Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

I'm just imagining what will happen once we get our hands on a rancor or a krayt dragon
This monster would be very interesting
and if we are lucky we might stumble upon the zillo beast
What horrors would we create with these creatures
Question are we using the Grenade from half life alyx cause it wouldn't make sense to use the human one
Also a combine Pulse pistol concept
Good to have an effective sidearm for our soldiers that shares the same ammo as their rifles and smgs
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I wonder if we will research the armor of this universe clone armor is better than simple Kevlar
Edit: I'm also imagining the different helmet designs we will make for different species
It's interesting I'm imagining truly alien looking helmets we could use
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Mantising has life to live, and it's gonna be a big battle scene probably as we're going all in. They're likely taking time on it where they can.

I just urge them to remember, if creativity gets blocked anywhere, do barebones and move on. Better than stalling waiting for perfection.
Yeah it's on the way, just fighting me a little.
it's gonna be a big battle scene probably as we're going all in.
Exactly this, scale just went up and I'm still new to writing this kind of stuff. If I don't manage to get it done to my satisfaction soon I'll boil it down so we can get a move on.
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