Well, this is a bit bloody overdue! I have no excuses (aside from helping my mum move some things around in her sitting room. She was having a new carpet put down, you see) First off, I fear one of the promises I made last time I'll have to renege on. In specific where I said, "I'd put up some character notes", because I reckon you lot would much rather see that play out in the actual story and some of it's a bit "spoilery."
As for the rest, I shall be able to carry through. I've completely worked out the list of nations in the world seventeen years after Second Impact, and it really is different from what OG Sovereignty had. Here it is (categorised by continent.)
· State of Japan
· People's Republic of China
· Russian Empire (the eastern half of a divided Russia, born from the uncharacteristically peaceful way the Second Civil War ended.)
· Kingdom of Thailand
· Vietnamese Republic (These last two threw off Chinese rule in the aftermath of the Third Sino-Japanese War.)
· American Principate
· United States of Columbia (broke off in the Second American Civil War)
· Empire of Brazil (Reconstituted)
· Republic of Chile
· Argentine Republic
· Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
· Arab Republic of Egypt
· Second Ethiopian Empire
· Republic of Kenya
· Republic of South Africa
· Republic of Cameroon
· Federal Republic of Nigeria
· Republic of Ghana (All the remaining African States have a defensive pact, in reaction to a second Scramble for Africa on the part of Continental Europe as a way of preventing further British expansion.)
Middle East
· Islamic Republic of Iran
· State of Israel
· Republic of Turkey
· Imperial Isles of Britain (the nation itself. Put together with all its oversees territory, it is simply the
Empire of Great Britain)
· Sixth French Republic (if you're wondering why Belgium isn't on here, it's because France annexed the ruined nation it in all but name after the
The Euro-Britannic War.)
· Kingdom of Spain
· Portuguese Republic
· German Empire (Berlin did to Holland what Paris did to Belgium. All whilst reclaiming a whole load of Polish territory that was once German as compensation for providing aid during the
Euro-Russian War.)
· Kingdom of Sweden
· Swiss Confederation
· Republic of Austria (a protectorate of the German Empire)
· Hungary
· Czech Republic
· Slovak Republic
· Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
· Republic of Bulgaria
· Hellenic Republic (Greece)
· Kingdom of Italy (in the chaos of a world filled with suffering and war, the past can be an attractive place. Conservatism won out, and a scion of the House of Savoy was called to fill the long empty throne as a constitutional monarch.)
That's all of them. It's a damn sight shorter than the list would have been in 1999, but that's for reasons you're likely familiar with by now. This is a Lord Sovereign story after all!
Another change I've made is in terms of SEELE. As part of a massive overhaul of this organization, they have been renamed. SEELE is now the "Holy Path", to further amp up how much of a religious order they are. The top title of the Path is "Hierophant" as if that doesn't hammer the point home.
Now, one or two questions of my own. I'm thinking of renaming one or two things. Firstly, Tokyo-3 itself…who calls a City, "Tokyo-3?" The closest we get to that is "New York." In SoE (Sovereignty of Evangelion), Tokyo-2 would have been Kyoto and I have no idea why they'd rename such an ancient city, so it should remain as Kyoto. Therefore, Tokyo-3 doesn't quite fit to my mind. Do you think "Hakone City" or something along those lines could work?
And here's a controversial one; I'm thinking of changing Asuka's name. My reasons are as thus, in SoE both her and her mother identified far more with their German heritage than their Japanese. This makes me think that Kyoko would give her daughter more of a European/German name than "Asuka." I was thinking "Anna" could work nicely, especially with her family name of "von Zeppelin" (the Soryu part might just disappear altogether.) So, what do you think, Asuka Zeppelin Soryu (as it was in OG Sovereignty) or Anna von Zeppelin? Or something in between, I'm eager to hear your thoughts.
As for a nice segment of story, I just feel so damn generous that I shall give you about a thousand words. Behold, the opening of Sovereignty of Evangelion: Arrival.
"The truth is irrefutable. Second Impact changed this world forever and for the better. Its wrath and ruin swept the old order and all its corruption away, allowing our glorious nation to rise from the ashes and show all mankind the righteousness of our creed. The strong must rule the weak for the betterment of all.."
Princeps Henry Abrams, Chicago Rally, 4th July 2004
The survivors called it Second Impact.
On the 13th of September 2000, according to official reports, a meteor descended upon Antarctica. The ensuing cataclysms killed four billion.
Seventeen years later, the ice caps are gone and the world is gripped by perpetual summer. Meanwhile, new empires bloodily carve themselves into history. Technology has leaped forward, bettering our lives whilst enhancing our ability to wage war.
Man's trials are not over, however.
From the shadow of Impact comes its deadliest legacy. Seraphim, beings of unfathomable power awoken after eons of slumber, come to reclaim what was theirs. In doing so, they will exterminate what remains of Humanity.
All is not lost, though. As ever in such times, the unlikeliest heroes arise to meet the challenge.
Unfortunately, the Seraphim may not be our greatest concern. Something moves in the shadows, its dark goal spanning time immemorial.
6th May 2017
He sat alone, head leaning against the hard-plastic window, bag obviously placed on the seat next to him. Around him was a sea of chaos, of passengers squashed together like tinned sardines. Everyone from Ministers of Parliament to those visiting relatives in the Capital, made the commute. The train, sleek, advanced and seamlessly running along anti-grav rails, already looked as if it had seen better days. Litter sprinkled the floor like salt on a meal, the chocolate wrapper by his feet testament to this.
Despite having his earphones mercifully jammed in, Shinji Ikari could hear his surroundings. Inane gossip and screaming children caused the fifteen-year-old to rub his brow. Every utterance was like a knife to the ear.
Couldn't they have driven me from Kure? It would have been quieter…He futilely turned up the volume on his Walkman. Alas, one of the little ones behind him was getting very upset about something.
Sighing, Shinji watched the world go by to take his mind off things. The golden sun, that life giving fruit in the heavens, bore down on the world with its unrelenting rays. No fluffy clouds obscured its power, bathing Kanagawa Prefecture in light.
Rolling hills were covered in thickets of forest, hiding the occasional crystal blue lake. All was under the watchful gaze of distant Mount Fuji. Emerald green fields stretched out intermittently, the occasional settlement even less so. Most were ancient villages and towns, the wooden, pointed and curved roofs marking them out. One or two were modern, cream concrete blocks and grey roads built upon refugee centres thrown up immediately after Impact.
I was born in a place like that. If I'm going to be staying around here, might as well pay Atami a visit.
Mozart flowed like a sweet river into his ears, enhancing the beauty of rural central Honshu. Despite all the screeching "brats", Shinji focused on what zipped by outside. It was more than enough to consume his attention.
"Hello." Shinji frowned, thinking he'd heard something.
"Hello." Blinking and looking to his left, he saw a plump middle-aged woman in train staff uniform, pushing a trolley. Immediately, he paused his music and removed his earphones.
"Sorry." He forced a smile.
"No trouble. Would you like anything?" She smiled back, far sweeter than he could ever manage.
Shinji looked over the various packets of sweets, crisps and cake on there, then shook his head. "I'm alright. Made myself a packed lunch and got some tea from the station."
"There's chocolate bars waiting to go here…"
"I'm fine. Really." Out of sight, his foot fidgeted in annoyance.
Her brow wrinkled, as she seemed stuck halfway between moving on and staying. "You know I've been on this train since Kure too? You've been sitting by yourself all the way."
Shinji's wish to be somewhere else slammed into a wall of overwhelming warmth. He lowered his cerulean gaze, chest tightening. "I didn't have anyone to travel with. Anyway, we're close to my stop, no need to worry."
"If you're sure-"
"I'm sure. But thank you for checking on me." He cut her off with a lazy wave of his hand.
It's nice to know someone cares.
Nodding reluctantly, she moved on. Shinji was alone again, pondering what to do next. With all the noise around him, the young man was tempted to put his earphones back in. That, however, would run the risk of being caught off guard again. Deciding against it, he opened his black bag and retrieved a hefty tome with fading red cover.
A childish, infatuated grin spread across his lips. Shinji felt as if he were seven years old again, holding this for the first time.
Best book ever.
He could count the number of books on his rotting bookshelf back home with one hand, though they were all special in their own way. This, however, was precious beyond the rest, one of his treasures. Others had grown up watching Gundam or Dragonball; his great fictional journey had been to Middle Earth, with Tolkein as his guide.
Picking up where he left off, Shinji delicately turned the well-worn pages. Reaching up, he plucked his insulated plastic cup of tea from its holder, and gently put the hot liquid to his lips. Warmth shivered through him, contenting the young man. Never mind wailing children, he had a good book and a nice drink.
Lifting his angular head, Shinji tried to picture the Shire in the heart of rural Japan with little luck. Still, although it had lessened, his smile had not faded. Even though it was a symptom of unyielding thirty-degree Celsius temperatures, it was a beautiful day.
Was that any good? Because I personally found it to be quite a bit better than OG Sovereignty's beginning. Now we don't seem to have any questions (although I've no doubt the above propositions will be answered quite vigorously.)
Well, almost two thousand words this time. Hopefully it shall keep your interest until next month. In the meantime, I need to put up updates on my other stories as I fear they'll be getting similar treatment to Sovereignty (long breaks for me to put everything together properly). If only I'd planned it out better in the first place…alas.
Until next time, my dear readers.