Seems as though you're a bit outnumbered in votes. If you wish to take advantage, I'll give you an opportunity to explain why it might be better to go your way before I close votes. I need to do something time consuming, so I won't have the opportunity to close votes for a little while.

Its okay, I am running on viewpoint of "Trust, but verify. Then verify again. And don't actually trust, just pretend to."

Yes, my goal for this quest is to out KGB the KGB, how did you guess?:p
Its okay, I am running on viewpoint of "Trust, but verify. Then verify again. And don't actually trust, just pretend to."

Yes, my goal for this quest is to out KGB the KGB, how did you guess?:p

*Winks* That's the spirit. Though, was there anything you wanted to say to your fellow voters about why you chose it, or are you simply content to let them draw their own conclusions? At this point it's mostly just a "Go here" and a "Do this" kind of format, but I do promise that it won't be as such forever.

Also, any items that are in your inventory that display information of any kind will be displayed at the beginning of an update, should you have it on you. For example, should the MC have a watch, the time will be displayed at the beginning of the post.

I'm also planning on breaking the quest into two different categories of playing. One, where you directly control the MC (When on a mission) and another where you simply describe what they're going to be doing with their time (When not on a mission). Kinda like an empire builder Quest, except you take a more active role whenever the MC does something. Still sitting on the fence with that one.

Any suggestions you guys have, I won't take lightly. If you have a suggestion, I'd be more than happy to have it PM'd to me so I can consider if it would make the quest better or not.
My reasoning is basically this: "Is the car bugged? We need to know. Does this driver know anything? Is this driver Alex in a really good disguise? If this driver knows something, we need to know it."
My reasoning is basically this: "Is the car bugged? We need to know. Does this driver know anything? Is this driver Alex in a really good disguise? If this driver knows something, we need to know it."

I would go along with this thinking if Alex hadn't mentioned the meeting as being time sensitive. I'll take a shot here and go with my hunch that the driver nor the taxi have anything of too much significance or anything comparable to what we might miss if we take time to sus the driver and the taxi out. I'm thinking we should take the time to look for a good spot to observe the convo from without tipping Alex off instead.
I would go along with this thinking if Alex hadn't mentioned the meeting as being time sensitive. I'll take a shot here and go with my hunch that the driver nor the taxi have anything of too much significance or anything comparable to what we might miss if we take time to sus the driver and the taxi out. I'm thinking we should take the time to look for a good spot to observe the convo from without tipping Alex off instead.

*chuckles* Trust me, you won't want to miss Alexanders meeting. So I'm guessing the general consensus is still "Tip the guy a little money, and then look for Alex"?

Cause otherwise it's just you guys tipping the guy.

BAH! GM stop yanking my chain!(I love mind-games!)

I only play with as much thread as you toss my way, my friend.

I would go along with this thinking if Alex hadn't mentioned the meeting as being time sensitive. I'll take a shot here and go with my hunch that the driver nor the taxi have anything of too much significance or anything comparable to what we might miss if we take time to sus the driver and the taxi out. I'm thinking we should take the time to look for a good spot to observe the convo from without tipping Alex off instead.

If that's your opinion on the vote, you may want to include it in your actual vote...
I'll leave votes open for a few more hours, then finally close it on this relatively pointless vote and finally update again. Remember, your absolute best resource in this quest is going to be the reliance on your fellow voters. They're the only ones who aren't going to lie or deceive you for benefit or amusement.
[X] Tip
-[x] 10 dollars
--[X] Look for a good place to observe Alex without tipping him off.
[X] Make sure your not being followed
-[X] Do a thorough sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry points and stealth your way in casually.
--[X] Locate and create possible opportunities of distraction that draw attention away from you so you can follow the pair more easily if needed.
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[X] Do a thorough sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry points and stealth your way in casually.
-[X] Find Alexander and remember the woman's face.
-[X] If found by the security, walk yourself out without a fuss given the chance.
--[X] If not, listen in to Alexander and the woman for more information.

I'm kinda sleepy so might change this when I wake up.
So I'm confused.

Is our mystery gun-person man or woman?

Winning Vote: [X] Tip
-[x] 10 dollars

Strangely enough, none of the people passing them by seemed to even glance at the man who was obviously holding Alexander at gunpoint and walking him through the city towards his DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. As you begin to wonder if you should intervene or not, they stop suddenly, turning into a building. After freaking out a bit at the sudden movement, you quickly realize that it's unlikely they spotted you, as you had been standing near a group dressed similarly to you, scary how similar, actually.

"Ex girlfriend, eh? Well if it helps any, you're better lookin' than the other guy, I'll tell you what." one of the guys pipes up with a grin, earning a frown from you as you look back to the building, squinting and seeing it's another hotel.

Another hotel? You just can't seem to escape the fate of DOOOOO-Hotels.
So I'm confused.

Is our mystery gun-person man or woman?

That is a good question, isn't it. Almost like it was said entirely to deceive you.

--[X] Locate and create possible opportunities of distraction that draw attention away from you so you can follow the pair more easily if needed.
You'd need to be a little bit more specific than this. I know you think our MC is good, but he's not that good. There are far more than one way to distract someone, and I could have way too much fun with writing this out.

If found by the security, walk yourself out without a fuss given the chance.

Why do you guys have to sneak in? I found that the easiest way is often through the front door, asking the hotel receptionist for the room number and a pair of keys, if you have the money.

Edit: Also, you guys do realize you have a gun on you, right? You're not getting out of their with a fuss if any kind of security spots it. Which they likely will.
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[X] Do a thorough sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry points and stealth your way in casually.
-[X] Find Alexander and remember the woman's face.
-[X] If found by the security, walk yourself out without a fuss given the chance.
--[X] If not, listen in to Alexander and the woman for more information.
[X] Do a thorough sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry points and stealth your way in casually.
-[X] Find Alexander and remember the woman's face.
-[X] If found by the security, walk yourself out without a fuss given the chance.
--[X] If not, listen in to Alexander and the woman for more information.
Sneaking in is probably a bad idea. Just enter casually. We could try the risky option of bribing the receptionist for our targets location. Or just get a room. The more we act like we should be there the less likely we will be noticed.

Did we notice anything about the guys we are standing with other than they appear dressed like us?
Almost like it was said entirely to deceive you.
Didn't you say that you wouldn't do that with story posts?

[X] Do an eyes only sweep of the surrounding area to find possible entry and exit points, along with anything else of interest. A through sweep will look suspicious.
-[X] Enter casually and attempt to find Alex.
--[X] When you do, memorize the faces of the people he is with, and listen in.
Sneaking in is probably a bad idea. Just enter casually. We could try the risky option of bribing the receptionist for our targets location. Or just get a room. The more we act like we should be there the less likely we will be noticed.

Did we notice anything about the guys we are standing with other than they appear dressed like us?

Do you think they're more likely to be worth looking at? An no, the MC didn't notice anything more about them at a first glance.

Didn't you say that you wouldn't do that with story posts?

And as an added bonus to your patience, I'll assure you that anything I write either at the end of a Vote tally, Update, or FAQ/Q&A will be accurate and true.

I said anything I write at the end of an update, Vote tally, or FAQ/Q&A. As in the things I write OOC as QM.

And lastly, any information your MC knows, you're free to know.

There's a particular reason you don't know if the person is a man or a woman.

That person must be a master of disguise indeed!:o To confuse his gender to our PC without him even realizing it :p

Honestly at this point a slight breeze would confuse the MC.