BlazBlue: Fracture

So many macaron, so little time. Well, at least Mana won't bug her about it now. Hopefully this was enough to satisfy the hyperactive girl. Hopefully.

Following coolly behind the energetic little girl, stretching out some kinks in her arms, Kiara looked around the empty bay area. Well, this was not suspicious at all. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming. "

"Let's go find our runaway, Mana." She said. "We should probably keep low, since this city was suppose to be in lock down and all, and especially if the local branch is cooperating with Sector Seven too. Best we don't split up if we can help it."

Walking ahead of Mana, Kiara quietly strolled out the bay.
As Kiara strolled off the ship and into port, the massive clock above tolled, its bell resonating through the port.

It was now 12:00. Midday.

The crowd was hustling and bustling, but to those trained in the right arts, it was obvious that the stink of Azure was in the air. Foreboding, as if the end had arrived.

Maybe this was what it was like during the Dark War, a century ago.

However, there was one figure that stood out amongst the crowd. Most walked by her as if she was invisible, her eyes darting about in search of something, but the moment her single red eye met Kiara's, all that distance away, her lips twisted into a small snarl.

The air is thick with the magical element called Seithr. Too thick. Ars Armagus would be deployable without restraint. If it got too much thicker, it would exceed the safe limit and people wpuld no doubt start dying.

@Bondo, @Murderhobo of Nod, @Nanimani.

Mana reacted in a way that was both true and natural to her deranged state.

She resorted immediately to bloody execution.

Grabbing her lance; and shifting into a more 'predator-like' stance, wheels revving, and screeching in the pavement. Mana was about trample the fucking deviant that dared threaten to break the peace in the most bloodiest way possible.

And too add insult to injury - this bitch fucking threaten Nee-chan.

It was one thing to be a fucking criminal.

Its another to threaten Mana's one and only beloved sister.

And without a slightest bit of reservation save for an enraged screech, Mana launched herself, disappearing into a barely visible blur of supernal speed, fully intending on impaling the mad woman with her lance.
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Hum... At the Clock Tower. There are... way too many people here. No way he's going without being recognized. On the other hand, from the smell of seithr in the air... Seems Ragna waded right in and got in a fight with that Azure of his. Though, there aren't many craters, so maybe not..?
As Kiara strolled off the ship and into port, the massive clock above tolled, its bell resonating through the port.

It was now 12:00. Midday.

The crowd was hustling and bustling, but to those trained in the right arts, it was obvious that the stink of Azure was in the air. Foreboding, as if the end had arrived.

Maybe this was what it was like during the Dark War, a century ago.

However, there was one figure that stood out amongst the crowd. Most walked by her as if she was invisible, her eyes darting about in search of something, but the moment her single red eye met Kiara's, all that distance away, her lips twisted into a small snarl.

The air is thick with the magical element called Seithr. Too thick. Ars Armagus would be deployable without restraint. If it got too much thicker, it would exceed the safe limit and people wpuld no doubt start dying.

@Bondo, @Murderhobo of Nod, @Nanimani.
Ooh, now that's a scary lady~ Who ties a sword to the end of their pigtail, anyway?

...Urg, this is a bit of a pain. She's glaring at... Fuck, two people in NOL uniforms. Okay. This is a problem. It'd be best to skirt the edge of the cloud and look for a trail like the one Ragna would have left, but...

If they start a fight, the Seithr's going to increase to the point that all these civilians start dying. This... This isn't something he can ignore, much as he wants to. From the sword girl's expression, convincing her to not start a fight probably isn't going to help. So...

Mana reacted in a way that was both true and natural to her deranged state.


Grabbing her lance; she shifted into a more 'predator-like' stance, her wheels revving, and screeching. Mana was about trample the deviant that dare threaten to break the peace in the most bloodiest way possible.

And too add insult to injury - this bitch fucking threaten Nee-chan.

It was one thing to be a fucking criminal.

Its another to threaten Mana's one and only beloved sister.

And without a slightest bit a reservation save for enraged growl, Mana launched herself, disappearing into a barely visible blur of supernal speed, fully intending on impaling the mad woman with her lance.
Oh for fucking!

Okay, point thereandthereandthereandthere!

The girl's charge began to slow, as gravity decided to stop the 'pull everyone to the ground' and started pulling her backwards instead. Well, by that point, she was already pretty much at sword girl. Another couple of points, and gravity was in the opposite direction for her, to get them falling away from each other. Wouldn't stop this clash, but most would fall apart from each other after that. With people at the level of those two, though, gravity probably won't be enough to stop them. Gauntlet girl definitely has the strength to run up walls, at least.

Well, best to think of that later. Actually... Oh, this is gonna be bad, isn't it? Well apart from the seithr from their fight, using his own Drive like that's gonna make it more dangerous. So he has to leave, get past the edges of the cloud. But just leaving them faces the same problem, so...

"Hey, there! I see you're having a fight! I also see that someone seems to be interfering with it! Hey, come follow me and maybe they'll stop! It'll also keep all these nice people from dying from the seithr in the air~"

And a jump backwards, onto a roof, just to make sure they see him as well as hear him. Hopefully at least one of them will be either annoyed enough to chase him or mindful enough of the civilians to follow him to a place where they won't die as collateral damage.
As Kiara strolled off the ship and into port, the massive clock above tolled, its bell resonating through the port.

It was now 12:00. Midday.

The crowd was hustling and bustling, but to those trained in the right arts, it was obvious that the stink of Azure was in the air. Foreboding, as if the end had arrived.

Maybe this was what it was like during the Dark War, a century ago.

However, there was one figure that stood out amongst the crowd. Most walked by her as if she was invisible, her eyes darting about in search of something, but the moment her single red eye met Kiara's, all that distance away, her lips twisted into a small snarl.

The air is thick with the magical element called Seithr. Too thick. Ars Armagus would be deployable without restraint. If it got too much thicker, it would exceed the safe limit and people wpuld no doubt start dying.

@Bondo, @Murderhobo of Nod, @Nanimani.

Mana reacted in a way that was both true and natural to her deranged state.


Grabbing her lance; she shifted into a more 'predator-like' stance, her wheels revving, and screeching. Mana was about trample the deviant that dare threaten to break the peace in the most bloodiest way possible.

And too add insult to injury - this bitch fucking threaten Nee-chan.

It was one thing to be a fucking criminal.

Its another to threaten Mana's one and only beloved sister.

And without a slightest bit a reservation save for enraged growl, Mana launched herself, disappearing into a barely visible blur of supernal speed, fully intending on impaling the mad woman with her lance.

So much for a quiet stroll. The moment her eyes met that girl's singular crimson eye, she had a feeling that things were about to go FUBAR. Seeing Mana already in action, Kiara shouted to the crowd to evacuate.

"Everybody move away from this area. There is a terrorist on the loose! This is not a drill!" Making her voice loud and clear, she hoped the civilians would clear the area so that they won't be a hindrance in the fight.

Reaching for her boomerang, she contemplated for a second whether to use her Drive or not. Of course not, there may be some civilians out and about. Bringing Glimmering Breeze to her forefront, her body settled into her stance, ready for action.

Oh for fucking!

Okay, point thereandthereandthereandthere!

The girl's charge began to slow, as gravity decided to stop the 'pull everyone to the ground' and started pulling her backwards instead. Well, by that point, she was already pretty much at sword girl. Another couple of points, and gravity was in the opposite direction for her, to get them falling away from each other. Wouldn't stop this clash, but most would fall apart from each other after that. With people at the level of those two, though, gravity probably won't be enough to stop them. Gauntlet girl definitely has the strength to run up walls, at least.

Well, best to think of that later. Actually... Oh, this is gonna be bad, isn't it? Well apart from the seithr from their fight, using his own Drive like that's gonna make it more dangerous. So he has to leave, get past the edges of the cloud. But just leaving them faces the same problem, so...

"Hey, there! I see you're having a fight! I also see that someone seems to be interfering with it! Hey, come follow me and maybe they'll stop! It'll also keep all these nice people from dying from the seithr in the air~"

And a jump backwards, onto a roof, just to make sure they see him as well as hear him. Hopefully at least one of them will be either annoyed enough to chase him or mindful enough of the civilians to follow him to a place where they won't die as collateral damage.
Suddenly, she saw Mana and the suspected terrorist slowly inching away from each other. Looking around to see what could have caused this, she found...Captain Hazama?!?

What is he doing here? No matter, looks like he might be able to help with this mess.

"Mana! While I will go after Captain Hazama, you lead the suspect to us! You got that?!"

Power in number! Now if they can gang up on her they might come out on top. Deciding to follow Hazama's lead, she leapt after him with boomerang in hand.

Hopefully Mana wasn't too justice-crazed to hear her.
"Finally, I made it to one of the NOL branches and just when you and your sorry ass started getting heavy." Fred said to unconscious target that he was dragging.

He went through the doors and made his way to the entrance desk. A few years ago, many NOL officers would be wondering why a little girl was dragging an unconscious man through the door. Right now, they barely bat an eye as he went to the secretary at the desk.

"Hey Mary, got another bounty today. How soon can I get my payment?" Fred asked the secretary.
"You're very welcome," Amane returned, gesturing with his cup before drinking down more, "Don't fret though, dear. I've waited awhile and I'm pleased with your progress; what is six more months when compared to either side of the spectrum?"The dancer rose calmly from his seat, tea placed safely back with the others as he drew forth his closed operatic umbrella. "Shall I get that for you, my dear?"
Linhua nodded hesitantly.



Then a sudden rash rang out, as if the door had been torn straight off its hinges.

"S-somebody... D-doctor..."

The voice that rung out was one of a young man, probably no more then a boy.

" Thanks you. How kind you are to help me. "

Despite her smile and polite words, Cloelia was quite confused. The squirrel-girl didn't seem to be drunk, which wouldn't be ashtonishing considering the date. She didn't look like she was sick or getting out of a fight either, which puzzled the brunette : why was she so confused ? Or maybe that she overthought the matter ? The intelligence agent could be naturally like that, as far-fetched as it sounded.

In the worst case, helping a fellow N.O.L. member in trouble would be a better excuse for being late than admitting that she was lost in Orient Town and unable able to find the way by herself.

" It's December 25, 2199. I hope everything's okay ? If you're not feeling well, surely there must be a clinic or an hospital nearby where we could take you ? "
"Wait, Christmas? But that was a w-"

The Squirrel girl shook her head in confusion.

"Damn it! I dunno what's going on, but we're finding out! Come on!"

With that, she grabbed Cloelia by the hand and began marching up the street.

"Sorry. I need to borrow you. My clearance doesn't work in Kagutsuchi."
Linhua nodded hesitantly.



Then a sudden rash rang out, as if the door had been torn straight off its hinges.

"S-somebody... D-doctor..."

The voice that rung out was one of a young man, probably no more then a boy.
Amane looked back at Linhua at that. "On second thought, it sounds like you're needed. Come on 'Doc', let's see what's going on."
"Wait, Christmas? But that was a w-"

The Squirrel girl shook her head in confusion.

"Damn it! I dunno what's going on, but we're finding out! Come on!"

With that, she grabbed Cloelia by the hand and began marching up the street.

"Sorry. I need to borrow you. My clearance doesn't work in Kagutsuchi."

Cloelia blinked as she was carried away by the Bestkin. She struggled to maintain her balance on the skates, and her grip on the boots and glass.

" I'd be glad to help you, but would you mind explaining what you need me to do ? "

She hasn't expected any of this, and wasn't sure what to think about the squirrel-girl. But she was wearing an uniform of the N.O.L., and in her opinion it was enough to give the intelligence agent the benefit of the doubt.

And she has forgotten to introduce herself. Despite the strange circumstances, she wouldn't be called rude.

" Cloelia Scaevola, Warrant officier. Pleased to meet you. "
Amane looked back at Linhua at that. "On second thought, it sounds like you're needed. Come on 'Doc', let's see what's going on."

Linhua's lips set in a thin line as she began moving towards the door. However, the entrance had two things in it, both garbed in purple.

The smaller of the two, a boy, was covered head to toe in bruises, burns and blood. His body practically dripped Azure.


The boy sounded pitiful, yet as Linhua reached out to him, the taller figure, a female doll, swung its blood soaked arm, nails bare.
Well something is something, the bad thing are the key words "anyone I can trust"

That Quickly gets rid of most prospects that can actually do something in this kind of situation..might have more chances hoping for one of the six heroes to appear and help with this situation.

...Cant say that Im too happy about needing to kill what appears to be a girl but ...well boundary fuckery is bad for everyone involved.

Granted Im most likely to be turned to splurge than kill anything that came out of there on my lonesome.

Sighing silently I salute the Major, then leave one last quip after pocketing everything.

Hey he´s sending me to almost certain death, might as well enjoy some much desired insubordination.

"I shall try not to die too quickly and leave as little of a mess as possible, best of luck to you too Major...something tells me we both are going to need it"

That done I turn on my heel and march to get ready, first get copies of the support orders and then the armory! at least I can enjoy myself with the Armagus until I meet my untimely and miserable death.

...Someone I can trust huh? it is times like these that I curse the head for making me a cynical wreck of social issues.

Among other things..
The Major leans back in his seat, sighing.

"Well. That went well." He muttered drearily. Yet there was no rest for the wicked.

Time to see what Clover wanted.


The armoury was actually fairly empty, all things considered, despite being filled to the teeth with equipment. A man sat by a counter in the centre, the one who kept stick no doubt. He looked half asleep, a bubbling pipe sticking out of his mouth.

A children's toy. Cute.

Linhua's lips set in a thin line as she began moving towards the door. However, the entrance had two things in it, both garbed in purple.

The smaller of the two, a boy, was covered head to toe in bruises, burns and blood. His body practically dripped Azure.


The boy sounded pitiful, yet as Linhua reached out to him, the taller figure, a female doll, swung its blood soaked arm, nails bare.
"Whoa there...!"

And just like that, Amane seemed to vanish and reappear behind both boy and doll—neither able to follow or see the light but effective flourish he made towards the boy with the scarf up his sleeve as he traveled. The two collapsed quietly but calmly to the ground as if both dolls being lowered to the ground.

"There you are, Linhua—now you can treat the patient without his Nox striking out to defend him. It is a rather faithful one I must say, though it's a shame that it would keep help from its master in the dire time of need." Shifting the pair together for the doctor-in-training using his fabrics while making them a dual-stretcher, he waited at the other side while he observed the boy. "Truly a shame... Such a talented youth in his prime..." the dancer paused and looked Linhua directly in the eye with a melancholy smile, "I seem to find some of the brightest talent around here... Well, shall we?"
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Kliff rubbed his craggy temples, quietly groaning to himself in frustration. Things could never be easy, could they? So the AWOL Major was looking for one of adoptive siblings from the Kisaragi family and beat down a civilian something fierce for getting in his way. Under different circumstances he might have chalked it up to self-defense against an irate Ikarguan that had a bone to pick with him, but the woman's urgent tone made it clear that he got much more than just roughed up by the brat. Speaking of which...

"Thanks." The dwarfish veteran replied gruffly. "Give the lady your shirt, sonny. Don't let your C.O. down when he needs you." Kliff would have remained to provide help, but he'd be little more than a bystander in the scheme of things. There wasn't much an old hand with a sword could do to fix a battered body; the Major General always relied on field medics for that sort of thing.

Having gotten that out of the way, the diminutive elder set off toward the Train Station with the intent of smacking some sense into the renegade soldier if he hadn't gone far. "When I get my hands on that little bastard, I'll wring his neck like a..." His speech trailed off into incomprehensible irate grumbles while he marched as quickly as his stumpy legs could carry him.
Minutes stretched, until soon enough, the train station came into view, empty of the very thing that gave it it's name.

It was fairly obvious the Hero of Ikaruga had already passed through here. If the small spikes of ice didn't give it away, then it was the several bodies being tended to by medics.

At first glance, one would assume they were all N.O.L., but a second glance showed that most weren't. Clearly someone had requisitioned aid.

Yet no sooner did Kliff arrive, then the scurrying increase five-fold. Operatives in black uniforms were rapidly moving through the scene.

"Alright, tag what you need and bag it." A voice rang out. Male. Definitely male. "I want train lines 7 through 18 locked down. If anything keeps moving, then we'll have a location." The orders were direct and curt, for a man who was wearing half a mask. With the N.O.L. Intelligence Division mantle and the mask combined, identification would be a dream.

"I'm only saying this once. Civilians out of the area. If you're injured, report to a doctor."
"Whoa there...!"

And just like that, Amane seemed to vanish and reappear behind both boy and doll—neither able to follow or see the light but effective flourish he made towards the boy with the scarf up his sleeve as he traveled. The two collapsed quietly but calmly to the ground as if both dolls being lowered to the ground.

"There you are, Linhua—now you can treat the patient without his Nox striking out to defend him. It is a rather faithful one I must say, though it's a shame that it would keep help from its master in the dire time of need." Shifting the pair together for the doctor-in-training using his fabrics while making them a dual-stretcher, he waited at the other side while he observed the boy. "Truly a shame... Such a talented youth in his prime..." the dancer paused and looked Linhua directly in the eye with a melancholy smile, "I seem to find some of the brightest talent around here... Well, shall we?"

Linhua stood in shock and awe at the incredible feat of speed and grace, until the dancer met her eyes and spoke flattery again that made her avert her gaze with growing color in her cheeks as she finally replied. "R-Right..."

Together the two of them carried their new charge and his defense into the clinic—Amane's fabric locking the door behind them—and laid the pair out for treatment properly. Dancer and doctor moved about the clinic preparing to deal with the Azure about them, the subtlest of indications from the apprentice leading her current helper to things that needed doing. The two of them swirled about one another in that space like intricate choreography as they worked to treat the blond child...

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The armoury was actually fairly empty, all things considered, despite being filled to the teeth with equipment. A man sat by a counter in the centre, the one who kept stick no doubt. He looked half asleep, a bubbling pipe sticking out of his mouth.

A children's toy. Cute.
I take a good look around, a little surprised at the lack of people around..even if its a festive with the clusterfuck aproaching one would think more people would be here trying to get a little extra survival insurance considering the volume of the threat that approached.

On all sides.

Harrumphing a little at not finding any convenient meatshield around for me to kidnap I stride towards the quartermaster.

"Greetings" I hail him and wait for him to gather his wits about him before proceeding.

"I am in need of some equipment , something that packs a really good punch to it would be nice, what do you have in stock?"

Shame on me for not having passed by here and looked trough our stock earlier when I had the time, then I could have just rattled off a list of things and leave but I WAS taking it easy before...all this happened.

Sigh, my poor vacation is ruined...

Linhua stood in shock and awe at the incredible feat of speed and grace, until the dancer met her eyes and spoke flattery again that made her avert her gaze with growing color in her cheeks as she finally replied. "R-Right..."

Together the two of them carried their new charge and his defense into the clinic—Amane's fabric locking the door behind them—and laid the pair out for treatment properly. Dancer and doctor moved about the clinic preparing to deal with the Azure about them, the subtlest of indications from the apprentice leading her current helper to things that needed doing. The two of them swirled about one another in that space like intricate choreography as they worked to treat the blond child...


Linhua stepped out from the medical room as Amane set a fresh set of tea out on the table. "Well, he should be fine with some rest... I haven't seen such a heavy concentration of Blue forced upon a person before..." With a tired sigh, she slumped into the opposite chair.

"Well. good thing you still knew what to do despite the concentration..." Amane returned as she poured the girl a cup of tea. "How does that happen to a poor child like that...?"


Was it just her imagination?

Or was her target, slowly, but surely, being m-, no, pulled away from her? And why was she moving backwards, instead of forwards!? Really? What the hell is this? She should of skewered her seconds ago. .

Naturally, Mana struggled, but, it felt like gravity was fighting against her. What is this? Enraged, she struggled against the tugging sensation unaware of the fact that her dear captain was the one doing it, himself.
"Finally, I made it to one of the NOL branches and just when you and your sorry ass started getting heavy." Fred said to unconscious target that he was dragging.

He went through the doors and made his way to the entrance desk. A few years ago, many NOL officers would be wondering why a little girl was dragging an unconscious man through the door. Right now, they barely bat an eye as he went to the secretary at the desk.

"Hey Mary, got another bounty today. How soon can I get my payment?" Fred asked the secretary.
The secretary just rolled her eyes, punching some figures into the computer before producing a small, silver card.

"Six hours to clear as usual." She tapped a few more keys, as a burly man took the criminal away. "There's a few bounties, but it is Christmas day..."

She paused, thinking to herself.

"... Have you seen the alert?" She finally asked. "The Grim Reaper is in Kagutsuchi?"

Was it just her imagination?

Or was her target, slowly, but surely, being m-, no, pulled away from her? And why was she moving backwards, instead of forwards!? Really? What the hell is this? She should of skewered her seconds ago. .

Naturally, Mana struggled, but, it felt like gravity was fighting against her. What is this? Enraged, she struggled against the tugging sensation unaware of the fact that her dear captain was the one doing it, himself.
It was as if the girl had finally realised that someone had tried to attack her, for the very first time her gaze falling upon Mana.

"Who are you?"
"Loading. Loading."

Her eye blinked. And then it activated in a instant, a sudden convergence of gravity to a singular point that dragged Mana straight down.

Ars Armagus: Gravity Seed.
It was as if the girl had finally realised that someone had tried to attack her, for the very first time her gaze falling upon Mana.

"Who are you?"
"Loading. Loading."

Her eye blinked. And then it activated in a instant, a sudden convergence of gravity to a singular point that dragged Mana straight down.

Ars Armagus: Gravity Seed.
Gah, she can as well? Tch, trying to overpower that's useless. Even if he could, the seithr his Drive it produces would tip the scale and kill the civilians. And, of course, there's the issue that he couldn't overpower it, even if he tried. Annoyed, Kira let his gravity stop.

But still, that doesn't solve the problem. It would have been nice to not have to do this, but... Well, he can take a small case of siethr poisoning. A second, and he was in one of the more concentrated areas that wasn't directly next to where they were going to fight, somewhere between them and the majority of civilians. Normally, he'd be worried about being recognized, but the only NOL around seem to have a case of mistaken identity. Still, as he sighed, he reflected on how much this was gonna hurt.

"I'm not gonna stop you, am I? Well, just try to finish it up quick, okay~? I'd hate to start coughing up blood~"

And the next deep breath he took, more than air entered his body, eyes opening as he focused. As an Ars user who spends time under the layer of Seithr sometimes, his resistance is far above a normal person's. Yet, everything has its limits, and he was doing more than simply breathing in slight amounts. He was drawing in more, the air becoming notably less heavy as he breathed in, seithr sinking through every pore.

The nice feeling of breathing in near-instantly changed to pricks of pain, which rapidly became less minor than just pricks. Sweat coated his body, and if his eyes were closed, he might have thought it was blood instead. The pain moved from his skin, deeper, until each beat of his heart felt as though the blood it was pumping in had decided to become nails today. The pain in his arms started to fade, replaced with an odd numbness-

And that's enough. It... It might get worse. If they're going to fight. But for now, it's safe. People aren't going to die from the seithr, though they may feel ill if they stay too long. Kira stopped absorbing more seithr than one does from simply being in the cloud... and collapsed onto his knees, only barely stopping himself from faceplanting with quickly moving his hands to support his falling torso.

...Huh. His hands are bleeding. Must've rubbed them against the ground in his haste to stop himself. Weird seeing that and not feeling it at all.
The secretary just rolled her eyes, punching some figures into the computer before producing a small, silver card.

"Six hours to clear as usual." She tapped a few more keys, as a burly man took the criminal away. "There's a few bounties, but it is Christmas day..."

She paused, thinking to herself.

"... Have you seen the alert?" She finally asked. "The Grim Reaper is in Kagutsuchi?"
Fred just stared at her as if she had grown multiple heads. "What."
Fred just stared at her as if she had grown multiple heads. "What."
"The Grim Reaper? Ragna the Bloodedge?" The secretary was gobsmacked, hurriedly reaching behind her desk and showing a rather badly drawn post. "The SS-Rank Super Criminal who would set anyone for life! Just look at that bounty!"

Indeed... that was a lot of 0's...

Gah, she can as well? Tch, trying to overpower that's useless. Even if he could, the seithr his Drive it produces would tip the scale and kill the civilians. And, of course, there's the issue that he couldn't overpower it, even if he tried. Annoyed, Kira let his gravity stop.

But still, that doesn't solve the problem. It would have been nice to not have to do this, but... Well, he can take a small case of siethr poisoning. A second, and he was in one of the more concentrated areas that wasn't directly next to where they were going to fight, somewhere between them and the majority of civilians. Normally, he'd be worried about being recognized, but the only NOL around seem to have a case of mistaken identity. Still, as he sighed, he reflected on how much this was gonna hurt.

"I'm not gonna stop you, am I? Well, just try to finish it up quick, okay~? I'd hate to start coughing up blood~"

And the next deep breath he took, more than air entered his body, eyes opening as he focused. As an Ars user who spends time under the layer of Seithr sometimes, his resistance is far above a normal person's. Yet, everything has its limits, and he was doing more than simply breathing in slight amounts. He was drawing in more, the air becoming notably less heavy as he breathed in, seithr sinking through every pore.

The nice feeling of breathing in near-instantly changed to pricks of pain, which rapidly became less minor than just pricks. Sweat coated his body, and if his eyes were closed, he might have thought it was blood instead. The pain moved from his skin, deeper, until each beat of his heart felt as though the blood it was pumping in had decided to become nails today. The pain in his arms started to fade, replaced with an odd numbness-

And that's enough. It... It might get worse. If they're going to fight. But for now, it's safe. People aren't going to die from the seithr, though they may feel ill if they stay too long. Kira stopped absorbing more seithr than one does from simply being in the cloud... and collapsed onto his knees, only barely stopping himself from faceplanting with quickly moving his hands to support his falling torso.

...Huh. His hands are bleeding. Must've rubbed them against the ground in his haste to stop himself. Weird seeing that and not feeling it at all.
The girls attention switched, her eye falling on Kira.

"Area returning to normal density."
"Loading. Loading."

Her eye narrowed, her lips thinning.

"How stupid. Trying to save people!?"
"Loading. Loading."

The words came out close to a snarl, as the air rippled, black swords tearing themselves out and firing.

"Loading. Loading."


Linhua stepped out from the medical room as Amane set a fresh set of tea out on the table. "Well, he should be fine with some rest... I haven't seen such a heavy concentration of Blue forced upon a person before..." With a tired sigh, she slumped into the opposite chair.

"Well. good thing you still knew what to do despite the concentration..." Amane returned as she poured the girl a cup of tea. "How does that happen to a poor child like that...?"

"The injuries are... actually pretty bad." Linhua muttered. "Probably caused by a high level Armagus. The Azure concentration is weird. I'd need to ask the Doctor..." She shook her head. "This is outside of what I was taught."

She didn't need to point out that, really, it was outside of the knowledge of anyone outside the Library. There were lines, after all, where some knowledge didn't pass.

"The doll." She muttered. "I think it's a Armagus, too."

I take a good look around, a little surprised at the lack of people around..even if its a festive with the clusterfuck aproaching one would think more people would be here trying to get a little extra survival insurance considering the volume of the threat that approached.

On all sides.

Harrumphing a little at not finding any convenient meatshield around for me to kidnap I stride towards the quartermaster.

"Greetings" I hail him and wait for him to gather his wits about him before proceeding.

"I am in need of some equipment , something that packs a really good punch to it would be nice, what do you have in stock?"

Shame on me for not having passed by here and looked trough our stock earlier when I had the time, then I could have just rattled off a list of things and leave but I WAS taking it easy before...all this happened.

Sigh, my poor vacation is ruined...
The man just waved a hand.

"Well, there's plenty if you want to look. A-class stuff is over there, you wouldn't be the first."

He pointed at a corner of the room, filled with cases.

"Try not to let Bloodedge beat you up."

Unfortunately, there was more then one sign that said 'On Loan'. Some of the arms were gone.

Cloelia blinked as she was carried away by the Bestkin. She struggled to maintain her balance on the skates, and her grip on the boots and glass.

" I'd be glad to help you, but would you mind explaining what you need me to do ? "

She hasn't expected any of this, and wasn't sure what to think about the squirrel-girl. But she was wearing an uniform of the N.O.L., and in her opinion it was enough to give the intelligence agent the benefit of the doubt.

And she has forgotten to introduce herself. Despite the strange circumstances, she wouldn't be called rude.

" Cloelia Scaevola, Warrant officier. Pleased to meet you. "

"Makoto Nanaya." The squirrel answered. "I just need your access. Mine doesn't work here. It's only set up for the 5th city." She grinned sadly. "I'm a bit far from where I'm meant to be. Intelligence Division stuff, wasn't time to reset it."

She paused a moment.

"Hey... you haven't... seen anything weird right?"
"The injuries are... actually pretty bad." Linhua muttered. "Probably caused by a high level Armagus. The Azure concentration is weird. I'd need to ask the Doctor..." She shook her head. "This is outside of what I was taught."

She didn't need to point out that, really, it was outside of the knowledge of anyone outside the Library. There were lines, after all, where some knowledge didn't pass.

"The doll." She muttered. "I think it's a Armagus, too."
"Now now, dear..." Amane replied to her sudden switch from optimism to pessimism, still holding the fresh cup of tea waiting for the apprentice to take it, "That he's stable and startig to heal even so despite your lack of expertise shows your growing prowess regardless; life is full of unexpected challenges, after all..."

Turning to look towards the other room with a sip of her own tea, the troupe captain nodded slightly at her final muttering. "Without a doubt. Hopefully we can avoid a combative encounter next time."
Minutes stretched, until soon enough, the train station came into view, empty of the very thing that gave it it's name.

It was fairly obvious the Hero of Ikaruga had already passed through here. If the small spikes of ice didn't give it away, then it was the several bodies being tended to by medics.

At first glance, one would assume they were all N.O.L., but a second glance showed that most weren't. Clearly someone had requisitioned aid.

Yet no sooner did Kliff arrive, then the scurrying increase five-fold. Operatives in black uniforms were rapidly moving through the scene.

"Alright, tag what you need and bag it." A voice rang out. Male. Definitely male. "I want train lines 7 through 18 locked down. If anything keeps moving, then we'll have a location." The orders were direct and curt, for a man who was wearing half a mask. With the N.O.L. Intelligence Division mantle and the mask combined, identification would be a dream.

"I'm only saying this once. Civilians out of the area. If you're injured, report to a doctor."
'Well, shit.' Kliff thought to himself. 'Looks like they're doubling down on chasing the squirt and covering up his tantrums. Nice to know I'm not the only one who'll paint his back porch red.'

The retired NOL officer did his best impression of a feeble old man, inching up to the apparent head honcho while affecting the voice of a dottering elder. "Excuse me sonny, could you point me in the direction of lo...hrm...what was I talking about? Ah, right! I'm on vacation here in Kagutsuchi to buy see the sights and buy some antiques - wonderful teacups they have in this little place in Orient Town - anyway, which do I need to go to reach the lower gate from here?"
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"Now now, dear..." Amane replied to her sudden switch from optimism to pessimism, still holding the fresh cup of tea waiting for the apprentice to take it, "That he's stable and startig to heal even so despite your lack of expertise shows your growing prowess regardless; life is full of unexpected challenges, after all..."

Turning to look towards the other room with a sip of her own tea, the troupe captain nodded slightly at her final muttering. "Without a doubt. Hopefully we can avoid a combative encounter next time."
"Thanks..." Taking the cup from her houseguest, Linhua slumped deeply into the chair opposite them and took in a long draft of tea.

Linhua perked up with a small blush at Amane's response to her (private, or so she'd intended) muttering. "How can you tell?"
"Thanks..." Taking the cup from her houseguest, Linhua slumped deeply into the chair opposite them and took in a long draft of tea.

Linhua perked up with a small blush at Amane's response to her (private, or so she'd intended) muttering. "How can you tell?"
Amane sighed internally as she finished her last sip. "Simple deduction, much the same as you. Now then, no use sitting around while we wait."


"Dear, anyone could tell that the tea isn't calming you down," the effeminate dancer explained as he rose from his seat, "And I can't bear seeing you so worked up after you did such a good job. So finish your cup and let's have a spar to work out your frustrations!"
