Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Can we also get a round of applause for Simya getting 10 successes on 9 dice to understand Keris's alchemy and then 3 on 3 to explain it. Probably some of the best rolls of her life there. That was a lower-than-1-in-200 chance to do that well, and she freaking nailed it.
Meanwhile, I'm guessing that tournament doctor rolled shit, thereby forcing Keris to improvise.
Hmm ...

EarthScorpion: Are you going to call this out, or rely on someone else seeing it?
Aleph: Hmm. She's going to wait for a moment to see if anyone else notices and speaks up, but if they don't, she'll call it out herself. So I guess roll for someone else to notice it and if not I'll step in.
ST rolled 7d10s7c10 = 0 <1; 5; 2; 6; 1; 1; 1> #Cat Doctor
EarthScorpion: well the Cat doctor literally botched that
Aleph: Ugh. Do I have to do everything myself? 😒
You could say that.
Look, we don't know that three of those dice weren't an equipment bonus from "crammed all his medical books in a frantic bout of revision the night before because he knew this tournament was important".
You also don't know that Keris was the only one committing sabotage, and cursing the doctor seems like something someone might try…
Five Calibrations Pass - Fire 775, Choson III - The Eagles' Roost
Choson III - The Eagles' Roost... have you ever had that thing happen where an NPC rolls absurdly well and you're like "well okay, I guess this person is more important than I thought, then"? That is basically what happened here. I'll let @EarthScorpion go into more detail about his decisions behind the ST screen, because honestly I am just laughing my ass off at how this all played out over here.

Extras! (But read the chapter first; there be spoilers within!)
<World-Shaping rolls>
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 9 <9; 6; 1; 5; 7; 10; 7; 7; 2; 4; 6; 10; 9; 4> #Diff 4 World-Shaping
ST rolled 6d10s7c10 = 4 <6; 7; 3; 5; 8; 10> #Mele Understanding The Sorcerous Theory
ST rolled 8d10s7c10 = 1 <6; 3; 3; 5; 2; 1; 3; 9> #Simya Understanding The Sorcerous Theory
ST rolled 11d10s7c10 = 6 <2; 7; 4; 7; 7; 8; 2; 9; 3; 9; 4> #Jemil Understanding The Sorcerous Theory
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 10 <3; 5; 8; 5; 7; 10; 10; 2; 7; 4; 2; 7; 4; 9; 9> #I don't expect you to literally be a Twilight, Simya

<Arriving in Langkota>
EarthScorpion: Cloud forests are fun - and very Kerisian; high altitude rain forests which survive by stripping moisture from the clouds that envelop them.
Aleph: Oh fuck yes, that is just cool.
Aleph: Heheh. Gettit? : 3
Aleph: Oh god I've just had the funniest idea for how she can deal with these guys. And it even makes complete sense IC. Hahaha. This is going to be great.
Aleph: So my plan here btw is essentially to try to get them to play dumb, try to work out what a pass-port is, seemingly cooperate until close enough to a convenient hedge or river, then beat them up (this will be the funny part), jump into cover and disappear with stealth charms. And then use more stealth charms upon resuming my infiltration.
Aleph: The funny part is that Keris knows five combat styles right now:
  • Wild Alleycat and Cat, which are broadly related and might draw attention back to Meongkota.
  • Snake and Friagem Serpent, which are closely related and would draw attention to the Snake schools, who she has plans for.
  • Peacock, which she's heard nothing about on this island and isn't related to any of the Great Schools that she knows of and is even a bird, like eagles are!
Aleph: So her choice for which style to use while getting away is obvious; she'll go for the one that won't provide any links to ongoing or future work. It's safest possible option and if she fails any rolls then as a Complication someone can recognise her style and oh wait oh dear oh no why are they all shouting about banned schools, what do you mean Peacock isn't allowed here, shit. :V
EarthScorpion: OK, roll me Phys + Melee for this because he just does not see your attack coming.
Aleph: 5+5+2 stunt+3 Peacock Style=15
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 12 <1; 6; 2; 10; 7; 2; 2; 7; 9; 10; 7; 10; 6; 9; 7> #Cornered Peacock Lashes Out
Aleph: Well that seems pretty conclusive.
EarthScorpion: Yeah you can basically just take them all down however you want.
Aleph: And I will also roll Cog 4 [flash of brilliance]+Politics 4+2 stunt+3 Social Saboteur=13.
Keris rolled 13d10s7c10 = 5 <8; 8; 8; 1; 8; 4; 1; 3; 6; 8; 4; 2; 6> #wait hang on this class system makes no sense

<Master Johah>
Aleph: Looking around to get a description of the Assembly (both the physical space and also the mix of schools in it), and also scoping out Johah with IEI, WWOF (proudest trait) and Fearful Hearts Exposed (general theme of his greatest fear). Two of those have a perception roll attached, so Reaction+Awareness+stunt+coadjutor=14.
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 11 <9; 4; 7; 4; 2; 3; 10; 10; 7; 2; 10; 10; 5; 4> #Keris's First Impressions
Aleph: "the cosmic principle of corruption, Alinna who is empress of all that is rotten and unclean" keris no stop basically being an avatar of alinna as far as mountain benarists are concerned
Keris: "Excuse me; they are being very rude by assuming I'm on the same side as the undead."
Keris: "Like, social corruption and demons and mercury and parasites and recycling corpses into crafting materials, sure, but I'm not buddy-buddy with everything they think is impure."​
EarthScorpion: OK, so, Johah:
  • IEI: E1, blended quasi-divine essence mixed with Air (air-inclined martial artist, basically)
  • WWOF: Does not envy Keris, proudest trait is Investigation 3 ("wow he's proud in something he isn't exceptional at")
  • FHE: Does not fear Keris, greatest fear is a widespread kuyuk rebellion
Aleph: Iiiinteresting. Not unexpected, but interesting.
EarthScorpion: OK, so this is an investigation venture. First roll - Reaction + Investigation to follow him around for the day, find out things about him, the face he presents to the world, etc
Aleph: Hmm. Lemme check something
Aleph: Okay, I only have 3 Envious Heart Principles and despite being a bad investigator he, uh, is in fact substantially better than Investigation 1 Keris. So she's going to sulkily compare them for a moment and then double down on "He's Not That Good An Investigator Anyway (3)" with Envious Heart.
EarthScorpion: wow you're living up to exactly what that Charm was made for :p
Aleph: I know, right? : D
EarthScorpion: (odds of sleeping with his mistress out of spite; increasing)
Aleph: 😄
Aleph: So that makes it 5+1+2 Coadj+2 stunt+4 EH autosux=10(+4)
Keris rolled 10d10s7c10+4 = 9 <9; 9; 5; 4; 9; 6; 2; 7; 3; 8> #I'll Show Him Investigation!
EarthScorpion: OK, basic threshold passed so you get the basic information about him. Advanced threshold of 5 passed so you find out he has a mistress which is... not illegal, but something to be kept on the down-low. So you have 4 threshold successes to spend on:
  • Increase the difficulty of rolls that oppose you in this venture by +1 (2 successes per purchase, max 3)
  • gain leverage over someone, reducing their Resolve against you by 1 (2 successes, maximum −3 Resolve)
  • win trust, giving mark a temporary Minor Tie for you or upgrade existing Minor to Major for the session (4 successes, maximum one)
  • Make contacts with and/or seduce his mistress, opening her up as a Tertiary Ally for the rest of the session (3 successes)
  • Bonus dice for next roll (1 success per +1)
Aleph: Yeah I mean Keris Envious Hearted him, so, like. This isn't really a choice.
  • Seduce his mistress and gain her as a Tertiary Ally.
  • Bonus die for the next roll.
EarthScorpion: the fact that Envious Heart is basically the best Investigation tool she has is hilarious.
Aleph: ikr

<Keris talking about how the inquisitors and secret police always have the best forbidden loot stashes>
Aleph: Keris, saying things to Simya and Jemil that she will later regret: 🙃
Aleph: … god, yeah, this is very much her Jemil showing. ¬_¬
Aleph: And, sigh. Rykards are a type of person Jemil adores. Those who are meant to be suppressing knowledge deemed forbidden but who instead delve into it. They're one of his really strong associations.
EarthScorpion: yes 😄

<Suriani bi-Musa>
ST rolled 11d10s7c9c10 = 11 <5; 9; 9; 7; 8; 8; 7; 2; 10; 3; 7> #Suriani Making An Impression
Aleph: wow
Aleph: that is
Aleph: a very successful roll
Aleph: oh, 9-again
Aleph: still, though
EarthScorpion: Yeah, turns out she's incredibly charming in person and her Mara-granted Quality for taking advantage of people using lust and desire just smashed through Keris's MDV. Let me just get this down and we'll see if you want to use a charm to resist her or hard bargain what she's playing at.
Aleph: Welp!
EarthScorpion: So yeah she's trying to form a 3 dot Principle of "Desire" in Keris towards her, and stacking on top of that a Compulsion to serve her interests in the name of love (the story of courtly love - and people who fall for someone they can't have but will do anything to have them).
EarthScorpion: Dulmea, the cynic, might make the case at some point after things come out that this probably isn't the first person who's fallen for her and possibly then after she had gotten what she wanted from them, was disposed of by her "anti-rebel" patsy-lover.
EarthScorpion: This being Keris, of course, that principle isn't FLG-proof lol :p
Aleph: Okay, well, bitch started with the UMI first, so I'm using Go Get It to make her want "Yuni"'s company and conversation and so on.
EarthScorpion: OK, roll me Per + Pres, adding 3 auto-successes because that's the "cost" to her of being caught by her lover having an affair with another woman.
Aleph: 5+5+3 Cerulean Paramour+2 stunt, Style capstone bonus gives -1 Diff to "inappropriate liaisons" = 15+3
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+3 = 10 <6; 2; 6; 7; 1; 2; 3; 2; 2; 8; 6; 9; 7; 8; 10> #Won't You Let Me Walk You Home~
Aleph: Mwaa haa. Okay, Keris is attempting to use Theft As Release, triggering off Suriani's choice to invite her in as proof that Keris has "stolen" her from Johah. She's not going to make him forget her, just transfer "ownership" of Suriani from Johah to herself. As per the charm; "Any action opposing the enhanced action suffers an external penalty of the warlock's Compassion rating, including DV-based defences… the former possession must also pay Willpower or succumb to an Illusion that makes him believe he does not belong to his former master".
EarthScorpion: So, hmm. The interesting thing here is that Theft As Release is supplemental. So it is supplementing Keris's own attempt to Instil a principle of loyalty to her. So roll for that against her MDV, with the Compassion penalty
Aleph: 15 dice again, I guess?
EarthScorpion: Yes
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 14 <7; 10; 9; 1; 9; 10; 10; 3; 8; 8; 3; 9; 6; 2; 10> #I Don't Know What "Netflix And Chill" Means, But It Sounds Good, Don't You Think?
EarthScorpion: So now she's starting to throw TED charms into it and here she benefits from My Dark Lady - her social attack here is UMI that costs an extra WP to resist (i.e a more severe hard bargain). She's getting Yuni to take the lead in this so it's clearly "her fault" for this - and trying to reinforce the intimacy of love/lust she built.
ST rolled 20d10s7c10 = 12 <8; 1; 9; 2; 2; 9; 9; 2; 3; 10; 9; 6; 2; 9; 9; 10; 3; 8; 4; 5> #"Go on, my dear, take advantage of another man's mistress" - 9XD, stunt, My Dark Lady
Aleph: heh
Aleph: IEI / WWOF / FHE combo. Man, I should just name that combo.
Aleph: *does so, adds it to her character sheet*
Aleph: Per+Awa, 14 dice.
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 7 <8; 2; 5; 6; 1; 10; 9; 8; 2; 3; 10; 1; 5; 6> #Keris Taking Suriani's Measure
EarthScorpion: Okay:
  • IEI: E7, Essence primarily TED + Metagaos, hint of Szoreny
  • WWOF: Envies Keris, proudest trait is Black Claw Style 3
  • FHE: Does not fear Keris, greatest fear is being found out for what she is
Aleph: Fantastic. So Keris is rolling her sex pool of Persuasion+Presence+Cerulean Paramour = 15. She will be enhancing with Excellencies to the max - I'm just going to add the dice, because she'll cycle through Malfeas, Kimmy, Metagaos and Szoreny as she fucks Suriani in various different ways over the course of several hours; all of them can apply to this.
Aleph: Keris as her primary goal is rolling an Instil of "Trust Yuni During Pillow Talk". She intends to Strengthen this and also Dissuade her from panicking when Keris reveals she knows about Black Claw Style etc, lying about things, dissembling, etc. Plus any other Advantages or whatever; we'll see how much she rolls.
Aleph: She's enhancing this with My Dark Lady, which... by 2e rules reduces the number of scenes needed to build desire principles and also makes this UMI. I think in XS it reduces her Persuade and Dissuade costs to 1 success and gives her double 9s.
Aleph: She's also (somewhat unavoidably, actually) going to use Twisted Demon Hand to get a better read on Suriani's essence and what blend of Yozis she's internalised and how enlightened her cultivation martial arts was before she Exalted. She may pick up on anything from Mara with this, or any other obscure aspects; we'll see.
Aleph: Finally, she is going to pay the WP cost to use Heartwood's Patronage as she fucks Suriani's brains out and generally takes her apart, makes her beg and plead, tests her limits, and so on. Sex makes people vulnerable, exposes sides of them they normally keep hidden, so Keris is going to pull down all the walls and defences Suriani keeps up in polite, public company and measure what kind of person she is and what might buy her loyalty.
Keris rolled 23d10s7c9c10+3 = 17 <3; 10; 9; 10; 7; 3; 2; 5; 3; 4; 1; 6; 10; 3; 8; 3; 2; 10; 1; 8; 4; 7; 3> #Keris-Senpai Rocking Suriani's World
Aleph: whistles
Aleph: And then Heartwood's Patronage is "Her player rolls (Persuasion + Politics) at Difficulty 1, subtracting an external penalty of ([target's Persuasion + Politics]/2) from her successes."
EarthScorpion: -5 external penalty. Persuasion and Politics are what she's good at.
Aleph: As expected. I'll spend 4 Excellency successes on cancelling most of it out.
Keris rolled 12d10s7c10-1 = 3 <1; 3; 2; 9; 5; 10; 1; 3; 1; 2; 2; 8> #Heartwood's Patronage
EarthScorpion: On the flip side she's essentially rolling her own pools to try to take down Keris. She's using her own My Dark Lady and 10 XD.
ST rolled 20d10s7c9c10 = 9 <6; 3; 8; 3; 6; 8; 5; 4; 5; 2; 3; 10; 9; 6; 2; 3; 8; 5; 9; 3> # Suriani-Kouhai Giving Back As Good As She Can
EarthScorpion: Keris then promptly smashes through that like an 18 wheeler (and smashes her too), with 8 net successes.
Aleph: 😄
EarthScorpion: OK so for what you get.
EarthScorpion: For seduction:
  • Base Instil: Trust Yuni
  • 2x (1 + 2) = 6 = Dissuade x 2, she won't panic for a scene when Keris reveals she knows Black Claw Style.
  • Instil 1 - Hunger To Learn Everything Yuni Knows (this forms oddly quickly and strongly. It's sort of wanting to be her student, but it's mostly - at the moment - coming from meeting a better lover than her)
  • Read Intentions (1): Keris picks up that she's very much bisexual and Keris isn't her first woman - and along with Twisted Demon Hand, she can feel Mara's touch on the other woman and hints that it's more than since she's just become an Infernal. She has an Intimacy of Love to Mara.
EarthScorpion: For Heartwood's Patronage:
  • Keris sees that Suriani's price is social validation and approval - she wants the assembly to acknowledge her and respect her in her own right.
EarthScorpion: For Twisted Demon Hand:
  • See post for description.
Aleph: : 3
Aleph: Right. Keris is eating a point of Limit to operate at her full Cog for the night as she does some mental prep work. This is basically to justify the stuff that I'm not rolling for, just guessing OOC without you telling me if I'm right or not. We will see how close I get to the truth.
EarthScorpion: ok
Aleph: And yeah, Suriani wakes up to breakfast and Yuni in a cute apron and not much else (this is true regardless of whether there was a cute apron in Suriani's house already).
Aleph: Where did she get the apron? We may never know.
Aleph: (unless it's Strigida)
Aleph: (it's probably Strigida)
ST rolled 4d10s7c10 = 2 <2; 10; 3; 5> #Suriani's Greatest Fear
ST rolled 4d10s7c10 = 4 <10; 10; 1; 3> #Keris's Priming Not To Panic
EarthScorpion: She's using Such Sweet Corruption on Keris, seeking to get her to swear to serve her (so she can Eclipse-oath her into it). Per + Pres + full Excellency spend.
ST rolled 15d10s7c10 = 10 <9; 4; 7; 10; 2; 3; 3; 8; 10; 6; 2; 3; 7; 8; 9> #4XD persuade
ST rolled 22d10s7c10 = 8 <9; 9; 3; 3; 7; 1; 1; 5; 2; 7; 3; 8; 1; 7; 7; 3; 3; 1; 6; 8; 5; 5> #Such Sweet Corruption Says Suriani
EarthScorpion:That's 8 successes. Can you beat that with your MDV, or otherwise block it?
Aleph: 5 base MDV + 4 Free From All Save Clan And Kin = 9, lol. And while she has successfully made Keris want her, she wants her as a subordinate, not a dark mistress. Now for my counter-pitch~
EarthScorpion: Make me a persuade, and specifically what you're up against is her love for Mara.
Aleph: Cool. Hmm. What are her feelings for Keris at right now, dot-ranking-wise?
Aleph: Also do I get a 3-die stunt for this, because I feel like I deserve a 3-die stunt for this.
EarthScorpion: She's been slammed with a lot of UMI recently and picked up several principles with different contexts, but overall it's probably 3. And yes you get a 3-dot for this.
Aleph: Okay, Keris is going to spend 3m on Scaled Heart Infiltration to bump that up to a 4-dot for the rest of the scene, which should hopefully at minimum equal and possibly exceed her love for Mara. Then she's going to hit her with her own Such Sweet Corruption, and if possible, she's going to try to angle it so that the Principle she gains is "defying/surpassing Mara".
Aleph: Per+Pres = 5+5+3 Cerulean Paramour/Perfumed Smoke+3 stunt+5 ExSux [various, honestly]=16+5.
Keris rolled 16d10s7c10+5 = 18 <1; 10; 1; 6; 10; 8; 8; 1; 2; 7; 1; 10; 9; 8; 10; 5> #You Wanna Be In The Room Where It Happens
Aleph: Yesssss.
EarthScorpion: Lol. I nearly ended up having her price being "the humiliation of the Snake Sect" but stopped myself when I was like "wait that's too Magenta-y. She needs to be more different than that". So instead she became the very peer pressure vulnerable woman she is, rather than a secret avenger against the Snake.
Aleph: ❤️

<Thoughts on Sorcery>
EarthScorpion: Strictly speaking all three traditional schools descend from Mara, arguably, given she's the one who taught the Exalted sorcery. Being a shadowy evil sorceress is kind of her thing.
Aleph: Huh. Interesting.
EarthScorpion: I mean she can't claim them all as her students, but she has a vast legacy.
Aleph: Heh.
Keris: "My teacher's still better at it though."
Mara: "I assure you, I am a greater sorceress than Nemone Sasimana. And Unquestionable Lilunu doesn't even know sorcery."
Keris: : 3​
EarthScorpion: Sasi's cowardice is the only way she avoided entrapment by Mara.
Aleph: God, yeah. I bet.

<Confronting Mara>
Aleph: Hmm. Okay, let me think. Keris's base MDV is 5. Subtract 4 for Pay Each Man Back In Kind, as Suriani sincerely loves Mara and Mara is breaking the deal by treating her this way, which pisses Keris off. Add 4 from Flowering the Fairer Face, as Keris is still keeping her flower-shield up.
Aleph: Just roll Suriani's Read Intentions pool to beat Keris's MDV 5, would you? If she succeeds, she can pick up on Pay Each Man Back In Kind (and the fact that Keris considers Mara to have been unfair to her; something this Wretched Anathema is neurotic about), as well as Keris's "Loyal to My Lady Lilunu (3)" Principle (and also more pertinently the fact that something about Keris's loyalty to her demonic lady-love-sifu and Mara trying to keep Suriani a secret has Keris extremely pissed, though she is making an effort to hide it).
Aleph: Her demeanour in this scene may change depending on whether or not she knows Keris is angry.
ST rolled 10d10s7c10+2 = 6 <3; 3; 6; 7; 5; 6; 7; 7; 1; 8> #Read Intentions, Witness to Darkness
EarthScorpion: 6 successes.
Aleph: Cool.
Aleph: Keris is just looking to see if Suriani expected the demons to get yanked back like that; e.g. was she using it as her own little test to see if Keris's credentials were true, or did it take her by surprise.
Aleph: Oh, and yeah, I may already have mentioned, but Keris is using Scaled Heart Infiltration again to bump Ros's Principle towards her up to the 4-dot level, which since she's only increasing it by 1 dot means it's a scenelong effect.
Aleph: ... although come to think of it, she had three, didn't she? Lust for Keris, I Want To Be Keris's Student (She Knows So Much!) and Keris (Fearful Awe).
Aleph: Hmm. SHI doesn't work on the third, so Keris is boosting the second.
EarthScorpion: OK. Track that on your mote counter.
Aleph: Yup yup. Since she went caste mark flare with Suriani, does she reset?
EarthScorpion: Yes, it's been long enough.
Aleph: Keris is using Fearful Hearts Exposed - but just that - to see if Mara fears her and also what her greatest fear is.
EarthScorpion: Roll it
Aleph: 14 dice.
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 4 <1; 9; 2; 4; 10; 1; 6; 1; 6; 9; 1; 4; 1; 2> #What Do You Fear?
Aleph: Hee, low roll. Mara's good enough to bluff her way through.
EarthScorpion: Mara is using Devil Seraglio Ways to metaphorically (and literally) seduce Keris, getting 8-again, and additionally treating things as if she has a full +3 appearance style over her and reduces Keris's MDV by 1.
Aleph: Hmm. Interesting. Okay.
ST rolled 17d10s7c8c9c10 = 13 <8; 5; 3; 9; 3; 7; 5; 3; 8; 3; 4; 9; 2; 5; 3; 8; 8> #Mara's Ploy
Aleph: Hmm.
EarthScorpion: She is very good at what she does; 13 successes. And I believe she's invoking Keris's love of beauty and her possessiveness here... and by all indication, is knowingly doing it.
EarthScorpion: Roll me a presence-based intimidate, by the way.
Aleph: 5+5+3 stunt+3 Prince of Hell+5 Adorjani ExSux=16[+5]. Enhancing with Terror Given Form so that on success she gains "an appropriate 3-dot Principle of fear towards the subject [Keris] describes" that drops down to 1-dot if she suppresses it this scene.
Keris rolled 16d10s7c10+5 = 12 <3; 7; 1; 7; 6; 8; 9; 8; 6; 5; 7; 4; 5; 5; 8; 1> #Fear the Wind-Kissed.
ST rolled 12d10s7c10 = 7 <6; 7; 7; 8; 9; 2; 8; 3; 3; 1; 7; 7> #Mara Seduction
EarthScorpion: 7 successes to instil Lust with that kiss.
Aleph: MDV 5 + 4 Free From All Save Clan And Kin - 2 Girls Over Boys = 7; it bounces.
Aleph: Mara is infuriated to discover that Keris is remarkably un-seducible for a famous harlot, and then upon reflection realises that a worker on Ipithymia probably wouldn't be easily controlled by their lusts given that it's all meat and work there, no romance or charm, and then upon further reflection remembers that Keris has slept with Adorjan and concludes that maybe she's just got really, really freaky tastes in women.
Aleph: which to be fair she's not entirely wrong about
EarthScorpion: And yes that BWC is a very cruel joke from Mara, because it means to get to the secrets inside, you need to obsess over the book and stare at it while solving the puzzles and seeing scenes from the Shattered Annex.
Aleph: 😄
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Yeah. So. That was a thing.

Part of my resources for the game is that I do in fact have a spreadsheet with all 50 Green Sun Princes on it. And it is set up to allow me to, for example, mark them as dead and add a new entry for their Exaltation number.

I had already decided that there would be three baby Infernals showing up for their first Callibration, and as part of the pressure that I've been applying to Aleph for the last in-game year, she's been getting more and more aware that she has too much to do and even her souls can't cover for everything she needs to do. She needs to Acquire Underlings.

So there I was with this lil' enlightened-mortal-with-demonic-investments character who completely against probabilty ended up rolling remarkably well and out-of-character seducing @Aleph as "I want this person as an underling". And that rang a bell.

"Oh ho," says I, "I do believe I recall that I had a Fiend pencilled in as one of the recruitment choices. And part of the theme of the recruitment choices are that they've all got significant drawbacks. The original Fiend planned out was unpleasant and selfish, but I wonder if 'oh no Mara has got her hooks real deep into this one' works as a drawback? Why, I believe it does".

I considered it.

I went for it.

So yes, in a very real sense, this is a character who earned her Eclipsioid Exaltation by being fun and 'I want to see more' enough that she got shifted from 'a small fish consumed by Keris along the way' to 'did you know Tuna are actually pretty dangerous predators?'.
I'm really enjoying the martial arts politics and Keris being able to flex her social chops. She probably doesn't have time to do it this year, but it'll be interesting to see if she infiltrates the Sparrow and Rat schools so she can control three sides instead of only two.
That was a very, very fun second half. As a reader, all the new names have honestly been getting a bit exhausting, but this gal definitely feels deserving of a bigger spot.
If I have a complaint it's that we've had three chapters in Designated Martial Arts Zone, and ES has yet to make a good martial arts movie reference, and there's barely any time left before we leave before calibration.

You have the perfect place to include some Five Deadly Venom riffs, and thus far have disappointed in that regard.
I'm looking forward to the other two Infernals that Aleph is going to be ambushed with. What kind of personality flaws are so bad that Keros can't social her way around them?
Keris: "My teacher's still better at it though."
Mara: "I assure you, I am a greater sorceress than Nemone Sasimana. And Unquestionable Lilunu doesn't even know sorcery."
Keris: : 3
I'm forgetting, who was Keris's sorcery teacher? My mind keeps incorrectly going to the Sorcer-Who-Gave-Up-Sorcery that Inks ran into
That is to say, Salina, Zenith-caste of the ancient Solar Deliberative. Salina, of the Salinan Working that fundamentally rewrote Creation such that any could access tutelage in sorcerous knowledge from the patterns of the world itself and spells could never truly be lost. Salina, the founder of the Salinan School of Sorcery, one of the three Great Schools of Sorcery, who predominated over her rival Devon when he renounced his theories. Salina, one of the greatest sorceresses of the High First Age, who mastered the Adamant Circle and was on at least one occasion banned from further research on some of her spells because her peers considered them too dangerous to the state of Creation.

That Salina.
That is to say, Salina, Zenith-caste of the ancient Solar Deliberative. Salina, of the Salinan Working that fundamentally rewrote Creation such that any could access tutelage in sorcerous knowledge from the patterns of the world itself and spells could never truly be lost. Salina, the founder of the Salinan School of Sorcery, one of the three Great Schools of Sorcery, who predominated over her rival Devon when he renounced his theories. Salina, one of the greatest sorceresses of the High First Age, who mastered the Adamant Circle and was on at least one occasion banned from further research on some of her spells because her peers considered them too dangerous to the state of Creation.

That Salina.

Salina, who in Kerisgame has the energies and mood of a motherly primary school teacher who's secretly a hardcore anarchist when she's off the job.
I forgot to mention it, but I think that this chapter really showed one of the strengths of the Style system. Keris knows several ways of fighting, and is able to disguise her origins by only using one of them, because each Style has its own place and history in the setting. With more conventional martial arts, this couldn't have happened.
Salina, who in Kerisgame has the energies and mood of a motherly primary school teacher who's secretly a hardcore anarchist when she's off the job.

I thought of her as something like an adult version of Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) who has supplemented her childhood focus on saving everyone with a scientific understanding of the systems of power and physical processes that are the root of suffering. She sought to resolve the evils fundamentally built into Creation by the Yozis through radical transformation. This would have involved both fundamental changes to the human condition (through transhumanism or other alterations) and the very structure of Creation (the Salinan Working would just be the start). Her plans were incredibly inspiring for their nigh-universal compassion and practical steps towards removing seemingly absolute evils such as hierarchy or death. They were also deeply terrifying in terms of existential dread for the final results and the consequences of failure if something goes wrong.

She provides a great example of what could have inspired the Vision of Bronze and led so many Sidereals to side with the Bronze Faction without being a one-dimensional caricature as is the case with the canon First Age Solars. I viewed this as a problem with Canon as while there are plenty of examples of the First Age Solars being terrible on a personal level we don't see anything of them being the type of existential threat that can make the costs of their downfall seem a worthwhile trade. Being afraid of powerful Solars fundamentally reshaping Creation in their unrelenting pursuit of a better world would be a far better motivation for the Sidereal rebellion than simple moral revulsion at their hedonism, heresy, and comparatively petty cruelties.
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Five Calibrations Pass - Fire 775, Choson IV - The Dragons' Stronghold

this is what i get for taking risks and messing with weird cursed shit, i guess

and i am thrilled about it : 3

Choson IV - The Dragons' Stronghold, people! Enjoy the ride!

<Suriani and the Sanctum>
Aleph: Hmm. Juuuust gonna roll Persuasion+Expression for the beauty of the place and her general first impression
Aleph: 5+5+2 stunt+3 Temple-as-Body+5 Kimmy ExD {beauty, charm, patronage and kindness are real, endlessly giving, etc}=15+5
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+5 = 12 <8; 4; 2; 10; 9; 3; 8; 8; 2; 1; 2; 4; 5; 1; 7> #omg wtf it's so pretty wowza
EarthScorpion: So how far are you going to push with the oaths, etc? And if you're using Pain as Witness Oath, what manner of piercings/tattoo/other form of crippling is the price of her oath?
Aleph: OKAY, so
Aleph: Keris is gonna be using Pain-as-Witness Oath, a Fiend Oath, and after I tell her about my souls and po charms (with her twice-sworn to secrecy) I'mma pop Heartwood's Patronage again to see if her price has changed in context.
EarthScorpion: OK roll me an attempt to persuade her, because first she thought you were just offering hellish martial arts, but now you've escalated and that makes it non standard
Aleph: Hidden Depths Temptreeeeeess~
Aleph: 5+5+3 Perfumed Smoke/Wolf-as-Lamb+2 stunt x2 HDT=15 [x2]
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 7 <10; 8; 2; 4; 3; 7; 4; 6; 5; 2; 7; 1; 7; 3; 8> #Swear An Oath And Become My Disciple (x2 successes)
EarthScorpion: And roll me for your tattoo work.
Aleph: Cog 4+Exp 5+3 Temple-as-Body+2 stunt+9 Kimmy ExD {patronage and kindness are real, impossibly high standards, thinks she is fair}+4 Pelagic Muse Aristry sux=23[+4].
Keris rolled 23d10s7c10+4 = 14 <6; 5; 9; 9; 1; 2; 1; 6; 8; 10; 3; 4; 5; 3; 7; 9; 7; 7; 2; 5; 5; 9; 6> #Peacock Serpent Kitty

<Suriani flirting with Keris>
ST rolled 12d10s7c10+3 = 9 <5; 6; 3; 4; 8; 8; 10; 1; 3; 1; 1; 10> #incidental seduction
Aleph: oh suriani
Aleph: she just doesn't stop, does she? : P
EarthScorpion: if her master doesn't remember how beautiful she is, if she doesn't want her, if she isn't prepared to sleep with her - she won't get the best treatment and the best attention. She has to keep on reminding Keris that she's attracted to her or-or-or-
Aleph: oh suriani : (
EarthScorpion: You don't necessarily need to do much in response to the seduction now, but it is a demonstration and reminder that Keris has just accepted the oath-bound studentship of someone who's needy in the same way that Keris is fearful and envious.
Aleph: Yeah.

<Keris inviting Suriani to hit her>
Aleph: Keris is going to use Snarling Lower Soul:
Fear the apex predator; the lurking monster in the mists. Keris's features twist to mimic the bestial visage of her po-soul; her hair bleaching white, her eyes becoming slit-pupiled and her teeth turning silver and sharp. This shift startles and intimidates others, negating any physical or social attack made against her unless the attacker's player succeeds on a reflexive Valor roll at Difficulty 1.
Aleph: ... which is a scenelong. Huh. Interesting. Well, I was gonna use my Shintai at some point anyway.
ST rolled 3d10s7c10 = 1 <3; 5; 9> #valour
Aleph: Hmm. Does Suriani's Principle of "Fearful Awe" alter that, actually? I guess by the mechanics, no.
EarthScorpion: No - this charm is basically made to shut down chaff, not meaningful opponents.
Aleph: Yeah, makes sense. Still, she'll have hesitated before going through with it.
Aleph: (Keris will catch it or dodge rather than just let herself be hit, btw)
ST rolled 16d10s7c10 = 13 <8; 5; 7; 6; 10; 7; 7; 9; 6; 10; 1; 3; 5; 5; 10; 10> #strike
Aleph: … or possibly she'll get her bell rung. Yikes. Kimmy Perfecting that one with Bitter Heart Unbleeding, ouchie ouchie ouchie.
EarthScorpion: Yeah, as it turns out she's actually a really accomplished martial artist.
Aleph: Welp. Cog+Occult roll for Suriani to work out "this power is from none of the Yozis"?
Aleph: (Keris may be providing assistance dice by walking her up to it)
ST rolled 11d10s7c10 = 9 <6; 7; 10; 4; 9; 8; 6; 7; 3; 10; 7> #snek lady hot, what yozi?
ST rolled 13d10s7c10 = 5 <6; 1; 6; 3; 8; 7; 6; 2; 1; 1; 1; 10; 8> #reading teh kerisness, am I ready?

<Simya & Mara>
ST rolled 8d10s7c10 = 9 <10; 10; 10; 3; 8; 10; 3; 4> #Simyaing
EarthScorpion: God, she really is her mother's daughter.
Aleph: Both of them, yeah.
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+5 = 12 <3; 1; 8; 7; 6; 4; 9; 4; 7; 2; 9; 4; 6; 5; 10> #Why Are You So Scared Of Mara?

<Suriani's po-visions and strangler-fig markings>
EarthScorpion: So yeah. I think Keris has accidentally pushed Suriani's previous 2-dot appreciation of tattoos into a 3 dot (through a mix of envy and giving her another one) and that means that her po markers are showing up as her po's imagery growing over her skin...
EarthScorpion: ... or to put it another way, she's showing off the marks of her initiation into these forbidden techniques and that she's also her own student
EarthScorpion: (3 dot liking of tattoos is a notable level because at that level she's having to resist getting more whenever she has the chance because she values them at the same level as being rich and prosperous and so it's a struggle not to spend any money she comes into on them.)
Aleph: Yeah, I'd guessed that.
EarthScorpion: Keris can deduce that she's probably in a controlled limit break now, or at least isn't fighting her id. She has been persuaded to accept that part of her, and she wants Keris's praise and attention and would also like sex, but is offering the sex more to get the attention.
EarthScorpion: This is also setting off trigger flags for Keris's trauma about the Street and Sasi.
Aleph: Hmm. Interesting. Very interesting.
Aleph: Keris is playing to the Limit Break but guiding it away from sex and into "tell me all about yourself as a willing sympathetic interested audience who'll praise you and pay attention to you and listen to everything you have to say".
Aleph: She'll also just use her Adorjani AESS-alike to see if she can analyse the magical effect(s) that Suriani is using; the "5 sux to make the workings of a Charm Obvious" clause.
EarthScorpion: Witness to Darkness, Flowering the Fairer Face, TED Excellency.
Aleph: Oh, Suriani.
EarthScorpion: She's not like Sasi in that she's not submissive. She's not doing what you say, she's just saying what will get your attention and sympathy
Aleph: Yeah. Also, okay, good. She hasn't suddenly gained a chunk of her po tree; she's using effects she already had, and that Keris mostly already knows about.
Aleph: Keris had a lot of po-pressure "backed up", so to speak, and tends to learn Charms by instinct quite quickly, and Sasi hacked herself into gaining half her po tree in one shot, but it looks like Suriani is going to learn hers gradually, which is probably safer.
EarthScorpion: Yeah. She's probably got about half of the first charm, i.e. it's taking form but I haven't written it yet.
Aleph: Cool cool. Something for her to work on, then. : P
EarthScorpion: It might well be a permanent thing that just boosts her attempts to get sympathy and attention and metaphorically "get her roots into someone". Or possibly an activated thing if it needs more power. But yeah, she's a much more normal infernal than Keris the freak :p
Aleph: Heh. : P
Aleph: God. Sigh. Her Limit Break restoring her WP makes an obnoxious amount of sense

<Suriani meeting Mele>
ST rolled 8d10s7c10 = 0 <6; 4; 1; 3; 3; 5; 5; 6> #Who Is This Handsome Fellow?
ST rolled 16d10s7c10 = 3 <3; 2; 6; 9; 2; 4; 2; 2; 3; 6; 5; 2; 9; 6; 4; 7> #vamping on Mele
EarthScorpion: … so yeah.
Aleph: Lol. What was the 8?
EarthScorpion: She botched her "measure his power levels" roll and then completely failed her attempts to vamp on him.
EarthScorpion: Mele chose to play along, even though he's confused as to why she's calling him "my lord" but guesses Keris told her he was a Viscount.
EarthScorpion: (She felt he was stronger than a regular demon and has assumed he's a 2CD.)
Aleph: Pffft. Amazing

<Arriving at Nagakota>
Aleph: Aww fuck
Aleph: Keris no don't tempt fate like that
Aleph: I assure you she is not exaggerating, don't say she is-
Aleph: argh whyyyyy
EarthScorpion: Roll me Cog + Investigation to find Rala and Kuha, adding 4 successes from Mother Before Daughter (since I'm not letting you have uncapped "number of beloved characters")
Aleph: Entirely fair; 3+1+4 autosux = 4 (+4) Oh Keris. Isn't it sad? You're only as good as a lowkey not-very-exceptional professional mortal.
EarthScorpion: lol
Aleph: … well, a lot better when doing family stuff, given the 4 autosux.
Keris rolled 4d10s7c10+4 = 7 <9; 10; 6; 6> #Where My People At?

<Planning the attack>
EarthScorpion: This isn't the GM telling you to not split focus btw. But it is Rala telling you this, as a reminder that dragon aides have a thing about Command and that she's examining your objectives here in that reference frame
ST rolled 10d10s7c10 = 5 <3; 10; 10; 8; 6; 2; 6; 6; 4; 3> #Rala & Mele's estimation
ST rolled 9d10s7c10 = 5 <4; 7; 10; 6; 3; 8; 4; 5; 8> #Suriani's hearing far off rumours, diff 5
EarthScorpion: OK, right, this is a preparatory venture here. You have 5 days before you're cutting things painfully close for getting back to Hell on time, and your plan requires the removal to occur on the penultimate day. On the plus side, when you get in contact with the Baisha, it's three days away, so it'll be in position for the attack.
EarthScorpion: Your first pair of obstacles, therefore, is identifying and researching the two target locations to ensure everything's in place for the attack. You can also optionally for one roll do a rush job that'll let you make two rolls in a single time period, and Rala's Dragon Aide trait will help you there by protecting you from the auto-consequence, but that'll remove the safeguard Rala is offering for later rolls. The pool for the investigations will be Reaction + Awareness.
Aleph: Hmm. Yeah, you know what? Sera Side Story taught me that sometimes the best time to use your Quantum Narrative Asset is immediately, when it has the most effect. Two rolls it is!
Aleph: 5+5+2 Coadjutor+2 stunt+4 assistant dice=18, rolling twice.
Keris rolled 18d10s7c10 = 6 <2; 10; 4; 6; 3; 4; 4; 9; 1; 2; 6; 1; 10; 1; 1; 2; 6; 9> #Investigating the Naval Docks
Keris rolled 18d10s7c10 = 12 <9; 6; 9; 9; 4; 1; 4; 9; 4; 2; 8; 3; 10; 9; 8; 6; 10; 7> #Investigating the Satrap's Palace
EarthScorpion: OK. So, for the Naval base, you discover the following:
  • The naval harbour here is a so-called third-rate harbour, a supply and repair base where ships are stationed to be moved to other locations and moved back for repair and re-manning.
  • It has repair yards and a firedust arsenal, as well as a naval thaumaturgists office for wearther forecasting and communication back to a second-rate base (such as the one in An Teng).
  • At present, there are two patrol squadrons stationed here (one long term, one back from patrolling the Great Western Ocean).
  • Additionally one battle squadron of the Western Fleet is currently stationed here, consisting of the following ships
  • One second-rate warship, the Fist of Pasiap, the blocky dark metal jadeclad of salvaged late-Shogunate design. The jadeclad is an old hull, but has been refitted with modern sails and carries a large number of flame cannons
  • One five-master war-junk, the Glory of Incas. This is a serious war-ship, one of the largest ones in the Imperial Navy, a vessel for carrying a good number of marines.
  • Three three-master war-junks, the Flower of Juche, the Pride of Corin, and the Wading Crane Resplendent. These are not the largest warship designs in the Imperial Navy, but they're a good balance of speed and long distance endurance in Western oceans, and the largest you'll often commonly see.
  • Five two-master scout-junks, the Ox's Bravery, Cat's Insight, Gull's Soar, Owl's Talons and Dog's Loyalty. These two-masters are fast, narrow ships designed to shield the larger ships, chase-down fleeing pirates, and scout and serve as picket ships
EarthScorpion: Plus obviously information on placements, guard schedules, etc etc etc.
EarthScorpion: For the satrapal palace, you're in with a lot of luck. The head maid is a member of the Black Claw School, and Suriani realises she knows her as soon as she sees her. One quick meeting, and you not only have everything the head maid knows, but also your patsy will be able to assign you places in there when it comes to getting in - and also ensure that the Yozi cultists there will not be present on the night of the bombing.
EarthScorpion: The satrap is Sesusu Hala, a Dragonblood in her eighties; she's married to another Dragonblood, Sesusu Oto (nee Sinisi) though her husband is not in residence. She's an administrator and graduate of the House of Bells, the Immaculate-aligned Dynastic school. She oversees the state of affairs here in Choson with a light hand - Choson is quiet and well-behaved as a satrapy, or at least has been recently, though as satrapal taxes increase time and time again, she finds herself having to balance between the orders of the Deliberative and the fact that the Order puts down its foot. This has turned a previously easy placement into one much more stressful - she relaxes with martial arts and her long baths.
Aleph: oh fuck yes
Aleph: Right, okay. Only the Fist is jadeclad, then. Good. Hmm.
Aleph: ... does Keris (that is to say: Mele) think it's possible for the Baisha's crew to attached the Fist to the Baisha with chains and then tow it out of the docks? Is the engine powerful enough?
Aleph: Because they'll be attacking at dusk, under heavy mist cover, with eristrufa attacking things as giant tentacle masses and algarel explosions going off and the other junks hopefully being sunk, so if I can move it...
Aleph: I probably can't tow both the Fist and the Glory, unfortunately. Or, well. Can I? Because I'd like the Glory, but I will understand if it's not possible and will be satisfied with just stealing the Fist. But on the other hand, I might be able to assign the eristrufa to pull the Glory.
EarthScorpion: There are enough Dragonblooded stationed on such an important navy ship (both ones, actually) that attempting to steal it would be ultrahazardous and involve fighting multiple Dragonblooded.
Aleph: Fuck.
Aleph: … shit, I am actually still really tempted to try, just because I really want that jadeclad. But… no, probably too risky.
Aleph: What about the three-masts?
EarthScorpion: So, basically, if you wanted to steal a major Navy ship, it'd be doable - but would specifically require your personal attention and probably more preparation than you've put into this.
Aleph: Yeah, something for another time, alas.
EarthScorpion: As for the three-masters, it depends entirely on how many ships are active and able to chase the drifting-away ship down when shit goes down
EarthScorpion: (questions here also depend on where Keris is going to be for this Incident she's manufacturing - overseeing the palace job, or at the docks)
Aleph: Uhhh good questions, those are good questions. Let's see. The palace job is the primary, but the docks are the one that'll be more of a fight - once the algarel blows, the palace is done.
Aleph: ... I think she'll lurk around the palace for most of the day leading up to the attack, there to provide backup for Suriani, but once the bombs go off, she'll beeline for the docks.
EarthScorpion: Okay. Day 1 complete.
EarthScorpion: So, at some point, there's going to be an obstacle to plant the explosives. Do you want to do this on Day 2?
Aleph: No. Hmm. Okay, let's see. End of Day 1, I summon a demon. End of Day 2, I summon another demon. So on Day X, I have X-1 demons.
Aleph: (I really should have done some summoning on the way here. Argh, but then where to keep them. They can't really fit through the sanctum door.)
Aleph: So if I launch the attack on Day 5, I will have 4 demons. That is about as far as I can stretch it without Rala wanting to strangle me.
Aleph: So.
  • Day 1: Research on target locations (done).
  • Day 2: ???
  • Day 3: ???
  • Day 4: Remove the satrap.
  • Day 5: Suriani plays the satrap, Keris prepares her corpse-puppets, attack in the evening.
Aleph: Hmm. I probably want to plant the explosives on Day 4, then, since removing the satrap isn't going to be an all-day thing; it'll be a hit in the evening when she's in the bath, and "someone finding the bombs" is the biggest potential issue. In fact I might want to lay them in on Day 5, since that means I don't need to go back and arm them all with the screaming detonators.
Aleph: So yeah, explosive-planting will come as late as I can get away with it, probably while I'm scoping out the palace on Day 5 for Things To Steal (and then stealing them).
EarthScorpion: Well, that's the thing. If you fail that roll on the last day, the entire op is fucked. While if you don't leave it until the last moment, you have some leeway to handle problems. The choice, though, is yours.
Aleph: Hmm. True.
Aleph: ... I'll place the barrels on Day 3, and add the detonators on Day 5 (which I have to do pretty much regardless, or they'll go off early).
EarthScorpion: Oh yeah priming them is a small op, but the fact that you have a friend on the inside basically means there's no time-based risk for it.
Aleph: Yeah, cool.
Aleph: Wait, no time-based risk as in no real likelihood of the barrels being found early?
EarthScorpion: No, as in you don't have to spend time arming them. But you are fairly safe here if you're using Haar Hidden Dealings and given you control the head maid.
Aleph: true, yes
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: then yeah, Day 3 for that
EarthScorpion: OK, so in that case, you have your choice of Day 2 obstacles to remove - either sabotage the response at the palace, or at the docks.
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: ... the palace is, again, effectively going to be an instant hit which is intended to go off and does all its damage instantly. The satrap will (hopefully) already be dead. Sabotaging the response will therefore basically be sabotaging the recovery crews digging people out of the wreckage and putting out the fires and so on.
Aleph: While there's definitely value in that kind of first-responder sabotage, it's the docks that are the big distraction where I've got sub-goals that may or may not be achieved over a more extended time period. So I think I'll go for sabotaging that response - which will also pull more people away from the palace as things go wrong and the immediate response fails to stop the demons and corpses coming out of the water.
EarthScorpion: Not necessarily. It also can entail sabotaging overall administrative things, making sure (between you and Suriani) the place is in disarray, planting false leads, and so on.
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: ... I will sabotage the docks. I think the sabotage will count for more there.
EarthScorpion: OK, so what's the broad avenue you're using? (i.e which ability?)
Aleph: So what I basically want to do is blunt the initial response of the guards (and DBs, as much as is possible) on the docks.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: soooo it may be time for some pooooiiiiisoniiiiiing~ : 3
Aleph: possibly using Quick-and-Silvery Touch
Aleph: And also some setting up ordinary problems to happen over the next few days so that everyone's tired and pissed off from how the fucking boards on one of the piers rotted through and snapped and that held everyone up while they were being replaced and an animal got loose due to a frayed rope and got onto one of the ships and had to be caught and taken off it and so on. Stress-sabotage and some subtle long-duration poisoning to give the guard shifts penalties, basically.
EarthScorpion: OK, right, sounds like a Physique + Subterfuge to me, contested, but you're benefitting from your Haar-Hidden Dealings. Any other charms you want to use?
Aleph: [/b]Quick-and-Silvery Touch[/b] to poison some of the things that the watchmen use.
Aleph: [/b]All Things Imperfect[/b] to find interesting fail states of various bits of equipment and infrastructure to set up to go wrong in mundane, annoying, stress-building ways that tire everyone out and frustrate them.
Aleph: [/b]Unseen Author Assumption[/b] and [/b]Behind the Role[/b] to go unnoticed while working her devilry.
Aleph: [/b]Jemil[/b] will also be helping, taking care to stay out of sight even when immaterial just in case of essence sight.
Aleph: Physique 5 + Subterfuge 5 + 3 Social Saboteur + 2 stunt + 3 Jemil + 2 autosux from my charms = 18 (+2). Social Saboteur reduces Diff by 1 as I'm working to incite chaos and disorder.
Keris rolled 18d10s7c10+2 = 14 <4; 5; 7; 9; 8; 4; 10; 9; 1; 10; 2; 7; 1; 9; 2; 10; 6; 4> #Sabotaging the Docks' Response
ST rolled 12d10s7c10-2 = 3 <6; 4; 9; 3; 8; 10; 4; 4; 6; 8; 2; 3> #what's going on asks the DB
EarthScorpion: 11 net successes. OK right yeah so in this situation, basically for 2 successes per dot, degrade backgrounds that would be used to respond to what you have planned. Or for 3 successes per -1 external penalty, interfere with attempts to fix what you've broken before the event and put together what's going on
Aleph: Hmm. So I can downgrade 4 dots of Backgrounds and stack a -1 penalty on them, or 1 Background dot and a -3 penalty.
Aleph: I... think I will put faith in my Haar-Hidden Dealings to stop them working out what's going on and choose the former. What Backgrounds do they have that can respond to my schemes?
EarthScorpion: OK, so:
  • Command Secondary (Naval forces)
  • Followers Primary (Naval Docks Personnel)
  • Dragonblooded - we'll say each purchase removes one experienced DB from the scene for a scene, so I'm not going to give you hard numbers, but basically the more time you do it the less meaningful opposition is on site for the first scene
Aleph: Excellent.
Aleph: Okay, so I've got... 8 successes, so 4 dots. I'll knock both dots of Command off and push Followers down to Tertiary for the first scene of the attack.
Aleph: or… possibly remove two DBs, knock Command down to Tertiary, knock Followers down to Secondary
EarthScorpion: Well, if you go with the first one, so the widespread accidents and suchlike have them on edge and the naval infantry are busy guarding key locations. This will increase the defences of the Arsenal, but move them away from anything else so there's basically no surge capacity or people on the ships other than whatever of their own crew are there.
EarthScorpion: Likewise, the workforces are rushed off their feet repairing things and trying to get the docks working. Some will be on leave because of being made to work multiple days in a row, while others are paying attention to fixing collapsed docks and containing warehouse fires. There'll be very few people around who can contain fires you start or try to save ships
Aleph: ... iiiiinteresting
Aleph: Yeah, okay, I actually might go with that, just because the DBs can only be in one place at a time and, well. The drowned-dead are inherently disposable. Also the flying tentacle demons wrecking stuff will be things they'll be trying to deal with.
Aleph: Yeah, okay, I'll stick with my first option.
EarthScorpion: OK, and that means Day 2 is done, Day 3 is locked for the prep of the bombs - unless, I will, if you want it, let you try a forbidden ritual to bulk summon if we do it as a Venture at the small, small risk of one auto-consequence for just trying it and some hard rolls. Using the night of Day 3.
EarthScorpion: And if you pick this, we'll open on the forbidden summoning rite.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: you tempt me so~
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: The consequence is because I'm doing this outside of the new moon, yes?
EarthScorpion: Yes, without the full prep for doing it (i.e. in other circumstances you could manage it if you had all your kit here). And also means you have an "Incorrect Celestial Alignment (difficulty 7)" obstacle
Aleph: ... I can't even fuckin' refuse, is the thing. Secondary Command of eristrufa is just too good not to take this opportunity, whatever the Consequence is. Sold. On one condition. Keris is totes using her shiny new Broken-Winged Crane in the ritual (which is how she's hacking it to work at all with the wrong celestial alignment).
EarthScorpion: Alright then.

<The ritual>
Aleph: Using Great Mother's Blessed Waters on around the island.
EarthScorpion: First venture step - desecrating the sea around her in precisely the right way.
EarthScorpion: Per + occult + Malfean Scholar Style, Diff 4
EarthScorpion: Also, hah. It's probably a mark of both her damaged modesty standards from both Sasi and Ipithymia and also how she isn't quite sure if she's her son that she keeps on ending up naked around Jemil without any thought about it or attempts at covering up on her part. She's doing an evil version of Venus rising from the waters with a man-centipede coiled around her, and neither of it consider her nudity to be relevant.
Aleph: 😄
Aleph: 5+5+3+2 stunt=15.
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 1 <4; 3; 6; 4; 6; 5; 6; 3; 7; 5; 6; 1; 2; 6; 1> #Desecrating the Sea
Aleph: Oh what the actual flying fuck
Aleph: the first roll?
Aleph: seriously?
Aleph: That was a goddamn safe roll; I had thrice the dice of the Difficulty!
Aleph: Okay, sigh, well. Is that a thing of "it still works, but this has added another Consequence / worsened the one you've already got"?
Aleph: God.
Aleph: I was like "should I use Excellencies for this? Nah, better save motes for the high-Difficulty rolls; this one is fairly safe".
Aleph: *cries*
Aleph: … which in retrospect was stupid because this is one of the rare times I can quite cheerfully bonfire anima flare with impunity.
EarthScorpion: So, it's kind of a good news bad news thing. I think the consequence here is you've succeeded too well. It's not just a usual invocation of this charm, the water itself is becoming polluted and vile, practically an inlet of Kimbery. With the attendant dark omens you'd expect from this.
Aleph: I'll take it.jpg
EarthScorpion: Next step is naming the specific demon breed you want to call on, offering a proper demonical command.
EarthScorpion: Per + Expression + Prince of Hell or Malfean Scholar, Diff 3
Aleph: *eyes the Difficulty warily*
Aleph: 😒
Aleph: According to Blood and Salt, the title of the demon lord the eristrufa are progeny of is… wait for it… can you guess?
Aleph: … the Dam of the Eristrufa. How original. Fuck it, making up my own name for them. And okay, that's 5+5+3 Style+2 stunt=15, and I'm throwing 3 Kimmy ExSux on this to auto pass because I don't fucking trust the dice fairies now. Going to bonfire anima, so Keris will be exhausted after this.
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+3 = 12 <9; 5; 8; 7; 1; 2; 2; 3; 1; 10; 10; 4; 2; 5; 10> #Naming the Demons
Aleph: Oh, now I roll great. ¬_¬
EarthScorpion: Okay well that's 9 threshold. I'll need to get home to check the recommended advantages, but that's going to be both "carrying dice forwards" and "you have more and more powerful ones"
EarthScorpion: And God the emergent story of "actually this is a really powerful thing for supercharging your summoning" is great here.
Aleph: Right? : D
Aleph: "Perhaps a little too powerful for ordinary circumstances", to boot.
EarthScorpion: OK, potential qualities:
  • Increase battle group's dice pools upon success (1 success, maximum +3)
  • Increase service time (3 successes per story, maximum +2 increases)
  • Allow for free materialization (3 successes)
  • Summoned entity has additional qualities (5 successes, maximum +2 qualities)
  • Summon Primary Command in place of Secondary (6 successes)
Aleph: ...
Aleph: aaaaaargh
Aleph: *cries some more*
EarthScorpion: Poor alef. When you fail, you only have one bad thing happen. But when you go all out and succeed too well, you have to choose between Advantages and so lose out on all the ones you don't pick.
Aleph: So mean. Okay, so two possible options here, I think:
[/b]The Writhing Seas[/b]​
  • Primary Command
  • +3 to their dice pools
  • holy shit the ocean is fucking swarming with eristrufa and they're all stronger than normal for the breed; keris has a literal hellish army with which to ravage the lands of mortal men
[/b]The Crane's Summons[/b]​
  • +1 to dice pools
  • 1 additional Quality
  • free materialisation
  • oh god they're a bunch of special elite eristrufa with unique quirks and the Crane has torn the Chasm of the Material asunder so they're all spilling out into the mortal realm unhindered
Aleph: wait okay hang on i just checked the xs size rules and jesus christ primary command means a thousand demons WRITHING SEAS WRITHING SEAS WRITHING SEAS
EarthScorpion: OK, this is a contested roll here to bind them. Remember how you boosted their dice pools?
Aleph: … sometimes I don't like you very much.
EarthScorpion: (fortunately they're not particularly strong-willed, so it's not a major pool, but still)
Aleph: Per 5 + Expression 5 + Prince of Hell 3 + 2 stunt + 5 Malfeas ExSux = 15+5
ST rolled 10d10s7c10 = 5 <8; 6; 9; 6; 10; 5; 8; 2; 1; 1> #Eristrufa resistance to binding
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+5 = 14 <7; 4; 7; 5; 10; 9; 4; 6; 6; 10; 6; 8; 2; 5; 7> #Obey My Will, Or Perish
EarthScorpion: And to close the rift, Cog + Occult + Malfean Scholar Style + 4, vs Diff 7
Aleph: Okay, so that's 15+4=19. Eeesh. I… do not like those odds.
Aleph: Channelling +3 "The Unquestionable Should Not Be Freed" Principle, and also throwing the prayer of my Cult 2 behind this for an overall 15+9=24.
Keris rolled 24d10s7c10 = 11 <9; 1; 7; 8; 5; 10; 9; 1; 1; 9; 2; 5; 2; 5; 7; 7; 1; 4; 8; 7; 1; 3; 1; 3> #Close, Close, Close the Rift
Aleph: Phew.

<The Baisha shows up>
Aleph: wait what the hell is a rating
EarthScorpion: Naval rating - Wikipedia
Aleph: Huh. Neat.
Aleph: Also… shit. I have a thousand demons. I can't keep this kind of force secret for another two days. I'll be hard-pressed to keep this kind of force secret for another two hours; there are probably already alarm bells going off all over Choson, if not the whole Anarchy.
Aleph: Okay. Right. Okay. So. Things I have six hours or less to do prior to the attack:
  • Brief everyone on the updated plans. (Keris, but can be done by IM)
  • Mutate and then raise the bodies. (Vipera, but doesn't need Keris - give her to Jemil)
  • Arm the algarel barrels. (Tell Suriani to do this by IM)
  • Get any friendlies out of the palace. (Tell Suriani to do this too)
  • Kill the satrap and pillage her office. (Basically has to be Keris & Suriani)
  • Steal everything of value in the palace. (Keris)
  • Begin the attack on the docks (Neride, Mele & Rala)
EarthScorpion: But on the plus side, you have a thousand of these!

Aleph: yikes.jpg
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I haven't finished the chapter yet, but literally just now I reached the suggestion about winning the island via assembling a team of demonic super duelists and while that sounds a bit un-Keris-ish it sounds so hype that I will be sad if it doesn't happen.
lol while reading I got super curious about how the behind-the-scenes of the crane stuff worked and suspected like a failed temptation roll or whatever, so it was hilarious to see that the entire intricate plan actually got derailed by Aleph going 'Muhahaha 1000 demons!' after a good roll without considering the short-term consequences.