Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

[X] Plan Services and Preemptive Strike
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Pulp Mills, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Lime and Brick Kilns, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Coal Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[X] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Rural Address Assignment, 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Primary Schools (Stage 2), 3 dice (15 Resources)
-[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Military, 4 dice
-[X] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Infantry Equipment Production, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Recruit Downtimers to Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Diplomatic Efforts, 2 dice
-[X] Push for a Preemptive Strike, 1 die

Resources Available: 300
Resources Used: 245
Resources Remaining: 55

Changed my draft a bit to swap around Services Dice so we're spending more on Stage 2 Schools, since they have a better chance of being done. And back to 3 dice on Coal, since I think we can handle the Rural Labor push, since only 1/3 Agri Dice is being spent on Dams. Will change back if there's significant backlash on that though.
[X] Plan Dice Efficiency
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Pulp Mills, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Lime and Brick Kilns, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Coal Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[X] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Rural Address Assignment, 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Primary Schools (Stage 2), 4 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3), 1 dice (5 Resources)
Military, 4 dice
-[X] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Infantry Equipment Production, 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Grenade Trials, 1 die (5 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Recruit Downtimers to Ministry, 3 dice (15 Resources)
-[X] Creation of Attican Shadow Government, 1 die
-[X] Push for a Preemptive Strike, 1 die

Resources Available: 300
Resources Used: 245
Resources Remaining: 55
[X] Plan Services and Preemptive Strike
I am kind of worried about how are we going to feed all the new citizens (if we win the war) given that I am not sure if Arizona has its own food stockpile (the civil war might have disrupted their farming efforts).

Cynically, we can't. We barely have the stockpiles to keep our current population fed if we send a whole army out on campaign, feeding any liberated Atticans at the same level is almost assuredly just materially impossible. What we might be able to do is at least not loot them as hard as the New Arizonan masters would have, even if it's a bad year in objective terms we can make the relative experience an upgrade so they don't resent us (too much). Yeah it sucks when the harvest fails and people starve but hey, at least the Myceneans showed up and shot the asshole who was slaving and raping and pillaging you, that was nice.

We really need to avoid diverting food out of Attica though, the army is already going to forage pretty hard while the fighting disrupts the harvest, any food we extract back to Mycenae will be very rightfully seen as stealing bread from their childrens' mouths. We just also probably won't be able to afford shipping Mycenean food into Attica either, both regions are going to have to sink or swim on the merits of their pre-war governments this harvest cycle. We can improve their agriculture in the future obviously but it's a rough year for the Atticans no matter what in the short term.
Cynically, we can't. We barely have the stockpiles to keep our current population fed if we send a whole army out on campaign, feeding any liberated Atticans at the same level is almost assuredly just materially impossible.
Yeah, I expected as much. We might be able to loosen restrictions on rationing if we build the fishing fleet but apart from that I don't think there's much else to do. Even the fishing fleet has its issues, I mean, fishing boats are made of wood and we are already deforesting at an unsustainable pace.
we are going to be attacking after the next harvest, which is in three turns, so the peasants have a year to stew in famine under the slavers, then we'll actually be able to feed them when we invade liberate them.

presuming the harvest is decent
One thing that might help for keeping Attica from famine if/when we take it over is the change in food priorities.

Because right now I imagine New Arizona's priorities for food are the Americans & Mycenaean Elites eating well first, trading food to USAF Western Command for more Uptime military equipment second, and the Helots getting enough to eat a distant third.

Still, it's gonna be rough and we're all praying for a good harvest roll. Otherwise basically the entire Eastern Mediterranean outside (probably) places like Egypt goes into a meltdown.
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Cannon Omake - Unreliable Narrator: A Terramaran Record of Promethean Rituals
Author's note: my thanks to @Fakkk who helped me write the rituals.

A Record of Promethean Rituals in the "People's Republic" by a Terramarean merchant. One of many slates recording his travels through the American states.

In my travels to Mycenaea I have seen many changes and advancements brought to their cities unique to their 'People's Republic,' the name for their form of governance, one that comes from the Americans who overthrew their king, and slaughtered their nobles and priests. They are led by a council of peasant Americans and Achaeans who, according to those I spoke with, seek to educate those they rule to read and write so they may rule themselves. Literacy is held to the highest of adulations among the people. Amazingly, one out of every five people, not just men, can read in their cities, and every village is said to have at least one person who can read, and this is seen as not just poor, but horrible by the rulers of the Republic. They view an inability to read as a danger to their philosophy.

Those on the council have a type of philosophy learned from the Americans called socialism. Its tenets are that those who work under kings, or nobles, or any other ruler, are being stolen from, and that all work, all tools, and all spoils of work, belong to the workers as a whole. They say that a king cannot make proper decisions for those under them, and that any power that cannot be taken away peacefully will be corrupted to serve the one in power. The ultimate goal of this philosophy, it is said, is to liberate the workers of the world so that all may share their harvests.

With the coming of the Americans to the Republic, along with socialism they have introduced 'industry,' a concept of organized crafting with specially made tools to make huge amounts of goods to trade and share amongst the people. In Dyme they have a lagoon that they have dammed from the sea to boil down huge vats of seawater to make enough salt to feed the entire Republic, their cattle, trade it away cheaply, and still have more! In Mycenae they have a building outside the city they call an ironworks. This single building, large enough to fit one hundred head of cattle, produces more metal in a day than exists in the entire valley! They throw in red ore into massive forges and watch it as it melts until it is done, then pull out a metal called iron by the ton! It is a dull, heavy, silvery metal that those in the republic use in all their tools.

Industry is powered, it is said, by the burned flesh of a God named Prometheus, which is trapped underground, called coal. It is a dangerous yet rewarding process. All industry in the Republic is presided over by Prometheans, elder workers who have discovered rituals to ensure the workers of industry are safe from the power they use.

A core thought in Promethean ritual is that coal, Prometheus' flesh, is a sort of condensed godly power. It is burned in a method of exchange that is required for Promethean rituals to work, as the Prometheus himself is trapped burning underground, unable to affect the world, and thus unable to intercede on behalf of man. Machines, the tools men use to do industry, and industry itself is seen as attempts by men to turn the powers of the Gods to mortal use. Such hubris requires respect, care, and ritual to ensure that when disaster does happen, because it is sure to, that lives are not lost, and machines may be repaired.

Instead of beseeching the Gods, who are concerned with natural happenings such as harvest, or fertility, or the weather, Prometheans seek to placate the offspring of Prometheus, Makhina. Created by his boiled tears, Makhina are spirits which inhabit machines to ensure their workings. They are known to be fickle and particular creatures, requiring a variety of rituals to garner their favor, a few of which I have recorded here.

Prometheus is The God of fire, coal and metal, tools, and industrial labor. The Coalbearer. Rusted iron is seen as Poseidon's curse upon man's tools, made from the skin of Prometheus.

Promethean Consecration: A ritual that I witnessed during the construction of a factory named after the god, which inspired me to write this collection, the Promethean Prima presiding over the factory, along with a procession of its workers, carry iron chisels and hammers, tapping a personal prayer onto the supports in rhythm with each other. Between each strike the Prima chants litanies of praise for the workers and endurance for the building itself to ward off the Earthshaker while holding aloft a burning piece of coal in a specially designed torch, sacrificing the potential held inside it to power the prayers. After ensuring the structure's integrity the workers wrap an iron chain around the building above, placed above its main entrance to rust away and stain the building red so as to draw away rust from the tools and machines created within.

Ritual for Safety: Industry is prone to accidents and misfortune caused by the slightest of oversights, the people in the Republic are well aware that they flirt with the wrath of their machines daily. To prevent accidents that might be caused by mistakes or not following the rules of safety for their jobs at the start of the week the workers will take a small bird called a chicken and cut off its head, letting the still living body run around on its own. Observing the actions and injuries of the body they will determine the accident most likely to cause injury that week, and act accordingly. They will then burn the body with coal, offering it to the Makhina of a factory, or will burn it in an engine's firebox or next to a machine if it is determined that that specific Makhina will be temperamental. They will then place the head to oversee the workplace and cover it in sage but for its eyes, to watch for accidents which were not predicted to occur.

Makhina Placation: A collection of varied rituals with common elements. Upon the report by a worker that a machine's Makhina is displeased a trained Promethean is called to divine the problem. After determining the issue and interviewing the worker on the disposition of the Makhina the Promethean will requisition a Makhina repository, a smaller machine for the Makhina to inhabit as they perform maintenance. They will then unchain the machine*, beseech the Makhina to dispossess the machine as he works, perform meticulous maintenance on the machine, checking each part thoroughly, replacing damaged parts, oiling the joints, and then test the machine. If everything seems in working order the Promethean will then invite the Makhina to reinhabit the machine, and work will resume.

Makhina Promulgation: After a machine is created, but before it is first used, and thus possessed by a Makhina, favorable conditions must be created to ensure the Makhina is of a favorable temperament. Coal is placed in an iron urn inscribed with the desired traits and set to smolder, while the workers who created the machine and the workers who will use it call for a Makhina and the Promethean then first uses the machine. The Promethean will determine if the Makhina is favorable or displeased with its new vessel by watching its working for any signs of disorder. If it is seen, the Promethean will try to placate the Makhina.

Bonding the Gun: A personal ritual done by soldiers receiving a new gun, a ranged weapon that uses a thunderous powder to shoot a small metal ball, during training. The ritual is meant for the soldier to bond with the weapon, making it an extension of oneself and teach him to respect its brutality and the fragility of its design. He is taught to maintain the simple Makhina inhabiting the gun. A litany teaches him the rules that the Makhina expects him to abide by.
"The gun is always loaded, even if it is not. The gun wants to destroy, point it where it won't. The gun wants to fire, keep my finger away from the trigger. The gun will hit its target, know what is behind it."
After reciting this prayer on the final day of training an animal is sacrificed and its blood collected to anoint the gun and bind its Makhina.

One notable taboo in all soldiers' rituals is to never look down the hollow shaft of the gun, for the Makhina inside may look back and claim you for the audacity.

Taking the first fire: A ritual done during the early hours of the day by coal miners, before the worker takes to coal mining, it symbolizes to Prometheus himself that his creatures are still living and thriving despite the oppression of the spiteful gods. It is done by taking the last coal mined of yesterday, wrapping it in tallow, and burning it before Helios sets his eyes upon the world. It is done to obscure the senses of the gods from spying the mines.

Explosive handling: A dangerous part of already dangerous work, inside mines of every stripe a substance called explosives, which are a sort of concentrated thunder used to tear apart rock. They are also used in guns to shoot their metal balls. They are handled with great care, carrying a great many rules with their usage. Though I am told these are not exactly religious in nature, Prometheans regard explosives with great reverence as a substance mimicking their God Poseidon, the Earthshaker. I was not told how to use them other than that it requires fire to start them, and that it requires much experience and training for a worker to be allowed to handle them.

I was given a demonstration of a small amount of explosives used on a boulder. From a long ways away I saw some experienced workers drill a hole inside the boulder, place a small cloth bag inside with a wick. They then lit the wick with a fire and ran away very fast! After an amount of time passed that I thought that nothing was going to happen, I was stopped when I tried to approach the boulder, the boulder blew apart in a BOOM of fiery thunder! It was thrown apart in many much smaller chunks, and I could see why the workers were both careful of it, and used it in mining.

Engine rituals: A steam engine is seen, rightfully so, as an incredibly dangerous machine, created to affect the world by combining the power of the Earthshaker with the Coalbearer's flesh. As a result of this volatile and dangerous pairing workers must treat the Makhina of the engine with extreme care. However there is no one ritual for the entire engine, but many, as the Makhina inhabiting the machines are complex and particular, even compared to other Makhina. There is one to check the crankshaft, there is one for cleaning the firebox, there is one for starting the flywheel. Each of these is personalized to the engine itself, learned by the workers as they operate them, or taught by older workers as to what works.

However, there are some that are known to work across all engines, such as a sacrifice of rusted tools to Poseidon for the water used in the engine, or burning effigies of Prometheus inside the firebox.

All engines require chains of iron to be wrapped tightly around their cylinders, to contain their power and ensure the power of Poseidon does not rip apart man's creation. These chains are checked regularly for rust. If any is found Poseidon has seen and been angered by the tools of man, and has attempted to damage the engine, thereby angering the Makhina possessing it. This is a call for immediate stoppage of the engine and maintenance.

*if it uses steam. Every steam machine Prometheans oversee has some sort of iron chain visibly encircling it in order to contain the power held within, especially engines, which might have multiple. It is to prevent Poseidon from harming the machine that is using his domain in conjunction with Prometheus' gift stolen from the gods.
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Cannon Omake: Johnny Arizona and Citizen Hektor
Propaganda Pamphlet of the Popular Mycenean Republic: Johnny Arizona and Citizen Hektor

Johnny Arizon stands stout and fat, his belly filled with grain farmed by the labor of others and with meat from cattle raised on land seized by treachery. He has no remorse and no pity for those who feed him, who clothe him, who warm his bed. Their cries of despair are met with crushing violence, with the thunder of a bullet or the crack of a whip. He is cruel and venal, and he knows himself to be as such, but he claims it as something to be proud of.

Citizen Hektor is a laborer. His hours are long and his work is hard, yet they are shorter and easier than they have been for a long time. He has a voice in how he labors, and he sees the fruits of his toils go to feed hungry children, fellow laborers, and stout soldiers. With crossbow and musket and faith in his comrades, he defends his home and the great prosperity they have together. When his government errs, he raises his voice and challenges them, and by law they are bound to listen.

All in these lands find themselves faces with a choice. They can live and labor alongside Citizen Hektor, and in time fight beside him, or they can be crushed under the boot of Johnny Arizona.

And when the time comes, they shall meet...

And Johnny Arizona shall stand in a village he has slaughtered, before a well he has defouled. "By the blood of those I slaughtered, by the trust I have broken, I rule as a king among kings, like the Spartans who shall never be, like a god among men! This is the truth of the world. This is what I will create. This! Is! Sparta!"

And Citizen Hektor, wearied and bloodied from combat but still strong, shall face him. "No. This is madness!" he shall reply, and with a single blow smote Johnny Arizona with great force.

And down Johnny Arizona shall fall, toppling into the well he befouled, there to drown and die.
Scheduled vote count started by garphield on Apr 26, 2023 at 11:41 AM, finished with 26 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Services and Preemptive Strike
    -[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Pulp Mills, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Lime and Brick Kilns, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Coal Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Rural Address Assignment, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Primary Schools (Stage 2), 3 dice (15 Resources)
    -[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Infantry Equipment Production, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Recruit Downtimers to Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Diplomatic Efforts, 2 dice
    -[X] Push for a Preemptive Strike, 1 die
    [X] Plan Dice Efficiency
    -[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Pulp Mills, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Lime and Brick Kilns, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Coal Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Rural Address Assignment, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Primary Schools (Stage 2), 4 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3), 1 dice (5 Resources)
    -[X] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Infantry Equipment Production, 1 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Grenade Trials, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Recruit Downtimers to Ministry, 3 dice (15 Resources)
    -[X] Creation of Attican Shadow Government, 1 die
    -[X] Push for a Preemptive Strike, 1 die

Vote called for [X] Plan Services and Preemptive Strike

Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 d 45+68-2+477=558/975
Port Facilities (Stage 2), 2 d 76+1-2+131-30=176/200,
natural 1 gives -30
Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 2), 3 d 80+21+87-3+0=185/175 complete stage 3 10/250
Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 d 32-1+0=31/50
Pulp Mills, 2 d 82+57-2+5=142/80 complete
Lime and Brick Kilns, 1 d 35-1+1+15=50/50 omake complete
Coal Experiments, 1 d 50-1=49/30 complete quality dice 12+15=27
Rubber Production Experiments, 1 d 10-1=9/30
Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 d 24-1=23/75
Dams (Stage 2), 1 d 45-1+112=156/200

Rural Address Assignment, 2 d 58+77-2+0=133/100 complete
Primary Schools (Stage 2), 3 d 84+61+58-3+51=251/200 complete stage 3 51/300

Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3), 2 d 80+20-2+82=180/200
Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 d 13+46-2+2=59/100

Infantry Equipment Production, 2 d 47+83-2+0=168/75 complete quality dice 71+15=86
Recruit Downtimers to Ministry, 2 d 16+26-2=40
Diplomatic Efforts, 2 d 10+58-2=66+15=81
Push for a Preemptive Strike, 1 d 31-1=30 passed
garphield threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: plan 1 Total: 634
45 45 68 68 76 76 1 1 80 80 21 21 87 87 32 32 82 82 57 57 35 35 50 50
garphield threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: plan 2 Total: 576
10 10 24 24 45 45 58 58 77 77 84 84 61 61 58 58 80 80 20 20 13 13 46 46
garphield threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: plan 3 Total: 271
47 47 83 83 16 16 26 26 10 10 58 58 31 31
garphield threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: secret 1 Total: 597
5 5 93 93 23 23 25 25 14 14 76 76 90 90 57 57 62 62 87 87 4 4 61 61
garphield threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: secret 2 Total: 700
18 18 87 87 58 58 61 61 49 49 73 73 51 51 73 73 11 11 58 58 69 69 92 92
garphield threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: secret 3 Total: 612
22 22 97 97 59 59 21 21 88 88 21 21 31 31 17 17 98 98 21 21 73 73 64 64
garphield threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: smallpox Total: 313
53 53 5 5 79 79 84 84 92 92
garphield threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Quality Dice Total: 83
12 12 71 71
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We passed the DC for dual kingdom diplomatic effort, so at least we got that going for us. Let's hope that's enough to prevent them from coming at us when we're knee deep in Spartan territory.