Er...Porky's trait only applies on actions he's assigned to, as does Buzz Buzz's. And, since we can't two hero-units at once, by definition, they will never apply at the same time.
So to begin with ...yes, we can? Verbatim, from the Rules and Quest Mechanics post.
Every turn a Hero Unit may take a single Personal action and be assigned to a single Faction Action, adding their relevant stat value to the roll.
Each Hero Unit gets their own Personal Action and is able to be assigned to a Faction Action. Cass doesn't get one at the moment, because she isn't in charge of a faction.
Unless my understanding of how Hero Unit Faction Actions work is off, both Porky's and Buzz Buzz's actions should be able to work on the same turn - though not on the same action. This means we can have Porky handle Intrigue with his relatively high Intrigue score; and Buzz Buzz handle Martial, with his PSI Warrior trait and very high PSI score.
...However, you are right. Just for a completely different reason - which I think you were getting at in your post - Porky's Intrigue can't affect Buzz Buzz's A Bug I Am Not trait, because it only applies when Buzz Buzz is assigned to a Faction Action and said action gets a Smash Failure.
Now, there's nothing in the rules as far as I can see that says we can't assign Porky and Buzz Buzz to the same action (Crosswire, please say otherwise if that's the case - it's worth checking), but the only type of action I would consider that even being viable for is, like, Learning. Far more optimal for them to boost our Martial and Intrigue respectively.