An Undertow of Sand (Percy Jackson and the Cthulhu Mythos)

Bit of both. I thought it was Greek before I looked closer and "oh hey wait I can understand this what's going on" mistook a language you speak for Greek? :rofl: Guess there is something to expectations messing with our brains. Hopefully I got it right and the vamp has an appropriately cutsey old name as well :D
Anyone have any requests or ideas for the sidestory? So far I have Hestia and Corey Achebe, the demi-alien on the list for consideration.
I mean... I guess that Cú Chulainn is dead, so he probably wouldn't have much going on to contribute to the story. But what about Scathach? I just like celtic mythology, and I seem to recall that Scathach had some kind of immortality or became a Goddess of the Dead?

Honestly, might just be like a sidestory with The Morrigan aspect of Percy's mom, but it could be neat.
I mean... I guess that Cú Chulainn is dead, so he probably wouldn't have much going on to contribute to the story. But what about Scathach? I just like celtic mythology, and I seem to recall that Scathach had some kind of immortality or became a Goddess of the Dead?

Honestly, might just be like a sidestory with The Morrigan aspect of Percy's mom, but it could be neat.
...congratulations. I think you have picked the most awkward character to request possible. All I can say is spoilers.
What about a story about Nyarlathotep the only outer god (afaik) thst is actively malicious. Ohh or a story that Percy's mom told him about azathoth (we're all nothing but a dream of blind foolish god in the end), or a fun story about Kronos and his play fight with the rebellious star spawn.
Edit: or the story about what the god who tried to give Percy's dad the star dust to eat met to make him think that it's something a human can eat.
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What about a story about Nyarlathotep the only outer god (afaik) thst is actively malicious. Ohh or a story that Percy's mom told him about azathoth (we're all nothing but a dream of blind foolish god in the end), or a fun story about Kronos and his play fight with the rebellious star spawn.
Edit: or the story about what the god who tried to give Percy's dad the star dust to eat met to make him think that it's something a human can eat.
Huh. I can't tell if this is serious, but said in a joking way or not because my Klingon...the first request is this story. :V
Hmm. A sidestory from the perspective of one of Nyx's children, holed up in the House of Night, could be fun. Hypnos, or even Thanatos if you wanted a perspective that isn't biased towards liking or disliking Percy all that much.

Plus we could watch him get chewed out for not delivering the right invitation to Percy, that'd be a laugh.
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Oh wow thst says a lot about this story, the seriousness of the request was in ascending order of seriousness excluding the last one (the edit) which I really want to know but acknowledge was likely a one off joke.
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Oh wow thst says a lot about this story, the seriousness of the request was in ascending order of seriousness excluding the last one (the edit) which I really want to know but acknowledge was likely a one off joke.
Percy only learned about the grandfather connection during this Quest, so we can't really have a story about that anytime soon. While a Kronos PoV could work, plans make it awkward and it wouldn't be about the rebellion either as that's a bit too far removed from the main story, same with an Aether PoV. I'm trying to keep the sidestory to alternate PoVs during the main story, but I'll keep in mind if people want a secondary collection of background/story or lore fluff as well.
There's a few other perspectives worth looking in on I suppose. Seeing what's going on at the Egyptian Nome as a result of the Night ala Percy's friend is one that I'm sure has been previously requested, and if there was any way it'd pass muster for not being too far removed from the story I'd beg for a looksie into what Amaterasu's dealing with and her thoughts on the agreements she pokes her head in on to enforce, like this one from Percy just now.

Knowing what Cage-head's deal is would be interesting - my best guess would be he's one of Dagon's brood, honestly, but that doesn't even begin to make the rest of what's going on in his bar make sense.

Maybe a look at what Rhea's been getting up to after they left? Hades taking Alecto's report on that meeting with Percy, and following that, the perspective of one of the elder Olympians on the shit going on? Actually, with Persephone being a pretty big deal in the Night, as well as the horrifying torture his family put him through recently, Hades would be an interesting person to look in on indeed.
There's a few other perspectives worth looking in on I suppose. Seeing what's going on at the Egyptian Nome as a result of the Night ala Percy's friend is one that I'm sure has been previously requested, and if there was any way it'd pass muster for not being too far removed from the story I'd beg for a looksie into what Amaterasu's dealing with and her thoughts on the agreements she pokes her head in on to enforce, like this one from Percy just now.

Knowing what Cage-head's deal is would be interesting - my best guess would be he's one of Dagon's brood, honestly, but that doesn't even begin to make the rest of what's going on in his bar make sense.

Maybe a look at what Rhea's been getting up to after they left? Hades taking Alecto's report on that meeting with Percy, and following that, the perspective of one of the elder Olympians on the shit going on? Actually, with Persephone being a pretty big deal in the Night, as well as the horrifying torture his family put him through recently, Hades would be an interesting person to look in on indeed.
A Cliff PoV has not been requested actually, that one is a good idea. Apollo's PoV has been and that one would cover all the sun gods, including Amaterasu and Saule, so I'm kind of thinking of doing that one next. Cage-head is a mystery on purpose! Rhea is still packing for her move, unconcerned with the Quest, more concerned with Percy's request for her status change. Not going to get a whole lot of content out of that, sadly.

Correction! Olympus voted for it, but Hades peaced out immediately (and discovered upon reaching the Underworld that his reflexive recall of his Helm didn't work, but wasn't about to go back to Olympus to report the theft) and hasn't been back out since. The screws have not been put to him yet and is the background canon reason for his absence during Winter Solstice in The Titan's Curse and the latest grudge he had against Olympus for TLO.

Hestia PoV was requested and that would cover New Rome but I'm not sure who else would give us more information rather than just being the same event from a different head not already covered by Hermes.
I would've thought Rhea would be changing her plans a little - not just because Artemis made it clear that she and her other grandkids wanted and needed Rhea's help managing their parents, but also because the Legitimizing thing might not have been as wanted as it once was, but it's still a huge thing, and she might've been wanting to change things up to avoid the notice of her parent - or flipwise, begrudgingly be getting ready to be more active in the community despite her wishes because of her newfound status.

It's good she's not letting the latter situation fuck with her life plans, though, I suppose. Hopefully she'll at least Iris Message with the former, though. Fuck, Olympus could do with some tough love from people actually capable of doing so without instant and petty retaliation.

Very glad Hades didn't end up getting tortured like I thought he'd been too, he's suffered far far too much despite having some of the least reasons to deserve that suffering.
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I would've thought Rhea would be changing her plans a little - not just because Artemis made it clear that she and her other grandkids wanted and needed Rhea's help managing their parents, but also because the Legitimizing thing might not have been as wanted as it once was, but it's still a huge thing, and she might've been wanting to change things up to avoid the notice of her parent - or flipwise, begrudgingly be getting ready to be more active in the community despite her wishes because of her newfound status.

It's good she's not letting the latter situation fuck with her life plans, though, I suppose. Hopefully she'll at least Iris Message with the former, though. Fuck, Olympus could do with some tough love from people actually capable of doing so without instant and petty retaliation.

Very glad Hades didn't end up getting tortured like I thought he'd been too, he's suffered far far too much despite having some of the least reasons to deserve that suffering.
Her parent, Tartarus is currently sleeping. Not much more she can do to avoid notice since Ananke definitely noticed her already. This is a community that operates on a time scale of thousands of years at minimum. She really doesn't need to do anything right now. And as far as Olympus goes, she told Percy she'd 'consider it' after the Quest was over and her offer to teach Apollo what he should know, he had to take a raincheck on it when Night fell. So really nothing for her right now, sorry :(

And yeah, the argument Chiron describes to canon!Percy wasn't just between Poseidon and Zeus but all three brothers. Hades saw the way the wind was blowing when Zeus started to sound more persecuted/paranoid and left when the vote started. Poseidon voted nay but was overruled and was loud about it. More arguing before he recalled his trident and left. Council meeting over, Zeus goes to recall his Bolt and...
Something from a monster POV would be fun. Has this Percy ever met Medusa, or Scylla, or any other fun monsters? (More people with understandable grudges against the gods is always fun.)
Oh good :D We can never have enough of the monsters for my taste.

Oh, and here's a thought--is Arachne Atlach-Nacha?
Nope. While this is a canon rewrite, I am trying to keep it within canon compliance boundaries and there is no way Atlach-Nacha would get punked by canon!Percy that fast or would Annabeth survive it that long.