An Undertow of Sand (Percy Jackson and the Cthulhu Mythos)

Since I have your attention Shujin, I figured now would be a good time to ask: in AUoS whats the situation with the myth of Anchises. I started looking into that when I was trying to figure out what caused the splitting of Aphrodite (prior to you giving some more info on Spacebattles).
The gods complained about just Claiming their kids in The Last Olympian. AUoS attaches a modicum of responsibility to a Claim as a household, but in Riordanverse it meant they bitched about having to let people know the kid is theirs and nothing else at all until Athena rebuked them. It was said the minor gods like Hebe and Tyche didn't claim their kids because they didn't have a Cabin, not that it was in anyway about the kid knowing who their parent was.
Yeah, the Percy Jackson books are very much concerned with issues of absent parents, and are not at all interested in excusing the phenomenon. It's not that the gods can't be there for their kids, it's that they are bad parents, so they aren't there for their kids, and this is something for said kids to rail against and demand better of the gods for. It's one of the major reasons the films were so utterly, irredeemably awful, that they turned that on its head and gave Poseidon the usual cop-out "I'd have been there for you if I could, but there were big important adult godly reasons I couldn't" line that the books took pains to reject.

This is also why, for instance, I generally perceive the books as giving Hades a pretty fair shake; caustic and bitter though he may be, of all the Olympians (certainly all of the Big Three) he comes off as the one who remains the most invested in and the most willing to be a father to his demigods. He's not an absent father - he's bitter and he grieves his mortal wife, and he doesn't deal with that as well as he should in how he treats Nico and Bianca, but he nevertheless stays by them with no cajoling or browbeating required.
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Since I have your attention Shujin, I figured now would be a good time to ask: in AUoS whats the situation with the myth of Anchises. I started looking into that when I was trying to figure out what caused the splitting of Aphrodite (prior to you giving some more info on Spacebattles).
Not sure what situation you are referring to. It remains mostly the same, just that he didn't die via Zeus before his death in Sicily, just struck lame. Are you referring to the part where Zeus compels Aphrodite somehow? As this is shortly before Troy, she was already broken.
I'll need to reread the relevant information, I was under the impression that Aphrodite was whole at the time.

-Aphrodite sided with Zeus during the counter rebellion and was whole at the time.
-Post revolution, Apollo and Poseidon worked at Troy.
-Within a few generations (Laomedon was King at the time, Anchises was his half-sisters son) she wasn't (we now know)

I'd need to double check, but as far as I know all of this is correct. Unless you want to change something, we now have an era of when Aphrodite shattered :)

This also makes me curious as to how the newly broken nature of Aphrodite affected Aeneas and the future Roman Empire (could her warlike aspects have memetically spread to the Romans?)
I'll need to reread the relevant information, I was under the impression that Aphrodite was whole at the time.

-Aphrodite sided with Zeus during the counter rebellion and was whole at the time.
-Post revolution, Apollo and Poseidon worked at Troy.
-Within a few generations (Laomedon was King at the time, Anchises was his half-sisters son) she wasn't (we now know)

I'd need to double check, but as far as I know all of this is correct. Unless you want to change something, we now have an era of when Aphrodite shattered :)

This also makes me curious as to how the newly broken nature of Aphrodite affected Aeneas and the future Roman Empire (could her warlike aspects have memetically spread to the Romans?)
Nope you got it. I did stretch the timeline for earlier myths, ie Heracles and the Argonauts because post-Mycenean Greece had everything from the Giant War to Troy happening within two centuries at most. Obviously this is not really feasible, as they imagined Mycenean Greece as this wonderful age of myths and legends and didn't seem to have a solid grasp on how ages work. The Argonauts is where it gets really egregious, when people mentioned as the crew might have been because they thought they were legitimately there, but also might have been literal fanfiction because being an Argonaut was prestigious and a way to make your OC seem awesome.

Part of this last chapter, putting the Argonauts as after Athena's rule and Heracles had already ascended at that point, was outlining how the Greek myths were edited and 'squished' to erase Athena's reign as King, and that's why it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Riordanverse completely ignores the Mycenean time period as well as the preceding Minoan eras, and assumes even the oldest of the gods are circa 4 to 5 thousand years old. In PJO, Poseidon's Name of Posedao is not even a Faded deity, he just doesn't exist and had never existed.

Aphrodite was whole until canonical Troy. Aphrodite's shattering is what led to the Great Bronze Age Collapse.
Aphrodite was whole until canonical Troy. Aphrodite's shattering is what led to the Great Bronze Age Collapse.

You say that she was whole until the myth of Troy, but she had shattered prior to the birth of Aeneas, unless in AUoS Anchises wasn't Aeneas' father?

I'm going to start on a timeline, with these events now that I have some more detail.
You say that she was whole until the myth of Troy, but she had shattered prior to the birth of Aeneas, unless in AUoS Anchises wasn't Aeneas' father?

I'm going to start on a timeline, with these events now that I have some more detail.
'Led to.' The Troy myth covers a lot, not just the Trojan War with Hector and Paris vs Agamemnon and Achilles. I will say that the whole deal with Zeus deciding the world was overpopulated so he blocked Eris from Thetis' wedding via Hermes and the golden apple shit and the Judgement of Paris?

Did not happen that way.
Wait wait what? Aphrodite's shattering led to the Bronze Age Collapse? I am sorry but was the whole Innana/Istar thing that important?
As we covered earlier in the thread, if you kill the sun gods, you kill the sun. Inanna had a syncretism train that covered the entire region from Greece to Asia, all in one goddess. Her Domains covered everything from Royalty to War to Justice to Hunting to Healing to Love and more.

She was the Queen of Heaven.

Why wouldn't there be a backlash on humanity?
As we covered earlier in the thread, if you kill the sun gods, you kill the sun. Inanna had a syncretism train that covered the entire region from Greece to Asia, all in one goddess. Her Domains covered everything from Royalty to War to Justice to Hunting to Healing to Love and more.

She was the Queen of Heaven.

Why wouldn't there be a backlash on humanity?
Oh…yeah. I knew Innana was a big deal but wow. Just wow. What caused her to shatter again? Or is that spoilers?
Perhaps off topic, but are you including the Thurian/Hyborian ages from Lovecraft's mythos in AUoS?

Oh…yeah. I knew Innana was a big deal but wow. Just wow. What caused her to shatter again? Or is that spoilers?

In the Spacebattles thread it was revealed it was her attempted consumption of Ouranos and failed ascension into an Old god that caused her to shatter.
Perhaps off topic, but are you including the Thurian/Hyborian ages from Lovecraft's mythos in AUoS?

In the Spacebattles thread it was revealed it was her attempted consumption of Ouranos and failed ascension into an Old god that caused her to shatter.
Correction, she was already an Old God. She attempted to ascend further into an Elder One and did not succeed.
Perhaps off topic, but are you including the Thurian/Hyborian ages from Lovecraft's mythos in AUoS?
Whoops missed this part. No. And yes. Kind of. Boreas in classical mythology had a home in the Thracian mountains where the mythological land of Hyborea lay beyond. It is mentioned, albeit not by name, in Heart to Heart at the A&W chapter by Khione, when she offers to show them the divine wards at the Edge of her father's territory. It's been merged and altered as fitting into Greek mythology rather than the other way around as the canonical 'land beyond the gods' as meaning more than just Alaska and having an actual reason why Young Gods have a reason not to be there at all.
Any other relevant info in the other posting sites?
If you want, I can post the ongoing compendium from SB here on SV. There was a lot more chatter and pulling of my threads over there, so there is a ton more background information in the Cast List. @ExNihilo was maintaining one over here, so I didn't think it was necessary. But if you want to know more about my notes, I can post it here anyway? It's not necessary to enjoy the story, I am definitely not going to be referencing something only SB knows about because we talked about it. This is all extra. If it comes up in the story, it will be officially covered, ie when Percy meets Aphrodite for example.
Any other relevant info in the other posting sites?

There is quite a lot :p

One of the bigger things is that it was confirmed that Pontus is Cthulhu

I just spent like 40 minute looking for the quote about Aphrodite and couldn't find it. My timeline is going to include sources (so I never need to do that again)

Whoops missed this part. No. And yes. Kind of. Boreas in classical mythology had a home in the Thracian mountains where the mythological land of Hyborea lay beyond. It is mentioned, albeit not by name, in Heart to Heart at the A&W chapter by Khione, when she offers to show them the divine wards at the Edge of her father's territory. It's been merged and altered as fitting into Greek mythology rather than the other way around as the canonical 'land beyond the gods' as meaning more than just Alaska and having an actual reason why Young Gods have a reason not to be there at all.

More so I was meaning things like Lemuria, the continent of Mu, Conan, etc. If so I would assume that was during either the War or during the Age of Titans.
More so I was meaning things like Lemuria, the continent of Mu, Conan, etc. If so I would assume that was during either the War or during the Age of Titans.
Ah, Conan and such, no. Some of the gods of the Hyborian Age like Thog will be present (Lotus Casino...). Things like Lemuria and the sinking of Atlantis was during the War before the Feast and things like the continent of Mu may have taken place elsewhere not on Earth as it wasn't a one planet deal. Kronos and co just had the luck to be Earthborn slaves as opposed to Mercury or Mars. Which quote are you looking for exactly? I can help you find it.
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Ah, Conan and such, no. Some of the gods of the Hyborian Age like Thog will be present (Lotus Casino...). Things like Lemuria and the sinking of Atlantis was during the War before the Feast and things like the continent of My may have taken place elsewhere not on Earth as it wasn't a one planet deal. Kronos and co just had the luck to be Earthborn slaves as opposed to Mercury or Mars.

Mostly I'm wondering so I can figure out when pre-humans got brought to the solar system (if the Lemurians are a thing, it was around 50-20 million years ago)

Which quote are you looking for exactly? I can help you find it.

The one were you talk about Aphrodite's attempted use of the Sky Father to ascend.
Mostly I'm wondering so I can figure out when pre-humans got brought to the solar system (if the Lemurians are a thing, it was around 50-20 million years ago)

The one were you talk about Aphrodite's attempted use of the Sky Father to ascend.
Eh, I have, tentatively, the Star-Spawn Rebellion taking place roughly 3-4 million years ago before the Pleistocene Epoch, the last Ice Age. The Feast is the end of it. I'm not sure Lemurians were that long ago? I'm running on the assumption that the Cataclysm was 20,000 BCE give or take. And sure. It's this one where it was first mentioned and then confirmation in this one.
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Who's Who in An Undertow of Sand
I will be updating this as we go along in the story. Let me know if I missed stuff and if you guys would prefer story only information, or what's been confirmed in thread as well.

Cast List:

Primordial of Fate, Destiny, Compulsion, Necessity, Circumstance and Inevitability. Confirmed Name of an Elder God Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.

Greek Titles: First of Chaos. Mother of the Moirae, of Darkness, of the Celestial Sky. The Great Serpent. Eater of the Bloody Tongues. The Ruiner. The Beautiful One. The Thousand Mirrors. She Who Stalks Stars.

Symbol: Blood Red Spindle of Golden Thread.

Myth: Ananke is believed to have formed ex-nihilo from Chaos as the first being. Along with her younger 'twin' and consort Chronus, mingling together in serpent form, crushed the primal egg of creation to form the ordered universe.

Truth: Was said to have owned slaves, among whom she chose favorites to ascend by feeding them the still living flesh of 'Phanes' at the conclusion of the 'rebellion' by the star-spawn. These became the first generation of Greek Young Gods. The Titans.

"Only Fate (Eimarmene), or universal necessity (Ananke), the inevitable 'Adrasteia,' the faceless countenance and hollow sound of unknown Destiny, was absolute." - Vyacheslav Ivanov, Russian philosopher

Known Children:
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the Fates
Adrasteia, the Inescapable
Erebus, the Darkness
Aether, the Celestial Sky
Percy Stele, demigod

Primordial of Eternal Time. Confirmed Name of an Elder God Yog-Sothoth, the Lurker At The Threshold.

Greek Titles: Kronos, Khronos, Chronos

Symbol: Greek Zodiac Wheel

Myth: Chronus is believed to have formed ex-nihilo from Chaos as the second being. His elder 'twin' and consort is Ananke.

Truth: In an unspecified sequence of events, gave Zagreus his mortal Name of Kronos. Presumably owned slaves of humanity.

"For me, whatever share of excellence the throne of Fate endowed, I know full well that Khronos (Chronos, Time), although his foot be slow, shall bring it to the end ordained." - Pindar, Nemean Ode 4. 41 ff

Known Children:
Erebus, the Darkness
Aether, the Celestial Sky

Primordial of Night. Confirmed Name of an Elder God Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young.

Greek Titles: Night

Symbol: Three Black Wings in a Star

Myth: Nyx is believed to have formed ex-nihilo from Chaos as the younger 'sibling' of Ananke, Chronus, Tartarus within the newly formed ordered universe.

Truth: Lives in the House of Night in the Underworld, at the place where Tartarus collides with the Devouring Void of Chaos. Presumably owned slaves of humanity.

"Be present, Goddess, to thy suppliant's prayer, desired by all, whom all alike revere, blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid dispel the fears of twilight's dreadful shade." - Orphic Hymn 3 to Nyx (trans. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.)

Known Children:
Nemesis, goddess of Retribution
Thanatos, god of Death
Hypnos, personification of Sleep
Geras, personification of Old Age
Apate, personification of Deceit
Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone, the Furies
Unnamed demigod
Many, many others...

Primordial of the Abyss. Confirmed Name of an Elder God Magnum Tenebrosum, the Unnamed Darkness.

Greek Titles: The Pit, Tartaros

Symbol: A Red Eye in a Sinkhole

Myth: Tartarus is believed to have formed ex-nihilo from Chaos as the younger 'sibling' of Ananke and Chronus within the newly formed ordered universe.

Truth: Presumably owned slaves of humanity.

"The defeat of the Gigantes (Giants) by the gods angered Ge (Gaea, Earth) all the more, so she had intercourse with Tartaros (Tartarus) and bore Typhoeus in Kilikia (Cilicia)." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 39 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.)

Known Children:
Typhoeus (Typhon)
Unnamed demigod
Rhea, Titan Queen

Primordial of the Earth

Greek Titles: The Earth Mother. Gaea

Symbol: A Perfect Sphere

Myth: Gaia is believed to have formed ex-nihilo from Chaos as the younger 'sibling' of Ananke, Chronus, Tartarus and Nyx within the newly formed ordered universe.

Truth: Was part of the 'rebellion' by the star-spawn. It took three nights to cover the campaign against her. Is unrelated to Kronos, having born Rhea alone out of the original generation of Titans.

"Khronos (Chronos, Time) ... [also called] Herakles (Heracles) generated a huge egg, which, being filled full, by the force of its engenderer was broken in two from friction. Its crown became Ouranos (Heaven), and what had sunk downwards, Gaia (Gaea, Earth). There also came forth an incorporeal god [Phanes or the primordial Eros]." - Orphica, Theogonies Fragment 57 (from Athenogoras)

Known Children:
The Hekatonkheires
The Cyclopes
Typhoeus (Typhon)
Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea
Rhea, Titan Queen

Primordial of the Sky

Greek Titles: The Sky Father, The Voice of Heaven, Uranus

Symbol: Eight Pointed Star

Myth: Believed to have been created by Gaia to be her consort. Father of the majority of Gaia's children, including the Titans who eventually overthrew him via castration and dismemberment.

Truth: Was part of the 'rebellion' by the star-spawn. Was said to have surrendered. Was 'fucked over' by Aphrodite and has some connection to False Prophecies. His prison is upheld by Atlas, because it is cracked.

"He [Orpheus] sang of that past age when Gaia (Gaea, Earth) and Ouranos (Uranus, Sky) and Pontos (Pontus, Sea) were knit together in a single mould; how they were sundered after deadly strife." - Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1. 498 ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.)

Primordial of the Sea

Greek Titles: Pontos

Symbol: Ten Limbed Octopus

Myth: Believed to have been birthed from Gaia with no father. Together with his female counterpart, Thalassa, created the first of the sea life and Telekhines.

Truth: Is an alien, who came to earth and was adopted into the Greek pantheon.

"And Sea begat Nereus, the eldest of his children, who is true and lies not: and men call him the Old Man because he is trusty and gentle and does not forget the laws of righteousness, but thinks just and kindly thoughts. And yet again he got great Thaumas and proud Phorcys, being mated with Earth, and fair-cheeked Ceto and Eurybia who has a heart of flint within her." - Hesiod, Theogony (231–239)

Known Children:
Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea
Thaumas, the Wonders of the Sea
Titan of Time and the Harvest

Greek Names: The Crooked One, The Titan Lord, An Ass (by Percy), Zagreus
Roman Name: Saturn

Symbol: A Scythe

Myth: Son of Ouranos, the Sky and Gaia, the Earth. Overthrew his father Ouranos at the command of his mother with the aid of his brothers and his mother's gift of a sickle, which he used to castrate the Sky. His father foretold he would be overthrown by his children in turn and so he swallowed his own children born to him by Rhea. His youngest, Zeus was swapped for a stone and hidden away by his mother. Zeus returned when grown, and with the help of his childhood friend Metis, made his father vomit up his siblings and began the Titan War to overthrow him.

Truth: An Earthborn slave of Ananke, descendant of slave warriors originating from somewhere else in the cosmos. He fought against a race of beings referred to as 'star-spawn' and other creatures that might be part of the same group such as the Spinner, the Dweller, Devourer in the Mist, the Earth Mother and Sky Father. Consumed a living part of a star-spawn known as 'Phanes' and was ascended as a Young God. A Titan. For as yet unknown reasons, he received a Prophecy from the Sky Father that foretold his children would overthrow him, prompting him to swallow them as they were born.

Titaness of Good Counsel, Planning, Cunning and Wisdom

Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, Mother of Athena, former Queen of Olympus, former wife of Zeus. Was prophesied by Ouranos, the Sky to bear a wise child to her husband Zeus. A warrior stronger than his lightning bolt that would be the snake to take his throne. In an attempt to avert the Prophecy, her husband tricked her into assuming the forms of prey animals to escape a chase. She almost made it, but was finally caught in the form of a fly and swallowed. Ensured her daughter was born wearing armor.

Titaness of Remembrance

Keeps a library holding records of the true history of the world on Mt. Othrys. Wouldn't spit on Zeus if he were on fire, according to Percy.

Titaness of Demurity and Protector of the Young

Raised her twins Apollo and Artemis. Tried to protect them from the wrath of their father, Zeus, when he took back his throne but was burned completely through by his lightning bolt. Her children hope she will eventually reform.

Titaness of Motherhood, Legacy, Comfort, Ease and Female Fertility

Greek Names: Matriarch of Swarms, Queen of the Titans of Mt. Othrys, the Great Mother, Goddess of the Mountain
Roman Name: Ops.
Phrygian Name: Cybele, the Queen
Egyptian Name: Qetesh
Semitic/Babylonian: Athirat

Kronos' wife, mother of his six godly children. Patron of the Grove of Dodona, an ancient grove of prophetic trees. Was 'ripped off big time' by Ananke, according to Percy.

Truth: Married into the Greek pantheon and is not actually a Titan, but a loyal star-spawn who did not rebel against the Elder Gods. Abdicated her title as Queen of the Gods with the fall of Mt. Othrys and is currently hibernating in an attempt to forestall her natural impulses which are implied to be detrimental to humanity and the Young Gods. Daughter of the god beneath the Pit and the Earth Mother, making her Percy's blood first cousin. Is stated to be a bug like Elder God, who has admitted to making mistakes with her youngest children, including letting Adrasteia, the Inescapable babysit Zeus.

Titaness of Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Night, Moon and the Crossroads

Greek Names: Goddess of the Mist, Queen of Those Below, the Three-Formed
Roman Name: Trivia

Symbol: A Strophalos (Hecate's Wheel)
A third generation Titan born to Perses of Destruction and Asteria of Falling Stars, Oneiromancy and Astrology. Sided with Zeus and the Olympians during the Titan War to overthrow Kronos. Was a candidate for the throne of Olympus.

Titaness of the Moon, Radiance and Insanity

Myth: The sister of Helios, Titan of the Sun and Eos, Titaness of the Dawn.

Truth: An 'alien' who came to earth from several galaxies over that was adopted into the Greek pantheon during the reign of Mt. Othyrs. Her legacies are 'demi-aliens' otherwise known as clear-sighted mortals. Artemis inherited the Moon Chariot from her. Her corpse orbits the planet Earth as its moon.
God of the Sky, Lightning, Thunder, Law, Order and Justice

Greek Names: Zeus Olympios, King of Olympus. Zeus Astrapios of the Sky, Zeus Agoraeus Protector of the Agora (assembly), the Dodekatheon, Zeus Anax, The High King. A Fucking Idiot (by Percy)
Roman Name: Jupiter

Youngest child of the Titan Lord Kronos. Was hidden away by his mother Rhea so that his father wouldn't swallow him. Was raised by the nymph Amaltheia, Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys in the shadow of Adrasteia, the Inescapable on Mt. Dikte in Crete. With the cunning of his childhood friend Metis tricked his father Kronos into vomiting up his siblings. After the Titan War, ascended to the throne as second choice with Metis after his eldest sibling Hestia abdicated. Was overthrown by his daughter Athena, but retook his throne thanks to his current wife, Hera. Is now known as one of the 'Big Three' of the Olympic Pantheon.

Goddess of Motherhood, Marriage, Women, Childbirth, Familial Love and Legitimacy of Rule

Greek Names: Hera Aigophagos, the Goat-Eater
Roman Name: Juno

Sister Wife of Zeus, thirdborn child of Kronos, the Titan Lord. Fought in the Titan War. Was on 'Team Zeus' during the Olympiomachy and vital in the capture of Athena with the help of her son Hephaestus' chains.

Goddess of the Harvest, Cycle of Life and Death, Sacred Law, Fertility and Agriculture

Roman Name: Ceres

Second born child of Kronos. Was a candidate for the throne of Olympus but recused herself to become the Earth Mother's prison warden. Mother of Persephone. Once attempted to kill all life on Earth in response to her daughter's abduction by Hades and nearly broke the Earth Mother free in the process. Was on 'Team Athena' during the Olympiomachy.

God of the Sea, Storms and Earthquakes

Greek Names: Father of Horses, Uncle Sea (by Apollo)
Roman Name: Neptune

Fifth born child of Kronos. Lived in the Underworld with Hades until he was eventually married off by Zeus to Amphitrite, Granddaughter of Pontus and Gaia to become Lord of Atlantis. Was on 'Team Athena' during the Olympiomachy and served as a high ranking official and key advisor in her court. When Zeus retook his throne, was forced to undergo a mortal trial serving a Trojan king and built the walls of Troy. Inherited his mother Rhea's sea green eyes. Is feuding with Athena over her decision to surrender during the Olympiomachy and is now known as one of the 'Big Three' of the Olympic Pantheon.

Phoebe Artemis
Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, Maidens, Archery, Wilderness, Radiance, Forests, Childbirth and Insanity

Greek Names: Artemis
Roman Name: Diana

Symbol: A Silver Bow Against a Moon

Firstborn child of Leto. Illegitimate daughter of Zeus. When she was born, she rapidly aged to the maturity of a six year old child and was able to assist her mother in the birth of her twin brother, Phoebus Apollon. For this, she was granted the Domain of Childbirth. At 3 years of age, convinced her father Zeus to swear an oath to grant her one wish. Upon getting his vow, revealed that her one wish was to get six wishes fulfilled. Was a childhood friend of Persephone, who also wished to be a virgin goddess as a triad with her and Athena. Was on 'Team Athena' during the Olympiomachy. When Zeus retook his throne, nearly had her essence burned through by her father's lightning bolt as punishment. Inherited the Moon Chariot from and was adopted by Selene. Is a Quester.

Phoebus Apollon
God of Prophecy, Poetry, Music, Knowledge, Healing, Sun, Truth, Archery, Art, Disease and Plague

Greek Names: Apollo
Roman Name: Apollo

Symbol: A Golden Bow Against a Sun

Second born child of Leto. Illegitimate son of Zeus. Was granted the Domain of Prophecy upon his defeat of the mighty serpent Python. Is the patron of four oracle spirits, the Oracle of Cumae, the Oracle of Trophonius, the Oracle of Delphi and the Oracle of Erythaea. Was on 'Team Athena' during the Olympiomachy and was protected from Zeus' wrath by his mother and sister. Was forced to undergo a mortal trial with Poseidon, serving a Trojan king as a sheep herder as punishment. Found Percy when he was five and trained his prophetic talents. Plays Dungeons and Dragons as a bard, but his dice have been cursed by Tyche, goddess of fortune. Stole the Sun Chariot from Helios.

God of War, Bloodlust, Courage and Civil Order

Roman Name: Mars

Legitimate son of Zeus by Hera. Was on 'Team Zeus' during the Olympiomachy. Lover of Aphrodite. Known to possess the stolen Master Bolt of his father, Zeus.

God of the Forge, Volcanoes, Fire, Smiths, Craftsmen, Stonemasons, Sculpture, Metals, Magnetism and Gravity.

Roman Name: Vulcan

Firstborn son of Hera alone. The nature of his mother's divinity tainted the pathogenesis and Hephaestus was born with a genetic 'father' in the star-spawn Phanes-Dionysus. His father's influence proved dominant, enough to allow him to kill the Gigantes Mimas by himself without demigod help. A feat impossible for a Young god. He was raised from two weeks old by the nereid Thetis. He provided Hera with chains unable to be broken by the one ensnared in return for her solemn oath to love him as a mother should. Freed Athena from imprisonment with his foster mother Thetis and was hurled from Olympus, breaking every bone in his body by Zeus as punishment. Husband of Aphrodite.

Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sexuality, Physical Pleasure and Procreation.

Sumerian Name: Inanna, Queen of Heaven
Akkadian/Babylonian/Assyrian Name: Ishtar
Hurrian/Hittite Name: Šauška
Canaanite Name: Astarte
Roman Name: Venus

Symbol: A Crowned Dove

Myth: Daughter of Ouranos, created when the blood of his castrated genitals met Thalassa of Deep Waters, birthing the goddess from the sea foam.

Truth: An foreign goddess ascended into an Old God by a Name of the god behind Greek Primordial of Fate was originally of the Sumerian pantheon known as the Queen of Heaven. Her presence in the Greek pantheon is unexplained, but it is known that she attempted to ascend beyond her means by way of consuming Ouranos. The attempt failed leaving a broken goddess behind. Was on 'Team Zeus' during the Olympiomachy. Lover of Ares, wife of Hephaestus. Has 'defective' demigods that possess an ability similar to Siren Song. Her typical children have a wide variety of talents born from her various Names.

God of Travelers, Thieves, Messengers, Commerce, Trade, Diplomacy, Orators, Athletes, Trade and Invention

Roman Name: Mercury

Son of Maia, eldest of the Pleiades nymphs. Illegitimate son of Zeus. Born within a cavern near the peaks of Mount Kyllene in Arkadia. Shortly after birth, he snuck out and stole from the herds of Apollo. When Apollo was mocked for accusing a newborn godling of theft, Hermes promptly blew his own cover to eloquently argue before Zeus that he was too young and cute to possibly be the thief. This amused his father so much he was given the task of herding departed souls to the Underworld and was elevated to a throne as a member of the Dodekatheon. Has an assistant named Milos. Ticketed Percy's mother for a cross-pantheon violation. Tried to save his son Luke from his destined Fate by assigning the boy a Quest to steal a Golden Apple from the Garden of the Hesperides. Once eaten, that apple is capable of giving a demigod immortal life. Was punished by the Fates for this attempt by exposing him to Percy's eldest sibling, Adrasteia.

God of Religious Fervor, Ritual Madness, Wine, Grape Vines, Theatre and Revelry

Greek Names: The Twice-Born, Chubster God (by Percy)
Roman Name: Bacchus

Myth: Illegitimate son of Zeus by Semele. Former demigod. Was raised by his mortal aunt and uncle until they were driven mad by Hera, making them kill their children save Dionysus and then themselves. Was driven mad by Hera as punishment for his existence but was able to have it lifted by the Titaness Rhea. Rescued his mother Semele and wife Ariadne from the Underworld. Invented wine. Wandered Egypt for a time. Invaded India and was eventually forced to retreat, but returned having achieved apotheosis as a god. Ascended to Mount Olympus and was given the throne of former Olympian Hestia. Is the current Director of Camp Half-Blood.

Goddess of Wisdom, Strategic War, Handicrafts and Kings

Greek Names: Athena Promachus, Who Fights on the Front Line. Athena Areia, the Judge/the Warlike. Athena Polias, the Protector of Cities. Athena Hygieia, the Inspiration of Physicians. Athena Glaukopis, the Owl Eyed or Bright Eyed. Athena Apatouria, the Deceiver. Athena Ageleia, Leader of the People. Pallas Athena. Patron of Heroes. Wanax, the High King. Owl-Head (by Apollo)
Roman Name: Minerva

Firstborn of Zeus and Metis. Was prophesied to overthrow her father which lead to her mother's demise. Was born from Zeus' head after it was split open by Hephaestus in full armor and was promptly blasted off Mt. Olympus by the Master Bolt. Was named 'Athena' by the Titaness of Fresh Water Tethys and fostered with Triton, the son of Amphitrite and Poseidon. Hoping to break the sea's protection of Athena, Zeus interfered in a duel between her and her childhood friend, the sea nymph Pallas, causing her to land a fatal blow. Was escorted to Olympus by Oceanus where she confronted her father and received her Prophecy. Was able to convince Olympus that she was not the subject until it came time for her coup that led to the Olympiomachy. Was forced to give Names to the Devouring Void by Zeus after capture and eventually surrendered. Is feuding with Poseidon over her decision to do so. The architect of the Olympiomachy cover up. Lied before Adrasteia, the Inescapable and received the Name Apatouria by the Daughter of Ananke herself. Was barred from paying her debt to Luke by the Fates.
The Mórrígan
Tuatha de of Future Victory and Death in Battle

Celtic Titles: Morrigu, Anand, Mór-Ríoghain (Modern Irish), Phantom Queen, Harbinger of Fate
Christian Title: Queen of Demons
Mortal Alias: Mórrígan Stele

Was the consort of the Dagda. Is a confirmed Name of the god behind the Greek Primordial of Fate. Married mortal Dorian Stele and raised his son, the Greek demigod Percy Stele. Was ticketed for a cross-pantheon violation and is currently missing.

A solar deity of the Egyptian pantheon. Confirmed Name of an Elder God Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.

Egyptian Titles: Itn, Atonu, Aton, The Black Pharaoh

Was the focus of Atenism, a cult started by Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaten and claimed to be a demigod of Aten. Aten was compared to Ma'at, as the Order and life-giver of the world, by means only belief in Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti knew the truth of. The cult fell apart with his death as his son, Tutankhamun, reinstated traditional worship of Ra and other Egyptian deities. The cult was later erased by Horemheb.

God of the North Wind and Winter

Was a revolutionary on Team Athena during the Olympiomachy and has been on house arrest under the command of Aeolus, Master of the Winds ever since. Stole away Oreithyia, nymph daughter of Erekhtheus, King of Athens to be his wife. Father of the Boreads, Zetes and Kalais and the Boreides, Kleopatra and Khione.

Goddess of Ice and Snow

Daughter of Boreas, the North Wind. Unlike her siblings, she was born an immortal deity and received the Name of Khione from her mother in an effort to sway Olympus in granting citizenship to her daughter. The application was rejected and Khione was classified a nymph without the full protection of the law. She was loved by many gods, most notably Poseidon to whom she gave birth to the hero Eumolpus who was cast into the sea and given to his half-sister to raise by his father. Boasted of her beauty in comparison to Artemis, and survived the subsequent murder attempt. To save face, her application for godhood was reconsidered by Olympus. Wished to help on the search for the Master Bolt, but holds a severe grudge against the goddess of the Hunt. Adopted by the Earth Mother.

Goddess of the Rainbow

Amphitrite's first cousin as the daughter of Thaumas, son of Pontus and Electra, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. The OG Messenger of the Gods during the Titanomachy having sided with the Olympians just as her sister Arke sided with Kronos. Married to Zephyrus, the West Wind. Butch Walker's mother and appears to have a form that looks like a ten sided starfish built out of neon light astrolabe with golden butterfly wings.

Goddess of Retribution, Vengeance and Balance

Greek Names: The Rhamnousia, Punisher of Hubris Before the Gods.

Daughter of Nyx, the Night and Erebus, the Darkness. Niece of Percy. Mother of the Greek demigod Ethan Nakamura. Has unleashed the physical manifestation of Artemis' past sins, her former Hunter Aura, to hunt the Questers. Has a form that looks like a grinding mass of teeth.

Kami of Daylight and the Japanese Sun

Shinto Names: Amaterasu-Ohomikami, the Great. Amaterasu-Ōmikami (Modern Japanese), Ohirume-no-Muchi, of the Day, Hi-no-Kami, Queen of the Gods, Tenshō Kōtaijin, the Imperial Ancestor.

Daughter of Izanagi and his sister-wife Izamami, the last of the seven generations of primordial gods. Sister of Susano'o of the Storms and Tsukuyomi of the Moon. Was asked to oversee a pact between the Questers and the vampire Hiraya. Bro status confirmed by Percy. Is said to be a 'mask' of a greater unknown deity by Apollo and her eyes are of an accretion disk of a black hole.

Erinyes of Revenge, Crime and Punishment

Greek Names: Fury. The Persecution. Alekto, the Unceasing.

Daughter of Nyx, Eldest of the Triplets.

Æsir of Wisdom, Death, Knowledge, War, Sorcery, Poetry, Frenzy and the Gallows.

Germanic Names: Wōden, Wōdan, Wuotan, Wuodan, Wōđanaz, Óðinn, the All-Father

Was Named as a contemporary of Kronos.

Unknown deity of an unknown pantheon.

Was Named as a contemporary of Kronos.


Egyptian Names: Apep, Lord of Chaos, Enemy of Ra

An alien that came to earth and was 'adopted' into the Egyptian pantheon.

Goddess of the Hearth, Family, Home, Domesticity, Virginity, Existence of State and the Sacrificial Flames

Greek Names: Hestia Prytaneia, of the Hearth. Hestia Potheinotáti, the Beloved. Beckendorf 2.0 (by Campers)
Roman Name: Vesta

Firstborn of Kronos and Rhea. Was offered the throne to be King of the Gods, but turned it down in favor of Zeus and Metis. Regretted doing so after Zeus swallowed Metis and became a poor ruler. Was on 'Team Athena' during the Olympiomachy. Was a member of the Dodekatheon, but stepped down from her throne in favor of Dionysus and carved out her Queenly name of Hestia Basileia. Was a key advisor and high ranking official in Athena's court. Is currently being aggressively befriended by Campers at Camp Half-Blood in an attempt to keep her from Fading.

God of Riches and of the Dead

Greek Titles: The Rich One, Uncle Dead (by Hermes)
Roman Name: Pluto

Fourth born child of Kronos and Rhea. Was made administrator of the Underworld and is considered the Lord of it. Is suspected by Olympus to still be gathering Names via his dead worshippers. Has the influence of Nyx, the Night, on him making it difficult for other gods to sense him. Husband of Persephone. Owner of Spot (Cerberus).

Goddess of Spring Growth, Flowers, Vegetation and of Withering

Greek Names: Despoina, of Mystery. Kore, the Maiden. Lady of the Underworld.
Roman Name: Proserpina

Symbol: A Pomegranate Flower

Myth: Illegitimate child of Zeus. Ate six pomegranate seeds while in the Underworld, compelling her to remain for at least six months of the year. Firstborn child of Demeter. Wife of Hades. Wished to be a virgin goddess as a triad with Artemis and Athena, but was abducted by Hades.

Personification of Sleep

Roman Name: Somnus

Son of Nyx and (step) Erebus. Younger twin brother of Thanatos, the God of Death. Friend of Percy.

God of Death

Roman Name: Mors

Son of Nyx and (step) Erebus. Older twin brother of Hypnos, the Personification of Sleep.

God of Dreams

Son of Somnus, the Roman Name of Hypnos and the Roman Grace, Pasithea. Is of the Roman pantheon, with a Greek Name because his father doesn't care about the divide. Guards the borders of the Dreamlands. Friend of Percy.

Personification of Darkness

Roman Name: Scotus

Child of Ananke. Consort of Nyx. Gave Percy a Stygian Iron dagger. When Night fell, sent his step-son Thanatos to retrieve Hypnos and Percy, but when Percy turned down the invitation due to a misunderstanding, came to find out what was going on. Encountered Percy in a bit of trouble in the Dreamlands and proceeded to 'loosen his shackles,' allowing his little brother to take on an eldritch form to battle a sea monster.

God of Heroism

Greek Names: Alcides, mortal name. Herakles Engonasin, the Kneeler. Herakles Mantiklos, the Hero. Herakles Leontothymos, the Lion-Hearted.
Roman Name: Hercules

Illegitimate son of Zeus by Alcmene. Was renamed Herakles to appease the Queen of the Gods. Husband of Hebe, goddess of Youth. During the Giant War, his divine backup was Athena with the exception of the slaying of Porphyrion at the behest of his father Zeus. Was on Team Athena during the Olympiomachy. Ascended to godhood at his death after being unwittingly poisoned by his second wife with the tainted blood of a centaur. Was an Argonaut after the Golden Fleece sometime after his apotheosis where the Boreads, Zethes and Calais convinced the crew to leave him behind and in return, Herakles killed them for the treachery.

Goddess of the Baltic Sun

Latvian Name: Saule

The common solar deity of the Baltic religion of the Lithuanian and Latvian cultures. Is said to live in a silver gated castle at the 'edge' of the sea. Apollo's current crush. Was stated by Percy that her orphanage and her duty was all she has.

Manannán mac Lir
Tuatha de of Violent Deaths on Sea and Land

Celtic Titles: Manandán, Mannan, son of the Sea, King of Tír na nÓg, the Otherword. King of the Tuath Dé

Son of Ler, a sea god with unknown mother. Foster son of The Dagda and his consort, The Morrigan. Is responsible for the Celtic pantheon's use of the Mist, called the féth fíada to conceal his home and the sidh dwellings of others. Has a demigod daughter, Evangeline, that came to Percy's 10th birthday party.

Personification of the Celestial Sky

Child of Ananke. Boyfriend of Hemera. Gave his step-father Dorian Stele and little brother, Percy Stele a ball of star dust from an aborted star to eat. Manga addict and enjoys eating icy moons and planets out in deep space.

Personification of Daylight

Believed to be a child of Nyx, Hemera is often at Aether's side, roaming the cosmos. Percy describes her as a 'pulsar' that his mother had to prevent from vaporizing him by accident and she once crashed his twelfth birthday picnic as a go-between his Elder brothers with their gifts, Erebus' Stygian Iron dagger and Aether's star dust ball.
Perseus "Percy" D. Stele
Son of Primordial Fate and mortal father, the lawyer Dorian Stele. Raised by The Mórrigan. Currently the Oracle of Chthon. Prophecies are given via 'tarot' using Mythomagic cards. Has a crush on Artemis. Has a non-standard biology of protruding spine, extra ribs and undefined organs. Had additional sets of teeth, but they were removed by his mother. Is a Quester.

Son of Hypnos, sleeps through Sundays visiting his father. Calls Percy his cousin and vice versa. Also has non-standard biology, such as a protruding spine, extra ribs, a second heart, the ability to sleep with half his brain, and three sets of teeth. Non-reflective eyes.

Ethan Nakamura
Son of Nemesis. Percy calls him first cousin once removed. Also has non-standard biology such as a visibly protruding spine with oddly shaped vertebrae, fangs and moving patches within his non-reflective eyes.

Evangeline Nic Manannan
Daughter of Manannan mac Lir. Is a clear-sighted demigod who's mother was put down by Artemis for going rabid. It is not mixing well. Came to Percy's 10th birthday party to say her goodbyes before she attempts the transition into a monster, instead of a mortal.

Son of Intellect. Agreed to let our Questers join his escort contract across the desert to California. Appears to be a Roman demigod, has a Hellhound puppy for a pet.

Bianca and Nico di Angelo
Children of Hades. Were alive when the Great Prophecy was given by the Oracle of Delphi. Presumed dead after being struck by Zeus.

Thalia Grace
Daughter of Zeus, currently a pine tree. Zeus turned her into a tree to save her soul from Hades' retribution. Hestia accepted her dying wish to protect her friends, Luke and Annabeth, creating the barrier of protection around Camp Half-Blood powered by her Sacrifice.

Luke Castellan
Son of Hermes and May Castellan, a prophet who went mad while trying to become the Oracle of Delphi, and ran against Hades' curse. Luke still holds a grudge against Hermes for this. Definitely did not steal the Master Bolt and doesn't work for Kronos. Was previously on a quest that failed, he made it out with a scar, the other two didn't make it out at all. The camp counselor for Cabin 11, which means he's also the counselor for the unclaimed and those without a cabin, and also Percy. Is a Quester.

Annabeth Chase
Daughter of Athena and the mortal Frederick Chase, a Military History professor. Friends with Luke, is the counselor for Athena Cabin despite being really young. Enthusiastic about learning more, a major character in canon, though hasn't been as much here. Has a cousin who's a Norse demigod.

Malcolm Pace
Son of Athena.

Son of Athena. Black hair.

Silena Beauregard
Daughter of Aphrodite's Name of Astarte. 'Horse-pigeon' whisperer, great Archer.

Drew Tanaka
An Aphrodite 'defect.' The cover story is that she inherited more from the Sea than usual, has a divine gift of a pearl bracelet. Percy speculates it's a Mist cloak. Called Percy a weirdo.

Son of Aphrodite's Name of Ishtar. Sense of fairness, flips a drachma when he can't decide things.

Daughter of Aphrodite's Name of Šauška. Her mood changes based on what feathers are in her hair, has feathers of endangered birds.

Child of Aphrodite's Name of Šauška. Genderfluid, with scarily good healing powers, especially for a seven-year-old.

Claimed as son of Aphrodite, but Percy thinks he's actually son of a Hindu deity. He has a perfect internal clock and rises with the sun.

Michael Yew
Son of Apollo. Does music and archery.

Lee Fletcher
Son of Apollo, very freeform with his Dungeon Mastering.

Castor and Pollux
Children of Dionysus, identical twins. Percy's friends. Play D&D as a Druid and a Cleric.

Katie Gardner
Daughter of Demeter, counselor. Play D&D as a Monk.

Charles Beckendorf
Son of Hephaestus. Has his '2.0' sidekick Hestia helping him around Camp.

Daughter of Hephaestus

Son of Hephaestus

Clarisse La Rue
Daughter of Ares, likes hazing new kids. Threatened to put her foot up Hestia's ass, in an encouraging way.

Son of Ares. Admired Percy's sword.

Alabaster and Liza
Hecate's children. Get a polecat from their mother.

Lou Ellen and Moni
Also probably Hecate's children, though they get a puppy.

Butch Walker
Child of Iris, can IM for free.

Chris Rodrigues
Son of Hermes, recently Claimed. Resentful of how long he was Unclaimed for.
Clifford Randall
A Cynocephali 'Dog-headed' boy aged 3. Has the maturity of a 15 year old human boy and looks like a Golden Labrador from the shoulders up. Has a mastiff-headed mother. Called Cliff by his friend Percy. Is an Egyptian 'magician.'

A centaur son of Kronos and Oceanid Philyra. Was trained by Apollo in his youth and in turn became a trainer of heroes. The gods returned him to life and granted him immortality as long as he teaches. Is the Activities Director at Camp Half-Blood.

An orange tabby cat of the Dreamlands. Has a crook in his tail due to Percy (age 2) pulling on it. Will not let this go, calling Percy 'Lil Fucker and 'His Royal Tail Puller.' Has the title of Master Sorcerer. Went to the moon with Percy and was banished from his home of Ulthar because of it. Lost his right eye during that trip and Percy's mother replaced it.

Watchman of Camp Half-Blood. Disowned son of Hera, known as a 'pseudo-Giant' servant. Like his brother Hephaestus, the nature of Hera's divinity tainted the process and he was born with a genetic 'father' in Phanes.

An aswang, shapeshifter of Filipino legend. Her subtype is known as Mandurugo, vampires that are born or made, always female and known to prey upon men for their blood and lives. Was paid in blood to help our Questers in Houston, TX. Is a True Magic user, a Fortune 500 CEO and engaged to be married to Aaron in December, 2005.

Mrs. O'Leary
Hellhound puppy, belongs to Quintus.
Dorian Stele
Father of Percy Stele, husband of Mórrígan Stele. A Manhattan lawyer born of Greek immigrants who somehow drew the attention of Ananke. It cost him his sanity for several years, but eventually recovered.

Corey Achebe
Good Samaritan that gave our Questers a ride to Quebec City. A demi-alien clear sighted Canadian who lives in Montreal, attended college in Dublin, Ireland, has an American girlfriend, a Volvo and a dog named Bradley.

Wilhelm I
An old Prussian king that lives on after his death in the Dreamlands. Also known as Willie. Made the mistake of being a concerned adult, escorting Percy to the moon to meet his mother and in return lost his left arm. It was replaced and the replacement makes him very uncomfortable.

Hiraya's fiancé and Pokémon fan. Fails at making hot chocolate.

The Sun Voice
Unnamed Aztec Oracle, one of thirteen. Possesses the Effigy of Eyes and runs a diner for monsters in Texas.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare
A demi-alien clear sighted found by Rhea and Apollo,
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Before I head out for a while, I will mention that according to my research the 20-50 million year figure seems to be from Brian Lumley (his introductions of Theem'hdra and Shamballah respectively), even so they were "proto-humans". The oldest mention of humans I can find from H.P himself is 200,000 years in Out of the Aeons.
Before I head out for a while, I will mention that according to my research the 20-50 million year figure seems to be from Brian Lumley (his introductions of Theem'hdra and Shamballah respectively), even so they were "proto-humans". The oldest mention of humans I can find from H.P himself is 200,000 years in Out of the Aeons.
Ah, keep in mind I am not taking everything from the Expanded Mythos into account. For one, there is just too fucking much, lmao. Generally I am aiming to restrict myself to H.P and Howard with smatterings from other authors mainly concerning the Elder Gods as a faction.
Who succeeded at the ascension to Elder God? I mean Inanna choked in her own ambitions but it's actually possible?
We will see them in story soonish. Immediately after we catch up to Ch 1, and we only have two major events between now and then, one of which being recovering at Rhea's, so I won't say anything more about them. However, yes it is possible. A lot weaker than the Elder Gods behind Nyx and Ananke, but the term Elder God in story just means their divinity and power is completely independent of humanity. Think ascension to a Great Old One in Lovecraft terms, rather than ascension to Outer God.