"This is General Misato, Head of WILLE. Would someone explain to...me-" The Other Misato paused as she realized who she was looking at. "What the hell?"

The bridge was silent, all eyes on the screen.

"This is Captain Misato of the Wunder, also head of WILLE." She announced "I don't know how we got here but it appears something very odd has occurred tonight.
"All of my Wut."
In a few quick strides she was upon him, arm craned back preparing to deck him.

Ria dashed in front of Shinji, grabbing the other Asuka's arm, stopping the fist inches from his face.
Ahhh, some things are trans-universal: An Asuka (especially a Shikinami) hasn't seen a Shinji in a while, erg, when she sees one, she reflexively tries to punch it in the head.

Come on, Asuka. Given he's standing next to another Misato and not to put too fine a point on it, an older version of you, you should know that's not 'your' Shinji. But those Tsun-reflexes... :V
And now for something a bit different
One moment, Ria was having the time of her life, playing and laughing with her friends as they made their way through Downtown, the next, she was struck by a horrifying sensation. Something clawing at the back of her mind, old instincts fighting to burst forth. For a second she thought she heard the call again, the call that had drawn all the angels to Adam.

But this wasn't it, this was something alien and strange.

Ria looked towards Okito, he nodded slightly, a pained expression across his face. He felt it too.

Then the Sky burst open, filling the sky with blinding light.

Kodama screamed in terror, as did many others, fearing it was an opening attack by some enemy nation.

Out of the light came a monster. That was the only word that Ria could think of, monster.

It was enormous, easily two kilometers in length, it's massive wings almost as long.

It hung over the city, floating above it in mocking defiance of gravity.

At first glance it looked to be a massive machine, a very strange and ungainly machine. Like someone had taken the fuselage of a massive plane, strapped two zeppelins to it, then added bird like wings and coated the most of the thing in a layer of armor. But even in the nighttime sky Ria could see that beneath the metal, the main body of the thing was made of bones.

Bones clearly pulled from an angel, an Angel Ria had never seen before.

She stared up at, her mind struggling to process what she was seeing. Finally she did the only thing her mind could think to do, run.

She grabbed Kodama, and along with Okito, they ran away as fast they could

Ten minutes after launch, everything went to hell.

Sad thing is that was the second time things had gone to hell since the AAA Wunder launched. Moments after it had launched, it had come under assault from a cluster of NERV Nemesis series Evangelions. Thankfully those had proven rather easy to deal with. This on the other hand…

Misato surveyed the sight before her. Wunder was floating above a city, a distinctly Japanese city. One that seemed completely untouched by Near-Third Impact. That should have been impossible. The only livable settlements she knew of were a fraction of the size of this thing.

Their support fleet was gone, having vanished when that light appeared.In a moment they had gone from Arctic morning to the dead of night above Japan, an unruined Japan at that.

This wasn't an attack by NERV, didn't fit their methods or what they were capable of, and if it was an illusion created by an angel the sensors would have picked it up by now.

"According to Magi Achiral, local geography and general layout fit Kyoto, Though 20% of the buildings don't fit Pre-Impact Records." Ristuko announced

Kyoto? That couldn't be possible, she'd seen the ruins of Kyoto up close shortly after Near-Third Impact. It was a mess, nothing could live there let alone rebuild.

She looked at the view screen, below them was a large glass pyramid, standing out like a sore thumb among all the modern skyscrapers and older, more traditional buildings.

"Sensors are picking up Several large turrets rising up around the city, and the Radar is picking up...Fighter jets?" the pink haired Kitakami announced with confusion

Definitely not NERV.

"Hold Fire." Misato ordered "This isn't the enemy we know. Let's figure out what is going on before we start firing. "

"Find a way to establish communications with whoever the hell is that Pyramid." She told Ristuko.

She nodded, quickly turning her attention to the task

Misato gritted her teeth, and here she thought dealing with Shinji would have been the hardest thing she dealt with today.

No Evas, no Angels had risen to attack them. Those turrets would likely do nothing more than annoy them. If this was some hidden city built by NERV it would have been far more defended.

Where were they? Had they traveled through time? No, Kyoto never had a pyramid like that.

"Connection established." Ristuko announced. "Bringing it up on Screen."

The image of Kyoto disappeared replaced with….

Beneath her glasses, Misato's eyes went wide in surprise.

Staring back at her was, herself. Perhaps a bit older but unmistakably Katsuragi, her Uniform even looked the same as hers, minus the hat and glasses.

"This is General Misato, Head of WILLE. Would someone explain to...me-" The Other Misato paused as she realized who she was looking at. "What the hell?"

The bridge was silent, all eyes on the screen.

"This is Captain Misato of the Wunder, also head of WILLE." She announced "I don't know how we got here but it appears something very odd has occurred tonight.

She could now see another Ristuko and Maya staring at them from behind the other Misato.

"What...who are you?" The other her questioned

"Tell whoever is operating those cannons to stand down." Misato said coldly "And then we can talk."
An hour and a half ago the biggest thing Shinji had to worry about was finding a job. Now he was preparing for what may be the strangest moment of his life, and that was saying a great deal.

He, Asuka, their daughter Ria, Misato and Ritsuko were all standing near one of the entrances to WILLE, waiting for this 'other' Misato and her crew to arrive. Details were sparse and frankly confusing. Near as they could tell this Misato and her abomination of an Airship came from some alternate universe. Naturally most everyone want the giant death ship out of the sky but the other Misato wanted to talk face to face first.

"Are you sure I should be here?" Shinji asked as they waited "I thought you said the meeting was just with senior staff, I don't even work here."

"Yes." Misato replied "But there's no harm in a little meet and greet beforehand."

"Not sure I want to meet anyone who flies around on the skeleton of an angel." Ria said.

It seems that the sudden appearance of this Wunder had put Ria on edge. He couldn't blame her, this all felt like the start of a bad Science fiction movie. Soon they would discover this people from another timeline were all possessed by aliens or angels or something.

"That is rather odd." Asuka admitted "But I'm sure there's a good explanation behind. Perhaps they were desperate."

Shinji looked down, his left shoe was untied. He leaned over to fix it. Tripping over his shoelaces at a meeting between universes, he would never be able to live that down

The door opened.

Shinji looked up as he tied. In front was Misato, a slightly younger looking Misato who's face was largely hidden by a huge pair of sunglasses and a large red hat, next to her was a pink haired lady he didn't recognize and Ristuko who looked almost exactly the same as the one standing to the right of him. Besides her was Maya Ibuki, who's only really difference was a beret and rather serious expression on her face

Next to her was...Asuka, and she didn't look a day over fourteen confusingly. More distressing, she had an eyepatch over her left eye. A large poofy black hat with buttons on it hide most of her hair, which was auburn brown instead of red. Beside her was a smirking girl with dark red glasses and brunette hair tied into two tails, she was wearing a pink plugsuit. So she must of have been a pilot, was she that universe's version of him? No they looked nothing alike.

He stood up, everyone from the other universe suddenly stared at him, as if they just realized he was there.

Suddenly Shinji found himself wishing he could be somewhere, anywhere else than right here at this moment. Almost all of them stared at him with hatred, the pink haired girl was shaking with fury, Maya looked like she was about to scream.

The other Misato pulled off her glasses, the look she gave him. He'd never seen Misato look at him like that, so full of loathing and contempt.

The other Asuka stepped towards him, a vacant, almost dead look in her eye.

In a few quick strides she was upon him, arm craned back preparing to deck him.

Ria dashed in front of Shinji, grabbing the other Asuka's arm, stopping the fist inches from his face.

Shinji froze in terror. These people, all of them, both the unknowns and the ones who looked like people he'd known for most of his life, they all hated him with a passion.
Not sure how much I'm going to do with this little sidestory. But the idea has been bouncing around my head for a few days.
So does Captain Misato still have genocide boy onboard or is he busy ending the world with his obsessed immortal gay angel buddy?
This conversation is going to be uglier than Gendo Ikari, Kiel Lorenz and Hedorah put together.

We already know Rebuild Asuka's somehow WORSE tempered than the original and the rest of WILLE would gladly see Shinji dead.

On the flipside, this is not THEIR Shinji and that might make all the difference...
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So does Captain Misato still have genocide boy onboard or is he busy ending the world with his obsessed immortal gay angel buddy?
Shinji's still onboard. The Wunder was grabbed before Q Rei took Shinji.

Needless to say, Broken Wings!Misato is not going to like the fact that Rebuild!Misato treated Shinji like crap, stuck a bomb Collar on him and then didn't explain why she was doing either of those things.
That not true Shinji, Mari doesn't hate you although she is kind of... loopy.:lol
Admittedly Mari was more surprised then anything but Shinji wasn't paying attention to her.
In 3.0, as cruel as her words may be, she still cares for Shinji;:) however, this doesn't mean that she's going to make things easier for him.:lol
Yeah. If she didn't care for him, she would've pulled the trigger on the DSS Choker when Rei flew off with him. But Misato couldn't do it. She just stood there, finger on the trigger, display telling her the choker was still in range, but she just couldn't pull the trigger until after the signal went out of range
laughs across dimensions and the whole multiverse.......

Soo timetravel isn't Theory Nr 1 anymore Teen?
laughs across dimensions and the whole multiverse.......

Soo timetravel isn't Theory Nr 1 anymore Teen?
I'm really not sure what you're asking

Time travel is what everyone assumes happened to Shinji and Asuka since well, there's nothing suggesting anything else. And frankly, no one really cares much anymore. They're here and they're more than likely stuck here for the rest of their lives. Does Misato want answers as to why and how this happened? Yes, but she doesn't think she'll find them.

Also this an Omake, don't take anything that happens in here as applying to canon.
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Yeah. If she didn't care for him, she would've pulled the trigger on the DSS Choker when Rei flew off with him. But Misato couldn't do it. She just stood there, finger on the trigger, display telling her the choker was still in range, but she just couldn't pull the trigger until after the signal went out of range
I actually was referring to Asuka, not Misato but the same thing applies to her also.
In the omake, is the human/angel situation still a factor (if still undiscovered)?
And now for something a bit different
One moment, Ria was having the time of her life, playing and laughing with her friends as they made their way through Downtown, the next, she was struck by a horrifying sensation. Something clawing at the back of her mind, old instincts fighting to burst forth. For a second she thought she heard the call again, the call that had drawn all the angels to Adam.

But this wasn't it, this was something alien and strange.

Ria looked towards Okito, he nodded slightly, a pained expression across his face. He felt it too.

Then the Sky burst open, filling the sky with blinding light.

Kodama screamed in terror, as did many others, fearing it was an opening attack by some enemy nation.

Out of the light came a monster. That was the only word that Ria could think of, monster.

It was enormous, easily two kilometers in length, it's massive wings almost as long.

It hung over the city, floating above it in mocking defiance of gravity.

At first glance it looked to be a massive machine, a very strange and ungainly machine. Like someone had taken the fuselage of a massive plane, strapped two zeppelins to it, then added bird like wings and coated the most of the thing in a layer of armor. But even in the nighttime sky Ria could see that beneath the metal, the main body of the thing was made of bones.

Bones clearly pulled from an angel, an Angel Ria had never seen before.

She stared up at, her mind struggling to process what she was seeing. Finally she did the only thing her mind could think to do, run.

She grabbed Kodama, and along with Okito, they ran away as fast they could

Ten minutes after launch, everything went to hell.

Sad thing is that was the second time things had gone to hell since the AAA Wunder launched. Moments after it had launched, it had come under assault from a cluster of NERV Nemesis series Evangelions. Thankfully those had proven rather easy to deal with. This on the other hand…

Misato surveyed the sight before her. Wunder was floating above a city, a distinctly Japanese city. One that seemed completely untouched by Near-Third Impact. That should have been impossible. The only livable settlements she knew of were a fraction of the size of this thing.

Their support fleet was gone, having vanished when that light appeared.In a moment they had gone from Arctic morning to the dead of night above Japan, an unruined Japan at that.

This wasn't an attack by NERV, didn't fit their methods or what they were capable of, and if it was an illusion created by an angel the sensors would have picked it up by now.

"According to Magi Achiral, local geography and general layout fit Kyoto, Though 20% of the buildings don't fit Pre-Impact Records." Ristuko announced

Kyoto? That couldn't be possible, she'd seen the ruins of Kyoto up close shortly after Near-Third Impact. It was a mess, nothing could live there let alone rebuild.

She looked at the view screen, below them was a large glass pyramid, standing out like a sore thumb among all the modern skyscrapers and older, more traditional buildings.

"Sensors are picking up Several large turrets rising up around the city, and the Radar is picking up...Fighter jets?" the pink haired Kitakami announced with confusion

Definitely not NERV.

"Hold Fire." Misato ordered "This isn't the enemy we know. Let's figure out what is going on before we start firing. "

"Find a way to establish communications with whoever the hell is that Pyramid." She told Ristuko.

She nodded, quickly turning her attention to the task

Misato gritted her teeth, and here she thought dealing with Shinji would have been the hardest thing she dealt with today.

No Evas, no Angels had risen to attack them. Those turrets would likely do nothing more than annoy them. If this was some hidden city built by NERV it would have been far more defended.

Where were they? Had they traveled through time? No, Kyoto never had a pyramid like that.

"Connection established." Ristuko announced. "Bringing it up on Screen."

The image of Kyoto disappeared replaced with….

Beneath her glasses, Misato's eyes went wide in surprise.

Staring back at her was, herself. Perhaps a bit older but unmistakably Katsuragi, her Uniform even looked the same as hers, minus the hat and glasses.

"This is General Misato, Head of WILLE. Would someone explain to...me-" The Other Misato paused as she realized who she was looking at. "What the hell?"

The bridge was silent, all eyes on the screen.

"This is Captain Misato of the Wunder, also head of WILLE." She announced "I don't know how we got here but it appears something very odd has occurred tonight.

She could now see another Ristuko and Maya staring at them from behind the other Misato.

"What...who are you?" The other her questioned

"Tell whoever is operating those cannons to stand down." Misato said coldly "And then we can talk."
An hour and a half ago the biggest thing Shinji had to worry about was finding a job. Now he was preparing for what may be the strangest moment of his life, and that was saying a great deal.

He, Asuka, their daughter Ria, Misato and Ritsuko were all standing near one of the entrances to WILLE, waiting for this 'other' Misato and her crew to arrive. Details were sparse and frankly confusing. Near as they could tell this Misato and her abomination of an Airship came from some alternate universe. Naturally most everyone want the giant death ship out of the sky but the other Misato wanted to talk face to face first.

"Are you sure I should be here?" Shinji asked as they waited "I thought you said the meeting was just with senior staff, I don't even work here."

"Yes." Misato replied "But there's no harm in a little meet and greet beforehand."

"Not sure I want to meet anyone who flies around on the skeleton of an angel." Ria said.

It seems that the sudden appearance of this Wunder had put Ria on edge. He couldn't blame her, this all felt like the start of a bad Science fiction movie. Soon they would discover this people from another timeline were all possessed by aliens or angels or something.

"That is rather odd." Asuka admitted "But I'm sure there's a good explanation behind. Perhaps they were desperate."

Shinji looked down, his left shoe was untied. He leaned over to fix it. Tripping over his shoelaces at a meeting between universes, he would never be able to live that down

The door opened.

Shinji looked up as he tied. In front was Misato, a slightly younger looking Misato who's face was largely hidden by a huge pair of sunglasses and a large red hat, next to her was a pink haired lady he didn't recognize and Ristuko who looked almost exactly the same as the one standing to the right of him. Besides her was Maya Ibuki, who's only really difference was a beret and rather serious expression on her face

Next to her was...Asuka, and she didn't look a day over fourteen confusingly. More distressing, she had an eyepatch over her left eye. A large poofy black hat with buttons on it hide most of her hair, which was auburn brown instead of red. Beside her was a smirking girl with dark red glasses and brunette hair tied into two tails, she was wearing a pink plugsuit. So she must of have been a pilot, was she that universe's version of him? No they looked nothing alike.

He stood up, everyone from the other universe suddenly stared at him, as if they just realized he was there.

Suddenly Shinji found himself wishing he could be somewhere, anywhere else than right here at this moment. Almost all of them stared at him with hatred, the pink haired girl was shaking with fury, Maya looked like she was about to scream.

The other Misato pulled off her glasses, the look she gave him. He'd never seen Misato look at him like that, so full of loathing and contempt.

The other Asuka stepped towards him, a vacant, almost dead look in her eye.

In a few quick strides she was upon him, arm craned back preparing to deck him.

Ria dashed in front of Shinji, grabbing the other Asuka's arm, stopping the fist inches from his face.

Shinji froze in terror. These people, all of them, both the unknowns and the ones who looked like people he'd known for most of his life, they all hated him with a passion.
Not sure how much I'm going to do with this little sidestory. But the idea has been bouncing around my head for a few days.

Can i sent this story to Evangelion Spacebattles thread ?

All the Girls He Knows Are Geniuses: Evangelion Fic Ideas Thread-05 | Page 74
Well I would like to know what happened and why?

Also with you choosing alternative reality for the omake I assumed it was the explanation you were leaning to as you used it to it's full potential.

Just an assumption based of easyness of writing and what you actually wrote.
And now for something a bit different
One moment, Ria was having the time of her life, playing and laughing with her friends as they made their way through Downtown, the next, she was struck by a horrifying sensation. Something clawing at the back of her mind, old instincts fighting to burst forth. For a second she thought she heard the call again, the call that had drawn all the angels to Adam.

But this wasn't it, this was something alien and strange.

Ria looked towards Okito, he nodded slightly, a pained expression across his face. He felt it too.

Then the Sky burst open, filling the sky with blinding light.

Kodama screamed in terror, as did many others, fearing it was an opening attack by some enemy nation.

Out of the light came a monster. That was the only word that Ria could think of, monster.

It was enormous, easily two kilometers in length, it's massive wings almost as long.

It hung over the city, floating above it in mocking defiance of gravity.

At first glance it looked to be a massive machine, a very strange and ungainly machine. Like someone had taken the fuselage of a massive plane, strapped two zeppelins to it, then added bird like wings and coated the most of the thing in a layer of armor. But even in the nighttime sky Ria could see that beneath the metal, the main body of the thing was made of bones.

Bones clearly pulled from an angel, an Angel Ria had never seen before.

She stared up at, her mind struggling to process what she was seeing. Finally she did the only thing her mind could think to do, run.

She grabbed Kodama, and along with Okito, they ran away as fast they could

Ten minutes after launch, everything went to hell.

Sad thing is that was the second time things had gone to hell since the AAA Wunder launched. Moments after it had launched, it had come under assault from a cluster of NERV Nemesis series Evangelions. Thankfully those had proven rather easy to deal with. This on the other hand…

Misato surveyed the sight before her. Wunder was floating above a city, a distinctly Japanese city. One that seemed completely untouched by Near-Third Impact. That should have been impossible. The only livable settlements she knew of were a fraction of the size of this thing.

Their support fleet was gone, having vanished when that light appeared.In a moment they had gone from Arctic morning to the dead of night above Japan, an unruined Japan at that.

This wasn't an attack by NERV, didn't fit their methods or what they were capable of, and if it was an illusion created by an angel the sensors would have picked it up by now.

"According to Magi Achiral, local geography and general layout fit Kyoto, Though 20% of the buildings don't fit Pre-Impact Records." Ristuko announced

Kyoto? That couldn't be possible, she'd seen the ruins of Kyoto up close shortly after Near-Third Impact. It was a mess, nothing could live there let alone rebuild.

She looked at the view screen, below them was a large glass pyramid, standing out like a sore thumb among all the modern skyscrapers and older, more traditional buildings.

"Sensors are picking up Several large turrets rising up around the city, and the Radar is picking up...Fighter jets?" the pink haired Kitakami announced with confusion

Definitely not NERV.

"Hold Fire." Misato ordered "This isn't the enemy we know. Let's figure out what is going on before we start firing. "

"Find a way to establish communications with whoever the hell is that Pyramid." She told Ristuko.

She nodded, quickly turning her attention to the task

Misato gritted her teeth, and here she thought dealing with Shinji would have been the hardest thing she dealt with today.

No Evas, no Angels had risen to attack them. Those turrets would likely do nothing more than annoy them. If this was some hidden city built by NERV it would have been far more defended.

Where were they? Had they traveled through time? No, Kyoto never had a pyramid like that.

"Connection established." Ristuko announced. "Bringing it up on Screen."

The image of Kyoto disappeared replaced with….

Beneath her glasses, Misato's eyes went wide in surprise.

Staring back at her was, herself. Perhaps a bit older but unmistakably Katsuragi, her Uniform even looked the same as hers, minus the hat and glasses.

"This is General Misato, Head of WILLE. Would someone explain to...me-" The Other Misato paused as she realized who she was looking at. "What the hell?"

The bridge was silent, all eyes on the screen.

"This is Captain Misato of the Wunder, also head of WILLE." She announced "I don't know how we got here but it appears something very odd has occurred tonight.

She could now see another Ristuko and Maya staring at them from behind the other Misato.

"What...who are you?" The other her questioned

"Tell whoever is operating those cannons to stand down." Misato said coldly "And then we can talk."
An hour and a half ago the biggest thing Shinji had to worry about was finding a job. Now he was preparing for what may be the strangest moment of his life, and that was saying a great deal.

He, Asuka, their daughter Ria, Misato and Ritsuko were all standing near one of the entrances to WILLE, waiting for this 'other' Misato and her crew to arrive. Details were sparse and frankly confusing. Near as they could tell this Misato and her abomination of an Airship came from some alternate universe. Naturally most everyone want the giant death ship out of the sky but the other Misato wanted to talk face to face first.

"Are you sure I should be here?" Shinji asked as they waited "I thought you said the meeting was just with senior staff, I don't even work here."

"Yes." Misato replied "But there's no harm in a little meet and greet beforehand."

"Not sure I want to meet anyone who flies around on the skeleton of an angel." Ria said.

It seems that the sudden appearance of this Wunder had put Ria on edge. He couldn't blame her, this all felt like the start of a bad Science fiction movie. Soon they would discover this people from another timeline were all possessed by aliens or angels or something.

"That is rather odd." Asuka admitted "But I'm sure there's a good explanation behind. Perhaps they were desperate."

Shinji looked down, his left shoe was untied. He leaned over to fix it. Tripping over his shoelaces at a meeting between universes, he would never be able to live that down

The door opened.

Shinji looked up as he tied. In front was Misato, a slightly younger looking Misato who's face was largely hidden by a huge pair of sunglasses and a large red hat, next to her was a pink haired lady he didn't recognize and Ristuko who looked almost exactly the same as the one standing to the right of him. Besides her was Maya Ibuki, who's only really difference was a beret and rather serious expression on her face

Next to her was...Asuka, and she didn't look a day over fourteen confusingly. More distressing, she had an eyepatch over her left eye. A large poofy black hat with buttons on it hide most of her hair, which was auburn brown instead of red. Beside her was a smirking girl with dark red glasses and brunette hair tied into two tails, she was wearing a pink plugsuit. So she must of have been a pilot, was she that universe's version of him? No they looked nothing alike.

He stood up, everyone from the other universe suddenly stared at him, as if they just realized he was there.

Suddenly Shinji found himself wishing he could be somewhere, anywhere else than right here at this moment. Almost all of them stared at him with hatred, the pink haired girl was shaking with fury, Maya looked like she was about to scream.

The other Misato pulled off her glasses, the look she gave him. He'd never seen Misato look at him like that, so full of loathing and contempt.

The other Asuka stepped towards him, a vacant, almost dead look in her eye.

In a few quick strides she was upon him, arm craned back preparing to deck him.

Ria dashed in front of Shinji, grabbing the other Asuka's arm, stopping the fist inches from his face.

Shinji froze in terror. These people, all of them, both the unknowns and the ones who looked like people he'd known for most of his life, they all hated him with a passion.
Not sure how much I'm going to do with this little sidestory. But the idea has been bouncing around my head for a few days.

oh this looks fun of the dwarf fortress variety. I would love to see more of this.
The movie was called 'Now and Then, Here and There'. It was a dramatic retelling of the last days leading up to Third Impact. And by dramatic retelling, she meant one of the biggest bits of propaganda Ria had ever known. It was far from the only movie about her parents, but it was probably the most famous.
I just realized that there's a pretty good chance that the other movies out there are more sadly accurate of what happen before Third Impact.:( On the hand I hope there's a good chance for some of them to have the show's opening theme in them.:D

Uh oh. No more hiding, Shinji. The secret you've let rule your life for 20 years, the one that broke up your relationship with the one woman you've ever loved, that drove you to walk away and leave your only child behind just like your father is no longer just in your head. Now you know your daughter knows... and always has.
IIRC, didn't @Teen Spirit mention in one of his posts that Shinji did try to be involved and that for a long while Ria really didn't like Shinji? So in other words Shinji despite feeling like he's a failure as a dad still isn't just like his own father?
IIRC, didn't @Teen Spirit mention in one of his posts that Shinji did try to be involved and that for a long while Ria really didn't like Shinji? So in other words Shinji despite feeling like he's a failure as a dad still isn't just like his own father?
Shinji saw Asuka and Ria fairly often. He tended to come back Birthdays if he could manage it, occasionally he was in town for Christmas. He didn't stay for more than a day or two but he was still there. So at least Ria was seeing him two-three times a year. Though for the longest time she remained rather distant.

Shinji still feels like he abandoned her and Asuka.
Shinji saw Asuka and Ria fairly often. He tended to come back Birthdays if he could manage it, occasionally he was in town for Christmas. He didn't stay for more than a day or two but he was still there. So at least Ria was seeing him two-three times a year. Though for the longest time she remained rather distant.

Shinji still feels like he abandoned her and Asuka.
Maybe they need to have a conversation about that. If only so they can heal some more, especially after current events and revelations.
IIRC, didn't @Teen Spirit mention in one of his posts that Shinji did try to be involved and that for a long while Ria really didn't like Shinji? So in other words Shinji despite feeling like he's a failure as a dad still isn't just like his own father?

From my reading of the reveal about Ria being Zeruel, I was under the impression that it wasn't that Ria didn't like Shinji, but that she was afraid of him, on account of how her past self died. Weren't there implications of her having nightmares about the end of the battle? I wonder if she remembers Unit-01 starting to eat her.
IIRC, didn't @Teen Spirit mention in one of his posts that Shinji did try to be involved and that for a long while Ria really didn't like Shinji? So in other words Shinji despite feeling like he's a failure as a dad still isn't just like his own father?
A few times a year for most of her life is not 'being there', not the way Shinji would see it.
Shinji saw Asuka and Ria fairly often. He tended to come back Birthdays if he could manage it, occasionally he was in town for Christmas. He didn't stay for more than a day or two but he was still there. So at least Ria was seeing him two-three times a year. Though for the longest time she remained rather distant.

Shinji still feels like he abandoned her and Asuka.
Yeah, this is Shinji Ikari. Even if he's not nearly as bad as Gendo, he's still going to blame himself like he is. He saw Gendo once a year, too, and look how that often went. Shinji has giant screaming issues about Parental Abandonment. So fleeing the life he thinks he should have lived raising his daughter, even for good reasons like having a mental breakdown at the time, is still going to make him hate himself way too much.