An Extra Primarch

Should the Quest switch to a Narrative Base?

  • Yes, it will streamline things.

    Votes: 345 40.6%
  • No, I prefer the current system.

    Votes: 127 14.9%
  • Yes, but not until the Crusade begins/Prologue ends.

    Votes: 378 44.5%

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The Emperor created 20 sons to serve as his generals during his campaign to reunite humanity...
First Choices
Peterborough, NH, USA
The Emperor created 20 sons to serve as his generals during his campaign to reunite humanity. However, the four Chaos Gods stole the pods containing their nascent forms, scattering them across the galaxy. Two unplanned ones were born from the Warp taking on the pattern of the Primarchs in this universe, as opposed to the single one of the original timeline. One was more or less a copy of his brother, but the other was simply a copy of the 'idea' of a Primarch, rather than a direct twining of an existing Primarch, as such, it was a bit different from the others. However, it was sent to a distant corner of the galaxy, just like all the rest. Where the story takes them from here on out is up to you.

[ ] Male
[ ] Female (I did say template)

Martial: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch Perk. Determines strategic and tactical grasp of battle.
Combat: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. Determines personal combat ability.
Administration: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. Determines ability to manage bureaucracy and logistics.
Intrigue: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. Determines ability to detect subterfuge and carry it out yourself.
Diplomacy: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. How easily you can convince others of things, and avoid them doing so to you.
Piety converted to Power and Control by Warp Spawn.
Power: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. +2 from Warp Spawn. How powerful a psyker you are. That is, how much you can draw from the Warp. Greater draws will require greater Control to avoid self-harm or risk of possession.
Control: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. +2 from Warp Spawn. How skilled a psyker you are. This governs the difficulty of using psyker powers without killing yourself, and how well you can resist Daemons tempting you or taking your soul.
Learning: Roll 1d20 +10 from Primarch. How learned you are. As a Primarch, your constraints are mainly reading material and time.

Choose A Planet:
[ ] A Feral World.
Pros: (Note that this is in comparison to each other)
Less Politics. Due to being, well, a Primarch, most primitive humans would consider you something along the lines of a demigod. If you're not a complete asshole, they'll likely venerate you, especially if you give them improvements to their standard of living though Invention.
Primitive. Significantly more difficult to develop significantly, and if attacked by Orks or particularly hostile minor xenos in any significant numbers you're probably screwed. In addition, Knowledge: Esoteric would grow by 5 per training action after hitting 50, as you would need to discover most of it.
[ ] A Feudal World.
Somewhat Primitive. Much greater chance of being able to unite the entire planet and reach space before the Emperor arrives. In addition, you would have a chance of being part of the ruling class via adoption. While not able to inherit, you could become a Knight and/or receive a quality education.
Politics. The extant nations may go to war, or your peers may try and tear you down, and you will be affected somehow.
[ ] A Civilized World.
Civilized. Vastly increased likelihood of gaining control of the planet, or becoming a great inventor and pushing it's technology to the point of forming a petty Imperium by the time the Emperor finds you (though these options are not mutually exclusive.
Little Conflict. Reduced opportunities for Martial, Intriuge, and Combat training.
[ ] A Deathworld.
Trial By Combat. Automatic increase to Combat and Martial per year via experience.
Fething Deathworld. Non-insignificant chance of being killed by something through sheer bad luck. It is, after all, called a Deathworld, and Primarchs take some time to mature just like everyone else, so you'll be even more vulnerable for the first couple decades.

Perk: Choose one.
[ ] Powerful Psyker
As a Warp anomaly, you have a stronger connection to it than even most other Primarchs. +5 to Power, and automatic +1 per year until maturity.
[ ] Chaos? Nnnnnnope.
As a Warp anomaly, you possess incredible resistance to it, up to and including resisting the call of Chaos and the manipulations of other psykers. +5 Control, and automatic +1 every year until maturity.

Set Perks:
Primarch: The Emperor created 20 sons, who rivaled him in physical, mental, and psychic might. Roll 1d20 instead of 1d10 during character creation, add 10 to result.
Warp Spawn: As a being spawned from the Warp, you are an anomaly, with the potential to severely screw up everyone's plans. +2 to Power and Control. Due to the power of your psyker nature, psyker abilities are automatically unlocked. Converts Piety to Power and Control.

Skills will follow the Tag system, though you'll have to wait on selecting them until the specifics of the setting have been ironed out for your character.
AN: As Deathworld and Civilized World are tied, I'll be rolling for which one you end up on. As I planned for them to be in the same system so the Emperor would be able to find you without calling out in the Warp, which would be almost guaranteed to attract the wrong kind of attention.
1-50=Deathworld. 51-100=Civilized World
Roll: 56. Civilized World it is. Female and Powerful Psyker won their categories handily.

A collection of Warp energy was violently disturbed by the presence of the four Chaos Gods, who proceeded to take 20 beings of much inferior strength, but still substantial in total, and fling them across the galaxy, worsening the distortion. From this distortion a chunk of the energy copied the form of the original 20.

Sin Roll: 100. AN: Well, alright then.

The fact that the collection of Warp energy had been in the direct presence of the titanic masses of Warp energy that were the Chaos Gods would ordinarily have introduced some measure of corruption, and it did, but in this case, it also twisted the Warp around the entity.

Sin Gained: Choose between Greed (Tzeentch's influence), Apathy (Nurgle), Pride (Khorne) or Gluttony (Do I really need to say it?). Note that these will mostly be the positive qualities of the sins, thanks to that natural 100 you got.

Perk Gained: Favored By the Warp. +10 to Random Event Rolls and similarly luck-based rolls. +20 to rolls against Warp-based entities. You were 'born' lucky. Things would go your way when logic dictated they really shouldn't.

The pod crashed on the distant world of Thernus, the administrative center of the system. Thernus' PDF routinely cut their teeth on the feral Orks that wandered the surviving natural landscape (and the sewers and abandoned areas of the train systems), so they were better trained than the common soldiers of the disconnected human systems. Thernus was the second planet from it's dim orange star, with a population of 8 billion.

The first was a mining/research colony, with the small shipyard which produced the Escort-class vessels which patrolled the system in it's orbit. This world, named Carnus, was mainly occupied by scientists and miners, who were generally recruited from Thernus. It was fairly heavily volcanic due to solar and lunar tides, which made using it for holding a population larger than a single billion impossible. Similarly, it's moon, roughly a quarter it's size, was volcanic, and could hold no more than 250 million.

The last rocky body large enough to be called a planet was a Deathworld called Fernus. The native creatures were incredibly dangerous, with variants larger and more heavily armored than tanks, human-sized variants that chewed, often literally, their way through the most heavily armed humans, and dedicated anti-air creatures that fired tank-killing lasers. A fleet of 20 Escorts stayed in orbit, keeping the planet in quarantine. Considering the planet had eaten 19 of the 20 Roks an Ork fleet had sent, and no Orks had since left the planet, most considered it a necessary measure.

Landing Roll: 74+10=84.

The pod landed literally a dozen meters from the System Administrator's front door. The Administrator, his wife, and a squad of Defenders investigated. They witnessed the pod opening up, and a girl who appeared to be a toddler stumbling out, though her height and width were far in excess of what the rest of her body suggested her age was.

The Administrator was named Albert Salnus. He was excellent when it came to politics or the management of projects, but only average otherwise. As such, he left military matters to the general and fleet admiral, other than logistics. Similarly, he left research in the hands of the system's head scientist, who also happened to be his wife, Celestine Salnus (formerly Gaznuck). She also happened to be really, really, good with a pistol.

The relations between Thernus and Carnus had slowly soured over the past 50 years, but one day 20 years past, Albert's father had taken him to a meeting with the leaders of Carnus. Celestine's mother had brought her daughter along, and the two were instantly smitten. Over the years, they got to know each other over the annual meetings. A year after the Orks were either killed on Fernus or in space, they were married.

Technically, it was to bind the two worlds more closely together in the event that another attack occurred. However, everyone knew that it was more out of a genuine desire to be together. The fact that Celestine had a much better ability to gather and manage resources for her projects was merely a bonus.

First Impression Roll: 38+50(Infertile)=88.

"Albert, can we...?" Celestine asked. She'd always wanted kids, but she couldn't have them. The simple answer was that she'd been born with about 1% as many viable egg cells as a normal woman. She could still get pregnant, technically, but the odds were infinitesimally small.

"We'll need to have the doctors look at her, and probably the Witch Hunters. Something about her feels... different from a normal person, even ignoring how much different she looks." Albert acquiesced to her request easily enough, but considered his conditions only common sense.

"That's fair." Celestine said after a few moments of conflict making it's way across her face. She didn't have any problems with the first, but she didn't like the idea of what was essentially a sanctioned executioner being anywhere near this child.

Half an hour later, Terry Rogers was examining the surprisingly compliant girl in the nearest hospital. When queried on why she was so docile in a strange place, she simply responded "I can tell you don't want to hurt me." which, while somewhat suspicious, didn't necessarily make her a witch, though it did seem to suggest she might be.

The first needle had trouble penetrating her skin, so he was forced to use a heavier duty one. From her blood, he was able to determine that she wasn't carrying any pathogens, and her behavior so far didn't point to any outstanding mental issues. That didn't mean something seemingly innocuous wouldn't set her off, but he was no psychologist, and lacked a firm enough grasp of her personality to detect any hidden issues anyway.

Her weight was in excess of 100 pounds, despite being about 6 biologically, and from what he could tell, she possessed numerous organs and glands not found in normal humans, and her bones and muscles vastly outperformed their human counterparts. He put the blood sample through a DNA reader, which promptly started to smoke from attempting to read her DNA.

Albert, Celestine, and the girl stared at the reader. "Yeah... I'm going to need specialized equipment for this." He said. "From what I can tell, she's human. At least, her genetic base is human, but enhanced in every way. The MRI barely got past her skull, and I doubt it's going to work when she's older, but her brain makes a regular human's look downright poorly put together.

She possesses numerous redundant organs, including a second heart, and glands whose purpose I can't even guess. Basically, I barely have any idea what I'm dealing with here. If I could investigate her DNA, I could probably modify the population's DNA to the point they could actually compete with the Orks in hand-to-hand combat."

"Okay, before we commit to any such project, we need to see what the Witch Hunters say about her, and if she's 'safe' because messing with a witch's DNA has never ended well before." Albert replied.

Speak of the devil, a Defender walked in with news on that front. "Sir, Head Hunter Cazanus is waiting outside. He's brought a Hunting Witch with him to determine if the child is a witch or not." he explained.

"Very well, we'll be there shortly." He raised a hand for the girl to take. Just as he was about to explain the gesture, she took his hand. If she was a witch, she'd probably just read his mind. He hadn't felt anything, which honestly made him more unnerved. She could simply be good at reading people, but he sincerely doubted it.

AN: I'm going to reveal the Stat rolls here. Keep in mind 20 is generally the peak for an unmodified human. 25 and up is a Hero Unit, giving Perks. 50 and up gives a more advanced form of the 25 Perk, signifying the Hero becoming a Paragon.
Martial: 12+10=22.
Combat: 8+10=18.
Administration: 18+10=28.
Intrigue: 5+10=15.
Diplomacy: 7+10=17.
Power: 14+10+5(Powerful Psyker)+2(Warp Spawn)=31.
Control: 12+10+2(Warp Spawn)=24.
Learning: 20+10=30.
Administration 25 Perk: Organized. You always have parchment with you, for taking notes. One failed project, barring a critical failure, may be rerolled per turn. Critical failures don't reduce success chances for reattempts.
Power 25 Perk: Brute Force Backing Finesse. Finesse has it's place, but sometimes forcing your way through with sheer power is the best strategy. Apply Power bonus during Psyker rolls regardless of whether it would normally be applied.
Learning 25 Perk: Fast Learner. Even among Primarchs, you learn quickly. Provides 2 extra Minor Action slots.

***Cazanus's Verdict***​

Witch Hunter Cazanus had killed or apprehended over a dozen psykers in the last two decades, often having a personal hand in the matter. However, he also found a dozen who hadn't been corrupted or driven mad by their nature, who had either joined the Witch Hunters, or become Navigators, mostly the former as few had the talents for the latter. One of the relatively new recruits happened to be standing not 5 feet away from him. Samantha was a strong Telepath-type. To be specific, she could find all but the most minor of psykers at close range.

She was currently trying to bore a hole into the hospital with her eyes, which slowly moved, likely signalling she was following something. "She's definitely a psyker sir." she commented.

'That strong?' he asked, knowing she could hear him.

Surprisingly, she actually took a few moments to respond. "She's loud enough that I could barely hear you just now."

Ah, here's hoping they could handle teaching her. The stronger the psyker, the more dangerous Warp Horrors were to them, as they were both viewed as greater prizes, and their stronger connection to the Warp made getting to them easier. A Psyker putting out that much 'noise' without conscious effort would likely require tactical weaponry to put down if they got possessed.

As the girl walked into his line of sight, the Administrator leading her along by hand and his wife a step behind, he was struck by the sheer psychic presence of the girl. Even though he wasn't a psyker, he still possessed a soul, and could therefore sense powerful Warp energies, especially after spending decades making it his business to fight the denizens of the Warp, and those they corrupted here. No wonder the Administrator had sent for him.

Power Check:
10: Pass.
20: Pass.
30: Pass.
40: Fail.
Control Check:
10: Pass.
20: Pass.
30: Fail.
Result: +50 Exp. Cazanus doesn't try and have you killed. Cazanus will function as a mentor for Psyker skills and relevant Stats.

"She's probably the strongest psyker I've ever seen, and definitely the stablest I've encountered who had anything like this kind of power." Cazanus stated. "I would very strongly advise letting me teach her, as I would not be surprised if she could rip the city block out of the ground with her mind if she really wanted to." He stated plainly, causing Albert, Celestine, and the pair of Defenders to twitch, though the latter weren't as noticeable.

"Frankly, the main reason I'm not taking her into protective custody is because I'm sure she'd take exception to a complete stranger trying to force her into something, which would probably end badly for everyone involved with her power. Besides, she seems attached to the two of you." He neglected to mention he had snipers on several nearby roofs, mostly because he didn't want to chance pissing off a psyker this strong who wasn't already killing people, and partially because he was honestly concerned she might be able to mind control them into shooting everyone but her. The rest of the Witch Hunters were standing by under his subordinates' command in case of that exact situation, but he honestly wasn't sure he could take this one.

"That being said, I'm going to be examining that pod she landed in very closely. I'll put everything back, assuming it's not contaminated, then you can have it back." He addressed that last part to the child, who nodded seriously.

"I suppose you'll be living with us from now on." Albert said, peering down at her. She looked back, nodding again.

As Celstine smiled and began to chat animatedly at the newest member of the family, who responded stoically, but that seemed more from inexperience with holding conversations than anything else.

You have 5 Major Actions
Major Actions, unlike Minor Actions, can be used for projects, or training.

[ ] Genetic Testing. Terry believes that analyzing your DNA will yield genetic modifications which will provide improvements across the board, but the project requires larger quantities of DNA, as well as tissue samples. If chosen, consumes 1 Major Action every year for at least 5 years due to regular donations of tissue and recovery from such, and no other major research actions in biological fields will be taken by the Thernus system's population until completion. Chance of Success: 50% (What? Did you expect deciphering Primarch DNA to be easy?) Time: 5 Years.

[ ] Mentors. Your new parents have many contacts, due to their positions. Odds are good that somebody will be able to teach you. The problem is that a much smaller number will be willing to teach you, as prejudice and no small amount of fear is common among humans when dealing with psykers. If successful, gain mentors, who will provide bonuses to Stat training, and to the training of Skills within their skillsets. Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year.

[ ] Adeptus Astra Tele-No Wait. Cazanus has offered (more like demanded) to have the pyskers in his institution tutor you in the specifics of safely manipulating the Warp. Provides an automatic +10 to all three subcategories of Psyker Skill. Independent Psyker training locked until this option is taken. Chance of success: 100%. Time: 1 Year.
You Have 4 Minor Actions
Minor Actions may be used to train Stats or Skills. For the former, a 1d100 is rolled. Your current Stat is subtracted from the result, while your teacher's (if any) Stat is added, as well as any relevant bonus from Perks. If the result is over 50, you gain a point. Skills grow at a rate of ten per action invested, unless tagged.

2 Minor Actions will be locked for increasing your three Speech categories and Education categories, at the behest of your parents and their tutelage, for the next 5 years.

You may choose to tag 3 Skills, increasing their cap by 50, and their rate of advancement by 5. As a Primarch, your Skills automatically have their caps increased to 150, and none of your Skills have stunted development.

Melee: 0.
Ranged: 0.
Stealth: 0.

Preparation: 0.
Cleverness: 0.
Trickery: 0.

Lying: 0.
Dodging: 0.
Trickery: 0.

Persuasion: 0.
Diplomacy: 0.
Intimidation: 0.

Objects: 0.
People: 0.
Environment: 0.

Surgery: 0.
Narcotics: 0.
First-Aid: 0.

Weapons: 0.
Armor: 0.
Gear: 0.

Security: 0.
Wiring: 0.
Programming: 0.

General: 0.
Extravagant: 0.
Preparation: 0.

General: 0.
Culture: 0.
Esoteric: 0.

Manipulation: 0.
Willpower: 0.
Esoteric: 0.

Necessity: 0.
Practicality: 0.
Extravagance: 0.​
Last edited:
Year 1 Results
[X] [Major] Mentors. Your new parents have many contacts, due to their positions. Odds are good that somebody will be able to teach you. The problem is that a much smaller number will be willing to teach you, as prejudice and no small amount of fear is common among humans when dealing with psykers. If successful, gain mentors, who will provide bonuses to Stat training, and to the training of Skills within their skillsets. Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year.

Roll: 63+17(Diplomacy)=80.

While most of the common members of society are at least nervous around psykers, the officials who were in charge of the colony at least worked with the Witch Hunters, so they tended to be less prejudiced, or better able to hide it, at least. General Richards in particular seemed to take a shine to you.

Gained Mentors for each Stat, adding 15 to each Stat-boost roll unless otherwise stated. All Skills gain +15 instead of 10 until 50.

AN: Incidentally, this turned your Diplomacy roll into a success.

[X] [Major] Adeptus Astra Tele-No Wait. Cazanus has offered (more like demanded) to have the pyskers in his institution tutor you in the specifics of safely manipulating the Warp. Provides an automatic +10 to all three subcategories of Psyker Skill. Independent Psyker training locked until this option is taken. Chance of success: 100%. Time: 1 Year.

AN: As this was a sure-fire thing, it's treated like a critical success. That is, you get a roll for a bonus.

Roll: 42+31(Power)+24(Control)=97. Reward: Mini-interlude.

Samantha stared at the child in front of her. The girl was like an ocean compared to her. Currently, said ocean was calm, but she got the distinct impression the child could crush her like a bug if she were so inclined. Similarly, this would make her a beacon for nearby Warp Horrors, who would likely fight amongst themselves for the opportunity to convert such a powerful psyker to their service.

However, preventing exactly that was why she was here. She was to be the child's tutor in willpower, the discipline necessary to resist Warp Horrors, and to manipulate others if necessary, turning their own minds against them. The girl merely stared back, having only recently learned the basics of personal interaction, and apparently considering this some sort of test. Well, she wasn't exactly wrong.

"The Warp is the source of a psyker's powers. The material world affects the Warp, and can be affected by it in turn. Specifically, thoughts and emotions affect the Warp, and the denizens thereof. The Warp Horrors will try and take your soul by force, or trick you into giving it to them. Girding your mind and enforcing your will prevents them from reading or manipulating your mind, or simply taking your soul against your wishes." She lectured, before looking her pupil straight into the eye. "However, nothing will guard it from being handed over. No matter what a Horror says to you, no matter what it offers or promises, do not accept. It will twist the wording to give you as little as possible, and that's the best case scenario."

The girl absorbed this for a few moments, before nodding seriously. From what Samantha could glean, having difficulty sorting through her pupil's thoughts from sheer volume this close, her words had sunk in. "Good, now I'll attempt to breach your defenses, and you'll try to stop me."

The first few attempts went poorly, her pupil having absolutely no experience guarding her thoughts, relying on sheer power over skill, as she lacked the latter. This left holes an experienced individual such as herself could easily exploit. However, her pupil learned with frightening speed. In the course of an hour, she came further than most students did in a week. Still, she didn't instantly become a master.

At first, the girl was, while quick to notice her defenses had been breached, slow to expunge her. Once, when she managed to come close to the core of the child's mind, where the line between conscious and subconscious became increasingly blurry, she discovered the reason why. The child wasn't an idiot. No one else on the planet was like her, and most of those who weren't psykers were scared of her. This raised a deep-seated loneliness, causing her to crave interaction of any kind with others, and expunging her felt very much like forcing her away.

Looking back, it was somewhat obvious. The child was clingy around those she took a liking to, often trying to stay near them to the point of interfering with their work. After a short discussion, the child recognized the flaw in her defenses. While the root of the problem lay in her basic self, and was thus not something she could easily change, she could correct the problems it introduced in her protections. From that point onward, piercing the child's defenses was much more difficult, and simply throwing power into forcing her way through seldom worked.

Each time one of her attempts was successful, she was rebuffed more quickly, and the previous breach was sealed, with similar holes patched as she self-corrected in many cases. Further, each forceful attempt was responded to more forcefully, delaying repeated assaults long enough for more work to be done in fortifying her mind.

Samantha was forced to conclude that she was very glad they'd found this child instead of her landing in the wilderness. Imagining her without a support network of some kind made her shudder, mostly because it was likely she'd turn to a Warp Horror out of desperation, but also because the girl was surprisingly endearing. She was pleasant to be around, if slightly abrasive, and completely incapable of lying to spare someone's feelings. Of course, that might have something to do with the child's presence in the Warp drawing in those around her, but that wouldn't have helped her much if she was actively hostile, so it would be paranoid to blame it entirely on that. She decided she wouldn't mind tutoring the girl some more.

Reward: Due to synergy with Mentors, all three Psyker Skills gain 15, save the previously tagged Psyker: Manipulation, which gains 20.
Relations with Samantha raised from Warily Neutral to Cautiously Optimistic.

Martial Roll: 85-22+20(Richards)=83. Success. Gained 1 Martial. Martial now 23.
Diplomacy Roll: 58-17+15=56. Success. Gained 1 Diplomacy. Diplomacy now 18.
Power automatically gains 1. Now 32.
Control Roll: 36-24+15=27. Fail.

Your father taught you the basics of speaking with others, which will aid you both socially, and potentially politically.

Speech: Persuasion: 0. You couldn't persuade someone of something they were already going to do.

Speech: Persuasion: 10. You can persuade someone of something if it's in their best interest. Opens up diplomatic options.

Speech: Diplomacy: 0. You're more likely to insult someone than reach a compromise with them.

Speech: Diplomacy: 10. You can compromise with others, though generally that just makes you both equally unhappy. You are more likely to be able to reach a compromise others can agree with, if not necessarily be happy with.

Speech: Intimidation: 0. For someone so physically intimidating, you aren't very good at coming off threatening on purpose.

Speech: Intimidation: 10. You can intimidate others, though generally only by (somewhat literally) throwing your weight around. Also, by learning to do it on purpose, you can recognize what is likely to come off as threatening to others and avoid it if you wish. Less likely to come as threatening by accident.

Your mother taught you a great deal about the underlying laws of the world, seeking to form a solid base to build on for the more esoteric sciences.

Education: General: 0. You literally know nothing about the underlying sciences of the world, which can make you come off as an idiot.

Education: General: 10. You have a rudimentary grasp of physics, math, chemistry, and biology. Maluses to acts of creation and attempts at performing medicine from ignorance of the basics of biology, chemistry and physics reduced.

Education: General: 20. You have a decent grasp of physics, math, chemistry, and biology, and have some insight into geology, meteorology, etc. Maluses from ignorance removed.

Education: General: 30. You have a strong grasp of the regular sciences, and have been gaining knowledge of the less commonly used branches, such as mineralogy and architecture. Minor bonus across the board from education.

Education: General: 40. You are only slightly less educated than a highschool teacher at this point, and that's in general rather than some kind of specialty. Bonus to Invention, Explosives, Medicine, Electronics, etc. from greater understanding of background knowledge.

Education: Culture: 0. You know literally nothing about culture, human or otherwise.

Education: Culture: 10. You know the basics of human culture, allowing you to interact with others more easily. Malus to diplomacy from lack of cultural knowledge removed when interacting with humans from the Thernus , and reduced with those from outside the system.

Education: Esoteric: 0. While you know a great deal about the regular world, you know little about the Warp, or similarly metaphysical or theoretical knowledge.

Education: Esoteric: 10. You have learned the basics of the Warp and advanced math and physics. Malus to construction of Void munitions reduced. Malus to... literally everything if trapped in the Warp reduced.

Under Cazanus oversight, the Witch Hunters have taught you the basics of using your powers as a psyker, though your talents lie in Manipulation.

Psyker: Manipulation: 0. You rely entirely on brute-force when attempting to change the world around you with your powers, and you're honestly more likely to destroy what you're trying to manipulate.

Psyker: Manipulation: 10. You can reliably move large or durable objects with your mind, and provide a minor boost to your physical abilities. In combat, gain additional +5 modifier.

Psyker: Manipulation: 20. You can reliably move medium-sized or moderately durable objects with your mind, and provide a small boost to your physical abilities. In combat, gain an additional +10 combat modifier.

Psyker: Willpower: 0. You rely entirely on power when attempting to enter someone's mind or resist attempts to do the same to you.

Psyker: Willpower: 10. You can locate weaker areas of defense in a target's mind, and easily read the surface thoughts of non-psykers. In addition, your psychic presence is significantly less 'loud' which will make you more difficult to read. Gain small bonus to efforts to discover information from others, and slight malus to others efforts to discover your thoughts. Daemons find you slightly more difficult to discover.

Psyker: Esoteric: 0. You have no ability to use the more esoteric powers of psykers, such as rituals, divination, and the opening and closing of rifts to the Warp.

Psyker: Esoteric: 10. You can predict events a few seconds into the future, allowing mistakes to be avoided, you've also gained a basic knowledge on how to disrupt rituals. Gain +5 modifier in combat, and ritual disruption checks are now possible.

Your parents have chosen a name for you, you are now [Write-in] Salnus.
Random Event Roll: 47+10(FBTW)=57.

Your father and General Richards are happier than usual, because two Ork tribes that had been growing dangerously large have begun fighting each other, instead of needing orbital bombardment or engagement by the PDF. Usually, they'd do both, the PDF assaulting the Orks to make them gather in one place so the orbital bombardment would be effective. Of course, this tended to result in grievous casualties as Orks were highly dangerous in melee, and orbital bombardment was rather inaccurate, but it beat an assault on a city.
Year 2 Options
AN: Looks like Serras wins.

The last year has been pretty quiet overall. No major shake-ups to your day, though you appreciate having an actual name now. Saman- The Witch Hunters would be willing to tutor you some more, at least until you get to the level of conventional mastery, and your education has been progressing well. After listening to General Richards, you picked up a few tricks in terms of commanding a battle, while your father's efforts to teach you how to talk to people have led to an improvement in your diplomatic skills. Your efforts to improve your control have failed to bear fruit, however. It's apparently a common problem for psykers.

You have 5 Major Actions Available​

[ ] Further Tutoring. Saman- The Witch Hunters are willing to tutor you in using your powers further. They would prefer to get you up to conventional mastery (all: 50) before you did too much independent study. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to Psyker: Willpower and Psyker: Esoteric. +20 to Psyker: Manipulation.

[ ] Genetic Testing. Due to the analysis they were able to carry out with limited samples, and some advice from the Witch Hunters, who have gotten a feel for your power, the geneticists of Thernus are much more confident in their chances of success if you provide them with tissue samples. Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Minor genetic enhancements for all citizens of your polity willing to use them.

[ ] Drills. Apparently, your physiology allows you to go through extreme physical activity without leading to crippling muscle degeneration despite your age, according to the doctors' analysis anyway. This would allow you to go through some basic training, giving you an edge if assaulted by hostile wildlife, Orks, or paranoid citizens. Chance of Success: 100%. 10% chance of gaining a point of Control from improved mental discipline. Reward: +20 to Combat: Melee. +15 to Combat: Ranged, and Combat: Stealth.

You have 2 Minor Actions Available, with 2 Locked.
Edit: You have until 6:00 P.M. EST to vote. Roughly 5 and a half hours.​
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Turn 2 Results.
This year is occupied by more effort spent on getting your Psyker skills up to par under the tutelage of the Witch Hunters, donating samples of your DNA and tissues, including very small amounts of several glands the planet's doctors haven't seen before, and learning the basics of combat from your parent's platoon of bodyguards.

[X] Further Tutoring. Saman- The Witch Hunters are willing to tutor you in using your powers further. They would prefer to get you up to conventional mastery (all: 50) before you did too much independent study. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to Psyker: Willpower and Psyker: Esoteric. +20 to Psyker: Manipulation.

Roll: 92+32(Power)+24(Control)=148. Critical Success.
Critical Success Roll: 27+48(Overflow)=75.

In training such a powerful psyker, your tutors have learned a few things about their powers, partially from the act of teaching causing them to approach problems from a different angle, and partially due to your power opening up avenues normally closed off to psykers, which benefits the psykers in question.

Reward: Psyker: Manipulation, increases to 40. Psyker: Esoteric and Psyker: Willpower increase to 30. Skill training bonus extended to 100 for Psyker Skill.

[X] Genetic Testing. Due to the analysis they were able to carry out with limited samples, and some advice from the Witch Hunters, who have gotten a feel for your power, the geneticists of Thernus are much more confident in their chances of success if you provide them with tissue samples. Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Minor genetic enhancements for all citizens of your polity willing to use them.

Roll:37+30(Learning)=67. Success.

You provide the required samples, and thanks to your new level of education, are able to bend your genius-level intellect towards helping out. You lack medicinal knowledge, so you can't help overmuch with the actual integration of the engineered genes, but you can take advantage of your extensive background knowledge in the rest of the involved fields. The geneticists leading the project are confident they'll have something concrete in a few years, which will allow testing to begin.

Reward: In 5 years, widespread genetic augmentation will begin, which will provide a bonus to project rolls and background rolls involving the population of the system.

[X] Drills. Apparently, your physiology allows you to go through extreme physical activity without leading to crippling muscle degeneration despite your age, according to the doctors' analysis anyway. This would allow you to go through some basic training, giving you an edge if assaulted by hostile wildlife, Orks, or paranoid citizens. Chance of Success: 100%. 10% chance of gaining a point of Control from improved mental discipline. Reward: +20 to Combat: Melee. +15 to Combat: Ranged, and Combat: Stealth.

Roll: 52+18(Combat)=70. Success, no Control increase.

You are talented in direct combat, though that is not to say you are untalented in ranged combat or stealth operations. It is merely that you excel at every aspect of close combat, from swords to barehanded. This impresses the captain of the Defenders, who admits that in urban combat or during boarding actions, melee is often necessary, though most prefer to use their guns. Anyone who tries and closes in hoping you'll be easier to take on directly is going to be in for a nasty surprise, though considering how you are roughly as tall as some of the taller adults at 7, only an idiot or an Ork would be likely to try.

Reward: +20 to Combat: Melee. +15 to Combat: Ranged and Combat: Stealth.

Diplomacy Roll:7(It failed.) Failure.

Control Roll: 68-24+15=59. Success. Control gains 1 point. Now 25.
Control 25 Perk: Who's In Control? While training in the use of your powers, you were briefly able to influence your tutor's manipulation of Warp energy. Of course, it only worked in close proximity (roughly 5 meters), but it should prove an excellent aid in disrupting rituals. +50 to ritual disruption checks, and minor boost to resistance to Warp energy.

Power automatically gains 1 point, now 33.

While teaching you about how to interact with people, your father, with some help from his bodyguards, also put some effort into teaching you to be more perceptive.

Combat: Melee: 0. You're pretty sure that simply charging at the enemy is a bad idea from how derisively everyone talks about it when the Orks do it, though you're not sure why.

Combat: Melee: 10. Ah, you understand now. Malus to direct combat from lack of proper knowledge on the basic do's and don't reduced.

Combat: Melee: 20. Oh, so many things about General Richards orders make so much more sense! Malus to direct combat from lack of proper knowledge on the basic do's and don't removed. Malus to Tactics Checks from lack of understanding of how direct combat works removed.

Combat: Ranged: 0. Why isn't this gun working? Oh... what's a 'safety'?

Combat: Ranged: 10. Ah, that's what the safety's for. Malus to ranged combat from lack of understanding of firearms reduced.

Combat: Stealth: 0. Stealth? Why would you need to be stealthy about killing someone? Isn't that the least stealthy thing you can do to someone?

Combat: Stealth: 10. Oh, to keep from alerting the rest of the army and bringing it down on your head. Okay, but... wouldn't that let you kill off their bodyguards, the best troops in the army? Malus to assassination kills reduced.

Speech: Persuasion: 20. You may now persuade people of things that are in their long-term best interest, as opposed to merely convincing them of the immediate merits of an action. Opens more diplomatic options, allows you to convince others to do as you say more easily and with slightly less grumbling.

Speech: Persuasion: 30. You have gained enough knowledge in the art of convincing others to your viewpoint that you can reliably talk down someone who isn't a fanatic. Attempts to convince others of something are more likely to succeed, barring the most die-hard believers.

Speech: Diplomacy: 20. You have an easier time creating compromises with others, and they're more likely to be, if not happy with the agreement, then at least not unhappy enough to try and get out of it at the first opportunity. Compromises you broker are more likely to stick long-term.

Speech: Diplomacy: 30. You can easily compromise between all but the most hard-line of positions. Compromises you broker will stick barring major upheaval, such as the original leadership dying or being replaced under suspicious circumstances.

Speech: Intimidation: 20. While you aren't exactly a fan of using the common man's nervousness towards you against him for fear of reinforcing it, you can do it if the situation calls for it. You only come off as threatening if you wish to, and can debuff enemy morale in most sane enemies without a similar champion.

Speech: Intimidation: 30. You can menace those around you if you so choose, though mostly through threat of force (and social repercussions to a limited degree). You cause a debuff to morale in all but the most fanatical of enemies, or those without a champion. Should they lose this champion, the morale loss will be worse than normal.

Perception: People: 0. What does a 'person' look like? You don't know.

Perception: People: 10. Ah, you can recognize a person reliably, being able to tell the difference between them and all but the most lifelike of simulacrums. Malus to detection rolls reduced. Malus to diplomacy from accidental ignorance of diplomats reduced.

Perception: Environment: 0. You know the world around you exists from your studies, but you've never paid much attention to it. Surely most of what you really need to know can be taught to you?

Perception: Environment: 10. You are now as perceptive as the average person when it comes to the world around you, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Malus to detection rolls reduced. Malus to acting as field commander reduced.

Your mother continues your education, having passed the point where she could easily educate you on her own in terms of general knowledge, and now hiring tutors to aid her in their specialties.

Education: General: 50. You are now roughly as educated as a college professor would be expected to be in order to be hired. This includes a wide variety of fields, from lasers to material sciences. Small bonus to Invention, Explosives, Medicine, Electronics, etc. from deep understanding of background knowledge.

Education: General: 60. You can confidently say you are starting to discover new information by extrapolating from existing data and your own experiments on various theories you craft. Moderate bonus to Invention, Explosives, Medicine, Electronics, etc. from deeper understanding of background knowledge.

Education: Culture: 20. You know as much about human culture as most people pick up from a lifetime of osmosis. Malus to diplomacy with humans from outside the system removed.

Education: Culture: 30. You have begun to learn what humanity knows of xenos cultures. Malus to diplomacy with non-humans slightly reduced.

Education: Culture: 40. You now know the basics of the culture possessed by each race humanity regularly encounters. That is, Orks, Eldar... pretty much it really. Most of the others haven't spread to many systems, though you aren't likely to accidentally commit a major faux pas with the ones who are nearby. Malus to diplomacy with non-humans reduced.

Education: Esoteric: 20. While the Warp is nothing if not unstable, there are certain patterns to it. Additionally, your knowledge of complex maths such as those in astrophysics and quantum physics has grown. Malus to construction of Void munitions removed. Malus to... literally everything if trapped in the Warp removed.

Education: Esoteric: 30. There are definite patterns to the Warp, and you suspect this study will aid you in using your powers. Slight bonus to psyker Skill checks.

Under Cazanus oversight, you continue to gain mastery over your powers.

Psyker: Manipulation: 30. You have gained a great deal of control over the world around you, allowing you to confer minor benefits to those around you, as well as moderate ones to yourself. +15 modifier to yourself in combat, and a +5 modifier to nearby allies.

Psyker: Manipulation: 40. Even small objects can be reliably moved via telekinesis, and you can manipulate energy in small quantities to produce heat, cold, or electric shocks of low intensity. +20 modifier to yourself in combat, opens up long-range options with or without a gun, and allows the inflicting of 'status effects' on enemies.

Psyker: Willpower: 20. You can reliably locate loopholes in the defenses of others' minds, while having a reasonable amount of resistance to pinpoint strikes, and can quickly expunge most successful attempts. Minor bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Daemons will find your soul rather difficult to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.

Psyker: Willpower: 30. You have expunged most of the weaknesses in your defenses, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers more or less as you please, though strong-willed individuals will at least notice the intrusion. Moderate bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Daemons will find your soul very difficult to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.

Psyker: Esoteric: 20. You know what to look for in dismantling a ritual, and can (theoretically) force a small rift closed. In addition, your divination improves. Gain +10 modifier in combat, ritual disruption checks are now slightly easier. Attempts to close a rift can be assumed not to make the situation worse.

Psyker: Esoteric: 30. You have learned the specifics of the rituals encountered by the Witch Hunters and how they've dismantled them in the past. You can reliably predict events 15 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to an hour hence. +15 to combat checks. Can potentially disrupt even large-scale rituals.
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Roll: 76+10(FBTW)=86. AN: Nice.

A lab accident led to the discovery of a new type of lens which produced a significantly more powerful laser, increasing the power of the lasguns fielded by the army by 10%. While this didn't sound like much, the greater penetration of tough Ork flesh was quite the boon. Additionally, it helped increase the potency of point defense guns on the ships produced by Carnus, which would likely prove useful.

Reward: +5 to PDF combat rolls. +5 to attempts to shoot down missiles and boarding craft.
Turn 3
Your education, in both mundane matters and utilizing your powers, is progressing well, and you've learned the basics of combat from the Defenders over the last year. You've also begun donating samples of your blood and tissue to the scientists working to analyze it, and even helping with it. Though, your lack of knowledge of Medicine is hindering you there.

An interesting fellow has been asking around for you. Apparently he likes some of the papers you've published, though he thinks your thinking is a little uncreative and would like to help with that, though your parents did a background check before telling you. Similarly, General Richards would be willing to tutor you in Tactics, to complement your newfound knowledge of fighting on the small-scale.

You have 4 Major Actions, with 1 Locked.
Genetics Testing has 4 years remaining.

[ ] Further Training. The Witch Hunters are willing to training you further, though you will be near conventional mastery at that point. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to Psyker: Willpower and Psyker: Esoteric. +20 to Psyker: Manipulation. 20% chance of raising Control by 1 point from increased skill.

[ ] Be Creative. A researcher has been impressed by the few papers you've published from your studies of the sciences, though he finds your lack of creativity a shame. He'd like to help with that, and after your parents did a background check, they agreed it might be a good idea. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all Invention categories.

[ ] Tactically Sound. General Richards took note of your efforts to improve on the basics of small-scale combat, and is willing tutor you in larger-scale fighting to help round you out. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all Tactics categories. 20% chance of raising Martial by 1 from greater understanding of tactics.

[ ] Medic... You lack knowledge of Medicine, and would like to remedy this after having it practically thrown in your face as doctors debated on how to safely implant the cloned glands grown from tissue you donated. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all categories of Medicine. 20% chance of increasing Combat by 1 from greater understanding of the limits of the body and how to take advantage of them.
You have 2 Minor Actions, with 2 Locked.
AN: I'll give you guys until 6 again, sorry it took longer than usual.​
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Turn 3 Results.
This year is pretty evenly spread amongst a number of projects to gain some basic competency across the board.

[X] Further Training. The Witch Hunters are willing to training you further, though you will be near conventional mastery at that point. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to Psyker: Willpower and Psyker: Esoteric. +20 to Psyker: Manipulation. 20% chance of raising Control by 1 point from increased skill.

Roll: 57+33(Power)+25(Control)=115. Critical Success.
Critical Success Roll: 18+15(Overflow)=33. Success.

Your training once again goes very well, you even manage to improve your control somewhat, though it is still outstripped by your power by a significant amount. Your studies are also proving useful to your tutors, as you come closer to conventional mastery.

Reward: +15 to Psyker: Willpower, and Psyker: Esoteric. +20 to Psyker: Manipulation. 1 point of Control, now 26.

[X] Be Creative. A researcher has been impressed by the few papers you've published from your studies of the sciences, though he finds your lack of creativity a shame. He'd like to help with that, and after your parents did a background check, they agreed it might be a good idea. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all Invention categories.

Roll: 33+30(Learning)=63. Success.

The researcher gives you the rough equivalent of improv classes, which allows you to put together gadgets from materials around you, allowing you to kludge something together to handle most basic tasks in a pinch using your knowledge of the sciences. With better materials, you can create better products.

Reward: +15 to all Invention categories.

[X] Tactically Sound. General Richards took note of your efforts to improve on the basics of small-scale combat, and is willing tutor you in larger-scale fighting to help round you out. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all Tactics categories. 20% chance of raising Martial by 1 from greater understanding of tactics.

Roll: 41+23(Martial)=64. Success.

You've gained a basic understanding of Tactics thanks to General Richards tutelage. Of course, that merely turns you from an incompetent commander to one that only mostly relies on her talents, as the training only went well thanks to your ease of understanding martial pursuits relative to a normal human.

Reward: +15 to all Tactics categories. No Martial point.

[X] Medic... You lack knowledge of Medicine, and would like to remedy this after having it practically thrown in your face as doctors debated on how to safely implant the cloned glands grown from tissue you donated. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: +15 to all categories of Medicine. 20% chance of increasing Combat by 1 from greater understanding of the limits of the body and how to take advantage of them.

Roll: 83+30(Learning)=113. Critical Success.
Critical Success Roll: 52+13(Overflow)=65. Success.

Your studies of medicine go very well, and you gain some combat ability from your greater knowledge of weaknesses in the bodies commonly encountered sentients.

Reward: +15 to all Medicine categories. Bonus from Mentors extended to 100. Gained 1 point of Combat, now 19.

Automatically gain 1 point of Power, now 34.

General Richards has taught you the basics of strategy.

Tactics: Preparation: 0. Prepare? Prepare for what?

Tactics: Preparation: 10. You have learned the importance of preparation when planning anything, especially battle. Traps may now be set, though only the poorest of commanders would fall into them. Malus to dealing with surprises and traps reduced.

Tactics: Cleverness: 0. You're not very good at making thing up as you go, even if it's your usual fall-back.

Tactics: Cleverness: 10. You've learned how to incorporate your previous experiences into you plans when making things up as you go. Malus to actions without a plan, or going off-rails reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 0. Why would you trick someone? Isn't honesty, both verbal and in action, the best policy?

Tactics: Trickery: 10. You've learned the why of tricking others, minimizing harm to you and yours while maximizing theirs, and the basics of accomplishing it. Malus to attempts to trick others reduced. Malus to others attempts to trick you.

Your father continues your training in speech, and helps you gain an eye for details.

Speech: Persuasion: 40. You can convince even a fanatic of your viewpoint, under some circumstances. Even a die-hard fanatic can be persuaded, under some circumstances.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40. Compromising between anyone but two groups of howling fanatics is possible for you. Compromises you broker will stick barring the governing body being entirely replaced.

Speech: Intimidation: 40. You can exude an aura of menace towards those who... displease you. At least, that's what they say. Only die-hard fanatics, rallying around some kind of champion, will avoid a morale debuff when fighting you, and may break immediately upon losing their champion.

Perception: Objects: 0. What exactly is the difference between a person and an object? They're both composed of matter aren't they?

Perception: Objects: 10. You can tell the difference between objects that are of the same type, but with minor differences. Different types of guns or brands of a food, for example. Malus to examination of objects and logistics-related Skill Checks reduced.

You've learned the basics of medicine from a few doctors with some spare time.

Medicine: Surgery: 0. How do you cut someone open without killing them?

Medicine: Surgery: 10. You can now perform basic surgeries (removing shrapnel or bullets) on your fellow man. Malus to removal of objects that shouldn't be in the body reduced. Less likely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Narcotics: 0. Why would you need to know about poisons and drugs? With your metabolism and resistance to such things, you'd probably be screwed either way.

Medicine: Narcotics: 10. You know most of the common poisons on the planet, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing a poison or drug and harming your subject reduced. Increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: First-Aid: 0. How do bandages stop blood loss?

Medicine: First-Aid: 10. You know the common practices for halting loss of blood, binding wounds, tourniquets, and the use of rubbing alcohol to prevent infection. Chance of those with injuries dying under your watch reduced.

Your mother is pleased with how far you've come, though she is increasingly having to hire experts to tutor you further.

Education: General: 70. You have begun to eclipse even experts in their own fields, and all but the most genius of researchers are unlikely to know as much as you do. Large Bonus to Invention, Explosives, Medicine, Electronics, etc. from deeper understanding of background knowledge.

Education: Culture: 50: You have learned even the most inane bits of human culture, and have a good grasp of xenos culture, including a few local races. Malus to diplomacy with non-humans removed.

Education: Culture: 60. You have a knowledge of xenos culture comprehensive enough to make a few basic assumptions about cultures you've never encountered before. Malus to diplomacy with cultures you are unfamiliar with slightly reduced.

Education: Esoteric: 40. While on the small-scale, the Warp is almost unpredictable, as you scale up, the inconsistencies normalize. Small bonus to psyker Skill Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 50. You've learned all there is to know from your tutors on the nature of the Warp, and further improvements in any large quantities will require experimentation and observation. Moderate bonus to psyker Skill Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 60. Even on the small scale, the Warp can be predicted to follow certain generalities. For instance, stronger emotions and beliefs have more of an impact, but a large number of people who are exhibiting similar emotions will quickly overtake such an individual. Medium bonus to psyker Skill Checks.

All: 50 Education Perk unlocked! Educated. You are well-versed in every conceivable topic, from the most commonly known, to the most obscure. This allows you to call up relevant information when attempting almost any task. +10 to all Checks. Gain additional Minor Action.

All: 50 Perk obtained! +50 Exp! You have Leveled up!
+1 Perk point.

The Witch Hunters have taught you almost everything they can.

Psyker: Manipulation: 50. You are able to do the sort of fine manipulation you can do with your hands from 50 meters away, and cause small fires, electric shocks, or coldsnaps from a similar distance. +25 modifier to yourself in combat, opens up long-range options with or without a gun, and allows the inflicting of 'status effects' on enemies.

Psyker: Manipulation: 60. You are able to fine-tune your body and those around you to a limited degree. +30 modifier to yourself in combat, and +10 to allies within 50 meters.

Psyker: Willpower: 40. You have expunged almost every weaknesses in your defenses, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers as you please, though strong-willed individuals may notice the intrusion. Medium bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Daemons will find your soul extremely difficult to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.

Psyker: Esoteric: 40. You have learned the best ways to disrupt most rituals. You can reliably predict events 20 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to two hours hence. +20 to combat checks. Can disrupt even large-scale rituals.

The inventor's efforts bore fruit, thought you feel you have only scratched the surface.

Invention: Necessity: 0. You are terrible at kludging something together without time and proper materials.

Invention: Necessity: 10. You can create crude tools from random junk lying around a home. Crude traps may be constructed. Surprise Malus reduced.

Invention: Practicality: 0. You rely more on knowledge than creativity when building something.

Invention: Practicality: 10. You can substitute materials you lack with similar materials when building something. Malus to building without proper materials reduced.

Invention: Extravagance: 0. Why would you use more resources than you need?

Invention: Extravagance: 10. You understand that using more resources can be beneficial. You may double a creation's specs for 4 times the cost.

All Invention categories trained in. Invention Actions unlocked!

Invention Actions are Minor Actions that can be used to attempt to create blueprints for inventions.

AN: Perks will be up with the Random Event roll.
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Random Event Roll: 39+10(FBTW)=49.

The weather is slightly unpleasant, but otherwise it's a quiet year, with nothing especially good or bad happening.

You have 1 Perk point available. Perks are unlocked at every 5 Levels, or every 20 Skill points.

Combat: Melee: 20 Perk. Trained Fighter. You are an above-average fighter. +10 to Combat Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 20 Perk. Persuasive. You are decent at convincing people to do as you want them to. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 40 Perk. A Favor? You can call in favors from those you've helped in the past to smooth things over in the present. Bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 20 Perk. Charismatic. You possess strong charisma, which helps convince others to agree with your demands. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Paragon. You always do the right thing, even when it's hard. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Renegade. You always get results, even if others hate your methods. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 20 Perk. Intimidating. You are... impressive to look at, which makes people agree with what you say to make you go away quicker. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Intimidation: 40 Perk. Menacing. Your deeds precede you... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Education: General: 20 Perk. Knowledgeable. You know a thing or two about... everything. Provides a +10 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

Education: General: 40 Perk. Intriguing... Your knowledge opens doors that might otherwise be closed. Provides a +10 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 60 Perk. I Know Lots of Things! Your knowledge base allows you to make connections most people can't. Provides a +10 bonus to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks.

Education: Culture: 20 Perk. Basic Etiquette. You know the manners expected from many different hosts and can determine which set is appropriate unless taken by total surprise. Malus from 'snobbery' or supposedly looking down on those present (depending on the group) removed when dealing with humans.

Education: Culture: 40 Perk. Diplomatic Training. By emulating the great diplomats in (uncensored) vids, you can deflect minor insults and are more difficult to draw a reaction from. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 60 Perk. Cultural Diffusion. From what you've seen of the diplomatic corps, they tend to pick up a few mannerisms and ideas from the cultures they interact with, but not to the point of identifying with said culture. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. Considered Major when resisting attempts at indoctrination. Gain +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Warp Student. You've learned quite a bit about the Warp, though you have much more to learn. +10 to Psyker Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Arcane Knowledge. The Warp has some logic to it, but there is a certain amount of mysticism as well. You suspect it's because most people attribute said mysticism to the psychically-reactive dimension. +10 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Patterns In The Soul. You will have to investigate further, but you believe you may have discovered something to do with why some people are psykers and some are not. +20 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Technomany. Technology can be controlled with psychic might directly, surprisingly enough. The more advanced the technology, the closer it is to possessing a mind like a sentient being, which in turn makes it vulnerable to mental domination. This is distinct from telekinesis. +10 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks.

Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Elementalist. Controlling the elements can be a potent weapon. Lightning, water, air, earth, fire, ice, light, and darkness all have their uses. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks.

Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk: Biomancer. Manipulating your and others biology is a powerful force multiplier... or reducer. +5 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of 5 to enemy Checks in the same.

Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perks Locked until relevant Manipulation: 20 Perks selected.

Psyker: Willpower: 20. Strong-willed. Your will is like iron to the common man's bronze. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +5 to Psyker: Willpower Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 40 Perk. Will of Steel. Your will is like steel. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 60 Perk. Will of Titanium. You will is like titanium. Gain Moderate Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

Psyker: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Diviner. You possess greater talents than normal in seeing the near-future, and can see both more accurately and further than most human diviners. +5 to Combat and Psyker Checks.

Psyker: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Rift Welder. You can force rifts any smaller than the planetary scale closed with some time and effort. Checks for closing rifts moderately reduced in difficulty.

Psyker: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Warp Whispers. You can hear whispers of things to come, or things long past. Gain Galactic Rumor Mill. Add visions of the distant past and future to RER table.

AN: Sorry it took so long, Turn 4 options should be up by 1:15.