make it less awkward, because we're probably going to be seeing each other a lot for the next few months and we should at least try to be friends, you read me?"

"I...yeah, that makes sense," he replied.

She was earnest, awkward but earnest.

"I have an idea, why don't I show the Museum on the lower floor. Give you a tour of the place?" Ria suggested.

"WILLE has a museum?"

"Of course," she nodded. "Until about fifteen hours ago it was probably the most publicly known part of WILLE. I give tours on the weekends sometimes."

"Sure that sounds... interesting," Shinji replied.

"Wonderful, I'll grab Asuka." Ria started walking away.

"I'd wouldn't if I were you." Shinji spoke up "She's still rather angry with your mother, and your father, and Misato and me, and... well, pretty much everyone really."

Ria smirked "Yeah, let's give her time to calm down."


"We need jumper cables," Maya said calmly in between her fourth and fifth coffee.

"What?" Ristuko replied, more than a little confused by the statement.

"The only way we're moving those things anytime soon is if we have the Pilots move them. That means we either need to rebuild the umbilical cables or build a temporary power supply to attach to them. All things considered, the umbilical cables would be far easier."

The tent was empty save for the two of them. Ritsuko took a long drag from her cigarette. Having the Pilots actually control their Evas again, even briefly, would make the Japanese government very unhappy. The JSSDF may have been replaced in the years since Third Impact, but a lot of generals still remembered the fight against Unit-02. Officially the Japanese Government apologized for being misled by SEELE. Unofficially, she knew quite a few people never forgave Sub-Commander Soryu for what happened.

Two active Evangelions would make the military extremely nervous, and probably a few cultists way too happy. Still, it would be the best opiton.

"I have the plans for the umbilical cables on file," Ritsuko said. "Having two constructed should only take us a few weeks. Though we're going to need a lot of power, and a temporary site to store them until the modifications to the Vault are complete."

At least they were making progress.

A worker burst into the tent, his breath fast and hard.

"Someone tried to plant a bomb on Unit-01!" he exclaimed.


"What do we know?" Misato asked.

She knew this was not going to be easy. She knew people would react poorly, but she had hoped it would not escalate to this level.

There had already been a bombing attempt. An incredibly unsucessful one thankfully.

"Suspect is a teenager, maybe seventeen, male. Japanese according to eyewitnesses." Makoto Hyuga rattled off. "Fled the scene before police could detain him. No one got a really good look at him."

"And the bomb itself?" Asuka asked.

"It was small, too small to even scratch the armor on Unit-01. Wouldn't have worked either, the trigger was wired wrong," Hyuga stated.

Well at least this was done by an incompetent.

"Have Captain Suzuhara send two additional squads to the site immediately," Misato ordered. "And tell the police this is now their top priority. And not one word of it to the press."

Hyuga bowed and left the room.

"It probably was just an idiot thinking he could make a statement," Asuka commented.

Misato nodded. "Agreed. We've had far worse threats over the years. I just want to make sure it's just an idiot."

"Of course."

"Let's not tell this to Shinji or the Pilots for now," Misato added.

"No need to scare them," Asuka agreed.

A few minutes later, Shinji entered.

"So, how did past Asuka take the news?"

"I think I'm now deaf in my right ear," Asuka joked.

"Well, that's better than I expected," Shinji replied.

"Near as I can tell, they were taken during the fight with the Tenth Angel. Pretty sure neither of us had even thought about that by that point."

Tenth Angel? So that was before he got sucked into the Dirac, before Toji got injured, before things took a sharp nose dive from unpleasant to just outright awful. So his counterpart wasn't quite so gripped by despair.

"So we're talking about our past selves' living arrangements?" Shinji asked.

"Yeah," Misato replied. "I don't want to keep them here longer than I have to, it's unfair to them and it's unfair to the people who work here."

"Not to be rude, but I kind of figured they would just stay with you, Misato." Shinji said "After all you do have the most experience with them, with us."

Misato shook her head "Honestly, I'm not up to it. I'm pushing fifty years old, I'm probably going to be working sixty-seventy hour weeks until we send them home, and Pen-Pen's still recovering from surgery."

"Plus dealing with us sober would probably be a lot harder," Asuka added.

"That too," Misato agreed.

And frankly they both deserved a better guardian than her. Misato counted herself lucky that Asuka and Shinji had turned out to be largely functional adults.

"So who do we have them stay with?" Shinji asked.

There weren't a lot of options admittedly. Most people she just simply didn't trust enough, whoever was going to take care of the two had to be sensitive to their various emotional and psychological issues and keep the media off them. Of those she trusted, most weren't up to it for one reason or another. Maya didn't have the space, Toji had three kids already, they would probably starve if she sent them to live with Ritsuko. That left her only two options.

"No," Asuka said before Misato could say a word. "No no no no no! I'm not taking care of those two! Ria would probably get into a fight with my past self before the end of the week. And I really don't know how to deal with Shinji."

"They'll have therapists," Misato said defensively. That was one thing they would certainly fix this time around.

"And I'll probably undo all the good they do and cause my past self to descend into a pile of misery," Shinji said. "I had a million problems at that age and living with me will just make all of them worse."

Both of them looked like they would rather jump in a lake of boiling acid while completely naked than deal with their past selves.

"I don't have anyone else," Misato said. "If I did I would have asked them first. You two have the financial means to support them easily and understand their issues better than anyone else."

"I have my job here, you can't expect me to leave them at home with my daughter!" Asuka said angrily.

"And I can't handle one of them by myself, let alone both of them," Shinji pleaded.

They weren't going to budge. And she didn't really have a good argument. Misato reached for something, anything that might convince them.

"What if you two move into together?" Misato blurted out.

Asuka and Shinji stared at her blankly. "What." they both said at the same time.

'I immediately regret this,' Misato thought.

"Well, I mean not live together exactly." Misato said defensively. "But... the apartment next to Asuka's is unoccupied. Shinji could move in there. Have the pilots live with Asuka. Shinji can help when Asuka's stuck here. That way Ria doesn't have to deal with them alone."

"Misato, you do remember the last time I lived with Asuka I ended up having to leave the country, right?!" Shinji shouted.

"Actually," Asuka spoke up, "that's not a terrible idea."

Well that was a shock.

"You're joking, right?" Shinji said.

Asuka turned towards him. "Shinji, you realize we were both on the verge of a psychological breakdown when you left? We are both far far better off then we were thirteen years ago. Neither of us could handle them alone. Living next to each other, it wouldn't be so bad."

"Really?" Shinji said, shocked.

Asuka nodded "Really."

"...Okay," he said reluctantly. "I'll help."

Misato sighed with relief. She wanted what was best for her kids, both sets of them. It ate at her to do this but she didn't have a choice.

"You know neither of them is going to be happy about this," Asuka commented.

"Oh, I know," Misato replied. "Believe me, I know."
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I'm loving this, tho I wonder what caused the breakdown that made Shinji n Asuka break up? Was it Asuka's sudden pregnancy
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Huh, this is gonna be the odd couple romantic comedy of the fish angel up to before the kiss before leliel but double. :grin:
But over the past few years, his nightmares had grown worse and worse. To the point where barely a week went by when he didn't have at least a couple of them. Waking up covered in cold sweat, visions of Third Impact or his fight with Bardiel filling his head. It didn't take a psychiatrist, though he'd seen more than one, to tell him it was guilt.
Huh. Sad and worrying that Shinji's starting to have constant guilt-fueled nightmares now, 20 years after the fact, and after he's visibly more mature and stable than he was at the time. You really should see a therapist about things like this, Shinji, but it looks like you've closed that option off by never telling anyone about the truth of Third Impact:
Guilt over his failures, guilt over the could have beens, the people he could have saved if he was braver. And guilt over a sentence he would regret until his dying breath.
And we all know exactly which sentence that is... I can understand why, but it's saddening that Shinji never told anyone, not even Asuka while they were together. She of all people might be able to understand... but then again, Shinji got shut down cold when he asked her for just that sort of understanding during Instrumentality.
Did she hate him and her civil behavior was just a mask?
It's just so Shinji that he's already worrying like this about the future-daughter he just met.
"I mean if the reverse had happened and WILLE had ended up in your time, I would be terrified. Well admittedly there would be Angels and SEELE, and grandpa too now that I think."
Oh wow, yeah... I'm pretty sure Ria (or anyone else, for that matter) would never want to even meet Grandpa Gendo Ikari, or even acknowledge the relationship.
"Suspect is a teenager, maybe seventeen, male. Japanese according to eyewitnesses."
We're in Kyoto, it's not very surprising or helpful to ID the suspect as 'Japanese'. :p
"Let's not tell this to Shinji or the Pilots for now," Misato added.
Ah, Misato... the amount of things you're not telling the Pilots or Shinji 'for their own good' is starting to add up. Even if it's for the best of intentions, you're going to be facing some unhappy and mistrustful people when/if they find out some or all of the things you're hiding. No one likes being lied to, especially not Shinji. The older one might understand, even if he's hurt, but young Shinji... remember how badly he reacted to learning Kaworu had withheld a few key things?
"Near as I can tell, they were taken during the fight with the Tenth Angel. Pretty sure neither of us had even thought about that by that point."
The Tenth Angel... so this is before Asuka has even admitted to herself that she's attracted to Shinji, much less gotten to the point of trying a kiss. So yeah, learning 'not only did you kiss him, you had a serious relationship long enough to have a kid with him' is... that would be a huge shock and a hard thing to handle even for someone totally stable and self-secure. For someone as insecure and emotionally fragile as Asuka was back then... yeesh. This is practically low-key for how it could have been.
"You two have the financial means to support them easily and understand their issues better than anyone else."
Wait, what? WILLE doesn't have the budget handy to even kick older Shinji and Asuka a couple thousand dollars a month to help pay for upkeep on the Pilots? Misato commands a major government agency, but expects the older pair to handle this out of pocket? Come on, Misato.
"Misato, you do remember the last time I lived with Asuka I ended up having to leave the country, right?!" Shinji shouted.
At the same time, Shinji, remember that the last time you lived together, you cared enough about each other that a serious relationship began, and a child came of it. It wasn't all bad, however it led to you breaking up, and I'd lay most of the blame for that on the fact you both were hugely damaged by the Angel War and Instrumentality over it being you and Asuka being bad people.
Asuka turned towards him. "Shinji, you realize we were both on the verge of a psychological breakdown when you left? We are both far far better off then we were thirteen years ago. Neither of us could handle them alone. Living next to each other, it wouldn't be so bad."

"Really?" Shinji said, shocked.

Asuka nodded "Really."

"...Okay," he said reluctantly. "I'll help."
Like this, yeah. You and Asuka have matured to the point you get along well as adults, can calmly and seriously discuss matters about your daughter together, and even joke easily about your personality quirks with no trace of hostility. That Asuka is willing to reach out and talk about something like this, and self-aware enough to acknowledge that what drove you apart was serious psychological issues you've both grappled with and gotten something of a handle on is a very encouraging sign that you both can handle living near each other and deal with your younger selves. After all, who knows your issues from back then more than yourselves?
I'm loving this, tho I wonder what caused the breakdown that made Shinji n Asuka break up? Was it Asuka's sudden pregnancy
That might have been a trigger, but I think most of it was Shinji's raging guilt over 'They can all just die', which he evidently never told anyone about, and Asuka's matching complex about her mother, her defeat and death in battle, and how none of that was ever addressed afterward. I'm betting therapists were both in very short supply and what ones there were hugely overtasked in the aftermath of Third Impact, and Shinji and Asuka never got serious care for their problems in all that. This would only be made worse by the way both of them would be very reluctant to talk about their problems at all, or in Shinji's case, actively concealing the core problems entirely. How could anyone, much less someone as withdrawn and ego-less as Shinji, admit 'I nearly killed everyone in the world because I was having a psychological breakdown when someone gave me the powers of a god'?
Is Asuka father going to show up or at least be mention. I would like it if Future Asuka had a... better relationship with the man. (mostly because it rarely done in fics and I want to see how younger Asuka reacts to that:lol).
Langely is still alive, though Asuka is not on good terms with him. As far as Asuka and Shinji are concerned, Misato is Ria's only grandparent.

And we all know exactly which sentence that is... I can understand why, but it's saddening that Shinji never told anyone, not even Asuka while they were together. She of all people might be able to understand... but then again, Shinji got shut down cold when he asked her for just that sort of understanding during Instrumentality.
Shinji's problem is he was told by Misato not to tell anyone about what happened, not even herself. Misato's developed something of a habit of lying to protect people since Third Impact.
So in the end she turned into something alike to Ritzuko during the series?
No way thats not going to bite her in the future.
Langely is still alive, though Asuka is not on good terms with him. As far as Asuka and Shinji are concerned, Misato is Ria's only grandparent.
Yeah. Yeesh, what a slate: Mr. Langley (Cheated on Kyoko with Asuka in earshot, practically abandoned her to be raised by NERV while he ran off with the woman he cheated with), Asuka's Step-mother (The woman she heard her father cheat with), Yui Ikari (Raised by an apocalyptic cult, made Shinji watch her die), and Gendo Ikari (Gendo Fucking Ikari). Kyoko was barely more than a ghost in the machine that Asuka had only 5 minutes with before 3rd Impact. Small wonder Shinji and Asuka only want to consider Misato as Ria's family.
Shinji's problem is he was told by Misato not to tell anyone about what happened, not even herself. Misato's developed something of a habit of lying to protect people since Third Impact.
That's sadly very Misato: Bury the pain, don't talk about it, pretend it didn't happen and everything is ok, no matter what. Misato still hasn't learned that burying it, denial, and booze are very bad coping mechanisms... No wonder Shinji and Asuka eventually had breakdowns that drove them apart. Not surprising either that residual guilt over 'failing' at a relationship would keep them from even trying again once they'd healed some.
Yeah. Yeesh, what a slate: Mr. Langley (Cheated on Kyoko with Asuka in earshot, practically abandoned her to be raised by NERV while he ran off with the woman he cheated with), Asuka's Step-mother (The woman she heard her father cheat with), Yui Ikari (Raised by an apocalyptic cult, made Shinji watch her die), and Gendo Ikari (Gendo Fucking Ikari). Kyoko was barely more than a ghost in the machine that Asuka had only 5 minutes with before 3rd Impact. Small wonder Shinji and Asuka only want to consider Misato as Ria's family.
Part of the reason Ria is big on having friends. Because without them all she has is Shinji, Asuka, and Misato. And Shinji wasn't around much until recently.
Is Asuka father going to show up or at least be mention. I would like it if Future Asuka had a... better relationship with the man. (mostly because it rarely done in fics and I want to see how younger Asuka reacts to that:lol).

That scumbag had sex with his sick wife's nurse within ear shot of his daughter while she was visiting her mother and experiencing all kinds of emotional trauma from the visits without support. He's probably the source of a decent bit of her assumptions about most men being inherently disgusting and superficial perverts.

Why would she ever want a better relationship with that man?
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While I agree that neither her father nor her stepmother behaved especially well, I don't think you can reasonably describe Langley's behaviour as adultery. Even if you consider what came out of Unit-02 after that disastrous activation test to still be Kyoko, not just the wrapper she came in, their marriage was de facto over; it's quite likely she didn't even know who he was anymore.
While I agree that neither her father nor her stepmother behaved especially well, I don't think you can reasonably describe Langley's behaviour as adultery. Even if you consider what came out of Unit-02 after that disastrous activation test to still be Kyoko, not just the wrapper she came in, their marriage was de facto over; it's quite likely she didn't even know who he was anymore.
That's still no excuse for fucking your new love in the next room over where your young daughter can hear you through the walls. Leaving aside that many Western marriage vows have some variant of 'in sickness and in health' built into them, in what world would you cheat on your mentally damaged wife with her primary caregiver(don't remember if Asukas' Stepmother was her mothers' nurse or doctor) for all intents and purposes in front of your child?!

If he wanted to know if he was still considered married to her after her accident, and went to see a lawyer and/or priest for counseling and advice, and began a relationship after he got the answer, then I could choke his behavior down. What he did do, however, is unacceptable by any stretch of the imagination. I can't begin to fathom why he'd ever do such a thing, and I never hope to want to.

The only reason I can think of is that his behavior was some sort of revenge against Kyoko for some unfathomable reason. What that might be, I can't begin to try to understand, and what little info we do understand comes from Asuka, who was not capable of understanding what was going on or had any knowledge of what her parents were doing at the time. Still doesn't excuse him for what he did in the slightest, in my own opinion.
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While I agree that neither her father nor her stepmother behaved especially well, I don't think you can reasonably describe Langley's behaviour as adultery. Even if you consider what came out of Unit-02 after that disastrous activation test to still be Kyoko, not just the wrapper she came in, their marriage was de facto over; it's quite likely she didn't even know who he was anymore.

If Kyoko wasn't enough in the know to know about the evangelions to the extent she tried to make them "safe" and got her soul split in half for her trouble, then I doubt Langley knew any more.

From his perspective, his wife had a psychotic break at work that led to her being generally out of it and seeing a doll as their daughter while talking down to said daughter when she visited. He could have tried to help his wife or his daughter in a myriad of ways. He could have been there and supported or comforted the people he should have cared about to any degree.

Instead, his response to this was to leave his daughter in the room with her psychotic mother without any form of support while he had loud sex with the nurse in the next room over where his 3-4 year old daughter and mentally damaged wife could hear them, repeatedly, then abandoned said daughter to NERV when she didn't take well to the nurse moving in who had loud sex with the husband's of their patients a room over and sucked so bad at her job that the barely functional woman hung herself with her daughter being the first one to find out.

There is not behaving especially well, and there is telling Gendo to hold your beer.

Edit: Even Gendo is probably disgusted with the man.

Gendo was a monster with a goal. He fucked his kid up in his quest to save his wife, but even he didn't have sex with Akagi basically in front of Unit 01 and Shinji right after his mom's "death" just for his own gratification rather than for any reason whatsoever.

The man is utterly repulsive.
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There's also implications (though considering I think this comes from Asuka's father take it with a grain of salt the size of the moon) that Kyoko herself was neglectful of Asuka before the activation test. Which honestly fits considering Yui was by no stretch a good parent.

Honestly it's surprising Ria had a decent childhood, particularly since Asuka and Shinji both had a near mental breakdown when she was three.
There's also implications (though considering I think this comes from Asuka's father take it with a grain of salt the size of the moon) that Kyoko herself was neglectful of Asuka before the activation test. Which honestly fits considering Yui was by no stretch a good parent.

Honestly it's surprising Ria had a decent childhood, particularly since Asuka and Shinji both had a near mental breakdown when she was three.

I suspect Grandma Misato had a lot to do with that.
I suspect Grandma Misato had a lot to do with that.
Not as much as we'd prefer if Misato has told Shinji never to talk about 3rd Impact and is still in 'bury and never talk about bad events' mode, as I think was mentioned here. Everybody needs some sort of help, the questions are how much and in what way. And will their younger selves even listen to what Shinji and Asuka have to say. Make no mistake, there needs to be a talk about everyones' problems, the question is whether or not the message would be received as intended or ignored, be it in parts or at all. Asuka knows her younger self is very headstrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if canon!Asuka throws a few curveballs at her older self by getting things wrong or taking them in the wrong way.

It also wouldn't surprise me if BW!Shinji and Asuka tried to hook their younger selves up, but how good of an idea that would be or whether that would take..., well, time will tell.
I'm betting this whole mess is all Kaworu's fault. He's getting desperate in his quest to make Shinji happy.

"Okay, for the 25671st atttempt, what if I throw him into an alternate universe with that girl he kind of likes so he can meet his future self!? Judging by my studies of Lilim culture, that would make anybody happy!"