So here's my current provisional plan, criticism welcome.
[] Plan Don't Look Down On Us
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (C.D.)
-[] Letter Writing Campaign (Kyōko)
-[] Pawn Crap from the Woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Read Up on Aliens (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Play Baseball
--[] Hang Out with a Hero
---[] Kyōko
--[] Help with a Construction Project: Build a Radio Room
-[] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
-[] Kyōko: Brush Up On Personal Technique
It's either try to get a mole this turn or loaf around then get a mole the next turn. Building a Radio Room now will allow us to try and listen to OPF chatter next turn. I also find it funny that Kyōko has a higher base Martial than C.D., yet their Diplomacy are the same despite Kyōko going to school lol
[] Plan Don't Look Down On Us
-[] Challenge the Sharks…to Baseball? (C.D.)
-[] Letter Writing Campaign (Kyōko)
-[] Pawn Crap from the Woods
-[] Track the "Sugared" (Porky)
-[] Read Up on Aliens (Buzz Buzz)
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Play Baseball
--[] Hang Out with a Hero
---[] Kyōko
--[] Help with a Construction Project: Build a Radio Room
-[] Buzz Buzz: Invent Cover Story
-[] Porky: Try to get a...mole?
-[] Kyōko: Brush Up On Personal Technique
It's either try to get a mole this turn or loaf around then get a mole the next turn. Building a Radio Room now will allow us to try and listen to OPF chatter next turn. I also find it funny that Kyōko has a higher base Martial than C.D., yet their Diplomacy are the same despite Kyōko going to school lol