She wasn't sure how different she was mentally from Lilim. Similar to a large degree sure, but interacting with them always felt like there was some script that everyone else in the world had access to, except her and Okito.

They had worried they wouldn't seem human enough to the others, that the whole ruse would fall apart and everyone would see what they really are. Her taste in clothing was an act, an act she admittedly lost herself in sometimes.

The only thing she actually mourned were the books. She liked books. They provided insight into the minds of people she would never know, told her of people she could never meet. It helped her feel connected in a way that actually interacting with many of them didn't.
Ria's feeling of disconnect from 'normal' humanity is well done, and oddly makes me wish In could reassure her that that itself is normal, and there are plenty of 'normal' humans who feel that way too. It weirdly makes her more normal, not less.
", not right now," Ria said reluctantly, scared and ashamed of herself. "I just want to get my mind off things. Sorry."

She was sick of the lying, but the thought of losing anymore people was too much right now.

"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have asked in the first place," Mari replied.
Ria having to conceal things to Mari is poignant. I think Mari gets that there's things Ria is holding back, though, and is sensitive enough not to press.
"What about the other two?" Shinji asked.

"They're staying with me," Misato stated. "It's safer for everyone that way."
Misato taking in the younger Pilots is going to be odd. I'm kind of sad it takes them away from their older selves. The contrast to the Misato they knew is going to be fun, though.
It didn't dull the pain, it didn't wipe away, but seeing so much Okito's stuff go up in flames alongside every picture they had of her brother, she couldn't deny how good it felt.

She vowed in that moment to never let herself be fooled again. No Angel would hurt her like Okito had.
Kodama is really hurt by this... she got betrayed even more than Ria did. Ria at least knew Okito was an Angel. Kodama had no reason to think her brother was anything but normal like her. So now she's feeling like her entire life was polluted by a lie, by a creature that in an instant was ready to threaten the lives of her and his own father and her friends.
"Well Mr. Aida, it was nice to meet you," she replied. "My name is Tsukiko Yamagishi"
Uh oh. Kensuke, of all the girls you could talk to....
Misato taking in the younger Pilots is going to be odd. I'm kind of sad it takes them away from their older selves. The contrast to the Misato they knew is going to be fun, though.
It's a rather desperate move but Misato's worried about something like Okito happening again while both sets of pilots are in the same apartment. This way one attack wont end everything.
Shinji walks into Misato's apartment and faints dead away at finding it sparkling clean.

Then Misato reveals its because she's basically been living in her office ever since the evas showed up.
Chapter 8 Part 2
He'd be taking medication for months, years even, to ensure there was no rejection. He would have to visit a doctor every day for the next two weeks, but at least he was back into actual clothes instead of a hospital gown. Black pants, with a white button shirt and a black undershirt. A slight variation on his normal look. Very slight.

He looked at his hand, flexing it a few times to confirm once again that yes it was still working. Shinji wasn't sure what to do with it. If he left it exposed it would always stick out. He would always get stares, looks, people judging him, people looking down at him for being incomplete.

Then again considering who he was, people were staring at him already.

Gloves would cover it up but then he'd be one goatee, glasses, and a creepy smile away from looking exactly like his father.

Maybe a set of black gloves, that might work.

Just as Shinji finished buttoning his shirt, the door opened. In walked Ria and Asuka. Both looked upset, though less downtrodden then he had expected.

"How was it?" he asked.

"Everything we lost can be replaced," Asuka said firmly. She wasn't about to let this break her.

Though in the grand scheme of things, having most of her apartment burn down probably wasn't even in the top five biggest things that had happened this week for Asuka.

"How are you, Ria?" Shinji asked.

"Fine, though Kodama has been texting me. She's taken a rather hardline stance against her brother and Angels in general and she's leaning on me for support. So you know, big freaking pile of awkward there," she said, her tone joking but devoid of humor.

Most of WILLE would kill her if they knew the truth, and after Okito Shinji couldn't see anyone else really accepting her after what the reborn Sachiel had done.

That was probably Okito's goal on some level; expose her so that everyone she knew, save for him, would reject her and drive her out. Leaving her nowhere else to turn.

If Shinji and Asuka had rejected Ria, or had not shown her enough trust…

She was a good kid, even considering the situation, but everyone has their limits. And the thought of Ria being pushed to hers like that was, well, terrifying.

"You aren't responsible for Okito," Shinji tried to assure her. "And she'll calm down. She's dealing with a lot right now."

"On a related note," Asuka added, "Misato's briefing Kensuke as we speak. Do you want to talk with him when she's done?"

"Why is Misato interviewing him?" Shinji asked,more than a little confused.

"Misato doesn't want the Suzuharas to be unable to talk about what's happened in their own home. Plus she wants another set of eyes she can trust at school. See if any of the kids there are planning something."

"None of them are Angels," Ria complained.

"We know," Asuka replied. "But Misato doesn't."

"If they were I would have killed them by now," Ria added quietly, her voice seething with rage.

Asuka stared at her with an expression that was at once exhausted, disturbed, and concerned.

"Right, sorry," Ria said, her head twitching nervously.

"I should see him, shouldn't I?" Shinji asked.

He wanted to. He had reservations, but he wanted to say hi to Kensuke.

He couldn't really be friends with him again, not like before. He was too old for that, but the other Shinji was around so at least there was someone his age.

Still, he owed him a hello and a chance to catch up at least. He was somewhat responsible for Kensuke losing twenty years of his life.

"Yes, you should," Asuka insisted. "He's going to have a hard enough time adjusting as it is."


"Tsukiko Yamagishi?" Misato said, repeating every syllable of the name like it was some ancient curse. "You're positive that's the name she gave you?"

"Yes," Kensuke replied, desperately wishing he could be anywhere else right now.

The past few hours had been some of the most shocking of his life.

The Angels being both human and Angel at the same time. The attacks against Shinji and Asuka, both sets of them. How one of the attackers, one the Angels, had been Touji and Hikari's own son. It was like the world had turned into some sort of horror movie.

Misato had explained in detail over the course of a few hours. She wasn't the same carefree, hard drinking woman he had seen and had more than a few thoughts over. She was older, though age had done little to her physically, and so much more serious. She had been stone faced throughout the entire briefing, her eyes hard and full of hatred anytime she mentioned Sachiel, the Angel that was in Touji's kid.

Kensuke found himself rather frightened of her.

Then she mentioned a name, a name he had almost forgotten after everything she had told him. The name of the girl on the train.

When he mentioned the girl on train it was like something switched on inside of Misato.

"You're one hundred percent certain?" she asked again.

"Y-yes," Kensuke replied, trying to make himself as small as possible in the plastic chair he was sitting on.

"S-she had brown eyes, her glasses looked pretty much like mine, and her hair was black," he went on.

"Thank you," Misato nodded slightly as she went towards her computer, the sound of furious key clicks filling the air. "I'll have a sketch artist here in a bit. But before that, I need you to listen to this very carefully, and tell me if it's the same person."

"Okay," Kensuke said hesitantly.

"Hello. This uh…Tsukiko Yamagishi, I'm working on.." A female voice came out of a wall mounted speaker, loud and clear.

Kensuke strained his mind, trying to put the voice to the person.

"Could you run it again?" he asked.

"This uh…Tsukiko Yamagishi, I'm working on..." the clip repeated.

Then another clip was played. "I know. I'm not trying to redeem his image or anything. I just want to understand who he was as a human being. Too often we call the worst of criminals monsters. What they did was monstrous, but people aren't monsters."

Kensuke considered for a moment, doubt filling his thoughts.

"...No," Kensuke said, his legs shaking.

"Are you sure?" Misato questioned.

"Yeah, I mean yes, ma'am," Kensuke replied. "The lady on the phone sounds like she has an Osaka accent. I've been around Touji long enough to know that accent when I hear it. The girl on the train didn't sound anything like her,. I couldn't even place her accent, now that I think of it. I'm sorry, but they sound rather different."

"It's fine," Misato said with a sigh. "Just call me immediately if you see this girl again."


The briefing lasted about another hour. By the end of it, Kensuke was about ready to collapse in horror.

He had picked an incredibly bad time to come out of the sea.

He opened the door out of the meeting room, turned towards his left and saw... Asuka Langley Soryu standing there, a sour expression on her face and those clips still in her red hair. Wearing what looked like a dark colored school uniform.


"Welcome back to the real world," she said condescendingly.

"Why are you here?" Why would Asuka of all people be waiting for him?

"Shinji asked me to come with him, don't ask me why. And of course he got pulled away for a moment. I'm not here for you. Don't think I've forgotten those pictures," she said pointedly.

But you are here for Shinji? Kensuke wondered, though he didn't give voice to the thought. That would have been suicidal.

"Asuka, be nice." Kensuke turned to see another girl standing behind him.

She was tall, not huge but definitely tall for a girl. She looked a bit older, though she was wearing the same uniform as Asuka, and she had an exhausted look about her.

"Hello," she said as she stuck out her hand, which Kensuke took gingerly. "Ria Soryu. A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Aida."

"Soryu?" Kensuke questioned before realization hit. "Oh, you're Shinji and Asuka's kid? The other Asuka, I mean."

That had been a shocking friendly greeting for a Soryu. She must take more after her father.

She nodded. "Yes. My parents will be here in a bit."

Two Asukas, now that would be a sight for sure. Two Shinjis as well, that had to be weird.

"Touji is going to meet you at his apartment," Ria explained rather sadly. "He's going through a lot right now."

"I heard about Okito," Kensuke said "That's...I can't even begin to imagine what he's going through right now. D-do you think I should stay with him, considering the situation."

"He insisted upon it, apparently," Ria said.

Well that was surprising, and confusing. Kensuke didn't think he could be much comfort but if Toji and Hikari wanted him there he wasn't going to argue.

"Oh, there you are," Asuka said with exasperation as she stared down a hallway.

Shinji Ikari walked out behind her. Looking pretty much the same as he had when he last saw him, same general expression, same outfit.

"Hey," Shinji awkwardly.

"Hey," Kensuke repeated. "So uh, how's the future treating you, besides the whole, you know, Angel thing."

"Pretty good," Shinji shrugged. "Ria's been a great help, though having to live with my other self has been-"

"Incredibly awkward," Asuka interrupted. "Much like this conversation. Can we go now? We do need to get what's left of our things over to Misato's place."

"Already moved," an older, but still unmistakably similar voice said.

Shinji and Asuka appeared, the older ones, the ones that had actually been through most of what he remembered. Misato had told the younger pair they had been taken from when that giant Angel nearly dropped itself on the city, right after Misato got promoted. So they didn't remember, or rather hadn't actually been through Touji being a Pilot, then losing his leg, or any of the stuff that had followed that.

Man this time travel stuff was giving him a headache.

Heck being here, surrounded by two sets of Asuka and Shinji, was starting to freak him out. The older Asuka looked like he had expected, but her expression was downright friendly. On her it looked... unnatural.

Then there was Shinji. Shinji looked as old as Misato did back in the day. It looked as though someone had taken his face and put molded it into some new, gaunt shape. His outfit was the same. He was awkwardly waving with one hand while the other was buried in his pocket. There were bandages on both of his arms and his face.

"So if you touch your other self does the world implode?" Kensuke blurted out in a failed attempt to make this situation less surreal.

The older Asuka laughed, not mocking either, the laugh sounded light hearted and genuine. Not a noise he would expect out of her.

"No," Ria said, "though apparently Dr. Akagi ran some tests on that to make sure."

Asuka, the older one, extended her hand towards Kensuke. Which he stared at in confusion.

"I'm not going to bite," she insisted.

"If you say so," Kensuke replied, taking her hand gingerly.

Who was this woman? She looked like Asuka, had her accent. But the sheer contrast between her and the grouchy German behind him was rather astounding.

"You've changed," Kensuke commented.

"Twenty years will do that to a person," Asuka agreed.

The younger one let out a dismissive huff.

"So how are you doing Kensuke?" the older Shinji asked.

"Okay. I mean this whole situation is really terrifying but I'm okay. How are you?"

"Surviving," Shinji said. "Well, mostly."

He pulled out his hand revealing...Oh.

Kensuke tried not to react, though the younger Shinji nearly jumped back at the sight of it. It almost looked like the older Shinji was wearing part of a glove. Most of his hand was replaced with plastic that nearly looked like skin but not quite. It moved like a normal hand though.

"Does it hurt?" The younger Shinji asked

"Not really," his counterpart assured him. "It's strange but I'm getting used to it."

"Sorry," he said, seeing the surprised look on Kensuke's face. "I wasn't trying to make this about me."

"No, no, it's fine," Kensuke insisted. "It was nice seeing you guys, both of you. But I have a ride waiting."

"So do we," Teenage Asuka said, glaring at Shinji with annoyance.

"Let's catch up more later," Adult Shinji suggested.

"Yeah, let's," Kensuke agreed.


Seoul, Korea. The capital of a unified nation. Home to some six million people. The city really was the heart of the nation; most of the country's population lived within fifty kilometers of it. It had been badly damaged by Second Impact but had rebuilt and survived Third Impact with next to no damage. It was a prosperous and vibrant city, a city unburdened by the fears of the past.

Today was a normal day for the city, brightly sunny, barely a cloud in the sky. It's population went about its day much the same as they had for years. Sure, the news was dominated by stories of the Angel and cult attacks in Kyoto. But that was Japan. Angels had never bothered Korea. And the Church of Lilith was a small group in Korea.

Then it appeared, hovering in the sky above downtown Seoul. A ball of orange energy. For a second it sat there, spinning in the sky like a second sun, then the energy faded, revealing a massive diamond, it's eight sides were impossibly smooth, blue and glass like. Hanging in the sky it looked peaceful, almost serene.

But the Angel Ramiel, the Thunder of God, was anything but. A brilliant flash of bright pink erupted from it's center, striking the 63 Square building, one of the largest in Asia. It was seared in half, the top of it crumbling into the Han river, the rest of it became a towering inferno, filling the air with black smoke.

Ramiel lashed out again and again as it traveled along the Han, striking seemingly at random. Finacial districts, parks, garages, it made no difference. The unnatural scream of it's laser building up for another shot was the only warning people had. The evacuation was confused and disorganized. What seemed like a safe path would become blocked by the wreckage of a collapsed building. Roads and walkways were turned into molten rock.

A mass of artillery opened fire upon the Angel as missiles screeched through the air. The Angel gave these acts of defiance no notice. White hot shells bounced harmlessly off it's crystal-like skin. Missiles burst uselessly against it's AT-field.

It refocused it's attention, striking at historical landmarks. Changdeokgung Palace, Hwaseong Fortress, Jongmyo, and the ancient fortress city of Namhansanseong, the Legacy of the Kingdom of Joseon, were all reduced to ruin in a matter of minutes.

It paused for a moment, hanging in the air as the city dissolved in chaos below it.

It let out another lance of energy, this one lasting far longer than the others, craving a bloody path through the heart of the city, cutting through business, hospitals, roads, and train stations.

Ten minutes after it began, Ramiel ceased its assault, slipping gently into the Han River as Seoul burned around it.
Another good chapter. Not quite sure how the story is going to move just yet but that makes it more interesting.

On a related note, chapter two of rebuild wings plz, you cut us off on the juicy part.
Ramiel: Hello! I am here to partake of your interesting-


*atrocities intensify*

Ramiel: Ah...I feel better now after seeing all that history with my usual laser-like precision. Oh, look at the time! I should head back to report on my experiences as a Cultural Envoy~!
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Gloves would cover it up but then he'd be one goatee, glasses, and a creepy smile away from looking exactly like his father.

Maybe a set of black gloves, that might work.
YYyyeah, let's not look like Gendo, thanks.
"Fine, though Kodama has been texting me. She's taken a rather hardline stance against her brother and Angels in general and she's leaning on me for support. So you know, big freaking pile of awkward there," she said, her tone joking but devoid of humor.
Boy, it's going to be really awkward when Ria's nature is finally revealed...
"...No," Kensuke said, his legs shaking.

"Are you sure?" Misato questioned.

"Yeah, I mean yes, ma'am," Kensuke replied. "The lady on the phone sounds like she has an Osaka accent. I've been around Touji long enough to know that accent when I hear it. The girl on the train didn't sound anything like her,. I couldn't even place her accent, now that I think of it. I'm sorry, but they sound rather different."
May not be the same person, but that name can't just be a coincidence. Was it another of the Angels? The only one Kensuke was 'there' for was Shamshel, but... hmm...
"Shinji asked me to come with him, don't ask me why. And of course he got pulled away for a moment. I'm not here for you. Don't think I've forgotten those pictures," she said pointedly.

But you are here for Shinji? Kensuke wondered, though he didn't give voice to the thought. That would have been suicidal.
The things you can say without ever saying them out loud... Asuka, Kensuke managed to notice that. Did you?
So they didn't remember, or rather hadn't actually been through Touji being a Pilot, then losing his leg, or any of the stuff that had followed that.
I wonder if it's going to be Kensuke who lets it slip all the things about the later part of the Angel War that the time-travel Shinji and Asuka don't know about. Then again, how much of the really bad stuff from near the end does he know about and remember?
"Twenty years will do that to a person," Asuka agreed.

The younger one let out a dismissive huff.
It is getting increasingly funny that the 'present' person that past-Asuka gets along with least is literally herself. :V
Past-Asuka just can't seem to get over her irritation that present-Asuka grew up, had a relationship with Shinji, matured, and has become a stable, grounded, and friendly woman. I'd bet a fair part of that irritation is a mask over past-Asuka's fear of 'there's no way I could do that, I don't know how!'

Ten minutes after it began, Ramiel ceased its assault, slipping gently into the Han River as Seoul burned around it.
Well... shit. Six million people, and the only operational Evas in the world are hundreds of kilometers away. I bet the human-Angels are doing this just because they want to rub it in how defenseless the rest of the world is in the face of AT-Field-equipped Angels with the intelligence of psychotic humans behind them.
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Well... shit. Six million people, and the only operational Evas in the world are hundreds of kilometers away. I bet the human-Angels are doing this just because they want to rub it in how defenseless the rest of the world is in the face of AT-Field-equipped Angels with the intelligence of psychotic humans behind them.

Or Ramiel was living in Korea and something made them go postal, completely unrelated to The Plan

"Welcome back to the real world," she said condescendingly.

"Why are you here?" Why would Asuka of all people be waiting for him?

"Shinji asked me to come with him, don't ask me why. And of course he got pulled away for a moment. I'm not here for you. Don't think I've forgotten those pictures," she said pointedly.

But you are here for Shinji? Kensuke wondered, though he didn't give voice to the thought.
Asuka may not want to admit but deep deep down Kensuke is now her only other friend then Shinji.
Asuka may not want to admit but deep deep down Kensuke is now her only other friend then Shinji.
I don't think you can really count Kensuke and Asuka as friends. 'Classmates' or 'age peers', maybe, but as Asuka pointed out, pretty much everything she knows about Kensuke is 'Creepy camera otaku friend of Shinji's, sold pictures of me changing to the school's boys'.
I don't think you can really count Kensuke and Asuka as friends. 'Classmates' or 'age peers', maybe, but as Asuka pointed out, pretty much everything she knows about Kensuke is 'Creepy camera otaku friend of Shinji's, sold pictures of me changing to the school's boys'.
I meant the closest thing she has to a friend now since she can't be friends with future Hikari now.
More like the only person other than Shinji that is at least an acquaintance going through roughly the same kind of thing she is.
Chapter 8 Part 3
The drive to Misato's was eerie. Nothing was different on the surface. Kyoto was the same as it had been since he arrived. Yet there was something unshakably different. Both Shinji and Asuka found themselves staring at the people they passed. Blue eyes, brown eyes, eyes hidden behind sunglasses or large hats, it felt like all of them were looking at Shinji, even in the car.

And almost any of those eyes could belong to an angel. Iruel, Zeruel, Arael, any one of them could be in one of those shops or walking along the sideway, mere meters away from them. And Shinji would never know, not until they struck.

They passed a group of white robed figures, some of who were carrying signs. Most had pictures of the seven eyed face of Lilith, a few had some computer made picture of Unit-01 standing triumph over a very bloody and broken Sachiel. One or two had deciptions of Shinji that were at the same time both embarrassing and rather distressing.

"What. The heck," Asuka muttered.

"Just ignore them," Misato said as she waited for the light to change. "They're mostly harmless."

"They're carrying pictures of Shinji like he's some sort of Saint!" Asuka said in disbelief.

"The Church of Lilith has done weirder things," Misato said with a sigh.

The light changed, and they drove past the Lilith worshipers.

Angels wanted to kill him and the Church of Lilith thought of him as a god.

"We need to go shopping," Asuka said suddenly.

"Huh?" Shinji's attention turned from the window back to her.

"We need to go shopping soon. We kind of lost everything in that fire. We need to replace our clothes, games, the birthday present for Ria..."

"...Birthday present?" Shinji said, confused.

"Well yeah. Her birthday is in a month," Asuka said nonchalantly.

Shinji stared at her blankly. "I was not aware of this."

Asuka turned to him, an annoyed and angry expression on her face. Shinji braced himself for the incoming rant and insults.

"That idiotI" Asuka exclaimed. "It's bad enough the Sub-Commander didn't tell me but I would have thought she would at least have the decency to let you know. I mean sure we're in the middle of a war but she still should have remembered. We threw Misato a party when she was promoted!"

"That was Kensuke," Misato corrected her.

Asuka huffed. "Well, the point remains. She should have told us."

"I'm sure she was planning on it," Misato said defensively.

Asuka mumbled under her breath.

"You do realize you and Sub-Commander Soryu are the same person, more or less?" Misato pointed out.

"I aware of that," Asuka sneered.

"So why are you so hostile to her?"

"I have my reasons," she huffed, her eyes focused on the window.

The rest of the ride there was largely quiet.

Misato's current apartment building reminded Shinji a lot of the old one, the building where they had stayed with Misato originally. Not everything was the same but it felt similar. Maybe that was just the general nature of apartment buildings.

Still, Shinji found himself feeling vaguely nostalgic. Which was silly considering he had lived with her a few months ago.Though that was technically twenty years ago.

They entered the apartment, Shinji and Asuka each holding a cardboard box containing what few things they had left.

It was much the same as the Older Shinji's apartment, though a bit smaller, and with a grey paint scheme.

There was something off about it, something unsettlingly about the place. Shinji couldn't quite place it but something was wrong about this place.

"Was ist das!" Asuka exclaimed. "This place is clean."

That's what was wrong. This place was clean. No sign of fast food wrappers or empty beer cans. Indeed, there wasn't a bit of dirt anywhere.

"Oh yeah, I have a cleaning service come by a couple times a week," Misato explained.

Asuka opened the fridge.

"There's actual food in here," she said "And no beer. I don't see beer anywhere."

"I stopped drinking over a decade ago."

Shinji and Asuka both stared at Misato with confused expressions, like her head had suddenly turned into a desktop fan.

"What?" Misato asked.

"Are we entirely sure she hasn't been replaced by a robot?" Asuka whispered.


Shinji yelled in surprise, nearly fall flat on his face at the nose. Both the pilots turned around to see Pen-Pen standing behind them. The penguin looked much the same, even still had the metal necklace with Pen2​ written in English on it.

He looked at them with confusion, a look they returned.

"I told you about the other Shinji and Asuka," Misato said, chastising.

"How the hell are you still alive!?" Asuka shouted.

"It's been two decades, not two centuries," Misato replied as Pen-Pen grabbed a soda from a mini-fridge built into the counter.

"Most Penguins don't live one decade and I've seen him get passed out drunk." Asuka replied.

Misato shrugged dismissively.

"I'm going to go take a nap. Rooms are down the hall to your right," Misato said before disappearing into her own room.

"This feels weird," Shinji said.

Asuka agreed. It was almost like returning to how things were before. Only twisted and warped in ways that continued to surprise him.

"So uh... What did you get Ria for her birthday?"

"A signed book," Asuka said casually "So are you...okay? I mean a lot has happened recently."

"Yeah...I'm fine," Shinji said. "Are you?"

Asuka nodded.

Misato burst out her room. Anger and fear filled her eyes, and her phone was about glued to her ear.

"There's been an attack," she said as hurried to put back on her jacket. "Not here, Korea."

"How bad is it?" she said to whoever was on the phone.

"What sort of attack?" Shinji asked.

"I'll explain more later," she replied as she was in the doorway. "Security will be by to pick you up if we need you."

Asuka hurried to the TV, turning it on and changing it to the news.

The TV was filled with images of a city burning. The form of the Fifth Angel, the third he had ever fought, floated above it.

An Angel had attacked, and he had been powerless to stop it.


Ria, Shinji, and Asuka had watched the news from couch of their hotel room.

There was something strange about watching. Something Asuka had not felt since the last time she had seen Ramiel. Nothing she could do would effect this attack. Even with Sachiel's attack she at least provided support.

This was strange and surreal. An Angel attack hundreds of kilometers away from them. Even if they had the means to transport Evas long distance anymore, Ramiel would be gone. Nothing was driving the Angels besides their own personal ambitions, nothing restrained them or lead them. At first that thought had brought her relief. No possible Fourth Impact after all. Now Asuka realized that also meant they could strike anywhere. Japan, Korea, Hawaii, South Africa, Spain. It didn't matter, they could be anywhere, attack anything.

What could any of them do to stop that?

"I don't understand," Shinji said, almost numb to the horror. "What are they even trying to accomplish?"

"His strikes are random, or at targets of absolutely no threat." Ria's voice was flat and emotionless. "Either he's masking his true target with this chaos, or he's doing this just to show he can."


Misato barged into the tactical room.

"Alright, status report. How bad is it?" she barked as she entered.

She halted in her steps. To Misato's surprise, in addition to Maya, Ristuko, and a number of other members of WILLE, the Prime Minister of Japan was standing inside the Command Room. Next to him was a woman, roughly thirty or so. Her short hair was a deep red and she had soft blue eyes. She was wearing an army uniform with unfamiliar badge markings on the side, and a small, thin gold cross on a gold chain.

"Mister Prime Minister. This is a surprise," Misato said, her tone measured.

"I know, I do apologize," the Prime Minister said, giving a curt bow. "But the Empress is deeply concerned about this latest attack. This is Major Mana Kirishima. She is the sole surviving member of the Land Cruiser project."

Mana bowed.

Oh yes, the T-RIDEN-T Project. She'd heard a bit about in the years after Third Impact. A JSSDF project, it was supposed to be at once a competitor with the Evas and a defense against them. Though like Jet Alone the project it had failed, utterly. Though it's failure was far less public than Jet Alone's.

"Ah, yes. I suspected you would reactive that T-RIDEN-T project," Misato replied evenly.

Of course Asuka had told her they already had, but that was only because Ria told her and well, there was no point in making it known that Mana's daughter had spilled the beans.

"That doesn't explain why you're here," she added.

"The Empress is very worried," the Prime Minister said. "Seoul's attack proves that Angels aren't just focused on Kyoto, or the Pilots. Their goals are far larger reaching than we expected. Which puts us at a bit of disadvantage. What if an Angel attacked Kobe or Sapporo? Would you be able to get either of the Evangelions there in time?"

"No," Misato admitted. "But we can't just split up the Evas. We're two weeks away from finishing the first part of Construction. It would take months, years even to build another base in another city."

"We need both of them in the Capital. But you do still have the original Unit-02 right. The true one?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Yes," Misato grunted. "But it's nowhere near working condition. I'm not even sure if the flesh is viable for cloning."

Besides, Asuka wouldn't pilot it, and Shinji wouldn't either. And they would both kill anyone who suggested Ria piloting.

"Still, it is something to consider," he said. "But that doesn't change the problem at hand, this isn't just a problem for Kyoto. It's a threat to all of Japan."

"It's a threat to the whole world," Asuka corrected as she walked in. "Sorry I'm late," she said to Misato.

Misato waved it off.

"This is Major Kirishima," Misato introduced. "She was or is one of the T-RIDEN-T pilots."

Asuka shook her hand. "Oh, right, Mari's mother, hello. Wish we could have met under better circumstances."

"Likewise," Mana agreed.

"Without the ability to generate an AT-Field, T-RIDEN-T and Jet Alone are little more than cannon fodder. You're just wasting resources," Ritsuko argued.

"The defensive turrets inflicted actual damage upon the Third Angel during the battle. T-RIDEN-T would provided a mobile weapons platform that has a better chance of survival," Mana argued.

She had a point. As much as Misato hated to admit it. It was hard not to see any alternative Eva project as a threat to WILLE.

"We have at the moment two Evangelions and four pilots." The Prime minister said, agitated. "We cannot defend our entire nation with that. We need T-RIDEN-T to protect the parts of Japan you can't."

"As long as this doesn't take away funding and resources from WILLE. I have no issue with you restarting the T-RIDEN-T project." Misato replied.

The Prime Minister nodded, "I assure you it will not. However I do have one request of WILLE. Major Kirishima here is to serve as a liaison between WILLE and the military. Coordination is key after all."

"But... I'm part of the military," Misato pointed out, a bit dumbfounded.

"Officially yes, General," the Prime Minister put extra emphasis on her rank. "But we both know that's a technicality. Now, I have to go brief the Empress on the situation in Seoul."

The Prime Minister departed.

"He also wants to me to spy on you," Mana bluntly admitted the moment the Prime Minister was gone.

"I suspected as much. I suppose if I just throw you out the Prime Minister is going to make vague threats at me until I let you in."

Kirishima nodded. "More or less. "

Misato sighed. "Well, just take a seat over there for now."

Mana dutifully took her seat.

"All things considered, Prime Minister's reaction was restrained," Ristuko noted "Beijing is demanding all the parts that were sent to NERV that were originally intended for Unit-08. Berlin is asking for Asuka to return and from what I hear the new Russian government is already ransacking Bethany Base as we speak."

"Won't do them much good," Misato replied. "Pretty sure Bethany was stripped bare years ago."

"They're terrified," Asuka pointed out. "They just realized that this is no longer just Japan's problem. It's the world's problem."
I know the angels have truly alien mentalities, but in the long run, this is stupid. All it does is get the humans desperate and dangerous. Sachiel really is an idiot. I know it's been said before, but it needs to be said again.