well, that's done! definitely a climax. looks like Buzz Buzz rolled low/Starman rolled high, but we got what matters and can deal with it.
right now, I think it's time to talk about some ideas, especially faction formation.
for this turn, it's probably best to do easy things that could otherwise fall to the wayside with a faction, but not ones that are going to become personal actions, which we'll have time for when a faction's up (e.g: talking to mom, practicing baseball and the like are Cass-centric, we'll possibly have slots for those in the future).
get things that are somewhat important but can be done successfully without a faction out of the way with and hopefully avoid negative consequences we can't handle while recovering/
for that reason, this is my shortlist (and some reasoning below. sorry if I'm going off the rails in terms of theories, everything I've said is at least *possible* but it's only one possibility)
-[] Martial:
Check Lier X. Agerate's Shack (buzz buzz)
-[] Diplomacy:
Found an Organization
-[] Stewardship:
Shopping Time!
-[] Intrigue:
Investigate Local Assets in Town: (porky) (use advantage here!)
-[] Learning:
Poke Around Town:
-[] Buzz-Buzz:
Explore the Town
-[] Porky:
Check on Picky
we know something significant is up with the mystery tablet, but the DC is
also a mystery. with buzz buzz's PSI warrior boost we should have a solid shot at it, but even if we're unlucky we should be able to get a tier 1 success, for either a trail to future info or just at least not having our day ruined even more
Lier may be gone/the tablet he thinks we'll steal is gone so there's hopefully less risk of him freaking out and accusing us of stealing etc). it's the sort of martial challenge that feels suitable right now with our injuries, and that I doubt is going to become a personal action so we'd probably have higher priorities in the future. leave the inter-faction warring for when we have force projection, this action doesn't need it
founding an organisation is the big one!
probably best to take the action this turn, because it might notably impact other DCs/positively alter the results of various actions, and boosting our action economy will help us keep up with basically everything.
personally I'm leaning towards founding a Corp, I have a plan on how to pull it off and can give a whole bunch of fun/beneficial reasons for this if needed. (will get to that after this turn, my message is packed as it is)
there's currently not actually much I want to do. selling the meteorite/beak point seems a waste right now, and healing directly runs into our -20 malus. may be a good time to get a leg up, potentially find something useful for later etc.
this *might* be something that winds up as a personal later, but it's also something that could provide some really useful resources etc for our faction so i think it's worth it
right now the important intrigue goal is to find out is the police's plans so we know how to react, but since we've delayed that there should be time to figure out an income stream, and that's something that will help our faction big time.
it looks like the sort of thing that's locking future "become profitable" actions, so if we complete this now we should be able to help make our faction successful right away on turn 5.
if we don't use our advantage this turn it's going away, so I'm of the mind it's best spent on trying to get a tier 3 success in intrigue. could also use it in diplomacy if rolls there matter, but not 100% sure so something more tangible would probably be better. if we get a better success it's something that might mean far more resources coming in over time
the option I'm least sure about. visiting school can likely become a personal action, investigating wildlife seems like the sort of option that can provide a nice bonus, but isn't essential on its own. (so something great to do with a faction with no bigger priorities) and meteorite DC's too high to do confidently/isn't helpful currently (I don't want to sell it, and we don't have a use for any special properties right now without a tech base. better as a future research prospect)
might just be best to go with the mystery box for now, it might be a limited-time offer and could open future good options
Buzz Buzz
due to the fact that we've basically just handled an interrupt, buzz buzz should have some leeway to do things they otherwise wouldn't. should be way less chance of something wildly terrible happening if they explore the town, so may help to get a lay of the land some more now, before it becomes difficult again.
could be worth having them lay low and prevent Gygas' forces getting a bead on them again, but that's likely to happen no matter what happens since they'll know one of their guys went missing, it's out of our hands. if we get the lay of the land some, it could even make future actions to conceal buzz buff easier?
I'm sort of paranoid when it comes to porky going off the rails, so feel like giving them some nice personal actions is worthwhile (and a second action we can't pick/don't know the results of isn't too good when it's intrigue, where the whole point is knowing/getting new actions unlocked).
My main concern is that it just doesn't seem that we're ready. Sure. we got a corpse but the action itself implies it's not a guarantee it'll sell people to join our organization,
an organisation would probably be better off if we had the time to get an income stream first, but it could be that we need an organisation first to pull off an income stream. right now I'm hoping we can start small for the time being. since it's a (green) autopass we should be able to get enough people on-board at least nominally. the issue might be something like "we have people but they don't want to risk their lives" which we can take steps to account for.
Buzz Buzz and porky hopefully won't object to anything we personally are fine with, starting an organisation is Buzz Buzz's whole goal right now and the flavour of our org probably won't impact our interactions with porky too much
I say we go crimminal route it we make an organization. Corpo would be too dificult and Archaic is too unatural in this world to really catch on.
I'm a bit apprehensive about founding a gang, afraid that it'd limit us too much in terms of actions we can take with the police opposing us. better to be able to act in the open and take bolder actions with the pretense of being legal, even if they're more limited
also it might be harder to recruit as a gang if the sharks are already around