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Adhoc vote count started by Unnamed25 on Jul 22, 2017 at 4:27 PM, finished with 63 posts and 30 votes.
Also, are we in Japan? I thought this was an AU California with a lot more Japanese cultural exchange, but everything about the middle school, except some of the names, reminded me of anime middle schools rather than American middle schools.
Yes, it's still AU California, but it is like Big Hero 6, with it's San FranTokyo. Also, as was pulled on me; title "Black Kingdom Rising - Anime Villain Quest [CK2 Quest]"
Luring a middle school girl to your shadowy van caravan trailer can't help but be really creepy. Maybe Jacob should find a more above board way to recruit underage minions. Like maybe a goth themed book club?
... don't know why, but some reason that sounds like another Ecchi anime setup... can't remember which though...
We are playing a VILLAIN quest and our special power is to CREATE AN ARMY OF MONSTERS.
Honestly, compared to "Overpowered and Unrestrained" I'd call that a side benefit. Because so far our greatest advantage has been that Ebon Power seems to simply be outright better than other types of energy, able to imitate them and absorb them. Which means its basically an ever-expanding utility belt with the force of a nuclear reactor behind it, since we can steal techniques from other factions
Because I'm a horribly good procrastinator, my mind went... places, with the (possible) future 2 Ebon Magical Girls:

"What I want...? I just want my family to get together again! I'll do anything! Please!"

"I can move so fast now, ya~y! :D"

"... Or maybe everything's just so slow? Oh well. :whistle:"

"So not only do I move even faster, I can cut things better with this huge sword! :lol"

"Hmm, what did that guy in the internet say again... ah right. ;)"


"No matter how many awards I win as school, all I get a simple letter of recognition. From my own parents. What a joke."

"No matter how much trouble I cause downtown, all I get is a slap on the wrist. Not even a word of warning from my parents. What a joke."

"Does nothing I do ever really matter to them? Blessed or not, this life... this life is... such a joke."

"Haa... such overflowing power..."

"Compared to satisfaction of having high grades nor the rush of crushing lowlife punks in alleyways... "

"This is of a different level! Splendid!"

Note: The Tome she's using is one of the "Slave-type" Book of Ebon, while the "Master-type" Book of Ebon is always within Jacob or Evetta's reach.

"Oh~ho, seems like those mages over there might put up a smidgen of a fight. Blaze, Spark, kindly take out their vanguards, if you please."
"Understood. Spark, try not to lop off too many limbs this time."
"Okaaaa~y. Ebony Spark, charging i~n!"

"Hmph... well then, I'll deal with the rest of the rabble myself."

"Those delicious Magic Cores of yours... I shall put them to better use."

"As sacrifices to the Black Tome, that is! HAHAHAHAHA!"


「ふん... いいでしょう。残った奴らを私で相手を差し上げますわ。」

「我が漆黒の書の供物としてからな! ハハハハハ!」

Disclaimer: I'm not going to force everyone, especially our based QM shibosho, to use these ideas. I just had a random muse hit me over the head with something heavy something fierce.

Also, Your Mileage May Vary. :confused:
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Because I'm a horribly good procrastinator, my mind went... places, with the (possible) future 2 Ebon Magical Girls:

"What I want...? I just want my family to get together again! I'll do anything! Please!"

"I can move so fast now, ya~y! :D"

"... Or maybe everything's just so slow? Oh well. :whistle:"

"So not only do I move even faster, I can cut things better with this huge sword! :lol"

"Hmm, what did that guy in the internet say again... ah right. ;)"


"No matter how many awards I win as school, all I get a simple letter of recognition. From my own parents. What a joke."

"No matter how much trouble I cause downtown, all I get is a slap on the wrist. Not even a word of warning from my parents. What a joke."

"Does nothing I do ever really matter to them? Blessed or not, this life... this life is... such a joke."

"Haa... such overflowing power..."

"Compared to satisfaction of having high grades nor the rush of crushing lowlife punks in alleyways... "

"This is of a different level! Splendid!"

Note: The Tome she's using is one of the "Slave-type" Book of Ebon, while the "Master-type" Book of Ebon is always within Jacob or Evetta's reach.

"Oh~ho, seems like those mages over there might put up a smidgen of a fight. Blaze, Spark, kindly take out their vanguards, if you please."
"Understood. Spark, try not to lop off too many limbs this time."
"Okaaaa~y. Ebony Spark, charging i~n!"

"Hmph... well then, I'll deal with the rest of the rabble myself."

"Those delicious Magic Cores of yours... I shall put them to better use."

"As sacrifices to the Black Tome, that is! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Disclaimer: I'm not going to force everyone, especially our based QM shibosho, to use these ideas. I just had a random muse hit me over the head with something heavy something fierce.

Also, Your Mileage May Vary. :confused:
Awesome idea man, although we might have to make sure that there behavior outside of their jobs stay normal, or at the very least make sure they dont let any slips about us especially towards Vivian.
Disclaimer: I'm not going to force everyone, especially our based QM shibosho, to use these ideas. I just had a random muse hit me over the head with something heavy something fierce.
Seems awesome to me. Especially if the princess type starts hanging out with us at school and our friends think she is our girlfriend. That would be hilarious.
Awesome idea man, although we might have to make sure that there behavior outside of their jobs stay normal, or at the very least make sure they dont let any slips about us especially towards Vivian.
We'll have to teach them how to separate their private lives and their secret lives better, then.

The genki elementary schoolgirl is secretly a slash-happy fairy.
The stoic middle schooler is actually a no-holds-barred walking nuclear furnace.
The prim and proper ojou-sama is, in truth, a battle-seeking dominatrix.
Hey I don't know if this question was answered already but how well does Ebon steel fair against none physical beings.
Hey I don't know if this question was answered already but how well does Ebon steel fair against none physical beings.
From what I've conferred from reading Week 2's Results and the Aestia Creed Interlude, I think Ebon Steel has a chance of affecting spiritual beings.

1) Ebon Steel is made from Ebon Shards, which are in turn, made from pure Ebon Power. Stuff that's made from magical energies tend to be able to affect magical things, I think.

2) With a sword made of Ebon Steel, Jacob was able to slice and dice a Wraith, something that originally needed a Magical Girl (or a team) to take on properly. Said Wraith is a magical being so I'm guessing Ebon Steel is good enough for such things.

tl;dr - Ebon Power is bullshit, and so is everything made from it


On another note, when the three girls get their Ebony Weapons:

Ebony Blaze gets the Warstaff "Malphas"
Ebony Spark gets the Twinblade "Flauros"
Titania gets the Staff "Asmodeus"

The Gauntlets "Barbatos" are reserved for the the beastly team member.
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