Ridiculously Average Guy
I'm you, but stronger
- Location
No reference, just an excuse to knock at full volume, both drawing attention and giving us an out.
No reference, just an excuse to knock at full volume, both drawing attention and giving us an out.
Really? Your idea of not drawing attention to yourselves it to shout out something, and knock really loudly?
We draw attention to the fact that we are an idiot. Not that we are a spy. They will just think that we are a belligerent confused guy.
Hopefully they stop whatever they are doing, open the door (thus allowing us a peek inside), and telling us to go poss off. Or, we could just pull out the gun and threaten to kill them if they don't tell us what is going on. It all depends on their response.
Hopefully they stop whatever they are doing, open the door (thus allowing us a peek inside), and telling us to go poss off. Or, we could just pull out the gun and threaten to kill them if they don't tell us what is going on. It all depends on their response.
I assumed we would have a new vote after their response.YES! YES! Just, do that, because I'd love to write that out. So much yes. I mean you're wrong, but yes! Sometimes you all have such an awesome response to these kinds of situations that I can't help but love you all a little bit more.
*Clears throat* I mean, naaaaaah, I'm sure it would work perfectly in your favor. Regardless, if that's how you want it to play out, then you might want to word that into your vote, otherwise that's putting assumptions on the MC that he'll do as such. And he won't.
Just as Orisha said, I do have my suspicions that they might be going at it in a sexual way but hell. Can't we just knock and say it's room service or something? Or knock and say that they dropped something on the floor?
Is it also the enemy of voters?
Ah, mind games again. I'm going to have a headache.
[X] Go to a staff member, preferably a security guard, and get them to open the door.
-[X] Tell them that you heard those people fighting and probably need help.
Ah, mind games again. I'm going to have a headache.
[X] Go to a staff member, preferably a security guard, and get them to open the door.
-[X] Tell them that you heard those people fighting and probably need help.
And I need to get better at those games. Mostly thinking outside the box, too.I apologize, I'm just really good at them. A little aspirin should solve that, though.
Your kidding me. Our mentor wanted to kill us? I am never listening to you again.
Edit: Also, I thought Alexander was the one pleading. You were very unclear. Finally, the last update isn't threadmarked.
I...kind of figured you would elaborate on the sentiment of the vote, not just leave us hanging.
If this quest continues, I vote we quit. Let's go to Nigeria or something. Although, I did say we couldn't trust Alex.
Why did you listen to me in the first place? I told you straight from the beginning that I would mislead you, it was your fault for taking a lot of what I said at face value.
Alright, I was throwing you a bone here, but that's okay. Do some damn situps...
What bone? Are you refereeing to the note, because spying on Alexander sounds REALLY stupid, since he is both a veteran spy and beats us at everything.
*chuckles* You tend to over-complicate everything. *chuckles a bit more, bursting into unadulterated laughter*
You do know the series of mathematical procedure known as PEMDAS, right? I'm sure you can simplify it yourself. In all seriousness, I'm throwing you a bone here, and if you play it smartly, could reward you.
Even a veteran spy let's his guard down sometimes. Especially when most their attention is focused on the person their meeting.