BlazBlue: Fracture

"T-towards the train station!" The ninja declared shakily. In the background, a woman could be heard screaming for medical supplies and one of the ninja's shirts. "H-he said that Boss was just getting in the way of his search for 'Brother'."

"H-he mentioned something about the lower gate and the aqueducts." Another ninja spoke up. "That his 'Brother' no doubt entered from below."
Kliff rubbed his craggy temples, quietly groaning to himself in frustration. Things could never be easy, could they? So the AWOL Major was looking for one of adoptive siblings from the Kisaragi family and beat down a civilian something fierce for getting in his way. Under different circumstances he might have chalked it up to self-defense against an irate Ikarguan that had a bone to pick with him, but the woman's urgent tone made it clear that he got much more than just roughed up by the brat. Speaking of which...

"Thanks." The dwarfish veteran replied gruffly. "Give the lady your shirt, sonny. Don't let your C.O. down when he needs you." Kliff would have remained to provide help, but he'd be little more than a bystander in the scheme of things. There wasn't much an old hand with a sword could do to fix a battered body; the Major General always relied on field medics for that sort of thing.

Having gotten that out of the way, the diminutive elder set off toward the Train Station with the intent of smacking some sense into the renegade soldier if he hadn't gone far. "When I get my hands on that little bastard, I'll wring his neck like a..." His speech trailed off into incomprehensible irate grumbles while he marched as quickly as his stumpy legs could carry him.
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As Fredrick approached the N.O.L. branch, a pair of soldiers dashed forward, only for a third, holding some sort of pad, to stop them.
"Hold. He's permitted." The third bore the jacket of a captain, for his fellows stood down. "Frederick Minogue, correct? Please make your way to the Lieutenants office. The Major is occupied, I'm afraid. Don't dawdle, we have a undesirable on base and you don't want to get on his bad side."
"Apologies, I did not mean to cause any trouble." Fredrick said with a tip of his hat towards the soldiers. It seemed security was being beefed up if a reaction like that was what greeted him.

"Lieutenant Tachibana is waiting, continue on your way." The captain waved him through as he redirected his soldiers.

He walked the grand halls of the local branch, the Librariums décor always reminded him of those small churches he passed by during his travels through the world.

Fredrick knocked on the door to the Lieutenant's office.

"Enter." he heard quietly from the other side.

The door opened and Fredrick was greeted to a spartan office, similar to any of the other offices he's been to. He saw a woman with an eye patch and a white ponytail going through files.

"Lieutenant Tachibana." Fredrick greeted as her golden eye met his own. She placed down her papers and leaned back in her chair, resting her head on her palm.

"Fredrick Minogue, the man I've been waiting for, please come in." Yuzu Tachibana said softly, Fredrick walked in front of her desk. "There's someone we need you to find." she got right to business as she tossed a folder towards him.

Picking up the folder, he found photos inside. These photos they were…!

A girl with swords surrounding her, unlike Kokonoe's videos, these black and white photos were a bit clearer.

Who was she? His suspicious were right, that girl Kokonoe wanted him to find was also someone the N.O.L wanted to find as well.

"Who is she?" Fredrick asked the Lieutenant, she laughed softly in response.

"That's what we want you to find out, I can't let you in on the details, but let's say she got through something that we owned." she told Fredrick vaguely.

Something they owned, was it? Fredrick would have to think on it later.

"Your usual high rate compensation along with another five million will be added." she told him as she folded her arms.

"Kagutsuchi is on lockdown, no one in or out, so it should make your job a bit easier." she informed him.

"I see..." Fredrick replied, they really wanted her found if he was gaining that much. He wasn't surprised by the lockdown, he would assume all that's going on has them in a panic.

Tachibana didn't look all that nonplussed, she always kept her cool.

"Do you mind if I keep these photos?" he asked her, she nodded in response. "Let me know if anything else develops on your end." he said as he placed the photos in his jacket.

"Go ahead, I'll let the major know you took the job." she waved Fredrick off.

"It will at least relive some of his stress..." she mumbled in annoyance as Fredrick left her office quietly.

This girl, there was something unnatural about her. This job has really peaked his interest now, and when something gains his interest…

Fredrick will find out everything there is to know about her.

He stepped out once more into the streets of Kagutsuchi, it was time to gain some local insight.
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Hazama just stared for a long moment.

"Oh what did I do to deserve this." He muttered under his breath. "Right, right. Well, ladies, I'm sure I can leave this matter in your capable hands. Your vessel is already prepared in dock 8. You'll be at Kagutsuchi by lunch time if you leave now."

The man's composure didn't falter at all, even if he was seething in the back of his mind. Just why did he always get saddled with the kiddies while Relius got to do the fun stuff?

"Just remember, these orders come straight from the Imperator. See them completed. If anything gets in your way... well, you know what to do. There's some word that Sector Seven and the local N.O.L. branch may be in cahoots. Trust nothing you can't verify with HQ."

He paused a moment, before he spoke again, his voice far closer to a sing-song.

"It's worth noting that Kagutsuchi is currently under lock-down." He stated. "No interests outside the N.O.L. should be inside city limits. If Sector Seven tries to get in the way... remind them they aren't meant to be there at all. Messily if necessary. Dismissed."

After absorbing the good captain's words with gusto.

Mana rolled smoothly out the door. Practically giddy on thought of executing justice; did Nee-chan feel the same way, too, she wondered? Speaking of which, Mana was going be with Nee-chan this whole trip!


Its been awhile! Mana could catch up on so much! How was Nee-chan's work, will she finally accept a more prominent rank in NOL? Uwa, maybe, maybe she has a boyfriend?

. . .

Mana doubted the last one, severely, but wouldn't it be fun? Nee-chan makes the cutest expressions when distress! Oh, and macron~! Mana brought plenty this time. . .

That way she can properly feed Nee-chan appetites.

Returning the captain's words with a salute, Kiara coolly followed Mana out the office.

Watching her younger and much more energetic companion rolling on ahead of her, Kiara felt a creeping sensation crawling on her back. Ah, it must be one of Mana's 'justice' episodes again. She could never really feel comfortable with Mana's sense of 'Justice'. But then again, no sane person would feel comfortable around Mana when she is like this.

And no sane person would give her the rank of First Lieutenant either!

What a drag. Having to pair up with a person such as this, especially on a holiday too! Why can't Kiara just catch a break?

Well, whatever. There's no time for whining and complaining! There's work to be done, and a deranged man out and about in the streets of Kagutsuchi; not to mention that the SS Rank Criminal 'Ragna the Bloodedge' was last sighted there too! Everybody's relaxing vacations would be ruin at this rate.

"Let's get to work Mana. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can go back to watching my Christmas Specials." She said in a neutral tone laced with a slight hint of displeasure, while headed for the transportation prepared by the good Captain Hazama.

Looks like she'd be with Mana for a while then. She sincerely hoped that Mana packed some food for this mission besides macron. She already had enough of those things to last for a year.
"You are so lucky that your bounty specifically stated to keep you alive." A young man grumbled as he dragged his unconscious target to the nearest N.O.L Branch to be turned in.

Upon closer inspection, the young man's left arm was broken in three place, an arrow was poking of his right shin, and several parts of his body were covered in cuts and bruises. But despite all that, he acts merely annoyed by this rather than being angry or writhing in pain.

"I might be more broken than usual, but at least I know that mom's making some delicious curry back home, and thanks to you, my sisters can finally get those dresses that they always wanted." The young man said to himself as he continued dragging his target, ignoring all the stares that he's getting.

"Uwa~!" Mana chirps, "Good to see Nee-chan being so motivated!" She happily nods. "Don't worry, we got this! Easy peasy! We go in, break him and administer proper justice as due!"

Mana gestures Nee-chan to follow along, "Oh! And I brought in some additional macron; seeing how quickly you gobbled em' down last time, remember?" She giggled.

Mana slowed down a bit as in thought, "Hey! What's your favorite, favorite flavor?"

A question that has been nagging Mana, but, not one she has ever felt the need to ask. "Mine's Banna-Toffee-Watermelon Remix Low Calorie Edition™!" And yes, it was an actual flavor.

"Uwa~!" Mana chirps, "Good to see Nee-chan being so motivated!" She happily nods. "Don't worry, we got this! Easy peasy! We go in, break him and administer proper justice as due!"

Mana gestures Nee-chan to follow along, "Oh! And I brought in some additional macron; seeing how quickly you gobbled em' down last time, remember?" She giggled.

Mana slowed down a bit as in thought, "Hey! What's your favorite, favorite flavor?"

A question that has been nagging Mana, but, not one she has ever felt the need to ask. "Mine's Banna-Toffee-Watermelon Remix Low Calorie Edition™!" And yes, it was an actual flavor.
"No, Mana, I do not 'gobble' food down. I just excitedly eat food in surprising large amounts in a short period of time. And that only happened because we were in a bit of a rush. Otherwise, I wouldn't 'gobble' them down in the first place. Harrumph." Kara's cheeks were slightly tinted with red. Of course, she was flustered about this. The young woman has always tried her best to follow her schedule, but sometimes reality doesn't cooperate with her ideal view of the world. She can't helped but be flustered or annoyed at the occasional bumps that show themselves every now and then.

Like right now, actually.

"Anyways, dark chocolate. Definitely dark chocolate." Nodding to herself, she replied to mechanical girl. "And I suppose if we can't find anything else to eat, I won't mind you sharing them with me. It's just that when I, Kiara who always eat the same selection of meals once every week, think that when you have too much of the same thing, it's simply too much."

As the pair conversed with each other, they made their way toward the transportation awaiting them in dock 8.

Mana whips around apologetically, "N-no, no, no Nee-chan, I didn't mean it like that."

She whimpers, ". . . I thought you really liked them, that's all, so I got you s'more, y'know?" Mana looked almost dejected, "I'm not wrong, am I?" She kicks her boots almost bashfully.

". . . Hm, dark chocolate, then?"

Dark chocolate it is then. . .

. . . Hopefully, Nee-chan isn't mad. That would make Mana's heart hurt.
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Hazama let out a long, suffering sigh as the door to his office closed.

"Fucking. Finally." He let out a long growl as he stood up, walking towards his window. "Thought those kids were never going to leave."

Still, there were more pawns to be put in place. He reached out to his phone, pressing the intercom button.

"See that those orders make their way to lieutenant Yayoi." He stated. "It's of vital importance." The honey flowed too easily from his lips, but he waited not for a answer.

"Well. Only a few more things to do, then we can begin the main event." Hazama muttered. "Good. I can't wait to get out of this stuffy hole."

Then his phone beeped exactly twice. Hazama clicked his fingers. Yes.

Things were starting to look up.

Mana whips around apologetically, "N-no, no, no Nee-chan, I didn't mean it like that."

She sighs, ". . . I thought you really liked them, that's all, so I got you s'more, y'know?" Mana looked almost dejected, "I'm not wrong, am I?" She kicks her boots almost bashfully.

". . . Hm, dark chocolate, then?"

Dark chocolate it is then. . .

. . . Hopefully, Nee-chan isn't mad. That would make Mana's heart hurt.
Kiara sighed in exasperation. Picking up her pace, coming closer to her dejected fellow officer's side. She gave her another round of headpats with her gloved hand.

"Don't worry about it too much. I'll still be eating macaron, just not much as you do." She gave a kindly smile to the little girl that can probably kill her in a matter of seconds. "I can make some more alterations for today's schedule just to add in 'macaron time' on our way to Kagutsuchi."

"Beside, I'm sure you have my 'favorite, favorite flavor' somewhere in there anyway. Let's enjoy some macaron before heading out to deal 'justice' to that troublesome Major, yeah?"

Well then, if Ragna or the Major didn't do her in, macaron would probably be the one to do it.

Dying from overeating macaron was certainly a very pathetic way to go she idly thought to herself.

And Mana was happy again; Nee-chan wasn't mad at her and she had even gotten s'more head pats too!

A thought had came to her, suddenly.

"Hey, Nee-chan. . ." She fidgeted, "Umm. . ."

How was she going to ask such a question? "Er. . . Have you found someone, anyone, uh, 'special', yet?" It seemed likely, right? There's no way Nee-chan could be that busy at work. So maybe she has b-b-boyfriend, already? That would explain why not one of her 563 calls were answered.

. . .

That or she was kidnapped by aliens! No, that would be stupid. Stuuuuupid. Mana eagerly listened for a response, but, looked for deception.
The catlike creature blinked stupidly at Kira for a long moment.
Kira tilted his head to the side, smile widening just the slightest amount.

"Oh? What's wr-"
"But Shifty Eyes! You have to come with Tao!" She declared eagerly. "It's not a meal if your not there with meow!"

She eagerly began dragging him along with her, towards a well known Chinese restaurant.
The first thought Kira had was that she was surprisingly fast. Really, someone slower wouldn't be able to keep their feet moving and would end up actually being dragged along the ground.

The next thought was something on the idea of:

"Hey, hey wait, can we talk about this?!"

The answer? No. No we cannot.
"Come on, Shifty Eyes! Take a break and eat with meow! Otherwise you'll go hungry, and that wouldn't be very nice."
Well it's not like he wasn't a bit hungry. And the restaurant she dragged him to was rather nice... More to the point, that's just justification. This girl... She wasn't going to take no for an answer, was she? Well, better to walk beside her than be dragged by her. Of course, he could just get away if he resorted to force to get her off, but punching someone who's just enthusiastic in the face isn't... Yeah...

"Alright, alright, just let me go, okay? I can walk on my own, you know? I guess I was feeling a bit hungry anyway..."

Well, if he's gonna be eating with her instead of looking for Ragna, might as well ask.

"Hey, since I can't really look while we're eating... Have you seen a guy with a red coat, white hair, and a sword that looks too big for most everyone?"
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And Mana was happy again; Nee-chan wasn't mad at her and she had even gotten s'more head pats too!

A thought had came to her, suddenly.

"Hey, Nee-chan. . ." She fidgeted, "Umm. . ."

How was she going to ask such a question? "Er. . . Have you found someone, anyone, uh, 'special', yet?" It seemed likely, right? There's no way Nee-chan could be that busy at work. So maybe she has b-b-boyfriend, already? That would explain why not one of her 563 calls were answered.

. . .

That or she was kidnapped by aliens! No, that would be stupid. Stuuuuupid. Mana eagerly listened for a response, but, looked for deception.
Kiara's whole body suddenly came to a halt. Her cheeks were redder than before, like a tomato actually. Her hand froze above Mana's flowing golden hair. Her lips quivered ever slightly.

"W-w-what?!? N-no, I-I'm not in a relationship if that's what you meant." She stuttered in response. "They are all too scrawny for my taste."

That, and they were missing a certain criteria Kiara looks for in her ideal man. Of course, she would never tell a living soul what that trait is. Even she knew that it'd certainly spell out the end of her normal life should anybody finds out. It is simply way too out there.

Dammit, Mana, such a nosey, creepy little girl you were.

"Anyways, let's get going or there won't be enough time for macaron." Trying to escape from that line of conversation, Kiara rushed ahead to dock 8.

Mana nearly lept up in joy; she was soooooo happy! Nee-chan was still hers and. . .

Her smile suddenly became clipped.

So, if she has no boyfriend? Then why wasn't any of her calls answered? Mana made an effort to call when Nee-chan wasn't too busy, was she busy then?

Not liking this chain thought; Mana shook her head, "Okay, let's get going, then!" Turning to lead Nee-chan to the airship, and then, the passenger seats. She wondered if Nee-chan would object if she fed her macron.
Linhua groaned.

"Those ninjas came barging in a short while ago." She answered. "No doubt their boss got hurt again. The Doctor left me in charge of the clinic while she went and found out what was going on." She let out a small huff. "It's Shishigami. I'll be impressed if he let's her back before about lunch time." She hummed, pouring more tea.
"Ah, I see... Maybe if we're lucky they're overreacting, but I suppose even then it might take a bit. Still, good thing I have the leisre to wait about this time—and the tea helps marvelously," Amane finished as he offered his cup after Linhua poured herself more and received another helping. "Thank you."
"So why are you back in Kagutsuchi, Amane? You're a bit late to catch Christmas." She noted.
"Hmm?" the dancer hummed behind her tea, "For you of course!"

The flamboyant man chuckled at his own dramatic phrasing and the response it elicited. "While it is true, we did just have our midnight holiday show to cap off the tour—I sent you and the doctor invitations, but I expected you might be busy or in need of rest for your training. I just finished scheduling the troupe's next surprise vacation and sorting through some accounting and scheduling for next year, so I figured I'd stop by to check in with you and Litche—my #1 to-be-talent and the best doctor around teaching her."

The fighting dancer paused for another sip of tea. "In general though, I suppose you could call this my me time: staying healthy, relaxed, and most importantly inspired in my work; a worldwide stage doesn't build itself, after all! Not to mention that Kagutsuchi has a lot of talent to look into these days, though you're still the main attraction on that front~!"
"You look lost."

Walking through the street behind Cloelia was a young woman, covered in a N.O.L. mantle, though black in colour as worn by those of the Intelligence Division. Hanging around behind her form was a giant tail, much like that of a squirrels. Contrary to her declaration of Cloelia's look, the girl looked rather confused herself, her eyes looking rather quizzical and befuddled at her surrounding.

"Really lost, actually. Can I help you?"

Cloelia turned her head towards the other woman, riding in her direction while slowing down. She took note of the black uniform, wondering if the young bestkin and herself were in the same boat. Was her new interlocutor searching for a path out of Orient Town, or was she confused by something else ? Either way, the demolition expert wasn't displeased by this meeting : she would rather admit being lost and asking her way to a fellow military than a civilian or vigilante.

Smiling politely at the squirrel-girl, she lowered her head and torso in an imitation of a bow. Performing a military salute with a pair of boots or a wine glass in her hand wouldn't be practical, or even impressive for a first meeting.

" Good morning. Could you tell me the way to the N.O.L. Headquarters, please ? "

She paused for a few seconds, before handing out her glass to the intelligence agent. Half of the wine had already been drinked, and she offered another smile as an apology.

" Are you alright ? Something seems to be bothering you. Perhaps a drink would raise you spirits ? "
The Major raised his head, looking like he had huge bags under his eyes. He motioned to the seat to his desk.

"Come in. Sit. Skip the formalities, I have a meeting with Clover in about fifteen minutes." Tatakai declared. He tossed a trio of pictures on the desk for examination.

"I'm going to assume you know enough about the Sheol Gate." He declared. "You have the security clearance. If you didn't before, you do now. At 0055 hours this morning, that thing blew out of the Sheol Gate. All indications are that it comes direct from the Boundary."

Upon the face of the photos, in black and white, was a little girl surrounded in ethereal, black swords.
I stomp down on my knee/jerk reaction of starting cursing and running in circles while waving my arms in panic.

Instead I make to grab the photos and burnt he image into my mind, partly to conceal the way my face paled at the mention of the boundary and partly because of necessity.

Appearances can be deceiving, who would guess such a girl would come from the boundary and kill trained men from the most esteemed knights of the blue flame?

Sitting down I ask the Major for clarification.

"Exactly what are my orders and do I have any backup for this? because as capable as I am if this one killed several of your men I believe just dispatching me is a little too cruel" said in a deadpan tone of course, trying to garner some pity from the Major is one thing but my reputation does not quite allow me to do the puppy dog eyes.

So its a 50/50 between him thinking this a joke and him reconsidering giving me some meatshields.

....Not like Im confident about my chances even then but every little bit counts right?

...I choose to ignore the comment about Relius, if what the head grumbled about and the rumors had any merit to them I wanted nothing to do with the Mad Puppeteer.
I stomp down on my knee/jerk reaction of starting cursing and running in circles while waving my arms in panic.

Instead I make to grab the photos and burnt he image into my mind, partly to conceal the way my face paled at the mention of the boundary and partly because of necessity.

Appearances can be deceiving, who would guess such a girl would come from the boundary and kill trained men from the most esteemed knights of the blue flame?

Sitting down I ask the Major for clarification.

"Exactly what are my orders and do I have any backup for this? because as capable as I am if this one killed several of your men I believe just dispatching me is a little too cruel" said in a deadpan tone of course, trying to garner some pity from the Major is one thing but my reputation does not quite allow me to do the puppy dog eyes.

So its a 50/50 between him thinking this a joke and him reconsidering giving me some meatshields.

....Not like Im confident about my chances even then but every little bit counts right?

...I choose to ignore the comment about Relius, if what the head grumbled about and the rumors had any merit to them I wanted nothing to do with the Mad Puppeteer.
"Orders are simple. Elimination." The Major answered. "Clover... has given down a edict, some experiment or another, but I'm not about to leave that thing wandering Kagutsuchi. Unfortunately, that means this one is going to have to be on the hush hush. Your support is anyone you can trust, but no one more." He paused, before producing a thin, blue card.

It was a access card, bearing the seal of the Librarium. There was only one area sealed by a Ars requiring a card to unlock. Normally, the knowledge of how to break Ars of a security level was handed out every month or so.

"This'll get you into the Ars Armagus section of the library." The Major stated. "Take what you need, try not to be suspicious."

He produced a second document. A small letter.

"Orders of support." He explained. "Give them only to those you can trust. If the higher ups catch wind of this, the Wings of Justice might be after us next."

Of course, the letter looked like complete gibberish. Without the right Ars, it would remain so.

"Code is 973. Take a copy from the library."
Cloelia turned her head towards the other woman, riding in her direction while slowing down. She took note of the black uniform, wondering if the young bestkin and herself were in the same boat. Was her new interlocutor searching for a path out of Orient Town, or was she confused by something else ? Either way, the demolition expert wasn't displeased by this meeting : she would rather admit being lost and asking her way to a fellow military than a civilian or vigilante.

Smiling politely at the squirrel-girl, she lowered her head and torso in an imitation of a bow. Performing a military salute with a pair of boots or a wine glass in her hand wouldn't be practical, or even impressive for a first meeting.

" Good morning. Could you tell me the way to the N.O.L. Headquarters, please ? "

She paused for a few seconds, before handing out her glass to the intelligence agent. Half of the wine had already been drinked, and she offered another smile as an apology.

" Are you alright ? Something seems to be bothering you. Perhaps a drink would raise you spirits ? "
"Uh... N.O.L. Headquarters?" The squirrel looked confused for a moment, glancing about. "Right, right... uh, yeah. I think I might'a hit my head somewhere around here. Was sure that this branch was..." She shook her head, somewhat confused.

"Hey, this is gonna sound really stupid, but what year is it?"

"Ah, I see... Maybe if we're lucky they're overreacting, but I suppose even then it might take a bit. Still, good thing I have the leisre to wait about this time—and the tea helps marvelously," Amane finished as he offered his cup after Linhua poured herself more and received another helping. "Thank you.""Hmm?" the dancer hummed behind her tea, "For you of course!"

The flamboyant man chuckled at his own dramatic phrasing and the response it elicited. "While it is true, we did just have our midnight holiday show to cap off the tour—I sent you and the doctor invitations, but I expected you might be busy or in need of rest for your training. I just finished scheduling the troupe's next surprise vacation and sorting through some accounting and scheduling for next year, so I figured I'd stop by to check in with you and Litche—my #1 to-be-talent and the best doctor around teaching her."

The fighting dancer paused for another sip of tea. "In general though, I suppose you could call this my me time: staying healthy, relaxed, and most importantly inspired in my work; a worldwide stage doesn't build itself, after all! Not to mention that Kagutsuchi has a lot of talent to look into these days, though you're still the main attraction on that front~!"
Linhua turned a little red at the praise.

"Uh, right, thanks Amane." She mumbled, pouring another cup. "It's still gonna be another six months before I'm considered finished, though." The girl paused for a moment, thinking as she glanced at the clock. "Odd. The Doctor said she'd be back half a hour ago..."

She was about to open her mouth to continue, when there was a knock on the door.


Linhua practically jumped out of her skin.

Kira tilted his head to the side, smile widening just the slightest amount.

"Oh? What's wr-"

The first thought Kira had was that she was surprisingly fast. Really, someone slower wouldn't be able to keep their feet moving and would end up actually being dragged along the ground.

The next thought was something on the idea of:

"Hey, hey wait, can we talk about this?!"

The answer? No. No we cannot.

Well it's not like he wasn't a bit hungry. And the restaurant she dragged him to was rather nice... More to the point, that's just justification. This girl... She wasn't going to take no for an answer, was she? Well, better to walk beside her than be dragged by her. Of course, he could just get away if he resorted to force to get her off, but punching someone who's just enthusiastic in the face isn't... Yeah...

"Alright, alright, just let me go, okay? I can walk on my own, you know? I guess I was feeling a bit hungry anyway..."

Well, if he's gonna be eating with her instead of looking for Ragna, might as well ask.

"Hey, since I can't really look while we're eating... Have you seen a guy with a red coat, white hair, and a sword that looks too big for most everyone?"

"You mean Good Guy? Yeah, Tao was talking to him about a hour ago! He was real grumpy, meow!" The cat-like creature answered, letting Kira walk. "He was gonna feed Meow, but he saw something and ran off! Tao is so hungry..."

Another rumble of the stomach.

"Wait! Your not trying to ditch Meow, right!?"
"You mean Good Guy? Yeah, Tao was talking to him about a hour ago! He was real grumpy, meow!" The cat-like creature answered, letting Kira walk. "He was gonna feed Meow, but he saw something and ran off! Tao is so hungry..."
Wait what.

"Wow, that's pretty surprising~ I didn't think you've actually seen him. Hm... Well, where'd he run off to, again?"
Another rumble of the stomach.

"Wait! Your not trying to ditch Meow, right!?"
Right. Evaluate the circumstances. Ragna. Food and happy cat-void-person. Ragna? Tao. It was an hour ago that she saw him, after all. He's probably in that direction, but not nearby.

"Ah, well that's... Hm..."

He looked at his wallet, then the restaurant, then back to his wallet... The next second, he was half the street away, in the directions of where Tao said Ragna had gone, with a few bills fluttering in the air where he used to be.

"How about this: I'll eat with you if you can catch me!"

Well, unless Tao was running after him at high speeds or had keen, catlike hearing, Kira was too far away to hear by the time he said "if".
"Wow, that's pretty surprising~ I didn't think you've actually seen him. Hm... Well, where'd he run off to, again?"
"Uh... Near the clocky-big-thingy, Shifty ey-"

Right. Evaluate the circumstances. Ragna. Food and happy cat-void-person. Ragna? Tao. It was an hour ago that she saw him, after all. He's probably in that direction, but not nearby.

"Ah, well that's... Hm..."

He looked at his wallet, then the restaurant, then back to his wallet... The next second, he was half the street away, in the directions of where Tao said Ragna had gone, with a few bills fluttering in the air where he used to be.

"How about this: I'll eat with you if you can catch me!"

Well, unless Tao was running after him at high speeds or had keen, catlike hearing, Kira was too far away to hear by the time he said "if".
"W-wait! Come back Shifty Eyes!"

Yet Tao was no match for Kira's speed, simply looking down sadly.

"You never ate with Tao, Meow..."

Even so, she started gathering up the money left behind, only for realisation to hit.

"How does Tao use this?"

The flight was largely uneventful.

But, Mana took every available opportunity to learn of her Nee-chan's various exploits. . . while feeding her dark chocolate macron, and yes, it did involve alot of 'choo choo's,' and various onomatopoeias best left unsaid for the sanity of others.

Eventually they had made it to Kagutsuchi's local NOL branch.

More specifically; one of its hangar bays.

Eager to move roll, Mana, was the first one out, ironically stretching out her mechanical limbs. Stifling a slight yawn, "Nee-chan! Come out, already~ you need to stretch; less you get too stiff!"

She rubs her eyes; glancing around the bay area. Its oddly. . . vacant. Hm, they should probably meet and greet the local chain of command. To avoid. . .

. . . Whatever.

Now, Mana has a headache. And aren't these fools in cahoots with Sector Seven rejects?

Might as well not involve them.
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"Orders are simple. Elimination." The Major answered. "Clover... has given down a edict, some experiment or another, but I'm not about to leave that thing wandering Kagutsuchi. Unfortunately, that means this one is going to have to be on the hush hush. Your support is anyone you can trust, but no one more." He paused, before producing a thin, blue card.

It was a access card, bearing the seal of the Librarium. There was only one area sealed by a Ars requiring a card to unlock. Normally, the knowledge of how to break Ars of a security level was handed out every month or so.

"This'll get you into the Ars Armagus section of the library." The Major stated. "Take what you need, try not to be suspicious."

He produced a second document. A small letter.

"Orders of support." He explained. "Give them only to those you can trust. If the higher ups catch wind of this, the Wings of Justice might be after us next."

Of course, the letter looked like complete gibberish. Without the right Ars, it would remain so.

"Code is 973. Take a copy from the library."

Well something is something, the bad thing are the key words "anyone I can trust"

That Quickly gets rid of most prospects that can actually do something in this kind of situation..might have more chances hoping for one of the six heroes to appear and help with this situation.

...Cant say that Im too happy about needing to kill what appears to be a girl but ...well boundary fuckery is bad for everyone involved.

Granted Im most likely to be turned to splurge than kill anything that came out of there on my lonesome.

Sighing silently I salute the Major, then leave one last quip after pocketing everything.

Hey he´s sending me to almost certain death, might as well enjoy some much desired insubordination.

"I shall try not to die too quickly and leave as little of a mess as possible, best of luck to you too Major...something tells me we both are going to need it"

That done I turn on my heel and march to get ready, first get copies of the support orders and then the armory! at least I can enjoy myself with the Armagus until I meet my untimely and miserable death.

...Someone I can trust huh? it is times like these that I curse the head for making me a cynical wreck of social issues.

Among other things..
"Uh... N.O.L. Headquarters?" The squirrel looked confused for a moment, glancing about. "Right, right... uh, yeah. I think I might'a hit my head somewhere around here. Was sure that this branch was..." She shook her head, somewhat confused.

"Hey, this is gonna sound really stupid, but what year is it?"

" Thanks you. How kind you are to help me. "

Despite her smile and polite words, Cloelia was quite confused. The squirrel-girl didn't seem to be drunk, which wouldn't be ashtonishing considering the date. She didn't look like she was sick or getting out of a fight either, which puzzled the brunette : why was she so confused ? Or maybe that she overthought the matter ? The intelligence agent could be naturally like that, as far-fetched as it sounded.

In the worst case, helping a fellow N.O.L. member in trouble would be a better excuse for being late than admitting that she was lost in Orient Town and unable able to find the way by herself.

" It's December 25, 2199. I hope everything's okay ? If you're not feeling well, surely there must be a clinic or an hospital nearby where we could take you ? "
Linhua turned a little red at the praise.

"Uh, right, thanks Amane." She mumbled, pouring another cup. "It's still gonna be another six months before I'm considered finished, though."
"You're very welcome," Amane returned, gesturing with his cup before drinking down more, "Don't fret though, dear. I've waited awhile and I'm pleased with your progress; what is six more months when compared to either side of the spectrum?"
The girl paused for a moment, thinking as she glanced at the clock. "Odd. The Doctor said she'd be back half a hour ago..."

She was about to open her mouth to continue, when there was a knock on the door.


Linhua practically jumped out of her skin.
The dancer rose calmly from his seat, tea placed safely back with the others as he drew forth his closed operatic umbrella. "Shall I get that for you, my dear?"

The flight was largely uneventful.

But, Mana took every available opportunity to learn of her Nee-chan's various exploits. . . while feeding her dark chocolate macron, and yes, it did involve alot of 'choo choo's,' and various onomatopoeias best left unsaid for the sanity of others.

Eventually they had made it to Kagutsuchi's local NOL branch.

More specifically; one of its hangar bays.

Eager to move roll, Mana, was the first one out, ironically stretching out her mechanical limbs. Stifling a slight yawn, "Nee-chan! Come out, already~ you need to stretch; less you get too stiff!"

She rubs her eyes; glancing around the bay area. Its oddly. . . vacant. Hm, they should probably meet and greet the local chain of command. To avoid. . .

. . . Whatever.

Now, Mana has a headache. And aren't these fools in cahoots with Sector Seven rejects?

Might as well not involve them.
So many macaron, so little time. Well, at least Mana won't bug her about it now. Hopefully this was enough to satisfy the hyperactive girl. Hopefully.

Following coolly behind the energetic little girl, stretching out some kinks in her arms, Kiara looked around the empty bay area. Well, this was not suspicious at all. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming. "

"Let's go find our runaway, Mana." She said. "We should probably keep low, since this city was suppose to be in lock down and all, and especially if the local branch is cooperating with Sector Seven too. Best we don't split up if we can help it."

Walking ahead of Mana, Kiara quietly strolled out the bay.