Alright calling the vote. Let me tally up the vote.

The war shall begin in the summer with the polish forces arriving and I will roll to see if Zima stays behind.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Mar 19, 2018 at 2:57 PM, finished with 40 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X]Wait for Zima's forces: You will choose to wait for Zima's forces. You are lacking in calvary, which is something you sorely need. (Zima's forces will be linked up with yours. Starts Campaign Turns. Campaign season will be set to: Summer)
    [X]Ask her to stay until her Pregnancy is over: Try to convince her to stay until she is no longer pregnant. DC: 50%. (Zima will not command her troops until she is no longer pregnant. Her newborn babies will not suffer any negative effects. Your sons will be less angry at you and won't lash out.)
    [x]Relent: You had no argument for her. (Zima will command her troops, this may have negative effects on her own and her babies health when they are born. Your sons will not be accepting of this news and will lash out in anger and fear.)
    [X]Wait for Zima's forces: You will choose to wait for Zima's forces. You are lacking in calvary, which is something you sorely need. (Zima's forces will be linked up with yours. Starts Campaign Turns. Campaign season will be set to: Summer)
    [X]Wait for Vlad And Zima's Forces: Vlad's Forces still need time to gather supplies and men for the journey north. They said they would arrive just as Winter is upon the Rus. Zima's forces will be ready at Novgorod. (Vlad and Zima's forces will be linked up with yours. Starts Campaign Turns. Campaign season will be set to: Winter. Note taking this option may lead to attrition among your forces due to lack of supplies.)
    [x]Relent: You had no argument for her. (Zima will command her troops, this may have negative effects on her own and her babies health when they are born. Your sons will not be accepting of this news and will lash out in anger and fear.)
    [X]Ask her to stay until her Pregnancy is over: Try to convince her to stay until she is no longer pregnant. DC: 50%. (Zima will not command her troops until she is no longer pregnant. Her newborn babies will not suffer any negative effects. Your sons will be less angry at you and won't lash out.)
    [X]Wait for Vlad And Zima's Forces: Vlad's Forces still need time to gather supplies and men for the journey north. They said they would arrive just as Winter is upon the Rus. Zima's forces will be ready at Novgorod. (Vlad and Zima's forces will be linked up with yours. Starts Campaign Turns. Campaign season will be set to: Winter. Note taking this option may lead to attrition among your forces due to lack of supplies.)
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Fucking dammit zima...your going to miss carry and shit will a be terrible...

Bloody hell dice, just once please be nice!!!!
Fucking dammit zima...your going to miss carry and shit will a be terrible...

Bloody hell dice, just once please be nice!!!!
Guess the Dice want our Marriage to go south, because if the baby DOES die, then no doubt the players AND our PC are going to be PISSED.
Well assuming she survives her stupidity anyways
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Aye...and some cold times are coming with our boys learning mom isn't being reasonable!!! Seriously we have three sons, think of them zima!!!
Supplies for the campaign
The Supplies for the campaign are going to be the currency for the campaign turns. Please consult this when coming up with campaign plans in the future.

Here are the Supplies:

Current supply count: 4000 supplies

Supply gain:
500 Supplies from foraging
100: Supplies gained from organizer trait

Supply consumption:
600 supply consumption by infantry
400 supply consumption by horses.
Current supply count: 4000 supplies

Supply gain:
500 Supplies from foraging
100: Supplies gained from organizer trait
This is what is going to make or break our campaign. Ignoring our tactical advantages and disadvantages, we're on a time limit.
Shit we're not being suppplied enough...if we didn't have horses we could get through this...
You forget this is not modern day. We do not have refrigeration. We cannot store or preserve for even a few weeks. All armies live off the land. The mongols are just self-sufficient at it.
This is what is going to make or break our campaign. Ignoring our tactical advantages and disadvantages, we're on a time limit.

You forget this is not modern day. We do not have refrigeration. We cannot store or preserve for even a few weeks. All armies live off the land. The mongols are just self-sufficient at it.
Shit we're not being suppplied enough...if we didn't have horses we could get through this...
I'm going to be super harsh on the supply issue, they are ridiculously important enough where I will give it their own special roll to see if you gain or lose supplies. Just putting that out there right now.
Will supply limits and income be determined seasonally? As in atrocious in winter, poor in spring, good in summer, and potentially bountiful in autumn, but with event modifiers? I know historically that some of the the worst famines happened in spring, since people have eaten up the winter stores and typically haven't had time to plant spring crops, only to be screwed by vermin, mold, or other factors.
Crap, will we also have to deal with latrines, sanitation and disease on campaign? Because some of those diseases can lead to a rather... shitty experience.
Crap, will we also have to deal with latrines, sanitation and disease on campaign? Because some of those diseases can lead to a rather... shitty experience.
Why yes, yes you are. And let me tell you its going to be... Let me put it to you this way, I'm struggling not to make snot and fart jokes right now while writing up the turn.
Oh God I feel so bad for whoever's going to be watching over our kids while we're off following our dreams. Three upset children is bad enough, but three insanely smart, strong, and upset children with traits that make them less likely to give up until they get what they want...

Also, on that note, who is going to be managing Rus while were off fighting the war?