@Cassanove_Clown 41 FREAKING ALERTS! Most of them from you, what the heck is going on?
The hug monster has struck...
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Do a thorough sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry points and stealth your way in casually.
-[X] Find Alexander and remember the woman's face.
-[X] If found by the security, walk yourself out without a fuss given the chance.
--[X] If not, listen in to Alexander and the woman for more information.
No. of votes: 3
D.D. Spectator,
[X] Do an eyes only sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry and exit points, along with anything else of interest. A through sweep will look suspicious.
-[X] Enter casually and attempt to find Alex.
--[X] When you do, memorize the faces of the people he is with, and listen in.
No. of votes: 1
Dark Ness
[X] Do an eyes only sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry and exit points, along with anything else of interest. A through sweep will look suspicious.
-[X] Enter casually and attempt to find Alex.
--[X] Use persuasion to work your way in and up to the hotel room when needed.
No. of votes: 1
Now, there's something inherently wrong with the winning vote. I won't tell you what it is, but I'll leave votes open long enough for you guys to talk to each other and try to figure it out.
Seriously, I can't slam my head into my keyboard hard enough at seeing it.