Best Game Ever | Dudley Quest [HP/The Gamer]

[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!

Homework doesn't seem to give much gains, grind Vitality instead.
[X] No. "I'm not sure if I can. I'll let you know."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]
[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] Look for new friends. You never noticed before, but... Your friends are kind of dumb.
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.
Dudley strikes me as the sort of person (currently) who chases after the shiny (reward) so the quests are in, boxing practice and bike riding got us lots of points so we keep doing them until they don't give us points. That's when they get boring and we drop them and that's why I've dropped homework (this time).

I think sticking to homework will net us a long-term reward, since it takes dedication.
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] Look for new friends. You never noticed before, but... Your friends are kind of dumb.
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess.

[X] [After school] Develop a Skill: Stealth. If Dennis is worried about teaching you stealing, what about teaching you how to be proper sneaky, first?
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.

Stealth + theft means we could potentially just flat-out take shit from Diagon alley and no one would notice.
Besides which, being able to sneak around is just plain useful far as a skill goes.

...Anyway, if we do well on homework, could we perhaps be rewarded with a pet of some sort?
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [After school] Quest: (Meta)Gaming- Read the Dungeons and Dragons rulebook at home. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if 'Dungeons and Malcolms' is selected for Recess.]
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!

[X] [Recess] Pranking with Piers- Piers is the sort of guy who would enjoy a good exploding toilet.
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]
[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.

Perhaps we should take on the quest when we're faster and whatnot.
I think sticking to homework will net us a long-term reward, since it takes dedication.
Maybe, probably even. But I don't think there has been anything in the quest thus far that (I believe) would make Dudley think that long-term dedication to something that gives a small payoff is worth it.

Once he gets rewarded for dedication once I can potentially see him investing more time in things with smaller payoffs, but not currently.
I want to save stealing later when Harry comeback form the freak school,so we can blame him about stealing.

Unless something radically changes, we aren't likely to be drawn into harry's life. It is better for us to get good at it early so that when Harry leaves, we don't need the crutch of blaming it on him. After all, if we get good enough nobody will suspect us.
Maybe, probably even. But I don't think there has been anything in the quest thus far that (I believe) would make Dudley think that long-term dedication to something that gives a small payoff is worth it.

Once he gets rewarded for dedication once I can potentially see him investing more time in things with smaller payoffs, but not currently.

Concentrating on one of the zoo animals did it, actually.

I'm wary about the thief thing, but it's best to do it during recess.

Recess? It's a carton of milk we do at school--we get suspended.

We do it after school, knick a wallet? We get arrested
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[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."

Some say "sleight of hand" I say "disarming enemies and denying them resources".

Besides, it gives us better relations with our local rogue.

[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

If all our friends are dumb, make a party, invite them all. Become supervillains and take over the world. Grind our collective intellect up.

Also, Murderhoboing with a party...

[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]
[X] [Recess] Harry Hunting- Bond with friends and family alike through this exciting derivative of 'Tag'!
[X] [Recess] Do... Ugh... Homework.

Harry Hunting for some last-minute agi training and for friendship. With our friends, not harry.

Homework for even more int.

[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!
[X] [After school] Develop a Skill: Stealth. If Dennis is worried about teaching you stealing, what about teaching you how to be proper sneaky, first?

Boxing talent, some more vit and prepwork for the quest.

Ninja boxer. jumping from the shadows to decapitate people with our fists.
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[X] No. "I'm not sure if I can. I'll let you know."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]
[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] Look for new friends. You never noticed before, but... Your friends are kind of dumb.
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.
This was a very nice and meaty chapter. Yum thank you!

[x] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[x] Yes. "Sure, why not."

Available premade [recess] actions;
[x] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]
[x] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[x] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]

Available premade [After school] actions;
[x] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[x] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
Write In [After school] action!
[x] [After school] Develop a Skill: Stealth. If Dennis is worried about teaching you stealing, what about teaching you how to be proper sneaky, first?

I really hope more people decide to develop Stealth. That would be amazing. Back stab might be part of that :p
Going with these unless someone thinks up more nifty write-ins.
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[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.

Already got boxing coaches attention! Olympic boxing level Dudley please.
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Explore Little Whinging- Have bicycle, will ride it!
[X] [After school] Develop a Skill: Stealth. If Dennis is worried about teaching you stealing, what about teaching you how to be proper sneaky, first?
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.
We're 11, we're not going to get arrested. We'll get a talking to from the cops about why it's wrong to steal. It's 1992, if an 11 year old steals a candy bar or something it's a youthful indescretion, not the act of a hardened criminal.
We're 11, we're not going to get arrested. We'll get a talking to from the cops about why it's wrong to steal. It's 1992, if an 11 year old steals a candy bar or something it's a youthful indescretion, not the act of a hardened criminal.

Is it like that in the UK?

The 90s in the US is when everyone got really harsh and anal about children with all of that "zero tolerance" tripe. And an arrest doesn't necessarily mean prison
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."

And if things go wrong, we can blame Harry. Somehow :p

[X] No. "Maybe another time."

Eh, I prefer one quest at a time. And have other things I want to do for after-school actions

[X] [Recess] Pranking with Piers- Piers is the sort of guy who would enjoy a good exploding toilet.
[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Train a skill - Animal Lore
[x] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[x] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[x] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[x] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[x] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[x] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[x] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[x] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.
[X] Yes. "You've got it. I'll decide when later."
[X] Yes. "Sure, why not."

[X] [Recess] Gorden Advice- Gordon agreed to get you some advice from his brother. Badger him for it.
[X] [Recess] A Dennis of Thieves- Tell Dennis that you'll meet him after school. [Requires quest acceptance. Required for Quest: Five Finger Discount]
[X] [Recess] Dungeons and Malcolms- Stuff the D&D book into your backpack, and go over it with Malcolm during Recess. [Unlocks Quest: (Meta)Gaming pt 2. Not required if Quest: (Meta)Gaming is selected for After School]

[X] [After school] Quest: Five Finger Discount- Meet up with Dennis and learn how to nick stuff. [Requires quest acceptance and spending an action on 'A Dennis of Thieves']
[X] [After school] Boxing Practice- Daddy signed you up for classes, but you don't have to go if you don't want to.
[X] [After school] Do... Ugh... Homework.