Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the explodinglasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
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Yeah, unless Anderson has God on speed dial, Annalise ain't dying anytime soon.
Well, it's not exactly speed-dial, but remember when Ludwig's blade tried mind-whammy Anderson?
The weapon shrinks down to a more appropriate yet still ridiculously huge size when you grasp it. Despite this, there's almost no sensation of weight as you swing it back and forth. You take a moment to look for the laser button before something catches your eye, drawing your attention upwards.

It's a light, brilliant and warm and welcoming. It drifts lazily back and forth, whispering words as incomprehensible as they are soothing. Though its size seems to change with every heartbeat, you can tell it's getting closer. The blood parts beneath its advance as though before royalty and the air has the faintest hint of static.

You've had better hallucinations, but this one's pretty nice.

As the light reaches your head, it flashes searingly, its gentle susurrations replaced with a piercing shriek that fades away with a smell of flame. When the sword falls from your hands, that's all it is: a sword, beautifully-crafted but otherwise unremarkable, tarnished with the nicks and dents of combat.

You feel a scraping in your chest as though of writhing thorns.
Well, it's not exactly speed-dial, but remember when Ludwig's blade tried mind-whammy Anderson?


Does this mean we'd transform into a rose bush if we chowed down on three Umbilical Cords and killed the moon presence?

[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
[x] Y'know what, you're too tired to go looking for doors. Look for the fanciest and biggest building, and start making doors with the gratuitous amounts of firepower at your disposal.
[x] Y'know what, you're too tired to go looking for doors. Look for the fanciest and biggest building, and start making doors with the gratuitous amounts of firepower at your disposal.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
Really hoping the Queen invites us to be her consort.

Just for Anderson's reaction.

"Father Alexander Anderson, King and Patron Saint of the Vilebloods (not actual vampires though, ya bloody heretic)"
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
[x] Y'know what, you're too tired to go looking for doors. Look for the fanciest and biggest building, and start making doors with the gratuitous amounts of firepower at your disposal.

it's certainly the most anderson response.
[X] Put on the crown. You fucking earned it, and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to do so over the exploding lasers they'll soon be engulfed in.
-[X] Also, Logarius might've been a nasty ol' bag o' bones, but he did what he did (and became what he was) because he thought it would save lives. If we can make a quick memorial out of his scythe or something, the old man above would surely understand. Also, Logarius' story is much too similar to what we did to ourselves, so we don't really have an excuse about this. Dude deserves to be remembered.
Remember, Anderson is part of an organization he described is canon Hellsing Ultimate as heretics, yet not heretics.
I think it's more that the organization is made up of the damned. The Iscariots essentially believe that their actions, while necessary (to combat an evil worse than man) are still violating some pretty major tenets of the Bible ("Thou shalt not kill" springs to mind) and so don't expect to see Heaven. Think along the lines of the Operative from Serenity.
They sacrifice themselves so that other don't have to. Or something like that, zealots can get strange.
It's kind of inevitable when your religion's god is noted as preaching tolerance and pacifism, but your playbook is derived from an era where fucks like Pope Borgia were dictating policy and the Vatican was basically just a particularly influential Italian city-state drunk on its own power. Doublethink kind of becomes inevitable at that point.

Essentially, Iscariot is a rancid holdout from those days: a violent, brutish organization that effectively blasphemes against the very figure they claim to honor with their every action, yet claims its actions serve a "greater good" (which hasn't been considered "great" or "good" since we stopped wiping our asses with rocks and blaming the Devil for solar eclipses.)
Part of Iscariot's primary doctrine thing is that its members eventually hang themselves so they go to Hell for suicide so they can fight demons in hell.