BlazBlue: Fracture (OOC/Interest Check)

If everybunny could do me a favour and link me their last post (except those in battle at the clocktower), I'll try to get to you all over the next week on the bus to work.
ohhhhh yeah, need to post....

Will work on that tomorrow....
Kliff rubbed his craggy temples, quietly groaning to himself in frustration. Things could never be easy, could they? So the AWOL Major was looking for one of adoptive siblings from the Kisaragi family and beat down a civilian something fierce for getting in his way. Under different circumstances he might have chalked it up to self-defense against an irate Ikarguan that had a bone to pick with him, but the woman's urgent tone made it clear that he got much more than just roughed up by the brat. Speaking of which...

"Thanks." The dwarfish veteran replied gruffly. "Give the lady your shirt, sonny. Don't let your C.O. down when he needs you." Kliff would have remained to provide help, but he'd be little more than a bystander in the scheme of things. There wasn't much an old hand with a sword could do to fix a battered body; the Major General always relied on field medics for that sort of thing.

Having gotten that out of the way, the diminutive elder set off toward the Train Station with the intent of smacking some sense into the renegade soldier if he hadn't gone far. "When I get my hands on that little bastard, I'll wring his neck like a..." His speech trailed off into incomprehensible irate grumbles while he marched as quickly as his stumpy legs could carry him.
Dis is eht
Okay. I'm sure I didn't get everyone, but then, this RP is based merely on who wants to participate and continue participating. Sorry I took so long.

If anyone else needs a reply, please link me the post.
Just going to confirm things with Nani before I do anything else. :V
Alright. I think I know how to respond. I just need to get home to my notes and remember this fuckers name. Some reason I don't think it was Bob.
Whelp, time for the editing-in back-and-forth dialogue to keep something going...!