Alright so last night I read the quest in more detail and I am frankly convinced that if we choose Khui we will lose the game. Let's consider the following:
- The dynasty is on its last legs, it might not even continue after us if we follow tradition and don't do a matrilineal marriage.
- Khui has risen in a short time from being a captain to a general.
- He is handsome and capable, a fit man with the clear respect of his soldiers or else he wouldn't be able to command them with such ease.
- The dynasty has recently suffered a crushing famine under a regency.
- The noble families are holding back from marriage, partially because they are feuding over who will be next. Khui would be an excellent way to sidestep noble concern about x family becoming more powerful than them, because they would all be convinced they could curry favor with Khui.
- Khui's greatest weakness right now is that he is not as involved with the court. If we allow him to go close to us, even for the sake of martial training, he will use that opportunity to connect with the court. He could sow dissent between our mother and our aunt, he could plot against us. We would be functionally defenseless against him.
- The army has been neglected with few campaigns, meaning very likely that its allegiance to the pharoah has been precipitously weakened. Then Khui comes along and in two years rises from Captain to General? He's likely to be far well known among the organized component of the army than we are.
Some could say, well what about what our mom said about him, she's an unreliable narrator! I am suspicious of our mother, and no one seems to have asked
why exactly our mother would come from a foreign land and have a child wirth the pharoah, but she does sincerely want to protect us. She wouldn't advise us against Khui if she didn't think he was bad business.
And furthermore I think people need to realize that generals, especially for a dynasty such as ours that lacks such a high amount of legitimacy, are the #1 danger we will face. Considering the many reasons why we are not very legitimate, letting Khui near us is a recipe for disaster. Letting him
marry us will end the quest. He will inevitably sire a son with us and then we will mysteriously disappear if we try to challenge him, or even if we don't.
@Cetashwayo, I'm not sure where you got this idea at all. Source?
uh, lol. See Marie Antoinette (an Austrian Queen hated by the Parisian public), Catherine de Medici (an Italian hated by a good portion of France), or the fact that in Egypt there are very few cases of foreign first-mothers during the late bronze age. Satysis is very clearly someone who is not going to be popular with many people and is already our mum. She is a foreign witch who is not even allowed to see the ceremonies, with antipathy between her and the regent. We can see a clear tension between her and the rest of the court. She is not really welcome, she's a desperate attempt to sire an heir that practically failed because it wasn't a boy.
Here is what I think we should do having re-read the quest.
[ ] Reconcile with Ptahshepses
Did people really want to kill this dude? I know everyone's blaming the eunuchs for the corruption and devastation but why should we trust them? Eunuchs in China and the Ottoman Empire were historically abused as a scapegoat for the hatred of others. They're weird and unnatural and keep more to themselves, so they must be evil. I don't think so. At the very least if we keep this festering wound open it
will haunt us through the rest of our reign. The eunuchs appear to be the most skilled administrators in the realm. Considering the level of decay and corruption observed under our father, we rather need to be careful.
[ ] Establish network of informants in the palace [100 s.
I was split between this and investigating Khui, but he hasn't shown up as an oblique danger yet.
[ ] Learn to drive a chariot [-5 Authority]
We need to learn martial and this could connect us to someone in the army other than Khui that we can play against him.
[ ] Choose a Mentor (Neferet...Meryawy, Ipy)
We can trust the dowager queen. Why? Because she has no skin in the game. She is someone with a genetic wasting disease and no heir. She has no antipathy towards us even if she doesn't like our mother. She has skills and legitimacy in the court we don't have, and she clearly cares for us and has since we were six and she saw us reading the
Theogeny of Memphet. I think people need to take a step back and realize she might just step aside when we want to end the regency if we're in her good graces. Furthermore, she seems to be on the path to dying in the long-run. Let's use what we can from her and become perfect courtly queens.
These are my three choices for mentor and I'd like to get it out of the way now. These are people who I think we can trust, and the idea that we shouldn't need to trust our mentor implicitly is ludicrous. Our mentor is going to be the person that will most influence how we see the world as we rule, at least while they're teaching us. If we don't trust them, then we're setting ourselves up for failure and the mentor up for sabotaging us, and possibly becoming our enemy. Neferet is going to die, and like I said she has no skin in the game. Meryawy has isolated himself from the priests because of his lack of corruption, but picking him would still make the priests smile, even if he is not their creature, because it shows some respect. Ipy seems capable and stable, although pessimistic, which mixed with our wroth could turn us quite...caustic. I don't want us to be Voltaire with witty cynical quips about the state of things as queen, as hilarious as that would be.
Fundamentally, none of the other choices appeal to me. Red is right in that Ptahshepses cannot be our mentor- we don't even like the dude, slow down. Khui is as I mentioned above probably the single greatest threat to our monarchy. If we want a male martial companion or husband, Paneferer might be a good idea, although I'm not sure how the nobles are rolling here.