An Undertow of Sand (Percy Jackson and the Cthulhu Mythos)

I was curious. As far as I can remember, it's never mentioned how the Other Gods reproduce in Lovecraft's works, or even if they do at all. Lovecraft did write a family tree in one of his letters, but it's a bit of tongue-in-cheek. He mentions himself as one of the characters, and that the union that led to his birth was an abomination. Lovecraft was kind of a funny guy in his letters. On the pronunciation of Cthulhu's name:

"The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark, or cough the imperfectly formed syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue firmly affixed to the roof of the mouth. That is, if one is a human being. Directions for other entities are naturally different."

Also, another question @Shujin, what's up with the Mayan gods in this story? Are they Other (or, as you say, Elder) Gods in this? And are we syncretizing Aztec and Mayan mythology into "Mesoamerican mythology", or something like that?
We have already seen some of the Aztec and yes, they are 'Elder' gods in this fic. The Mayans have not made an appearance yet and all I can say at this point in time is that they have not been mixed up into one with the Aztec for this series.
Basically from what I remember every Pantheon is the result of Elder Gods making them during the Feast, not all Elder Gods are equally active in each pantheon. Greeks have blood of Elder Gods and the Egyptians have connections and knowledge. While the Hindu are pretty much all Elder Gods in Matryoshka Dolls.
All I know is that in Lovecraft's own stories, the Mayan gods are Other Gods. So, it'd make sense for them to be 'Elder' gods in this. I trust @Shujin to make it interesting regardless.

On another note, whoever the Great Race sends forwards to document the Second Titanomachy should probably know at least a little magic. In the Mythos, magic and science are the same thing, and the books written by the Great Race are sought after and prized by Sorcerers, so it makes sense they'd know at least a little.

Also, one of the funniest bits in Lovecraft's stories: A member of the Great Race reads Miskatonic University's copy of the Necronomicon, and then proceeds to write corrections in the margins. Hilarious.

Actually, I think it'd be great if you had a scene where a member of the Great Race walks into a Dinosaur exhibit in a museum or something, looks around, and then just starts laughing his butt off, and giggling about how "the colors are so wrong" or something.
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Actually, this image gets even funnier when your remember that by Mi-go standards Earth is the ass-end of nowhere. So, it's not even relatively important or urbane people finding the president's baby, it's freaking hicksville miner-town folk.

It is looking like it is deliberate.

The Mist was created because the Young Gods of Earth did not want any more eldritch gods from space coming to earth and messing things up. Sure you get some like Selene for the Greeks, but then you can also get Apophis which the Egyptians had to deal with.

The mist not only serves to hide the supernatural from humanity, but also from the wider universe.
I don't buy that. The Mi-go are pretty conscious of everything going on on Earth, I just doubt they really care. Remember, in this setting you have Empires that are likely less powerful than the Mi-go fighting fleets of extra-universal invaders a million light-years across. The Mi-go are busy doing Xeeleeverse sh*t off in deep space, and probably consider the stuff Nyarko-chan gets up to on Earth to just not be their business.

edit: Also, going off a few things the Author has said, it seems the Mist didn't really become the thing it is now until after the Mi-go had been mucking about on Earth for a bit. Is that right @Shujin?
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Just started this fic and after reading chapter 1 I'm excited for more

but I was the one who argued for a literal god(ess, whatever) in my adventuring party so I was kind of asking for it
Of all the AU weirdness, artemis being in the party is the absolute weirdest to me. IDK why on earth she would join or why Percy would want her there. Luke makes some sense at least.
Just started this fic and after reading chapter 1 I'm excited for more

Of all the AU weirdness, artemis being in the party is the absolute weirdest to me. IDK why on earth she would join or why Percy would want her there. Luke makes some sense at least.
I trust it makes more sense after getting through more of the story?

I don't buy that. The Mi-go are pretty conscious of everything going on on Earth, I just doubt they really care. Remember, in this setting you have Empires that are likely less powerful than the Mi-go fighting fleets of extra-universal invaders a million light-years across. The Mi-go are busy doing Xeeleeverse sh*t off in deep space, and probably consider the stuff Nyarko-chan gets up to on Earth to just not be their business.

edit: Also, going off a few things the Author has said, it seems the Mist didn't really become the thing it is now until after the Mi-go had been mucking about on Earth for a bit. Is that right @Shujin?
The Mist wasn't much of a thing until after the Bronze Age Collapse, yes.
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Honestly one of the things I'm interested in is seeing Percy delve more into magic and his innate demigod powers he has a crazy amount of potential in anything he could apply himself towards though.

I'm also kinda curious about how magic and the mist interacts here. Time made the mist but magic was a thing before that but there's also the fact people use the mist for magic.
And, on the extent the Mi-go give a darn about what happens on Earth...?
They don't. Earth is nigh uninhabitable to them and they were only here for a spot of research and mining in the Jurassic Period. It makes 0 logical sense for them to still be mining 100 million years later at the technological level they were presumed to be at without everything being strip mined down to the mantle. In-universe, The Whisperer in Darkness is a fictional shortstory by the clear-sighted Lovecraft who learned from someone that they had been around and wrote a nightmare scenario of if they were still.
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So, I was right about them being busy with Xeeleeverse type stuff?

I always figured mining from Earth was just some in-situ resource utilization for their base on Pluto, rather than a serious operation. Also, do they still have a base on Pluto, and did they still war with the Elder Things and Spawn of Cthulhu, or was it more like some light skirmishes?
So, I was right about them being busy with Xeeleeverse type stuff?

I always figured mining from Earth was just some in-situ resource utilization for their base on Pluto, rather than a serious operation. Also, do they still have a base on Pluto, and did they still war with the Elder Things and Spawn of Cthulhu, or was it more like some light skirmishes?
Yuggoth was never explicitly confirmed to be Pluto and it was more light skirmishes with the Elder Things. Pontus as an 'alien' arrived after the Starspawn Rebellion that gave rise to the Young Gods.
Would the children of Aliens also be considered aliens? Looking at the Sea Pantheon and the blood of selene.
Not really. Aliens as a term is for those who are 'attachments' to the pantheons that formed after the Feast, the ones who were completely uninvolved with the origins. However, once here, their children are uniformly the result of breeding with the 'locals.' It's theoretically possible, for example if Apophis asexually reproduced, but there are very few examples.