BlazBlue: Fracture (OOC/Interest Check)

Name: Amane Nishiki (舞神, アマネ゠ニシキ)
Age: ???
Sex: Male
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg
Race: Uzume Human

Spiral: Utilizes his clothing as drills that increase in power with repeated use to deal damage through defense and weaken its solidity, going from Level 1 to a maximum of Level 3—at which point his Drive begins chipping away at the opponent's defenses at an alarming rate. However, using it too much can result in it becoming overheated and will become unusable until it cools down and restarts at Level 1.
Cyclone: Maximizes his Drive's Level for its duration.

Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: S
Ars Aptitude: A
Luck: C

[Un]Known Ars:
•Amane has an unusual ability that allows him to form his clothing into various shapes, although whether this is the effect of an Armagus, magic or otherwise is unknown.
•Jakutoku Meika: Gōhahōyō, his "Astral Heat", His Astral Heat seems to either morph characters into younger or earlier versions of themselves; how this is done is similarly a mystery.

Appearance: Amane Nishiki is an androgynous male character with violet hair tied in a bun and blue eyes with dark pink eye shadow and red lipstick. He wears a flowing pink and red kimono that exposes his shoulders underneath is sleeveless black skintight turtleneck, black shorts and legwarmers, and red platform sandals. He also sports a translucent pink scarf which appears to levitate through unknown means. Bullet states that he looks identical to his appearance 10 years prior. Pre-battle, Amane wears a royal white geisha outfit, underneath, he has a pink and red-colored checker pattern kimono.

History: A young man who travels around, Amane Nishiki gathering a troupe of young and handsome men and beautiful women as he goes. A majority of these are his adopted war orphan from around the world, bringing them together for a better life and something to strive for. His ambition is to dance on the greatest stage—and fight upon the greatest battlefield where greatest warriors gather—for to him the are one and the same. The majority of his troupe are orphans of war from around the world, which he has adopted.

At the moment, with the troupe on paid (and paid-for) vacation for their last great performance, Amane travels to The 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi to plan the next round of performances with the wealthy upper-class—the big money-makers that help pad finding before their tours to the other Hierarchical Cities. Of course, the dance troupe captain is always on the lookout for new talent, especially with so many mew faces hunting for Ragna the Bloodedge. Perhaps a stage appropriate for your ultimate dance approaches at last...?

"A wise man once said, 'All's well that ends well'."

Current Occupation: Leader of his own "dance troupe", though considering he rides the line of dance and battle often it would be wise not to underestimate is company.

Other Relevant Information: Amane could very well be an extremely powerful individual, casually brushing off the results of any fight he is in as if he was merely testing his opponent. In Bang's gag reel, Amane was able to withstand blistering heat, freezing cold, and electrocution without any lasting effects. It is highly implied that he is immortal due to his mysterious relationship with Rachel Alucard, his appearance having not changed for at least 10 years, and his ability to effortlessly shrug off a majority of damage inflicted upon him. Rachel also says that Amane is 'the Uzume', something that he is apparently unaware of, as well as this, Amane is the sole individual who is seen to be immune to Slave Red.

Huh. Guess you'll be getting a kohai of your own in the near future, then--

I have chose this fate.
Name: Kiara Minazuki
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 52.2 kg
Race: Human
Drive: Executioner Monarch - By touch from any of her body parts, Kiara may charge any non-living object as a bomb. If a charged object is touched, a powerful explosive force pushes out of the charged object, damaging anything nearby. The charged object stays charged until Kiara detonates it. She may also detonate this bomb at anytime she wishes. The forces of explosion can be control from a small, localized explosion to a big, flashy explosion like a firework. The direction of these explosions can also be directed to a degree. However, only one bomb can be maintained at any given time.
Overdrive: Pounding Cardiac Arrest - A higher function of Executioner Monarch augmented by the Sealed Weapon Satsujinki, a charged object can home in on Kiara's target. The charged object relentlessly pursues its target until Kiara signals it to stop, or detonate the explosive early. She may also manually take control of the charged object, directing it where to go.

Strength: C
Agility: C
Endurance: C
Ars Aptitude: S
Luck: B

Known Ars:

As an expert in the usages of magic, Kiara can modified her weapon of choice, Glimmering Breeze, with elemental affinity. However, her real expertise in magic lies in healing, as her ability cause a lot of damages to others if used recklessly. In addition to that, she can inscribe a marking array onto Glimmering Breeze so that it will always return to her when thrown.

Sealed Weapon Satsujinki - A pair of dark, studded, leather-like forearm-length gloves with an emblem of a red ladybug on its back. Four short spikes line the top of its back.

The Sealed Weapon allows its user to completely disintegrate the existence of its target, as long as they are within the realm of Logic, that is. The price of its usage is the user's sanity.

When it is in used by Kiara, she can break the limits of her ability. She may charge up more objects for detonation, and can be use on living objects, too. When this 'bomb' is apply to a charged person, an explosion from within the target's body takes place, blowing them up in the process.

The original user of Satsujinki was a man who loves his normal lifestyle very much, so much that through sheer willpower and determination, he becomes one of the first twelve humans to master Ars Magus, and fought in the Dark War against the Black Beast in an effort to preserve his plant-like life.


History: The Minazuki family, one of the reigning family of the Novus Orbis Librarium, a member of the Duodecim, is a rather surprisingly bland and unremarkable house. Sure, they fulfill their obligations as expected of their positions within society. But they do not go out of their way to change anything within it. In fact, they tried their hardest to maintain the status quo. They are rather adamant and stubborn when it comes to change. The Minazuki family as a whole is best described as 'vegetative'. Kiara Minazuki is no exception to this rule.

The young woman had never distinguished herself in her times in the Military Academy. In any competitions she entered in, she is always third place. No more, no less. Like her family members before her, she does her best to maintain her prefered lifestyle; a quiet life where there is not much troubles. So as to fulfill her noble obligations, she joined the NOL, as expected of a member of the Duodecim.

A comfortable job with the NOL and maintaining her seemingly quiet lifestyle, Kiara Minazuki find happiness from such a mundane and ordinary life. And she'd like to keep it that way.

All in all, she does only what is expected of her.

Kiara is the current wielder of the Sealed Weapon Satsujinki due to the fact that her older brother, the former heir of the family, could not stand his family's 'tradition'. The secret of the Satsujinki is kept under lock. Only the wielder knows the danger held within the gloves.

Current Occupation: NOL Officer

Other Relevant Information:

Glimmering Breeze: A golden Boomerang that Kiara used in conjecture with her ability, its durability was upgraded so that it can withstand the forces of Kiara's explosion.

Does not go out of her way to climb ranks within the NOL.

Her position within the NOL is static more or less.

Keeps an assortment of throwing knives on her person as explosive projectiles or just regular projectiles.

She is trained in close-quarter combat in order not to be overwhelmed by her enemies when her range attacks have been overcome.

Has an older brother named Kenshiro, who is pretty much the only person in the family that is tired of their 'tradition'. Rather than serving the NOL like the rest of his family, he practices medicine in his own clinic. He has a very distinctive pompadour.

>"Exploding the explosions" Drive

...Dammit, semi-ninja'd again?!? And I was making a circus performer, whyyyyyyyyyy ;;w;;
Well anyone on the NOL/military academy side could be reasonably acquaintanced..
Character: Nanimani - Kira Bakana
Name: Kira Bakana
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Race: Human

Mutable Ties: The ability to manipulate gravity. This allows him to connect objects by pointing at both. Objects can be, well, objects, ceilings, walls, the earth, or people. Though while in theory, this can be used to make the earth fall towards something, the idea of having enough force to do so is literally laughable. This done, the target is attracted to the other object, rather than the earth as per normal, falling at the usual speed.

It is also possible to reverse gravity, leading to a single target falling up, or falling away from an object instead of towards it. Kira uses this to great effect to avoid battle with good or at least redeemable people by making them fall away from him while he makes his escape.

Of note is that when a target is already marked to have gravity altered for them, Kira does not need to point at them again to change it, just needing to point at the new object they're falling towards/away from.

Kira gains the ability to manipulate gravity's force when applied to the target, making the target as light as a feather, or throwing them towards or away from an object hard enough to shatter stone. Like this, he generally forgoes his normal fighting style to do something like this:
Well, that's just with one arm. The other's generally imposing Shinso in the path of the target's movement. If he's gotten to this point in a battle, thoughts of holding back, of not killing the target? They're lost in the joy of the fight.

Str Agi End Ars Luck
Known Ars:

A small sword, more a long knife in size than anything, Shinso has the power to change its length. Its extending is like a bullet in its speed and can certainly cause more damage than Kira can inflict with his own strength. Its retracting is equally fast, though obviously less damaging.

This causes the entire length of its blade, however much that may be at the time, to glow white with power, however it's changing. Kira uses it in combat to deliver more deadly thrusts than he would on his own strength, or, when an enemy's too dangerous to get in their sword's range, to hang just outside it, poking with a swiftly extending sword.

It also has an activation phrase, "Shoot to kill, Shinso". This can't be rushed though, so takes a couple seconds, and while saying it, he must stand still, holding the blade against the arm that isn't holding it. This increases its extension powers for one thrust considerably. Instead of as fast as a bullet from a handgun, it's more like one from a high-calibur sniper rifle, and it slices through stone like butter. Not hot butter, just butter. It's only for one thrust, though, and can't be used with a swing.

As the sword has no hard limit on range, it could be theoretically used as a sniper rifle... but it relies on his aim, so that can't really be done. If the target's too far away for him to aim a sword that slightly curves as it extends at them accurately, he can't hit them like that. So practically, his limit's less than a mile on his "snipes".

However, this is no "Normal" Ars Armagus. It's a Nox Nyctores. As of now, this is all Kira knows of its power, and is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. However, what it has... Well, all Nox Nyctores have a cost. Shinso's is the loss of "Principles"

With the current power, Kira is completely unable to resist killing anyone he draws Shinso against because of a reason as simple as it not being the right thing to do. As such, once he draws Shinso, either he kills the enemy or loses the fight. Or, I suppose, he is interrupted, but eh.

It does hold a larger power within it, though. Of course, any more power would require him to be against an opponent he's already drawn it against, with no way to run, and about to die unless he becomes more powerful.

2nd stage:
At this rank, the "Shoot to kill" incantation is only needed once in a fight. Additionally, slashes can be made with the extending sword, at the full power of Shoot to Kill. This boosts the damage he causes far beyond his Strength, able to gauge chunks out of the rock floor as simple side-effects of his slashes. At this rank, he doesn't care about collateral damage at all, and will thoughtlessly kill anyone who gets between himself and the target.

Moreover, effects of this stage will last... aboout a couple days. However, since, in that time, he has no qualms about using Shinso since he doesn't care about not killing... Yeah, pretty hard to shake him out of the effects, since it means going a couple days with no fighting.

3rd stage:
The effect of this rank, well...
I'll let this gif explain it.
However, the consequence of using it like that is permanent. Even if he knew it, even if his life would end if he didn't, well... Knowing the consequences, there's no way he'd do it unless it's a "Yeah, world's gonna end if I don't do this" situation.

Without his principles, either from the temporary or permanent effects, his mentality changes. Humans really do all have the potential to be good... Which, really makes it so wrong to kill them at all. Why split hairs, anyway? Go after who's interesting, watch their reactions as you kill everyone they know, then kill them. Well, that only works with those that show new and interesting sides of themselves under that kind of pressure. Otherwise, just kill them. That feels just as good, to be honest, but it doesn't last as long.

In other words, his targets are those who interesting, not taking what kind of person they are into account. As they're interesting, he might kill someone close to themto see how they react before actually killing them, just to see what they do.

Still, he's not going to go around, destroying neighborhoods. Really, that's like eating cheap gummies while killing those who're actually interesting is like chocolate-covered cherries.

Or something like that.
A general-purpose illusion Ars, Kira can make "objects" or change the appearance of actual things by overlaying illusions over them. So, for instance, he could give himself green hair by overlaying green hair over his own. He is not, however, skilled enough to overlay himself with the image of what's behind him from an observer's perspective, making him invisible. It's theoretically possible, but he's not even close.

One use for this, for example, is to subtly increase how wide his sword appears to be, making deflections difficult. Most try to block the edge of the blade, so as not to have to block the force of Shinso's extension head-on. However, rather than the edge of the blade, they're actually blocking clean air. This obviously doesn't work if they know the actual width of his sword and are observant enough to block that instead of what they see.

Another use, to give another example, would be to leave an illusion of him behind if he jumps back if it's close enough that being hit is believable. The image bursts into "Blood", and lasts long enough, shielding the enemy's sight from actual Kira, that "Shoot to kill, Shinso" bursts from its front on an unaware enemy if they're fooled.

The last example, and what he uses it for most, is rather amusing. In stark contrast to its name, he uses it to blur himself. He's already fast enough to be a blur when moving already, blurring that even further makes him basically one big, white blur, making prediction impossible. Like this, his little cuts come from nowhere, with no indication of how he's attacking until he's already cut with his S Rank Agility.

This does have limits. Even a blur can be predicted if it just charges forward, full-speed. Frankly, he wouldn't be more than a blur in that case anyways. As such, his charges are just as obvious as they are without it.

In addition, it has a certain range and precision he can maintain. He can't keep an illusion following someone else, as he can't predict every movement they can make. Therefore, encasing their head in a ball of dark is possible, but they can just move one foot in any direction and leave it.

Lastly, there's a size limit. He can't make any illusion much larger than him.

Since he was a child, he knew doing bad things to people was bad with the same certainty one knows 2 + 2 = 4. Problem is, he had the same amount of emotional attachment to people as he has to math like that.

Helping them is right, but not really something he cares enough to do, annoying people is amusing and not overly wrong, hurting people is fun, but wrong. He was right vicious as a kid, taunting people into fights so he could leave them crying and bloody on the ground. Nothing like a good fight, every punch a shot of adrenaline.

But as he matured and gained self-control, he stopped taunting them to the level they took swings at them. Hurting people is wrong, even if it feels good, so best not to try and do so as much as possible. This change was helped by his family moving to another school.

Most of the kids there, not hating him like those who knew him in the old one, were so... nice. They did good seemingly effortlessly, for a new arrival. Guiding the newcomer around the school buildings, helping them with homework, there are some seriously good people around. He was kinda jealous, really. They do the right thing because it feels good to do good. He has to think about it, do what he knows is right rather than what feels right.

Of course, not everyone in a school is lovely people. Some didn't care, but they're not important. Others were bullies. They are. See, Kira saw someone bullying someone who helped him and thought it'd be a good thing to get them to stop. "Gimme your lunch money"'s just a joke now, but when that's your lunch for the day when you haven't eaten breakfast, that's just awful. Well, that wasn't exactly what they said, but it was the general gist of it. So he stood between them, smiling, then spun into a kick... that got stopped by the person he was helping.

Now understand, this was not an easy thing to do. His earlier fights in the last school left him very good at it, and he was always naturally extremely fast. For them to block that kick would be impressive. For them to block that kick, when they were behind him when he started moving, with one hand, was incredible. There was no chance of any bully to actually physically threaten them.

And then the girl just started talking, asking why bully wants money, saying if he goes without lunch today, she'll give her money to him tomorrow, so he understands what he's asking for, and in general resolving things peacefully.

Kira and her, Sora, later become friends, though he isn't sure if he cares about her or just hanging out with her. She shares her view that everyone can be a good person, though not everyone might try. She had an incredible charisma to her when saying this, clearly caring very deeply on the issue. It was kinda infectious. Heh, Kira was fully committed to her point of view within a month.

As friends, they really do a lot with each other, and it turns out she's the leader of the karate club. Kira joins, but... Well, he loses control of himself just a bit and drops out himself, so as not to hurt anyone. Sora eventually got that out of him by just... asking why he dropped out? She's gotten good at reading his face and knows how much he liked the spars. On hearing his explanation, she volunteered herself. Frankly, she's too strong for him to hurt with just a little lapse of control, far more his equal than the, let's call them mooks, at the club. It take some convincing to get him to take the nearly nonexistent risk, but her charisma prevails, and they start sparring in their free time, as well as doing other things. This takes place and continues as they get out of middle school, into high school, then at 16, 11th grade, a serial killer's on the news. Targeting girls of 13-19, stay indoors, etc.

Kira's been pondering the last year or so. Sociopaths, people who don't care. They generally end up hurting anyone around them, right? Serial killers are probably them too. So he wants to ask. What's it like? Why do you do what you do, even when you know it's objectively wrong? He goes to look for them, and in a twist of fate, actually does.

And then the serial killer tries to kill him because he could go to the police. Kira was rather confident he could take care of himself, due to the numerous spars with Sora keeping him able. And it would've been true to any normal person. If three punks with knives attacked him in an alley and it came down to it, he'd be the only one walking out.

But this guy was an Ars user, with an extending Ars Armagus. Frankly, it was all he could do to stay alive half a minute. Batting the flat of the blade away from its stabs, his hands still were cut up and bloody in that time. If it went much longer...

But as he reached to stay alive, he received the power to do so. His Drive, Mutable Ties... And it didn't take much longer before he had his Overdrive.

Much shattered stone later, he sat down in a chair, wrapping bandages around his hands, and just asked the killer why he attacked him. Surprised Kira wasn't even trying to attack him, he replied with the truth, and they started to have a conversation. They really were alike in a lot of ways, with one significant difference. The killer was a lot more selfish than Kira.

And, due to his greater age, rather more insightful. When he described the feeling of killing another, Kira perked up. He listened. He was interested. So he knew. The only reason Kira wasn't going around killing people for fun is that he was more interested in doing what he thought of as "Right" more than what was right for him. It didn't even have to be a large change. He saw his expression as Kira had him at his mercy. He wanted to keep going. In fact, he did. By that point, he kept going with the gravity slams long after the killer was incapacitated, only barely stopping himself before he killed him. All he needed was to think that working for his own happiness can't be bad.

In the end, it was an amicable departure. They had talked late into the night, each the first time the other was able to talk completely freely without restraining their true selves, until Kira had to go home. But he promised to come again at another time. Such an amicable air, and the killer was listening to why he hasn't tried it himself. Surely he can convince him to stay like him.

But there was a rather large project he had to do, so didn't visit for a week. But on the last day of that week, well, he killed again, another face on the news. Of course he did, Kira knew he hadn't convinced him. But then he looked up. Sora. That was her face. She was better at this, at understanding, at peaceful resolutions. Hell, she was better at fighting than him, or at least equal. But she couldn't get that man to stop. Was it because she didn't respond to his attack with the intent to kill like Kira eventually did? Was it because her grasping at life was weaker? Well, it doesn't really matter.

Even now, he's still not sure he ever cared about her. But when he saw her face there, with a statement of the condition of her body...

The next day, he made his way to the killer's house, and they continued their conversation for a few hours. Getting up to get a drink, he noticed the killer's sword left on the table. Ooh, careless, careless. Well, he came back, and it continued. Eventually, the topic of the newest victim came up, and Kira was curious. How did it feel to kill her? Nodding at the mans's response, he flicked the sword from his coat, extending it into the man's chest.

That was the best feeling Kira had in his life. He was practically a trembling. That sword... It felt right in his hand. Like martial arts, with its use of his own body, is like wearing a second skin, but this was like letting his own skin breathe. As the man asked him why, with bloody lips, Kira thought to give him some last words.

"Huh... You were right, really. I'd apologize for the inconvenience, but I can't really bring myself to care. You know how it is, right? Ha... Ah, I hope hell's hot enough for you~ It'd be a shame if the skin didn't melt off your bones~"

Really, it was simple. Sora was right on the inherent good of humanity, that everyone can be good. The killer was right on the fact that there's nothing better than killing, for them. And he discovered that being bad is a wonderful feeling, the kind of thing he wasn't sure if he could give up, much less those that never had Sora in their life.

So he decided. There were a lot of people that chose to do wrong for their own selfish reasons. Killing them, like all murder, is an evil act. But they can't be convinced to stop, which is normally the best thing. So it's locking them up, which is hard, or killing them, which is easier and far, far more satisfying.

Since then, he's been traveling. And marking. And hunting. The first few months were hard, but he eventually found how to research targets properly, getting information about them the general public doesn't know. And, of course, how to fight Ars users. The serial killer was weak, all things considered. It was this period that saw him develop from incredible to superhuman, for he'd die if he didn't.

And so the White Snake, over the course of four years, became an A-Class criminal, with targets ranging from businessmen, to politicians, to those with human bodies in their freezers, to leading scientists. All the kills had in common, whether the investigators knew it or not, was that they committed crimes against humanity for their own gain, which made him rather hard to predict, as it's rather hard to tell who's done that.

Still, as a criminal, he eventually got people trying to apprehend him. Well, free fight, right? Fun as hell, and it's not like he has to kill them. Problem is... Well, Shinso, really. The first fight someone tried to apprehend him, there were three officers fighting him, working together extremely well, and powerful enough on their own, that the battle wasn't really in his favor. Most fun he had all year, besides the times he watched his targets' lives drain from their bodies, of course. Problem is, he didn't hold back. At all. Usually, one only goes for decapitations if they actually want the enemy to die, you know? Eventually, he realized he was stabbing a dead body over and over again. I mean, he had difficulties holding himself back before, but that was different. This sword's playing havoc with his ability to disable the enemy and leave it at that. That... Killing people just doing their jobs? Never happening again. He'd die first.
So, besides his victims, the White Snake uses only his own body to attack. Perhaps suspicions are raised at all the stabs wounds on his victims, but general consensus is he just likes killing like that.

His new target is the SS-class criminal, Ragna Bloodedge. He may not care about the Libraries themselves, but the mass murder? All them people in those Libraries? Yeah... he's gotta go. This'll be his toughest target yet, but, hey, what's life without challenges?

Current Occupation: Looting those he kills.

Other Relevant Information:
Enjoys people-watching, and so spent a lot of time in cafes. Unfortunately, people generally recognize him now. Then he has to run. Well, that's not all that bad, but...

He generally keeps Shinso as an ace in his sleeve, rather literally in the "Up his sleeve" part. It's pretty good for a sneak attack, too, with how big his sleeves are. Just stick both his arms in the opposing sleeves, folding them across his chest, and any muttering "Shoot to kill, Shinso" can be put off as him grumbling at something.
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Whitesnake and Gravity? Another unintentional JJBA reference I see. :V
Bondo, its physically not possible for me to screw you over more then I have without letting Nu out of the Gate of Sheol. You can stop competing now.
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Name: Kira Bakana
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Race: Human

Mutable Ties: The ability to manipulate gravity. This allows him to connect objects by pointing at both. Objects can be, well, objects, ceilings, walls, the earth, or people. Though while in theory, this can be used to make the earth fall towards something, the idea of having enough force to do so is literally laughable. This done, the target is attracted to the other object, rather than the earth as per normal, falling at the usual speed.

It is also possible to reverse gravity, leading to a single target falling up, or falling away from an object instead of towards it. Kira uses this to great effect to avoid battle with good or at least redeemable people by making them fall away from him while he makes his escape.

Of note is that when a target is already marked to have gravity altered for them, Kira does not need to point at them again to change it, just needing to point at the new object they're falling towards/away from.

Kira gains the ability to manipulate gravity's force when applied to the target, making the target as light as a feather, or throwing them towards or away from an object hard enough to shatter stone. Like this, he generally forgoes his normal fighting style to do something like this:
Well, that's just with one arm. The other's generally imposing Shinso in the path of the target's movement. If he's gotten to this point in a battle, thoughts of holding back, of not killing the target? They're lost in the joy of the fight.

Str Agi End Ars Luck
Known Ars:

A small sword, more a long knife in size than anything, Shinso has the power to change its length. Its extending is like a bullet in its speed and can certainly cause more damage than Kira can inflict with his own strength. Its retracting is equally fast, though obviously less damaging.

This causes the entire length of its blade, however much that may be at the time, to glow white with power, however it's changing. Kira uses it in combat to deliver more deadly thrusts than he would on his own strength, or, when an enemy's too dangerous to get in their sword's range, to hang just outside it, poking with a swiftly extending sword.

It also has an activation phrase, "Shoot to kill, Shinso". This can't be rushed though, so takes a couple seconds, and while saying it, he must stand still, holding the blade against the arm that isn't holding it. This increases its extension powers for one thrust considerably. Instead of as fast as a bullet from a handgun, it's more like one from a high-calibur sniper rifle, and it slices through stone like butter. Not hot butter, just butter. It's only for one thrust, though, and can't be used with a swing.

As the sword has no hard limit on range, it could be theoretically used as a sniper rifle... but it relies on his aim, so that can't really be done. If the target's too far away for him to aim a sword that slightly curves as it extends at them accurately, he can't hit them like that. So practically, his limit's less than a mile on his "snipes".
A general-purpose illusion Ars, Kira can make "objects" or change the appearance of actual things by overlaying illusions over them. So, for instance, he could give himself green hair by overlaying green hair over his own. He is not, however, skilled enough to overlay himself with the image of what's behind him from an observer's perspective, making him invisible. It's theoretically possible, but he's not even close.

One use for this, for example, is to subtly increase how wide his sword appears to be, making deflections difficult. Most try to block the edge of the blade, so as not to have to block the force of Shinso's extension head-on. However, rather than the edge of the blade, they're actually blocking clean air. This obviously doesn't work if they know the actual width of his sword and are observant enough to block that instead of what they see.

Another use, to give another example, would be to leave an illusion of him behind if he jumps back if it's close enough that being hit is believable. The image bursts into "Blood", and lasts long enough, shielding the enemy's sight from actual Kira, that "Shoot to kill, Shinso" bursts from its front on an unaware enemy if they're fooled.

The last example, and what he uses it for most, is rather amusing. In stark contrast to its name, he uses it to blur himself. He's already fast enough to be a blur when moving already, blurring that even further makes him basically one big, white blur, making prediction impossible. Like this, his little cuts come from nowhere, with no indication of how he's attacking until he's already cut with his S Rank Agility.

This does have limits. Even a blur can be predicted if it just charges forward, full-speed. Frankly, he wouldn't be more than a blur in that case anyways. As such, his charges are just as obvious as they are without it.

In addition, it has a certain range and precision he can maintain. He can't keep an illusion following someone else, as he can't predict every movement they can make. Therefore, encasing their head in a ball of dark is possible, but they can just move one foot in any direction and leave it.

Lastly, there's a size limit. He can't make any illusion much larger than him.

Since he was a child, he knew doing bad things to people was bad with the same certainty one knows 2 + 2 = 4. Problem is, he had the same amount of emotional attachment to people as he has to math like that.

Helping them is right, but not really something he cares enough to do, annoying people is amusing and not overly wrong, hurting people is fun, but wrong. He was right vicious as a kid, taunting people into fights so he could leave them crying and bloody on the ground. Nothing like a good fight, every punch a shot of adrenaline.

But as he matured and gained self-control, he stopped taunting them to the level they took swings at them. Hurting people is wrong, even if it feels good, so best not to try and do so as much as possible. This change was helped by his family moving to another school.

Most of the kids there, not hating him like those who knew him in the old one, were so... nice. They did good seemingly effortlessly, for a new arrival. Guiding the newcomer around the school buildings, helping them with homework, there are some seriously good people around. He was kinda jealous, really. They do the right thing because it feels good to do good. He has to think about it, do what he knows is right rather than what feels right.

Of course, not everyone in a school is lovely people. Some didn't care, but they're not important. Others were bullies. They are. See, Kira saw someone bullying someone who helped him and thought it'd be a good thing to get them to stop. "Gimme your lunch money"'s just a joke now, but when that's your lunch for the day when you haven't eaten breakfast, that's just awful. Well, that wasn't exactly what they said, but it was the general gist of it. So he stood between them, smiling, then spun into a kick... that got stopped by the person he was helping.

Now understand, this was not an easy thing to do. His earlier fights in the last school left him very good at it, and he was always naturally extremely fast. For them to block that kick would be impressive. For them to block that kick, when they were behind him when he started moving, with one hand, was incredible. There was no chance of any bully to actually physically threaten them.

And then the girl just started talking, asking why bully wants money, saying if he goes without lunch today, she'll give her money to him tomorrow, so he understands what he's asking for, and in general resolving things peacefully.

Kira and her, Sora, later become friends, though he isn't sure if he cares about her or just hanging out with her. She shares her view that everyone can be a good person, though not everyone might try. She had an incredible charisma to her when saying this, clearly caring very deeply on the issue. It was kinda infectious. Heh, Kira was fully committed to her point of view within a month.

As friends, they really do a lot with each other, and it turns out she's the leader of the karate club. Kira joins, but... Well, he loses control of himself just a bit and drops out himself, so as not to hurt anyone. Sora eventually got that out of him by just... asking why he dropped out? She's gotten good at reading his face and knows how much he liked the spars. On hearing his explanation, she volunteered herself. Frankly, she's too strong for him to hurt with just a little lapse of control, far more his equal than the, let's call them mooks, at the club. It take some convincing to get him to take the nearly nonexistent risk, but her charisma prevails, and they start sparring in their free time, as well as doing other things. This takes place and continues as they get out of middle school, into high school, then at 16, 11th grade, a serial killer's on the news. Targeting girls of 13-19, stay indoors, etc.

Kira's been pondering the last year or so. Sociopaths, people who don't care. They generally end up hurting anyone around them, right? Serial killers are probably them too. So he wants to ask. What's it like? Why do you do what you do, even when you know it's objectively wrong? He goes to look for them, and in a twist of fate, actually does.

And then the serial killer tries to kill him because he could go to the police. Kira was rather confident he could take care of himself, due to the numerous spars with Sora keeping him able. And it would've been true to any normal person. If three punks with knives attacked him in an alley and it came down to it, he'd be the only one walking out.

But this guy was an Ars user, with an extending Ars Armagus. Frankly, it was all he could do to stay alive half a minute. Batting the flat of the blade away from its stabs, his hands still were cut up and bloody in that time. If it went much longer...

But as he reached to stay alive, he received the power to do so. His Drive, Mutable Ties... And it didn't take much longer before he had his Overdrive.

Much shattered stone later, he sat down in a chair, wrapping bandages around his hands, and just asked the killer why he attacked him. Surprised Kira wasn't even trying to attack him, he replied with the truth, and they started to have a conversation. They really were alike in a lot of ways, with one significant difference. The killer was a lot more selfish than Kira.

And, due to his greater age, rather more insightful. When he described the feeling of killing another, Kira perked up. He listened. He was interested. So he knew. The only reason Kira wasn't going around killing people for fun is that he was more interested in doing what he thought of as "Right" more than what was right for him. It didn't even have to be a large change. He saw his expression as Kira had him at his mercy. He wanted to keep going. In fact, he did. By that point, he kept going with the gravity slams long after the killer was incapacitated, only barely stopping himself before he killed him. All he needed was to think that working for his own happiness can't be bad.

In the end, it was an amicable departure. They had talked late into the night, each the first time the other was able to talk completely freely without restraining their true selves, until Kira had to go home. But he promised to come again at another time. Such an amicable air, and the killer was listening to why he hasn't tried it himself. Surely he can convince him to stay like him.

But there was a rather large project he had to do, so didn't visit for a week. But on the last day of that week, well, he killed again, another face on the news. Of course he did, Kira knew he hadn't convinced him. But then he looked up. Sora. That was her face. She was better at this, at understanding, at peaceful resolutions. Hell, she was better at fighting than him, or at least equal. But she couldn't get that man to stop. Was it because she didn't respond to his attack with the intent to kill like Kira eventually did? Was it because her grasping at life was weaker? Well, it doesn't really matter.

Even now, he's still not sure he ever cared about her. But when he saw her face there, with a statement of the condition of her body...

The next day, he made his way to the killer's house, and they continued their conversation for a few hours. Getting up to get a drink, he noticed the killer's sword left on the table. Ooh, careless, careless. Well, he came back, and it continued. Eventually, the topic of the newest victim came up, and Kira was curious. How did it feel to kill her? Nodding at the mans's response, he flicked the sword from his coat, extending it into the man's chest.

That was the best feeling Kira had in his life. He was practically a trembling. That sword... It felt right in his hand. Like martial arts, with its use of his own body, is like wearing a second skin, but this was like letting his own skin breathe. As the man asked him why, with bloody lips, Kira thought to give him some last words.

"Huh... You were right, really. I'd apologize for the inconvenience, but I can't really bring myself to care. You know how it is, right? Ha... Ah, I hope hell's hot enough for you~ It'd be a shame if the skin didn't melt off your bones~"

Really, it was simple. Sora was right on the inherent good of humanity, that everyone can be good. The killer was right on the fact that there's nothing better than killing, for them. And he discovered that being bad is a wonderful feeling, the kind of thing he wasn't sure if he could give up, much less those that never had Sora in their life.

So he decided. There were a lot of people that chose to do wrong for their own selfish reasons. Killing them, like all murder, is an evil act. But they can't be convinced to stop, which is normally the best thing. So it's locking them up, which is hard, or killing them, which is easier and far, far more satisfying.

Since then, he's been traveling. And marking. And hunting. The first few months were hard, but he eventually found how to research targets properly, getting information about them the general public doesn't know. And, of course, how to fight Ars users. The serial killer was weak, all things considered. It was this period that saw him develop from incredible to superhuman, for he'd die if he didn't.

And so the White Snake, over the course of four years, became an A-Class criminal, with targets ranging from businessmen, to politicians, to those with human bodies in their freezers, to leading scientists. All the kills had in common, whether the investigators knew it or not, was that they committed crimes against humanity for their own gain, which made him rather hard to predict, as it's rather hard to tell who's done that.

Still, as a criminal, he eventually got people trying to apprehend him. Well, free fight, right? Fun as hell, and it's not like he has to kill them. Problem is... Well, sometime around when he was 19, he ran into some trouble. The three officers fighting him were working together extremely well, and powerful enough on their own, that the battle wasn't really in his favor. Most fun he had all year, besides the times he watched his targets' lives drain from their bodies, of course. Problem is, he got a bit too into it. No, make that a lot. Eventually, he realized he was stabbing a dead body over and over again. Yeah, no more fighting those that try to apprehend him. Running away it is. That... Killing people just doing their jobs? Never happening again. He'd die first.

His new target is the SS-class criminal, Ragna Bloodedge. He may not care about the library sacking, but the mass murder? Yeah... he's gotta go. This'll be his toughest target yet, but what's life without challenges?

Current Occupation: Looting those he kills.

Other Relevant Information:
Enjoys people-watching, and so spent a lot of time in cafes. Unfortunately, people generally recognize him now. Then he has to run. Well, that's not all that bad, but...
Wonder how Hazama will react to this.