Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

So here's my current provisional plan, criticism welcome.
[] Plan Don't Look Down On Us
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (C.D.)
-[] Letter Writing Campaign (Kyōko)
-[] Pawn Crap from the Woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Read Up on Aliens (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Play Baseball
--[] Hang Out with a Hero
---[] Kyōko
--[] Help with a Construction Project: Build a Radio Room
-[] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
-[] Kyōko: Brush Up On Personal Technique

It's either try to get a mole this turn or loaf around then get a mole the next turn. Building a Radio Room now will allow us to try and listen to OPF chatter next turn. I also find it funny that Kyōko has a higher base Martial than C.D., yet their Diplomacy are the same despite Kyōko going to school lol
So here's my current provisional plan, criticism welcome.
choices in martial/diplomacy/stewardship are mostly a matter of preference by this point so i can't fault them, but regarding personals i really want to encourage replacing baseball with going to school
for one, baseball seems like martial training while school seems like diplomacy training, (the latter of which is better to upgrade since we don't have as much at the moment)
second, this might avoid OPF-related penalties that punish truancy (if we already benefit from being in school in the first place this means we benefit even more overall, so it's a win win?)
third, could combo with Kyoko also attending school, either by making things less stressful for CD or giving them more time to socially interract

also note that if we get a radio room instead of a lab we're going to not have any facility slots left, so may be unable to set up a lab until the turn after next (with next turn involving getting that slot, either by costing 2 personals or a martial action, both of which are expensive). i want a radio room too, but this might be a serious problem if we're trying to figure out how to cure the sugared and put a stop to them before it's too late (since that probably needs lab stuff)

lastly, as our faction leader are you sure CD gets assigned to actions? the standard in CK2 quests is that they apply a bonus to all rolls (meaning if that's true here martial would be unfilled, and may or may not warrant Kyoko. (she'd make martial fairly sure to succeed/possble to crit, though may not impact follow-up rolls too much?))
if you want to boost diplomacy buzz buzz could come in handy with more than pure stats by giving an "adult" voice to make them seem more professional, though admittedly that would take them off learning which they're also pretty suited for
Those are all valid points. Mostly I put the baseball in because we are challenging the Sharks to baseball, but with C.D.'s Martial we could probably still squeak by, so I'm fine with C.D. going to school (and training her patience).

The worry I have is that the police will move to start something and with a radio room spying on them will be easier, but I previously had not considered that we could use the Lab to remove an alien. But thinking about it, we'll likely have to Abduct a 'Sugared' before we can do any testing, so that'll still take up our Martial action next Turn, and then it's only on the next-next Turn that we get the options on what to do with it. So if we are Abducting, then personal action to Expand, then next-next turn build a Lab and... hmm... I think I need some time to consider this.

Also, on assigning C.D. - uh, whoops. I'm also fine with swapping Buzz Buzz with Kyōko.

EDIT: Just checked Turn 6 results, we don't assign C.D. to rolls, we get our base personal stat + hero stat + loyalty bonus.
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Abducting, then personal action to Expand, then next-next turn build a Lab and... hmm... I think I need some time to consider this.
well issue there is that if we need the lab to investigate, with that turn order we'd only get it on the next next next turn?
plus using personals on expanding the treehouse when it's not essential would stunt our personal growth pretty fierce, and at that time we'd only have 2 turns until something bad could happen with needing to sleep more/progress dreamlands antics, and i hope to hopefully be in a slightly less terrible mental state or at least have higher stats to work with when stuff does go down

still, there's many viable paths moving forward so if you think something works go ahead with it, just remember to edit it into your plan to avoid misconceptions if that's ok with you.
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I think I'll trend to one of the following plans.

[] Plan: Play Ball
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[] Letter Writing Campaign
-[] Pawn crap from the woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Categorize Crazed Wildlife [Onnet] (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Go To School
--[] Practice Meditation
--[] Play Baseball
--[] Do Your Taxes
-[] Buzz Buzz: Practice your own PSI (Focus on Survivability)
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[] Kyoko: Go to Classes

[] Plan: Ballin' at School
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[] Make Connections at School
-[] Pawn crap from the woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Categorize Crazed Wildlife [Onnet] (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Go To School
--[] Practice Meditation
--[] Play Baseball
--[] Do Your Taxes
-[] Buzz Buzz: Practice your own PSI (Focus on Survivability)
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[] Kyoko: Go to Classes

People have somewhat of a point with using a personal to build a lab to act on the sugared. But there isn't much of a point to doing so this turn without a subject. Doing it the same turn as when get the subject would be enough.
(The lab will also have limited usefulness without someone who knows what they are doing.)
The radio room would be useful, but would mean we can't build another facility until claiming the hill or expanding the treehouse, so two turns from now.

For CD's personals, I focused on stat raising and action synergies. We've gotten pretty lucky so far, but succeeding in all or all but one actions each turn isn't to be expected.
Kyoko got put on Baseball because a high grade/smash success should make it easier to deal with the Sharks in the subsequent actions. (Plus, she probably knows a bunch about playing dirty, so she's a subject matter expert.)
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Well, here's mine. It's similar, but yeah, focusing on having that construction project whilst also taking advantage of the curfew stuff for the school. I'm then taking Read Up on aliens over the Bestiary because I'd rather have Buzz Buzz on the letter writing campaign with how crucial it is, so this one has Lower DC's and is thus far more likely to net us something. Plus a better success means we get progress in some other research as well.

-[] Plan: Take Me out to the Ball Game
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[] Letter Writing Campaign (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Pawn crap from the woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Read Up on Aliens
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Go To School
--[] Practice Meditation
--[] Help with a Construction Project (Build a Lab)
-[] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[] Kyoko: Go to Classes

Lab is important less for studying Sugared, and far more because it opens up options and means we don't need to spend time just waiting around for them. I Imagine something like PSI would be very helpful, and would probably use our PSI score over our Learning, which could potentially combo well with Buzz Buzz being able to work with our faction openly more.

Stuff like that is way, way more useful than a singular stat increase, because it improves our overall faction and opens up new options and development pathways. It'll be great if we can find a learning Advisor to combo with it, but even if we don't, it's better to have the facilities so we can start making those gains ASAP instead of putting it off as long as possible hoping we can start when things are perfect.
here's a "non-baseball" plan. may be less preferable but some people may still want it, so i may as well present it?
[X]plan: Disaster Prep
-[X] Claim Territory by Force:
The Hill:
-[X] Talk to the Sharks: (Kyoko)
-[X] Invest More Into the Factory:
-[X] Track the "Sugared": (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens: (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Hang Out with a Hero:
---[X] Kyoko

--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Do Your Taxes
--[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent cover story
--[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

--[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes

if preventing a gang-war entirely is impossible than I'd want something like this. doesn't do anything about the OPF but gets sharks on our side and gives us somewhere to hide out, so if things *do* go down we'd be in a better position?
my fear's that the alien infiltrators will just do the same thing they tried last turn and no amount of negative press would stop the OPF from responding to a murder (though maybe if the sharks know of the setup they could act to prevent it?)
meanwhile, if the OPF *do* have another turn until they go off the rails then this means we're in a better spot, so can invest way more into keeping things from boiling over.

  • martial is an easy DC especially with Kyoko and is useful for the faction(somewhere to put Sugared, build up from, etc),
  • diplomacy should achieve similar stuff to playing baseball. it has a higher DC but we have a +10 bonus this turn (thanks for all the omakes), so at least there's a more than half chance of success? would only take 15 more than writing letters
  • stewardship's potential debt is fine as we don't have tons of immediate costs, only notable one is facilities and getting the lab is free
  • intrigue is an easy decision and hopefully sets us up for clearing them out
  • learning's researching animals would be nice too (possibly more immediately useful with the hill/we will need to fight them as well as aliens as they're being used as disposable shock troops) but aliens may be important for understanding sugared/what we're dealing with?
  • for personals we don't need facilities immediately (especially if claiming hill), so more stuff can be done! this selection should hopefully raise some of our more essential skills (such as diplomacy) and it gets a chance to interract with Kyoko at school

Doing it the same turn as when get the subject would be enough.
true, if we're not installing facilities we can chose to fit the lab in whenever, and this way we get personals immediately (which is a big plus)
Lab is important less for studying Sugared, and far more because it opens up options and means we don't need to spend time just waiting around for them. I Imagine something like PSI would be very helpful, and would probably use our PSI score over our Learning, which could potentially combo well with Buzz Buzz being able to work with our faction openly more.
you have good points for getting PSI stuff especially if there's an PSI/occult action slot we can unlock, though that's not a guarantee and the other actions we have access to are fine for now.
(my current plan leaves off lab because after getting the hill there'll probably be more space and it could be better there, though a discreet/field lab would be fine if we're not doing that)
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diplomacy should achieve similar stuff to playing baseball. it has a higher DC but we have a +10 bonus this turn (thanks for all the omakes), so at least there's a more than half chance of success? would only take 15 more than writing letters
Whilst this is the case and I'm fine with most of the rest of the plan as a non-baseball plan, I'd still prefere switching kyouko or BB over to here, since given the higher DC even with the +10 bonus (Didn't realise that was the case, might cause me to reflect on my actual plan so far) it's still a high DC. With the bonus and an ally, we get a 23 or 24 bonus, so we'd still need to roll a 41 or 41 at least, Where I'd still be more comfortable with it only if we were burning some EXP on it to boost the roll.

In this case, I probably would be willing to leave the Lab action since we'd be claiming the hill, but I'd still reccomend using the personal for it given how much we need to do to get a strong fighting force.
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Whilst this is the case and I'm fine with most of the rest of the plan as a non-baseball plan, I'd still prefere switching kyouko or BB over to here, since given the higher DC even with the +10 bonus (Didn't realise that was the case, might cause me to reflect on my actual plan so far) it's still a high DC. With the bonus and an ally, we get a 23 or 24 bonus, so we'd still need to roll a 41 or 41 at least, Where I'd still be more comfortable with it only if we were burning some EXP on it to boost the roll.
kyoko was a consideration but i thought basically getting rid of the low chance of a martial failure and giving a reasonable martial crit chance was better than slightly reducing the diplomacy failure chance. though since diplomacy is probably more valuable i might as well move it?

In this case, I probably would be willing to leave the Lab action since we'd be claiming the hill, but I'd still reccomend using the personal for it given how much we need to do to get a strong fighting force.
one reason to get the lab in the treehouse is that it's a non-obvious spot that the OPF wouldn't look (especially if we have another known base) so we wouldn't get busted for stolen medical stuff and can do dangerous research away from the rest of our stuff, but one reason to *not* do it there is that the bugs/aliens have previously gone to the treehouse and while they might not know the group there is a faction against them, they could totally go there again (so could find the treehouse and sabotage things pretty easily?). when it comes to them, building stuff on the hill would probably be a lot safer.
not sure which end result is better in this case, but there's advantages for both is what i'm saying. plus (if i haven't said it already), not having the lab immediately isn't the worst when there's non-lab learning actions we'd benefit from too
one reason to get the lab in the treehouse is that it's a non-obvious spot that the OPF wouldn't look (especially if we have another known base) so we wouldn't get busted for stolen medical stuff and can do dangerous research away from the rest of our stuff, but one reason to *not* do it there is that the bugs/aliens have previously gone to the treehouse and while they might not know the group there is a faction against them, they could totally go there again (so could find the treehouse and sabotage things pretty easily?). when it comes to them, building stuff on the hill would probably be a lot safer.
not sure which end result is better in this case, but there's advantages for both is what i'm saying. plus (if i haven't said it already), not having the lab immediately isn't the worst when there's non-lab learning actions we'd benefit from too
Sorry, wasn't clear - I meant using our personal actions in the future, not necessarily this turn.
Hm...Not to metagame but @Crosswire Do Omake bonuses STACK? Because there's another Omake bounty with a PSI training bonus and if we can stack enough...Nah.

a previous post did clarify that no, they cannot stack, you can only choose one to submit for at a time per omake

To elaborate, no you can't fulfill multiple Omake bounties with one Omake. Typically the Omake must be centered around the required bounty in order to meet the criteria. Otherwise someone could just go "And Ninten was there too" and try to argue that it fulfills one of the Omakes XD.

I'll allow writers to specify what Bounty they're trying to fulfill upon posting, or decide after the fact as long as I feel it meets the requirements.
-[X] Plan: Take Me out to the Ball Game
-[X] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[X] Letter Writing Campaign (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Pawn crap from the woods
-[X] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Help with a Construction Project (Build a Lab)
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes
-[X] Plan: Take Me out to the Ball Game
-[X] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[X] Letter Writing Campaign (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Pawn crap from the woods
-[X] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Help with a Construction Project (Build a Lab)
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes

Gift Quote Reply
reposting because i'm not sure if edited plans count. i'd also suggest not bandwagoning yet because i'm sure there were some other plans

[X]plan: Disaster Prep
-[X] Claim Territory by Force:
The Hill:
-[X] Talk to the Sharks: (Kyoko)
-[X] Invest More Into the Factory:
-[X] Track the "Sugared": (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens: (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Hang Out with a Hero:
---[X] Kyoko

--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Do Your Taxes
--[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent cover story
--[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

--[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes
[X] Plan: Play Ball
-[X] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[X] Letter Writing Campaign
-[X] Pawn crap from the woods
-[X] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[X] Categorize Crazed Wildlife [Onnet] (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Play Baseball
--[X] Do Your Taxes
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Practice your own PSI (Focus on Survivability)
-[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
-[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes

[X] Plan: Ballin' at School
-[X] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[X] Make Connections at School
-[X] Pawn crap from the woods
-[X] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[X] Categorize Crazed Wildlife [Onnet] (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Play Baseball
--[X] Do Your Taxes
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Practice your own PSI (Focus on Survivability)
-[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
-[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes
[X] Plan: Take Me out to the Ball Game

[X]plan: Disaster Prep

And yeah, I'll second no badnwagoning. I'm still voting for mine personally, but I'm also going with this because I broadly agree with it and appreciate some variety in the voting.
-[] Plan: If one i like shows up, vote for it goes here : P
I repeat the try to avoid band wagoning, there are several options and people should consider which they prefer before going for the one at the current top of the list, also remember that if something you prefer shows up, you can just edit your vote.

[X] Plan: Dreams (and gaining) Land
-[X] Claim Territory by Force (The hill): (Kyoko)
-[X] Make Connections at School:
-[X] Pawn Crap from the Woods:
-[X] Track the "Sugared": (Porky)
-[X] Read Up on Aliens: (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Personals
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Hang Out with a Hero: Kyoko
--[X] Explore Your Dreams
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Buzz-Buzz: Invent Cover Story
--[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
--[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes

Pretty much everyone agrees on porky tracking sugared (Intrigue), (Stewardship and Learning) are a toss up, with none seeming all that outstanding, (Martial) is between taking the hill and challenging the sharks, Diplo is the one most contested, Baseball Factory Deal, Talk to the Sharks and Make Connections at School are all good picks by the look, i am fine with any (if preferring the former or connections)

For my picks, Territory seems like a good idea, Connections at school can bring in manpower just from the description, and is our best shot at another hero option, pawn crap is because i dont see any better options there, Sugared is just a good idea, more info on the aliens is never a bad idea, and reading up is under the same logic

Personal wise, The only major change from the replied plan is Explore Your Dreams, I dislike it, but it would be a good idea to get some more info on what that is actually doing, its already effecting us so its a good idea, and perhaps a good roll might mean we dont have any downsides to anti-depression after all?, unlikely but worth a shot.
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[X] Plan: Take Me out to the Ball Game
reposting because i'm not sure if edited plans count. i'd also suggest not bandwagoning yet because i'm sure there were some other plans

To be fair I was already planning on voting for this as it has everything I wanted as I wanted the Baseball and Letters options as it deals with multiple problems and I feel like the sharks will react more positively to us kicking their butts rather than us talking to them (plus we have around a plus 40 for the baseball roll) they also reacted very similar in game and don't see much reason they wouldn't respond similar here to violence. Plus this isn't a gang war or anything, this is totally normal baseball wink wink so nothing to see here cops, or you gonna arrest us for sports?

I also want to build the Lab this turn

But I do have a plan idea that I think is equally valuable as ball game and wouldn't mind winning

[X] Plan: Planning for the Bug Leagues
-[X] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (Kyoko)
-[X] Letter Writing Campaign (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Invest More Into the Factory
-[X] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[X] Research
--[X] Research Simple Armor
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Go To School
--[X] Practice Meditation
--[X] Help with a Construction Project (Build a Lab)
-[X] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[X] Porky: Try to get a...mole?

-[X] Kyoko: Go to Classes

This is more so preparing for the long term as I think having actual defenses will help a lot in the future as right now we have 0 and I'd like to go into our fight with the police with some and Giants Step could be useful againt the Big Ant and Rats (And if there are any nasty surprises). We already have decent weapons and CD almost died last combat so while we won't be alone with only buzz buzz as long as we initiate it, i'd still like to have something to protect our squishy organs.

I also went Investing as while it will most likely drain our bank it will most likely lower the dc for the deal to get the factory and if we roll well enough, I believe we'll get more income per turn. I also think that making or getting the Armor we research will most likely be a Stewardship action and I'd rather get the action people are really wanting out of the way as I want to get the armor next turn hopefully and having this on the action board still might make that hard as people really want this.

Also the plan name pun was unintentinal I just hit U instead of I by accident and thought it was funny and clever since our main Alien enemy right now are Bugs!!!
To be fair I was already planning on voting for this as it has everything I wanted as I wanted the Baseball and Letters options as it deals with multiple problems and I feel like the sharks will react more positively to us kicking their butts rather than us talking to them (plus we have around a plus 40 for the baseball roll) they also reacted very similar in game and don't see much reason they wouldn't respond similar here to violence. Plus this isn't a gang war or anything, this is totally normal baseball wink wink so nothing to see here cops, or you gonna arrest us for sports?
oh yeah the plans have sound logic i just wanted to make sure it didn't get a massive advantage over anything else just because it was first. i'm also surprised so few of these involve having a personal with Kyoko, tbh? i guess with getting the lab this turn things are way too tight?
oh yeah the plans have sound logic i just wanted to make sure it didn't get a massive advantage over anything else just because it was first. i'm also surprised so few of these involve having a personal with Kyoko, tbh? i guess with getting the lab this turn things are way too tight?
I think the only ones at the moment with that is Dreams (and gaining) Land and Disaster Prep Other then that its all lab or... "shudder" taxes*.

*Pirkle? (whoever the taxmans boss is) shall never take our cash! (This is a joke)

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