Blood of the Gods: A Fantasy CKII Quest

All right, 'Plan Ra, Rebalanced' has been updated. Note the changelog at the bottom: I've changed the fourth action to 'spend time with friends', and added two 'investigate' actions.
[X] Plan Ra, Rebalanced

(Reasoning: my preferred path to 'end the Regency' is by persuading the Royal Council. This means increased our competence and our Authority, while appeasing the various factions that surround us).

[X] Perform New Year Rites to Bless the Flood (Meritamun)
[X] Complete the Tomb of Ameneheb II [3000 s. deben and 4 talents, for 3-4 years] (Ptahshepses)
[X] Build a new temple to the Apis-Bull [2000 s. deben, 4 talents] (Atumnemhat)
[X] Build a temple to Hathor's cow and institute new rites [-20 Royal Authority, 2000 s. deben, 4 talents]

(Reasoning: building Hathor's temple will generate long-term Authority for ourselves. It may cause issues with the priestly caste (depending on the roll), but we can certainly appease them in other ways in future turns).

[X] Finish repairs to the irrigation canal system [1000 s. deben] (Heranamenpanaef)
[X] Re-staff the Granaries Inspectorate [300 s. deben, one year] (Sennefer)
[X] Buy/Sell Wheat [Sell 6000 s. deben] (Ipy)

[X] Investigate a character (Ptahshepses) [Satysis]
[X] Investigate a character (Meryawy) [Ma'atneferure]

(Reasoning: ask our mother and our tutor to investigate potential Mentor candidates, specifically the two frontrunners. I may change this, depending on if we get the results of their investigations before or after we have to vote on a Mentor. @Cavalier?).

[X] Learn to use the compound bow with Ramessu
[X] Spend time with your friends outside court

(Reasoning: we don't have the Authority to continue our chariot training, but developing our Martial abilities is vital for our future as Pharaoh. Let's pick up the compound bow. I added the 'spend time with friends' action (replacing Ra > 'hear petitions'), per reasoning here. TL,DR: we need to cultivate courtiers and officials we can trust, and our three friends are perfectly suited to fill those roles).


[X] Choose a mentor (To Be Determined)

(Reasoning: there's basically a consensus to select our Mentor this turn, though there's quite a bit of disagreement over who. At the moment, the chief eunuch Ptahshepses and our royal tutor Meryawy are leading the pack of candidates, but our choice will be decided in a later vote).

  • Replaced 'Hear petitions in court' with 'Spend time with Friends'
  • Added 'Investigate' actions for our mother Satysis and our tutor Ma'atneferure
If people vote to choose a mentor they'll vote on who to choose next, before the update. Any kind of actual investigation would take time and effort, after all, so results would be with the general update. IE, basically you don't get the investigation results to make a decision before the results would be available to Eurydice.
If people vote to choose a mentor they'll vote on who to choose next, before the update. Any kind of actual investigation would take time and effort, after all, so results would be with the general update. IE, basically you don't get the investigation results to make a decision before the results would be available to Eurydice.
Curses. Thanks for the heads-up (though I wish we'd known about the 'assign task to others' ability last turn so we could have finished our investigation this turn....).

I'll change the 'investigate' vote to assign our mother to look into Khui. I'm kinda curious who we should have Ma'atneferure investigate -- her strength is the gossip network within the palace, so we might ask her to look into the eunuch corps (though her results would be biased against them) or one of the other groups of civil servants (the scribes, the priests, or specifically individuals). Alternately, I might just keep her investigating Meryawy, so we can tell if our favorite tutor deserves our trust or if he's hiding anything.

Curses. Thanks for the heads-up (though I wish we'd known about the 'assign task to others' ability last turn so we could have finished our investigation this turn....).

You can take an action regarding multiple people if noted, but the cost of doing so is not shared. IE, you could [ ] Investigate Khui and [ ] Investigate Meryawy on the same turn, but that would be 2 separate actions. If you had someone you trusted and felt capable enough you could also delegate an action to them; say if you trusted Ma'atneferure you could ask her to [ ] Investigate Atumnemhat (Ma'atneferure) for you.

I did tell you about it last turn. No one was interested enough to follow up.
I did tell you about it last turn. No one was interested enough to follow up.
Curses -- I didn't catch that at all. Actually, having checked the post you linked to, I do remember seeing that. However, I was under the impression that 'ask someone we trust to investigate' would still cost an Action, which is why I didn't consider it an option. Bummer.

Anyway, here are my changes to the Plan. Any objections?
[X] Investigate a character (Khui) [Satysis]
[X] Investigate a character (Meryawy) [Ma'atneferure]

(Reasoning: ask our mother and our tutor to investigate those around us. Satysis has a better Intrigue stat, so we ask her to look into the ambitious (potentially treasonous) general. Ma'atneferure specializes in palace gossip, so we ask her to check if there's any rumors floating around about our royal tutor, so see if he's as trustworthy as we believe him to be).
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Oh, the pain of choosing a Mentor with limited information and more information coming soonish.


Can we trust Ptah?
Guess not. Okay, someone tally up the results? Orherwise I'll do so manually after work.

Since I expect that choosing a mentor was part of the winning plan, if not all of the plans, you can start discussing that and I'll open a vote for who in about twleve hours.
Or don't.

Looks like Plan Ra, Rebalanced wins out with six votes to the 3 for Plan Holy Splash and 2 for Plan Bow and Intrigue. I'll go ahead and assume no one has a problem with the addition of giving Satysis and Ma'atneferure requests to investigate as per @Publicola's addendum, unless people make them known.

The vote is now open for you to choose a mentor. Options are as follows;

[ ] Neferet, Dowager Queen
[ ] Ptahshepses, Chief Eunuch
[ ] Atumnemhat, High Priest of Atum
[ ] Wenamun, Chief Royal Scribe
[ ] Khui, Commander of the Royal Army
[ ] Ipy, Royal Treasurer
[ ] Sennefer, Inspector of Granaries
[ ] Heranamenpenaef, Inspector of Works
[ ] Banefre, Supervisor of the Garden of Ptah
[ ] Satysis, Royal Magician and your Mother
[ ] Ma'atneferure, Tutor
[ ] Meryawy, Tutor
[ ] Ramessu, Tutor
[ ] Zizel-Kur, Tutor
I'm actually going to suggest Ipy.

He's honest and not going to stab us in the back. Or at least we'd be able to see it miles coming before he can unveil a plot.

[X] Ipy, Royal Treasurer
Time to evaluate the candidates!
[ ] Neferet, Dowager Queen
...Maybe? This is probably the safest choice, due to outstanding legitimacy points, decent loyalty (and her own illness...). Doesn't seem competent enough to serve as our Mentor, though. Good at Diplomacy
[ ] Ptahshepses, Chief Eunuch
My preferred choice (1st Place): outstanding competence in multiple fields. As far as we've seen in working with him: he's surprisingly forthright with us, decently loyal and apparently non-corrupt. But, his poor reputation (being a eunuch) means this won't help us as much with Authority. Exceptional at Intrigue and Stewardship, good at Diplomacy.
[ ] Atumnemhat, High Priest of Atum
Nope. Reportedly very corrupt (typical high priest...) and not someone we know well. Good at Piety.
[ ] Wenamun, Chief Royal Scribe
Nope. Reportedly very strict (flogged someone for minor debt), and not someone we know well. Good at Diplomacy.
[ ] Khui, Commander of the Royal Army
Nope. Reportedly very ambitious, and thus a great danger to our survival and continued rule. Basically our first 'Boss Fight' as Pharaoh. Good at Martial.
[ ] Ipy, Royal Treasurer
...Maybe? Very honest (too honest, according to some), but very pessimistic/cynical and won't help us find & make allies. Good at Stewardship.
[ ] Sennefer, Inspector of Granaries
Nope. Pretty honest, but too disconnected (possibly lowborn) to be a legitimate contender. Good at Stewardship.
[ ] Heranamenpenaef, Inspector of Works
...Maybe? Father of a personal friend, amusing & witty (aka smart), with a 'placid' personality. We haven't really considered him as a serious candidate before, though, mainly because he's not high-profile enough to give us much legitimacy/Authority points. Good at Stewardship.
[ ] Banefre, Supervisor of the Garden of Ptah
Nope. We know nothing about him (wish we did...). Good at Learning.
[ ] Satysis, Royal Magician and your Mother
Nope. Our mother has outstanding competence in multiple fields, and is likewise incredibly loyal. However, associating ourselves closely with a foreign-born witch is just begging for trouble. This would cripple our efforts to develop Authority through our early Regency. Exceptional at Intrigue and Learning.
[ ] Ma'atneferure, Tutor
Nope. Our aunt Neferet's handmaiden, who specializes in palace gossip. Not loyal to us, but may be useful otherwise. Good at Intrigue and/or Diplomacy.
My honorable mention (2nd Place): our favorite tutor, described as diligent, 'bookish', non-corrupt, and pious. He's a priest of Ra, so picking him might appease the Ra priestly faction and give us bonus legitimacy points. Good at Piety and Learning.
...Maybe? This is certainly a much safer choice is we decide to focus on our Martial traits. Described as tall, powerfully built, and incredibly patient when teaching us, as well as epitomizing "grace and effortlessness". We could certainly do worse. Good at Martial.
[ ] Zizel-Kur, Tutor
Nope. We barely know him, and he's described as 'in over his head' in teaching us. Not a good sign. Good at Learning.
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[] Ptahshepses, Chief Eunuch
Better intrigue & understanding how things work is always better.


[ ] Meryawy, Tutor

Helping with the legitimatcy/Ra vote.


[ ] Ramessu, Tutor

We need a potential general replacement.

I think the rest we can safely discard as options tbh.
[X] Meryawy, Tutor

This is pretty much the best compromise candidate. Reasonably well liked, reasonably orthordox, reasonably skilled, reasonably trustworthy.
He doesn't go off the charts like some of our candidates(Mom and the Eunuch), but he's....solid.

A good balance between skill, trustworthiness and legitimacy
[X] Ptahshepses, Chief Eunuch

We cannot please everybody. This may allow us to become even greater at diplomacy and intrigue, as well as shore up our weak stewardship.
[X] Ramessu, Tutor

Okay, this is possibly the best choice. We have specialists for Stewardship and Piety and Learning who are generally better than us and training will probably bring us to par with them, but we can always delegate rolls over there and we won't be noticeably better at it than the experts there.

However, aside from Khui and Ramessu, we have very few Martial experts. So once we off Khui, we can with a high Martial put it directly under us- it was under the King at times, so we can do it. Also, with a 20+ score there we would be better than most of the people they had once we get more command experience.

Also, this dude has been driving for a while, so he probably knows stuff on and has experiences/stories about fighting with the Tribes or vassals or being in combat situations or wargames. Maybe even some stories of our late Father/ Grandfather. This can only help us when we choose to subjugate them for good and helps us apply our aptitude in the field to war and leading men.
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Hmm, alright then. I'm going to say that Ramessu is a...are we sure he's a good choice? We know nothing about him, and Mentor is, like, the most important position there is in regards to us, for the next few years.

[X] Ptahshepses, Chief Eunuch

I'm not actually convinced of this, but I'm not so sure about Rammy.
Hmm, alright then. I'm going to say that Ramessu is a...are we sure he's a good choice? We know nothing about him, and Mentor is, like, the most important position there is in regards to us, for the next few years.
We have worked with him for an year on chariot riding, he didn't get screentime because updates are small is all.

Also Mom didn't voice any complaints. Given how paranoid/protective she is and how she warned us of Khui as soon as we met him, I'm reasonably sure he's not looking to end our life.

And look at his motivations. He is the Charioteer to the Pharaoh, the highest position a charioteer can legitly ascend to. Why would he kill off the source of his good fortune? He would be under suspicion if we died while alone with him and it would not benefit him in any meaningful way by elevating his position or anything.
We have worked with him for an year on chariot riding, he didn't get screentime because updates are small is all.

Also Mom didn't voice any complaints. Given how paranoid/protective she is and how she warned us of Khui as soon as we met him, I'm reasonably sure he's not looking to end our life.

And look at his motivations. He is the Charioteer to the Pharaoh, the highest position a charioteer can legitly ascend to. Why would he kill off the source of his good fortune? He would be under suspicion if we died while alone with him and it would not benefit him in any meaningful way by elevating his position or anything.
Except it's doubtful we get anything out of him. No risk, no gain.

What connections, power does he have, that we'd get if he were our mentor?
Except it's doubtful we get anything out of him. No risk, no gain.

What connections, power does he have, that we'd get if he were our mentor?
We get some training for battlefield movements, and the boost to our skill makes us a prime contender to displace Khui once we kill him.

Also, he was our Dad's charioteer right? He probably has some army connections somewhere. And even then, as Queen we are top of the totem pole here.
I would like to express my personal disturbance with the ease at which we advocate killing a character whose only flaw is being ambitious.