On no, the other Evas are weeks away. NERV's got to deal with this by themselves...god help us all.

Not to mention that as for this Gendo...he isn't just ruthless, he is down right twisted and malicious...

He seems pretty... Gendo-ish right now, but we'll see just how deep the rabbit hole goes, I guess.

And once again - being Shinji-kun is suffering.

Something tells me she will personally lead the assault on NERV once SEELE gives the order.

If she lives that long. If the events leading to Zeruel remain somewhat true, I could see this Gendo simply pulling a Kaji on Motichka just after she outlives her current usefulness or becomes too much of a hindrance.

Besides, I feel that her rule is less about respect than fear, so I could see Gendo backing a small coup inside the Japanese forces.

So many possibilities :p
Chapter 5.3
Rejoice chaps, the muses spoke unto me! 6000 wonderful words altogether. Here is the third segment of chapter 5, leaving only three more segments before the chapter, and arc, is finished.

Then...we shall speak of some things, as I have a few ideas for other fics cooked up...anywhoski, returning to the here and now.

05:30pm, medical ward

What happened?

He didn't remember much, as consciousness made its unwelcome return.

I was piloting the Eva...there was a Seraph attack... Then things he really didn't want to feel coursed through his memory.


Shinji awoke with a yelp of fear.

He was in a hospital room, one of NERV's. The same overpowering artificial light was something of a giveaway. Sitting up slowly, he found his body, his naked body, shaking.

It hurt...it hurt so much.

Now he was rubbing his chest, expecting to find horrific burns like the ones he'd seen at those refugee camps during the Pacific War. But there were fortunately no great patches of singed and blackened flesh covering the area over his heart. Just normal skin.

No boiling...no melting...no bubbling...

He felt weak, but the idea of falling asleep and going back into his personal realm of nightmares, was not something he found appealing. So he positioned himself against the headrest of his bed, propping himself up with a pillow.

For minutes on end all he did was breathe deeply. In and out. As if trying to exorcise himself of all his fears, a few clenchings of the fist being an echo of his mother's teachings on how to deal with such feelings. Even then, with memory of his mother in mind, Shinji didn't stop being afraid.

Neither did he stop shaking.

The room's door slid open as Tenka walked in.

"I bet you didn't want to wake up in here again, did you?" He said sadly, hands clasped behind his back.

Shinji didn't say anything, he just stared down at his balled fists, absorbed by his fears.

The doctor brought himself over to the bedside, standing just beside it. A look of concern in his gruff brown eyes.

"Right, I'll cut to the chase as I know you don't like being asked questions." He managed to smile before continuing.

"Physically you are unharmed...but I haven't been able to account for the psychological damage..."

"I...I...remember. It hurt..." Shinji croaked.

"It hurt. I've seen men go mad from much less than that, some not even being able to walk or talk anymore. You're a tough little sod aren't you?"

"I don't feel tough."

"Well the fact you can even feel is a good sign. But tell me...how do you feel in yourself?"

"I...I..." The boy stammered, as he tried to describe his position. But it was more difficult than usual, especially after...

Then the thing that did this to him, came to mind.

"It's still there...isn't it?" He whimpered, eyes widening in terror.

"You mean the Seraph? Yes...yes it is..." The doctor said darkly, reflecting on just how the hell humanity was going to survive this one, let alone the eleven yet to come.

Very quickly however, his senses informed him his patient's breathing was increasing.

"It's waiting for me...I can't go back out there...I can't...it'll kill me...it'll kill me!" Shinji's voice rose to a scream as he rocked back and forth, sweat trickling down his forehead, tears gushing from his widened with fear cerulean eyes.

"Shinji, focus on me, ignore everything else and do exactly as I tell you. Breath deeply and slowly, can you do that?" Tenka said firmly, placing a strong hand on the boy's shoulder.

Some of the other section 5 staff dashed in, only for him to raise a hand and quietly shoo them away. A pair of red eyes poked around the corner, forcing the doctor give them a look of "you too."

The albino's gaze disappeared.

Don't crowd him, but let him know I'm here and wait for it to pass.

Shinji's breathing eventually slowed, to only the occasional whimper.

"That's it...that's it..." Tenka's hand didn't once leave the young man's shoulder.

Full blown panic attack. He's terrified.

The boy's head hung low, those previous tears dripping onto the sheets.

Earlier in his panic, he had accidentally thrown them back a little, leaving a certain area...exposed. Tenka chose not to point this out, as Shinji wa certainly not in the right place for it.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"Sorry? Nothing to be sorry for." Tenka patted him on the back.

"I'm going to be honest. They do want you back in the Eva, they've come up with a plan to kill that thing above us...but even then it's your choice. There's still a few hours before the operation begins, plenty of time to think."

No response.

"I'll let you rest." He left that thought with Shinji, before standing up and leaving.

And thus the wimpy brown head thought about the subject at hand, without melting down again.

It'll kill me...but I guess that was always a risk, I just didn't realize how much of one it was until today...

He ran a hand through his mousey hair and quietly sighed.

I was scared when I did it the first time, but now...that's the closest I've ever come to actually dying. I don't want to feel that again, but if I don't pilot it...Oh I was so stupid, "I've killed two before, I can kill this one?" How could I ever...as if I could...gah, stupid...

He quickly reassured himself.

No. Ayanami-san's better now, she wouldn't mess up like I would. The world's safer with her...I hope she'd understand...I'd just get more people killed. They don't need me anymore, no one does.

"Pilot Ikari." A quiet voice with which he was all too familiar, caused Shinji to jump.

Pushing a hospital table in, packaged plugsuit under arm, was Rei Ayanami.

Unknown to him, she had not left the medical ward in hours, keeping a constant watch on him. In fact, in her own way, she had insisted on the performing of this "duty."

"Oh...hey, Ayanami-san. I didn't know you were here..." Shinji stammered as she wheeled the trolley over to his bedside.

"I have brought you sustenance." She stated.

I can see that. He inwardly chuckled, not having the strength to actually do it. This bluntness and total lack of subtlety was so very much Rei. Bizarrely, it could be said this near void of personality, could count as a personality in itself.

"Thanks." Shinji weakly nodded, before she dumped the plugsuit on the bed.

"Your suit."

He looked at it with a sullen expression, sighing and letting his shoulders slump.


"You do not wish to do it."

"...Yes." He nodded, ashamed.


He huffed for a few moments as he struggled to think of something to say back, before the words spilled forth.

"Because I'm scared alright. I've never been more scared in my life. I almost died out there and my father didn't even-" He stopped himself, his expression turning into one of horror.

No, I don't want anything from him! Nothing at all! He left me on that platform like I was trash, I don't want his recognition, I don't want his love!

"Then it is fear of death that drives you?" Rei said.

"Heh...yeah...I always thought my life was worthless. But...as pathetic as it is...I don't want to lose it. And anyway-" He gingerly made eye contact with her again.

"You're better at it. NERV needs you, not me."

"But my Pilot Link is inferior to yours..."

"Damn it, you know what I mean. You aren't a coward, you aren't dishonest, you aren't sneaky...and you aren't a wimp." He trailed off. The albino merely blinked.

"For the operation against the 6th Seraph to proceed at maximum efficiency, both Units 00 and 01 are required. If you do not Pilot the Eva, then chances of the Seraphim's victory increase by a significant percentage, as does your chance of death. Therefore, it is more logical for you to fight." Her voice never rose or fell, but her words hit him harder than anything harsh or cold.

It was the truth.

And Shinji hated how the thought of self preservation might be the only thing capable of motivating him to get back in the Eva.

"The operation begins in five hours. You have until then to make a decision..." Her red gaze angled downwards and stopped at a specific point.

"You may wish to pull your sheets up."

He looked confused for a moment, before realising his underparts were feeling far too cool for having sheets upon them. Shrieking in embarrassment and yanking them over his low calibre main gun, he missed watching Rei walk out the room, despite his wish to say more to her.

The boy was alone again.
6:00pm, Command bridge

"So...how dead are we this time?" First Lieutenant Shigeru Aoba fiddled with his fingers whilst lying back in his chair.

"Hopefully not that much." Makoto replied curtly, as he attempted to focus on his work.

"Willing to bet on that?" The long haired misanthrope chuckled.

"No. You have fleeced me enough." The bespectacled Otaku adjusted his glasses.

Could never see shit without these things

"Hmph, you're no fun. What about you, Ibuki-san?" Shigeru called out to the timid twenty-six year old.

"I don't like to think about it..." She dismissed him.

"...But you have thought about it?"

"Oh shut up."

He laughed a little, getting a few uneasy looks from the other staff.

"Fine. But in the end what difference does it make? I mean we're all going to die anyway so what's there to be afraid of?" He pointed out in his insufferable "you know I'm right" voice.

"Eh, the difference is I don't want to give you bragging rights when we're spirits." Makoto's comment caused the three to chuckle.

"Perceptive as always, Hyuga-san..." Shigeru folded his arms behind his head and started whistling.

Loudly, and annoyingly.

Eventually, Makoto sighed in irritation and relented.

"Alright. I think we're going to be okay. Katsuragi-san knows what she's doing."

Shigeru leaned forward with a sly grin.

"Speaking of which, how is your on-going quest to get in between her legs coming along?"

"Uh...gah...none of your business." Makoto hissed, whilst Maya giggled.

"Don't know what you're laughing at. You're trying to do the same with Sub Commander Akagi aren't you?" The long haired thirty-two year old raised a brown eyebrow, as his female colleague's giggles stopped and her cheeks turned a tinge of bright red. Having taken his humour in the situation, Shigeru turned his gaze upon the massive monitor, which presented the image of the 6th Seraph hovering over the city, it's energy blasts slowly cutting through the many layers of armour.

"So...what do you think they are?"

There was a groan from the other two.

"How many times do we need to do this Aoba-san? We don't know what they are. They are meant to be completely beyond our comprehension, and that's the end of it. The only thing we know about them for sure is what they want. That's it. I've told you this dozens of times." Maya grumbled.

As soft a person she was, even she had her limits.

"Oh come on, you keep wondering as well?" Shigeru attempted to connect to them on the matter, with no luck.

"Fine...I guess I'll have to ask what Caspar-san thinks..." Even the sudden yells of "no" from his colleagues, did nothing to stop him hitting the comms button.

"Hey Caspar-san, I've got a question for you."

"What is it? Is it, have you cleaned your internet history of late? If yes, then the answer to that is no...you dirty boy..." The A.I boomed in its characteristic "I don't care if people can hear me" manner.

"No that wasn't it..."

"Guitars, Aoba-chan! Why guitars!?" Caspar's despairing tone caused many on the control deck to burst into loud laughter.

Back on Observation however, Maya had her hand clamped over her mouth, and Makoto had his head buried in his hands muttering "yet another thing I did not need to know."

"No...that wasn't it either. I was going to ask what you think the Seraphim are." Shigeru managed to force down his blush of embarrassment.

The A.I was silent for a while.

"Well in answer to your question, Aoba-chan...it's quite similar to the one your colleagues have given you. The most we know about them is their destructive power and desire to eradicate all life. Alas, we know no more because A, when they die their flesh goes rock solid, and B, the Seraphim aren't exactly forthcoming about what they are." Once again, the A.I elicited a chuckle from the staff.

"If I'm not needed for anything else then, I'll just be off. Making sure nothing valuable explodes and all that..." Caspar's voice faded away.

"So...Guitars?" Maya attempted to say through barely controlled giggles.

"Oh shut up."

"That just doesn't make any sense..." Makoto shook his head.

"And Akira does?" Shigeru titled his head, his bespectacled colleague spluttering.

For the First Lieutenant was committing sacrilege.

"It makes complete sense if you've read the manga!" Makoto growled.

"It's a movie. It needs to stand by itself, not rely on extra material!" Shigeru threw open his arms in exasperation. The subject of Makoto's favourite movie and manga was often one for disagreement between the two.

"But it's art, Aoba-san!"

"Oh no, Hyuga-san, I expected so much more of you." He chuckled for a little, before his expression turned into that of someone feeling a ill.

"Besides, whatever that guy turned into puts some of the things we've seen to shame. How was that fucking thing art? Spirits, I was gagging for hours after seeing that..."

"Yes...that was disgusting. But hey, at least it made more sense than-" Maya sighed before her colleague interrupted.

"No." Makoto had a look of mock fury on his face.

"Oh what, too deep for you, Hyuga-san?"

"It's not fucking deep. It's got the depth of a children's paddling pool damn it! It's what happens when crazy meets way too much money. How is it popular, I don't understand at all!? Just...Spirits...that fucking fan base is more toxic than Chernobyl itself. It's 2 DEEP 4 U my ass..."

This caused the other two to laugh, with the thirty-two year old Otaku grumbling to himself.

How did that get popular in the west, whilst Legend of the Galactic Heroes stayed in obscurity? Maybe we should let the Seraphim win after all...

Casting her gaze over Shigeru, Maya raised an eyebrow at his contented smile.

"Was this all part of some elaborate plan to lighten the mood?"


"I thought you didn't care about all this sort of thing...considering you're a psychopath?" Makoto raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I don't really. I just think people are less insufferable when they're happy. And it's High Functioning Sociopath, not Psychopath." He emphasized with annoyance.

"I forgot we could get under your skin with that..." Maya said, whilst Shigeru explosively sighed.

"And this is why I hate people."

There was silence for a minute or so, before a grin came onto Makoto's bespectacled face.


The misanthrope slowly angled his gaze upon his co-worker, embarrassment and annoyance etched upon his expression.

"Not. Another. Word."
8:10pm, Transport hub

It had been a long journey. Made even longer by the JSA overseers from Site Ieyasu breathing down their necks, making sure the weapon with which NERV might just win wasn't tampered with.

Or explode.

To be honest, Misato couldn't blame them, as much as they irritated her. When she'd asked about "what might happen" if something went wrong, the general answer was "Japan turns into Arabia..."

The Lieutenant Colonel watched the truly massive weapon be transported by vast subterranean crains. It had been so much trouble to get the one hundred and sixty metre long weapon of mass destruction here to begin with. Granted it would have been much easier if they'd simply sent an Eva to pick it up, but with the 6th Seraph having Tokyo-3's airspace locked down, it wouldn't have got far.

So, they'd had to transport it via an FCV, before dropping it off some miles away from NERV central, leaving it to be brought here by the organization's vast underground train network. Well...that was a bit of a lie, she guiltily mused.

The "Rapid Homeland Defence System" or RHDS, was built by the Defence Board in 2004. It was a nationwide metro system, designed to quickly transport troops and supplies without enemy attention. However, after the Chinese invasion was beaten back, NERV had..."requisitioned it."

Yet another reason why the JSA despised them.

"Quite impressive isn't it?" Ritsuko's voice caused Misato to come out of her reflection.

"Oh, hey, Rits-chan. Yeah, sort of, but...it's still just a big gun at the end of the day."

Ritsuko, clipboard in hand, shook her head.

"A weapon that produces in power the equivalent of a small solar flare is just another big gun to you? Eh, that's probably me over thinking things..."

"How is everything else going?" Misato said quietly, not wishing for others to listen in. For if news boded ill, then she didn't want the staff to suffer a morale drop like that.

"Incredibly, almost everything is going to plan. Unit 01's had its armour plating replaced, the old NASA Space Shuttle we have has been re-purposed as a shield, Subject Creatrix's A-T field has been utilised, the Seraph may be oblivious to all our movements, and Ayanami-san is somehow combat ready." The faux blonde relayed with some pride. Considering the time and resources they had, NERV could make this work. Emphasis on could, but that was better than nothing.

"You said almost." Misato turned her brown gaze upon the Sub Commander, predicting what might not be right with a heavy heart.

Ritsuko sighed.

"Tenka-sensei says that Ikari-san...may not be in quite the right place to Pilot Unit 01. Whilst there are fortunately no sympathetic injuries, the experience has traumatised him...more so than usual...in fact he had a panic attack or something like that."

The purplehead closed her eyes and exhaled.

Of course this was going to happen. Considering what we keep putting him through, I'm surprised he hasn't gone insane.

She then rethought that.

Hell, he can't go insane because he's already as mentally unstable as me...

"He'll do it." She said with total conviction.

The faux blonde raised an eyebrow.

"You trust other people far too much, Misato-chan. Second Impact taught us what happens when we put faith in others...a fucking mess...anyway, Ikari-san was never the firmest person to begin with. And after what happened to him today, I doubt he'll ever be able to do it again."

The two stood in silence for a few moments before Misato straightened up, and walked off.

"Where are you going?" Ritsuko called after her.

"Medical ward."

"Good luck..." the faux blonde said sardonically, before fixing her gaze on the mighty weapon which may well be man's salvation.

A weapon actually built by our hands...

"I won't need luck." Misato quietly murmured.

Shinji-kun is a wimp. He is skittish. But one thing he isn't... A little part of herself was quite surprised by just how much trust she was putting into him. And yet, after living with the boy for some time, she wasn't as surprised as she'd thought.

...is a coward.
08:30pm, Medical ward

He'd been surprised there was a balcony, as he'd assumed father would never spend money on making something look nice.

Yet here it was.

It was a pleasant little thing, meant as a place of relaxation for the injured or sick. The trickling water of the fountain and even the bonzai plants, were placed and designed to provide a sense tranquillity that wouldn't have seemed out of place in the gardens of the Imperial palace. Well it would have, if the Seraph's constant bombardment wasn't echoing above him, causing his spine to shiver.

I can't face that thing again...I can't...

Shinji bowed his head and clenched his fists, leaning on the balcony edge in an attempt to control his shaking.

It was a beautiful view. The various green fields and lakes of the geofront added a wholesome and natural feeling to this otherwise unnerving place.

His hand moved to his chest and massaged it, wincing slightly as recalled the enemy's power striking him.

I'm so pathetic...

Footsteps coming from behind caught his attention. But he didn't need to turn around, for he knew to whom they belonged.

"Good evening, Katsuragi-san."

Misato stopped a metre or so behind him, the sheer weakness of his voice stabbing at her heart.

"Good evening, Shinji-kun. I see you're out of bed."

No response.

"How do you feel?"

Shinji sighed and bowed his head.

"I know why you're here, you want me to pilot the Eva. I'm not going to waste your time so here it is. No, I can't do it."

The two stood there for a while, with nothing but the sound of the geofront's wildlife echoing around the great dome.

You'll still do it. I know you will.

"How do you know that?" Misato queried.

"It's simple really..." Shinji turned to face her, his expression darkening.

"Every time I get in that thing something goes wrong. People get killed and it's all because I'm a pathetic coward who just can't do anything right. You don't need me anymore anyway, you've got Ayanami-san now. The only reason father brought me here was to act as her sub..." He said bitterly, his fist clenching and unclenching.

"He didn't do anything...did he? I bet he didn't even blink..." A single tear slid down the young man's left cheek.

"No...he didn't. I'm sorry." Misato knew what it was to have problems with parents, but it seemed even her own issues paled before those of her charge in some ways.

He breathed in deeply.

"I never thought I wanted his approval, or acknowledgement, or even his love. But I do...so so much." The tears could no longer be held back

"I want to have a father again. But I know he doesn't want a son..." His tears turned into sobs, as Misato gently placed a hand on his shoulder. She remained quiet, letting him get all his woes off his chest.

I keep forgetting you're just a kid. A damn brave one, but still a kid at the end of the day.

"I know he doesn't care if I live or die...not at all." Shinji forced out, laced with some of the infinite anger he felt for his sperm donor.

"I hate it. I hate wanting him to look at me, or complement me, but I want it anyway...oh Spirits I'm complaining about this when that thing is up there trying to kill us all." He briefly cast his gaze upwards, then shook his head with distressed annoyance.

"I could never get my priorities straight..."

Now Misato understood. She understood one of the reasons why Shinji behaved the way he did.

"You really hate yourself...don't you?"

"Of course! What is there to like about me!? I'm a coward, I'm dishonest, I'm sneaky, and a wimp! I am nothing, Katsuragi-san, completely nothing! Nobody wants me, not even my own father..." His sudden out burst trailed off as he struck the metal railing on the balcony with his fist.

But we need you! Her subconscious cried out instinctively. Misato had lived alone for a very long time, desperately trying to drown her nightmares in drink with nothing but Pen-pen to comfort her. Now that he lived with her...the home seemed much less empty, which was strange considering how tidy it was these days. He was a good room mate, even with him quietly muttering about her inability to keep the apartment clean when he didn't think she was listening. To be frank all that did was make her giggle.

She liked him living with her.

Maybe it was that which kept clouding her judgement, kept telling her they could handle the enemy by themselves and that he wouldn't have to do anymore.

But that's not going to happen. We need all the Evas operational to get through this, and you're the only person in the world who can pilot Unit 01.

She stared sadly at the young man, who was so keenly aware of his own problems and how they hampered his judgement when it came to the fate of the world. But that was the way mental issues worked. They were like a black hole which sucked in everything good and left nothing but misery.

And yet here he was, having saved the earth twice already.

Such a brave boy. A wimp, but a brave one.

"I'm sorry...but all I can do is let people down...Ayanami-san knows what she's doing. I'm not needed anymore." His head remained hung, his voice quiet.

Misato's hand still didn't leave his shoulder, her expression hardening. Not in a cruel way, but in resilience.

Let people down? Time to prove how wrong you are.

"Come with me, now." She strongly yet gently tugged on his shoulder. He resisted for a micro-second, before allowing himself to be pulled away from the balcony view.
It was a long walk, he dimly noted, not having a clue what his destination was. But, with humour, he did notice Misato seemed to know where she was going for once.

Are the stars in alignment or something?

However, he didn't show any sign of it, his specially grown fringe for covering his eyes being useless. All that was there, was the look of a sullen and sad young man, who truly believed he had nothing to offer to the world. Yet here was this strange woman, who appeared to have such misplaced faith in him, pulling him along to Spirits know where.

What does she want to show me?

His curiosity piqued as they came to a set of lifts with two Section 2 agents standing in front of them, implying whatever the lift led to was rather classified.

"Lieutenant Colonel. Can we help you?" The one on the right said, not betraying any emotion from behind his standard issue black glasses.

"Yes, you can. I'm taking Pilot Ikari down into Terminal Dogma. If you could step aside-" She took one step forwards, then raised an eyebrow when they didn't move.

"Terminal Dogma is white level classified-" One of them was halfway through saying before Misato shot him down.

"Unless you live under a rock, you would know I have that clearance, and have had it for two years. And I believe Pilot Ikari should know just what he's fighting for."

The two agents shifted uncomfortably, then parted.

"As you were." She nodded at them, before walking into the lift, hauling Shinji in with her.

"Where are we going?" He said quietly, as the doors closed and the lift started going down.

"Terminal Dogma. You'll see when we get there." She said cryptically.

Now he was genuinely curious.

What on earth does she want me to see?

The lift came to a juddering stop after a three minute long journey, leaving him to ponder just how deep down they were. And even throughout all that time, Misato had not let go of his arm. So he found himself being tugged along through a great deal of corridors and ever enlarging doors with bizarre and alien symbols upon them, symbols we would identify as Hebrew in origin.

They swiftly arrived at a great pair of doors, the largest he'd yet seen, which resembled giant obsidian slabs being almost ten metres tall, their corners glowing a luminescent red. And if they weren't foreboding enough, two auto turrets tracked their every single step.

Mounted at the door's side, was what appeared to be some sort of touchscreen key code device, which Misato quickly tapped in the required code on. Also, much to Shinji's interest, her fingerprints remained on the screen for a few seconds before fading away, being followed by a flashing sign of "Identified, Sub Commander Katsuragi. Access granted."

The great doors slowly but inevitably swung open, revealing what resembled a great metal catwalk surrounded by a sea of LCL.

However it was what resided at its end, that took his breath away.

Shinji stared wide eyed at the pale titan, nailed to a two hundred metre tall cross, a giant double pronged lance pinning its chest to it. Upon its face, a seven eyed mask that appeared to follow them, and where its legs should have been was only a hideous bubbling mass of tiny arms and feet.

"What is that?" He said, awed by this strange sight, all thoughts of his own self loathing temporarily vanishing.

"Shinji-kun...this is Subject Creatrix. Mother Lilith." Misato said as if she herself was impressed by NERV's prized possession, despite having seen it many times before.

"Mother...Lilith?" He said, overwhelmed. Shinji felt so many feelings being near this thing. Joy, happiness, love, and a desire to get closer. However, his subconscious thought differently.

Monster, devil, false deity, devourer of good! Kill or flee! Kill or flee!

"We call it that because...it is. All life on Earth was gestated by Lilith. You are looking at every living being alive today's common ancestor, and the Seraphim's ultimate goal." Misato continued.

"This made us...but how does it have anything to do with the Seraphim?"

"I'm not sure. But I know why they are here. They want to merge with it. I don't know why they keep trying to do it, or what they gain from it...but I know what will happen." The purple head then pointed at the great ocean of orange which surrounded them.

"LCL is Lilith's blood. It's the basic building blocks of all life. If a Seraphim were to get down here and merge with Lilith..." She turned to face him, seriousness in her brown eyes.

"It would be an evolutionary reset button. Everything, you, me, humanity, animals, plants, it would all go back to this."

"Why...why are you telling me these things?" He stammered in fear.

"Because you deserve to know what you've saved mankind from. Twice. The only reason the world is still spinning, the only reason we haven't all been condemned to oblivion, is because of you, Shinji-kun. I mean sure, how could you possibly fail with me behind you-" She chuckled a little, provoking a small smile from her charge.

"-But still...most of that was you. You got in the Eva. You fought."

She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You won. There's more Seraphim to come, and they'll get stronger, I can't lie about that. But with you, Ayanami-san, and everyone else onboard, we can get through this. You can help give back humanity's tomorrow."

A single solitary tear trickled down his cheek, one not of despair, but of a warmed heart that had been cold for so many years.

"Could you do that for me, Shinji-kun? We need you. All of us, every last person in this world. We need you...because you're a soldier who does Japan, its people, and our entire species proud." She said quietly, knowing her words were getting through to him.

I need you.

Before the restrained god, the two simply stood quietly for a while, whilst a faint and bewildered smile curved itself into existence on Shinji's once sullen features.

"Misato-san..." He gratefully whispered, as he was completely touched by her words. And he managed to carry out the exact same effect on her, as the purplehead herself was smiling now.

For it was the first time he'd ever used her first name.

His blue eyes met her brown ones once again, but there was no quailing or indecisiveness. Fear was present indeed, but fear overridden by determination and courage, born from an almost infinite reservoir of the stuff he was only now learning how to tap into.

Shinji deeply inhaled before he spoke.


He nodded, as if finally making peace with the hand fate had dealt him.

"I'll pilot it."
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"It's not fucking deep. It's got the depth of a children's paddling pool damn it! It's what happens when crazy meets way too much money. How is it popular, I don't understand at all!? Just...gods...that fucking fan base is more toxic than Chernobyl itself. It's 2 DEEP 4 U my ass..."

Really now? Have we gone full meta? XD I bet said show was RahXephon cough cough.

Joy, happiness, love, and a desire to get closer. However his subconscious was saying some very different things.

Monster, devil, false deity, devourer of good! Kill or flee! Kill or flee!

The plot thickens! I'd expect Rei to feel the Lilith-tingles, but Shinji? I smell a twist...

Great chapter, as always. Keep it up.
After clanging about on this sight for a while, I have realised something.

I have got Misato's fucking age wrong. She was born on the 8th of December 1986, and is thus 30 for most of the events of Sovereignty. Cue me reading back through roughly 100000 words as I change "31" to "30", one at a bloody time.

This is going to be more tedious than watching the End of fucking Evangelion...
Hoo boy, what a ride you given me. Seriously i have been searching for a good Evangelion fanfic for about four, five years after, Genocide from Rommel, Aeon Natum Engel, Aeon Entelechy Engel from earth scorpion, Scar Tissue, Children of an Elder God, Shinji 40K, ended, got completed, got axed or are simply on hiatus.
Do your know that shiver when you see a masterpiece being breed? I got it from your history. So keep hammering your keyboard, and bring more of this masterpiece for us.

Anyway , let's make a comment on the pressing matter you said you have a concern about, the combat.

I agree if you that the combat is missing a little "something", and that something is called instinct, because when on a real fight what make you win is instinct. It's what makes your body do that trained move, make you step foward or step back, makes you see that little piece of debris so you can smash the face o Sanchiel spilling his bone armor before getting a steel column from a building and transfixing his body to the ground before pounding his core to pieces.

And that type of writing based on fights, on the instinct of fighting up till now, only Bernard Cornwell mastered them, so if you can grab of his books whit a fighting scene (his book's are full of them), you might improve your combat scenes.

At last, sorry for the long post, and sorry for the typos and grammar errors, because english isn't my first language.

See Yaah
Chapter 5.4
Hoo boy, what a ride you given me. Seriously i have been searching for a good Evangelion fanfic for about four, five years after, Genocide from Rommel, Aeon Natum Engel, Aeon Entelechy Engel from earth scorpion, Scar Tissue, Children of an Elder God, Shinji 40K, ended, got completed, got axed or are simply on hiatus.
Do your know that shiver when you see a masterpiece being breed? I got it from your history. So keep hammering your keyboard, and bring more of this masterpiece for us.

Anyway , let's make a comment on the pressing matter you said you have a concern about, the combat.

I agree if you that the combat is missing a little "something", and that something is called instinct, because when on a real fight what make you win is instinct. It's what makes your body do that trained move, make you step foward or step back, makes you see that little piece of debris so you can smash the face o Sanchiel spilling his bone armor before getting a steel column from a building and transfixing his body to the ground before pounding his core to pieces.

And that type of writing based on fights, on the instinct of fighting up till now, only Bernard Cornwell mastered them, so if you can grab of his books whit a fighting scene (his book's are full of them), you might improve your combat scenes.

At last, sorry for the long post, and sorry for the typos and grammar errors, because english isn't my first language.

See Yaah

Your words are inspiring my friend. I will agree with you on instinct being the thing I am missing, and as reader of Bernard Cornwell as well, I truly agree he is a master of depicting brutal up close fighting. If I can capture a fraction of that sort of thing, perhaps the Sachiel and Shamshel battles will be better when I rewrite them...

"Masterpiece" you say? I'm flattered, truly. In fact, I think such praise warrants an update...
10:00pm, Tokyo-3, fortified position 21

It had taken an hour and a bit to move the Evas into position. Both Units had been mobilised, even before Shinji had agreed to resume active duty. Clearly NERV didn't do anything by half measures. In the distance, roughly a kilometre away, the lights of Japan's capital city illuminated its occupier. The occasional flaring of orange light indicating it was still cutting into the earth below it.

Still driving towards what he'd seen in Terminal Dogma.

Everything was in place, the time of engagement would be 10:30pm, and he would be the person to pull the trigger of the weapon which NERV had procured scarcely hours before.

The positron rifle.

A weapon which apparently would have taken the entire power supply of Japan to fire in years gone past...

Upon a raised concrete artillery emplacement, the young man in question was sitting with his arms folded around his knees. To his left, sat his comrade, Pilot Rei Ayanami.

He was still fearful of what duty had outlined for him, and Shinji reckoned he'd always be afraid of it. But Misato, NERV, humanity, and the strange girl that confounded him so, needed him to do it. Or else everything died.

Before him resided a lying down Unit 01, positron rifle placed in its hands. Just behind one of the nearby hills, crouched the gold and white armoured giant designated Unit 00, a great shield held in its right arm. One which had been apparently made from the underside of a NASA space shuttle...

Super weapons, monsters in the basement, and now a damned Space Shuttle. Just what the hell doesn't NERV have?

The stars twinkled away in the night sky, their usual brilliance being useful as something to distract him from the momentous task he was to commit himself to.

The task of slaying a demigod.

And as if to add to that, he now knew full well the consequences of defeat.

We can't fail.

His eyebrows narrowed for a moment, before he turned his gaze upon Rei.

They both wore plugsuits with their ever present itching. These days Shinji only occasionally scratched uncomfortable places, whilst his comrade appeared unaffected. She just sat there, in her skin tight white suit that would have sent most of Sengokuhara High's male students into a blushing frenzy. To him however, she was not "sexy" or "attractive." For you see, in the pale moonlight, the girl who could be regarded as his sister, was nothing but stunning to him.

Rei hadn't spoken a word since their brief conversation in the hospital, and now was no different. She stared off into the distance, at her Eva, at the stars, or at the Seraph, he didn't know.

"So...how are you holding up?" He said nervously to all that was left of his mother.

No, she's not mother...she's Ayanami-san.

"My previous injuries are no longer problematic. I shall be operating at maximum efficiency." She said blankly.

As was to be expected.

Shinji shook his head and laughed under his breath. However, Rei had good hearing.

"What is so funny?"

"Oh...i-it's nothing. Really."

Her expression remained blank but directed at him.

"Fine...I just think it's incredible how you're so...fearless." He said quietly, trying to find the appropriate words.

"Fear is irrelevant to me. I must carry out the duty for which I was created."

Whilst a little part of him seethed with anger over whatever father had conditioned her to think, Shinji could not help but find such sentiment...admirable.

"You're a lot stronger than me, Ayanami-san." He said in some disbelief.


Her simple word of response stumped him for a second, as he stumbled over what to say next. As if his pathetic nature had ever needed explaining to anyone.

"Well you aren't a coward. Or dishonest, or sneaky, or a wimp. Anyone else in the world has more strength than me, but you...considering what they ask of you...you're inspiring."

"Why are you lying?"


"You are not a coward. If you were, then the 4th Seraph would have succeeded. A coward would not have tried to shield me from falling debris with their own body, nor challenged their own father on behalf of a stranger. Neither would they have continued to put themselves in life threatening situations on behalf of others."

The orphaned and abandoned child stared on in a dumbfounded manner as Rei continued.

"You have never been dishonest with me, nor sneaky. And I doubt you ever will. Your temperament is...not adequate for it." She looked thoughtful for a while, in as much a person such as the albino could.

"I feel nothing except my purpose. You're strength is different to my own, but it is still there. You feel many things, fear being the most prevalent. And yet you push past it in the fulfilment of your duty. That is an admirable quality to many." Rei stood up and walked over to the building's railings, placing a hand upon them.

"What is it like? To feel fear?" She inquired.

His mind taken off the task at hand, Shinji spent a few moments opening and closing his mouth before speaking.

"I'm not sure how to describe it...it's like this bottomless feeling in your stomach that you get when you think something is about to go wrong. That's the best I can do."

She remained silent for a while before speaking again.

"I have never felt such a thing." Her back was turned to him now.

"But you feel it now though, do you not?" She added.

Shinji had never lied to her so far, and he intended to keep it that way. And with his gaze fixed on the great floating octahedron which had nearly snuffed out his life some eight hours ago, fear had a terrible grip on his heart.

"Yes." He nodded.

But even if I am scared...I will do my duty. For Japan, my people, my Emperor, my schoolmates, those soldiers I met all those weeks ago, Misato,...and you. He drank in Rei's image, not in a perverted manner, but in one of fond affection.

He hoped it would not be the last time he felt such things. But mixed in within those feelings, he found something bizarre to himself. After talking to Rei, he felt a burning desire to cave in the face of anyone who laid a finger on her. Although he didn't understand them, it would not be the last time Shinji's big brother instincts would be kicking in...then a feeling of wetness on his cheek caught his attention.

Realising that unnoticed and unwanted tear was trickling down it, he frantically wiped it away before she could notice.

The bluehead became silent for a full minute straight after that.

I do not wish for you to feel fear...I know not why I care for you, maybe it is because of my progenitor or how you have treated me. It is irrelevant. The fact is...that I do.

In the light of the moon, a light which made her ethereal yet beautiful young skin glow, and her hair shine like starlight, she turned her ruby red gaze upon him, a gaze many would think incapable of displaying emotion. But, today a small spark of compassion could be detected within them.

You strange alien creature...you who have shown me compassion even though you know my origins. Not once have you looked down on me for it, or been repulsed. Even if the thoughts of others matter little to me...I am glad to have met you, Shinji Ikari.

"You need not feel fear, Ikari. I shall protect you, with my life if it must be so." Her gaze flashed back over to Unit 00.

The boy in question stared on, aghast. The thought of someone vowing to give their life for his own pointless one, was nigh incomprehensible to him.

"It is time. Goodbye..." She began to walk away, not before he managed to snap himself out of his stupor and stand up, stammering out a few words.

"No. This...this isn't goodbye, Ayanami-san. Alright? We'll...protect each other."

His words earned a quick glance of acknowledgement from the albino in question, before she leaped over the railing, and landed perfectly on the ground some five metres below them.

Despite all the tension he was feeling, Shinji couldn't help but chuckle in disbelief.

He'd heard clones could be modified to be superior to ordinary human beings, but even then, that was impressive and seemed quite in character for her.

"Incredible." He shook his head before turning his own cerulean gaze upon Unit 01, his expression becoming grim.

Well...shall we try this again?
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"You are not a coward. If you were, then the 4th Seraph would have succeeded. A coward would not have tried to shield me from falling debris with their own body, nor challenged their own father on behalf of a stranger. Neither would they have continued to put themselves in life threatening situations on behalf of others."

Shinji simply stared on in a dumbfounded manner as Rei continued.

"You have never been dishonest with me, nor sneaky. And I doubt you ever will. Your temperament is...not quite right for it." She then looked thoughtful for a while, in as much as a person such as Rei could look thoughtful.

"I feel nothing except my purpose. You're strength is different to my own, but it is still there. You feel many things, fear being the most prevalent. And yet you push past it in the fulfilment of your duty. That is an admirable quality to many."
If it were anyone other than Rei, Shinji probably wouldn't have believed them.
If it were anyone other than Rei, Shinji probably wouldn't have believed them.

Logic has a strange way of shooting self esteem issues down in flames. Unfortunately, owing to the "completely absorbing of everything good" nature of such issues, Shinji finds it very hard to look at himself logically...or kindly...

However, whilst Rei's words aren't just going to magically boost his self image, they are going to give him something to ponder for while.
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Chapter 5.5
Well gentlemen, I'm a few days overdue (expect that to be routine now as we have caught up with my existing material on the matter) but it's here, all 6000 glorious words of an update.

The time has come for round 2 with Heir Ramiel, the third eldest of the Sovereign's children...
02:15pm, Great British Empire, Imperial home islands, Leopard, Parliament square.

To say the Imperial capital was impressive would be an understatement, even without the glorious rays of summer sun cascading over the heart of one of the mightiest nations man had ever created.

Leopard was truly a marvel of engineering, with great neo classical palaces, beautiful green parks, and neatly ordered Victorian style apartment blocks, rows of Georgian esque terrace houses, and an ordered road system. This coupled with a metro system both above and below ground, made travel quick and simple.

Attached to it, a great port with ships sailing in and out constantly, departing for the Empire's overseas territories or bringing back various and exotic items from said conquests. Above the city, floated the entire 1st airfleet, and in the waters of it's harbour, resided twenty warships of the Imperial Navy.

Only a fool would attack Leopard.

This was a city only made possible by the technology of the 21st century, along with the resources and manpower Britain had plundered during the creation of its vast Empire.

This was a city designed to make all foreign "barbarians" stand in awe of Imperial power, of a city built through the sweat of both Imperial natives, and pressed into work subjugated peoples. Who were instated as citizens and settled in the capital upon completion of the city, as reward for their services.

Today, the usually bustling city was quiet however.

For it was the Emperor's birthday, and he was making a speech.

His Imperial Britannic Majesty Charles Sebastian Vance, second Emperor of the British isles and its dominions, had withdrawn from the public eye after the successful conclusion of the Euro-Imperial and Federal-Imperial wars. Apart from the weekly government meetings in the palace of New Windsor, he wasn't seen much. But now, there he stood on that great platform, dressed in Marshal's uniform, a white cape designating his utmost importance. In front of him, behind him, and around him, stood hundreds of Imperial Guard, their navy blue coats and bearskins making them stand out in the crowd which had amassed to see their Monarch.

An instrumental version of "Lion's roar" played from loudspeakers, as the Emperor, with his beautiful Empress at his side, began to speak.

"Dear friends, subjects of Great Britain. The Imperial crown which resides upon my head, has only been made possible by your immeasurable loyalty to me and this country." A roar seemed to shake the foundations of the city itself, the crowd numbering in the tens of thousands basked in his words.

But Charles required silence. With the simple raising of his left hand, it seemed as if a great hush had fallen upon the world.

"Fifteen years it has been, since my father and his comrades in their infinite wisdom, birthed this great nation from the ashes of the old United Kingdom. The road has been long, it has been bloody, but as one we have become the greatest power this world has yet seen. And it has only been through your perseverance, for it was simply my privilege to guide you." He stretched out his right arm.

"Europe and America attempted to impede our destined glory, but look at them now! The continent cowers, it dares not provoke or insult us. Even the Federation holds its forked and fascist tongue, still bitterly remembering the hide whipping we gave it twelve years ago!" He swept his hand out to his side, as his people's screams of adulation reached fever pitch.

"I name you, conquerors of a fifth of the Earth, humblers of titans, my brothers and sisters. And I give thanks that you have deigned my few words worthy of your time. Thank you, all of you. And I bid you good day, fellow sons and daughters of the Empire. Hail Britain." His twenty-seven year old mouth curled into a smile as thousands upon thousands of voices screamed in jubilation of their Emperor, the man who had delivered them from the incompetent oppression of the continent, and genocidal savagery of the Federation.

"Hail Vance! Hail Britain!" They chanted again and again, as he turned away to walk back inside the palace of New Windsor, white cape fluttering behind him, his wife and Imperial Guardsmen quickly following.

"You haven't done anything like that since we defeated the Federation... and you're still amazing at it..." Abigail Vance, the second Empress of Great Britain, said in a tone of unsurprised disbelief mixed with fondness.

"Once one gains a grasp upon such things, you never lose it...still..." He cast a quick glance back at the crowds gathered outside New Windsor, the great doors sealing behind him.

"Not quite as good as my coronation speech. But it appears to do for them."

The corridors of the Imperial palace were magnificent. Great royal red carpets stretched across the entire complex, walls of brown marble with golden patterns engraved into them, supported by Corinthian columns of the same material flanking them displayed the wealth of the nation which built it.

Upon those walls, resided beautiful portraits.

Some retrieved from the ruins of London, some more recent, such as those of Terrence Cromford and the various generals who had won Britain an Empire. Granted, Charles mused, he had pulled the nation together in its time of need, set forth the strategy of conquest, and negotiated the treaties of Washington and Paris, but he was no soldier. More of an armchair general in his opinion.

One picture, among his favourites, did show a person he deemed a military genius.

High Field Marshal Alexander Meadow, fresh off his victory at the battle of Calais, cape and hair billowing in the wind, his men, the illustrious 7th army marching behind him in triumph.

How sad. To rise so far from losing a loved one, then to lose three more barely a few years later...

He stopped before another portrait, of a man with his hair and eyes sitting upon the Imperial throne with a cocksure grin.

One like that of Britain's current Emperor.

"Charles?" Abigail had taken his hand, noticing her husband's suddenly sombre expression.

"It's nothing."

A raised brown eyebrow from his Empress told him it would be discussed later. Whether he liked it or not.

Arriving at a set of impossibly ornate doors, as was fitting for a culture so obsessed with splendour, the Emperor was greeted by cries of "Hail Britain!" from a pair of guards, who pushed them open with a great creaking.

Gesturing with his hand to show acknowledgement, he walked through, arm in arm with the woman he loved.

This white room with stained glass windows and intricate golden patterns was the throne room, where in years gone past Charles would have sat, discussed, then dictated Imperial policy. Now he'd only appear every Friday or so, as the game of politics was boring to him these days. It was like he'd used up all his patience for it in the first year of his reign. On the other hand, that was to be expected from a man who'd been called up to rule when he was fifteen years old.

Charles had always felt like he'd done his bit for the nation, now he could relax.

Relax, and attend to a far greater task, his true magnum opus.

Raising a family.

"Hail Vance!" Roughly three hundred people fell to one knee, as their Lord and Liege walked through them.

The one hundred or so standing near the two Thrones at the other end of the room, were the Council of Marshals, the Empire's true rulers these days. They to whom the old order, what remained of the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats, and Labour, were nothing but an advisory body to be listened to or ignored on a whim.

And even then, with no sense of irony, they bowed to the British Emperor.

Of course the other two hundred, the Imperial Parliament, tripped over themselves to pay homage to him. As was to be expected of career politicians. Whilst Charles smiled at them in a cordial manner, his mind grumbled.

Nothing more sycophantic than a Tory. Of all the things to endure Second Impact, why did it have to be them?

Abigail however, had a great deal more tolerance for Parliament. At least their sycophancy wasn't like that of the nobility, who were always gossiping behind her back simply for being common born, out of earshot of the Emperor for fear of his wrath, but would flatter her looks and clothing at every opportunity when faced with her.

At least the various MP's simply wanted favour.

Even then, many of the old Parliament did admire her looks. For whilst the Empress of Great Britain may not have been particularly stunning so to speak, she did possess a wholesome and natural beauty. Her long brown hair and eyes, matched her pretty young face well. This was further amplified by the white gown and navy blue cape she was wearing that day.

No jewellery or make up, Abigail Vance required none of those.

The couple reached their respective thrones and elegantly sat upon them, bearskinned Imperial Guards standing at their sides.

"Rise." Charles gestured with his hand. Three hundred people quickly stood up.

"Sire, we congratulate you on yet another year of your glorious life and reign. Hail Britain, hail Vance!" Marshal Barton said in his jolly tone as befitting of so large a man, his last four words being replicated by all save two in the room.

The Emperor gave a quiet chuckle before responding.

"My thanks, Barton. I'll make sure there is cake left for you."

There was a ripple of laughter.

Upon the end of it, a clean shaven man in his early forties stepped forth from the group of Marshals, his hair still somehow pure black despite the stressful nature of his position. And although his eyes were doughy brown, they swam in intelligence.

"Ah, Cromford." Charles nodded at the practical ruler of his Empire these days.

"Sire, your post speech entertainment has been prepared." Grand High Marshal Terrence Cromford bowed his head, having already fallen to one knee. This was while a footman brought the Emperor a crystal glass filled with wine, on a silver platter. The twenty-seven year old Lord picked up the glass before responding to his most faithful servant.

"Excellent. Begin." Charles gestured with his left hand, whilst his right adjusted its grip on his glass, the Italian blood red liquid sloshing around.

The only good thing those continental cowards know how to make is this...

Cromford nodded and clicked his fingers.

The great screen embedded on the other side of the wall flickered into life, showing a picture that not many had ever seen before. It was an image of hills, with two armoured titans hiding within their shadows, a great rifle pointed towards the capital city of Japan, and a strange diamond like creature which hovered above it.

"Sire...pardon me for my ignorance but what is this?" Nathan Coll, head of the Liberal Democrats, and MP for greater Northamptonshire, tilted his head.

"This, Nathan is an image from the other side of the world. Of Tokyo-3, where a great battle shall soon commence." Cromford folded his arms behind his back and watched the screen for a while.

"I thought Tokyo-3 had gone silent due to a Seraph attack, Marshal?"

"Indeed it has, in fact this-" Cromford pointed at the octahedron "-is the Seraph in question."

There was a chorus of muttering among the gathered members of the Imperial government. However, even then there was a great difference between the Marshals and MPs.

The true governors of the Empire, talked quietly and calmly among themselves, resplendent in their navy blue military regalia and white capes. Whilst Parliament was a good deal louder and in ordinary dress...well so far as expensive suits can be considered ordinary.

Thelma March, the Prime Minister herself, stammered as politely as possible to her Emperor.

"S-S-Sire, this is rather serious for entertainment. I mean...if NERV fails..."

"Indeed, quite exhilarating isn't it?" Charles smiled, as he leaned back into his comfortable throne.

"The fate of the world is about to be decided, and we, the governors of history's greatest Empire, are merely spectators." He chuckled, brushing aside a strand of his loose blonde hair.

A few others attempted to laugh with him, only to be shrill and forced.

Then, on the screen, there was movement.

Entry plugs slid out of their respective Evas, followed by shadowy but unmistakeably small forms clambering into them, before being sealed back inside the mighty God Machines.

"And so it begins." Cromford muttered aloud.

"Indeed..." The Emperor looked thoughtful for a few moments, gaining a look of concern from Abigail, before flashing his trademark grin.

"Let us give a toast and a prayer to our gallant defenders." He raised his glass at the screen, prompting others to perform the Imperial salute, one of placing a fist over their heart, towards Pilots Ikari and Ayanami.

Taking another sip of his wine, Charles managed to hide his inner turmoil, quickly glancing at his wife. She instantly understood, taking his hand in her own and squeezing it.

He squeezed hers back.

Powerless...I vowed never to let myself or my people feel such a way again. Oh Knights of NERV...

He looked at the screen again, his expression almost softening when thinking of the children inside those mighty Evangelions.

It is an awful thing our world demands of you. But for my little Alfred and Charlotte's sake...save us.
10:30pm, State of Japan, Tokyo-3, fortified position 21

"Are you ready, Shinji-kun?"
Misato's said over the video link.

"Probably not." Shinji said in a nervous but humoured manner, causing some chuckling on the other end.

"That'll have to do then. What about you, Ayanami-san?"

"I am ready." Rei whispered.

"Alright..." The purplehead nodded.

She, Ritsuko, the other observation deck staff, and bizarrely enough Doctor Tenka, were not sitting down in NERV central with the Commander, but in a mobile command centre not too far from the Evas. If this operation went wrong, at least they would die quickly. When questioned on his reasoning for being there, Tenka said "If we're victorious, I want to be on standby for any possible injuries. I'm a Doctor, it's my job."

"The operation is a go. Shinji-kun, prepare to fire. But keep in mind that when you do the Seraph will know where you are. Understood?"

"Ryokai." He confirmed, tightening his grip around his control sticks, the targeting system having been lined up.

I can't miss. Not now.

"Alright then. Engage at will."
All Misato could do, was lean back and watch.

For the third time in less than a month, the world was in his hands. And by all the deities he was aware of, the boy resented it immensely. But now, he understood its necessity.

"Just line up the target...and pull the trigger..." He murmured to himself, his plug suited finger curling around the trigger in question, preparing to unleash a power the of a small solar flare upon mankind's nemesis.

Meanwhile, hovering above Tokyo-3, Ramiel continued to blast down into NERV Central, the orange light she produced illuminating a deep tunnel. A few more hours, and she would be there.

The Vooren must know I'm closing in...so why do you not act? No desperate bolt for safety, or last stand. Just silence...

She looked up at the night sky, watching for any sign of movement. But there was nothing. Even with her senses bizarrely off, the Divine hunter realised there truly was nothing. Nothing save for the heavens looking down upon her.

Hoer, Lord of all, Haamma, master of the battlefield, Firjioks, mistress of life anew, Aek, monarch of the life beyond this one, and my noble Ancestors...watch as I win the world back for us!

Ramiel would have smiled if she could have, as she knew all those little lights up there where candles upon the halls of the Gods's unending tables. There, everyone she loved who'd been lost in the calamity and the morning slaughter, were feasting, drinking and fighting for all eternity.

Yewey, Hectel...mother...

Her feelings hardened. The Vooren would pay for that transgression soon enough.

Still nothing, nothing but the silence of the night.

Pathetic weaklings...I could slay such a thing as this form in a heartbeat. On the other hand...Shkai were docile creatures, not nearly as bloodthirsty as me. She proverbially chuckled at that, remembering the great herds of diamond like creatures which harmlessly hovered over the great plains, taking sustenance from the earth beneath them. Although to provoke them...was a fool's errand.

She'd always admired them, their ability to utterly annihilate whatever irritated them in a heartbeat with pin point accuracy. And thus it had come as a great surprise, when father told her she could change into one of them.

Being one of the last remaining members of the old Aesylian Royal blood line, she possessed the power to do such a thing, as did the rest of her family. They could take multiple forms, but they had their preferred ones. Zeruel tended to take that of a mighty Llaa Tsreitf, befitting of his nature, and the same went respectively to her other brothers and sisters.

Father however, never changed his form, even though all knew he could. He only increased his size when the situation demanded it. Ramiel had seen the Lord Netzach grow to such a height, his shadow shrouded the land in darkness.

At least, as far as the eyes of someone with a medieval mindset could make out.

He's terrifying enough as it is without becoming a giant. Oh Vooren, how your armour would quail before his mere presence...

Speaking of which, she was still searching for it, the purple creature which had murdered her siblings, yet cowardly fled instead of facing death with dignity. Due to her reaching out to find him, the Heir actually took in her surroundings. Not the city, as impressive as it was even by Divine standards, but the surrounding countryside. The greenery and the hills.

How beautiful. You have been blessed to rule this world, even for so short an amount of time. Oh Rezel, how you will love it here...

Suddenly there was a change, a warm sensation pinging on her metaphorical spine.


Ramiel knew what was happening. Somehow the enemy had caught her unaware.

Unaware, but not undefended.

Immediately, she unleashed a blast of energy at the source of whatever foreign and aggressive force was coming her way. At the moment she let fly, a beam of light surged towards her from a hilly area some leagues away. The two beams, unable to cancel the other out due to their sheer power, wrapped around each other and flew off in separate directions, her own beam vaporizing an unfortunate hill, and the Vooren drilling a new tunnel through a hapless mountain.

Good shot...I'm pleasantly surprised. Very well then Voor, shall we make a show of this?
"Fuck!" Shinji cried out.

Fortunately he'd expected something like this to happen. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do about it.

"How long until recharge?" Misato barked.

"Twenty seconds and counting!" Maya responded, swiftly followed by Makoto calling out "enemy will be firing again immediately!"

Ritsuko sighed a resigned sigh, and lit another cigarette.

Shit... The purplehead turned back to the visual feed from Shinji's cockpit and watched the edge of the Seraph begin to glow a hellish red.

"Shinji-kun get out of there!"

"No...sorry...can't leave the rifle..."

If I'm going to die, let it be whilst I'm doing my duty...

This was their only chance. If they lost the rifle, humanity lost its existence. And so, he threw all his strength into his A-T field, waiting for the searing pain he would have to endure. The red light grew in intensity before it lanced out towards him again, its raw power illuminating Unit 01 in the pitch blackness. Then, a shadow was cast over it.

"Attend to the rifle. I will cover you." A quiet voice said.

Unit 00 had sprinted in front of the other Evangelion, presenting its shield towards the incoming blast. Much to the surprise of all the command staff, as the order for Rei to provide cover hadn't even been given yet...

Rei... His brain whispered in some relief...and horror.

The blast struck Unit 00 with full force, actually driving it back a few dozen metres, and yet it and its Pilot resolutely held firm against the Seraph's wrath. Rei hissed slightly as a feeling of one's skin curling up due to being superheated reverberated through her mind. Whilst she didn't feel pain like others, that didn't mean she felt nothing.

But still she held, the molten slag of her melting shield falling on her hands making them feel as if they were melting as well.

My A-T field is failing, I can only hold for a few more moments... She felt no fear. Death came for all things, that was the way of life. Her field was stripped away by hell fire, and now all the young albino could feel was pain and imminent death. And yet all she had to show for it, was more quiet hissing.

"Ayanami-san are you alright!?" Pilot Ikari's cried on her vid link over and over again.

Rei found herself responding, memories of this strange boy smiling at her, filling the unearthly child with something that resembled warmth.

Live on.

The blast enveloped her.
"Rei!" Never before had he screamed as he did then. He'd lost her, just like mother. The last thing which could be regarded as a remnant of his family was gone forever.

The majority of the Seraph's energy had been taken up overwhelming the shield and Unit 00, so it harmlessly dissipated upon impact with Unit 01's own A-T field.

Now, in a strange way, Pilot Shinji Ikari and Heir Ramiel could look one another in the eye.

You...you...you! His vision narrowed, despite being blurred by tears. His concentration was now entirely fixed on the octahedron on the distance, the eldritch abomination which had caused him so much agony, terrorized his people, threatened to bring about the end of his civilisation, and stole his little sister from him. Now he would repay it ten fold.

I'll kill you...I'll kill you...I'll kill you...I'll kill you!

The rifle had recharged, the targeting system had locked, all he needed to do was pull the trigger.

Which Shinji Ikari did on that day with extreme prejudice.
Two of them!? There's two of them!? Ramiel shrieked in surprise. Granted, even though the second armour was likely dead, it had shielded its comrade well. Were she not so surprised, the Heir would have approved of its self-sacrifice. There was no small amount of honour in dying for one's friends or loved ones.

However, this was overshadowed by the fact the enemy had two mighty weapons in its arsenal, meaning there could be even more. And any more of the kind of creature which slew Sachiel and Shamshel in straight up combat, was ill news indeed.

No...whilst its sacrifice was commendable, the other armour's annihilation was useless. The murderer of my brothers will die-

The positron rifle fired for the second time that day, just within the huntress's recharge time.

Shinji had found his window of opportunity beautifully. Although he didn't really know that, as he was far too busy screaming "die yokai" in a voice utterly alien to his personality.

The Seraph had no time to react, to fire back, or even move. She could only feel that beam come towards her, with inevitable speed and power.

My little Rezel...I'm so sorry...

Shinji's rage crashed through Ramiel's heart, death coming a few seconds later for the third eldest of the Divine Lord's children.

Your mother loves you Rezel, so so much...
Misato and her subordinates watched the feed from Unit 01, some with alarm.

For Shinji was smiling a sadistic, satisfied grin upon watching his enemy crash into the ground. A grin that would frighten even him when he would gaze upon it a few days later. A grin that quickly vanished however, after seeing the singed, melted and ruined mess that was Unit 00. Jubilation in victory and revenge, quickly turned back to despair.

"Ayanami-san...can you hear me?" He said, heart broken.

No response.

"Misato-san...could you boost my signal to Unit 00?"

The Lieutenant Colonel in question felt her heart seize up.

Quickly glancing at Maya, she only got a slightly distraught shake of the head. This was whilst simultaneously managing to ignore to Ritsuko's slowly failing attempts at hiding her own grief. The faux blonde continued to get through cigarettes, providing a fortunate smokescreen to obscure her single tear.

"Shinji-kun, we haven't got any life signs..." Misato folded her arms. All comms with Unit 00 had ceased upon it being engulfed by Ramiel's power.

"No!" His fist slammed the side of the plug in rage and frustration, swiftly readjusting his grip on the control sticks and urging his Eva to rise.

"Ikari-san...she couldn't have survived that. No one could-" Tenka said gently, having brought himself over to the comms, trying to make the young man face an unpleasant truth.

"She is alive damn it!" Shinji shrieked as the purple monster thundered towards its stricken colleague, prog knife sliding out from its back.

"Lieutenant Colonel, I could cut the power if..." Maya stopped mid sentence as Misato raised a hand.

"That'll be unnecessary, Lieutenant. He deserves to see anyway..."
He sliced through its back like a knife through butter, much to his despair. The armour was weak, almost liquid. Hopefully the same thing would not be said of its occupant.

Shinji knew about sympathetic injuries, having been taught about them during a synch test, and the fact that in extreme circumstances they were lethal.

The plug came into view, followed by Unit 01 wrapping a purple hand around it, and pulling it out without struggle. After setting it down in the most tender manner imaginable, and ejecting his own plug, he nearly tripped over himself as he pounded towards it.

What could possibly be the tomb of Rei Ayanami.

No it's not! She's alive, I can feel her!

The emergency hatch had steam billowing off it, with the eject lever mangled. Yet he grasped it with all his strength and pulled. This pathetic piece of metal would not stop him.

The super heated metal burned, enough to sear the flesh of an unprotected hand, but fortunately his rubbery plugsuit managed to handle most of the heat. So focused on his task, Shinji didn't notice his tears of frustration and desperation splashing on the plug's side, then sizzling and evaporating into the humid air of a Japanese summer night.

He knew they could make another one, and probably would. But he didn't care about all the sciencebabble saying a clone was exactly the same as the person it came from. A life was a life. And it could not be replaced or replicated.

Spirits...you've taken so much from me. Mother, my home, my life! You've taken everything. But just this once...just this fucking once let something go right! Let her be alright, and you can have the rest of my life as well!

The hatch came off, followed by a wave of LCL, which he struggled through to get inside. He had to see, had to know.

And it seemed that just this once, the Spirits had listened to his anguished prayers.

A pair of dazed but very much alive red eyes gazed back at his cerulean ones. The blue headed albino looked a little worse for wear, but other than that she was fine. No sympathetic injuries to take note of. Still the same quiet and reserved girl Shinji had met beneath the gaze Unit 01 and his father all those weeks ago.

"Ikari...you were successful." She said quietly.

"Yes...yes I was..." All the stress of the past few hours, all the turmoil he'd felt since returning to his home city, suddenly, if only for a little while, lifted from his shoulders, leading to a surge of emotion. Tears of relief flowed with reckless abandon as he bowed his head, his right arm supporting himself.

"You are crying, why?"

He raised his gaze to meet hers again, his mouth curving into a gentle smile.

You probably wouldn't understand. Hell, I don't understand myself.

"Promise me something, Ayanami-san."

"What is it?"

"Don't say goodbye like that again. It's just too sad." His words and tears further added to the albino's confusion.

How does one define caring for another? I believe that I feel it now...and it feels...pleasant.

"I...I do not know what to do in this situation." Her gaze did not leave him, as she waited for a command.

He sniffled a little more, before somehow exhaling the tears away.

"Why don't you try smiling?"

Rei pondered those words for a few moments, then did as she was told. To her surprise, as far as she could feel it, it didn't feel strained or forced whatsoever.

He couldn't blink for a while.

For Shinji Ikari felt he'd gazed upon the most beautiful thing in all creation, as if the Spirits themselves had crafted this art work with their own divine hands. Her smile was like mother's, full of warmth and understanding. And yet...there was more to it. There was so much innocence and sweetness, coupled with a hint at an impossibly deep reserve of compassion.

This was not the ghost of Yui Ikari's smile.

This was the smile of Rei Ayanami.

And it was beautiful.

"Come on, let's get you home." He stretched out a hand, which the bluehead gently took. Carefully, Shinji draped his sister's arm over his shoulder, and helped her out of the plug.

Having quickly used Unit 01's radio to notify the NERV staff that "Pilot Ayanami" was alive and he was bringing her to them, having heard a surprising amount of whooping on the other end, the two proceeded with their trek.

The stars continued to twinkle in the night sky, Shinji looking up at them. Once again, their light made Rei's skin glow.


An ethereal beauty, but beauty nonetheless.

The bluehead took a quick glance upwards as well, admiring them in her own way, before her gaze once again fell upon her progenitor's child.

Your light is as bright as those stars, Ikari. I shall try to protect it.

And thus the two children, the Eva pilots whom had just saved the world, limped back to their lines. A now unbreakable bond having already been forged beneath the gaze of heaven.
02:35pm, Great British Empire, Imperial home islands, Leopard, New Windsor Palace.

The Seraph continued to smoke in its place of rest, as the Imperial government looked on.

It had seemed like everything was over but a few minutes before, when Unit 00 had fallen. But Unit 01, and it's undoubtedly brave pilot, had managed to win the day.

NERV had saved the world for the third time.

If they keep this up, the Seraphim will all be dead before we get the chance to have a crack at them. Grand High Marshal Terrence Cromford mused with some humour, before his attention was caught by the sound of clapping.

The Emperor, slowly and methodically continued to bring his gloved hands together with a look of approval.

Swiftly the other three hundred people in the room joined him for fifteen seconds, until Charles desisted. His government being the good servants they were, followed suit.

"Well, that was quite a good game if I say so myself. Most excellent marksmanship." He contentedly sighed, rising from his throne, his wife following suit. Taking her hand in his own, the Emperor walked through the crowd which parted before him, stopping for just a few moments next to the Grand High Marshal.

"Cromford. Send a message of congratulations to Pilots Ikari and Ayanami...sign it with my name."

"Sire." Terrence bowed his head.

"Excellent, then that will be all for now. Good day everyone."

"Hail Vance! Hail Britain!" Three hundred people called out in unison.

"Yes yes, hail me." Charles said quietly enough for only himself and his wife to hear, eliciting quiet laughter from Abigail.

Terrence meanwhile had returned his gaze to the screen, fully taking in the thing which had just been slain by the Knights of NERV and their valiant steeds.

Just what the hell are we fighting? He ruminated, taking a sip from his own glass of wine.

Alcohol before tea time? Today is going to be interesting...

"Marshal Cromford." A guardsman walked up to him, slamming a fist to his chest in salute.

"What is it?"

"The GAAFT council is in session. Your presence is required." The bearskinned soldier waited uncomfortably for a few moments, whilst Terrence sighed.

And now the worst part of my job...God things used to be easier...

"Very well. I shall be there presently." He nodded reluctantly, taking one last glance at his Lord's disappearing back with the great doors closing behind him, the Emperor likely on his way back to his personal quarters.

Oh to be young again.

With that, after gently placing his now empty glass back on a silver platter brought to him by a footman, Terrence Cromford began his far too short a walk to the palace comms room.
Last edited:
Powerless...I vowed never to let myself or my people feel such a way again. Oh Knights of NERV...

He looked at the screen again, his expression almost softening when thinking of the children inside those mighty Evangelions.

It is an awful thing our world demands of you. But for my little Alfred and Charlotte's sake...save us.
Hm, seems His Imperial Majesty is not nearly as much of a shithead as I was expecting.

You actually had me considering for a moment the possibility that Rei might have died. Very well done.
Fun fact chaps, I just realised that I got the time difference between Japan and Britain hilariously wrong.

Fortunately, like Misato's age, that is in the process of being corrected.
You actually had me considering for a moment the possibility that Rei might have died. Very well done.

Me too, i was thinking what type of devilish plot would need the death of Rei so early.

And another thing i remembered, was that the only thing Shinji was really good on NGE and NTE was shooting things...

Would be perfect if he shoot kaworu too...
Chapter 5.6
03:35pm, European League, Swiss Confederation, United Nations High Command, congressman's personal comms room/office

The footage of two children limping away from the dented plug flickered in front of the assembled monoliths, whom resided in the untouchable shadows of digital space.

"The 6th Seraph is defeated. This is truly a day of jubilation, and with the arrival of the other two Units within the next month, our victory in this war is assured." 02 boomed.

"And victory shall lead to ascension and salvation for all. As the scrolls have ordained." 01 added, leading to some roars of "the fate of destruction is the joy of rebirth!" or "Heil SEELE!"

"Calm yourselves my faithful brethren. There are other matters of which we must speak...such as Ikari." Kasch's voice caused the din to die down, leaving only a few grumbles of utter disgust, along with murmurs of "damned unbeliever" or "heretic."

Eventually, 05 answered his overlord.

"He is plotting something, Grand Master. He must be, no man would so willingly work with the practical killers of his own wife. And considering his recent behaviour...it is likely he is pursuing his own agenda." He hadn't even finished speaking when 04 interrupted with a shrill French accent.

"We have always known that he has been planning something, and up until now it has been tolerated. But...we are too close, he must be removed."

"No. Gendo Ikari is, and has been, a most useful instrument, whether he knows it or not. And removing him would require the United Nations to take direct control of NERV, something that GAAFT would never stand for. It would surely lead to a world war, and with humanity still under assault from the Seraphim...it would be disastrous."
Kasch cut him off.

"Then we should have the Zunkft Legion on standby, in case he tries anything!" 05 barked.

"And how do you suggest we move ten thousand genetically enhanced super soldiers, their equipment, vehicles, and thirteen FCVs all at once without being detected? Our cloaking technology is advanced but not nearly adequate for such an operation." 07 harrumphed.

"Come now 07, our faith guarantees success!" The British General was in the process of saying, before the master's voice once again wormed its way into the ears of all.

"Indeed. But such drastic action is not necessary. We shall continue deployment of the Legion at the current rate, whilst one of our best operatives is currently travelling to Japan as we speak."

07 snorted, joined by a slight chuckle from 13.

"Kaji-san...I cannot hope to understand your designs Grand Master, they are far beyond me. But...he is most unpredictable..."

"Unpredictable? You misunderstand 07, Ryoji Kaji is far from unpredictable. In fact, his obsessive search for the truth behind Second Impact has moulded him into a most valuable instrument. He serves the will of the order excellently, and he does it without even knowing."
Kasch waved such concerns away.

"Now, I believe this meeting is concluded. To your businesses gentlemen." He leaned back into his seat and began to cut his connection.

"Yes, Grand Master. The fate of destruction is the joy of rebirth!" All in unison called out before disappearing.

Now he was sitting in his private office, his fingers laced together.

Kaji will be most adequate in keeping an eye on Ikari. He is fortunate, as this is all that keeps his wretched life from being snuffed out. His crossing of us with the theft of Adam...shall warrant severe punishment.

The Grand Master of SEELE exhaled deeply through his biologically thirty-eight year old nose, closing his red eyes.

None save for the higher ranking members of SEELE had seen him in his natural state, of an unearthly individual whose skin was as white as porcelain, and whose combed, short, and unnaturally grey hair, added further strangeness. It was a mark of being touched by divinity though, in his eyes. By the grace of God he had been granted power unimagined by mortal men, and life everlasting.

A life he'd continued to live since that day in Megiddo over eight hundred years ago.

Craning his neck so as to click his bones back into place, the features of the United Nations puppet master began to change.

His hair darkened into black, his eyes took on a brown colour, and his skin became a more natural pale tinge. This was what he presented to the world, a grand trick he'd taught himself many years ago. As he knew people were not all that comfortable around something they found strange, and therefore were less easy to manipulate. The only exception to this rule was Gendo Ikari, Kasch mused. It confounded him how that man, with so many things clearly wrong about him, managed to ensnare hundreds to his will.

That is because he is lucky enough to surround himself with broken chess pieces. I do not have such a luxury.

Bringing up a light board in front of his computer screen, he tapped away until he could access the Zunkft Legion orders document. The commands to be issued on the ordained day when the harbingers of destiny would sweep forward, crush NERV into the dirt, and bring about the salvation of all.

In specific, he was checking the particular orders on what to do with the various staff members. The people that needed to be out of the way.

For the Grand Master was a methodical monster, and he liked nothing to be out of his notice.

Scrolling down, he began to read out the names in his mind, putting their pictures to memory.

Orders to be carried out on the 31st of December 2017 as part of Operation Ascendancy.

Gendo Ikari, highest priority, kill on sight.

Kozo Fuyutsuki, irrelevant, but remove if convenient.

Ritsuko Akagi, irrelevant, but remove if convenient.

Shiro Tenka, irrelevant, but remove if convenient.

Misato Katsuragi, military experience, possible leader of resistance, high priority target, kill on sight.

All other staff are expendable but irrelevant.

Pilots Meadow, Zhou, Ivanov, and Johnson are to be terminated as swiftly as possible. Preventing them from reaching their respective Evas takes absolute priority along with removing Gendo Ikari.

The abomination Rei Ayanami is to have its heretical filth erased from the face of God's Earth. It must no be allowed to mar our passage. Kill on sight.

Then he reached the last set of names on the list, and a small smile curved itself into existence on his German lips.

Small, flickering orange lighting curled itself around the coffee cup on his desk, levitating it into his grasp. Quickly taking a sip of it before setting it down, the Grand Master's smile remained ever present.

"Oh my dear little lamb and noble deliverer. Your ordained purpose is almost at hand..."
02:40pm, Great British Empire, Imperial home islands, Leopard, New Windsor Palace, comms room.

The six holograms resided in a circle, all eyes keenly watching what was being displayed in the centre of the digital space they occupied.

"Our world is cruel for making us rely on him." Premier Flipov shook his head, as the image of the previous battle was replayed over and over again. The worst part about the whole situation for the GAAFT council, was all they could do was simply trust a man who had said "you will do as I say, unless you wish for death."

"Yes. From what I've heard he wasn't even in overall command of the operation." General Motichka sneered.

"Then to whom do we owe our gratitude, aside from those brave Pilots?" Fabrice Larue, Prime Minister of the European League, and President of the French Republic, inquired.

"Lieutenant Colonel Misato Katsuragi was apparently the strategic mind behind it all." Chiso answered.

No surprise there...she cleared officer training in two years! Damn Ikari for snapping her up, wouldn't have minded someone like that on my personal staff...

"That bespectacled and bearded ape is a politician not a soldier. Perhaps it is for the best that a slightly more intelligent ape oversee the operations. To think I must trust the Federation's safety with such vermin."
Princeps Henry Abrams growled, his now slightly wrinkled features being made ever more visible by his scowl.

"As loathe as I am to understand your feelings Federal-" Grand High Marshal Cromford snarled.

"-the matter of the fact is NERV's Supreme Commander has the entire earth by the proverbial balls. Now apparently the UN has sent on of its top agents to keep an eye on him, but as we all know UNIS is the apex of intelligence services."

If I could only get an Inquisitor of MI6 in there for just an hour, we could have Ikari's head on a silver platter. But alas...

"United Nations Intelligence Service...KGB had already infiltrated it years before Vatican Treaty. Absolutely pathetic..."
Boris grumbled.

"That aside, at least one thing in our favour is that Units 02 and 03 will be arriving in Japan shortly. Though she may technically be NERV personnel, Pilot Soryu is German in blood and nature. She has little sympathy for Ikari, and as for Pilot Meadow..." Fabrice despairingly shook her head whilst Terrence chuckled.

"What? Is anyone on the Earth's inability to control Imperial glory these days a good thing for once?" His words caused the French woman to scowl.

The people of France had not forgotten their humiliation at Britain's hands. Nor had they forgiven it.

We will reclaim what we lost you Imperial salaud. And I want to see your arrogant face when we do...


"The same goes for Unit 04 and Pilot Johnson. Her loyalty to her fatherland is utterly admirable. It is useful and relieving for us that Ikari does not have absolute authority over most of his Pilots...granted it would be better if we could simply remove him-"
The Princeps gaze narrowed as the President of China, Cao Xu, guffawed.

"You have something to say, monkey?" Abrams raised an eyebrow, gaining a few looks of disdain from the other GAAFT members.

It is not the fault of the master to recognize the inferiority of the weak. One day you will learn this, mark my words.

Xu ran a hand through his thirty year old black hair.

"Only a fool would think we could remove, Ikari. It is as my capitalist friends say, the Mogui has the world by the balls." He gave a quick glance at Terrence before continuing.

"And besides, even if we could, then the UN would simply take control of NERV, or a conflict may even be started between us. I'm not sure which is the worse alternative."

"Old sloths...and they had the audacity to try and make us bow to their will? When will they learn the old world is truly dead..."
Terrence grumbled, simultaneously dwelling on what a world without GAAFT would be like.

Congressman Laberenz would have dominion over the earth. God forbid such a thing.

"Gentlemen...and lady-"
Chiso gave a nod at Fabrice which was reciprocated.

"We're digressing. I believe that Ikari-san is more of a problem that any of us first thought."

Boris had his hands folded beneath his chin.

"The Ministry of the Interior has been keeping as much of an eye on him as possible without a UN permit. And from what they can gather...he knows a lot more than he's telling us." She tapped a finger on her desk, her expression growing ever more concerned.

"How so?" Xu tilted his head.

"Are you aware he'd vanished off to heaven knows where when the 5th Seraph attacked? Or that he probably knows the exact time and date for when these Seraphim will show up? Or that he may or may not have been in Antarctica a few days before Second Impact..."

"Good God! And the sources of this information?"
Terrence leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.

"Dead. Some of our best as well..." Chiso's fist balled for a few moments before relaxing.

"In short, the man thinks he's untouchable and all powerful. And may be willing to do anything to keep it that way. Because of that he's done some...strange things, as you all know. And keeps on doing it, regardless of what others think. He genuinely believes he holds all the cards and we are hopeless to do anything...but he's not quite right..." She trailed off for a few moments, before a mutter of "get to the point" from Henry caused her to continue.

"What I am saying is that we shouldn't be ready for if he makes a mistake, but when he makes a mistake. I've known men like him before, hell, I defeated men like him during the Communist invasion. They were very intelligent, but by the Spirits they were over confident. And when they slipped up, I was there to finish them...I say we do the same here. Patience will win this for us my friends." She gained a few murmurs of approval.

"In fact I shall relocate myself and my staff to Tokyo-3, so as to be ready for when he slips up."

"That carries great personal risk, General."
Xu said in a tone that indicated some respect.

"Indeed. But, it is about time I shared my people's danger."

It feels right for me to be there...I'm tired of my desk job anyway. Besides...I will be the one to end his life. And no one else.

"Well it's settled then. The good General here shall be on standby to remove Ikari with our blessing at the opportune moment."
Fabrice said, gaining a few nods of agreement.

Terrence stood up from his seat, clicking his bones back into place before saying "I think that's all then gentlemen...and ladies." He added, gaining some chuckles, before continuing.

"Meeting adjourned."
The realm of Vhaayn

"The, Vooren have shown themselves to be more durable than first thought." Netzach tapped an armoured finger on his throne, whilst before him stood his children debating grand strategy.

"Durable? Father they have slain three of our siblings. They are somewhat more than durable." Bardiel stalked around the room, hands clasped behind his back, black armour clanking as he did so.

"They are organized, they are prepared, they are ready for us whenever we strike. Far from the worthless weaklings we all thought them to be by my reckoning. Brute strength alone might not carry the day..." Zeruel boomed, whilst he looked over a great map of modern day earth. He could scarcely comprehend just how much the world had changed, with seven different continents separated by great oceans, instead of only vast landmasses boxed together so very closely.

It seemed Ejrod, or "Columbia" as the Vooren called it, was gone forever.

The foremost of the Sovereign's Generals, his favoured son and Heir, the Successor to the throne, massaged his grey eyebrows, thinking of many different strategies. All of which were useless in this situation.

"Of course brute force would never succeed, we don't even fully understand what our enemy is!" Leilel pointed out the obvious, as she usually did.

"You don't have to understand something to kill it!" Rogziel snarled, orange lightening flashing around him.

"Control your temper dear brother. Whilst it is most amusing, your inane ramblings and screaming will hardly fetch our idiotic siblings back from Rihuv." Arael chuckled, lying slouched on his throne, one hand supporting his bored looking face.

"Try and control your bladder by the time I'm done with you freak! How dare you insult those a thousand fold more noble than your wretched hide!" Rogziel drew his blade before being reluctantly restrained by Israfel and Samael, with a fair few grumblings of "for the sake of the gods brother!"

Tabris watched these events unfold with vague interest. To him, this was usual behaviour for his family, for despite the love the children of the Lord of Ash possessed for one another, they were Divine.

And Divine were short tempered at the best of times...


Netzach caused total silence to fall. He hadn't even raised his voice.

"Have the arrangements been made?" He demanded.

"...our niece will be moved into the Royal quarters by the end of this day, father." Sahaquiel, the largest of Netzach's children, remarked in a sombre manner, his double chin reverberating with every word he spoke.

We will take care of her, sister...may that give you some solace in the great halls of the gods...

"Good. Tabris, I leave Heir Rezel in your charge. Do not disappoint me." His words were met with a humble but confused bow of the young man's head.

"Of course, father...but surely there are more adequate..."

"Are you questioning my will?"

"...yes." Tabris put plainly and bluntly. This elicited some wide eyes and chuckles from his siblings.

A resigned sigh escaped the Divine Lord's lips.

Like his mother...

"One day you shall sire children of your own, Tabris. As you are still young, I think it best to get you into practice." Netzach partially lied. It was true, he did need the boy to learn some responsibility for his own future children, but those were secondary motives.

Rezel is a child, not even six years old. She needs compassion above all else at this moment. And you my son are the softest of us all.

"I shall do my best, father." Tabris bowed his head once again, as while he still questioned his father's command, he would never disobey it.

"That will do. What stratagems do we have then, for gaining victory in this terrible struggle?" The grey haired Divine changed the subject effortlessly.

There was deathly silence for nearly a minute.


"I believe we have focused far too much on the destruction of the restriction. From what Haniel's reports are saying, that objective has proven a distraction which the enemy have taken advantage of." Zeruel scratched the back of neck.

"If we were to concentrate our efforts on destroying the Vooren war machines, then gaining access to the restriction will be no trouble."

"A good assessment. But we are not fighting a conventional war. Thanks to the Vooren somehow discovering the power to keep my rift in check, we can deploy no armies, we cannot lay siege, we cannot even intimidate our enemy into surrendering. Not to mention while we have some small understanding of their culture, we know nothing of these...Evangelions." Netzach pronounced the word dreadfully, as it was from a tongue alien to his own.

"Precisely why we should try and capture one of them for questioning. If we are to be victorious...we must know our enemy." Leilel cut in, gaining a roll of the eyes from Rogziel.

"What is there to understand, dear sister? They are Vooren, nothing but insects to be crushed beneath the boot of our might."

"If we were so mighty, then we would have won by now. But quite clearly, dear brother, we are not-" She didn't have time to finish her sentence.

For the sound of the doors creaking open caused silence to fall, as Haniel briskly walked into the near empty chamber, and fell to one knee before Netzach. He was the Fist, and he brought news. News that all present needed to hear.

"My Lord, I bring word of the enemy's activity." His head remained bowed, his white hair almost touching the floor.


Haniel composed himself.

"If my sources are correct, then NERV is shipping two more of these Evangelions to Japan. They will arrive within the next fifteen moons."

"By the gods..." Leilel muttered as the rest of her brothers and sisters started bickering among themselves.

"We have to strike now! We have to overwhelm them before those reinforcements arrive-" Armisael, the fourth youngest, had jumped from her chair. The arguing persisted for a few moments, until Netzach called for quiet with the mere raising of his hand.

"Do we know their route?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Excellent." Netzach flashed a grin whilst nodding his head, turning to his now eldest living child.

"Gaghiel, you will intercept and destroy these things before they reach land. Then return to me, that is my command. Haniel shall brief you when I'm finished with him."

"It will be done, father." Gaghiel, the green armoured giant, the Admiral of the Sovereign's now non-existent fleet, bowed his head.

"Good. Now, be about your business, my children, I have matters to discuss with my Fist." He didn't wave his hand, or even gesture for fourteen beings who packed enough power to tear worlds asunder to leave.

They simply bowed their heads, then did as they were commanded.

"It all used to be so easy...the Taylus, the Fleilan, the Fheiran, they all bent to my will eventually. But these Vooren...why must we be cursed with the most difficult of enemies now?" Netzach massaged his eyes, leaning on his arm. Haniel merely chuckled.

"Not as young as we once were eh?"

"Indeed...oh, forgive me. Rise." The Sovereign gestured for his most loyal of servants to rise, his ancient mind having been enraptured by possible strategies through which Ejrod would be returned to their rule. Having been on one knee for quite a while, Haniel was all too happy to stand up straight again, his left hand curved around his sheathed sword hilt.

"I presume you have more information for me than what my Heirs have just heard?" The Divine Lord drummed his fingers on the arm of his obsidian throne.

"Yes, my Lord...where to begin?" With his unoccupied hand, the white haired Divine scratched the back of his head.

The drumming of his master's fingers did not desist.

"I have discovered the age of those who sit astride the Evangelions. It's almost impossible..." Haniel frowned at how disturbing it was.

"How old? Surely not eighteen?"

The Sovereign's Fist uncomfortably sighed.

"Sixteen, my Lord."

The drubbing of fingers stopped.

Lord Netzach, an individual whom had personally slain thousands and bested gods, slowly but inevitably leaned back into his throne, his eyes widening slightly. And what he had to say next on the matter, much summed up his attitude towards this new found knowledge.

06:00am, State of Japan, Tokyo-3, fortified position 21

The sun had risen about half an hour ago, its rays being cast over the Japanese capital city, the hills surrounding it...and the eldritch abomination that still smouldered within it.

With the aid of binoculars, cranes could be seen moving into position, NERV personnel scrambling around as they cordoned off the area. Sergeant Yukimura lowered them, whilst sitting upon the Akuma's turret. His men, currently residing on the forward section of the tank.

Having been moved there in the chaos after the 6th Seraph had decided to perch itself over Tokyo 3, all the men of the Tokyo-3 garrison could do was sit tight and watch the battle unfold. They hadn't been disappointed.

"So a trigger happy octahedron had the capital in lock down for nine hours and we could do jack shit! This-" Eiji gestured at the diamond like corpse in the distance with both arms, one hand holding a bottle of beer.

"Don't say it..." Seiichi murmured.

"-Can't get anymore fucking strange. It just can't!"

Kiyoshi rolled his eyes, and Seiichi turned to him with an exasperated look.

"You had to say it, didn't you? I'm half expecting a giant eye to fall out of the sky right about now, for fuck's sake man..."
And that my friends, is the end of the first arc.

Have I handled these characters well or appallingly? Have I built up suitable antagonists? And ultimately is this tale any good so far?

Well, I have never written this much for a story before, and the fact that it is being received so very well is simply delightful. I think I shall name this arc "the beginning" or "the arrival" perhaps. Eh not important, but as for what you can expect in the next arc, more Seraphim come, getting stronger one at a time. But now they face 4 fully functioning Evangelions, piloted by 4 not so fully functioning 16 year olds.

Everyone's favourite German red head has arrived, along with an uppity blonde Imperial, both having something to prove.

Shinji, Rei, Asuka, and Samuel must face the problems of living with each other, and the wrath of a warrior race whose pride has been slighted. And with NERV's every victory, the ire of the Lord of Ash is further drawn upon them.

And his ire is not something any would wish to feel, for his might bent the earth entire to his will once before, oh so very long ago.

And if our heroes cannot work together, cannot live together, cannot fight together, then it may do so again...
But before any of that, before I hammer away on my keyboard some more, there are things which I believe must be dealt with.

The fight scenes. Before we continue they must be improved. Speak unto me my friends, rip them to shreds if you must. But offer me ideas on how to make them more than just "passable." I wish for them to be somewhat good. And as I shall be devoting the next few weeks to this task, you have plenty of time to unleash the power of your critiques upon me.

And besides, I want to do a battle with Netzach himself, justice...
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Hi, @Lord Sovereign!

Just letting you know, I'm keeping an eye on this 'fic. I have a couple of things to say, just after glancing over the first couple of chapters.

1) Holy shit you're prolific. That's good, and bad. I speak from experience that posting rapid-fire updates like you've been doing are good for the fans, but terrible for you. You'll always be thinking in the back of your head 'I could have done better'. I haven't personally seen anything egregious (or at least as egregious as my own terrible, terrible first foray into the world of Forum Fanfiction. You can find it in my sig, it leads to SB, and pay really, really close attention to the dates. I shotgunned -three updates in one night- once, and I hated myself for it.)

2) Don't call this an abortion. So far, what I've read is enjoyable. I'll probably have something a bit more insightful or critical to say when I get home from work, but I'll go over your story with a fine comb and see if I can find anything, positive or negative, for you to shore up.

3) Thanks, for A&T. You're a good person, and SV needs more posters like you.

Marshal, out!
Oooh, like @MarshalGraves said above, you are prolific and in this time I've been somewhat out, you've kept up the rhythm flawlessly - do take care of your sanity, since such a pace can be stressful for you and your story.

Which, I've got to say, has kept me engaged throughout this time. This last chapter proved an excellent finisher for this arc and I'm really hyped about what's coming next! Of special note is the tense and yet so transparent politicking going on the backstage, which was a very nice touch - compelling, believable and yet entirely sci-fi-y.

Heck, though I'm not a fan of the Seraphim as talking, possibly human-like aliens of wondrous power, they have grown a little bit on me.

Still, your fight scenes still do need a bit of work, although they have steadily improved, either because you've changed the way you narrate it/frame it, or because you've taken a more natural approach. Do take this with a grain of salt, since I read the last few chapters on one go and may not be giving the most accurate of feedbacks.

As a fan, really, please continue!
Well take my opinion with a grain of salt because i'm already your fan... but let's rip and tear.

You surely pump updates like none other and the best is the quality of it, because i haven't seen a drop on it, only a improvement. Another thing i noted was your characterization of the geopolitics behind all the project E, the interest of the world power, the interest of SEELE and everything in between.

Another thing i noted was the technicalities of the evas, as, what is their power source? do they have a functioning s2 core, or are powered by N2 energy cells, or are powered by umbilical cables? Even if that is implicit (internal power source) you could explain thar inside the history so to make it canon in universe.

After that, you could expand about the research of new techniques of the use of the AT field, as in melee weapons (like a copy of sachiel light blades, or the whips of shamshel, things like that).

And about your fights they are becoming fluid, and getting better, and for that i have another piece of advice XD, you can imagine each pilot fighting like a certain weight division of MMA. Shinji fights like a heavyweight, devastating punches, but receives devastating damage. Asuka fights like a feather weight, high speed, high damage, less endurance.

Well, that all for now

and man, keep up with the awesome job, this is going to become a classic.
Okay! Slow day at work, had time to read.

First up! Already mentioned your posting speed. While I am glad most of it is because you had chapter and verse already in the chamber, so to speak, the steady and noticeable improvement in quality and style shows you're taking and applying advice. Good job, but please keep in mind your health comes first. If you need to take a break, please, take a break. This 'fic is worth waiting for.

Second, your geopolitical world-building kicks ass. Seriously, I can believe every single thing in this story just through sheer human nature. Keel it up!

Third, character. I...yes, this could use a little work, and you've come miles already from the caricature I felt Shinji to be, but characters are one of the three hearts of the story. They will never be 'good enough', so don't be discouraged, just delve a little deeper and let -them- do the talking and acting.

Honestly, you've done a fantastic job, and written an already memorable AU. Here's looking forward to more!