BlazBlue: Fracture (OOC/Interest Check)

I have a concept for an ex-NOL character whose hobby is collecting old artifacts. Would it be possible to have an old weapon crafted by Mage's Guild of Ishana that was imbued with Magic to deal extreme harm to entities outside Logic, only to later be broken and lose all but a glimmer of its sorcery? In its current state, it the sword would inflict regular damage on things attuned with Magic due to no longer having the large damage bonus it was originally created with.
Why would the sword be broken? Armagus don't just break.
Alright, too convoluted I guess. Sticking to a regular Armagus, then.
It's more your trying to play with a broken weapon that I see no reason for being broken. Just take the full weapon in. Worst comes to worst, you just don't know how to use it properly or it has some convoluted condition to use.

Armagus don't really just break. When they're destroyed that's it.
Character: The Out of World - Kliff Undersn
Name: Kliff Undersn
Age: 64
Sex: Male
Height: 4'10" (5'10")
Weight: 121 lbs.
Race: Human

Soul Survivor:
A highly specialized application of Ars Magus to temporarily rejuvenate the caster's physique at the cost of bodily exhaustion by supercharging their cells' mitochondria with seithr. This Ars has little value to those who are already young and in the prime of their life. Rather than an ability that makes the user stronger, it simply restores their strength to what it once was. Kliff makes use of this age reversion to briefly augment some of his attacks for more intense blows, which are intended to break his opponents' defenses.

Pride & Glory:
A 'Super Mode' in which Kliff's body and weapon are wreathed in a raging cloak of fire. The earth churned up by Dragonslayer is transformed into molten lava for Kliff to manipulate, and all physical attacks enhanced by Soul Survivor emit plumes of flame on contact. Once this Overdrive expires, Kliff is left exhausted and temporarily unable to move.

Strength: B
Agility: C
Endurance: A
Ars Aptitude: B
Luck: C

Known Ars
An especially old Armagus built in the earlier postwar years. Dragonslayer is a massive sword; its full form is nearly as long as Kliff is tall, if not more so. The blade itself is marred with scratches and cracks. When attacking with Dragonslayer, Kliff's strikes carve up and churn the earth. Every swing is accompanied by spears of uprooted pavement, thick waves of soil and viciously sturdy stalagmites. These earth attacks follow the pattern of the sword's movements and are slightly delayed, striking after the sword itself.

Dragonslayer is outfitted with a spatial compression Ars that keeps it inside a small portable tube for ease of travel until activation. An object as large and sharp as itself is not easy to lug through crowded streets without seriously injuring someone.

Reflex Roar: A wide, short-range concussive blast of fire emitted with a punch. Exposes the target to immense degrees of heat and pressure. May be fired from the caster's feet in a kicking motion.

Muzzle Striker: Functionally similar to Reflex Roar, only fired to propel Kliff in a desired direction. Has drastically decreased area of effect, being more like a small cone of flame.

Candle Burst: A small orb of fire that may be contained in the caster's palm to emit a constant, bright illumination. Can be thrown in a straight line or lobbed in an arc, then detonated after a few moments in a flash of blinding light. Breaking or cleaving the orb will detonate it.

Kliff is short, stocky and a little over four and half feet tall in his old age, whereas he was a over five feet back in his younger years. His body is more grizzled and scarred than a decades-old slab of burnt steak. His limbs are nearly as gnarled as tree trunks, and his skin seems as dry as a chunk of rock. Kliff's hair has long since gone completely white, and he now sports a somewhat thick beard. His dense musculature, knobby features and squat body make him resemble a dwarf out of a fairy tale. In his younger years, Kliff's hair was grey and grew out in a shaggy mane that extended past his shoulders.

He no longer wears his uniform in his retirement, instead opting for a brown ensemble of pants and shirt with an armored collar, steel-toed boots and metal-plated gloves.

History: Kliff was born to a low-class family in 2131 in the 17th Hierarchical City of Yamatsumi, which begun construction atop the Swiss Alps. Most of the city proper was habitable, but Kliff recalls many sections of Yamatsumi that had yet to be completed in his childhood. Kliff grew up in a time not long after the collapse of the world's ecosystems and the formation of the earliest NOL military branches. Having once been saved by a soldier of the nascent Melee Infantry dispatched to exterminate creatures that had been harassing the lower levels of Yamatsumi, he was determined to become an inspiring figure like the Knights of the Blue Flame.

Kliff departed for the Military Academy of Torifune, having passed the entrance exams that were much less stringent in the organization's early years, but difficult nonetheless. After he graduated and steadily climbed through the ranks of the Melee Infantry, Kliff realized that the Librarium's military force was rotten in many spots by racial prejudice against Beastkin and undue force ordered by commanding officers against civilians. Sickened by the rising corruption in the Infantry, he began a small personal crusade against corruption amongst soldiers and officers that in time drastically reduced discrimination and abuse directed toward the civilian populace by officers exploiting their power. This created an image of Kliff as an altruistic figure toward civilians and soldiers alike, and also cemented him as something of a renowned figure among the populace of Yamatsumi and a few other Hierarchical Cities.

Major General Undersn was perhaps the mightiest unmodified human of his generation, having sculpted himself into a paragon of physical power through sheer determination and decades of hellish training. His stamina and durability were famous, having been able to ceaselessly fight an enormous five-headed behemoth for over seven days and nights without a moment's rest to protect a nearby village. At the end of those one hundred seventy hours of continuous combat, three of the monster's heads were severed and many of its limbs had been crushed by Undersn. Artillery support arrived and finished off the fiend before it could do the village any harm.

Kliff is still occasionally referred to as "The Swiss Army" and "Yamatsumi's Golden Boy" by the older generation.

Undersn retired from the NOL at the rank of Major General and has settled down in a quiet weather-beaten shack in Yamatsumi that he bought with his pension. Kliff is still occasionally beset by fits of wanderlust, motivating him to wander from city to city in search of antiques to collect. He has traveled to Kagutsuchi to browse shops in Orient Town and freely wander the scenic sections of the city.

Current Occupation: Retired

Other Relevant Information: Kliff has a fondness for things with a strong weight of history to them. He collects antiques, with a special preference for teacups and any memorabilia older than himself. His tastes are simple, with a marked preference for a stoic and spartan way of life instead of surrounding himself with opulence. He dislikes some trendy words and phrases, finding them annoying.

Kliff was involved in the Ikaruga Civil War for a little over a year before he was pressured to retire by his superiors due to a sympathetic heart for the Ikarugan people like his being counterproductive to the war effort.
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Sorta. Kliff retired a year after Ikaruga declared independence. He was in the war, but not for long. Having a "bleeding heart" like him leading troops was counterproductive, and he was at the perfect age to be replaced with someone more willing to engage in warfare.
something something young stallion something old horse
Sorta. Kliff retired a year after Ikaruga declared independence. He was in the war, but not for long. Having a "bleeding heart" like him leading troops was counterproductive, and he was at the perfect age to be replaced with someone more willing to engage in warfare.
Mmk. Am I safe to run with "something something Jin's predecessor". He's perfect material for the guy who gave rise to the Hero of Ikaruga.
*notices the trend of gender ambiguity*

*submission laughs off the paltry attempt*
Character: King Prussia - Cloelia Scaevola
I'm not entirely happy with it, but if I wait until I'm satisfied Tsukihime 3 will have been released. So, here is it :

Name: Cloelia Scaevola
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
Race: Human


Burned Hands (also known as Exusta Dextera and Exusta Sinistra) is a Drive able to orchestrate explosions, and is centered around the hands of its user. Ordinary matter can be transmuted into an explosive by creating an unstable imbalance of energy in whatever object the user is touching with his hands, causing it to explode violently. Those instabilities can be manipulated to flow from one place to another at wil, allowing localized explosions to be directed from long range.

Though an instability can be detonated at any point once charged, it can be maintained for as long as necessary, but only one bomb can be maintained at any given time for each hand. When a hand is maintaining a bomb, it can't be used to create any further instability until the bomb has been detonated.


Centimani, in accordance with its name, is a swarm of burning hands whose atomic and molecular composition make each of them akin to a chemical explosive. Those hands can be fired individually or collectively, and while their range is theorically unlimited they must be assigned to a target in their user's field of view. They will try to home in on their intented target even if she tries to escape, but they're very unstable and will explode at the smallest interaction with any object. When packed it becomes very easy to incite a chain reaction. Used as a missile storm they could obliterate their target, and they're well-suited for precision bombing.

Strength: C
Agility: C
Endurance: B
Ars Aptitude: B
Luck: D

Known Ars:
  • Briareos, an Armagus-enhanced armor coating and a bomb blast suit with a protector plate around her head and on her back. The Armagus is able to project a short-range field to protect its user from high temperatures and gases, preventing the after effects of her bombs to affect her. The negative side effect when using Briareos is for the user to focus on her current task at the exclusion of everything else, causing her to suffer from tunnel vision.

  • Cottus, an omni-directional attack that can inflict signifiant area damage on a short range. The bombs summoned are small plated spheres embedded in front by a burning hand that instantly explode. Their blasts aren't powerful by themselves, but they release great degrees of heat and chemical gases around them when exploding.
  • Gyges, a short-range concussive blast able to propel Cloelia or an enemy in a desired direction when fired. It can serve an offensive purpose, though it is only suited for targeting small and vulnerable targets. It could be used to propel a group rather than one persone, but it would risk to harm those that aren't protected by an armor or an Ars shield.
Appearance: A slender young woman with long, straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She usually wears the standard "Shimmering Blue Flame" Ars Magi uniform. Outside of work, she's often seen wearing black leather clothes.

History: Born in Lombardy, from a young age Cloelia was often hunging around clock stores and garages, interested with anything mechanical. Though close to her parents they were old and frequently ill, which encouraged her to stay with them at all time rather than socialize with people of her own age. They died when she was still an adolescent, leaving her alone and without a purpose.

A few years later, she passed the entrance exams for the Military Academy of the Novus Orbis Librarium. She moved to the 15th Hierarchical City of Torifune, studying while serving in the city's defence force, never taking a break and refraining herself from bonding with her fellow students or anyone else. She spent her time training in hand-to-hand combat and keeping her hands in a good shape, as they were her greatest tools in her opinion. Though conscious in her duty, her lack of socialization and her cold behavior prevented her from receiving any form of recognition, as she didn't have anyone to support or recommand her.

She graduated early by accepting to serve as an infantry during the last years of the Ikagura Civil War, a work that she didn't enjoyed more than anything but dutifully accomplished with her unit. Since then she stayed in the army, and slowly raised through the ranks thanks to her expertise when it comes to explosives and her quiet and conciliatory personality towards her superiors.

She's affable and mannerly despite her lack of interest in social activities, and likes to stand as an inquisitive and neutral observer most of the time, assessing people and situations until an order has been given. She genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction, and would gladly put her existence on the line to accomplish her duty as a member of the NOL. She isn't fazed by death, considering it a simple byproduct of her profession.

She was recently given a leave and decided to spend it at the Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi, where she has been since the last few days. She was mostly seen wandering around and daydreaming.

Current Occupation: Enrolled in the Armagus Soldier Units, as a Martial Infantry. Due to her Drive and Ars, she frequently assumes the role of demolition expert.

Other Relevant Information: She greatly enjoys inline skating, and is often seen practicing it as a hobby.
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I'm not entirely happy with it, but if I wait until I'm satisfied Tsukihime 3 will have been released. So, here is it :

Name: Cloelia Scaevola
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
Race: Human


Burned Hands (also known as Exusta Dextera and Exusta Sinistra) is a Drive able to orchestrate explosions, and is centered around the hands of its user. Ordinary matter can be transmuted into an explosive by creating an unstable imbalance of energy in whatever object the user is touching with his hands, causing it to explode violently. Those instabilities can be manipulated to flow from one place to another at wil, allowing localized explosions to be directed from long range.

Though an instability can be detonated at any point once charged, it can be maintained for as long as necessary, but only one bomb can be maintained at any given time for each hand. When a hand is maintaining a bomb, it can't be used to create any further instability until the bomb has been detonated.


Centimani, in accordance with its name, is a swarm of burning hands whose atomic and molecular composition make each of them akin to a chemical explosive. Those hands can be fired individually or collectively, and while their range is theorically unlimited they must be assigned to a target in their user's field of view. They will try to home in on their intented target even if she tries to escape, but they're very unstable and will explode at the smallest interaction with any object. When packed it becomes very easy to incite a chain reaction. Used as a missile storm they could obliterate their target, and they're well-suited for precision bombing.

Strength: B
Agility: B
Endurance: A
Ars Aptitude: A
Luck: C

Known Ars:
  • Briareos, an Armagus-enhanced armor coating and a bomb blast suit with a protector plate around her head and on her back. The Armagus is able to project a short-range field to protect its user from high temperatures and gases, preventing the after effects of her bombs to affect her. The negative side effect when using Briareos is for the user to focus on her current task at the exclusion of everything else, causing her to suffer from tunnel vision.

  • Cottus, an omni-directional attack that can inflict signifiant area damage on a short range. The bombs summoned are small plated spheres embedded in front by a burning hand that instantly explode. Their blasts aren't powerful by themselves, but they release great degrees of heat and chemical gases around them when exploding.
  • Gyges, a short-range concussive blast able to propel Cloelia or an enemy in a desired direction when fired. It can serve an offensive purpose, though it is only suited for targeting small and vulnerable targets. It could be used to propel a group rather than one persone, but it would risk to harm those that aren't protected by an armor or an Ars shield.
Appearance: A slender young woman with long, straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She usually wears the standard "Shimmering Blue Flame" Ars Magi uniform. Outside of work, she's often seen wearing black leather clothes.

History: Born in Lombardy, from a young age Cloelia was often hunging around clock stores and garages, interested with anything mechanical. Though close to her parents they were old and frequently ill, which encouraged her to stay with them at all time rather than socialize with people of her own age. They died when she was still an adolescent, leaving her alone and without a purpose.

A few years later, she passed the entrance exams for the Military Academy of the Novus Orbis Librarium. She moved to the 15th Hierarchical City of Torifune, studying while serving in the city's defence force, never taking a break and refraining herself from bonding with her fellow students or anyone else. She spent her time training in hand-to-hand combat and keeping her hands in a good shape, as they were her greatest tools in her opinion. Though conscious in her duty, her lack of socialization and her cold behavior prevented her from receiving any form of recognition, as she didn't have anyone to support or recommand her.

She graduated early by accepting to serve as an infantry during the last years of the Ikagura Civil War, a work that she didn't enjoyed more than anything but dutifully accomplished with her unit. Since then she stayed in the army, and slowly raised through the ranks thanks to her expertise when it comes to explosives and her quiet and conciliatory personality towards her superiors.

She's affable and mannerly despite her lack of interest in social activities, and likes to stand as an inquisitive and neutral observer most of the time, assessing people and situations until an order has been given. She genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction, and would gladly put her existence on the line to accomplish her duty as a member of the NOL. She isn't fazed by death, considering it a simple byproduct of her profession.

She was recently given a leave and decided to spend it at the Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi, where she has been since the last few days. She was mostly seen wandering around and daydreaming.

Current Occupation: Enrolled in the Armagus Soldier Units, as a Martial Infantry. Due to her Drive and Ars, she frequently assumes the role of demolition expert.

Other Relevant Information: She greatly enjoys inline skating, and is often seen practicing it as a hobby.
*Looks at my sheet*