All right, 'Plan Ra, Rebalanced' has been updated. Note the changelog at the bottom: I've changed the fourth action to 'spend time with friends', and added two 'investigate' actions.
[X] Plan Ra, Rebalanced
(Reasoning: my preferred path to 'end the Regency' is by persuading the Royal Council. This means increased our competence and our Authority, while appeasing the various factions that surround us).
[X] Build a temple to Hathor's cow and institute new rites [-20 Royal Authority, 2000 s. deben, 4 talents][X] Perform New Year Rites to Bless the Flood (Meritamun)
[X] Complete the Tomb of Ameneheb II [3000 s. deben and 4 talents, for 3-4 years] (Ptahshepses)
[X] Build a new temple to the Apis-Bull [2000 s. deben, 4 talents] (Atumnemhat)
(Reasoning: building Hathor's temple will generate long-term Authority for ourselves. It may cause issues with the priestly caste (depending on the roll), but we can certainly appease them in other ways in future turns).
[X] Finish repairs to the irrigation canal system [1000 s. deben] (Heranamenpanaef)
[X] Re-staff the Granaries Inspectorate [300 s. deben, one year] (Sennefer)
[X] Buy/Sell Wheat [Sell 6000 s. deben] (Ipy)
[X] Investigate a character (Ptahshepses) [Satysis]
[X] Investigate a character (Meryawy) [Ma'atneferure]
(Reasoning: ask our mother and our tutor to investigate potential Mentor candidates, specifically the two frontrunners. I may change this, depending on if we get the results of their investigations before or after we have to vote on a Mentor. @Cavalier?).
[X] Learn to use the compound bow with Ramessu
[X] Spend time with your friends outside court
(Reasoning: we don't have the Authority to continue our chariot training, but developing our Martial abilities is vital for our future as Pharaoh. Let's pick up the compound bow. I added the 'spend time with friends' action (replacing Ra > 'hear petitions'), per reasoning here. TL,DR: we need to cultivate courtiers and officials we can trust, and our three friends are perfectly suited to fill those roles).
[X] Choose a mentor (To Be Determined)
(Reasoning: there's basically a consensus to select our Mentor this turn, though there's quite a bit of disagreement over who. At the moment, the chief eunuch Ptahshepses and our royal tutor Meryawy are leading the pack of candidates, but our choice will be decided in a later vote).
- Replaced 'Hear petitions in court' with 'Spend time with Friends'
- Added 'Investigate' actions for our mother Satysis and our tutor Ma'atneferure