Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

Dice Savings:
Just about everything in Heavy Industry, Advanced Industry, and Infrastructure got a reduction of 5 resources with a few exceptions.
Hanshan Medical Centre Renovation - Stayed the same. Probably because it's a renovation of an existing property and not new construction.
Breaking Ground: Peak 12 - Stayed the same. Though I'm not sure how this doesn't count as construction.

For future projects, I'd like to focus on the Corps that we have negative favor with since it's reducing our resources each turn. Which would be Itavan Skyworks, Korten Machines, and Nezo Aerospace. Korten Machines will be handled this turn with completing their Prototype Workshop and we can't do anything currently for Itavan Skyworks. So that just leaves building the Destructive Test Range for Nezo Aerospace.
[ ] DATA:
-[ ] Sell to the Spectre
-[ ] Sell to the Migrant Fleet
-[ ] Sell to the STG

The Shadow Broker probably already knows is trouble besides. I feel like we don't want to sell to too many related parties, as that would tip off what we're doing, if that matters.

Shepard, the STG, and the Quarians are isolated enough from one another that we should be fine. I don't actually know that getting caught double dealing is something worth worrying about, but three sales is still pretty good. As long as we do STG last.
You wonder how many geth brains you'd have to rig up to get a computer smart enough to do this for you, but not smart enough to attempt to overthrow you. You have plenty to spare, after all…
You know I was gonna bring up this idea myself, improve our technology using geth parts because at least one of us have to represent the video game mad scientists here (see me talking about using reapertech in the least safe way possible). But apparently Nil'Zannis is already mad enough to do it. Which is great.
[ ] Plan Screw Monsters, Get Profit
-[ ] Heavy Industry (3/3 dice, 30R)
--[ ] Destructive Testing Range (Peak 18), [3 dice, 30R, 62%]
-[ ] Advanced Industry (3/3 dice 30R)
--[ ] Data Traffic Management Centre, [2 dice, 20R, 76%]
--[ ] Prototyping Workshop (Peak 41), [1 dice, 10R, 100%]
-[ ] Infrastructure (3/3 + 3 free dice, 105R)
--[ ] Arcology Spire, [1 dice, 5R, 38%]
--[ ] Breaking Ground: Lower Hanshan, [5 dice, 100R, 88%]
-[ ] Security (4/4 dice 35R)
--[ ] Geth Salvage, [1 dice, 5R, 100%]
--[ ] Snow Patrol, [3 dice, 30R, 74%]
-[ ] Administration (3/3 dice, 30R)
--[ ] Expand Security Staff, [3 dice, 30R, 62%]
230/230R 3/3 free dice used

- Heavy Industry, focus all dice on the project that bumps Nezo Aerospace to neutral favour so they stop screwing us on the cash.
- Advanced Industry, focusing on the project that gives 2P, Data Traffic. Also finishing Prototyping.
- Infrastructure, this is where my plan really differs from others. Who says we have to fix the monster problem? We are playing a profit-focused scummy corporation. So screw the monsters, focus on developing the new site that looks like it unlocks profit options.

The Hanshan option says "an excellent space for industrial operations and low-cost housing", that smells like profit. Also, it looks like we wouldnt have gotten this option if we didnt pick Nil'Zannis "Despite your protests at the time, very little infrastructure was established". So, let's do it.

Also, we have a massive +25 dice bonus in this category, so we really should be chucking tons of free dice into here where possible, and trying to unlock profit options in this category where possible. Currently, there are zero.

- Security, finishing Geth Salvage and Snow Patrol, just in case some nasty surprise has been left behind.
- Administration, Security for Profit.
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[ ] Plan Chimeraguard
Heavy Industry (3 Dice)
-[ ] Destructive Testing Range (Peak 41), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Advanced Industry (3 Dice)
-[ ] Data Traffic Management Center, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Prototyping Workshop (Peak 41), 1 die (10 Resources)
Infrastructure (3 Dice +2 Free Dice)
-[ ] Arcology Spire, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Breaking Ground, Lower Hashan, 4 dice (80 Resources)
Security (4 Dice)
-[ ] Geth Salvage, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Snow Patrol, 3 dice (30 Resources)
Administration (3 Dice)
-[ ] Expand Security Staff, 3 dice (30 Resources)

Resources Available: 230
Resources Used: 205
Resources Remaining: 25 (1 Free Dice still unused)

Okay, so I'm doing Peak 41 in Heavy Industry because it gives us Favor from Korten Machines. This is because they're currently at -1 Favor, meaning they're not paying us the full rent. Prototyping Workshop gives Korten another Profit but no Favor, meaning Korten will continue not giving us our full cut unless we increase their favor. Giving them a Destructive Testing Range will bump them up to neutral and give them 3 Profit. Nezo Aerospace is also at -1 Favor, but unlike Korten, they're not going to be getting another profit from the Prototyping Workshop that finishes this turn.

Advanced Industry finishes up Prototyping Workshop and then does Data Traffic Management, for that sweet 2 Profit.

Infrastructure slowrolls the Arcology Spire (and maybe finishes it in 1 die if we're lucky) while the rest of the dice and a couple Free Dice go onto Lower Hashan.

Security finishes Geth Salvage and continues Snow Patrol.

Administration works on Expand Security Staff, giving us yet another +1 Profit from ERCS.

However, I still have 1 Free Die remaining and I'm not quite sure where to put it on. Breaking Ground, Lower Hashan has an average chance to complete with 4 dice, and given that we're corporates and there's no real urgency, I'm perfectly fine trying to cut costs and see if it'll complete with an average roll. But in that case, what should the last Free Die be on? Do we want to do one of the Administration Revisions, or would we rather start on another project?

[ ] DATA: Favors over Credits
-[ ] Sell to the Spectre
-[ ] Sell to the Migrant Fleet

Way I see it, we're in Port Hanshan. Credits, provided we put in the effort, are pretty easy to come by. Favors on the other hand, are much more valuable. I could see selling to the STG given they're not likely to have contacts with this particular Spectre or the Migrant Fleet, but I'm not quite sure on that.

Quota Target: 80 >> 100 Profitability
Uh, hold on a second. From this vote count:

Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

Don't mind me, just generating some starting parameters. 794417

It looks like the option with our quota being to increase Profitability by 15% (which I think would be to 92) won, not 25%. Is this some in-universe corporate shenanigans going on, or an OOC error?
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Selling it to Shepard and the systems alliance at the same time sounds pretty funny but really I'm OK with pretty much any combination of sales except for the shadow broker since apparently that will get us in trouble with the bosses.
Systems Alliance strikes me as a bit risky, since that means the info probably makes it to Shepard pretty quickly, at which point they'll realize there's been some double dealing going on.

Now, I don't know if that'll carry any consequences, but I imagine it would, so I'd rather our buyers be people who aren't likely to share the info with each other.
Anderson: Commander, Systems Alliance intelligence has recently received information about Saren having a secret base on Virmire.
Shepard: That's funny, I've also recently received information about Saren's secret base on Virmire.
Tevos: Commander, we've recently received information to help you in your hunt for Saren.
Shepard: Is it about his base on Virmire?
Tevos: Yes, but how did you...?

Nil'Zannis: *counting credits* Why get paid once when you can get paid three or four times?
I think we shouldn't overdo it, information becomes useless when the enemy knows you have it.

Give it to the Spectre and to our old home, because that's the best way to get both a solid hit in at a legitimate threat to our bottom line as well as some better expertise on board.

Also remember, if it does harm them, we really don't want to be known as the one that was yelling it from the rooftops.
I support giving it to Sheppard and makes sense to me for the Migrant fleet to receive it as well. Kinda wonder if made aware what the companions will think about reciving the info, including possibly the source if their made aware of it?

As for Alliance one thing I think should be considered beyond Sheppard is should Cerberus be considered a factor?
I don't support selling it to the Migrant Fleet. Our contact there is this lunatic:-

Daro'Xen vas Moreh

Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh is a member of the quarian Admiralty Board. She is known for her keen scientific interest in the geth. Daro'Xen possesses a clinical intellect, apparently having performed surgery on her childhood toys without any sort of guilt or attachments on the matter. After...
Hanshan Medical Centre Renovation - Stayed the same. Probably because it's a renovation of an existing property and not new construction.
This is intentional.

Breaking Ground: Peak 12 - Stayed the same. Though I'm not sure how this doesn't count as construction.
This ain't. I'll adjust in the turn post, but please double check plans accordingly.

It looks like the option with our quota being to increase Profitability by 15% (which I think would be to 92) won, not 25%. Is this some in-universe corporate shenanigans going on, or an OOC error?
. . .

fuck. Hm. This is an OOC error from me building my spreadsheet wrong and not questioning that blatantly incorrect mathematics. I'll correct that in the turn and status posts.
Well, that certainly puts less pressure on us to rush for all the profitability options we can. Should let us focus some of the stuff that's not specifically profit-oriented like the medical centre, or bigger, progress-heavy projects like the Spaceport.
[X] Plan Chimeraguard

Also I'm all about increasing the spaceport to dig up that platinum mine
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I don't think we're allowed to vote yet. And anyway, my above plan is slightly incomplete since it still has an unused Free Die. Granted, I've decided what to do with said die.

Decided to put the last Free Die into restoring the Offsite Uplink, since we're getting complaints about network errors and backlog without it. In fact, with our profitability demand being less than was previously thought, I'm putting two dice on that instead of just one. Once we finish up the current Security stuff, we can move into the 'Monsters', then get the actual major uplink built, which should solve our Network issues for a while.
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Just realized that the Prototyping Workshop for Korten Machines doesn't give us any favor with them, just profit. So that's a slight spot in the budget that won't get fixed next turn.
We do get favor for constructing a Destructive Testing Range for them though along with more profit.
Just realized that the Prototyping Workshop for Korten Machines doesn't give us any favor with them, just profit. So that's a slight spot in the budget that won't get fixed next turn.
We do get favor for constructing a Destructive Testing Range for them though along with more profit.
It is something that was promised to them and is now contractually overdue, so we should still get it done.
just realised I haven't done this yet: vote's open yall. vote by plan, yadda yadda
[X] Plan Korten Connections
Heavy Industry (3 Dice)
-[X] Destructive Testing Range (Peak 41), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Advanced Industry (3 Dice +1 Free)
-[X] Restore Offsite Upink, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Hanshan Medical Centre Renovation, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Prototyping Workshop (Peak 41), 1 die (10 Resources)
Infrastructure (3 Dice +2 Free)
-[X] Arcology Spire, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Breaking Ground, Lower Hashan, 4 dice (60 Resources)
Security (4 Dice)
-[X] Geth Salvage, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Snow Patrol, 3 dice (30 Resources)
Administration (3 Dice)
-[X] Expand Security Staff, 3 dice (30 Resources)

Resources Available: 230
Resources Used: 195
Resources Remaining: 35

Decided to put the last Free Die into restoring the Offsite Uplink, since we're getting complaints about network errors and backlog without it. In fact, with our profitability demand being less than was previously thought, I'm putting two dice on that instead of just one. Once we finish up the current Security stuff, we can move into the 'Monsters', then get the actual major uplink built, which should solve our Network issues for a while.

HI meanwhile, we do the Peak 41 Range so that Korten favor is neutral, break ground in Lower Hashan to open up more options, and continue work on the stuff we're currently doing.

Huh, this plan builds up quite a bank. But then again, next turn could see like, 6 dice thrown at the 20 RpD Spaceport Expansion given my future plans (I want that Platinum mine, and that's said to put a strain on cargo, so we need the spaceport expanded), so maybe that's for the best.

EDIT: Looking things over and how it's fairly easy to make our quota, I decided that the Free Die in Data Traffic Management could instead go to Medical Centre Renovation. Some improvement to Livability would be nice, and as our character says, it is the sort of thing that looks unnecessary until you really need it.

[ ] DATA: Favors over Credits
-[ ] Sell to the Spectre
-[ ] Sell to the Migrant Fleet

And for the data selling, I'd say sell in for favors rather than for credits. We're Noveria, so it's not like we'll have difficulty finding opportunities to make money. And selling to two folks who are very unlikely to come into contact reduces the chance of getting called out for double-dealing IMO.
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Good plan, but you are spending more free dice than we have.

Also, don't we need mountain monsters for that?
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