I don't like this vote. ECCM are some of the most complicated problems military engineers have to tackle irl.
I feel like to give a solution to that particular challenge would take going through colleges course in subject in can't even identify.
Why people are ignoring wired solution to communication problem?

[x] Field telephone. You can't jam field telephone. You can't track field telephone by electromagnetic emissions. You need to lay field telephone on offensive. That's specialized dinergate with a spool of wire. You need to retransmit signal from field telephone to existing command and control channels. That's either second, differently specialized dinergate with a large radio or special addon to existing dolls. Retransmitter is most vulnerable part of whole process, because it radiates loudly, so there need to be spares. Whole solution bolts on to existing drone forces. Of course, it should not radiate or be noticeable before jamming makes current command and control solutions untenable, to prevent early location and destruction.

ECCM is a complex game, and this solution just refuses to play it.
Why people are ignoring wired solution to communication problem?

[x] Field telephone. You can't jam field telephone. You can't track field telephone by electromagnetic emissions. You need to lay field telephone on offensive. That's specialized dinergate with a spool of wire. You need to retransmit signal from field telephone to existing command and control channels. That's either second, differently specialized dinergate with a large radio or special addon to existing dolls. Retransmitter is most vulnerable part of whole process, because it radiates loudly, so there need to be spares. Whole solution bolts on to existing drone forces. Of course, it should not radiate or be noticeable before jamming makes current command and control solutions untenable, to prevent early location and destruction.

ECCM is a complex game, and this solution just refuses to play it.
We are not ignoring this solution, it's just that all our solutions have pros and cons.

Field-telephone is a good idea, indeed it ignore the signal jammer and cant be detected, but it tactically limit our troops movements with the need to spool wires behind us, as well as leaving a physical wire that can be cut by enemies or shells.

My own solution of providing signal boosting UAV allow to keep multiple transmitters close to our troops, but it's signal boosting would be limited by the UAV size and it could be shot down.

Laser-comm is un-jammable and can't be detected but need line of sight and it might be tactically difficult to keep signal in a urban or dense area without relying on "relay-drones".

Signal guided missiles are excellent if the ennemy rely on a single powerful jammer but if there is multiple sources it could be confused and defeated, or we would need a battery of them.

Polarized comm equipment effectively allow us to remove the garbage radio wave that the ennemy send but it need specialized equipment that we don't currently have and might slow down or reduce bandwidth if ennemy jamming is strong.

Quantum entanglement is basically a marvelous wunderwaffen that would solve our problem but is still currently a napkinwaffen that rely on a theoretical field of physics.
Why people are ignoring wired solution to communication problem?

[x] Field telephone. You can't jam field telephone. You can't track field telephone by electromagnetic emissions. You need to lay field telephone on offensive. That's specialized dinergate with a spool of wire. You need to retransmit signal from field telephone to existing command and control channels. That's either second, differently specialized dinergate with a large radio or special addon to existing dolls. Retransmitter is most vulnerable part of whole process, because it radiates loudly, so there need to be spares. Whole solution bolts on to existing drone forces. Of course, it should not radiate or be noticeable before jamming makes current command and control solutions untenable, to prevent early location and destruction.

ECCM is a complex game, and this solution just refuses to play it.
I actually was going to write in field telephones, but you beat me to it while I was outside the house. :V

The main reason I didn't suggest it earlier is that it is very much a defensive tool. The Ringleaders could run comm wires through a trench line or between buildings in an urban warfare defensive scenario and it would excel there. But Intruder described an offensive scenario - she was trying to take a hamlet, only to be stymied by radio jamming. In that situation, the squads and platoons would have to drag possibly hundreds of metres of trailing wire behind them for it to work as intended. Which does not strike me as very practical even within the very anime setting of GFL.
[x] Some Large Loudspeakers. All our dolls come with rather high-resolution microphones, that they often don't know what to do with. And ability to encode digital data in the audio stream is rather old. It's one-way communication, but large speaker system that transmit correctly encoded and signed order packages in modem sounds is better than nothing. Big fold-up panel of ultrasound tweezers to make a steerable beam, amplitude or frequency modulation, and you have your medium-range remote control that G&K won't know what to do with or even know it's happening unless sound beam hits them head on. It needs emitter roughly the size of a panel truck's side, and if you have that, you can cram some other goodies in said panel truck. P.S. What's resonance frequency of a T-Doll? Need to check if this can induce component failure on direct hit.

The main reason I didn't suggest it earlier is that it is very much a defensive tool. The Ringleaders could run comm wires through a trench line or between buildings in an urban warfare defensive scenario and it would excel there. But Intruder described an offensive scenario - she was trying to take a hamlet, only to be stymied by radio jamming. In that situation, the squads and platoons would have to drag possibly hundreds of metres of trailing wire behind them for it to work as intended. Which does not strike me as very practical even within the very anime setting of GFL.

Well, my first variation of field telephone - use a missile to throw down a telephone wire rapidly when needed - works perfectly well in offensive scenario!
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This is the brainstorming phase - we shouldn't focus on practical too hard, we just need to try out many different ideas.

...and I personally totally forgot "telephone wire" was a thing. This is why we need multiple viewpoints!
Some Large Loudspeakers
-Hey, I'm the new G&K recruit, I'm deployed here!
-Welcome to outpost J44, here are your noise-cancelling headphones...
-Nah, thanks mate, I already have earplugs for gunfire noise
-No, it's not for...

*inhumane Modem screeching drowning everything*

-*immediately put headphones* WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ?
Well, my first variation of field telephone - use a missile to throw down a telephone wire rapidly when needed - works perfectly well in offensive scenario!
You could probably swap out the telephone wire for explosives and you'd have a quick way to clear out obstacles. Pretty sure it's a system that's used IRL but I can't remember it's name.
You could probably swap out the telephone wire for explosives and you'd have a quick way to clear out obstacles. Pretty sure it's a system that's used IRL but I can't remember it's name.
1. Wire-guided missiles are a thing. Usually, in anti-tank role. Torpedoes also use them for guidance. In both cases, wire spools off from moving object, trailing behind it.
2. We already have a lot of fine systems to clear out obstacles. Our problem is establishing communications with our troops through jamming, while on offensive.
3. Proposed telephone missile contains radio and allows one to rapidly push unjammable communications forward, to troops.
4. In case of missile destruction or wire cut, you just shoot next missile.
5. Only problem is missile destroying itself on impact, so it needs to be either slow (and interceptable), have a deceleration system (which increases cost) or be robust enough to survive impact (which is also increases cost, but differently). All three scenarios allow missile components to be reused if recovered.
6. Oh damn, we need to put scuffle charges into the missile. There's no command codes in it, but it would still be bad if G&K recovers it.
7. Missile is rather extremely dumb otherwise and depends upon Ringleader to guide it to deployment point and then establish command channel through it. Because it's already trailing telephone wire behind it.
8. Unlike specialized dinergate solution, missile is extremely obvious on deployment, can't spool wire back on and relocate and, frankly, is "Oh shit, I'm being jammed" button

Dinergate-based field telephone system, aka fiberoptic spool on legs, meanwhile, can be used in offensive situations, can relocate the control endpoint, can be hidden, can be also used to lay cable when needed elsewhere, but less well suited for emergency deployment.

Also obvious solution is to chain dinergate field telephone with missile field telephone.
1. Wire-guided missiles are a thing. Usually, in anti-tank role. Torpedoes also use them for guidance. In both cases, wire spools off from moving object, trailing behind it.
2. We already have a lot of fine systems to clear out obstacles. Our problem is establishing communications with our troops through jamming, while on offensive.
3. Proposed telephone missile contains radio and allows one to rapidly push unjammable communications forward, to troops.
4. In case of missile destruction or wire cut, you just shoot next missile.
5. Only problem is missile destroying itself on impact, so it needs to be either slow (and interceptable), have a deceleration system (which increases cost) or be robust enough to survive impact (which is also increases cost, but differently). All three scenarios allow missile components to be reused if recovered.
6. Oh damn, we need to put scuffle charges into the missile. There's no command codes in it, but it would still be bad if G&K recovers it.
7. Missile is rather extremely dumb otherwise and depends upon Ringleader to guide it to deployment point and then establish command channel through it. Because it's already trailing telephone wire behind it.
8. Unlike specialized dinergate solution, missile is extremely obvious on deployment, can't spool wire back on and relocate and, frankly, is "Oh shit, I'm being jammed" button

Dinergate-based field telephone system, aka fiberoptic spool on legs, meanwhile, can be used in offensive situations, can relocate the control endpoint, can be hidden, can be also used to lay cable when needed elsewhere, but less well suited for emergency deployment.

Also obvious solution is to chain dinergate field telephone with missile field telephone.
I was talking about this thing because the telephone missile idea reminded me of it

View: https://youtu.be/eVOfdejwfkI?si=jGeHISQ77ggZxQnd
And I thought "This might be useful later I should note it down here as a possibility for later."

Also I just took my medication and it's becoming increasingly difficult to process what people are saying. I hope this clears things up because I'm struggling to process what you even said right now.
The more solutions we have the better, since redundancy is how we keep the advantage, but we have to consider the cost effectiveness too.

Anything we can get away with minor modification or repurposing will beat out everything else as it stands right now.
you guys should keep in mind that most of the ideas we have had so far could be widely implimented throughout our forces
If we have Spreadspectrum chirp transmission, we can also add

[X] Frequency-hopping spread spectrum. With cryptographic algorithm to control frequency change it is effectively impossible to predict the next frequency (as long as the key is secure and regularly updated), forcing the enemy to either use wideband jamming, reducing effective jamming power over any specific frequency, or trying to locate each new frequency as it appears, which can be further complicated via shortening the duration spent on every frequency. In cases of heavy jamming, you can make all available units other than the primary transmitter to send garbage on additional frequencies, either forcing the enemy to, again, go for wideband jamming, reduce wattage on each individual band, or even to miss some of them. After all, the enemy is going to have only so many dedicated jammers, presumable less of them than you have radios.
If we have Spreadspectrum chirp transmission, we can also add

[X] Frequency-hopping spread spectrum. With cryptographic algorithm to control frequency change it is effectively impossible to predict the next frequency (as long as the key is secure and regularly updated), forcing the enemy to either use wideband jamming, reducing effective jamming power over any specific frequency, or trying to locate each new frequency as it appears, which can be further complicated via shortening the duration spent on every frequency. In cases of heavy jamming, you can make all available units other than the primary transmitter to send garbage on additional frequencies, either forcing the enemy to, again, go for wideband jamming, reduce wattage on each individual band, or even to miss some of them. After all, the enemy is going to have only so many dedicated jammers, presumable less of them than you have radios.
Unfortunately, the ennemy use quite potent wideband jammers, it seem Architect can't get away by just moving frequency, no matter what:
You don't know the specs of the jammer, or how many do they have. What you do know is a fact that closer and more powerful transmitter wins the RF battle. And that the frequency used by SF was chosen for a reason: you won't be making things better should you decide to change it. Speaking of which, it's not as simple as turning a knob on a radio. Yes, it can be shifted to some extent, but not enough to avoid a jammer designed to work on a band of frequencies.
Unfortunately, the ennemy use quite potent wideband jammers, it seem Architect can't get away by just moving frequency, no matter what:
It isn't, on original spec gear. Sure. But it doesn't have to be better; even if new radios are outright inferior, just by existing they will force to spread power.

If we add additinal hardware on squad level, with specialized antennas, well. It won't solve the problem, but will necessarily reduce the effective range of jamming. After all, the enemy has only so many watts to spend on jammers. Forcing to spread the jamming broader is necessarily going to reduce power per frequency.

Not victory, but an improvement.

Edit: also, this liine suggests that "more substantial leap" can do something. Expensive, but for specialized squad... It can work.
And more substantial leap would require a new hardware module with corresponding components and antennae's profile. But is it the only thing you can do? Hmm...
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Well, my first variation of field telephone - use a missile to throw down a telephone wire rapidly when needed - works perfectly well in offensive scenario!
My understanding is that it would shake out something like this:
  1. A Sangvis platoon is crossing an open field.
  2. Enemy jammers inhibit comms, cutting off Ringleader control of troops and leaving them as sitting ducks
  3. Fire the missile-borne telephone wires!
  4. Communication restored!
  5. Realize that the platoon still needs to advance to its destination.
  6. Realize that they now need to drag potentially hundreds of metres of wire behind, or else lose communication again.
  7. Try.
  8. Fail.
  9. Advance beyond the telepone wire.
  10. Goto 2.
I just started thinking about this: have we just been too ambitious and overestimated G&K capabilities?

I wonder if a single backpack with an emitter/receiver signal booster for Intruder might not be sufficient...
  1. Realize that they now need to drag potentially hundreds of metres of wire behind, or else lose communication again.
  2. Try.
  3. Fail.
Quick search tells me that fiber optic cable weights about 15-25 kg per kilometer.
Mission description tells us that Intruder was about two kilometers from frontline.

If platoon can't pull 30 kg transmitter and remaining cable and drag it behind them, letting the cable unspool from the spool automatically, because they lack power? Those are kinda shitty murder robots.

Again, spool and all the wire is in missile, there's nothing to drag behind the platoon. Wire stays in place, new wire expands from the bit platoon drags with them.