BlazBlue: Fracture (OOC/Interest Check)

That or point her to the soup kitchen.
Or the pound. Maybe if she's lucky she'll find some degenerate that will love and care for her. Maybe.
She wouldn't really fit in in the pound.

Really, if she had a different personality, she'd be terrifying.
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She wouldn't really fit in in the pound.

Really, if she had a different personality, she'd be terrifying.

Believe in PETA; trust in PETA.
They will take care of unwanted pests pets. You just gotta beeeelieve~!

Im hearin' Kaka clan serial killer. Anyone else?

Really, thought Tokotakotaowhateverhernameis is a bounty hunter. . .
There was an assassin, but she was really spotter. . .
Then old ass cat shaman, dead helper of the heroes, and comic relief kittens. . .
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Everyone needs to put their trust in Hazama, if there's anything that shounen has taught me, it's that the power of friendship can win anyone over to the side of Justice.
