Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 9, 2021 at 11:53 PM, finished with 61 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan No Entry
    [X] Plan Come on Mental Res.
    -[X] Deny it: You are not going to allow this. Push it out.
    -[X]Write in: "I do not really wish to stop you, I really do just want to say this as your friend. While the bomb killed Hitler, I know that there will be no yield high enough to end the Nazis. It is my belief that what will save Germany won't be through the powerful and authorities, but through the people and through every German who finds it in them to use their strength."
    [X] Plan Let Them In
    [X] Plan Let Them In and being sad
    -[X]Allow it: You want to see what this feeling is, perhaps you can see it.
    -[X]Write in: "The sad truth of the matter is you are right. Those men and women if they were involved deserve to die. But the sad truth also is what happened to us is not on the whole unique. There have always been horrible men. There have always been massacres. And unless you take away our free will, our capacity to hate, and our capacity to harm this will be repeated in the future. The Holocaust may have been notable in scale but at the end of the day the desire to kill Jews and those unlike them has always existed in the world, particularly in Europe. There was simply not yet a great enough martialing of such hate until the Nazis. After you kill the Nazis there will be more who deserve to be killed. And your killing of the Nazis en masse will not render them impotent. It certainly didn't work on us."
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 12, 2021 at 2:56 PM, finished with 40 posts and 15 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 15, 2021 at 1:11 AM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]Plan We Need More Actions
    -[X]Advertising for dummies: You need to get your name out onto the street. (Cost 30,000 Marks, will increase profit roll when you finally unleash a drug, a vaccine, or paper)
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]The Blue Shades of Raven Darkholme: Raven was grateful when she appeared. "Well… thank you, Heinrich, for not forcing me to reveal my powers to you. It's… wonderful to have someone not make choices for me, and lets me make a choice for myself."
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Write in Skill you wish to learn and line tail below)
    --[X]Time Management: It often feels as though you don't have enough time to do everything you need to, but the reality is that you do have enough time, you just aren't good enough at using it. Time to change that.
    -[X]Reclaim Humanity: Erik is on the edge. The evil within him stirs and is waiting for him to give up. You need to remind him that… Life is beautiful.
    [X]Plan We Need More Actions... Now With Viagra!!!
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) treatement for erectile dysfunction
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]The Blue Shades of Raven Darkholme: Raven was grateful when she appeared. "Well… thank you, Heinrich, for not forcing me to reveal my powers to you. It's… wonderful to have someone not make choices for me, and lets me make a choice for myself."
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Write in Skill you wish to learn and line tail below)
    --[X]Time Management: It often feels as though you don't have enough time to do everything you need to, but the reality is that you do have enough time, you just aren't good enough at using it. Time to change that.
    -[X]Reclaim Humanity: Erik is on the edge. The evil within him stirs and is waiting for him to give up. You need to remind him that… Life is beautiful.
    [X]Plan: Soothing the soul (and body)
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) (Something for general aches and pains like advil )
    -[X]The Blue Shades of Raven Darkholme: Raven was grateful when she appeared. "Well… thank you, Heinrich, for not forcing me to reveal my powers to you. It's… wonderful to have someone not make choices for me, and lets me make a choice for myself."
    -[X]Operation Eir: You wish to help Father and Erik with hunting the last of the Nazi Scum in Germany.
    -[X]Reclaim Humanity: Erik is on the edge. The evil within him stirs and is waiting for him to give up. You need to remind him that… Life is beautiful.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 17, 2021 at 1:31 AM, finished with 47 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sweet Revenge, ViagraMane and vetting
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Halopecia
    -[X]Operation Eir: You wish to help Father and Erik with hunting the last of the Nazi Scum in Germany.
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Martial Arts
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Investigation
    -[X]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
    [X] Plan Sweet Revenge and ViagraMane
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Halopecia
    -[X]Operation Eir: You wish to help Father and Erik with hunting the last of the Nazi Scum in Germany.
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Martial Arts
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Marksmanship
    -[X]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
    [X] Plan Sweet Revenge, Understanding
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Halopecia
    -[X]Operation Eir: You wish to help Father and Erik with hunting the last of the Nazi Scum in Germany.
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Jewish Theology
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Investigation
    -[X]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
    [X] Plan foresight
    -[X] Develop Medicine: Flu vaccines
    -[X] Perform Experiments: DNA
    -[X] Perform Experiments: Tissue Culture
    -[X] Learn a New Skill: Medicine
    -[X] Learn a New Skill: Pharmaceuticals
    [X] Plan Saving the Brand
    -[X]Advertising for dummies: You need to get your name out onto the street. (Cost 30,000 Marks, will increase profit roll when you finally unleash a drug, a vaccine, or paper)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000 Marks) Treatment for Malaria
    -[X]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)
    -[X]Operation Eir: You wish to help Father and Erik with hunting the last of the Nazi Scum in Germany.
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Martial Arts
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful: Investigation
    -[X]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 23, 2021 at 11:50 PM, finished with 47 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Plan Rapid Expansion
    -[X]Just Give him a Raise: "Erik, be honest with me, do you really want more responsibility, or do you want a huge pile of money every year and your family comfortable?" (Increase wages to 1 million Marks a year. Erik will have an increased chance to join you on adventures without prompting or asking)
    -[X]Buy a House: To be honest, you didn't think you needed a place to stay that wasn't The Old Mans. How wrong you were. Who knew travel time was such a bitch. (Cost: 500,000. Gain an additional action.)
    -[X]Hire Employees: You need more hands-on-deck, preferably people who are loyal and not Nazis. (Cost 1,000,000 Marks. Due to Skills, and wealth, you will have high-quality staff.)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000,000 Marks) (Write in what vague idea you wish to start developing, like say, a flu vaccine, a malaria treatment, or something like that)
    --[X]Malaria Treatment
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Write in Skill you wish to learn and line tail below)
    --[X]Jewish Theology
    -[X]The Movies of Raven Darkholme: Raven? She's in a movie? What in sam hell made her think that was a good idea? Well, might as well see it, just because now.
    -[X]The Rivalry of Scholars: Charles, why have you invited me to London, and why are you so… annoyingly happy? Did you win something?
    [X] Plan Expansion and Friends
    -[X]Chief Negotiator: You know Erik, you know how he operates. You know how he can smooth over and sweet talk most people. He is Perfect. (Increase wages to 1 million Marks a year, he will make decisions that will increase sales for the company, and will travel around the world to make your product get on the shelves.)
    -[X]Buy a House: To be honest, you didn't think you needed a place to stay that wasn't The Old Mans. How wrong you were. Who knew travel time was such a bitch. (Cost: 500,000. Gain an additional action.)
    -[X]Hire Employees: You need more hands-on-deck, preferably people who are loyal and not Nazis. (Cost 1,000,000 Marks. Due to Skills, and wealth, you will have high-quality staff.)
    -[X]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000,000 Marks) (Hair loss/Baldness)
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Genetics)
    -[X]The Movies of Raven Darkholme: Raven? She's in a movie? What in sam hell made her think that was a good idea? Well, might as well see it, just because now.
    -[X]The Rivalry of Scholars: Charles, why have you invited me to London, and why are you so… annoyingly happy? Did you win something?
    -[X]Erik's Bizzare Adventures: Erik, why are you trying to make me change your daughter's diaper? She's your daughter?
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 25, 2021 at 2:49 PM, finished with 56 posts and 30 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 30, 2021 at 10:33 PM, finished with 55 posts and 25 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Jan 19, 2022 at 12:17 AM, finished with 55 posts and 23 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Feb 25, 2022 at 12:42 AM, finished with 19 posts and 15 votes.
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