Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Disclaimer: Please note that this is my understanding of points that I remember ES and Aleph bringing up in homebrew at least months ago, and may not be accurate. On the other hand, what I am certain of is that this homebrew was brought up during a discussion of Asarnin specifically.

The thing is, on the now rare occasions a Yozi actually grows a new Third Circle, or has to replace one that's permakilled, it's possible, although less likely, for the new one to be promoted from the Second Circle and a new Second Circle formed, rather than having a new Third Circle coalesce out of nothing. The reason this is the less common version is that it's something like one in a thousand Second Circles that actually qualifies for such a promotion, which is enough that most of the Yozi don't have one.
Yeah, ES has a sidebar to Asarin's writeup here on the subject. Speaking of which, is Keris going to tell her about Firisutu?
I think she means to use the armor as an anchor for another one of the Sanctums, and let Hermione live in there. She would still have the armor.
I got the impression that Keris meant Hermione walking around outside of the mirror in the armor. Second Circle Demons need an anchor to stay in Creation, after all.
Nah, Lirana is right here - Keris is just gonna anchor a sanctum in the armour and let Hermione live in there (which will be a city-block scale Sanctum 4 rather than a mansion-size Sanctum 3) instead of the collar. She'll still keep the armour herself - and probably be able to use it still; since it'll still be thick layers of moonsilver over her vital organs. The Anchor will be fuelled by the unique abilities of the armour, which are currently offline anyway.
Of course, she has yet to connect the thoughts of 'Lilunu looks a lot like Sasimana' and 'Sasimana is the Scarlet Empress's grandaughter' into the idea that 'Lilunu has something to do with the Scarlet' (Though I have no doubt Eko figured that out long ago.)
Keris figured that out long ago. As I said here, she's certain that something in Lilunu's genesis involved a high-ranking Realm noble closely related to Sasi, and has been since she met Bruleuse. You can assume she put together the link to the imperial family before leaving Hell, since Lilunu is never particularly far from her thoughts when she's in the Conventicle and it's a natural jump to make as soon as she thinks of Lilunu after having found out about Sasi.

(Also, amusingly, this might actually be something Eko missed as well, because as brilliant as she is, she still can't deduce the names of the imperial family just from sheer raw intelligence, and Keris didn't know them until Sasi explained. If she worked it out at all before Keris did, it was probably only when she spent that season-and-a-half with Sasi.)
Keris figured that out long ago. As I said here, she's certain that something in Lilunu's genesis involved a high-ranking Realm noble closely related to Sasi, and has been since she met Bruleuse.

Oh I know that but there's a difference between noting that Lilunu has some very Realm nobility features in her appearance, to making the jump to 'She resembles Sasi, who is related closely to the fourth scarlet, and Lilunu's first appearance was not long after the disappearance of the Third'

And yes, with the lore changes from default Exalted around Lilunu it's not like we outside ES's brain can say 'The Third got turned into Lilunu' since there have been significant reworks, but I'm still pretty confident in saying the Third was heavily involved in however Lilunu came to be. (Any knowledge of which I'm assuming is on the list of things Orabilis would throw an Infernal into the sky for)
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in which she thought Salina had a bunch of good ideas and agreed with several of Salina's views on the Unquestionable. She deliberately engineered her own possession by a First Age Solar in order to talk to him and get more information (and then slept with him in a dream and is currently pregnant with his daughter).

I had forgotten a bunch of this, given how she related to the ghosts in her search for Basha. Do you think that she's going to want to let her past life know that he's a father again? If only because of how she would want her daughter to have the choice to get to know her father when she's old enough to understand what is going on. I can see her triggering the possession every Wednesday so that the two can talk about his family and his life. In fact if she doesn't let him know, would that mean that Salina would be able to pull more easily on Sasi related intimacy's as she doesn't consider Salina and Sasi to be separate people.
Session 137
Time for a vignette session! We've moved into strategic time now, and @EarthScorpion and I spent a pleasant interlude Gantting out what everyone is doing for seasonal actions and how they've rolled for them. So Part 137 is basically a collection of snapshot scenes showing what came of that. This is only half a season, really - there'll be another one next week that'll finish showing off what everybody is up to, and I'll post the extras and the Gantting with that. For now, we can see that Keris is running herself ragged with wedding prep, Eko is doing mysterious secret alchemy in pursuit of god only knows what, Rathan has run into some hiccups at the Second Sister and Haneyl is... well, being Haneyl. We also get to see a very cool new addition to Keris's inner world that ES and I have known about for a while, hit entirely new heights of horrifyingly illegal plans, and see a summoning that has some iiiiinteresting consequences.

At first I thought that Calesco had been developing an affinity with the dead and the dreamworld was Keris' inner counterpart to the underworld.

... Come to think of it, is Calesco going to develop an affinity with the dead?
Isn't she exactly the kind of person who would cover up the fact that they scare her shitless and pretend to be nice to them, if they are weak and pathetic and Doomed?

Possibly accompanied by breakdowns with her girlfriend later that night?

That would require Keris to internalise the bits of TED that loves the Doomed for it to become that core.

Also unlikely.
I'm glad that Hermione as someone she can physically touch now. I suppose Keris isn't that far away from being able to make her own mirror worlds, though she seems to be focusing on the alchemy parts of Szoreny.

The dreamworld is great and I love how nervous everyone was about Adorjan getting into it. Even if Eko loves her mama she's still scared of her.

I look forward to seeing more of Eko's blood alchemy. The blood elements of Elloge are pretty interesting, and it's been said before that those are the parts of Elloge that Eko will take into herself.

I loved Keris's outrage at damaging the coastal ecosystem/geomancy for the view.

Teaching Oula sorcery is both illegal and a good way of showing Keris's view on making small things more powerful that was dicussed for titan!Keris.
At first I thought that Calesco had been developing an affinity with the dead and the dreamworld was Keris' inner counterpart to the underworld.

... Come to think of it, is Calesco going to develop an affinity with the dead?

Calesco has an explicit phobia of the Dead.

So it's unlikely.

Kind of a pity. I could see her pulling a "he is not dead but dreaming" thing, except it's more like "he is a dream".

Isn't she exactly the kind of person who would cover up the fact that they scare her shitless and pretend to be nice to them, if they are weak and pathetic and Doomed?

Possibly accompanied by breakdowns with her girlfriend later that night?

That would require Keris to internalise the bits of TED that loves the Doomed for it to become that core.

Also unlikely.

Eko getting her ideas about love from Asarin as another manifestation of her failure to grow up really just figures. I feel like I should have seen that coming.
Asarin hasn't done the easy thing and just stopped loving him! So romantic! So beautiful! Eko makes a heart-shape with her hands for emphasis.
Freedom Lets Go really messes with your head.
Eko getting her ideas about love from Asarin as another manifestation of her failure to grow up really just figures. I feel like I should have seen that coming.

Freedom Lets Go really messes with your head.

I hadn't considered Eko refusing to grow up as the reason that she didn't have matured keruby, but it's a good point. Freedom Let's Go has already proven in story to be a reason she stayed young, as she notably aged when she focused on staying angry at Keris post tongue-removal incident.
I hadn't considered Eko refusing to grow up as the reason that she didn't have matured keruby, but it's a good point. Freedom Let's Go has already proven in story to be a reason she stayed young, as she notably aged when she focused on staying angry at Keris post tongue-removal incident.

... So if she wants to grow up, she'll have to do the hard thing and not let herself forget? That actually makes sense.
And Elloge, the yozi whose charms she is going to internalize, is all about caring about things/people/people made into things.

... Not quite, or at least that's not the impression I get. Elloge doesn't care about things, but about what s/he thinks they are. Don't forget that Elloge's Excellency explicitly cannot be used to aid open, personal interaction with another person.

Still a good point, though.
... Not quite, or at least that's not the impression I get. Elloge doesn't care about things, but about what s/he thinks they are. Don't forget that Elloge's Excellency explicitly cannot be used to aid open, personal interaction with another person.

Still a good point, though.

Sorry, that's what I was clumsily alluding to with my 'people made into things' remark. Eko's already showing some objectifying behavior here with acquiring Asarin's take on love.

Huh. Keruby tend to take on the essence aspect of demon lords they hang around/look up to, and now their creator is in the process of taking on essence aspects of the demon lord she was hanging around/looking up to.
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Huh. Keruby tend to take on the essence aspect of demon lords they hang around/look up to, and now their creator is in the process of taking on essence aspects of the demon lord she was hanging around/looking up to.

An interesting observation. 'As below, so above.' The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

As a side note, Lilunu gains new traits from the Yozis who join the Reclamation, so gifting her a small gaggle of Keruby was more appropriate than Keris probably realized.
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