The last Marvel movie had the villain wearing a fishbowl for a helmet.

If Marvel doesn't give me full on skull faced Taskmaster then they're a bunch of fucking cowards. Why make comic book movies if you ain't gonna embrace the comic bookness?
I think it was the Udon comic that had a great design which invoked the older one without being a skull they could use.

I'm also very worried we're not going to get the cheesey "I learned how to fight at super speeds watching Kung Fu movies on fast forward" Taskmaster as well
You have to look at the tone of the film though. I mean they clearly aren't totally afraid of risk given one of the biggest characters is a talking raccoon and his tree son. This however is clearly meant to be a mostly serious spy thriller. A guy running around dressed up like Taskmaster would look out of place.

I mean, first off. We have a washed up Russian superhero with likely plenty of jokes about his age, his weight, and the Soviet Union incoming, so I doubt it will be that serious.

Second is that there's plenty you can do with Taskmaster to make his costume look MCU tacticool.
Like this:

or this:

Instead their answer is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and just give him a catsuit with only a marginally recognizable skull mask on his biker helmet.

Also, like, Thanos. Their most super serial villain ever, was a giant purple porn star with a triple ass-chin.
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The last Marvel movie had the villain wearing a fishbowl for a helmet.

If Marvel doesn't give me full on skull faced Taskmaster then they're a bunch of fucking cowards. Why make comic book movies if you ain't gonna embrace the comic bookness?
Spider-man had a totally different tone than this one seems to be aiming for.
My personal hope is they're going to include more crazy super-spy/Weird Russia stuff than this trailer lets on.

That said, this movie is going to be something of an obituary for Natasha so I would assume an overall melancholy tone. They probably won't go too broad as a result, though I do think they'll go broader than we've seen so far.

Really though, what supervillain would have fit better? Most of the super-spy and Soviet Marvel villains are either even more ridiculous than Taskmaster, or bland to the point of forgettablity.
It's sad that the X-Men intergration hasn't happened yet, as one of my fave comics bits was Wolverine and Captain America saving Natasha as a child. Would be awesome to work that in.
I mean, first off. We have a washed up Russian superhero with likely plenty of jokes about his age, his weight, and the Soviet Union incoming, so I doubt it will be that serious.

Second is that there's plenty you can do with Taskmaster to make his costume look MCU tacticool.
Like this:

or this:

Instead their answer is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and just give him a catsuit with only a marginally recognizable skull mask on his biker helmet.

Also, like, Thanos. Their most super serial villain ever, was a giant purple porn star with a triple ass-chin.

Or indeed Sonyman's Taskmaster, where he's clearly tacticool and doesn't have a cape but is colourful and keeps the crucial 'hood + skull mask' feature.

this motherfucker on the other hand is just a Prophet cosplayer who got lost on the way to the set of a Corridor Digital Crysis 3 video.
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Has anyone officially confirmed that it's Taskmaster and not some other dude with a skull mask gimmick?

I'd kind of prefer if it wasn't, not so much because I care about how he looks as because I'm not sure that Tasky really fits in this story anyway. I don't recall him having a connection with Black Widow or the ex-Soviets, and I'm not sure his "photographic reflexes" shtick (which, let's be honest, is kind of silly) fits the tone this film seems to be going for.
Has anyone officially confirmed that it's Taskmaster and not some other dude with a skull mask gimmick?

I'd kind of prefer if it wasn't, not so much because I care about how he looks as because I'm not sure that Tasky really fits in this story anyway. I don't recall him having a connection with Black Widow or the ex-Soviets, and I'm not sure his "photographic reflexes" shtick (which, let's be honest, is kind of silly) fits the tone this film seems to be going for.

I'm presuming Taskmaster is going to be a hired gun for whoever is the main baddie, and that they threw him in because why not.

Also minor possibility that they are preparing a Thunderbolt movie and given how few living villains they have to fill it up, he's being introduced here so the movie will have some recognizable faces besides Ghost and maybe Vulture.

You know, it kinda looks like he does have a hood there, it's just thrown back at the moment.

Which begs the question why they have it thrown back and reduce similarities with the comic character.
Which begs the question why they have it thrown back and reduce similarities with the comic character.

If that is a hoodie, my assumption is that either it's been pushed back due to him being perched on top of a vehicle, and wanting to keep it out of his face while he aims; last thing he probably wants is the SUV going over a bump, and pulling his awesome not-at-all-extreme spots bow to the side and missing the clean shot because his hood was in his eye and he couldn't readjust his aim.

Of course if you aren't wearing a hood while you Arrow, you're doing it wrong. :V
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I do assume they're at least keeping Taskmaster's photographic reflexes. The arrows are clearly a reference to Hawkeye, half the reason for Red Guardian being in the movie is probably for Taskmaster to show he can copy a superhuman's moves, etc, etc. It also wouldn't suprise me if he's more than just a mook, and is maybe the result of some sort of successor experiment to the Black Widow program.
Putting $20 on Taskmaster just being another one of Black Widow's sisters for the sake of a shitty twist because we as a culture still haven't moved past "person in scary masculine armour was SECRETLY A GIRL!!!!".
Putting $20 on Taskmaster just being another one of Black Widow's sisters for the sake of a shitty twist because we as a culture still haven't moved past "person in scary masculine armour was SECRETLY A GIRL!!!!".

It wouldn't surprise me if he was someone from her past, or a clone of someone important to her, or some shit like that. Also all the henchmen in the trailer dressed similarly to him makes me think they're either A) fellow clones or products of the same program or B) hopefully just henchmen he's trained as is his usual shtick.

While I strongly suspect there'll be some big reveal of who/what is under that mask, my personal wish would be that at the end of the movie during the final fight Taskmaster just says "fuck it, I'm not getting paid enough" and bugs out.
Putting $20 on Taskmaster just being another one of Black Widow's sisters for the sake of a shitty twist because we as a culture still haven't moved past "person in scary masculine armour was SECRETLY A GIRL!!!!".

...Suddenly I imagine Taskmaster will be revealed to be played by Gwendoline Christie.

But there's a propable chance that Taskmaster will in fact be Natasha's ex-SHIELD colleague, a more traditional Best Friend We Never Saw Before Betrayal.
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Black Widow, but she's bad... she's a bad guy. Oh, she's so bad.
50/50 odds Taskmaster is also a Widow, given the face off with Natasha at the end. Maybe 1 in 10 odds they're someone personally connected to her, like a blood sister, or hell, maybe something crazy like a clone.

Yeah, considering the plot also seems to revolve around somebody restarting the Black Widow program it seems likely that Taskmaster will somehow fit into that "new generation of super-assassins" framework.
Looks like Taskie is keeping the "photographic reflexes" shtick to imitate everyone else's moves and the knockoff Captain America shield.
Looks like Taskie is keeping the "photographic reflexes" shtick to imitate everyone else's moves and the knockoff Captain America shield.

Also he was using a bow and arrow in the last trailer. Although I do wonder what other characters he can emulate, given the MCU has a relatively limited selection of street-level heroes and slightly above. Maybe he'll have Black Panther claws at some point.