Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

Ya know I didn't actually think the outrageous quota would win, but it did so I guess the next year is gonna be crazy huh?
Turn 25 - 2185-01

Galactic News

The trend of disappearing human colonies has continued, with the Fairy Meadows colony falling silent at some point over the Christmas holiday period. Alliance officials are onsite and investigating, but are believed to have not found any meaningful leads. Public support for the human government is collapsing from within, leading some Citadel scholars wondering if the young species is truly ready for the power it now wields.


Reported sightings of geth vessels have continued to accumulate throughout the Traverse. ExoGeni officials have reported sporadic contact with geth units on the Prothean relic world of Feros. The world was almost destroyed by geth attack in 2183, but on the back of a series of major discoveries amongst the ruins, the colony was rebuilt and reinforced at significant cost, and has repelled these new geth sightings with few issues.


Greater Hanshan

"Residents of Port Hanshan were treated to a surprising show over the holidays, as ERCS Riot Response and NSID Enforcement teams launched a series of raids through Edara and Kebbin Wards, storming fourteen properties and arresting twenty individuals believed to be members of a criminal syndicate responsible for theft, identity fraud, smuggling, and possession of illegal goods, amongst other charges.

Neither organisation was willing to issue a detailed statement to Noveria Now about the raids, with NSID Director Kodak Sevarus only saying he was not at liberty to discuss ongoing operations."​



Once again, you find yourself working your way through a healthy pile of project proposals of varying scopes and scales, your VI running cost-benefit analytics on each as you pass through. Several of the companies seeking to relocate to Noveria have not yet been provided with the facilities needed for them to get started, and there are already numerous projects still underway from last year that need to be wrapped up. There are also some notable new additions to the pile from some of Noveria's long standing residents, including Binary Helix, Kantor Robotics, and the Ahial Syndicate.



With some aid from STG assets embedded within Alit Ves, a number of infiltrators believed to be aligned with the human-supremacist group Cerberus have been apprehended. Though some agents were able to successfully deploy primitive implanted poison capsules, the majority of suicide attempts were averted and the agents remain in detention for interrogation.

Based on recovered operational reports, the agents were illegally harvesting data from Astra Financial, Cord-Hislop Aerospace, and a number of other Noveria-based operations, and may have been attempting to establish more permanent data-taps to syphon off highly valuable research and financial data for their own ends. The group predated Kodak's enhancements to Greater Hanshan's security, and he hopes that, having seemingly removed this particular weed by the root, no other groups will be able to achieve the same level of infiltration now that security has been raised.



Kioka was waiting for you when you arrived at your office, despite the early hour.

After the usual pleasantries, Kioka passed you a datapad, the Executive Board's latest message on display.

You'd already read the email, of course, but you made a point of checking it again, ensuring it lined up with what you remembered.

"Forgive me for saying so, sir," Kioka began, "But doesn't this quota seem a little... ambitious? No denying we've been successful so far, but I'm concerned we won't be able to keep up this pace. Even with the expanded scale of our workforce."

"I happen to agree on the scale of the quota," you note. "In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's a little extreme. I think it's manageable, though. Few of our efforts in Southern Hanshan are firing on all cylinders - once Cord-Hislop, Alit Ves, and Dora'Vua's facilities are all spun up, we should be seeing some serious profit from them. Just finishing those should get us a good bit of progress. And we've had a few more projects filter in over the last week or so, which we're likely to be able to leverage further."

"Ah, the Ahial and Kantor expansion plans?"

"And the Binary Helix renovations," you say, nodding. "Oh, and one you might not have heard about. Captain Vasko has quite an ambitious idea. One that somewhat stretches the spirit of the instructions he was given, apparently, but I don't think the Admirals will complain..."


Resources Banked: 257
Resource Income: 596
Total Resources Available: 853

Cargo Capacity: 16
Network Capacity: 8
Power Capacity: 14
Housing Capacity: 26

Executive Support: 60

Port Hanshan88n/a
Abec Territorial Ordnance334
Ahial Syndicate330
Alit Ves113
Astra Finanical442
Baria Frontiers332
Binary Helix221
Cord-Hislop Aerospace113
Domain Ecological Services223
Dora'vua Cyber Systems222
Edora Conservation Group225
Elanus Risk Control Services334
Epherea Biomedical221
Faeo Shipyards002
Fulmari Logistics222
Halsey Gene Labs334
Hassan Atomics445
Itavan Skyworks221
Jaeto Investigations221
Kadri Security336
Kantor Robotics332
Kaskadan Syndicate333
Katrion University112
Korten Machines332
Long Winter Studios333
Narhu Combine223
Nezo Aerospace333
Noveria Now333
Quan Armoury336
Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics003
Sannovi Industrial334
Solemni & Olde221
Synthetic Insights446
Tevura Media Group334
The Aspiration Group221
The Preni Group443
Tiber Extraction And Refining332

Quota Target: 149 >> 215 Profitability
Quota Progress: 0 / 66 ( 0% )

Free Dice: 3
Facilities & Key Staff
Secretary Kioka: Once per turn, add +1F to any Corporation targeted by any action that turn
Nomi'Laasal vas Sako: Once per turn, add 25 progress to any Infrastructure project targeted by any action that turn

Auxiliary Construction Facilities: +5 per die to Construction actions

Actions in green are newly added or have been updated since their last appearance.

Actions in amber are locked and cannot be selected this turn.

Heavy Industry (5D, +13 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant (C)
Fuel-efficient and climate friendly, fusion power plants are the standard for developing and developed worlds across civilised space. By burying the fusion plant deep within Noveria's frozen glaciers, they and the limited radioactive waste they produce can be safely and securely contained away from more densely populated areas, and without ruining the view as more economical renewable generators would.
UPDATE: There are few locations suitable for further glacial fusion plants in proximity to Port Hanshan itself. Developing in suboptimal locations will necessarily increase the cost and difficulty of constructing future reactors.
(Progress: 0/450 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
(Hassan Atomics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Peak 66 Aerospace Plant (Phase 3) (C)
Cord-Hislop Aerospace are looking to begin a much larger operation than you had initially anticipated, laying out ambitious plans for a large aerospace production facility, equipped with multiple production lines, testing and maintenance bays, significant short-term on-site habitation blocks, and a dedicated cargo terminal so their manufacturing doesn't interfere with Port Hanshan's regular operations. It will require a significant and concentrated investment, but thanks to the scale of the project, it will be able to generate value before it is fully completed.
(Progress: 145/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Cord-Hislop Aerospace: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Expansion Program (C)
The Southern Hanshan Spaceport may have only just gotten up and running, but you see no reason to not make contingencies for the eventual reality that it will become inadequate in the face of growing space traffic in future. Fortunately, that contingency isn't a particularly difficult one to plan - just build another spaceport, not far from the first one, extend some tram lines, and you've doubled Southern Hanshan's spacelift capacity.
(Progress: 404/500 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Fuel Depot (C)
The establishment of a new small scale fuel depot alongside Southern Hanshan's Spaceport would improve available fuel reserves for Port Hanshan as a whole and increase the degrees of service the facility is capable of providing to arriving vessels. Naturally, the Narhu Combine have agreed to pledge their support to the project, as a continuation of the mutually beneficial arrangement already reached regarding the Port Hanshan Spaceport.
(Progress: 122/300 - 50 Resources per die) (-2 Cargo, -2 Power)
(Narhu Combine: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 1) (C)
Kibess Power Systems is a hanar-owned corporation whose primary focus is on sustainable non-nuclear energy generation. As the providers of Noveria's many, many distributed windwork storm turbines, they have offered to expand their manufacturing with a Noverian plant for the dedicated construction of storm turbines and glacial hydroelectric systems for the NDC's use at Port Hanshan and elsewhere across Noveria.
(Progress: 101/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Kibess Power Systems (+0P, +2F) )

[ ] Agri-Dome Cluster Site (C)
Whilst plant life of Rannoch origin can and has been integrated into vertical farming for generations, the Migrant Fleet struggled with the logistic weight of keeping livestock, and eventually abandoned the practice. With stockpiled genetic material and access to planetary facilities well suited to maintaining artificial biomes, Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics believes that Noveria will be an ideal place to begin breeding livestock again. Though the food exports from such a facility would be relatively small, Captain Vasko posits that redeveloping institutional knowledge of ranching is worth the cost.
(Progress: 0/250 - 15 Resources per die)
(Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Ahial Munitions Plant Expansion (C)
The Ahial Syndicate, broadly speaking, can be divided into two feuding sects - those who believe the company should continue its current focus on bespoke and high-quality craftsmanship, and those who want to shift focus to bulk weapons manufacturing. For reasons somewhat opaque even to you, the former group appears to be rallying on Noveria, and accordingly, the company has put in a formal request for a significant expansion to their existing facilities to accommodate the influx of new workers.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Housing)
(Ahial Syndicate: +1P, +1F)

Advanced Industry (6D, +20 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Peak 52 Tech Park (Phase 3) (C)
Alit Ves intends to establish a large tech plant for the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of new devices and gadgets. They hope that by concentrating all development into a single location, they can both improve the efficiency of the product cycle and more reliably ensure the security of their staff and their property. A tech plant on their desired scale would necessarily be both large and expensive, but individual elements could be brought online and made to turn a profit before construction completes.
(Progress: 219/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Cargo)
(Alit Ves: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Personal Electronics Plant (Phase 2) (C)
With the newfound acceptance of at least small scale manufacturing capabilities on Noveria, Tevura Media Group and Dora'Vua Cyber Systems have partnered to submit a proposal for the development of a factory to be used for the manufacture of a new line of luxury high-quality omnitools and other personal electronics.
(Progress: 0/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Dora'Vua Cyber Systems: +1P)

[ ] Beckmann Financial Investment Office
Beckmann Financial is a minor human financial firm making big waves for their willingness to supply human money to alien firms, in a variety of fields. They want to establish an investment office on Noveria. Relying heavily on a particularly powerful suite of data analysis computers and connected by hardline to the Hanshan Stock Exchange to maximise potential trading values, fulfilling their request will require significant technical expertise.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Network)
(New Corporation: Beckmann Financial (+1P, +2F) )

[ ] Peak 94 Hydroponics Centre (Phase 2) (C)
Vertical Farming as an initiative has been practised for some time amongst the Migrant Fleet, as the low space usage is a massive benefit and the downsides of needing a controlled environment are massively offset by the fact that spaceships tend to have quite controlled environments anyway. But until their recent developments on Noveria, the Migrant Fleet has not had sufficient claim to any planet to establish planetside farming operations. Now that they do, they hope to begin farming operations to both increase food security and build institutional knowledge of how the field has changed for the rest of the galaxy, in the past three centuries of exile.
(Progress: 43/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics: +1F)

[ ] Peak 74 Aerospace Design Bureau (C)
Faeo Shipyards' prior work includes ships of all civilian classes and some semi-militarised designs, which are very popular amongst private and small commercial markets for their high performance per price point. To achieve that performance, they make use of a wide range of highly sophisticated computer modelling tools to optimise the design of their vessels for performance in a variety of common situations.
(Progress: 0/200 - 25 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Network)
(Faeo Shipyards: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Kantor Robotics Plant Expansion (C)
Though the galactic stigma against batarian operations within Citadel Space is less intense than that against the quarians, it is undeniable that legitimate batarian groups often struggle to achieve footholds in Citadel Space compared to their peers. Despite their prestige, Kantor Robotics are evidently no exception, as they have requested an expansion of their Noveria facilities in order to facilitate a higher level of on-site construction, in response to breakdowns in contract negotiation within Citadel space.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Housing, -1 Cargo)
(Kantor Robotics: +2P, +1F)

Infrastructure (6D, +32 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Distributed Windworks (C)
The new infrastructure highway leading down to the Southern Steppes has opened the possibility of further wind turbine developments. Cheap, dependable, and clean, they're an ideal source of power, and continuing to expand generation will both expand power supplies and harden the grid to failure, particularly for the Southern Steppes facilities. Some people think that the wind farms are blights upon the landscape, but seeing as how there's a dozen luxury resorts on Noveria and Port Hanshan isn't one of them, you find it kind of hard to care.
(Progress: 138/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+6 Power)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Arcology Complex (C)
Taking lessons from centuries of urban planning and orbital habitat design across the galaxy, arcology spires serve to provide not just housing and the requisite utilities, but rental spaces that can be dedicated to shops, restaurants, schools, gyms, and other facilities, providing all the average resident needs within a single complex. A small number of these spires could be constructed in Southern Hanshan
(Progress: 62/300 - 10 Resources per die) (+8 Housing)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Residential District (C)
Naturally, Southern Hanshan has a great deal of space which can be turned into a great many apartments. Though these would be smaller, lower-quality apartments than those found in arcology complexes, they would provide reasonably priced housing for the labourers or hired contractors with lower incomes - a demographic likely to be prevalent in Southern Hanshan.
(Progress: 42/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (+16 Housing)

[ ] FPC Consultancy Office
Fedali Professional Consultants are a recruitment and contracting firm whose entire business model revolves around snapping up university graduates, giving them cursory training to ensure they're up to some nebulous 'standard', and contracting them out to other firms at graduate rates whilst paying the graduate themself far less, pocketing the difference. Fedali wants to open an office on Noveria, no doubt to make the most of the increasing spread of corporations on world to increase their clientele.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Fedali Professional Consultants (+1P, +2F)

[ ] Nashan Stellar Dynamics Design Office
Nashan Stellar Dynamics is a human corporation specialising in designing starship grade components - though, interestingly enough, not starships themselves. They market higher-quality parts to replace the stock parts provided by starship manufacturers, advertising their wares as a way to fully customise a ship to the desired needs of the operators. They have likely relocated in hopes of forming closer ties with Itavan and Cord-Hislop, both of whom they have mutually beneficial business relationships with already.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Nashan Stellar Dynamics (+1P, +2F)

[ ] Katrion University Hanshan Campus (Phase 2) (C)
Tha Katrion University has made overtures of locating a new campus within Southern Hanshan, looking to work to establish business ties and, presumably, create easy opportunities for new graduates to move into the corporate sector. Fitting with the usual asari custom of highly flexible university outfitting, the plans they have provided are straightforward and somewhat modular, with the intent of them performing their own internal works as their needs become more clear.
(Progress: 48/250 - 25 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(Katrion University (+1P, +1F) )

[ ] Peak 55 Game Design Studio (C)
OriginDigital is a human digital entertainment company, attempting to open a new development studio on Noveria in order to bypass what they seem to believe are overly-stringent content censorship laws on Elysium. Their list of requested facilities is fairly on-par with those of other game studios, according to the more knowledgeable agents in your infrastructure team, with a core of offices and a series of specialised studios for sound recording, motion tracking, and holographic display to follow.
(Progress: 0/200 - 25 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network)
(OriginDigital: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Ground-Orbit Uplink Site (C)
Though one GOUS already exists in Southern Hanshan, a significant portion of network traffic is already rerouted to the more robust section of the network in Port Hanshan. A second transmission tower and accompanying infrastructure being built in Southern Hanshan would further decrease reliance on the infrastructure highway and allow for reduced latency for corporations and residents across Southern Hanshan.
(Progress: 0/300 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power, +16 Network)

Security (4D, +7 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Mandatory Audit (Targets 1 Corporation)
In addition to the physical security staff provided by ERCS, the NDC has access to a suite of in-house corporate assessors, auditors, and investigators, trained to dig out corruption, noncompliance, and assorted chicanery wherever it takes root. Sending them after a company ensures that the appropriate rental fees and taxes are being paid, promptly and without any shenanigans.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, negative corporate favour does not reduce income.) (Reduces risk of Corruption / Shenanigans)
(Target: -1F)

[ ] Routine Emergency Drills
Prior negligence has made it clear to the NDC that not everyone on Noveria is taking their security as seriously as they should be, even if recent events caused them to shape up. Regular but unscheduled security drills should ensure that the various corporations continue to do their part in keeping everyone safe should the worst happen. Also, watching the corporate types scurry like rats when Matsuo lights a fire under their ass is kind of fun.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, Dangerous Events cannot trigger)

[ ] Corporate Security Review (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst Port Hanshan can submit to standard security standards with minimal risk, the corporate facilities around Port Hanshan have far more specific risk vectors that must be addressed directly. ERCS professionals should be sent to perform detailed reviews and generate new security plans specific to the corporate client in question.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (May unlock Security Revision actions)
(Target: +1F)

[ ] NSID Investigation (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst the NDC already has the legitimate means to perform an in-house audit and corruption sweep on any of their clients, the naturally very public nature of these investigations means that particularly smart saboteurs, spies, and other corrupt elements can obscure their activities and avoid the proper punishments for their actions. With the foundation of the NSID, a new avenue exists to perform more subtle investigations of corporate activities, although the hidden nature of these anti-corruption operations precludes their use for general financial auditing.
(May use Security or Administration die)
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (Removes corruption, counters dangerous events, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Gazagar Autocannons
After some terse negotiations between ERCS and Kantor Robotics, the batarian firm has agreed to pass along the blueprints they dubiously acquired from their contacts within the Hegemony. The Gazagar Autocannon features little in the way of novel technologies, and is far from revolutionary in its design, but small, consistent improvements have been made to basically every component, in comparison to other autocannon models currently on the market, including those that make up Port Hanshan's current, admittedly minor, ground-to-air defence network. ERCS believes that a new weapon deployment such as this would help ease tensions, with the current string of colonial attacks in the Traverse and Terminus.
(Progress: 85/100 - 10 Resources per die) (Increased Port Hanshan Security)

[ ] Peak 15 Security Overhaul
Since returning to Noveria, Binary Helix has been maintaining a low profile and working to understand the full scope and scale of the disaster that unfolded early in 2183, and, more importantly, what of the ruined project can be salvaged and recycled for new uses. However, before they feel comfortable working on some of the presented opportunities, manager Quentus Urvan has requested a number of security enhancements be made to their facilities to prevent any other violent outbreaks.
(Progress: 0/200 - 15 Resources per die)
(Binary Helix: +1P, +2F)

Administration (5D, +10 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Internal Sweeping (Targets 1 Department)
The NDC may occupy a place of privilege on Noveria, but the fate of your all-too-recent predecessor is a reminder that it is not immune to corruption. With some help from the NDC's Internal Affairs division, you can sweep a department to search for embezzlement, ineptitude, nepotism, and other forms of corruption. It's unlikely that much, if any, corruption remains after Anoleis was removed - and any who escaped notice the first time are likely to be keeping their heads down low for a short while anyway - but it never hurts to check.
UPDATE: With your VI monitoring the networks for any sorts of mischief, identifying and monitoring corruption is much easier and much less likely to devolve into a tangled mess.
UPDATE: Your rapport with the Infrastructure department is such that, whether out of respect or genuine satisfaction with their current status, they will refuse to engage in meaningful corruption. The Infrastructure Department is not a valid target for this action.
(Breakpoints: 40 - Requires 1 Admin dice and 1 from Target department) (Remove corruption, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Firearm Regulation Revision
Port Hanshan maintains a strict policy of prohibiting possession of firearms or firearm components for all parties, with exceptions for on-duty security staff and, by decree of the Executive Board, Spectre agents of the Citadel Council. Though information about the geth attack on Noveria was widely suppressed, news of geth incursions across the Traverse continues to spread, and some are calling for weapon restrictions to be loosened to enable self-defence.
Kioka's Note: Given what happened with the other legal review, it may be wise to avoid this unless we're willing to commit to moving forward.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Data Security Law Revision
Noveria was founded and built on the principle of privacy being paramount. By the terms of the colonial charter, all data is to be treated as the private and inviolate property of the responsible parties. Whilst this is obviously preferred by many of the corporations who have established operations, the deliberately sweeping law makes the personal data of individuals equally secure, which makes data harvesting, content targeting, and behavioural analysis relatively difficult.
Kioka's Note: Even just investigating this option resulted in backlash. We should avoid it unless we're willing to commit to moving forward.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-15 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Recruitment Drive
By tapping into the vast corporate network the NDC has access to and making it known that opportunities exist, a number of skilled workers, white and blue collar both, can be brought to Noveria and slotted into the workforce. Additional hands will increase the amount of work a given department can do at one time, and with luck (and a big enough recruitment budget), you may be able to headhunt some of the best workers from around the galaxy to fill the ranks.
UPDATE: By leveraging his own reputation and contacts within the Migrant Fleet, Nil'Zannis may be able to attract quarian workers, allowing the NDC to benefit from their technical skills just as they benefit from the NDC's wealth and prestige.
UPDATE: The NDC has repeatedly scoured the galaxy for the most highly qualified candidates. Though you will obviously be able to continue to expand as long as you can afford to do so, it is becoming increasingly expensive in terms of both money and executive goodwill, and you will no longer be able to rely on exclusively recruiting the cream of the crop.
(Breakpoints: 60 / 90 / ???)
-[ ] Heavy Industry (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Heavy Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Advanced Industry (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Advanced Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Infrastructure (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Security (30 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Security Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Administration (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Administration Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Quarians (35 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-25 ES) (Chance for new trait)

[ ] Make Amends (Targets 1 Corporation with Negative Favour)
Corporations who are otherwise recalcitrant may be brought back into the fold - or rather, bought back into the fold, by the provision of NDC funding with minimal questions to support their expansions, boondoggles, or executive passion projects. Though committing to these projects may cause conflicts with existing plans, the chance to shore up relations with the corporations most unimpressed with your performance could be of value.
(Target: +2F) (Begins a Priority Project for Target)

[ ] Open For Business
Greater Hanshan is now host to seven corporations not originally part of the NDC Founding, and their lack of issues so far is indication to others that it's a safe path to tread. Sounding out some of the other corporations of the galaxy, and seeing who else might be willing to set up shop on Noveria, could be a way of getting new blood, and more importantly, new income streams, into Port Hanshan.
(Separate Straight Roll per die - 5 Resources per die) (Signal to other Corporations that Port Hanshan is open for business) (+5 ES)

[ ] NSID Investigation (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst the NDC already has the legitimate means to perform an in-house audit and corruption sweep on any of their clients, the naturally very public nature of these investigations means that particularly smart saboteurs, spies, and other corrupt elements can obscure their activities and avoid the proper punishments for their actions. With the foundation of the NSID, a new avenue exists to perform more subtle investigations of corporate activities, although the hidden nature of these anti-corruption operations precludes their use for general financial auditing.
(May use Security or Administration die)
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (Removes corruption, counters dangerous events, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Secretary Kioka

-[ ] Target

[ ] Nomi'Laasal vas Sako
-[ ] Target


Outrageous, huh? They say that three is power. Let's see if Nil'Zannis can live up to the hype.

Status Post and Corporation Post are updated for the end of the last Contract. I'm pretty sure all my ducks are in a row, but I may have missed something so bear with me if you see anything wrong.

As usual, the vote is not yet open, and I'll leave it shut for a while so you all have a chance to discuss and whatnot.
Last edited:
I don't know if its been brought up yet or not but, Do we have a plan for when Shepard is woken up and returns from the dead?
[ ] Peak 55 Game Design Studio (C)
OriginDigital is a human digital entertainment company, attempting to open a new development studio on Noveria in order to bypass what they seem to believe are overly-stringent content censorship laws on Elysium. Their list of requested facilities is fairly on-par with those of other game studios, according to the more knowledgeable agents in your infrastructure team, with a core of offices and a series of specialised studios for sound recording, motion tracking, and holographic display to follow.
(Progress: 0/200 - 25 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network)
(OriginDigital: +1P, +1F)
Wasn't this completed last turn?

Galactic News

The trend of disappearing human colonies has continued, with the Fairy Meadows colony falling silent at some point over the Christmas holiday period. Alliance officials are onsite and investigating, but are believed to have not found any meaningful leads. Public support for the human government is collapsing from within, leading some Citadel scholars wondering if the young species is truly ready for the power it now wields.


Reported sightings of geth vessels have continued to accumulate throughout the Traverse. ExoGeni officials have reported sporadic contact with geth units on the Prothean relic world of Feros. The world was almost destroyed by geth attack in 2183, but on the back of a series of major discoveries amongst the ruins, the colony was rebuilt and reinforced at significant cost, and has repelled these new geth sightings with few issues.


Greater Hanshan

"Residents of Port Hanshan were treated to a surprising show over the holidays, as ERCS Riot Response and NSID Enforcement teams launched a series of raids through Edara and Kebbin Wards, storming fourteen properties and arresting twenty individuals believed to be members of a criminal syndicate responsible for theft, identity fraud, smuggling, and possession of illegal goods, amongst other charges.

Neither organisation was willing to issue a detailed statement to Noveria Now about the raids, with NSID Director Kodak Sevarus only saying he was not at liberty to discuss ongoing operations."​



Once again, you find yourself working your way through a healthy pile of project proposals of varying scopes and scales, your VI running cost-benefit analytics on each as you pass through. Several of the companies seeking to relocate to Noveria have not yet been provided with the facilities needed for them to get started, and there are already numerous projects still underway from last year that need to be wrapped up. There are also some notable new additions to the pile from some of Noveria's long standing residents, including Binary Helix, Kantor Robotics, and the Ahial Syndicate.



With some aid from STG assets embedded within Alit Ves, a number of infiltrators believed to be aligned with the human-supremacist group Cerberus have been apprehended. Though some agents were able to successfully deploy primitive implanted poison capsules, the majority of suicide attempts were averted and the agents remain in detention for interrogation.

Based on recovered operational reports, the agents were illegally harvesting data from Astra Financial, Cord-Hislop Aerospace, and a number of other Noveria-based operations, and may have been attempting to establish more permanent data-taps to syphon off highly valuable research and financial data for their own ends. The group predated Kodak's enhancements to Greater Hanshan's security, and he hopes that, having seemingly removed this particular weed by the root, no other groups will be able to achieve the same level of infiltration now that security has been raised.



Kioka was waiting for you when you arrived at your office, despite the early hour.

After the usual pleasantries, Kioka passed you a datapad, the Executive Board's latest message on display.

You'd already read the email, of course, but you made a point of checking it again, ensuring it lined up with what you remembered.

"Forgive me for saying so, sir," Kioka began, "But doesn't this quota seem a little... ambitious? No denying we've been successful so far, but I'm concerned we won't be able to keep up this pace. Even with the expanded scale of our workforce."

"I happen to agree on the scale of the quota," you note. "In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's a little extreme. I think it's manageable, though. Few of our efforts in Southern Hanshan are firing on all cylinders - once Cord-Hislop, Alit Ves, and Dora'Vua's facilities are all spun up, we should be seeing some serious profit from them. Just finishing those should get us a good bit of progress. And we've had a few more projects filter in over the last week or so, which we're likely to be able to leverage further."

"Ah, the Ahial and Kantor expansion plans?"

"And the Binary Helix renovations," you say, nodding. "Oh, and one you might not have heard about. Captain Vasko has quite an ambitious idea. One that somewhat stretches the spirit of the instructions he was given, apparently, but I don't think the Admirals will complain..."


Resources Banked: 257
Resource Income: 596
Total Resources Available: 853

Cargo Capacity: 16
Network Capacity: 8
Power Capacity: 14
Housing Capacity: 26

Executive Support: 60

Port Hanshan88n/a
Abec Territorial Ordnance334
Ahial Syndicate330
Alit Ves113
Astra Finanical442
Baria Frontiers332
Binary Helix221
Cord-Hislop Aerospace113
Domain Ecological Services223
Dora'vua Cyber Systems222
Edora Conservation Group225
Elanus Risk Control Services334
Epherea Biomedical221
Faeo Shipyards002
Fulmari Logistics222
Halsey Gene Labs334
Hassan Atomics445
Itavan Skyworks221
Jaeto Investigations221
Kadri Security336
Kantor Robotics332
Kaskadan Syndicate333
Katrion University112
Korten Machines332
Long Winter Studios333
Narhu Combine223
Nezo Aerospace333
Noveria Now333
Quan Armoury336
Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics003
Sannovi Industrial334
Solemni & Olde221
Synthetic Insights446
Tevura Media Group334
The Aspiration Group221
The Preni Group443
Tiber Extraction And Refining332

Quota Target: 149 >> 215 Profitability
Quota Progress: 0 / 66 ( 0% )

Free Dice: 3
Facilities & Key Staff
Secretary Kioka: Once per turn, add +1F to any Corporation targeted by any action that turn
Nomi'Laasal vas Sako: Once per turn, add 25 progress to any Infrastructure project targeted by any action that turn

Auxiliary Construction Facilities: +5 per die to Construction actions

Actions in green are newly added or have been updated since their last appearance.

Actions in amber are locked and cannot be selected this turn.

Heavy Industry (5D, +13 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant (C)
Fuel-efficient and climate friendly, fusion power plants are the standard for developing and developed worlds across civilised space. By burying the fusion plant deep within Noveria's frozen glaciers, they and the limited radioactive waste they produce can be safely and securely contained away from more densely populated areas, and without ruining the view as more economical renewable generators would.
UPDATE: There are few locations suitable for further glacial fusion plants in proximity to Port Hanshan itself. Developing in suboptimal locations will necessarily increase the cost and difficulty of constructing future reactors.
(Progress: 0/450 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
(Hassan Atomics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Peak 66 Aerospace Plant (Phase 3) (C)
Cord-Hislop Aerospace are looking to begin a much larger operation than you had initially anticipated, laying out ambitious plans for a large aerospace production facility, equipped with multiple production lines, testing and maintenance bays, significant short-term on-site habitation blocks, and a dedicated cargo terminal so their manufacturing doesn't interfere with Port Hanshan's regular operations. It will require a significant and concentrated investment, but thanks to the scale of the project, it will be able to generate value before it is fully completed.
(Progress: 145/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Cord-Hislop Aerospace: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Expansion Program (C)
The Southern Hanshan Spaceport may have only just gotten up and running, but you see no reason to not make contingencies for the eventual reality that it will become inadequate in the face of growing space traffic in future. Fortunately, that contingency isn't a particularly difficult one to plan - just build another spaceport, not far from the first one, extend some tram lines, and you've doubled Southern Hanshan's spacelift capacity.
(Progress: 404/500 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Fuel Depot (C)
The establishment of a new small scale fuel depot alongside Southern Hanshan's Spaceport would improve available fuel reserves for Port Hanshan as a whole and increase the degrees of service the facility is capable of providing to arriving vessels. Naturally, the Narhu Combine have agreed to pledge their support to the project, as a continuation of the mutually beneficial arrangement already reached regarding the Port Hanshan Spaceport.
(Progress: 122/300 - 50 Resources per die) (-2 Cargo, -2 Power)
(Narhu Combine: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 1) (C)
Kibess Power Systems is a hanar-owned corporation whose primary focus is on sustainable non-nuclear energy generation. As the providers of Noveria's many, many distributed windwork storm turbines, they have offered to expand their manufacturing with a Noverian plant for the dedicated construction of storm turbines and glacial hydroelectric systems for the NDC's use at Port Hanshan and elsewhere across Noveria.
(Progress: 101/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Kibess Power Systems (+0P, +2F) )

[ ] Agri-Dome Cluster Site (C)
Whilst plant life of Rannoch origin can and has been integrated into vertical farming for generations, the Migrant Fleet struggled with the logistic weight of keeping livestock, and eventually abandoned the practice. With stockpiled genetic material and access to planetary facilities well suited to maintaining artificial biomes, Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics believes that Noveria will be an ideal place to begin breeding livestock again. Though the food exports from such a facility would be relatively small, Captain Vasko posits that redeveloping institutional knowledge of ranching is worth the cost.
(Progress: 0/250 - 15 Resources per die)
(Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Ahial Munitions Plant Expansion (C)
The Ahial Syndicate, broadly speaking, can be divided into two feuding sects - those who believe the company should continue its current focus on bespoke and high-quality craftsmanship, and those who want to shift focus to bulk weapons manufacturing. For reasons somewhat opaque even to you, the former group appears to be rallying on Noveria, and accordingly, the company has put in a formal request for a significant expansion to their existing facilities to accommodate the influx of new workers.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Housing)
(Ahial Syndicate: +1P, +1F)

Advanced Industry (6D, +20 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Peak 52 Tech Park (Phase 3) (C)
Alit Ves intends to establish a large tech plant for the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of new devices and gadgets. They hope that by concentrating all development into a single location, they can both improve the efficiency of the product cycle and more reliably ensure the security of their staff and their property. A tech plant on their desired scale would necessarily be both large and expensive, but individual elements could be brought online and made to turn a profit before construction completes.
(Progress: 219/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Cargo)
(Alit Ves: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Personal Electronics Plant (Phase 2) (C)
With the newfound acceptance of at least small scale manufacturing capabilities on Noveria, Tevura Media Group and Dora'Vua Cyber Systems have partnered to submit a proposal for the development of a factory to be used for the manufacture of a new line of luxury high-quality omnitools and other personal electronics.
(Progress: 0/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Dora'Vua Cyber Systems: +1P)

[ ] Beckmann Financial Investment Office
Beckmann Financial is a minor human financial firm making big waves for their willingness to supply human money to alien firms, in a variety of fields. They want to establish an investment office on Noveria. Relying heavily on a particularly powerful suite of data analysis computers and connected by hardline to the Hanshan Stock Exchange to maximise potential trading values, fulfilling their request will require significant technical expertise.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Network)
(New Corporation: Beckmann Financial (+1P, +2F) )

[ ] Peak 94 Hydroponics Centre (Phase 2) (C)
Vertical Farming as an initiative has been practised for some time amongst the Migrant Fleet, as the low space usage is a massive benefit and the downsides of needing a controlled environment are massively offset by the fact that spaceships tend to have quite controlled environments anyway. But until their recent developments on Noveria, the Migrant Fleet has not had sufficient claim to any planet to establish planetside farming operations. Now that they do, they hope to begin farming operations to both increase food security and build institutional knowledge of how the field has changed for the rest of the galaxy, in the past three centuries of exile.
(Progress: 43/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics: +1F)

[ ] Peak 74 Aerospace Design Bureau (C)
Faeo Shipyards' prior work includes ships of all civilian classes and some semi-militarised designs, which are very popular amongst private and small commercial markets for their high performance per price point. To achieve that performance, they make use of a wide range of highly sophisticated computer modelling tools to optimise the design of their vessels for performance in a variety of common situations.
(Progress: 0/200 - 25 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Network)
(Faeo Shipyards: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Kantor Robotics Plant Expansion (C)
Though the galactic stigma against batarian operations within Citadel Space is less intense than that against the quarians, it is undeniable that legitimate batarian groups often struggle to achieve footholds in Citadel Space compared to their peers. Despite their prestige, Kantor Robotics are evidently no exception, as they have requested an expansion of their Noveria facilities in order to facilitate a higher level of on-site construction, in response to breakdowns in contract negotiation within Citadel space.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Housing, -1 Cargo)
(Kantor Robotics: +2P, +1F)

Infrastructure (6D, +32 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Distributed Windworks (C)
The new infrastructure highway leading down to the Southern Steppes has opened the possibility of further wind turbine developments. Cheap, dependable, and clean, they're an ideal source of power, and continuing to expand generation will both expand power supplies and harden the grid to failure, particularly for the Southern Steppes facilities. Some people think that the wind farms are blights upon the landscape, but seeing as how there's a dozen luxury resorts on Noveria and Port Hanshan isn't one of them, you find it kind of hard to care.
(Progress: 138/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+6 Power)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Arcology Complex (C)
Taking lessons from centuries of urban planning and orbital habitat design across the galaxy, arcology spires serve to provide not just housing and the requisite utilities, but rental spaces that can be dedicated to shops, restaurants, schools, gyms, and other facilities, providing all the average resident needs within a single complex. A small number of these spires could be constructed in Southern Hanshan
(Progress: 62/300 - 10 Resources per die) (+8 Housing)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Residential District (C)
Naturally, Southern Hanshan has a great deal of space which can be turned into a great many apartments. Though these would be smaller, lower-quality apartments than those found in arcology complexes, they would provide reasonably priced housing for the labourers or hired contractors with lower incomes - a demographic likely to be prevalent in Southern Hanshan.
(Progress: 42/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (+16 Housing)

[ ] FPC Consultancy Office
Fedali Professional Consultants are a recruitment and contracting firm whose entire business model revolves around snapping up university graduates, giving them cursory training to ensure they're up to some nebulous 'standard', and contracting them out to other firms at graduate rates whilst paying the graduate themself far less, pocketing the difference. Fedali wants to open an office on Noveria, no doubt to make the most of the increasing spread of corporations on world to increase their clientele.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Fedali Professional Consultants (+1P, +2F)

[ ] Nashan Stellar Dynamics Design Office
Nashan Stellar Dynamics is a human corporation specialising in designing starship grade components - though, interestingly enough, not starships themselves. They market higher-quality parts to replace the stock parts provided by starship manufacturers, advertising their wares as a way to fully customise a ship to the desired needs of the operators. They have likely relocated in hopes of forming closer ties with Itavan and Cord-Hislop, both of whom they have mutually beneficial business relationships with already.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(New Corporation: Nashan Stellar Dynamics (+1P, +2F)

[ ] Katrion University Hanshan Campus (Phase 2) (C)
Tha Katrion University has made overtures of locating a new campus within Southern Hanshan, looking to work to establish business ties and, presumably, create easy opportunities for new graduates to move into the corporate sector. Fitting with the usual asari custom of highly flexible university outfitting, the plans they have provided are straightforward and somewhat modular, with the intent of them performing their own internal works as their needs become more clear.
(Progress: 48/250 - 25 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)
(Katrion University (+1P, +1F) )

[ ] Peak 55 Game Design Studio (C)
OriginDigital is a human digital entertainment company, attempting to open a new development studio on Noveria in order to bypass what they seem to believe are overly-stringent content censorship laws on Elysium. Their list of requested facilities is fairly on-par with those of other game studios, according to the more knowledgeable agents in your infrastructure team, with a core of offices and a series of specialised studios for sound recording, motion tracking, and holographic display to follow.
(Progress: 0/200 - 25 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -1 Network)
(OriginDigital: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Southern Hanshan Ground-Orbit Uplink Site (C)
Though one GOUS already exists in Southern Hanshan, a significant portion of network traffic is already rerouted to the more robust section of the network in Port Hanshan. A second transmission tower and accompanying infrastructure being built in Southern Hanshan would further decrease reliance on the infrastructure highway and allow for reduced latency for corporations and residents across Southern Hanshan.
(Progress: 335/300 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power, +16 Network)

Security (4D, +7 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Mandatory Audit (Targets 1 Corporation)
In addition to the physical security staff provided by ERCS, the NDC has access to a suite of in-house corporate assessors, auditors, and investigators, trained to dig out corruption, noncompliance, and assorted chicanery wherever it takes root. Sending them after a company ensures that the appropriate rental fees and taxes are being paid, promptly and without any shenanigans.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, negative corporate favour does not reduce income.) (Reduces risk of Corruption / Shenanigans)
(Target: -1F)

[ ] Routine Emergency Drills
Prior negligence has made it clear to the NDC that not everyone on Noveria is taking their security as seriously as they should be, even if recent events caused them to shape up. Regular but unscheduled security drills should ensure that the various corporations continue to do their part in keeping everyone safe should the worst happen. Also, watching the corporate types scurry like rats when Matsuo lights a fire under their ass is kind of fun.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, Dangerous Events cannot trigger)

[ ] Corporate Security Review (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst Port Hanshan can submit to standard security standards with minimal risk, the corporate facilities around Port Hanshan have far more specific risk vectors that must be addressed directly. ERCS professionals should be sent to perform detailed reviews and generate new security plans specific to the corporate client in question.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (May unlock Security Revision actions)
(Target: +1F)

[ ] NSID Investigation (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst the NDC already has the legitimate means to perform an in-house audit and corruption sweep on any of their clients, the naturally very public nature of these investigations means that particularly smart saboteurs, spies, and other corrupt elements can obscure their activities and avoid the proper punishments for their actions. With the foundation of the NSID, a new avenue exists to perform more subtle investigations of corporate activities, although the hidden nature of these anti-corruption operations precludes their use for general financial auditing.
(May use Security or Administration die)
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (Removes corruption, counters dangerous events, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Gazagar Autocannons
After some terse negotiations between ERCS and Kantor Robotics, the batarian firm has agreed to pass along the blueprints they dubiously acquired from their contacts within the Hegemony. The Gazagar Autocannon features little in the way of novel technologies, and is far from revolutionary in its design, but small, consistent improvements have been made to basically every component, in comparison to other autocannon models currently on the market, including those that make up Port Hanshan's current, admittedly minor, ground-to-air defence network. ERCS believes that a new weapon deployment such as this would help ease tensions, with the current string of colonial attacks in the Traverse and Terminus.
(Progress: 85/100 - 10 Resources per die) (Increased Port Hanshan Security)

[ ] Peak 15 Security Overhaul
Since returning to Noveria, Binary Helix has been maintaining a low profile and working to understand the full scope and scale of the disaster that unfolded early in 2183, and, more importantly, what of the ruined project can be salvaged and recycled for new uses. However, before they feel comfortable working on some of the presented opportunities, manager Quentus Urvan has requested a number of security enhancements be made to their facilities to prevent any other violent outbreaks.
(Progress: 0/200 - 15 Resources per die)
(Binary Helix: +1P, +2F)

Administration (5D, +10 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Internal Sweeping (Targets 1 Department)
The NDC may occupy a place of privilege on Noveria, but the fate of your all-too-recent predecessor is a reminder that it is not immune to corruption. With some help from the NDC's Internal Affairs division, you can sweep a department to search for embezzlement, ineptitude, nepotism, and other forms of corruption. It's unlikely that much, if any, corruption remains after Anoleis was removed - and any who escaped notice the first time are likely to be keeping their heads down low for a short while anyway - but it never hurts to check.
UPDATE: With your VI monitoring the networks for any sorts of mischief, identifying and monitoring corruption is much easier and much less likely to devolve into a tangled mess.
UPDATE: Your rapport with the Infrastructure department is such that, whether out of respect or genuine satisfaction with their current status, they will refuse to engage in meaningful corruption. The Infrastructure Department is not a valid target for this action.
(Breakpoints: 40 - Requires 1 Admin dice and 1 from Target department) (Remove corruption, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Firearm Regulation Revision
Port Hanshan maintains a strict policy of prohibiting possession of firearms or firearm components for all parties, with exceptions for on-duty security staff and, by decree of the Executive Board, Spectre agents of the Citadel Council. Though information about the geth attack on Noveria was widely suppressed, news of geth incursions across the Traverse continues to spread, and some are calling for weapon restrictions to be loosened to enable self-defence.
Kioka's Note: Given what happened with the other legal review, it may be wise to avoid this unless we're willing to commit to moving forward.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Data Security Law Revision
Noveria was founded and built on the principle of privacy being paramount. By the terms of the colonial charter, all data is to be treated as the private and inviolate property of the responsible parties. Whilst this is obviously preferred by many of the corporations who have established operations, the deliberately sweeping law makes the personal data of individuals equally secure, which makes data harvesting, content targeting, and behavioural analysis relatively difficult.
Kioka's Note: Even just investigating this option resulted in backlash. We should avoid it unless we're willing to commit to moving forward.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-15 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Recruitment Drive
By tapping into the vast corporate network the NDC has access to and making it known that opportunities exist, a number of skilled workers, white and blue collar both, can be brought to Noveria and slotted into the workforce. Additional hands will increase the amount of work a given department can do at one time, and with luck (and a big enough recruitment budget), you may be able to headhunt some of the best workers from around the galaxy to fill the ranks.
UPDATE: By leveraging his own reputation and contacts within the Migrant Fleet, Nil'Zannis may be able to attract quarian workers, allowing the NDC to benefit from their technical skills just as they benefit from the NDC's wealth and prestige.
UPDATE: The NDC has repeatedly scoured the galaxy for the most highly qualified candidates. Though you will obviously be able to continue to expand as long as you can afford to do so, it is becoming increasingly expensive in terms of both money and executive goodwill, and you will no longer be able to rely on exclusively recruiting the cream of the crop.
(Breakpoints: 60 / 90 / ???)
-[ ] Heavy Industry (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Heavy Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Advanced Industry (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Advanced Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Infrastructure (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Security (30 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Security Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Administration (55 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-5 ES) (+1 Administration Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Quarians (35 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-25 ES) (Chance for new trait)

[ ] Make Amends (Targets 1 Corporation with Negative Favour)
Corporations who are otherwise recalcitrant may be brought back into the fold - or rather, bought back into the fold, by the provision of NDC funding with minimal questions to support their expansions, boondoggles, or executive passion projects. Though committing to these projects may cause conflicts with existing plans, the chance to shore up relations with the corporations most unimpressed with your performance could be of value.
(Target: +2F) (Begins a Priority Project for Target)

[ ] Open For Business
Greater Hanshan is now host to seven corporations not originally part of the NDC Founding, and their lack of issues so far is indication to others that it's a safe path to tread. Sounding out some of the other corporations of the galaxy, and seeing who else might be willing to set up shop on Noveria, could be a way of getting new blood, and more importantly, new income streams, into Port Hanshan.
(Separate Straight Roll per die - 5 Resources per die) (Signal to other Corporations that Port Hanshan is open for business) (+5 ES)

[ ] NSID Investigation (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst the NDC already has the legitimate means to perform an in-house audit and corruption sweep on any of their clients, the naturally very public nature of these investigations means that particularly smart saboteurs, spies, and other corrupt elements can obscure their activities and avoid the proper punishments for their actions. With the foundation of the NSID, a new avenue exists to perform more subtle investigations of corporate activities, although the hidden nature of these anti-corruption operations precludes their use for general financial auditing.
(May use Security or Administration die)
(Breakpoints: ??? - 10 Resources per die) (Removes corruption, counters dangerous events, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Secretary Kioka

-[ ] Target

[ ] Nomi'Laasal vas Sako
-[ ] Target


Outrageous, huh? They say that three is power. Let's see if Nil'Zannis can live up to the hype.

Status Post and Corporation Post are updated for the end of the last Contract. I'm pretty sure all my ducks are in a row, but I may have missed something so bear with me if you see anything wrong.

As usual, the vote is not yet open, and I'll leave it shut for a while so you all have a chance to discuss and whatnot.
Needs a thread mark my good game master.
Wasn't this completed last turn?
No, that was Breaking Ground: Peak 55 - the precursor project to this one.

I don't think Shephard has even died yet have they?
Nah, she exploded pretty much as per canon.

Um the post doesn't appear to be threadmarked.
Needs a thread mark my good game master.
Thankyee, corrected.
[] Plan Early Results for more Budget
Heavy Industry 5D +1FD 150R
-[ ] Peak 66 Aerospace Plant (Phase 3) (C) 2D 70R
-[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Expansion Program (C) 2D 50R
-[ ] Ahial Munitions Plant Expansion (C) 2D 30 R
Advanced Industry 125R
-[ ] Peak 52 Tech Park (Phase 3) (C) 1D 35R
-[ ] Beckmann Financial Investment Office 2D 30R
-[ ] Kantor Robotics Plant Expansion (C) 4D 60R
Infrastructure 6D +1FD 120R
-[ ] FPC Consultancy Office 2D 30R
-[ ] Nashan Stellar Dynamics Design Office 2D 30R
-[ ] Southern Hanshan Ground-Orbit Uplink Site (C) 3D 60R
Security 4D 55R
-[ ] Gazagar Autocannons 1D 10R
-[ ] Peak 15 Security Overhaul 3D 45R
-[ ] Recruitment Drive
--[ ] Quarians (35 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (-25 ES) (Chance for new trait) 5D 175 R

-[ ] Secretary Kioka
--[ ] Ahial Syndicate

-[ ] Nomi'Laasal vas Sako
--[ ] Southern Hanshan Ground-Orbit Uplink Site (C)

Total 610R

Heavy Industry: getting Cargo out of the way, finishing the Aerospace plant, and chipping Away at Ahial.

Advanced Industry: hoping to finish all 6 projects in hopes of completing all of them for +4P

Infrastructure: Completing two Companies for more Profit and Gaining some network slack.

Security: Oversuccess on the Cannons as agreed, and chipping away at Peak 15

Admin: want to recruit, but need feedback. We Can Either Roll 3 Dice (165R) for likely no trait bonus and a Dice, or we can go 5 Dice on quarian (175R) hoping for a really great trait and Dice.

Nomi on Network expansion, Kioka I'm open to suggestion, will finish plan later after feedback, and After I check out two other quests updates.
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Shouldn't we hold off on this and refocus our efforts on checking other companies? It feels like our teams operate blind as we focus on the same pool of companies.

If your talking about the NSID, it's been two turns. we hit a financial analysis company first turn and split to hit both a hard target vehicle company and a small arms manufacturer turn two. Kodacs Opperations in the turn pre vote description are mearly him following up on the interesting leads from our first project for them. they have been hyperactive routing out cerberus cells. I think we can leave Kodak to his own divices for one turn and make a neccessary expansion.

If your talking about internal sweeping rather than companies, This is the 3rd turn since the board highered off world investigators to sift thru Novaria's entire opperational staff with a fine come. We can sit confident that we are safe for corruption for another two turns.

Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean as the same pool of companies? I'm choosing projects that are receiving dice for the first time in infrastructure, to of them brand new companies we have done no work for. a new project in heavy, and I'd hit a second new one if I didn't want to pad out our cargo. Two new projects in advanced while only assigning a single dice to a near guaranteed to complete project. My vote is nothing like our last turn.
We don't investigate every turn, but when we do it feels like we only every bother a small group of companies. Granted, one of those companies is working with the Geth, but there are other companies like Domain Ecology Services or Long Winter Studios.
Most of the investigation into specific companies till recently gave 1 favor and had a chance of them giving us a project if the needed major security improvements. The more recent investigations were for getting or people up to skill. Plus those are in security not berucracy. Which can only do internal sweeping of our own sections (infra, heavy, etc.) laws or recruiting
We don't investigate every turn, but when we do it feels like we only every bother a small group of companies. Granted, one of those companies is working with the Geth, but there are other companies like Domain Ecology Services or Long Winter Studios.
We favored a few companies where there were obvious prpblems and security needed to be improved or favor accrued, and if there were projects to be done with.
We don't investigate every turn, but when we do it feels like we only every bother a small group of companies. Granted, one of those companies is working with the Geth, but there are other companies like Domain Ecology Services or Long Winter Studios.
To be honest my original plan had us reviewing security on the Preni groups Vertical Farms to steal some ideas for the Quarian opperation, be we have a profit generating project in security, so it takes priority, as it always has.

Admin: want to recruit, but need feedback. We Can Either Roll 3 Dice (165R) for likely no trait bonus and a Dice, or we can go 5 Dice on quarian (175R) hoping for a really great trait and Dice.
Now, I'm not getting any feed back almost 12 hours later, so I'm just going to edit in quarian for now, and pick out a random fitting company for Kioka.
-[ ] Southern Hanshan Spaceport Expansion Program (C) 2D 50R

Heavy Industry: getting Cargo out of the way, finishing the Aerospace plant, and chipping Away at Ahial.

Cargo is not that low, so unless our current plan risks bringing it REALLY low I think you can just give it one dice instead of two. Maybe put that free dice on hiring (see below)

-[ ] Gazagar Autocannons 2D 10R

Security: Oversuccess on the Cannons as agreed, and chipping away at Peak 15
I'm unconvinced oversuccess is worth it when we have so many things to do. I'd just go 1 here, and put the other dice on other things, like peak 15.

Admin: want to recruit, but need feedback. We Can Either Roll 3 Dice for 165 for likely no trait bonus and a Dice, or we can go heavy on quarian hoping for a really great trait and Dice.

I think that if we're going to recruit more, we should do it now, ONCE, and at our best.

I'd go for ALL DICE on quarian recruit. that's... 5+3 free dice at most. 7 if you don't want to remove that dice from Infrastructure

We have 60 ES, so 60-25 is 35. Low, but manageable. and if we roll high enough I'm hoping we might reduce that malus.
reviewing security on the Preni groups Vertical Farms
No, you should do it. How else will we know the non-problematic companies are being behaved if not for surprise inspections?
I'd go for ALL DICE on quarian recruit.
I feel like we're at the upper limits on quarian recruits. Like an entire political facet is gone from the Fleets right now. These quarians are either on Noveria, or building enclaves next door to turian colonies.
I feel like we're at the upper limits on quarian recruits. Like an entire political facet is gone from the Fleets right now. These quarians are either on Noveria, or building enclaves next door to turian colonies.
wait, when was THIS mentioned? it seems like a bit of an exaggeration.

from a quick check our last quarian recruital was 8 turns ago (turn 17), and resulted in around 700 high-quality quarian recruits (which is a lot, but not really that much when we're reminded the fleet has 17 million people, and there's probably many tens of thousands at least still on their pilgrimage on other planets. Just... nudge them towards Noveria!)

(-1 Housing)
(Trait Upgraded: Pilgrims - +2 +4 Bonus to Heavy Industry, Advanced Industry, and Infrastructure)
(+1 Advanced Industry die)
(+1 Infrastructure die)
(Gained Trait: Nomi'Laasal vas Sako - Once per turn, add 25 progress to any Infrastructure project targeted by an action that turn)
+2 to two categories, + 2 dice, what's basically a +25 to a single infra dice per turn.

That was the result of 5 dice getting us a 264.

I think that 7 dice are actually reasonable on what's likely going to be our last round of expansion. We can justify it thanks to the very high target, and part of the high roll will likely be used to mitigate ES approval worries I imagine.
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I think that if we're going to recruit more, we should do it now, ONCE, and at our best.

I'd go for ALL DICE on quarian recruit. that's... 5+3 free dice at most. 7 if you don't want to remove that dice from Infrastructure

We have 60 ES, so 60-25 is 35. Low, but manageable. and if we roll high enough I'm hoping we might reduce that malus.
I'm pretty sure recruitment is more based on thresholds, and that there are only 3. Our super recruitment turn was the result of a natural crit rather than just how high we rolled. That said I could see my Way to floating 1 dice there way if more people were in support of that option, tho I'd need Confirmation from @Faith that a higher roll over the threshold will have the effect I'm aiming for. Unfortunately I need to offset the decrease in credits from Highering with an increase in profits this turn, so I can't pull free dice from Advanced or Infrastructure, not without confirmation of some 4th threshold to pass.
I feel like we're at the upper limits on quarian recruits. Like an entire political facet is gone from the Fleets right now. These quarians are either on Noveria, or building enclaves next door to turian colonies.
Quarians don't have enclaves. Sorry to say but outside the migrant fleet, Noveria is the only place where an outright community of Quarians exists. The racial bias, council endorsed and lack of galactic representation make any attempt to establish claim on any dextro based planet impossible, as demonstrated by the quarians complete lack of food production outside the liveships until this point.
The Settlers broadly agree on the importance of getting off these rickety decaying starships and putting boots on soil again, but they aren't interested in Rannoch for whatever reason,
Pioneers want to pick a new planet and start fresh.
Recently a lot of the key figures in the movement have just sort of… left? Weird.
Now, we're not the sole culprit, and even saying we're the catalyst is a bit of a stretch. However, it looks like the Quarians most receptive to ground side habitation aren't there.
thought the board directors were getting leery of us hiring so many quarians? why not wait till next contract review before we hire more quarians?
Now, we're not the sole culprit, and even saying we're the catalyst is a bit of a stretch. However, it looks like the Quarians most receptive to ground side habitation aren't there.
but we don't want "key figures".

What we want are mostly engineers. and nearly every Quarian is also an engineer, really.

considering that ALL QUARIANS go on pilgrimages at some point, and that it's been 8 months since last time we recruited, I'd be surprised if out of a pop of nearly 20 millions there were not a few hundreds quarians interested in holding their pilgrimage on Noveria, or even a few more established fleet members wishing to check on younger family members on Noveria while getting a few credits to repair their ships.

thought the board directors were getting leery of us hiring so many quarians? why not wait till next contract review before we hire more quarians?

Because we've been given OUTRAGEOUS targets, we're at the beginning of the business year so this is the best moment to gather bonuses, and because next turn Reapers will likely be here.

Also because we have a full year before another review of our actions, so even getting low-ish ES should be survivable as long as we deliver results
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